Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 10, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    I.AKI- "! i -i n .iiM K. L.U LYU.W . OULliO.N.
HM. JIM! l L'U
Tim! I V mill I
l ii n ;
When - You Weed Clothes
Gild Realize Your Need
We want you to come and let
us fit you out with a new Suit that
will be just to your liking. When
you are paying your good money
for articles of apparel, why not
buy where you are sure to get
what, you want, and what you pay
for. The price the Big Stores add
ior tlvAv namcj we eliminate from
the cost cf the merchandise to you.
Suits from '$7.50 up.
The above argument applies
to ail departments ami to
Itnllv th mii !
I'll" Vutl'lll Oinlt-.t 1 "I tin- tlnl-d
I i I nliir i mii.' l i ly nt llm )' l-is.oi
litiK show this week Is ru-iliim
considerable interest In tlii'
lltMIM l'f k'lU'lk' til prims 'he Vote
stand: Sadie IliTVt'M l Mii. Curia
Funk, "I; llerltui Milker ix
Velum M tlli lll.'i. Vain llunhiim -I'.',
Lena MoSlwine, lili',
V.!i't your I'lumhitH' mi I Tin Work
; done nt I t.'rii ri m We d.i U i-Ht rbiss
work mill uuiirxnl ok nut l-fiuM Inn. I '-I
I V, 1.. CUpp, I ii i ii U I ii lT r-i.:nlnr
I rutin with hi ant i tu and from l
I turns. He leaves Atluras Tues.hivs, '
I Thiirsduvs mi l Saturday, at it n in.
jlllld arrive lit LllkvtlW Hi I ! 111., ,
lonvvilnc tin' t'ti nules lii 4 hours,
sloppim: Ki minutes Ht D.-ivIm t'r.iek
I mill Pino t'rt'rk. lit lenvcs l.nke
view on altermtt" ilitvH, iniik name
I I inn.
'I'lii Kdisnu 'li.miwin li mi l I min-iili-
record nt Tln'i ninn's. 1 'i 1 s:',
M'ui n;.i. in it.
.1 V. MlXWl'll A Son ll'ivn lii-ur.l
a 1- 1 1 r r 1 1 n i on of I !i e I' ;ir I n i I
Mlbst'tll ers HI ,nr:it I'OIM, II.; M-ii'i',
'111 1 1 1 II llii! IIS 111 th- 'l i.i'l I I i I I II n
luitlinn mint I ii lli l .Li-, fi-ljhl
u; I I'n-.-i .:iT st-.i-n-r on ti i'--e
I. Ilk-.
La Mode
The now Piliken Combo, Carettes and
Bandoaus--tho very tatost fancies ior he
Drape veils, Chiffon Squares, etc.
New Dutch OoZars
the reason's novelties
Ooffar Supporters
in P.?':r!, Uotto, and Celluloid
Mrs. NEfLON,
OuLfrti i
I ll' -1 1 I . I f I T I (.MM'
I -t i 1 1 1 1 i; i rivra i.
i Vint Ii Sun l.iv in
il it n't ion ni Mr.
a ti l I mi. I in
:il Mm M i .
i n i ue i -.ti 1 i 1 1 i
ti. M. M. II ill.
J O vC '
5 . ,
C r-iZi 0' -C. Ci fOi CX Oi
County News
i s i I t' A ;i i I1 I Iimii'i1 i I I'n rr f i' I I l 1 1 ii
1 1 j-. .Mi ill I ni'll. il i- Ii?iiiIi' !. in
to is.cii l lou uny i n mi t li'ii I ir, Mnl . II
'IT'' Hl'l'or.lo I till" K.l'lll. tl'i'll' i I 1.1,
I . t a i' ran n ot r-l i'i I i f i 'in
Li J
Ev2rv Line of Merchandise, a
we handl;
in.' t'l- .l;u....y Si-1.
I n i . A I ! Il ' I 1 Alio,
H Iliitarv ;i pn iiiit'n
lil.'.li '-t m irk"' mi
' .i -h. fji .ii 1 . i .
! r i .' I i 'n.
Tl." in. r-'i - i 1
tt'iniivli It.- 1. iLii'li-"
I 'I I-.'. I I 'll-' ll!.-t I' I
A I'.tr. I Ih' 1.1'I'H tl ll'A
ii . II. 1 I.I' --il il V
!'. M . i- II.- t:il-i"l ti.
