UKKO'l Nn ri.v ..riiNU, L.U LVIKN , Oltl'.UON, Tlll'KShAt iVSK IT. IWW Dry Goods rou co nor Anow what things you may run across until you comoand you are al ways suro of finding plenty of new things here. Our summer Dress Goods are sel ling fast. New, desirable patterns have been added to our stock recently. The op portunity for selection today will not pre sent itself to you tomorrow. We therefore urge you to come today. We are closing out lines of summer goods at 12 1-2 cents a yard which are worth 20 cents, and Ginghams at 8 cents that are well worth 12 1-2 cents and other lines equally low. Dont miss the opportunity. CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS n. ........... I .,-: ,.r Kt K l-rf InnTldt en!iini!iif whv.M-r I- i-riii:.n 1 rents tint- f'r -ch lii riu.ii. Th.1 r..o 1 ' . .'r:i-:n. roium. Aft-Kr-t.-t inrkit f.-r 'i.'H rti-.-. Vi Prineville brand of cigars is a uoul in thi thing and the smokers of thic county are proving it every day. Peter Sohuttler farm uattous arrhed. J. It. Auteu i Co. just rd ti otice to Suhcrlbrr SutuK-riuors to 1 :ir KismUu r ho remove . In. in ,nt- ..h ali'v t. mi.nli. r. or rhancv ilinr .t.iRii't- .l.lf. -!i."i: 1 r.-m.'inb. r "1ro. this nrhce cur.'. o in. ir fHvt 11 . dri')i .l t.i i nv r:fcht :...' It now begins to Link as though Lakenew ..uli hum nave a "Lail-roa-l Hay" t oe let rut e. the fame as l.a.-s Iffu t lie cu.-i? thU week with our neik'hl.oi in' city uf Ivlumat h Kail. The Pavilla Family are no.v at Adi ii. overt!, line bea led "his way. ioo.l' They will he wtlcottie.i lu Lakt vi i' . The O. V. I.. t'o's niill cu C'nt tounoocl is now in full blast tettiuij c:iit tin ier tor tie dam and flumes. S'uti nieii ! fr"li burne 1 line at i! cat: ii A Kvllt-y's. north L.ikevieiv. 5 .Men s oxrc.rds at La-kn'w Meroau lle Co. '1 here will Le services at the Al. K. Ci.'itrh S in iny til oi u i u fr the ct.illreu, Tie tui-'-l.dl toninuenl beius July J:i i iot f ir.'t te date, and be t ire t:. i-oit.e 1,- ie with your Ue-t cirl. The Court li ii-e crounris lire i. o i wirro'iu led bv a hroa i cement wall:. . The of tt sme seems goQ'i to. us eveu it Ji I jjive us a mom ( entary twinre of home sick feeliiik', tr good old .Minneapolis! Potat o--8 Co. Hi Lakeview Met cantiie ' The Southern Oregon Kenlty Co this week sold a bungabi iu New Fine Creek to C. K. Williams, ho purchased it as mi in vestment. i Cracks in floors may he. neatly aur1 permanently tilled with a paste made from old newspapers, rlour, alum and water, thoroughly boiled j together. According to the federal Inrenj of industry MS per cent of the cattle of the United States are ailiietccJ with tuberculosia. 1 Large shipment of potatoes just re , ceived at Lakeview Mercantile Co. Wheat and rolled barley at Luke view Meicuntile Co. Klamath Falls reports real estate activity, usually so on the commie i of a railroad, but as Pat tayi: "It's ; the afteiwarua tbBt hurts!" Either j et luto a real estate deal first, or ' wait for the slumo to CHtch the tiet rebouud. Battlion Nelson has bought a ranch at Lirermore, Calif , and will con vert it into a hot; rauch, and expect-, to "make a lot ot money." Uattlini: is tinbt, and others cun follow iiii i x ample with profit for ttemselves. The Portland Journal eays that from a few rows ot lotauberry viues across their one lot last seasou a Co juille family sold JoO worth of ter ries. The prospects for this seasou'g crop are m good or better than last year. By the way have you a few i locan or other lierry tushes in your j ho lie lot, Mr. Lakeviewmau? l ocket, he cntue