Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 10, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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J. W. Maiwll
A Moderate Priced Colonial.
Style and Economy Combined Estimated
Duild, About 95.000.
'nnyrKht. I BOO. by Clmn L. aatan, Mlnnatpolla, Minn,
Of Property for Sale
v. w. Mnw n
I f . -- "f . '" 1 ' ' I
Cost to ! 82 ''' V :' :i. i " I
40 He run, ISM I ona mil from Lhh.
flew, could bit auocraafnlly Irrigated
UN h poultry farm, out and one hit If
atory hmiHii 24x30 comparaf Ively new,
4 rooma nn ground floor, 2 on upper
floor, Imrii 1H it. oiitN, )Hn'il, guml
well, etc. No. fit- 23
liMI acres Ht 110 ir hi re, hhkii t ir ii h ti
land. Ill mill' from I.nketlew, Miitnly
loitin mill, unimproved No. fid fi2
(im i rr, n t!ealrali'e atncU
rmirli Mini miiimII farm, about one IIIIIi
of Huh In In r liinil, ri'inniiiilrr giain
Mtlll pllHlllte lit II tl , Kill It I 1 llOIIHII Hill
limn nlmili'il 2 miles front LiiKvvlew,
auiii'l crcik mill 1 1 r I w u I i 1 1 u ditch mi
tln In inti'oii Iml hh a way aide
Inn. No. Id l'J3
17'Kl iiitiim lit I'.''i per mm iiiih of
tlm Ih'hI iiikI most iIimIihIiIii fiirniH and
atnek tlilH'lil'H In IIiIn part of Dim
country, llntt thrifty orch.ird, tn
ulnry duelling 72 Id. ml. Ill Ion IHx'7.
milk limivt1, win mI Iiiiiihii. ') In r, amokc
Iioiinii, chicken hoime, hpriug water In
I'll h to Iioiihc, i ii rdi' ii Mini hutxii
Imrii Htixii;, ir Hell n I ( 1 e I in grain
Mini nlfiilfu, f u :: Ml inn of luiy, would
cut imm ton If seeded to alfalfa. It
In h hnrtiiiin, Im within 12 inlli'H 1
Lakuvlew. No. ia K
(I lotlO-210 Horn In Warner valley
nil fenced Mini croaa fenced In live
llelda paid up water light or 200 Inches
two atory dwelling 2l30 t) roonnt,
front proof cellar, urii) atory 12x11,
frame haru 20xij(l, wagon aud wood
houan I Ox 141, sheep shed tiftx I IT.), orch
ard hearing, ('' trees, Umea of nil
k IihIh Improvements cunt over JHtOO.
Stock if untiled lit niHrki't irle This
In hii up to date much. No. 20243
2.(2 acres Ht UTi.&O per aero, aitnat
ill Nevada, fit) mllea aootheaat of Lake
ikw, hikI H iiiilim cHht of ('hIHoi mil
linn, it In hII In oiih lioily and h targe
portion of it skirts t he lakeshni e. thin
la desirable for wny kind of ttock
rit'icli, with the meadow land il em
lirin'i'H nnd the extenlavo open range'
adjoining. No. I '.HI I I'J
liiU acrea highly productive laud,
good house, large darn, granaries,
etc, until orchard, crek through
place. i"i ncr' In rnltivHtlou on of
tiii liftit y ltd Hiiic faruiH In (!ooh Luke
tiilli'V, 1 inlli'H from l.itki'Vifw lor
i). Ni'. .Mil HII
Hit Hrifh for l'(Xl, on aiorv rrHinf
four room lioMfi. lie burn, ni'Ttr
fui hni.' fti'i'itin, on pliK'H, ' Hcrtm
fi'ii.i'd, 1(1 full iVHtnil, nn Idi'iil clilcki'i)
riinil. or n:ii u 1 1 block f iirui uliout one
null from Htutfit r hi cl mid Hlxiut I'J
inlli'H fnnn Ntv lnn I'riH'k.