.1 Ci.l.'f
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III t I i 1 1
' i til f.
tu i
ti Ii
i I
Mi-. IIh It- I I if
i- I I hi I 'I I II -I V .if II
tli .1 I I . I III If .ll.
I ' t If I I:.' I'll .1
I :,.,',, II- .Will' .11".
-1 ii i. 1 1 r. 4 ' '. i ; i :i
I--I! 'l
I ; ' J ' . 1 f 1 1 1 ; i .
lli tU" ll I'-l-lll
lll-t . 'll
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I ii -1 :i
i I ti .t "I'.'.'i'
!!.! --Imt v
I -III' !l 1 '1 L' '"
i t I n.' I. ! '
ft. ' " ' !
i ll
1 n ( I I !' ll,n- Ii in. -n.i lm-,1
i inn i-v iiuii t .I 1 1 t in- mi it i ii-
i-i iiii't-r v l.iiiiyiui lii.nik: 1 , i.i
uriiv-H I li-i ! bl ii'itil k -i. M r. linll mnl
hiive t Imtii I f t in o' l-r
'ii'-i-! I'iiiit! I'm -r ' of all ki'i.H,
i:oiu Hitlt:, I' A 11 lli.ll lltii.'. Hi aii'ii
in.' I -It mi l Uniilliik'. I'lii'-- ri.lit
lit lii riniiil'-. !'' I
Cl'i'l V1iiip
K-i'it il imi
i 'lii' t l i I
iJ.I-t s. ,..
S'm I- I
ll i' i i ii i ir
, t tl - L i,.
M, .i i. Ill- l,ll
II-i'l'll! lull
' il I A i i 1 r K-; -i
,i tl- .1ii
I I. I . I 1 1 ' I i i I
ll - II I I i K
I ' -ill .'! M H'll 1 llf
I-'. I 'll "I I II
Tl.t' .Ii'iiliiu- u ir
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ill- t 1 "i ' i, i r-'n h imi) I
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" ill- I I . ,'-! I l I'll II I '. ll - I
- v-l V I I '-I In 1 1-1 I . . till
1 i i i i .1 i ; n i 1 1 1 hi ...
l l.' I 'll .1 . I III ' II, 'A Jill lil It
I I.I I K tl I ': ,. I, . , i,r- I l, 11
II 'I' i I ' - I I I ! if l.l'" III It
I- '-'IV "'lit II .
.1 I . 1,
i II
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ii'i'i mill-
i :. . I In.
Ih.'i" .
' i . 1 1 1 ' V
1 1 1 1 1 1 l
nil I. n
III. .)l
l.l Ml.lln
n - I,
mm y 1 1
l if
Si li li"
s iii.iii-t.-
1.. W. l
!l I H'l I'll' llluil-ll ft II " ,
: ll '
: I
t .
S 1 1 ll ill ill hi
III l-r t Iik I rnu-l :l
I, III' II H ll'llll .1,11,
IIH 'I "J'l I'- III 1.
r 6 i-l lnl ntti'llll'ill to
Clili'tt "hliti.
Wo i'hII yo.
niir linn iif
ut i;. a mv
Kiir.tipr WHi-tH, tin lii-rt
in any rity. Mitc C'n.
.ul'J I'.lll ill W llrtf".
-.i-r t-r .-'.' ii i'.st-r
r Ki'd'l-m ir- I
i r lit m ri I'M i B
Til- ' ''H-RSi-I M-iv
M mirk' t f .r
c u.-i i li f-r uy
,--ii uni-lif.
: llii; of Mil-.-
Mr ri-,'! Mr.-. (J. W Spinier. Mr.
sun lurs. Jt'l.ii '1 FitznerHlii m; i Mr?
Jirl-ett Sp-i i-p l-'t yer!teif!nv m-jrn-h-ii
tor i 'rrt . Fks-i. tli XI- reaiants
-f f t hi'" -r,. i.vriia M. i'lkn n fii-r'-they
will i--t- -re-I. Tl;y will to
ly tea.n In ..-l !---. i h-r? tl;-r will
!i? joine-l Ijv Mrs. Dnra Collfa, a
nbiijiLlcr cl tl.t- d'-ceh-i.
Don't foitjpt 1 1, e llaehali TourLH
nieut at lkevi-.-'.v the week of tbe
Many loa'la of wool ure arriviiii!
flaily lor ea.-t-iu s ti i tjti out. Muir.'j
l it, if not ali i.ill Ije ronte.l vin
Klamath Falls.
