I Lsike if l.AK KVIKW, LAKK COl'NTY, OKK(I0N, .IIJNK l. I!M)9. VOL. XXX I ! .1 IDENNETT IS IN j FAVOR OF FIXED PRICE ON THE TIMBER LAND Commissioner Believes That $5 an Acre Will Put end to Timber Land Problem I', r.j',.,.1 :ii nil. I u t .'!iiini'l v.n.i-l ! nl t 1 it it i's l -1 i . I I ! ur .f I In' l!ii' ifUIM' ' I which In- inl IIiIiiii. I). .. " Ii''"' '"' i,ll, I III:'-. Wlil'l" III ' 111' S. . D. ii. urii i it u I. .i t, i 'i I Wall I elljlllllt-d tint . 1 1 1 1 1 I III I N II' A H HI I ( ll i 'llH'l' lill'l ITIll Willi Si'i-i i I hi V ill I IllllTI'T Hill lintiKt : t ' 1 Cuiomli'sloiier of ' In- (: mi I. ml (MIi.k I l.'ii ui'l I, mil wis , liitui ,ii'.l tlml It ill Hi" policy ' nf tlii'ir deoait inmt" in make ii rl,'i I III vnnl Iw'iil urn til ail (.ill. llit limit liulins ( c ini'i'i n nit' which IIhtk Is t in- slight- I'hls Mllii'ilil III lr:ill I, Mil l W lift" liver tin-re It r I li'lifti tn III I UMilii I f lut t tin' land laws liuvi' nut I'i'i'ii hilly i omul I.. I with, t- ut Ii entiles will I'H held lor vmi. lint inn tin t in nt lii'i hand, in cii-es where! It In idiowti t hut the flit I'J imtt Iihh mull' mi iiiiui'xl iillmt In comply Willi till- lllWH lill'l III lllTWlHH lll'l III lion I tinth hi III" iIkbiib to iti'iUliii u portion nf tin' public 'J 1 1 iii ii 1 1) . niii'li pliliOH"S Will I'HI'lVO ITdlUT ll'l'i'k'l' i I lllll), MIL I II Dill till" lHIII"l Willi II" I iltlll' tll'lltV Hllll Illlllliyillll'H MH ptlSfd I llln. ('(IIIlllllfHllllHT 1 !! IM't t IlKMincI ! I'lltiT Unit III deplillnii'llt lill'l Mllllllt tM i'.ii"! available for Ihia purpose. h liti li Im mil' n i'i'iitly I'i'i'ii granted by ('nil i;i 1'i.h. hii I tli.tt it large forcn tif h erial ngculi is beillg HI'llt llltll' .til the public Iiiii I etalm. particularly tin- 1'itilllc N'li tli i.l. with the object' lf 111 Vent Iglltlllg till' 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 ' 1 1 . i Oil t I' Hllbject III Ml.pllllnin'ht III 1 tlllib'T landau ii condition precedent; to nr iiirliiK tillli' under tin1 iii'l of JtiiiK.'l, IT". known coiiiinuiil v if lhe! lliuli-r mi I stone Ihw, I'uti'f says tin' ( 'i mi tn t -mi i tir ex iihhii hinuH j .limit n to lir inl i-itll li v of snch H proceeding, and lritltiiateilth.il It Im ii'i'Kiit iii tluu in UMkniL' tlin nnliiv llllt tllllljlir lull III nliulll l III' nil I nil t llH lltll-l of til"' ll'l'lill,"-llt. "II" til. (iri'V'-nt tlii'ir wholi'Mile hi n I -1 1 1 n liy HiU'CuUtor mkI wi'iillliy i-j n i h-hIim. Dt'iiiiutt Inrl hum noiv to tint oilinin ' tlmt It wniilil In' -Mill-nil ! to ' t II llxi'ili iricH hi it ii mi'M' fur tliii, iliHiiii-tir in' linn', hii-1 rriinin- u ili'ponlt uf ."i0 a nil mi i-yiili'iiri- v , KUOil t-lllll lit III" I Hill' of IDMKIIlk' I'lltl'V, IhlH IllllOIIIlt tO D !H It t'll'lllt on tin! imri'liiiiii jTlru. Iln tlunkri lllin V.lu.iil llHVH II li-lllll'lll'y tH HUir-SC frHUiliiii'iil o:i-i nt luiifi to H liiru'" ix-( ti-nt, Mbil imi'UHi' no (mi tii'iilnr liunl i h!iI) on liui. i-wt fill I Viiii-n. 1 LArOLETTE DEFIES ) ALDRICH CROWD I 1 Says That People De- j mand and They Will ! Have Reform WunliiiiKtoii, Jinn- II. I it I'iiIIi Hu'h I ut it ii 1 hi IiIh iiiii i k a lil n h nniM' Ii Iih vim yi-Hi'trility lor ilowuwiud rHvision of tlin tiirilf ims crtiHlHil h iirofouinl ImprHHHiun. Tim loHilord of tliu th'mici" oouiniittuo uf IIih Su ate uiunifoHt much ouuOHru uvor the lioiitliHliell wbiuh tlin Wituoimlu uihii tlwnw Into tlinlr oamp. "The people of tble uutiou ilomaad h "HiHHure of foreitfu