No. 4.11 -lu-J
lii Hcri'x !)XKi, unod fHrni Iioiihc mid
Imrii, on Klnk' roiid. n IiicIikh Irrltiit
lilt' Htcr, t'lifiiply iiinCe ri-Hwrvoir hiIp,
1 lit'iiriiiu fruit Iri't-H, 'Jxi voiiiik'T
(iiicn of t.'ood Hidi'cl Ion, -"id Hcrt'K plow
litnd, ri'nldiui piiHtui. No. 4'JI ;tH
L'llll IHTlK 7 llllll'M Hlllllll I if I'iiImIi y,
niiiiiII i n ek 1 1 1 r n k' I jilnci' IIiIm Ir ii
linrunlu nl ! iT iuti. Ni. til l"
"f'.'.'i piT iicri1 iNUl hiti'k nl' fenced
nml well Improved, 'J kooiI dwrllliiKH
eucli with coiuiiioilloiiH I hi i mm, out
hoUHi'H, crcliiirdM over linlf of It
liieH'Inw, the I iMiiiilinler in rolllni: and
hill litnd it indue or the very few
trni (h that could he ho evenly divided
Into two liiruiH Unit it would he dittl
cult to II i it k choice of them, him nil
the tree witter it reiiiireH. No. "Jti" l!
Hll ncteM lit l'J. .rHI per itcre level hiik
hrilHh I ii ii ' I on the ueHt wide ol (inline
I -ilk e, in tfniid ni'ihliorhnoil, no Im
proveuieiitH, Ti t a t'oud tuiiuniii.
No. :itj I'JJ
J. W. Maxwell S
T: Lakeview, Oregon
Lime and Brick
HAHN& KELLEY, l.akeview
n.if now inpnilnu Inlmrii imr llrst kiln of 75.00') P"Ihh1h
til I, line, a ml will In prcpiired hi two wrckH to till ordcrn.
Wi it re hIhii prepui lnu our llrnt
will ! ready in unhurt time, nnd
j Give. USA CALL-.
2 tT!jt'S'm!uPTZ
mwrr 1 1 o a r.Ai i
Klamath Hospital
Klamath Palls, Oregon
Phono 661; Corner 4th and l'ineSn ; ,i niick. from Conrt llouao.
lUmipletely equipped for trcnniig n ijilnil. iimlli-al arid inairrnlty faaca.
Operating room, entirely up to-daie, at dlnpoHal of any aurgyoii on
Hhort notice .fi Patients received at auy and all hours.
Emily A. Humphrey.
floney Loaned
The Jackson Loan & Trust Co.
Fort Worth, Texas, or
IIMI acre! Ht f 10 I r Hi-re, It imlna
from IjHknvliiw. this In tfond unliii'
pn viid auue liriiNli tiottom IhikI and
will coiiih under (inn or two of t Im
Initiation projecta conten p'Ht-d In
that vicinity. .In. X'l-b'i
'J.HU ncrea Ht tll.'i'i per ncni In VV'itr
li er VHlley, nil under fence. iood
hnliHM and 1mm h ii I out Iiouhiin mid
Hinall nrcliin il, neer tiillliitf creek
throiiuh pIhcii. 'l ei in h t 'i'liitl, lialiiin e
I '1 mid II yeiiiM lit IS per cent.
Nn. JM( 1-77
f .'IMMI--'ll iicren It inlli'H from'
I'IuhIi. hIkmiI Hil iicii'i fenced, 'J' W In !
Kiiiln. 'Jil In tlinotliv mid clover, 1(1 in j
iillitlfn, re in it i 1 1 ' 1 1' r mixed hay land,
timothy, red top and lilue joint, la!
a reek luitfom, couifortalile Iioiimi'. 1
out Iiiiiihi'h, liiirn, corrali. 'J welln 12
It. d ep. A line opening lor a l.i yln
tier In the ntoctt Ininliiena. No. .'177-V
fill'.? l lii" acre level hiikh IiiiihIi
land in urowhiK net I lenient with iood
pr iHpectit of the ( u era men t K-cliiin-Htloii
.Service III the near fiituie ittiHlht
uu the Miltlirn lii their Initiation
Rcheiiie. No. Ill- 1U
.'1211 a.ireM nt M.'J-'i perHcru- uu Ideal
hlnck or dairy ranch on tributary of
( 'tiewaucnn river nliout twenty mile
from I.akeviflw, la tieurly till untHdow
with nood outlet for atock.