In and thauked The Kxamtiior limn fr Imomtnii the ooun tit so tie could Mil tits property at a loir iTidlt, Mild then stopped his paper, as he I Kolnit atvayl The editor natural It beoomea cynical, ml nou If n I thr-re U audi a thing aa gratitude lu the world. Kef. Smith .of New Pin Creek, Is sivin to take up his Mm de in the par otiage and tl'l the Hsptl, t pulpit. Tlje new paster of the M. K. Church, Mr. C. H Keeo, la hoi lluu meetings every night this week. A. C. Mills, proprietor of the Mills Lodging llcuse received 40 new and complete bed jresterdafy, and Is now prepared to take good care of nil who come His way. Prof. Hue lis n ii on and a party from Kagle tirove, Iowa, arrived Thursday and at once went out to l'Tagstatf lake, Warner Valley to look after their iuteretss out there, and to take the initial steps .u an Irrigation en terprise for lands immediately ad joining that lake. The Kxamlner hopes to have toll particulars for publication at a later date. The name applied to the ('river sf the whl cart is a French word and is spelled chauffeur Imt Its recognized P.ugllsh pronunciation Is Sho fer, with the sound of o long as in the word gopher. It is not at all nee s sary to tw ist your face into all sorts of shape lu order to get the French pronouuclat lau. j P. H. Cro, of Los Angeles, the leading spirit iu the Southern Mage! Co., operating between here and Al-j turas, was In loan last week, with a Mitchell auto, which be has placed on the run. and will soon add more! machines of the same make to that line, and will also place them en the route from here to Klamath Falls. I He makes a rotiud trip lastly between here auil Alturas each day, w hich is j a big chauge from the atage coach , pace aud will be appreciated by the, traveling public. I.. C. Hecicwltli and A. Q Kellc.v. j of the i iuldrerg; tn iui'M, are iu town. Mrs. IUi Ikt li ft hi the auto etdc yeMti-rda.v ihmhi lor AltuniM, to meet j ln-r ibiilrf'rr Porothy who is return ' inc lioiin1 frniii hcIiooI at Sjiii I'niii- cisco. Mr. Harrow accompanied 1 Mr. 15 lei. cr. Latest things In nieu'a wear at Lakeview .Mercau t lUJCo. The Klamath Fx press has this to my of the company to show iu Lakeview- ! druing the Fourth: The Margearet' lies Co. more than made good ls-r night in "Sturck Oil," and though' it diew the smallest house the com puny has hu.l it was a most apprecia- ( live audience The specialties wete good, especially the singing and dnnclug by Mis lUiiitnond who has captured Mm theatre (toers by hir wonderful talent. ; if On the night of the 5th of July Itm Arcadia Theatre will ulva Ha patrons a ohau to draw a golJ watch ral tied a '25 for adults, and a t" gold piece for children. The achaiiie Is a fair one lu tola: Hanker Mlder him elected two numbers, an locked them up in I tie VAini r.acn licnei is niim lie re from one up for both adnlU and ohildreu . Those who purchase tne lucky nunitieia will get the prlr.c. There will be Bipedal mimher dur ing the week of the 4th, mention ot which will be made later. MesM Smith it Kirk have wired tor tho latest model of Hit tloil picture ma chine which will be here In time for the 4th. The Kdison phonograph and 4 min ute record at Thornton's. Price W, iOandfti. 10 tf. F Lake hat returned from his ki. Jonrti III t he wiuhIh at lt)v, and Iihm reopent'd Ida blc.vt'l.