I.aki: ror.NTY i:x aminmic. Laklvilw, in:i;.;f . tiuphday. ji'xk Ii. 1!0 - : -: - .. 8 Lime and Brick II ANN & KELLEY, c M.i' on pp (.m l 1 1 1 lie rn i hi f Hi nl I.I I III , II II' I Si III lil I'll I'lllC'l III t u i, i kiln i.f ttiiin in nil Kl'i p'tlll'ls .fllef-i 150.000 BRICK III-' hUi i pll'pltl I ItJi lllir lll-l Milt III 1 H,IIII lifli li Which III lii I i'ii 'In In it flu ill 1 1 iih', i ii' I K'liu ii n. I In h 1 1 u,i In y. GIVE US A CALL. v""' '" s"r,h i-k.- Personal Mnntinn w i III ; t in 1 1 ii few (i i , i yf . M . Sim l I Creek. mi' i i Ailliiir W. Orion, the new l'.'t-1'..cr of the liui'l nllii'i', mill wife, iif Toil. i'":; ', will mrhv m Lnkevt. toinn row mm iiln. Jil'I' l.rnili', Mil wife, of Lou Aluef. orj.ed ii'hil.iy iiIkIiI, tii rolltf l. i, In If, tlii- A. V. I', ill Scut- 1 Tin I i kii m-Iit of Mm. W. I.u'r 'I Inn. i ! t lmt h few . it .1 a lifiin tlif y w ill COLORADO U LAKEVIEW, OREOON The HestMeaLs in TownTry Us. nklr"V in couiti-etion. 1'n.sli Hrtiid J C. Ii. LONZWAY, Propreitor ii' . f New Pine i 1 1 - in v. They ii mpt. l 'InuuMer, i . .!i-. Swiirkf r ' i whtfi 'I. in-r homo V on I) 1 r ho. t-ur HOTEL ARRIVALS I in- l-li ii - liih' vtitiK milling tin' nr ,, ill 'i, II tl I. II III V in , Itii- I'liKt ., ... u M l i l, I'l.ttl'i'i'l ; . m ,!.-! ,ii il I I'm-l 'V ; I.. II. Mi .--, I ,t i,. i i V I. , I mi Mm I'tiv. I'lin-h ; : I..I.M I.".'!", I'lilnli. lielt ll.lllcl, i.iin-ti W. It. MitJiImry, lli-nd . 1 II Ki-Ihh)' h'kI w iff . A Ii-iiiH'Ih ; II l(. llnlli'ii mi I W In lt H', St II I-mt.-r, nkhi : I it v Siint'. Warner; .1. !. I -1 1 f . fniiHi ; .'. T. I I'D'I, II'h k ( i i'i k In i dice I 'i x mi .1 run.- !i : I! V. Ili.'iiiiiin. I'I'ifli; . I". 1 1 l t-ii -In-.-. Ilii'o- I ly , I.. Vniititr. W hi m,i.. I. II. Watson. Sj:i itiK in!.-, V- hIii. Mr- r'. . Sti'i-lifiiK, Ii. I. :. I u-itiii, M !iiii"ii"nU , .I'll. ii M , s. I ; I). )'. Iln-iiiiiiii. Hi. I M,i n ; .1. I.. U r San ., Cnllf. : II. . A t in .i r. Mi u I i ' a ii ; . Cnllrill. IIiiiiiiiiu .. DIED ! inn- ..U.' I 'ir it), tin- i n.ii'ii of nil Iiii I ni l KU'ii I,! Il I ill Ik II VtlUt nil " I illl I n HI I tiny" '.In- Ulli int Ik to tlif rllh. t tlmt tln t.ioii lint- it lot of html li-rn, nliu muk u ii iti"1 1) fcr tlif roiniiion cmul f inkliliiki thr I iilln ttrt'iit tnii . tl-nl CALORIS BOTTLE K'nlIIit tlnnk without I'iif Iii-'JnKl ilri:ik without Uv 11 IK Mnrvi liiUH f WLalUS Hot t If. M till II i;lM 'rl(.f HiiUl-V. 1 1 ' 1 lit IiIh fill in oil II. ! Wi-l Mli-, Siilurlny. tin- Plli i - t. nt " :'" ii. in. llf ini I i i-ii ill with ni'i. Ii -it it., lint ti-rotrrwl, only In l,i- i-lin k' ii with lnlliiiiiiitl',11 of tlif hi In",. '-' I ill' Ulilkll.kf In I' lll l'l. lin.t I I I l'i Id' '' ii 1 tnkt n to tl." t.oiiMi.. iifi-t mi Iti-iil m l Hinniimiii--! J l ot ii- t'i . fnr H"if fnr ln-lp am. I ! 'I ii-. t In- i f I mm i ii.' ; Mr II if. mi' Imril I :i "mi J"U I'Hii, I'ii . I i ll , .Inn. i . 