i'v LAK v'tfTV K'IMI(. lAkL'lr. OKHiON, Tlltl'ShA Y, JINK 17 IWW. I I LakeCounty Examiner FHKI) J. 1U)W MAN. Lrft Paper, and Larftat Clrculatton I" I'a.tern and Southern Orpin I'i ni.lfHF.O KVKHT TlllUsIMY. Kntorfil at th lim omci-at li.-tp a. Soeond-Claa Mailer. Ore. CIH NTY OKKH'IAI. I'AI'KK 51 B5CRIPTION RATI:. fine rear, tn advance, fhi mart ha. " Three mor.tli, ' fTBj-lt not paid in advance, i2 50 the year i.'.W 1 s.' 75 A0VEKTI5IN0 RATES R.-Hiilar Klan.tlnit a.1 lUV ' h in!v nlun n apace, per month. All alamilns a.N. Ohan;e.l fr.-e twice a month. Cost of ooii'poM tton char eed forall extra I'haliKt-a Ail Mevtal ixwltlona extra. All hrt term aila eltra Readera. local column. I0'. per life each in trltton. Want a.ls ,v. a tin-each in- rilcti Car.i ..f thuk 1 00. Kcoltition ol tvr.v.o kuce. 1 60 ami upoarila. CW Transient A.lv.r'. iain(t and la'.i 1'rinl tnit. cah in atlanc-c. All Mil mtmt be paid the firatof each tuoulta. gHTyto deviation from Ibeae terma. THIS PAPER ia tept on (lie at h i' l.' A-lTerttainc Agency ou aom Street, San Frani;i, lal. wnrre eoBtracta lor ad vert mint; ran he ma l lor it. A PROiKrslVK NATION Americans in their self-asaerttd claim of superiority are inclined to look down upon the Mexican, as a 'greaser, "wbo is little better than bia borse or some inanimate object. But, the (act is, that tbe Mexican are wiser tbau tbe people of tbe United States in very many paitiou lars, and especially are tbey wise in tbeir purpose of granting no special privileges of auy sort to aav, one wbioh become "vested rights" in this Land of tbe so called t ree, and there by build up tbe few at tbe expense of many. Tbe Mexicans are in tact oua of tbe most democratic people on earth, and with tbe picture of this mis-governmed and trust-ridden couotry contsantly before them as to tbe eril effects of roonoply are steer ing clear of tbe woes we undergo as a nation, and in consequence are marehiog forward tn a place in tbe family of nations that is admired ty all right-tbiukiug people, and tbe envy of all. When tbe Ilarriman and other ar rogant American over lords go down there, tbey have to toe tbe mark, and very parly in tbe game dicsover that there the go 'ernmeiit runs tbe rail ru ids uad not the railroads ruu the i novernuien? , as is to palpably tbe ca-se this si 'e of tbe line. When American mnnriioli?ts enter Mexicr, th-y place themselves under goveru meut coutri.l, which remorselessly fixes tbe ra'e for lreight and passen ger trtittic. not c.u what the t ratio will bear as here, but with the sols pur pose of what is the best intreeat cf tbe put. lie, i.n j w ith tbe ultimate and iuexoraMj condition that after a given term of years the railroad in its entirety tots to the government o stock jobbing or watering of stock is perm ittei ! Not much i "vested rinhs" there! public at large aud to create tbe moBt etllc'ent servto. I'reaid nt Plat la -aid to favor tbe aocotnplHbtiten of th- idea, aa it would carry out more completely his belief In public own ersbip and give lbs country tbe ohsiioe to at onco foe ahead of all others in the importstnt wi.rk already begun. It uM euable Mexico to carry tbe the pruMitu of sovernnietit control of public utilities to the staise uever rotitemplated ry an; other goveiumeat In the world. It I retry clear that tbe people of Mexico, and of Canada alao, have profltad by our ini.-take of allowing I "if.,i( tnrlnaf rioa'' toaielH Uliou I he fat of the land fur their ou especial beneBt, enabling them f thrive on special privileges until they 1 1) res' e n our very national life ia their ill gotten wealth wiiicii now over-tops the other uituhiued wealth of o ir u tti vi, h'lt iu.iteal thosa t Ao co mtriei throttia nil euoh atro cities it birth ! j It is possible, and the eigt.s indi cit , that America Is ucw ou the verge of a rude awakemug and it la very probable that the reforms set in motion by Kooeevelt wi'-l cat her iu such force and vidume tbat Aldricb and bia ciowd of buncn-ateeiers whether republican or demoi-ratic, w ho now bow so abjectly to the Mo loch of Monopoly, will be swept from power aud tbe poeple shall ootae into their own. (Jo i s(ed the dj 1 A DEGENKKATE WHELP The iufamous James llazeu Hyde, whose greed would admit ot no divi