Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 24, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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lakku'I nu i:a , .i.m.k. i..vm:vi!:w , (i;i:ii, tii('K.mia jtnk si. i.N.n
Making a Hit
The hits we make are hits that count. Hits of prices and
values. Hits of fashions and real utility. They aro the
things you would care to buy, and wo make the prices that
will enable you to do the buying. Let us show you.
Summer Underwear
Men's Underwear for the warm season made of lisle
thread or cotton as thin and gauzy as possible to make,
but with really substantial wearing qualities, all colors--50
cts, 65 cts, 75 cts, $1.00 and St. 50 a Garment.
Fine Hats for Hot Weather
The sort of Hats that will be worn by men of taste.
They are made of Cloth and Ctraw, in graceful shapes, and
will suit the most careful dresser. Several popular Styles,
all of this seasons make and made by those who produce
the best. From 30 cts to $3.50 each.
We want everybody to know the comfort to be found in our
soft shirts. Comfort of style, Comfort of looks, Comfort of
fit. Come in and look them over. From GO cts to $3,50.
Oxfords for Men and Women
All sizes and widths and every pair worth 25 per cent more
than we ask for them. They comprise a variety of lasts in
Via' Kid, Russett, Chocolate, Gun Metal Calf, Patent Leath
er. A shoe that will please you and wear beyond expecta
tion. From $1.50 to $5.50 a pair.
Fancy Vests from $t. 50 to $4. 00
Neckwear 25c 50c 75c & $1.25
Suits From $12.50 up.
I In j were triiYeling In mil oinolilli'i
lui.l t. peeled to reu.'h Liiksvlew In
! lino foi supper
II y I'll hiii going til t i'li I into III
custom ; got your I'' li nvoi k at 1'ho
V, l.nir Thompson nnl wife 1110
mm o.viipvlug tlx Heed home.
Pim't i'voiIi'i'U The I'll'"! fur Home
Mm. In Citn ly. Wo make ml kin I.
Mm Ni'iion Iwis I'li-ii hii I i ti i ii ! 1 1 ii u
t In- I i ii I me i f him i rn I in i . i f ; . i i
tiU'l KM I'tT lll'IIH'M'C.'ll till' ..-nI i I'k.
The l''n.,t n lull
.lll-t ll'l'l'lvc I lit
linn ot I 'll rt m k.
P. n I forgrl I luil I In- hinrpiill f . 1 1 1 r
initiii'tit lit l.iikiM'low Icglm Inly 'Jinl.
" I'. T. (illlll lii't' hull. led in his!
imtii'ii t.i Mnyir 1 i v as chid ul
tlio M'i li :nt ri'Pt r tin m Ih v iiinrii
iiii'. Mr. tiimther Ins liooii i 1 1 it in-(. I
villi tlio ili'i in I nii'iit ti'tnii tlio eliirt
;it uiil IT yours. It nut U i i n wliu
H I : I I o Ii 14 MIi'i-i'.-ii 'I'
1 do I n'liiiii liiillolm Hiiy.itlii Mur
Uglel lll'S ClI.. I'linkoil nr l.llketli'W
tlio HI' ork. - I tio i'nlv i'iiii'!i'iy
llitit tins "inn ii' ton I in tluit tmiii
La Mode
A particularly nice display of
particularly nice Corset Covers,
Drawers, Chemise and Night,
Gowns, made from the new cross
bar muslins, lace and embroidery
Come in and let's talk it over.
WoituiT" x
tlio Sin. lor
tin' ptorefd of
' nr I ilo1 ru ivi"
I' i i I ill TiMirti.i
'II'O Milllllgell t I't
I l 'Til 111 1 1 - I gil l'
1 1 1 -i I iV l i on Im; I
t !,!' r I 01. : I , I'f t 1.0
trout t fio I lilt t Ii.
I In' IMikuu I'liuin'crni Ii ii n . I I nun
nlf records ul Mount, n's. l'l in- ?:in,
li) :in.l fi'.i. i If.