1 -7 t , I ini iir mi I llvi- ni.ii.HiK nil nt tlif' Ill i- if Ihm until. IN- I. ml liiril in I.nk i t 'i ii :il j 1. 1 1 -ft nt It tiri.e mire ; 1 ,''.. i llf ah- iiiiirifl ' ii-t. I. I""', lo Aliri' A in. if Aillmr. H 1'iitHf of; ( i' t it r C'i . Mo., Ii 1 1 1 1 1 t-lili"1 in I l.likf Cull lit V Ulll'f I14".. Ill'i-lill h liin : nili- mikI ni, i- dill I, In- If nr to iiiniirii i Mr I it.1 h f.iMicr M'l'l MinttiiT Bint f.tni I'li.tln-r in 'niit. 1 'it) i f . iii I r'.tliiT nt Clili'ii. ' iif Ht ( iiil.l ni'l. nml hit) irntlifr 1.. . of L-tkfi 1 tit- fuiitrii! Hi-rvii'fii tf rt-cnnilurtf-l ; nt th Wri-t hiilf ceiiiftury ty llfv. II. ;J. I)Ik. Iio iiroti'Mini'f (1 vrry , lliif turmoil. I'lifr" h larui at- ti'iiliini if f i if ml, mil rflntivt-h. I Mr. llHMt-y hh h lihr.l work Iiik I innn, nu l I ii I (.Ti-.it r'iint'iu of rrnpn itliln yi-iir hii'I II in likilr tlmt IiIh uni Jlilllnn to t't nil riuiHi'd Mm to uriT 1 iln nlifii lint in tin iro ir conlitiou , f r tiiinl it! 1 t out Iihm-'I lulmr. fllllltS 1 1 1 W Itll I . I.ilnit, iiii'l ln-r i lio in Ink Inif hf i' In l nlrlllf. Wat, 1. 1 rft. ii In ly tn III I.f imii, t i ii iiii'l wMIf nwiiy villi '. i I , , Ht (DlTlllf. Sin- mil If ifi-i-I ;r lur foftfr I'ltrfiilti who l.ii.- fiiiiil Iiit from t'liililliooil to Lfimt i' .il yotintf , womiiiihoo'l. MImm Iiorotliy Iliflurr rftunifl , TinirhiliiT from Hun KrHiimrn'i. alicie ; hIic Iihm liffii In Krlirml t lit mnt Ji-hr. Slif mil r in hi ii liirn until Sept. 1 nt. win-n hIiii will return to entor MIIIh Sf in I n r y, ( Ink Intnl. ! MIhh l.rtiint Sni-lliiiK Iihh ruturtied frmii Knit-in, whfrn hIib Iimh Iji-f ij Mm , ' niHt yi'iir htndy lntf imiHii. ! ; A. (i. Iliilniif, of MiniifHi'OllH, r ' tuiiiml to l.hkfvii-w lnHt TbiirHdiiy to look iiftiT IiIh Inftrftt. lie rpporta , l Iif T in ritifH f n joyin tliA liiKRest i Hurt (,t a l.nniii. I'. N. I'it,ntri-k. of Ihtt.A rHiich, I Clit-w h iii hii, iih ill to-Aii 'I'll i j r'l ty. John W. f Ilium wiih in ThiirH'lny 1 (i .mi hla Hlii'i'i i-hiiii. llnkli y Clurk. .1. II llnm-ll hii'I M. j I'. Ilnrry wi-rt' ovtr M(in.ny fioni A.J.I. Mi"H Miirir-trin He i-nnr I Inm nonf to I),il- Cnik. ii ii i-it witii I. it t r i ij ! , Mi-h Ktf Initton. 1'. P. I, iinr, foreman of t ho ?T rHnch wiiH in t ii a ii ovt r Snii'lHy. -John (inn', tin ynniiK Ibm'I,hII I Inyt-r, hIio uhh tukrti ill at lionaiiza, MHH liollk'lil to I.llkfVlfvV. nil I it) mi Ht Hotel LHkevien. II in conil 1 1 ion in iimcli liiiiroved. Dun Malloy 1h Lack from Klamath Fnl In with IiIh new Overland auto. '-.r-TnA .1 ' Fourth! You Need 'em For the Please you more every day you have 'em on. Stein-Bloch Clothes are what we are talking about. They fit you right: They are stylish. We want- you to believe us wheu we tell you that, you can't go wrong in wearing STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES Lakeview Mercantile Company. iwi Til. fmff- with Iiih iimthfi ;it Kncine. will l.c oi.ii tso:i;e time. Wirt Cf ViHtilliH. Eclipse Not Visible ili'ti m. finlnul v lin- I'.hmII.Im ri-hllllH. h i'i HiMt rni'lf.l mi . IfiiUI'ii' i r i in-1 Iik fnr tin- niiniHf nf t-. j. : 1 1 c ll.iiid, f "T ii ir .1. .iiu. 