coiupetitlou to take the place of th doineHtlo coni- lietitinu whloli ban lienii iloua away wltu t)V oo iibliiatloiiH anil roimplr- t'ie. Tbuy ilnii.iinil t li it an oue uioaus of ritlief trom the burileu of tbe ooHt of llvlun which oppreHBHB every family iu tblit liunl Htti preHeuta to each the real nruliltun of exiwtenue. " ThU deolaratlon, cioitiiloil with bin ImpruHHlve leudlutf of Taffa anre electiou Httoinent that the l)ln(lny ratua an a rule were too It in It, la bit-liui-eil by mauy here an throwing intu ooiifusioi) anil tbua uoiupletiuK the leiiioinllntiuii of party liueti. Thin utter (liiinontUittioii in dully din luiHHuil ino'B and more KerH(ly ami le-HliKiinmnt of parties la ppi-ciilated ovur liiiiriniHiiiKly. l'oiiit la iftven to the foroKointf by a report clroulateil that La l-'ollotte pnrpiiHtiH travelling a (Jnaotaiiqua cir cuit thia auuiuiur, reaillutt the uou KreHHlonal rooorda of aenators on the It-nut tjch.nlulua of the tarilt bill. a be did when be read the record of tbe votea on rail' oad ratea reuualtlou on a tour iu which be vlaited Orison and ull other cuaat atatea. "Mesdauies Wbortou aud Shatter, of New 1'ine Creek, wore lu towu Friday aud gave the Kxamluer a welcome call. Tbe ladle report that tbe late front did uo particular damage to fruit , exoept tu tbiu out some of the cherries, aprlooti and peaches. Tbe apple crop promiseJ now to be one of tbe largest grown In (.loose Luke valley. Uood I Convicted of Fencing Gov ernment Land Win. Iliilil' V.Uiit big Harm-) count? .lock iiimii, whi conVlcti-d of Illegally f IK-1 ii ur uovi-i nuu-nl liiii'l. Tli" pen- Ill' WMM IIK II llll" or Iwil V'iHH im prisonment. II'1 Ihh iii'!iiili"l l." euse In tin1 Supreme I'ontt. A iinl I. i'f mini iiiitiii'il Kdw.n I It Hill . who al-ei enclos-d fll.inm uric In tlnil county i ,in nlmi nu bled in it f I in J III T I i- lilt I fit. LAKE C !11 i I U Ll uritnni fi VI HIIIII 1 UUflUUM Board of Trade Makes a Move Toward That End ' ft). h I i il lim I lull hi-l-lllH til III' nun tin.' on tuniifil HiitHliictor.v con cl-iMori I'll" niHlti-r iw I liurouulilv iIiciiikmi") ul llu' liuiiil ul trail hoi I tin.' I'tl'lny t'Vi-nl'itt. 'J'li.i i'u'1 ii of upliil ul l'i lii-iih.nl Ui mi il.ii u.'iit-r i-li u 'i"il'l i " i" pi-ti I imi tint ( 'uun' v 1 1 .it rt lur I In con .Irui'tiuii ul I'M- dull m li i 1- fur tlin cuiinty, fin Ii to In- nlll'.i- in nil par t linliir:i, mi I nn i' to t' loii'ti-l in flu nuitli of tin' ci.utitv. mi l tin- oltii't- In t hi ft ll I'll I Tliu pi in Iuih tin- Hp pruvitl ol Sopt .luckaoii. who hnyn tlmt In Inn olliolnl I lip tliruiili tin' county tb phhI tmnilli bn linn ouinl ml ni Id ni opinion ri-w"iidiiik' Hi" uinl ter hii'I loiiiid pi ni t imil lv a iinnm fuoiin fi-nt liiii'iit in invor of two hUli hcIiooU. In vb'w of tlllN coiidltlou tin- II impI itpp'iiiitnil Mi-Mnrf. W. I. air riiullipmn, '. L. KlU-Hlll. Mild .I. A. MhuhiiujiII tn oonlur ltli the pnople id Dm iiorlli end of tlin county and to provide a (i1hii ul co opt-rutloii Iu tin inntti r of liik'b hcIiooIh. Sunn-dl-cuniioim wiii bud r-latlve tu tin- ilitn of thr HChooU, a'i'l it nt li-n-t ti'iitittivfly ln-l I. tlmt tin- in li'll'-i'tiinl flruil I not ttik iii thi' nt tmit ion of ftu li'iits to tlm HXcliiMion of the iirnct h ill hI Ii' of life'a work, mid tli.il in iidiillion to t'm ii'i-uliir fintiil lihlm I cuiirmi ti-r tlm huh Mibu-il. llii i" Miiuulii ul.