Tb Baok of II-viha i.- no.-.- Jo
rated i:i its i-p 1 n rl 1 1 n-w ''inarter-,
."jil Car-hifTi Milier ami Juiiii-nti nri
ai fuourj m two toy? with n-'.v red
tor'pe.i Loots.
V ii. J 3 111- will i-oon ri it iu i
fTfii.-n f-nrlora in tun rt-Mr c: '!.'.-. von-tc-ctioufcry
L. F. Conn a.'; i family ami tint
rick and lu.-i u.otlmr, M r. Tj1',i..
v.-nt ou a fi-hiiiL' trip wt I .tu auo. :
V'-tire i'lclitiL-i tu Ix-il-vu tu-y m-t
with little siici't-rn. as we ii-ard s ni--.hiiiK'
aliont huh wi:id' the'
hrooks muddy, and of cour-,e ti-1.
will Dot bite when the water l n.u ;
ii y not for the Let fichtruiau i
; Petnr Si'huttler farm waifon-i j i-t
arried. J. ti. Auteu A: Co.
H. D. Bern is has estahlish-d a 1 . ii
; r yard on the vacant lot ti. rth i !
jThe K'.xaiuiner oltice and wii. h.ui i:.-
Fandano lumber.
I The town clock has not hi -v ru :
I inii for the past week or ho an 1 !'. !'
If iiintber Bars he wants it di-'in ' y
ii nueretood that it in not hin t i 1
The Southern Oregon 'I. :'h i i -i
a.-scmbly will hold its l"th jiiii : u
s-s-ion at AahlaDd, July 7th r. !Tt-j
Many interesting feature- i :
printed information thoi-e it;t-t-..t-i
should address (J. F. 1 i i J 1 i 1 1 ' , l't--i
dentS. O. C. A., Ashland Divrf n
The litue-kiln of Uahn A ' K-ll-y i
uow pet a fire, and it is expert"-) tt -t
the lii-t ki-n will be rency t u 1 1
market the latter part of nef 'w k
I'hey will have Mbout K.K I is'ei-,
which will le available for tLe u- o:
; sheep men and builders. Tri- u.-iir.y
! is first-class.
l Joe Waruer.rjf Altrua.. wa- iti'-.i1- i
Saturday at Klamath Fa IN, t : 'i -t-t
i ii lory crime, and taken l.acl: t ' !
turas for trial.
The bate ball Leys went iowu I
Altorbs f-Liiday. Sonie -ay ti.-y ii !
and Home my they didn't, i-j tiff !
Anyhow they probably't I r
the Kxatniuer utideretundd th t -vi-ii.
ibitu is lovely and that the Alt urn-
tea :n and their titt, are coinliu' ui
l.ere tj atteu I the bare Lad touriui
ujeut iluritik: the lilorioiii Fourth,
loaded !'.r bear and then Home! They
.tie a lot of cei'tleuiuniy fellown. uny
" ay, hti I if they net aay with tl:e
All.ktn'ln Wire Nettt.-ii; mid
mental Fence and lintex at
F.-t-r St buttler wa'..ns.
ftii k'-ye mow ers.
l'-eri-ss hay rnke.
jl iy lair and Hay bIill's.
1J i ; I i"ri, all kinds.
V. it- cabie ami maiiilu rope.
M'-ii:.ted k'find btones.
I iriii 1 .-toe tixtures.
. VlLm and n.aths.
'.' wia.-i and pipe.
1 rire well I o uts.
V. it.ii Ml! in
Si-teen doors, all -i.e.-t.
A ijiLitabie rfieeii windows.
).uii,iiu pa er, red and blue,
i', lli i tiinterifil.
i.-ii.i roni inutitifc'. ' coht of nhinii
Kuarmit-ed H' years.
Cirlti-f lis.
Ti.niitiL' and plumbum repair work.
N-.v linn of enamel sinks.
V.'.-L niurbiii'-s sold ou trifcl.
Lnw n un. wrs i ami up.
'jiird-u huoe ?-'i and up.