'I '.-il-'..I, ill I li- HHtiif I tn .-fH ' lire In Itli li Hit') nrt-Jilit i l in Mi" l...ttlr. It will ke p t intC'it. hot thirty lioiirs a i ul warm two iul n hnlf ila s ; it will kti p contents ictr inlil tinc ; and a hall days and (.hilled fi e tin, s. A L. IMOkNION. l h eclii'tf i f the nin coulil not ho il.Hcrved hfie on in'couut of tin raiuy fll. which watt rut her dln'i'Oliitlii n m many had nnvfr olibirveJ the auDii lur cllht', thru a total our, followed Ly HiKillier annular on Such fibe uoiiifnou m iintiHtial, and lipranwe of it HHlroloKii-tH jredict dire tveut for roiintriei. undtT tht fiun, whifh lo I IiIh ciihe iiifniiH thf United States, Cential Auierlca, Alan and laudu In Kuroi. I lentil of a ruler, and mii i hief in the way of warlike trouble, racial feiidH.aud dini'iites lietweeo the btatet are all jiredii'ted a wife enotiKh I I'reidi'tlou iu view of Japanese trou- lien, aud the tariff qtn-f I inn. Hut we htuill fee hut we i-liiill Hee, land in no way liffd the future railfe jus to take a minute', tiiieasiueev. I N. S. M.-Kint-iy. k'eneriil hiipirin-ttiidi-ut nt the C. A ( ). TelewTHi'li Co., ! of Sin-inn ille. Calif., arrived in the icily Sun.lny evt-niiiir and departed j Monday nn rnliih'. lie had with him a 'crew of ineu who Imve t een repalriu : the line aii'1 miiliini' i-oine up to date i iiiiiirn eiiii iitM. Tin- umniiLMT here in- I llmrv kiilierti in over from I'limh. and reportM everything lookiu Kood iu the Warner ralley I 'red Chnrlr Htrand. John t,'uinn, K. M. Luce, 'Ihoman OrUel were over from l'hihh Saturday. (i. U. Wilco-i and H. K. Baker, Htocknien, wee over last week from Ked lllutr, Calif. Jack (ireene.of Flush, is now teud Iuk Imr for Hotel Lakeview. J. Simmons U tending liar for lleukle. Clay Law son arid Bert Wade were up from New Pine Creek Friday. 1'at Cooper has (tone to Honey Creek to work for C. W. Dent. tMMmmmmmm ('. W. Dent and family were iu town this week Iroin the ranch. K. II. and D. E. llradshaw. of Sia bon, California., aijeuta for autos. were in town la-jt Fridaty. They sold an Uverland to Dan Malloy. and the Stevens-Duryea to F. M. Miller. They are also agents for tbe Marion, a fine little car. T. E. Ueruard ban a new Stude- toriliH 11 H 1 1; lit t lie le defter. Ki-rvice could not Stein I'.K Memint lie h i-lnlhuiK at Lakeview Co. 1-jiki-vicw, OreK" We can till your wiudowf. H. A' M ii'de r for doors nu.l vA i: 1. . .''T-vV ". n JEWELR.Y 11 iill llt't'il a Watch, Clock or Jewelry, It w ill pay v.iu tu wait fur CARrrNTER. &. SON, Jewelers. All I, .' f I'l'pnlrin S. ll.'uv. i.i x i t.i olumlii Until Oregon lakeview, Watch thio Space For Bargains. SCHOOL LAND ASSIGNMENTS We hint", in thin diatrht where we are lociitliitf, neveial hundred acres of ynml ii'vel, valley laud that in suh ject to entry under the "Kularued llouieHltiad Act," wbereliy v anyone may nct'iiirtt II'JU acres as a homeatend. Tho