- i tut pruvl.lt! I a in. iu mil IrnliiiiiK acbi.ol tor tlm yiuntf niMii. nnil ii courn in doiiii'bt ic kcI 1'in'n lor tbe yti inii Inlit-M, and iu ad . I it ion t'-i-le hliuull Im a MiinM fur in ii. I li'd to our Ii Ii l u It Hcliuul, in which tii-rifultiiri'.iiii I oilier prncl icnl en.-n'ii llitli. could be taut' hi liy iicttnii ex pirti'lit-e, mi tlmt, wlieu (.rnd mil es flout lake I'li.nty ll'nlt ucliooU puHMi'd I rum tin- tifli'ol room to tnke op tin- actual rm'ttliM of life, tlmt heart. Iirniti mid blind would be ho trained thai they would Im tlth-d nt II rut cltiHH citleiiM. ( iiiiduiitea Iroiii 8ueli milio U vv t 1 1 1 I b HtilK'ht litter. Mil l iu tbl way l.aku (.bounty would win a place iu edttciit ioiiai inuttt-ln Hecond to noun in the ntate. It. im to lui hoped tlmt prompt ac tioii enn be bud iu thin mutter, ho that the coiiHtruction of the needed Hi-bool Im ildiiiKH can lie broutibt to couiplelioii ami read) tor the Btoilents noon to arrive here from all parte of Hie t'llliil). SCHOOLS ARE IN GOOD SHAPE Supt. Jackson Thinks Improvements are Necessary Supt of schools Jackson, was in towu Friday, on bis return from a tour of the ttcboois of the county. He says that some of tbe schools, those recently built, preaeut a very neat appearance, the bouse being painted white with red roof, with neat fence, trim and tidy out build ings, aud well kept grounds. Other schools presented a very dilapitated aud neglected appearance, lu view of these cond'tlons he made a spec ial appeal to civic pride for the prompt repair of buildings aud tenons, and where needed either that new building should iih ereotedor up-to-date additions be const rooted. He also recommended that there be a uniformity in painting all school buildings white with red roofs, aud that all grounda bo nicely f untie J as such tblugs always appeal to the new comers, many of whom are uow 011 the ground aud others beaded tbia way. lie fcxpeccts that the county will be mipplied w ith a uw corps of teach era I t full and mivs that 1111 to Kept. 1st of this year that there doubtless will be places fur all applicants. Tbe general ooudltiou of the schools is good, aud with the graduates of the lower grades enabled to pass iu to blub schools within tbe oouuty, Mr. Jacksou believes that Lake Couutv will boou take frout rank iu an educational way iu Oregou. There Is considerable speculation as to tbe nurposeZof tbe fso-oalled "au tomobile road1' leadlug out of Al-tut-uu ln.nd.i for Lakevlew and uow 11 niier active coustruotiou. There is no dobut but that it will be used an "auteuiobile road" at first I as inrii i illlll i!l,!il!!!l,) OREGON VALLEY L CO. SECURE CLEAR TITLE Absolute Title To the Military Road Land Grant Passes into Hands of the Contract-Holders h tety foiilriict In i ll r iu tin- lie f.n Vall -y I-mu I I'o'h e-it'-rtu h '. t i t '.c Vi 1 1 in t it-1 uf t wi'lve t ioutHn'1. will ll" pI'-ll-M I ; n n til" dil-pHl.'ll i e iveil by lb Kxu i.iner Sunday iifirn Inir, wnjc'i tfivti- tb-'ii till" to their In. I Iiiuh w lilc'i hum" t liu di'inf" ' '1 he teb ii urn r.'H'l : II'iii-.m Citv. M . .Mine. :'. l l :. I like (' it J' Kxitieilli r, Lnkeiew. t )t". Z i p.-'i uiii tin- ock of tin- 'ire i:tn .Military Lui'l Hi ant Ci vi'li jiy : i ., linliht i"i aii'i with cl-nr til'e to -' "j il- 1. iii'i . in l.i-f.iii . OKI r;!N VAI.I.KV I. AM ( . -) AJi .'