No. iih-;m
JIK) acre of ('hewaiiCHii Ixittom,
choice liuid for any uu 1 all purpOMPH, i
Ht f l.i per ucri. No. UIO.O
121) Hcrea at ti U) per acre within all
in 1 1 tM of Luketiew. L'li mini oved.
No. W M
Hid itcrcM, price f l.OKl. located on
hordor of Den.trt, hiiihII creek thruiiKh
place, l'Jd HCrea (food (arm land, 4U
air cm pHMlure. with extenrive outlet
for atock, 'Jl milea to nearent t iwii
Una I h flrnt clitti (ipeuiuu for a
youiiK man tn b ill I up la thn Mtock
hu ilueMK. No. (C!H.
Prlceit Hiiliject to cliHtiue. no notice
In addition to thn prece. Ilntf w
hare over '2l).(KI0 ucrea or litnd of
very milti an 1 (iinlity, iu trtcta of
one to twelve thoimand hcrea ranulnu
iu price from ( to (ILK) per Here, the
((UHlity of mill, local Ion and Improve
ment iletermln'iiK thu price. Tim
above unlnuccH IihuIh princlpHlly in
Luke county, h k'oodly portion of It
In vicinity of l.Hkeview with miiuk
few choice tructn ill Harney mid
Crook county in Oregon, aIh i Homn
choice tructn Iu Calfornia and Nevada
linrderiii( on the Oregon lino.
Kffidenco Iota Hi Lnkevif w well for
l'J.ri lo to) each. llilHiueea Iota from
WHI to f7(x) each.
(Irdinarl y the town lota are .Vlxl'jw
feet in thn liltfher priced lota there
la no uniformity In aie, the locution
and me determining the prion.
We have the town lota in Wathon'H
addition to the town of l.akeview the
Mem .-xt to the tdHlucHH portion of town,
it le ti Iota ill nil other ittldit ioua ltd joiu
liitr thu town we ulao liave a htrne
liat of improved and tin improved I
town properly of all klnda for Hale.
A fifteen yeitia residence In Luke
County einilili'H iia to nay, eppecinlly
to tin capital int. wi can uive you
iioiutern iu npcculative propoHit ioua i
III V it I Kin H lliii'H ol liUHluea.H iih well hh
realty that we know you will ttludly
invt'ht iu'itte alter you learn w hat we
have to I'll 1 int your ittteution.
Any thiuu iu the preceding ttiitt
may inteteht yon, write tin for more
part iculitr description
Dept. A. Lakeview, Oregon
kiln of 1 rot(i(V I
irniirn ni.i'd i.ct
rick, which
. I intllty.
Yimi i - r ti
" "ri" '"K,,,,,,w
Jackson, Mississippi.
, .. -
m S
ri:usri:(.Ti vi: vikw-kuu.m
n tt-oxu-fl n lOaxua L. CHAMratPi 11
KIltST Kl.tioll I'l.AN.
The eight room colonhtl house ahovtn In the photograph In a wise Invent
j incut for n borne owner. The nrchlter-t'H est I inn te for a structure 2) feet wld?
I by II feet deep la alwut f.Odfi, Including a baaement under the entire house.
birth floors Inalde. with trim In WaahliiRton fir and pine. I'luniblng and beat
ing- extra.
Origin of the Name
Great Inland
How the term, "InUnd Kmnire"
, originated hits lnn ticen a
ipii'Mtlun in Oregon, Idaho mil Wash
! iiik'ton. The t itle. which cinlirH'e a
tri-btate territory was created by Dr.
Oeorge Atkineon of Portland.
In IMS, )r. Atkinaou, who wan thu
tlrbt hime misHitinary of the C'oiik're
Kiition;il chinch in Oreton. itrrived
iu Oregon citv. from the. uuianiiit(
he took a lively intercHt iu the mater
ial hh well hh the (pmttiiil ami efln
CHtloiiHl development of the Ol'ek'ou
country. Alter fully iicciuitintiii;
hiiDHclt with the rcHourct'H of i'.HHtorn
Oregon, WaahiuKton and parts of
IiIhIio he tniK'KeHtetl the name "Inland
Dr. Atkinenn whs ruined on a farm.