qualifications uuder this act are the mime iih under the old homentead law, ittiuul the only dilteretice hein the aiiioiint of laud one may acquire lielntf ;IU0 acrea luatead of 100 ttcrea aud the reiulred cultivation lieing one eighth of the laud Iu the entire entry lit'innini: with the tecond year and one fourth lieniuniuK with the third year, the name to he continu ously cultivated uutil the proof is made. One in allowed to commute au eutiy under this net. OtherwlHe the law is ahout the same us the General llomeetead Law. Write us tor particulars. PACIFIC LAND COMPANY, Offices, Hank of Lakeview Building, LAKEVIEW, - - OREGON. Oi-car Hal Iwi'i town. (ieu. K" Morrill, of tho Southern Of-firou Jii-uity Co., made a business trip I'ri'liiy to Dkvib Creek. Fred Fisher, oue of tbe prominent dmry men of the West. Side was in tow n t ridar. Minot Davis, Portltnd, W. R. Wil kerson, henH and Gabriel Fairplay. Odarvilla, Calif., were Hotel Lake- view arrivals yesterday. C. U. Pyle, of Great Falls. Mon tana, is a new comer who Is delighted . and with the country. He has purchased the John Wendell property aud will i permanently locate in Lakeview. is in i Ctins. Orton, a newspaper man of raic .iiu, i,i.r., ana a contract hol lt-r in the (). V. L . Co'e. enter prise, w in town, and likes tbe coun try ao well be intends to stay. Manley Whorton. of New Pine Creek, was iu town Tuesday. J. C. Eub&nkf, formerly connected with tbe Examiner, but now a bat d maimer from San Francisco, was in town last week. Lakeview Dairy J. W. ISENH ART Iri pri'i(in.l t. ta,ki orders to fiirniwli daily Pure Milk and Cream. Orders left at AhIntroin HroM. will nteive prompt and careful iittf ntton We have a large assortment of door locks, dour bells hins-ea etc. B. A M W. L. l)no'-la4 nhnpM I Lakeview Mercatnile Co. for men at no z n nk XIOII 12 oz ioz SEAGER-'S 7NJ SO 30E300XX01 3 o ueat i,ne ivanroad i o it, v man- town a D OE O o REALTY SALES aoi roooi LIST 101 baker auto at Klamath Falls, aud will receive it here iu a few days. II. M. IlrHiiBOi). au insurance m nn of Ktigeue, was in town Friday. Lem Heryford, Miller A Lux Auer for the 70 ranch, was iu few days last week. W. II. Miihoii. of Mason ,V Davis, contiac tors, Klamath Falls, is In town hVoriuK on the contract for con htruotiiiK tho U. V. L. Co. irrigation ditches. lieu Snider, an insurance man of Klamath Falls was iu town last week. J. S. SprHiMie, of Paisley, 'is now with Hailey A MaHeiutfill, of Lakj v lew. W. 1 Dutton, formerly the Simplex operator in Tbe Examiner otlice, letf Mouday for St. Helena, Calir., where he has takeu a potition as clerk iu tho postultlco. Walter h"B many friends here who will miss him. J. S. Cochraue, and W. S. Stein, of Medtord, were soliciting insurance in tow n t his week. Mrs. Mrytle ,of New Pine Creek, is visiting hei daughter, Mrs. Johu Cobiirn. K Casebeer, of Uly, was iu towu yesterday. J.A. Morris rf I'liu-h, was over Monday. Albeit Walker ,of Uly, was iu towu Mouday. D. M. Simmons, of