..VA A AAA ... A.U, AA .UA ..VA .VA A AA-t A AAA i if -1 RAILROADS ME Fllli um Facts Showing That Railroad Extension Booms Canada and Washington The Canadian Nortbwt'rt, iu Biite 'of ita riuorouH w inter rlimiita in iroinR ! rapidly forwanl and i.'iiininif in poini- l itlon eveiy ; eur iiy t lc; t .hnuasiidH, l.ialiy of the set Hera lieinu Americana. The uioveiiii-iit . ;it incipnlly. is due to the tin t that It ha been il i -covered to be a productive wheiiv country. Hot lli-Hl wheat barvetn without trans- p irtntiou lire waste. Tlmt l what is t he. matter with rm-tern On-uon. Hera we liuv nc ;cordint to the te-tiuiony of witneH.seti ' before the heal i'.iti of federal enquiry in Sao l-'raucisco lant week as to the ilairiuiHu mertfer. where witreHsies ' pointed out that the yast popsihilll ' t it-H of moHt of this vast, area about ' :H.(HI. (KKim-ri-H w hich are ood iih auy of the ureat fruit and wheat belts of the l'liloiisu and 1 akiuia vall-ys in i pei to Ketna, tlirouwh the heart of Washington, that were imthiii'j buttiie ,,d etsabliabed wheat couutry. Indian reservation!) and bunch rass The Canatliaii 1'acitie built up throutih be!orn the railroads pushed onward ; tne a-l Mouutaiu valley district in to the I'acillu j to Sai-kntoon. ami is rapidly pugbimt We all know what the Pulouso ami westwatd toward KdmoutJii and the the Vakiiiia countries have tlone lu the matter of nium ami fruit, and Hastum trek'on would do as well or .better, were It not for the mereiln!- yrasp, the death Klip, of this man llarriman. l-'ortnuately th-re nt" in tlications now pointing to entrance j of Hill into this vast rl imaiu. and. 'when helloes come, with him vlli i come a ftri-iun ol p .pi.tlpiu that will ! iinleed cause this desert to bloom as i t he rose ! I It is too true that luck of railroad is the one draw back uuder which Ihiscountiy is kept I ruin coming into its own Tbe iuteudiug set tier, if be is discreet uaturally w ill ein)uire into the attitude and enterprise of thtt railroads upon which be w ill have to depend to get hi a products to the market, be it either grain or fruit, That is why the movemeut to the British Northwest province la uow so pronouueod. The home seeker finds that up there all railroad meu HILL INTIMATES STATE SHOULD BUILD RAILROAD Foitland June X Jamca J. Hill practically served notice on I'ortiaud last night that IT.astrcu Oiegou would have to look elsewhere thau to him for relief to the trHiispoitaion prob lem that is confronting it. While assuring Ins fellow guests at a dinner at tho Arlington club of his coutldeuce in Fortlaud and his belief in the future of this state an a wheat producer be told them that be felt bis duties :y along the Hue of devel oping the present territory of the liieat Northern, aud not u reaching out iu new fields. Hill was tbe prin cipal speaker at the dluner tendered him. lie listened attentatively to the accounts of Eastern aud Central Ore and tbe needs of tbe interior of tbe state for a railroad given by other ; 1 b A. ft ft-. ..y. 111 II . 1 rill oueata. Hut when be concluded Dis talk no one present was la doubt aa to wbetber there was any hope of the railroad magnate buildlug a line through Oregou. Personally, be said, be felt be was beyond the age where AMI i ESSENTIAL k COUNTRY are buny builduitc additional miles of track, lie learna that in KHJ7 the Canndian I'nciHc increased 'ta branch lines by 570 miles, and in l'.HW by 82ti more; thHt the new traiibcontiDental, I tin- lirand Trunk lJacitic,eould count Hilled added to ils co.iipeted work i iu I'.hiT. and i.'