- mi-! lepulr thop. lie Ih the niren t for the (tumbler . bl cyle, niitl has made eevcral huI h thin Hcasoii. Paper I Paper I Pa(er ! of all kinds, Kosm sizing, i'A II lluildliig, Deaien iug 1'elt and (Cooling. Prices right nt lleruard's. 1 It 4 Things Newest at La Mode Tho now Dillikon Combs, Darottea and Bandoaus--tho very latost fancies for tho hair. Drapo veils, Chiffon Squaros, oto. New Dutch Collars tho soason's novoltios Collar Supporters in Poarl, Bono, and Celluloid Mrs. NEILON,'&t' n, June I I. to the wile of L. In Lakeview, a boy (. Fiiti(iit . A total eclipse of the sun will occur today. At viewed from this place It will only be a partial eclipse, but will contain features out of the ordinary. First it will be an annual eclipne, then a total aud back a.alti to the annual, tie' you smoked glass iu order. A carload of door aud window received at li A M 'a. IOl'NI Leather handbag Fn llire at I hh cilice. 9 0 County News it- End of Our First Year 'Che Kxnnilner, with this mt", Ih Hln it mi coin! year uinler the pri'iit inauamiiieiit. Time Ioim pasHeil ho Hiilcklv that we can hardly :ca!l.e I hat a w li..e year Intr k "by. We fell that we have made some liuprve tuelita in the paH-r, and hope to be able with iiiiivaM' il patronage, to make a better paper ill flic future HOTEL ARRIVALS Umbach requests of the party who borrow ed his 100 foot stee tape line to return the same. J, B, AUTEN HARDWARE CO, Sells Don't forget the .cent at lakeview 'curth. Ha-eliall Touina the week of the !t is reported that Dr. Smith and iidy Hammers'y have ordetel Max well runabouts. 'Tho lands around (iooce Lake thrown pen tor settlement will not be avaii- uel until August 10, I'MO. The Prineville Journal has this to .iay of a former Lakeviev boy: George Htorkmaurj. the cigar maker. (Jet your Plumbing and Tin Work done at Bernard's. We do fJrt class work and guarantee satisfaction. 1'J 4 Alturas Republican: John Briles of Davis Creek was in town yesterday. Mr.brilea says that his fruit waa hurt to some extent by the frosts but that tie is going to bave more of a crop than expected some time ago. Mi. brilea met Mr. Caufleld and soother gentleman here, and will take them up to the Bidwell mines. . T I ft . .. si uaite uoumy firmer bought a ranch two years ago, aud sold it last Peter Schuttler wagons. lieu key o mow ers. Peerless hay rakes. Hay cars and Hay sliLgs. Pu'lies, all kinds. Wire cable and manila rope. Mounted grind stones. (irind stone tixturea. Scythes and swaths. Pumoa aud pipe. Drie well points. Wind Mills. Screen doors, all sizes. Ad justable acieen windows. building paper, red and blue. Build material. Kubberoid roofing, cost of lea, guaranteed 10 years. uameens The following are among the Hotel Liikevie arrivals the pat week: .Ins.' Kedtlebl, (ileudale, Calif : K. Stewart, S F. : Henry Kgl I, Seotts Valley; W. H. Porter. Fugle Urove, Iowa: Dan S. Hamilton,; (ieo. 1'. Aniistrong, Lenu: J H. Hutchison, Warner Lake; ('has. !........ If . ii . . iifiiin'ri i. ioiiuri.!i ; n j,. nr'.Mvn, , Topeka. Kas. ;W F. box. Olympia, ' Wash. ; Lester A. Show, Duder Ser 1 rii , F. Castro and Itobt. Kstnido, Firei auhgs. Calif. ; Jos. Thomas, L. ( A ; .). C. Dodsou and wile, big Val ley. Cailf. ; (i. A. (iord.ui and IJ. II. Kible, S F. ; W. I). Duke. Latrobe, j Cailf ; bov Stanhfer, I'Htlev ; V. () . i Lel.oy, A. K. Kruch, Holdridge Nrbi ; (ieo. Ahems, Portland ; W C. i Mc.Mililuii, Portland ; Clias , C. Holt, j Santa Kosa. Calif. ;..M. Smith, .Mrs. KlithSnlth. Mrs. blanche Cannon. I V- ft. . . . . ..on M-., .iew i-ine i leeK ; li. liauilam, ! Paisley V. () .. Morgan, Shed. I ; F. Hartley, bonanza; ( i. H. Fvans. Henry . Porter, Craftou, Nebr. ; Miss Mae Parker, Miss Leonii Lee, Chicago; P. Heney, Pliibh. WEST SIDE Brown one of the (). V. Ii. Co. en gineers, has ieen su