Uu under, too I t he pntcticHl aide of
agriculture. Aa early hh lKf7 he inude
a trip to WhIIm Wnlln and the cou
titfiiourt t'ouutry, Hecurlni! HitmplcH of
hoiIh from tiie hllla. Iu the early
KixtieH he whh in the Hit; Hen 1
country, iu the vicinity of the prea
cut hite of the c'ty of t'oltax and
teemed HitmidcH of aoil.i there. He
did the Bit me thing iu replied to the
iiiimreoua portioiiH of VVhhco county,
and hIhm acrona tne rivur Klickitat
county WhhIi i ti '1 n .
JJ II e theu aecured baniplea of aoila
trnm different port ioua of Kiirope, iu
local men ivhere wlmat growing was
the most BiiceesHiul, aud compared
the anlysla of those aoila with those
at home aud In this way became firm-
ly convinced that it turn only a uues
tlou of tune wheu the territory uucler
couaideratiou (woul(! become a great
wheat grow ing region aud tuat stock
raising, to which it was almost solely
devotfd, would have to tie carried ou
iu very reduced limit.
Furthermore, he stoutly nialn'aiued
that whereever bunch grass would
grow tne proper cultivation of tbe
soil would iu a large measure, assist
Iu seorulng ueceasary moisture. Dr.
Atkison, after studying this region
.1 l - A 1 a A. A . II.
luoroiigiuy, men rererreu 10 n, bb - a
great land empire." aud it has
called the "Inland Empire" ever i
Tbe Dallea baa been called the gate
way "to the Julaud Empire" because
this was, for yeais, Ibe head of navi
gation and will be until the govern
men1 canal at Cello is completed.
Thomas It. Merry, an old time
journalist of the Pacific cost, began
the publication Iu 1878 of a paper In
Tbe Dallea which be called the "In
land Empire." Since that lime 'he
tianie "Inland Empire" has grown
familiar.-Oregon Journal.
Maudle I'm never happy unless 1
have a man at my feet.
Nellie Tb 'u you should marry a
1 chiropodist, dear. Illustrated Hi-
1 ( -i -
:3kC : ! 1 " i r ' :
'-.-. "fwjtuj. . ' I a fl i 'i - -i t - ;t i I
- :H': lit:
a nun h;aiii
GLENN L. SAXTON, Architect.
j 11)09-53741 A. M.
I Department of the Interioi, General
I I .....I tm..n 11'osl.lx.ln. it c v ..
. r.Hiii.
Notice la hereby giren that the
Secretury of the Interior Iihb vaca' ed
departmental order of withdrawal in
no fat aa the i-ame aftecta the with
drawal for irritration purprsea under
the act of June 17, 1!Xj'J ('.J'J Stat.,
for ute in connection with the
Pitt Hiver Project. Or. -.'!.. of the
tollowing dencritie I lund9 in the State
1 of Oregon, and by bis antho-ity sue
ot aaia tracts aa have nut been beret
tufore finally restored aud are no
otherwise withdrawn, reserved or
appropriated, w ill be subject to settle
ment under tbe public IhikI laws of
t lie Uuited Sates on aud after August
Hi, 1909. but shall not be subject to
eutry, tiling or selection until Sep
tember 15, 1909, at the United States
lajd office at Lakeview Oregon, wuru
iug beiug expressly given tbat no
person will bo permitted to gaiu or
"xercit.8 any tight whatever under
any ttettemcut or occupation begun
alter May 10, 1909, aud prior to Aug
ust 10, 1909, all such settlement or
occupation beiug forbidden :
Wiillamette Principal Meridian.
T. 40 S., K. 19 E., all Sees. 1, 2, 11,
lots 1 to 12 incl., W half NW quarter
N E quarter N E quarter, SW quarter
NE quarter, NE quarter SW quarter
and hV quarter SW quarter Sec. 12,
NW quarter NW quarter, and lota 1
aud 2 Sec. 13, lots 1 to 13 incl.'. SE
qitai ter NE quartt r, N E quarter SW
quaiter anil N half NW quarter Sec.
14. all Sees,. 15 aud 21 -ots 1 to 12
iuel.. NW quarter NE quarter. NW
quaiter NW quarter and E half SW
quarter Sec. lots 1 to 8 incl., W
halt SW quarter Sec. 27, all Sec. 28,
lota 1 to 14 aud W half NW quarter
Sec. 33 aud lot 1 Sec. 34.