sion of tbe swag with a subordinate which led to ao luvetiati an tbat ex posed tbe life insurance graft, aud who has since been in practical exile in Paris, living a riotous life on tba tainted millions be wruug from the tears and sweat of millions of Ameri cans who (ouubt to save a pittance for dependent ones In case of death, was recently sentenced to one mouth's imprisonment in tbe Paris prison for running his auto lot" a public taxi cab. He is now in Italy and prob ably will stay there to avoid arrest and deserved punishment This vile creature is but an example of too many in this country enriched by special privilege at the expense of the many. With the effrontery of such spawn tbat find tbeir natural babital in tbe sewers and cesspools of tbe very dregs of humanity, not content with uavinK iobbed tbe widows and or phans of millions, when be left Amer ica to take up bis reiadence abroad, be added insult to injury by declar- Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. NYE. to be coiiiioti(l with the building lu which a saloon It conducted. It It pretty evldeut that if tbe re forms proptiaod hail always been prac ticed that there wood have been mi such hostility aroused agalnnt sa loon a. (Copyright, 1909. by American I'reaa Aao elation ) THEODORE ROOSEVELT. D. D. If Instead of going off to Africa to hunt llona Theodore Kooacvelt would go Info I he pulpit be would mnke a great pre.uT"r. In ti In mu'i...iI innkcttp Itonsovclt Is more the prtvu her tlnui the politician. lie bus luMvfcil. In kcmsoii and out of acuson. that (he innlii thlnx Is Iho moral ticiill'i of the M plc. An. I ttiut la the pr';ii 'tor of It. The poilfl, i tn aludlci nucstlmm fruiu an tvonut 'U' stnilHiliit. Mutcrhtl proa pclil.t U hi 1 h.. lu : I, 11 of htiintiii lupl nes.H. M:il,i the people pro.siif.otis and clvill.-atli 11 will . in coil If t'lcro l.-i any III. pas u law n:nl i-urc It The pren her U the better philoso pher. The ie: !i.T aees that :ood lilen ship Is im io l.ojiorfaut than lopil on acttitc ! !p; n, t i.m li wh.it the laws oi.iv le as what the eople may be A 1 rent !ctl of fn:i his lin poke-l at IvooseviMt's pronchliig." But he m'iw A philosopher of the' Hun" Flower stale la not an far out of the wa) In the folio lug There are people who never attend a ball 1,101 , uevrr see a horse race, never mane a trip any where, never ee a circna, tievet shoot, Hsb, buut, play card, tennla, or even croquet. Tbey appear to go tbroutfh life with the Idea that Ih. oue (iilnHlon here ou earth la work aud tbat all the pleasure aud recreation ia to be bad Id heaven. If tbey should happen to be sidetracked on that, they auiely would be out ll around Count .ep pel in, the tieruian aero uaut, liaa kept, bis airahlp on the move lur M home, miles, aud returned to with uo llftlooliv. It to look aa though the coopered. travelled HfK his inotiiiuga surely beglus air baa been lUacial footprints have beeu found in the blue clay under the city of Toronto, Cauada. Ueulogixis tell us that theywere made there trotu fifty better than most kII- 1 thousand to oue hundred thouiund H. L. CHANDLER, -Dealer In v V v P Furniture of All Kinds. UNDERTAKING Mr. V. K. li AllHIS, ail i-xpi'ilciiffd tiiulerlnker. Iina chnrgn of in v Uinlerlnkliw Itooma CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK (JNION QQUARE f-JOTEL, Cor. I'oat and Stockton Ms , SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. I urpan and Amirttaa Plan Overlooking beautiful UNION Ol'AHI; I'AkKj only one block Irom tlte retail shopping center. Ralea ft .00 Per day, without hath; J.OO per day and up with haih. Ideal aervka - I lralilaaa In every reapnl R. H. GATLEY, Manaqbr. l.oOS The t inaUe the laws. not make the peo- 1 " 01 wasoiugioo uaa a law make tbe covet uineut, ! making it compulsory for both males and females desiring to enter the niarrijKe stale to etibtn'it to a medical before a license will l pie; that " govern met t pie; the peoj lo The iH'oplc AlCK the government. And this I'istlnotlon l.s foniln mental. Tbe rfm of oputnr government Is not th tt i ' a s t-nllcd "state" where privilege U banded to the citizen. It Is that of n commonwealth In which all the powers of government are giv en to It by the citlxen. And so The )uciIon of