Mail's oxford ul I.Hi'kumv Moro.m
1 1.' ( 'n.
l'lio I i-i I nil ti'iirn.'ioiit I'l'K'ins .Inly
Jn.l. IVi Mil t . iPift tl'o .iulo, an. I lo
suro to ci:iir ift( with your lot gnl
l.HTk'O Mllpllll'llt llf potlltoi'H Jllst tO-
ooivoil at liiikovum .Mn cunt lie I'd.
County News
- o o
iti'S Unit
W mi I rolled
v irtt M i'i on n ! ilo Cu
I nrloy ut Luke
. rri v it 1 s ut the l iren l inr leu llotiee
tllO I'nst Work: ('. II. Illlkislll. M inn
oHC'lls, M. l.iiry. linii:ior. I lulm ;
ti. Lliiilstruiii I .iiriim lo, Wyoming.
.IS. IliiriU'iii, ikliitiniim , .Ihuii-h A.
liovnolils. Smitu I'm.. 1'nilf. . !ou. I-'
t iiio'lrtfh. Stint it Cru., Calif. ; I'lnnk
I'rHtt. OiiklHinl. Calif. ; Curl Orloy,
OikUn l, ('Hl'f. ; Frank Ciirtfl. Kol
lilutr. 1'nlif. ; W. Mi DniiH il.Kluiimlh .
S. W. Iliiokmnitor linniiiiii : K O.
f .h id ti. 1'nisloy; L. S. Wltoolorr, Jr..
San Iluo. C'hIiI. ; II. I), .'riii nir,
Sioux City.
lomo to tli li.'i.oliil 1 Tun run in ii t
tlio tlurrnli 1ht mrl I rinu yuur K'irl
with you.
ri-oill t i i .: .!' l ii ioilt I'll (l
W. C llmi.'V :l C , in II
imr I' .. I . i.tnl iNlio I shi.tlly.
I'll" I' ll llll'l I' llll llTlll'l" lit
'ii f niiliinvnrH '. in I'litort I'T t ho ni'
.MoyiT tnro.
I.mul or In In I itk' liu'ilo I fruin Sinn
inor l.uko liv I'Vimk Tliiiini H'Mi fur iho
now liTcrv I n r ii mul Cm I'lmk-ui It h
Mrs. S V. I.'.'lilii is visttltiK 'th
lii-i iltumhli r al Siiiiuiu'r l.uko.
Tlio Inn's lirmit-'lit 'n itnuthor
I'lini'li ut rnttlo (rum the ilwwrt in
ruitto tu Ihn siiiiuiu'r rMiik'o.
Ttio nly iluutoil CIihiiIIit nr
olmrl ut ros, mil tlio Stono
.l.'iniinni uri lmr I uf 1 1 " troos sIhi-a mi
oM-o:t iiiii.l roonrl. onr '.H .or rout
t In it Int; ' Witt, h ft mi i i'siiMn I, ( ,i'
Mini. 'nil X'nlliy.
I'.. J. Slllll UIH lO II . llHllll'K l tu
I Im ( 'ii. i-r nt ' l iny.
Mm. lit !lnil mli.H uf Inn I I, ii h I rcii
i'IiIito I In tlio In or VHlti-y thin
HrlllK 1 1 V liullli.nli'll li'l s, lliuct II I l.f
hum inn im tholr I'lnons mm iniik-
I ii K' Nitl'hlaiit inul I in pn ' onion I h.
I. it Ik ruiil out ii to trunsfi'i. In tlm
low or vnllt'V itrn W. 1.. I ill. nun In (i.
W. Uloo. :IJU noios. K.I . Ci.lili tu C.
(. .Mlsonor. il noros. Sluto to C. 1 1,
.MIm-iioi, kii HoriiM. Stiito to II. M.
II loo, H'l no rim. mm
It Is roMirtin thi Clntinllor Imyn
Iniro t'liiohiiHi.i) n uuiiulliio tii'inoh
vsliiili I hoy Intiinil uittliit; uu l.uko
Thotl. V. Ii. Co. Is milking nr
t imfr nii'iit s lu HiilillvMo tholr Chu
umii'iin Itul'l Iiik'i.
Pavilla Company Coming' Sheep Shearer Died
I.uto-t thin kin In nion's
Lakot lovi Moroaiitllo Cu.
J. li. Anton Co. have count rtioto I
what is rliiiini"! to te tho lurort
phoiiut;rapt burn in CreKon, fur thu
uso of tho Sui.lor Opora House.