Severn I nTfOiiM were u iHCUHMim the
future lui-ii I '1 1 1 1 1 i'S of this b-luu ii
k'l-nt t.'rain prudtii'l'ij eountry. in ti e
to I - hud olll-e of the hotel. few even Itii't
Miiri', wht'ii Krmik I'owerDof Chllil
. in itH Lake, iiiude the Htnteiiieut llnil
he wax one of the early H-tlli'iH In the
! I'.iIoimm ooimtrv, w hi re Moll and
I'linuite were l'l-ii t u-al with tlm ! n
h'ie, and it wim thought bv iniiiiv
' p-r.-ous trnin and fruits would be n
'tuilure, but the remit han been t li-rev-ti-H,
an can Ih' verified by the
olllii'al crop reportn, I'iiIuiihh produi'-s
i mure friii n purport liniull y thati any
i country In the United St a tea. Thm'
wliu liei'ouiH ill n'lill I in.'-I and left
..I. 'A
'. :. ii i
1 1 -1 ii 1 i -
ri.H i i
I d-d. ri'-u
i a fain i-l
i.. Aii. l
Ills Inlln
li.ffud, but
buys W ll put
1 1 me t h-y tu
( lll-H.
iii'itiin. fur ihr--
I r i k 1 1 u fi'ir!' wiim t hi.
i .1 l.'n v I 'i --nt. iti, hu l-ll
Lm III du V III i"ll It'll Ol l
I it t: if It .ill i. n ,. I
t a i .1 i ii and I ,i , n i n m
I ', .,, , , iur ii n". I a 'id n u
II u I liii a v Winm In1
t ,ni a n-'ii en a u- Inct i
I I'll' ill l l- l.-l -L' f id
Mil' 1 1 - M I i ,fi, mi J'ti-sdiiV
vli'i aiid Frniili MeMronui.
mm I ml ly kw dleii w ben
he is hlri-hf now. The
bell mi II n t he next
hl'ii I hi te In the bi-k
iew nt- vicinity by married man 'JH
y-.itr. ol I Fxperienced in Kenerul
ii -if t,.ind i-e, also in Vi!4 and poultry
! in ii"sn. Uefereiices Address M.
W. I'teucli, l.a I'rairin, HI.
I'oi; S.MJ-;-TWt) COl'NTKKS AM)
luur show cases, 0'uiiiri of A. L.
I'iiurntiiii, I'i-iilvIhI, Ijiik-viefc.
and Desert Claims
We have surveyed out,''j2rJT-severa'
Sage brush land, uaT."d 50il " there h thl"
This land can be irrigated at moderate cost.
i oi
lier I
lliihn A Kellev are no'.v fr- iiriiu'
for t heir. tirst, kiln of brick. Tim
de.- irinn bi li-k will do well to place 1 ir -mediate
orderi, ho that the gentle
men may - better able to -.-tlimii-
' the nuinbiT that will be retiulred.
i They yuui Hiitee the ipiulity to be
: tlr.-t-clM-H.
.Mr. II. T Stripin last week pur
i hare l a time span of h'Tses Ironi S.
j I', ('iilvin. of Crooked Cre-k. The
rricr paid was ?:iui. ;
Frank llutchitm is travelinir on
crutches this week a the r-sult nl
a horse steppiui; on Ins -out.
Uny Hutlet has rnuvt'd the Mine
( loose dow ii on t h-t M null ton pi nperty.
i Uov will use this as a rcfidence here '
j Fritz Williams, of the Font-Wee.
i as most have liiiiluubledly ti-ar I,
I is taKiiiK lessons ou the bl ba.-e
i iiorn.
I I'renkel and I'aiue Iuive suld Alice ;
i S. Vou ni;, tsvo lots ou Lake .tre in i
I Iirenkfci'H Mist addition to Lakeview, j
I this week j
S..I. ri. I ,t I I I,m, n w ,.f II... "II !
ranch rami) in to town 'Jhur.-ilav (of improved land on East
'v' i shore of Goose Lake. This
The Maui, in, t li l.ivery Stable is ha
1 itttr u fiobl . .f Iur fir,,.!..,,! t,. il f
... ,(., (, ','(1, i.y aic '.fc'tf ,
,,, ., ... , iaiiaiia orortnaru lias an
Jne Decree of Honor enjoyed re - . . . .
' freshmenls in the way of ice cream ' aniuiilant supply oi wat
; and cake Thursday even inii. jer $27.50 per UCTe
Country bacon and lard at li. A M's j McCIeary ShauerS
I M . lucker of haernuiento. is in
jtcjwo. awailiiiK the meltini i f the j New Pine Creek. Ore.
: snow, so that he can l euin the " -- -
tlou of H lo ,-tauip mill ou 111- l-'t l!i 1
well ( 'uii 5i,i!'at-d mine in tbe Huan
! district
Lukevjew will ce lebrate tbe Fourth.
There will be baseball, racing, dmic
inu, theiilre and lots of tun tor a
whole week at the iiaseball Tom na
me ut.