T il s R I'l W. I. .f a i . n unH
' 4 or yet,i 4 all See & Iota I to 13
j,.i.M Nv quarter and NW quarter
, y - quarter Se . 8, nil Seen, ti and 7,
iallbeca 18 and 19, lota 1 to 4 incl.
Huj yv t.alf SW uuarttr Seo. 17 lots 1
to 0., SE quarter NW quarter aud
half NW quarter Sen. HO.
T. 40 S., K 2") E , all Sees i. 5
aud 0, lota 1 to 5 iuil. isoo. 7. lots 1
to 4 incl. and N half N'E quarter Sec.
8, iota 1 to 4 Incl. NE quarter and
N IihU NW quarter Sec. 9. lots 1 to 11
incl., W halt NE quarter. SE quarter
NW quarter, W half NW quarter, N
half SW quarter, SW quarter SE
quarter SeO. 10. All I: ts 1 tn 8 incl
, c K . Ky.
qusr er, fc, Hair hf.
quaiter, SW quarter Kb quarter, Sec.
15. lota 1 to 8 incl., SE quaiter SE
i quarter Sec. Hi, iois 1 and 2 Sec. 21, t
lota 1 to 6 Incl., NE ,i. inter, N half
NW quarter aud N I quarter SE
quarter Sec. 22. all Sec. 21. lota 1 to
8 incl . E balf and E Im); NWqiiHrter
Sto 2d. lota 1 ami 2 Sec. 27. Iota I to
6 iucl.. E balf NE .Pnrter andNE
I quarter SE quartt r S o :ili nil Sec.
T. 41 8., R. 20 E. all -c. 1, lots 1
: and 2 Sec. 2. lot I Sm i I. all 8. os. 12
and l'l. lota 1. 2, M n d 1 Stc. Ii, lof
I 1, 2. 3.4. and 6, r-Eqmn lci NE qnar
. toi i.i d NEanan-' . ti mtt I ,;oc.
23 hII reo 24.
tbe Oe.ii l I niH
VH N ' P I K ' ! '
Seen i I '
' in ntu-aioner of
I ir-.t Anebdan
, jU'al'
"iMfiajk, - nmmm I aVar- kv m v m ll I
; I I I t J s n I
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor
Contest Notice
DepartireDt of tbe Interior. United
States Land (Juice, Lakeview. Oregon,
i May 27. 1009.
A Biitficient contest atJJdavii navmg :
been tiled iu tbia olilce by M. B
K1CE, coutetaut agaiuat Homeatead
entry No. 4(J 5o, (Serial No. 01G08. )
made May 13. 1908. for N half SSW
quarter, SE quf.rter SV quarter, SW
quarter SE quarter, Section 28,
Township 3S. KaDge 19 E. by Kudolf
Knnbbi Contebtee, in which it is
alleged that feii Kudolf Kuubbi hnn
never aiuce the date of eald t-utry ve
tabliebed a residence on eaid laud :
that Raid entry man had wholly and
totally abandoned said en'ry fot
more than sis mouths last past, to
wit; From th 13th day of May, 1908
to tbe piesent tia.e, that sail entry
man has wholly and totally failed to
cultivateor in atiy mauner impro e tbe
lard embraced iu said entry, and has
performed no work of any kind
tbeieon, and that said alleged
I absence from the said lauc u at not
j due to Ma employment in the Army
or Navy, or itarine Corps of tbe
I United States as a private soldier,
1 officer, aeamau. or marine, during
,tbe war with Spain, or during any
I other war in
which the U S. may tie
engaged, said parties are beieby noti-.
tied to appear , respoua and o!re'-
evidence touching said alleuation at
10 o'clock a in. on July 9. 1909. be- ,
1 fore the Register and Receiver at the
I United States Land Offic in Lake
I view, Ore.
i Tbe said contestant haviue, in a
proper affidavit, filed May 2-i. 1909.
I set forth facts which show that after
j due diligence personal service of this
I notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordered aud directed that such notic"
be given oy due and proper publica
tion. J35W Fred P. Crouemiller, Receiver.
A REWARD of fifty dollaie is ber
by offered for information that will
lead to the arrest and conviction of
uuy peisou who lias stoleu wires or
other property, from our Company;
and the same reward is hereby offered
for information that will lead to the
arrest and conviction of aiiyoue des
troying the property of the Company.