a people s well be ing la not so much a matter of law. It Is not entirely a question of the form of government. "Treason?" you say. Is It treason to suggest, for Instance, that the people of Germany under an Imperial government are better off In every way than the people of Venezu ela under n republican form of gov ernment? Nobody wants to change the form of government. That Is not the question. Hut- The moral health of the people Is the great concern. If you don't believe tt read Ortolan or Sallust. Itoosovclt Is rl'iht. We do not need more politic much ns we need more preaching. exaiuiuatlou granted. Smiles and Squalls Hy Tit K VrHUlXT 4.r bim and bis colleague?, but, as be said, "because the people of the United States w;re too crude, loo ine that he was not leHvnirf the conn-; materialistic. too blattHiit to be try because he feared arrest and im prisonment, which then threatened f otice. TO WHOM IT MAY COSCEHS, notice la hereby uh'eii that all irriuit tiuu, or mlilrnce (litcbea on all trout wtreamij throujrht Lake Comity, Ore iion. must be screened with a Minall mexh wire scree nintt at (heir head or junction with thn main chaniiel of Htrenm. Also all ilains or obstruct ions jn said streams niust Iw pru- vlded with a fish-ladder, orotbt reasy ' nmn n u rif n'lULiu rtt. t, t r.r nun I liu tnljl Spring goods will arrive in days at Lakeview Mercantile Co. for few Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A To Home Builders I file of the main channel, no an to al- f ( 1 w f h TifiMuno-P cif trout ut nil timiHi Tbe Mexican Kovernmeut not only ; of year, as provided by law. Said looks alter the railroads aod regu- j work to be done at low water 1 1 rut, lates tbeui to it a ou sweet will, but ' or to completed by Fe. 7, I!i7. ,t t.. ,i,. .1, u.- i Uy order of J. A. Uarliam. -uuc uuo eu;UB loUK wuuj So4iCia, Deputv fish Warden veryiDing else in lue line ol possible LakeCounty. Oregon monopoly, all of which are reguated aud controlled in the same mauner. Tbe water-powers, mines, and a pub lic utilities are under absolute con trol of tbe goveienment. There is no wicape, and, malefactors, of what ever Jesjme, get swift aud sure jus tive. !s uu iustance of what is going on djwn below our southern boundary, a receut issue of tbe Meixcan Daily i! tiated j i'i3!' '- ' it '.'I. l'i i . : I gOV- jr,j,,rJ i . Over 'l 'i 'i . -a; . t i j . .' the - ..v . y .". pauy .uu uuuoi Kuretumeot oooftrol. It is undersood that the goTrnmeut woould want probably 51 ' 5Mr oent of tbe stock, under whioh ctrcumatanceB tbe holders ot the other 49 per cent would feel reason ably certain of good profits. A New York banter, represeotiug the lierliu ioterebt", has been here for more than a weeek and has jiwt returned borne, atfer looking into the posisbilities of securing from the Mexican government a concession for a large light and power concern, which was iutot ded to supply light and power not only to the city of Mexico, but to other towns and cities of the country as well as and at tbe sttiue time to secure control of a laige number of similar concerns ii the United States forming of tbe whole a trust, lie was toll that uo concession would Le given and that it would be useless tn ask one. It is said that he was told that tbe federal government is now looking iuto the practicability of taking over at least 01 per cent of the stock of the two com panies and operating them as the na tional railways of Mexico are now op erated. Acoording to tbe reports, the pro ject of tbe government is aimed di rectly at securing tbe public utilities for tbe sole purpose of benefitting the worthy of tbe society of a t-'entleruiiu of leisure. " Think of that! And from such a 1 wretch. ! However America is well rid of him and could very well FpBre others of bis kidney to the evei'liistiug good of its toiling and patient niH-npH, who have n, ado it posnil le for men of hi stamp to leisure !" i "The person who is anybody aud who does autyhinit is surely uoiiiu to be criticised, vilified and misunder stood. I "While it is no proof of g eattifsa, tbe tlual proof lies iu beiug able to vnnure contumely williout reaeut meut," says Libert llubliard And then because some sky-pilot said the I'ra's wile was no laity, or wonts to