Aml roso's carol is farthest on th
S'ost. No work ail VRiirml on tho
honk. Thoy take ttiH work m it
comes. 1 have sovonil t.aiuls on tho
runw'e near tho enrol Auj ono co:nos
iu rutiitiuit ilip or shoar. 'Iho work
will pruv.. fur Itself to tio tlrst-class.
No stop for din or shear at tho samo
ti;uo. Ni. lulling for auy of the othor
carols is-isunco.
Notice to Subscribers
nbserioerito Ihe Emcniri.r who remove
or i hui,'t
Iron oue locality to aim
'.'.'-ir wtstomce a'idrs; ki.
."op inice a oarij so m.-.r pt.
lrcfcsvi to the ngat tibtoj.t;.
-i.ri''niK,r in
Kev Father Tomrk.'ns will hoi J
Mans Sunday morniiJi; . Ju:ie 8t
iO o'clock
Kipe cherries of a Hoe quality are
now being gathered in various partd of
the county. Some of the trees bre
fairly loaded with the aelicinua fruit.
Miss Rippey. of Me ifor l. has been
'UKaued to eiug every uiuht excnt
Sna.Juy at The Arcadia, she is aaid
to give good 6atisiactiou. The new
Howers machine is lioiv tiere and will
metalled some time the latter part
30th, a beoeSr. will be given for the
Baseball tournament Kiiiid. and the i
; entire receif ta of the eveniug w ill be
devoted to that purpose. .
i ,
A new plank walk is being put down
in trout of Hotel Lakeview.
It is rumored that a Catholic priest
will be located in Lakeview perma
nently the coming year.
A revival h being held at the M. E.
Farmera from every part of the
county ipott splendii propaects for
fruit and all kinds of crops.
" This is commencement week for the
UniveriHty of Oregon at Eugene.
The law in Oregon is now in effect
requiring l'l public doors to owing
and should be t-trictly enforce 1.
Compliance with the law will re
quire changes to be made in the en
trances tj public nuiltlings hH
the state.
We take this opportunity tu t i'tnk
those who so kindly tendorod nisis
tauce and svmpat'y in tho luss of uin
i ter i husband and trohor.
if you want to soe some tine straw -1 M
tierries take a peer, at those in the
j iho I'.ivlllii Cuni.Hiiy, ono of tho
' li'r-t if not tho best attraction that
I over visltod Lakeview, will appear
again in t h Mnlder iier llousn for
two nights, Saturday and Sunday
I nights, June mid TI.
They will bo grootod with a full
house, as thoy loado friends of every
; boily when thoy showed here last tul.
Mr. I'avillit then suid ho woul l re
'turn about the fl rt of .I jly, and he
: las made good bis word.
I The new oo ners ill town can take
'our word tor it that liny will ruins ti
rare treat If thoy du nut e the 1'n
i villas.
A three room houso
aud four acres of land
cau de rented to first
adplicant for $12 per
' month. On stage road,
half mile from town.
j . s . i I ' j ti '
uuuufl ui mw uirr-u uarueu miinr.
Dick Kingsley has new potatoes ....
in his garden large enough to eat. Airs. S. A. Adaiin, li. I'. Kimemi.
1 Mrs. Jennie Uelt. Agt. S. 1'. Kail
The rains of lat week hate made ! wy, ciiir Loads. John II. Mac
good humor fairly beam from the I Lenuan, John Orribaum. Davis M.
faces of our farmers. j Jones. W. O. llrooka, Kobt. Hard
Iion't forget the Baseball Tourua-; ,))'; U "",d. Jauies Warner,
mentat lakeview the week of the V.y u 'laljn. L- '' r,,t;k. I'lif'V,
l-'onrth John ( arcla.. Helen Anderaon, I.
I V. Haul, Mrs. L H. Scott. II. K.