dividing Wild In I this vicinity., Chnrlsy Oliver has been loafing around hi homestead for tti'i week i past, caused by n horse falllug on nun w iiile riding at lireaK neck spee.l. He la tiruised In many places aud aays bis inter-costal ligaments were stretched ley olid tho power of endur ance. Waldeu Delong, the kid farmer, has reci ntlv harrowed lit HU acres of summer tallow. This cultlvatltg iiiiimer lall iw Is too much work for a iiHtive. If It pays elsewhere. Why nut here? (ieorge Nelson has put up a wind mill to irrigate his gurdeu. M. and C. W. Anderson, recent ar rivals trout Montana, are making things hum on their ranch. Such fe-lowa are needed to develop the Int ent powers of our soil. Vic. Harris Is recovering frou severe sick spell. John Towiuihlll la lu where he under ent an remove a fistula. Lakevl i operation J Mr. Young's Imuily has moved the aawlmll on Thomas Creek. The Woods b-ys shingle, mill Is ning at It full capacity. Is found for all shingle. "1 Heady ni has a large atl Sunday .School (' lice. Mr. Jerome is conducting nIJ(I school at the Uubr.i Hohonl lion Mr. Jerome Is a recent arrival fi Culifuiula and Is a Valuable Nnqii tiou to this neighborhood. Ha I tieen a en nslul school tear ha iiaving (aiigtit nineteen leims lu ill. trlct Pollr Oliver attuinptml to ,r4 tier saliiH in rs to the tuiggy suit horxM i nii Into wire fence c I led the home Polly Unhurt. FOUND MASONIC APRON IN PERU Seattle, June ti. A valuable fc'ol l emtiroldured Mason 's apron at least H' years old was found on a mum my which Captain F.. W. Spragui) of the American schooner Coliimhja picked up on his lust trip to CaUyu for a few dollars. Oiiptluii Sprugue is now In Tucoiuu. The apron is hand embroidered in real gold thread Captalu Sptagua boeght Hie apron from a contractor who had uuwiltiuglv imrchased the ! tiinmmy aud waj anxious to gel rid of I the thing. Mau v high Masons have called upon Captaiu Sprague and attempted to decipher some uf tho symbols, but uone has yot beeu abU to read all of them. The bordeaux in it x u re la the pr remedy to uxa for all fuugi'i troubles: vi . mildew ami rust beans; iiol itu an 1 toitinto rot i Ight ; 1-eleiy leaf to. light i The half strength miit on n Is copper sulphate, li poiiiuls iiiick lime, lllty gull water '' Is "troi.g enough to use lu veK"tabl gurdeu, except for potat. .Ml kinds Wire .Netting and (liM ineiiiiii renin anil wines Ml i: liards. !!(-! tireeu fiarden House arrivals pMst week: Albert Koot.. S K : L.F. John son. Hawthorne, Nev. ;tieo. A. Hall, o. r.,v vv. ftnepar.l, luiiia, Ariz. P. Soldier, Keno. ; Charles F. Stev ens and Carl Schmidt, bellevllle. IS.. .1 If a.. i n. tJreeu, I'lnsb ; IJ. Ham merslsy, New Pine Creea ; M. Ander son. west hide; J. A. Woods. Drew; y. . nuuerson, wire aud daughter. The Snider Opera Housj 'JHth-tvory til J .New piny and TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Monday June until July Citfi. speuianiea inn largest and in complete theatrical company ti has ever been In this section. Do nuns ii. t rices oo ana m cen ohildreu 20 cents. Bhing- Tinning and plumbing repair work, 'bu. Itn. rt unumul Mlnlra is spending several davs tbin week I week for mora th n lit.ll Ma a hot ha . U'utih manhlnaa arlA r n trial eUeudlu bis trade in bend. P.ed- paid for it Then. with BACArn I I f.uoin m r. tear a ft5a mnri ti n country. The , thousand do lara to the nvod in his ' Garden hoae C and up. no lid aud Sisler's """M"ra"sMaWaMaaaB I FRE1 Homesteads and Desert Claims In the FAMOUS WARNER VALLEY. We have surveyed out,& several Sage brush