.d more ,lu 1!H.; that I the CiuiH.limi Northern eipanetl its t-Videm l y '2''t ipilen in Hi'7. and . by Jl."i i'i 1 IK'S : and tlmt the three rah I run Is together have ii actual opera tion in Western Canada W.lilo mles I of track. This year w ill see tl. ener getic puiihiut; onwar' of landing ; (.'iiut's ami truck - laying mucbinea i liy all three companies. The Canadian I Northern completed its short line icounectiou with Duluth, which uivea Canadian wheat auother outlet in the (Jreat l.aki-s. ami a line from Winui inouiitains. evidently bound to have a second transcoutiueutal tualu Hue. And the new Canadian covernmeut ntilway, the Cranu Trunk i'acitic, is nitiiiim; trains from Winnipeg to Wsinw riu-ht, on the Hattle liiyer, (70 miles north vest, and took its ubare of heavy hituliuu entailed by the im mense train crop of UMS. The development of Kasteru Wash intson show what railroads can do for a country, where aloug the line of the new Milwaukee road, during j February and March of this year ' Hue, :k000 people have located, ami , t ,r-same thing will happen tu this . crtiit Inland Epiuire, so soon as the i rHilroads tnke up their irou line of I ,ari,i, jut(, this laud, (which uulike, I c'Hiia-iH with its one resource of j wheat) is tilled with resources of ; imHture. orchard, farm aud mine!! j lnj,,e hers ii all that is left of the: nj ,3. goverumeut fiee lands, The. Last and Heat West I I , he could serve two master?. He said be bad no doubt but that 1 Eastern Oregon bud great opportuni ties, but he felt they are for other 'hands. Iu leply to some inquiry as 'to his opinion of state-built railroads, I Hill stated that bis work aud exper- I l I. .1 .witimnllH r.2 i A iik, h i rti mZinsV'Vhemrile'said. however, hat ' i he did not wish to appear as tieiug against such schemes uuder all cir cumstances because be realized that there are occasional conditions that reverse the workiug of auy rule aud some timea the ouly way to net what you want aud must have U to do it your self. M. 11. Rice, secretary of the Hoard 1 of Trade, bas received a comoiunica- , tiou from the Portland Chamber or joum,er(je iu whiob it is stated that the wove to secure a rate of f l..k per cwt. from Portland to Klamath Falls bas been taken bp with tbe Southern Pacific, aud with pressure beiug brought to bear It is hoped that rate will be secured. Board of Trade To Assist ths ., O. V. L. Co. A fnovR wiii iiiu'le at the Hoard-. of .Trade meeting lnt. Kriday fu'uU, i.n motion ft V. L. Hiillinir, to wi.-t the (lieyon Vulley Land Co., in hi'. coriiiK the ri-M ff av fuf that cfii liiiiy in itc i ndcHVor to pryvi'l? Ii t I r lnn)r oitiff ion f ; 11 it if-n- tor lli'h town at.d tril.ihrc ct'i.ntry. ' ' '11:'- i-uiiif'i il l at.priiritf il for' Ifuit l.uriiiiHe Hi , j. SnelliiiU, Col. IJlit ao l I H'I .1. W i. lo.x. Tlm m-iih" of toe u.. ' tii!tf. a- voiced l.v Mr. i Hid 1 1 r i k' . wai to the ft '"t. 1 hat flu- r f, f if th;n town ;.n I I'ntiiitv, in vie ol tli" Ii nt-(IN leiiiL'. -rived It t 1 ' i T.er nt if p i' ft tl i.-i ff"i. anv ftp old i . i -r i-i f-r-ry y lo further the i I'iiih and nrk of A!r. Ii !. lar--tin mid bid a-Hfirinti . in their treHt uri'l-r'nkini!. which rnearn o much for He f nt o re welfar- f)f MA cob n try. SMALL FARMERS ARE" DOING WELL Concrete Instances Given to Establish Fact Beyond Dispute . Will ."i. 10, 20 or 40 acres in (loose Lake Valley support a family? Well, it all depends upju t be. in HQ-. l-'or instance. The Hxaminer is. in formed on the very creditable author ity of neighbor that during tbe sea son of !907. Mr. C. M. Taylor, wbo live near New Pine Creek, OreogD, in the southern end of Lake. County, in the Golden Coose Lake valley, actually received ia cash