The Bonanza LJuIIeitu say: Two 1 Jennings. Mr. J. M. Staley, Miss
automobiles, bearing the victorious i Lulu I'enns. :. 11. Itoynoldj. Ernest
Lakeview ball tossers s'opped in trie l ( ierard, P. Werteubergor. M. H. Iav.
t this week. On the uight of Juue outward. The measure is a good one
city Tuesday for dinner. nt a
blessing the Bouna team was not at
home. Dan Malloy aud party were in
town Wednesday for short time.
and Desert Claims
iiiiiiiiuhi iriw
for loction,
Vi o iro o t irck.rckri rt4r ready foi
nci.y w owi vwy v.j wwu, hundred acres of
Sage brush land, jS todsol,as there isinthU
This land can be Irrigated at moderate cost.
Do Not Overlook SVS
This Opportunity ! Wilts' only flrm
is about your last
chance to secure a homestead.
in Lakeview
The Location of Government Land a Specialty,
Information SfSSf,
ins: these
Government Lands promptly
supplied. Call at our office and see photos of
Warner valley. We also have homestead reinquishments and school
land assignments for sale. Scandinavian and German Spoken.
For Particulars, apply to
Heter Kchuttlnr wagons
Hay cars
Hay slinga
Hay pulleys
( able and Uopo
Hay forks
Hay raksa
Mowing'hifie estrmt
bawu mowers
(irass catchers
(iardeu hose W
Building supplier
Building paper
Just, received car load nails
Atk ill's saws guaranteed the Wat saw
in the world
Washing machines sold oo trial
Ituberoid roofing, guaranteed 10
years, oue half cost of atiiuglea
Plumbing and tinning. All work
Bui tits and oils.
j K( K S AI-F. A few cholc home
' stead locations Kimilar land selling
! f or I'JO an m re If you want one ad
jilrena C. K. Oliver or cull oi: liiin ut
the Asei'Hsor's ollli e
' view or rlcinitf by uiarrivxi man -'
years old Kx perieiH'ed in general
j inercliandii.e, also iu egg and poultry
!;uiii"MHB. Keferences. Addrn M.
j W. 1'ri.D.ih, La l'rairlH, III.
four allow cases, enqulrn of A. L.
Thornton, Mrugglsl, Lakeview.
me near you write your terms. Box
i 1H7, Portland, Ore.
The nheep tilienrer. Lew In. llii'ii
tiolied Iu the K ii :n Uu l o' 1 ln l'th died
the lllh, nt Tlie Millt Ludg i Ug 1 1 mine.
Ihe proprietor elate that the entire
bedding was taken out all I I'lirnnl
Coroner Wallace has inade dlllgi nt In
ipiirv us t the mini n tlelillty, but
lull biii'ii iiuuiile to ni'i'iire liny clue.
He wiih biirle 1 In the Lakeview i'"in
et'TV. It i ill In auothiir i':i" of
uiyntety an to his hrrcaboul by
ri'lat l res mid ft leinU.
TTe Snider
Opera House
Monday June 'Jlh Lvery night
until July Titli. .New plays uu I new
nperiulllen l'he largest and limit
complete t lie'it rlcul coiiipauy tlml
tins ever been In this Bix tlou. I'ou't
lulna It. I'rlces Tsl ami ''' rents,
children 'St rtiiita.
Tlu Murguri'l lies theatricnl cum
puny ovu for U nil liighte toig.ige
lueut iu Ijkeli'W .Monday Night
June with the pluy "Tim Sule
walk of New York".
Green Garden
Whim yoii get to Lakeview i'huiii to
the I irooii ( ianlen Hoiisii. You will
Mud good, clean leds, and yon will
s made at hoinii. The (iri'i n tiiirdeu
is a iniwleril house liud I !' will
t real you right, (ipponlte the M. K.
A three room houso
and four acres of land
for rent at $12 per
month, on stage road,
hals miles from town.
Buy Lots In Watson' Addition
Before'you buy lota any where iu
thia vicinity Bee tnose iu Wutsosn'
addition. Close to business (tenter,
of Lakeview. 'XI tf.
Children Cry
Bunch Tussey
Commission Merchants
Alturas, California
We carrry a full iine of Fresh Fruits, indludinx
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap
ples, also all kinds of Nuts.
Vegetables, SUch as
Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and
Fresh Fish, Oysters, Clams, Crabs.Cd
ftjlf your merchants do not handled
mis ciass 01 gooas, get tnemDqsy. cd
1 -
. i
uooas delivered in one day Lo Lakeview. fj