Sacramento, and F. II . Ledyard, of San Francisco, were solicit iiu-trade from our mer chants M ouday. L. O. KiKinits, of FlaKstalt', is in town with his family for a few weeks. J. F. Kimball and J. W.Alexander, of tbe Weyerhaeuser syndicate, are iu town Karl Dalryuiple, the adopted sou of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Carriker. of the West Side, left Saturday on a visit The Arcadia rioving Picture Show Up- to -Dato Moving Pictures AND Illustrated Songs PROORAn .CHANGES Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri days and Sundays Two Shows each Night At 8:00 and 0:00 o'clock. Odd Fellow Building, LakcvUw, AdailHHlou 10 and 15 ct Jwrlllnxi Uaurhi n KaitrheH W acres, 3-room honw, shed, all clear- '' acr?s. riulit In the town of Adel. ed and fenced, half mile from to l. tKc county, tin aen s in alfalfa, m county road, a line investment tu-""d h'iiiti wnd liariin. all leu land 7-room frame boune. lot S-'UH). barn trood lawn and ahade, best part ol. . ...,. U .......I...., r-,, II.. I, to- iici,., u'v " , .-'--.-... ,., ,.l,,- 1.., i ..., ,,- I-MSS f.'ll .'llllrrio ,t...l .f..,.tl,., iioariuni!' "v ' V .,,,'. " ' ' l,,v in this conn i rv . part can excellent location for a bonne; juet a Mock from center of f), ?2iM) down, n tine p'ace fur t Sic '"''--1 town; all furnished, a money 4(K0, part cash. luaker.'r-i!1 people isome one will lie takeu at once h of cm nun town cash. lnt- par ri.r.iom hoime. frame, tine shsde. hult, e hav. sonic excellent timb r prop block from court house, and main; erties lieteil. Write us about them, street, bath, electric lights, nice la wu.jTbey arc a snap, sure iuvct.tm.-ut. The furnished complete, fcl.'JOO, part cash.lcountrys supply of limber its bciiu.' raj.Kiiy coiikiiiiii-ii ami pnies are We have.Kome of the best homes in Lakeview listed nlth us. Smne furnished complete, ready to move Into at once, bath, etc. bound to increase. ..ICO nerei. 4u timber, miles west nf Lakeview, on staure road. Iloii-e barn, capacity s head "0 acres fenced, irood frar.len, :!u acres irraip, 4 liviuu: -prns Includes :;u to 40 cord wood cut, all for fl.'iHi. cash. This price is li. iv, llill acres, cheap la: and barn. Part f-(Killouie, bain aud orchard, -2 .tfr"zii". - im.v acres. New Pine Creek-8 rooms.omc timber on it. frame, good location, oue third down, I-- - balance, h per cent. nl.flO fenced, house meailow, balance irom 1 alicview. ItiO acres liO acres natural meadow fenced, about 110 acres Hue timber, ilve spring, and cce.-k on the land, housee about II rooms. ."MoYiO. Dairy Ranch .'.li-i acres. Kl.iniHtl. or :'.IKK). ' cash, pos-.es i Cniinty 2 barns, one 7-r.i..:H h'Ui-e. n 'J wtH'ks lot (iiix7'"i ui i-li.ii d'aiiil urn ni uanliMi. acres best of shade A: li'mt hrriiiaieil. about 40 lieml iri ..1 milch cows. On County road, telephone; coinmnnientiuii. $-0 per acre. Nolo ! si i .11 civ larirenew barn bath, c.unpl.'te, will Include iiiruitnri tiiisi.ii" w r I be taken much nut block frma t'.iurt House I'i.'