from a lo cal market tbe mBgoiticeut surn of l,5U tor bis garden and orchard pro ducts! This sum was obtained exclu sive of a furtner income of dairy, poultry and other farm products. The Examiner is strongly inclined in tbe belief that 34.500 per anuum will keep auy family in very good circumstances, provided, cf course, thut the heal of the same possesses no vicious or extravagant tenden cies. Hut, notwithstanding Mr. Taylor's succers, do not jump at the conclu sion that every mau who comes here could do as well or better every year. Some might do go, but the majority might not. Again, for instance, some meu possess the babits of a ppeu Ithritt, or might be lazv and improvident, ami of course the 10 acres or ev u HKfi acres in such bauds ouli not eaiiiouot to a bill of white beans. The fact of the matter is that it takes work, and lots of it, and close attention, with no side issues, to make a success iu any line, and the man ivo a ten acre, or eveu .i 40-acre tract iu the ijoldu tioosu Lake val ley, or iu auy othe valley or section anywhere in oritr to succeed must hustie. It is pretty evident that Mr. Tay lor ia a bustier, aud so is Mr. Urilus, of Davis Creek, another man b;i has made a success in gardening and or char-ling in thi (ioose Lake Valley and there are many otheis whose names we do not now recull. LAORANDE LAND ASS800ANACRE Once Considered Almost Worthless j The Oliver boys uow of Lakeview, land others wbo bavn lived in Ciraud . Koude V'a'ley in which La Uraude I ia situated, iu no essential except tbe railroad is there any difference j between that valley aud Goose Lake I valley. If auy -preference ia to be leiveu it should be Lu favor of tbia lo cality And yet there land U selling j for ?S00 per acre, while here it can ! still be bad for PiO l I In tbia connection tbe Peudleton j East Oregouiau says: So far as can be learued at this time tbe highest price ever paid for (Jrand Koude valley fruit laud wot paid to William Hall this afteruooniwheu the Logan- ' Sherwood Realty Co. completed a sala I of Mr. Hall's teu acre tract to Lockf ; II. Moe, of Nebraska, for 33,000 or ! 3S00 per acre. Mr. Moe baa been in i vestigatiug all tbia interior country for the past mouth aud baa beeu in this vulley for the past two weeks. ' found nothing o compare with the values offered here, aud conse quently paid his money where it would briug him the greatest returns. The Meiidowbrook irriagtioz project bad a good dual to do with his tiual choice of locatiou. Incidentally it may be said that Mr. Hall bought tbe place in l'JOO for 3300. The Jtouker's Liawn lennis uiud played their first game auuuay. 11 is expeciea mat me inree ouurw win u completed by next Kunday t A L. . ..1 .a 1. Work bas beguu ou tbe uew club bouse, which will be completed as soon as possible. Tbe giounds are located to the north of Dreukel aud Pal lie's First Addition, mar tbe new residences of the Seagers. NORTH END OF LAKE COUNTY ATTRACTING NOTICE Land of Three Hundred and Twenty Home steads is Fast i!!ing up Clitf. Or., June I. Very much in terest in this f ;i rl of Lake Ci.ubly by prospective hume-i-eker- is n i irent a- shoAil tr tin- lari.