land, ?JStd son as there ,s fn thls This land can be irrigated at moderate cost. Hotel for Women Seattle, June 8. Seattle will have uoiei exclusively for women during epoainon. ii win bave accom m ulolln.. C , iu . uiuuiiiuui lur jw gueais ana was Duui at a cot or rJOOO. This was borue in large part by the various churches of the city, clubs and social and religious organizations. It will b conducted under the auspices of the V. W. C. A., who already operate a woman's bo'el on Queen Ann Hill. Washington. June 10. Senator At. dnch and other republican leaders in me senate tnia afternoon are confi dently claiming that ther h ava vnti.a sufficient to defeat the income tax propoistlon. They intend to try to have adopt instead an amendment putting a tax on the dividends of corpnratioua. KOK 8ALK A few choice home stead locations Similar land selling for 20 an acre If ynu want one ad dress U. K. Olivtr or call on him at the Assessor's office 1 The Margaret Ilea pany opeu for a six meairical oo Dlubts eiiira inent In Lakeview Monday Mk June 'JfUti with the play "Tna Hi walks of New York". SITUATION WANTKD: AT LAKK vlew or vicinity by married man 211 years old. Experienced lu general f merchandise, also In egg and poultry 1 tuinsss. References. Addraua m 1 W. French. La Prairie. I1L KOK SALE TWO COUNTERS AND four show cases, ennui re nf A. X. Thornton, Oruggist, Lakeview. FARMERS, IF YOU CAN LOCATE me near von write vonr terms lint 187, Portland, Ore. Green Gardei House. When you get to Lakeview oumt the Ureen (Jardeu House. Yon w find good, clean bads, and you w be made at home. Tho (Jreen (lard la a modern House and Dlok w treat you right. Opposite the M. i Church. Do Not Overlook r'bJV1li Is secure about your last a homestead. :4 I hlS ( innOft II nit ! We are the only firm in Lakeview , , . tnat makes The Location of Covernment Land a Specialty. "On reardlnE these Government Lands promptly ,fI supplied. Call at our of lice and see photos of ilso have homestead reinqulshments and school sale, t&r Scandinavian and German Spoken. 1 FIC LAND CO., LAKEVIEW, OREGON. The notion Is pretty well outgrown that a frost works any real good to a field of Immature corn In tha matter of helping to ripen It A heavy or killing frost means death to the leaves aud hence death to the stalkj. Pol lowing this, the Juices in the sUlk turn aour and thus render little or no assistance to the ears In the conver sion of the starch which they contain. The parent who has the real welfare of sou or daughter at heart will take pains to see that there Is as little in terruption as poHHlble In the school work at the beginning of the vesr While keeping the pupil from school on almost any pretext should be discour aged at Mil times, It la especially im perative that the work of the first few weeks after vacation should be prose cuted with the least possible Interruption. Faruiera need Lake County Land. Buy Lots In Watson Addition Ilefore"you buy lots any where in this vicinity see those tn Wataosn' addition. Close to business center, of Lakeview. 33 tf. Chlldren -Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Bunch Tussey Wholesale Commission Merchants Alturas, California We carrry a full line of Fresh Fruits, Indludirtg BOranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap pies, aiso an tunas ot Nuts. Vegetables, such as Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and Potatoes. gFresh Fish, Oysters, Clams; Crabs.S 8 mlf your merchants do not handle! this class of goods, get them busy. Goods delivered In one day to Lakeview. ffd