The I , ii !ii l net ii , pint rff-ivel t lie
Mav ii 1 1 1 . i M-i- id t Suite ('nlwridtv
Mullet in rthlt'h miii-ii'ic"i the tiulvi r
-!t mi in m ' l si liuol to be hel l from
.lone -J tu Ailu'il-t li. Tim iiniioiiuce
n -nl w I . i t r ' ii i t to the teachers of
lie.' hi in that the summer ncisoui Is
fuiidii-t-i! i ract l.'ally free of duiii:
i, i their llltere-t at n time win. n it Ik
p, t,ir t hnin to attend. In the
p:i -I the pull of I huse ill tend iliu
Line been leaf hers. The l'niverlty
l.lieveH it en. e.vteud Its niiviilitiiu-s
ol lllirarv, lal in nt t , e.pilun-lit mid
leaching force ill no hcMcr way thiiu
tlirniiKli the mii in fin-r hcIiouI The
,,U..,,. I f,.- II... I i...,
the irreiiter number of subjects re
iplired in the state exitui iuiit Ions.
me near you write your terms. Mux
1ST. l'ortland, Ore.
land will pnduce grain,
The Snider
Opera House
The Margaret llest'n. will be here
tlie'JS lust, atnl remain durinir the
I tli week. This I'umpany was hre
two years nu mid played to crowded
hoiines every nitfht. Visitors the Hh
may be assurnl ofunod enterlniumiit
from t his company.
Green Garden
When you wt t'
the I it--il d'arden
M id k'uiid, fl-iiii hi
be made at home.
IjiikevleA coiiie to
House. Von will
In, mil ymi will
Thi I !r-c n t iarden
in s modern Iiihimi mid Die'' will
tr-al you riuht. Opposite t lm M. K.
A carload of doors aud vindowa
received at IS &. M's.
r VT rv,rM1l For this this is about your
This Opportunity! tZ''R
The Location of Government Land a Specialty.
about your last
chance to secure a homestead, r-4
l We are the only firm in Lakeview
f 1 A- I
fly "jffii
iAHMi n-5rt-i regarding these Government Lands promptly
lniOriTlclLIUIl supplied. Call at our office and see photos of
Warner valley. We also have homestead reinquishments and school
land assignments for sale, ess" Scandinavian and German Spoken.
For Particulars4 apply to
The following is the list of promi
nent an ivals at Ho'el Lakeview the
past week: T. K. Ilaunon, Ander
son, Calif.;.). Sharp, Klamath Falls;
Fred 1'etersou, Aunty, Or-Kon ; it. K
Keater, Salem. Iowa; ('has. Lambert.
Konan?a; O. C. Oray, Kvauaville,
Wis. ; II. J. Wards. F;H. L. Mc
Donald, llui us; M. O. Hartlerode,
Davis Creek; It. F. linker. Skull
Sprites; D Houret.y, Dento; L. A,
Carriker, Westside; C. H. Little, V.
D. Joiner, K. F. ; IS C. Swaituart; V.
W. K. JeuniiiKi, Valley I'alls; L.
Kelsay, l'ais'ley ; J. F. Killolt, Flush;
(J. 1. Fauer. Soattlj; Lnu l'anltnan,
IteddiiiK, Calif. ;W. A. Lieth, Fort
land. Arrivals at thefireeu tiarden Douse
durintt the pust week: J. L. Camp-
I bell. Lot) Angeles; M. Tucker. H. F. ;
T. W. Small. Los Aneles; S. W
ISarry, Kuinuier Lake; Loyd Morris,
Camas; Walter Hale, New Votk; Will
Niuholl, Warner Lake; L. L. Hop
kins, China; KlohardJiail, Ormel, Fa.
Bunch Tussey
r; Tift 1 JL -
Alturas, California
liuy Lots In Watson ' Addition
ISefore you buy lota any where in
tbia vicinity see those iu Watsosn'
addition. Clone to l;usiuess center,
of lakeview. ISIS tf.
Children Cry
HjOranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap-S
x& rloc nlcr nil Irirtrlc rf Mtifc M
We carrrj' a fii line of Fresh Fruits, indludirtg
pies, also all kinds of Nuts.
Vegetables, SUch as
Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and
rresn r isn, uysters, lams, Crabs.W
tfilf your merchants do not handled
- M m . . m m 11
tms class ot goods, get them busy. Rj
oooas aeiiverea in one aay vo Lakeview. X)