-" li'irui.er of peo ple cuii.i.'ig iu hi re daiiy f..r th last wo fuoiit hi. A laree pei't-eutnirtf of the lllii'gs Imve been in the vi' inity of l'o.t K'.'fk. Hut reientlj many filings have t-eeu put onlo lauds farther s uit heast. in and nearer to Lake and Cilif pi-ttlemerts Notice ha; been i-siie.l 1 1 T th- Lakevtew Land Odire tlmt all of this- county from township '!' south and all of ranges 11 to i east cf lauds still va cant, are subject to the new bome htead lnv of :;:It icres, or an addi-tion-il loO acres t'; all reside-. t hciiie Hteaders. A very large acreage of land through out this valley is being cleared and put into crop. Owing to tbe almost extreme dry spring that baa prevailed graiu crops are not looking their best Tbe weather, bowevsr, is get ting warmer and cloudy, and indica tions are more faovrablo for better crops. Grass on tbe . ranges, is good and stock is now doing weiL Christmas lake vail'ey is one of the best grass-producing nectidns in Southern Oregon. ; Consequently a line aud profitable stock - growing country. It is predicted that even tually this wbol? valley will be fenced aud tue homesteaders and private holdings will iuvet largely and suc cessfully in stock-raising. The lay of the laud in the whole valley is a level plain (Juite a large amount of land 13 now held by private owners wbo ecripped it, ami some baa beeu com muted. As to land values., it is bard at tbia time to rsstima'.e the general price it can be bought for. Some of the best can be bought iu this vicin ity at about 310 an acre. Aa to railroads, it ia simply up to C . II. llarriman, when be sees fit tn build. The final survey runa directly through this valley, emerging from tbe Cascade through the Walker Range in by Fort Rock, through to Christmas Lake, thence a little south and near Clitf, on through to tbe Harney Vallev country. ; There is yet quite a large amount cf government land sufficient for a colony if such wanted to establish itself in one locality. Since the first settlements three years ago, it la so far only developed as a grass and stock country, while some have bad fair success with tbe grain, such aa rye. barley, wheat and oata to a lim ited extent, and ma ly have faith that it will ultimately produce good yields uuder proper tillage of tbe dry fariuiug system. VALLEY FALLS IS NEWEST TOWN Located in Lower Che waucan and has fair Promises . petitiou for a postottlce to be knowu as Valley Falls with Ernest L. II. Meyer as P. M.. ia beiug cirou lated for pieseutatiou , to tbe post otiiee autboriteia in Washington. Tbe uew town ia located midway be tween Lakeview and Paisley, 25 milea north of bere on tbe old stage road, which la said to be a better road than tbe one uow in use, although five milea longer to Paisley. The petition baa about '.iO Dames, aud probably will tie granted. Mr. Meyer ia one of the O. V. L. Co. eugiueers. He ia about to es tablish a store at Valley Falls, aud haa a stock of goods now on the way, aud ia erecting a store uuilidu.'. with barns for the acc.onnno latiou of teamsters. Valief Falls is situated ou the lower end of tbe Cbewauoau vallev, aud ia ou the surveyed Hue of rail road miming from Lakeview North to intersect the Vale--Eugene east aod west line. Tbe town is platted, aud already half a duzeu or more loti have beeu sold. It ia so situated tbat it will, ou the coming of the railroad, command the trade of tbe Chewaucan valley, and will grow into a town of cousiderable importance. The promoters are all railroad eu igueers, wbo asiasted iu the surveys throuhgout this saotiou, and for that reason probably are fully awsre of what will be tbe outoome, or iu other words tbe future is assured for tbe new town of Valley Falls. Everybody's baseball team can have a try at wiDoiug tbe big prizes offered at Lakeview liasehall Tournament the week of th Glorious Fourth.