that effect, be laititiaxts tbe HtutfitiK out of that stuffy dtviue with a stuffed club 1 So easy to preach aud so bard to be a perfect geutlemaii I Tbe rea-tuu why men who mind their own buainess succeed. Is hecautie they bave ao little competition. Oil mak'iiate Archibnll Iihh paid off the r'!7.,0JO mortiraue ou C'liunceller Day's Syraeude College. Let's see didn't we nee some defence of the venal rich as emanatiig from one Day th other day? We did! And there voti are I It surely paye to a I vert i-e. Some men take themselves mo blamed serioodly that they imagine them selves to be the entire proce-miou. As a rule these fellows are so far behind the main parade tliut they uever get a g impse of it. hver know such a oue? It is asserted that th habit of chewing iium Hives one a elexr brain, aud that the chewer can think tpiickty and act wisely in condtictini' the Red Livery Barn M. O'SULLIVAN, Prop. New Rijjs and tH-3 Special Accommo Fancy Teams -sW, tlations to Let -jzSSZZS? lfor I'Vcihtcrs Corner Canyon and Main Sis, Lakeview, Ore. Northwest Notes Campell, at I practically no expense other than for Lorella was burned Sunday nlitht , paatorage. A fat 'JM pound bog to- Thehome of Wallet will content, the occupants escap ing in their night clothes. Nothing was saved. It is thought a blied man went to bed leaving a caudle burning, which set tbe lire. Two cantaloupes, the vanguard of tbe crop from the Imperial Valley, hipped as a part, of a coualgnmeut from lleber, t'al , soi l in the local market at Los Antjnlea at enc. J he melons were larits and well rip ened, liut how much they munt have tasted like money I Swi't ,t Cu. Hiinoii nee that they plan to be in actual oackiuK opnra tlona ia their new plant at Portland In July. This brlnus to the surface I the uecessity for the fan'iera of )r I uon to grow morn houa. I'igs nnti lie I raised until they are three mouth o.( on vetch or ttier roughage ai day Is worth VlA.fiO caali live weight. lhe packers will have to uet a supply must they send the money fur the br.gs tn Nerliunki, or shall tbey bn raised I ii Oregon? l or a 5pialn4 Ankla As usually treated a eiratued ankle will disable the injured person for a mouth or more, but by applying Ohambf Haiti's Liniment and obaerv rintt thrt directions with tisch bottle faithfully, a cure may bn etfected iu many cases in less than a week's time. The liniment is a most re markable preparation. Try It for a sprain or brtilau, or when laid up with chronic or muscular rheuina tlm, ami you are certain to he de lighted with then prompt relief which It atlords. l''or sale by Daly & Hall. 1 - II I "" - - ""'J Vll- u"lU!1" nuM.e.. affairs of li'e. Thutso? Well, all throw away tbe "coffin iihiI" arette and chew gum, t y gum I Two "hundred latest desfgntt and plans of Bungalows ana Cottages costing from $500 to $5000 Enquire of S. C. BURRIS, Architect, and Builder. Main Street, next to Ablstroin'H. Under the present system, tariff re vision can be littlo better than a farce, says the Kansas City Times, it is evident that, in ad emergency only a few of the men elected to Con gress really repersent tbe people. Tbe otbe.it represent tbe beneficiaries of tbe tariff Schedules, are made and passed on tbe showing of tbe maonfacturers and producers, not on the rights ot tbe consumers. Tbe only way to secure a scientific and equit able tariff is through a non-partisan, continuous expert commission. It cannot be accomplisherd through tbe republican party or tbe Demo cratic party, or both of these parties. le's cig- OREGON MAP SALE Full colored Sectional Hap of Oregon. I'rici- K)c while they Last. by iec sireain Range .Shows all surveyed lands, tlons, and every lmportatit and divide, Townships and plaluly marked. :: :: Also uhows all Land Grant Lands, and has theORUON illLITAKY ROAD Grant complete, by sections. Inval uable to anyone who now Is or ex beets to tw Interested in lauds la southern Oregon. :: :: Lutlre output of this mup owued by HUNTER LAND CO., 8.11 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. ' There are half a dozen rairoada at the present time tbat are considering tbe question ef electrification. If these projects develop into actual con tracts, many million dollars' worth of copper will be