Chna. Umbacb,
Secretary Lake Co. Tel. & 'L. Co.
"Where did you etea" that mat i
fromY" demanded the policeman as
tie siezed tbe tramp. j
" Didn't ateal it," said the tramp, i
"A lady up the street gave it to me
and told mc tu beat it." Judge.
All aizee doors and windows at
Lakoview Mercantile Co.
SI, 250 Reward.
fbe Harna ooun
Live HiuiX Auoula 1
ion. ol wirfth I am
S inrlliln'r, pity.JTM
re ward fore vidence
k'liiiK lo (he von
vlctlnu of partiui
traliiiK tuck lie
i -
hem. In addition I
nftiT fnOO reward
Horx' tirHiui Itoritt.-
nbiH' Imr on elihel
; or IhXU jwi. Ke-
oordud loHooantiea
HUKV. Harncv li-Kt slid I r. i i C'onutie
liorM'i vt'iuol w In it wild Hor' iiolJ to pax
Itirnuab Ihin Ht'e'ii' ' "III Ck- reeont'd in llili
I'ht. If not r (..irii'd, ;i, vrite or tele
I'hone Th iinialerald Main Hurus, Ore
fun. 'V W .Brown. Burin, Ora-
K;ward tor Horses
I will Klvt'$' ') riwir. ' r Inforni
ritlmi thin wi'i 'i"i'l ti i ; 'iifhover.v
ifHIl.V III I.ll.ill'd x l n Mil old
liorwHlHMtlirn t; . 1 f -a, placed
il H 111 till' Clit Vt thrn ;(. " -I i HCIlicnt,
vlth frnh tr' i -.. " riieHtb
tho ImrHiKdiKv Titc trl.m u pliicctl j
hi hiicIi n .him a ! :m n'tiiii ' '.iver uji
.k Imr I ii 'i l intiHi
tt. found In .M.M-i of Home
fill ! -i "
The best Vanquero
saddle on the market
Also a complete line of
wagon and buggy har
ne. whip, robea, bin,
ri.ites, rjr, q jlrts, r j
ties, n tu t everythinz In
the tin of cir.-lags aid
one i'-Ii-.ii n ;t. Ke
piirifi, by competent
' Not'c ,or pH"tioB
; Department of the Interior, U.S.
j Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
Api II 20. 1909.
Notice ii hereby given that HENRY
ANDERSON, of Blv. Oregon, whe
on November 2", 19U7, made Home
et?ad Kntry No. 3.S91 (Serial No.
01495 i for Lota 1. 2, E half NW quar
ter, Section 31. Township 35 S.,
Range 1-") E. Will. Merilian, has
tiled notice of iutentiuu to make
HuhI ('ominntati'in Hrc.of to establish
cl'.iui tn tne d .li ve He-crittcd,
liefore lietirtt r a'-.d lUc-l a Lit Re
view. tUtk'.i. uu tiie Oth (IrtV of .Icly.
C'laiurct nitnifs a it nf-fi : Art
Eavpus. Ciinit1 Lnri'iy. O 1'. Ander
son, tj. N. Auderson, all of Bly, ure-
MfJlO J N. Watson. Register.
There ia no need of anyone Buffer
ing long with this disease, for to
effect a quick cure it is only neces
sary to take a few doses of
Colic, Gholora and
srrhosa PaCm3ay
In far', in most cases one aose Is
suff.clent. It never fails and can be
relied upon in the most severe and
dangerous cases. It ia equally val
uable for chiicren and ia the means
of saving the lives of many children
each year.
In the world s history no medictne
has ever met with greater success.
PRICE 25c. L5CE SIZE 50c.
-v nf t ;-w firs x
l-irlt. l-ipfhor-Wfir Inrtppr- 7 I
and gives vic.v J--vr v flJ .
because cct cn -LJX
icrre pc.:..:rn.. tr " -v
costi no more ihon v-A V
i .1 i T r ' I
ine jui u yjtj'J iviiius vy.i
p u'i'h. ,
txorina lh . ' , ggl
ign oi in nn f trnm ' .
wolfrpfool 'WBItMW tIl0li FRte