.riioi,i loi 'se, irame; liood bani,,ijomei,tpai Kidiniiuishineus nvj MO can be m, vie over Into six or sev-j acre tracts, ou I y a short time ueeess ! en r.iom 1:. i.wc for $HK), '2 acres uf ex (m y (0 ,ir0ve up on. One house an I ceilent laud a blocks from C. uirt ,,a'ru (.tc. f:tCK). the other f'-o, aud Mouse, lnmse and barn alone t'ol'feiiced. part cleared. SI. 00(1; the land can be cut into Hi lot.-; and re-soid at cnouirh lo clear place this is i iht In town. fl.MKl. fiL'tKi. Modern (i-rooin IjuiihIow. new, all details complete, fenced, n Hood buy, must close at once. Price j'"' eres Near New I'iue Creek. i t r.tiKj, i.ium nun trees, an Kinds of berries, aud (.'aniens truck, best of nater riKhts a room house, a hied and proven fruit farm, oue third lowu, balance 8 per cent. I Houses, t-itlit r to soli or rent art hence in LaKt'lc, II you -o. i,mi licit s, norm oi i.aheview iiu aii lmsiiit ss vvewill m-iuI plio-1 2;" miles, on proposed rljiht of way of jos. (railway. 7-ro. in house, barn, cupac- r .- - r r-T- ilv 100 tons of hav. 1500 sheep, 100... i.. ....;..'..!.... ,...,i. C " mi l,-- ,1.1,11-1 ii I ii:,iiiwii. ii, i:ii-i-tvii rosH the farm. Small orchard, lie-it f hav & irrain land. I'nlimitcd ruiiiie. Are You a Wage Earner? If So See Us About Accident & Life Insurance llest hotel or store situ in towu, ITock from Court House, block east of Maiu St It is the abuttiiiK proierty at end of Street. F.ve y one iu towu cannot help teeiuj it. d room house. Lot 77 ft front, KS tt deei ,j:kki. 1 lot Oti x -7fi ft. main street tif town, orchard, flue shade trees, one block from court house. $ 1000, part cush, surrounded by tbe best homes in Lakeview, Residence Lots Pest location in towu 60 x J.r0, if-1000 buildiiik' re strict loiiB. Lots-7 -'UMI. SJ-'iO ! -f!L"0 . lock 1 also lntH 12 20O. A- 1;! tijoo iilock i lirciikcis nrsi aiiiinion. i VI II II I 'lli.t liiiiil'nv'.i.il.iliue ul. i.J resent $7tKHl. Thin will not be on the ,i,VK ."m l.r; ....... ... i .events. I'i into uri at'i.. issue policies f,r life, accident, fire aud liability insurance. lie prepar jod for the inevitable rainy day. Acci dents olten happen, ileal 11 Is sure; in the course of human rolcct yourself. Itraueh OIHcck GOVERNMENT LAND Knnch 100 acres all fenced, yood for fruit of all kinds, also 40 to fiO acres for Ki aln, near lakeview on eounty road, sprlnij water all year, 5-rooi'n house, 17,"i fruit treeH 2 and 3 years old - $;t.f.00, half cash, balance 1 to a years. "ISi-at tlit Hailroail toit." liraucli Oili.e, i'lush. OrcLron. Hunch 100 acres 10 acres cleared.' Joe Kllloit, Mr. Warner Vallev. all fenced, bouse and a baru, bothOne of the best cli'iuces to secure the practically new, this propoerty is in mst kroiii'--, I'rft novcrniuent lands. the best ot condition, !) miles train ' Incafe ihtsoiis oh only tbe best nf . town, creek runs through it. f 1800. Jjood lands. Ask for particulars. OE 8 mAGWW& L,30EfOr f oivtoi Branches: Plush, Paisley LtOE 3OI0 r