involved. There may be surplus stocks of copper abroad at tbe present time, but these stocks will disappear before many months elapse unless there is a aude'en check to tbe improvement now under way. .... I view, uregon. not to re-open till 6 a. I m"9Jh j Tbe California saloon keepers are making an effort to reform them selves, and bave appointed a commit tee to formulate a plan to eliminate existing evils in the liquor traffic, who have recommended legislation or city ordinances on the following lines : lhe closing of all saloons at 1 o'clack h. m,, m. ; tbe refusal to sell drink to worn en unless tbey apply in front of tbe bar like men ; the elimination of all private boxos aod secret rooms in connection with saloons; to refuse drink to every person under tbe iu fluence of liquor; every patron to be protected from robbery aud waylay ing as far as ia possible by the bar keeper and saloon (owner ; all aide and family entrances to be done away with; uo card playing or shak ing of dice for money to be allowed In any saloon ; ownership or part ownership of auy saloon or brewery, dlstl lery or wholesale liquor bouse, or the control of tbe license by any of tbe aforesaid institutions not to be allowed; that gaming is fh uo way Summer tile Co. bats at Lakeview Mercau- ALBANY NURSERIES l'laeed Lfj.iXIO trees In Iwike county last vi'iir. .liest adapted to ix-eds of this section. Kn-e Irom all diseases. Ln!orsed by fruit Inspectors, febotf K. 11. I'ATCII. LBkevlew. rmaT-ot-Amm ruour coMirir omivmmm Mammoth Stables C. D. ARTHUR, Pitornimwm The '-irirest Livery uml Kced Stable In enMitheni Oregon or Northern California. Horses Hoarded by tbe liny, Week or Mouth. Special Attention Given to Transient Stock LAKEVIEW OREGON Louis Shaw Deater In Real Estate 1 have Hated some of tbe les Ranches, Timber Lands and Town property in Nortiru California, n country that is bound to Improve rap idly. Altnras, California. Wotlre raw Publication. Department of the Interior, U 8. Land Office ai Lakeview, Oregon, May 24, lyoy. Notice is hereby given that MICH AEL RAU, of Lakeview, Oregon, who, on May 18, YMl, made Homestead Application No. 2007, Serial No. 01131. for HP: quarter NW quarter, W b alf NiS quarter, NW quarter SK quarter, Section 33, Towonhip VJ South. Range 19 Last, Willamette Meridian, has filed no' live of inten tion to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to tbe land above described, before Register and Rec eiver, at Lakeiew, Oregon, ou the 14th day of July l'JOO. Claimant names as witnesses: X Arzner, Gabriel 'Arzuer, Jack Mo Culley. aud Joe Arzner, all of Lake- N. Watson, Register. NOTICe POM PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8 Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon. May 24 1900. Notice Is hereby given tbat HAR NEY GKUMAN, of Lakeview, Ore gon, who, ou April 10, 11KIG. made Homestead entry, No. :i5!)l, Serial No. 013:t2, for Lots 1 and 2 SE quarter, NW quarter. Section 7 Township 'M South, Range 21 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Five Year l'roof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Re ceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on tbe 12th day of July, 11)011. Claimant names as witnesses: W, D. liishop, William J. 'Rebart, Hoi Chandler Mark Musgrave, all of Lakeview, Oregon J3JN J. N. Watsou, Register. 1 .. . tmmmmmm linn A Shot with Every Tick of Watch SIX SHOTS IN FOUR SECONDS Free Book tells of this Gun : This II am merles ICcpcatcr is the roost rnpM pump gun made; it i has every known Improvement rany take-down fi-atnre, heavy lirtwch block, ctretel iiiechanlsm and to- rll If desired. Catalog shows our other shot kiiiii. dotiltles. singles, etc. RRICES, $5 TO $27 HsifA postal txrrngs our book IHKF,. Address, THE UNION FIRE ABIS3 CO., 45i Aubarndal., TOLEDO, OHIO. Furniture and Undertaking Ar E. FOLLETT. New Pine Creek, - - Oregon tMtMa i. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Prints, Etc. All classes of business before th United States Patent Office givv-n 1'rompt and Cu.roful 1'erconal Attention. Terms tliu most rea sonable and good work Kimnuitaud Address nil InijnlrleH to JAHES K. POLK, ( Member of the Bar of the U. 2407 P Street N. W. 5. Supreme Coust. ) Washington, D, C.