LAKE COUNTY KXAMINKIl, I.AKKV1KW. OUKtUlN, TIH'KDSAY JUNK 5. 1W SIX OFMCIAL DIRECTORY NATIONAL WIUaiTI II. Tft ' .'. ... . Jitnit'n sheimaii I'Iiiihi di'r ('. Knm Prv-'i-nt . ... Vli- I'rrai.t. in . .. SetT ' ' " (itiin .1 I r.-aanrjr SeorwitM W'ar llorni v (.i iHTiil oamiaaUT li.'iK-ral iKTvtarviil Nar ....Franklin M-Vi.nh ... Juiiii I. I'ifk ii'"ii ii'oriti W . WW-lnMahain ' Frank H. Hltclu'mk Cft-orK Vu I.. Mi'trr . Kit-nanl A llitnii.'r ; tVrri'iiirv "I ri.iilMir ,imi w HK..1 (crromrv oi l onnnfM ,'hli'l l.i-tlrf . Wapa ' t .rnt-r. I . S. W P. I II I'. . . lirlt' Ki'l Miivl le K'liitt vi umoii t'immtaanm--s. 1 jiii. I t muiniM"ii fiovcrnor (Jiri"r nf Slate Ti"iirrr A 1 innu'V liolu ral 8ufi. runne lnirn'tlnO I'Hiirl la'M K.nxt 1'nm . . . ... K W H. n-t , K. . Ken t,.o A. V.-. A M. I'rnwlnt.1 J. II ,i m-rnmii W s. Iu 11 1 Mill i. w. ni.e .1 iliu.ii Int.. lliinnr. .it I, .i. A. 'imiiil'.-iii t . i . Hw 1 1 y . K r.iiw t'oniiri -i"' !ll I'hl'MK I y f.T Chltt Juan. I? S IV V M ur .1 K K .Hi! l...i:.r Aaani'iaW' -UTH iV'HH'1 t. l'ISTK"L Jl-.1i-r Aionn'i II. V ; n.tai.A riVK C i 11 il S-lltl 1 ReVr'''1',",'-'T'- .. II Mr II. 1 . I H. A. 1 uki. 1'uiN rv Jim... .. I'lci. tnrifl I"r-'ir r. 'ir CtHMil Slll Survt yi Commii''" 6t(H'k lllM" I' V ( A II.' I II..TI I V ! I; r. n ' A :. V .1 l.-i.rl Jo i 'ii ! M. Kill., K llt'l 1'. "A. ti. '.ir: tl. K. ll.ryMr.' in. rrinutiix ! Ti N OF LAKEV. Hir-' Hili . rui'iiiiii ( P. J. 1 i-.-s. t J. X. W IMHI I J.$. Ln:ir ) . B. t-iiuter . i.fciiir Jl.i. C mi '.ii.'fi hi'i ir n : .. VrciisuM-r I S. 1 AMI OKKH'E J.y. Wms.!.: ?rJ V. CroueiuiiliT LAKiiVIE WJBOAhP OK TRAI'E l' ixer 'U! Kittm!.' C'tniiiitteniiii . Iiiaiinrml rubln-ity btot-lt Muu.cirt! " Agricultural i" v. II. K. M M. L. K. i mm . I', r. ..--. w. F l ion? . w iSi j ... i v. K. hrt i RfK- u Heudqimrli-rs tor -'.re g LODGE DlkbClORY a o f. rv.-LAKEVIEW LOPC.E ML 111. Meet everv srcouJ nd lourtb Tuurmlay ol each moni'ti. in Ir.ic Hull. l.evit;. Ch. Tonniiigea. W.M.: W m. t.nntlipr. F. DEGKEE CF HONOR LAKESHOKE LOIH.'h Ko. 77. P.ofH., A.O. C.W.. Mrtli first an.l third Thursdays of each mohlh in Masonic Hall: Llllie Harris; t". ot H.; uta Pracotut, L. of H ; Mary Post. C. of C; trrah t. arret! Eticordeir I. O. 0. F -LAKEVIEW LODCE, No. 63, I. O O F., meets everv Saturday evening in Odd Frllows Hall, at 7:80 o'clock, from October 1 to April Land at 8 olcloclt Irom April 1 t; eeplembt-r 30. A. E. Cheney, . ti.; t. t. Cheney, Secretary 0 o f LAREVlfcvv em AMi Mt.s'l No. l. I b. b.F., meets the first nd third Thurn ?yveniuit.ofewli montu ir ,y' Had. Lakeview. C. D. Arthur, C. 1 ., . n Hi mmersley, Scribe. BEBEBAH LOIKjK LAKEVItW LODtiK. NO T I O. O. F., meets the second and Inurth Fridavs of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall, -Mil. J. L. Heryford, V.G.; Mrs. Ida Hery ford, w. G. ; Mrs. M. D Moss. Secretary; Mrs. L. J. Magilton, Treasurer. . E. 8. ORIENTAL CHAPTER, NO. 5. LAKE- view, Oregon, Meets on Tuesdsy, on or be fore full moon aud two weeks thereafter, in Masonic Hall, at 7: Ju o'clock. Visiting members are cordially invited. CORNELIA A.WATSON, Vi. M, IDA I'EBACH, secretary CHURCH DIRECTORY METHOUI.ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-THE first Suudsy in each munth, .re bitig.t 11 a. m. Aside from this, preaching every sun day at 11a. in. and 7:30 p. m. at Lakeviaw. Siindav School at 10 a. m. Lf"u; at6::i0p. m. p'raver Meeting Thursday 7:30 p. in. Ladies A'id Wednesday 1 :3U pi m. Choir practise Friday 7:30 p m.A cor ljal invita tion isLXteuded to youu. J I. C. PARKER, Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHl'RCH OF LAKEVIEW Preaching service al 11 A M and 7 . P M on 1st and 3rd Sun. Sunday Schixd at 10 A M. Junior S..tie;y at 2:30 P M. Baptist Young People'i L'nlnn at 6:30 PM on each Sunday. Praytr Meeting at 7:30 PM Wednesday eve niug. Every body invited to atteud all ser vices. ' Pastor. CATHOLIC CHl'RCH EVERY SUNDAY MASS and Beuediciion at 10 o'clock a. m. Sunday school after Benediction. Week day M- at (:30 a.m. 1. A VASTA, s. J. FIRST BAPTIST CHl'RCH OF fiOOSE LAKE al New Pine Creek, Oregon. Prt-aebiwg r vicei at 11 A M and 7 :3o P M of each Sunday of everv mouth. Sundav School at 10 A M. Prayer Service at 7:30 on W ednesday eveiiinr of each weed. All are Cordially iuvitcd to lteud he services. J. HAVDE.V HOWARD. Pastor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. F. CONN Attorney at Law Ijtltevlr w, Oregoa OFFICE-balv Buildm. D. VENATOR Attorney '.at ' Law, Laud Matters Hpeclalty OFFICE Daly Building. CHARLES UMiiAU Land and Law Of i Ice Abstractor of Titles EiDtallshed IBM Lakeview, Ore- LAIR THOMPSON Attorney at Law ; Office: Over Bank of La view LAKKVIKW. OitEGONt fllOS. J. POWELL Attorney at Law Office la Daly Building Lakeview it eg on Thf AlnlCd - m m m - - Exposition Opened By President Toft i Thee i mHoh, Aliiski Y ikon Ptcitli' Kipo as will sirni fro n h sot-finl . ill., a hi.n is now open to I no ihiimii'. j is international in scope, being devote I tt"r.' especially tn the inter e-t of thi" I'sciHe Northwest, on lint li Hide of Un' boundary bit ween mil i . ii.i: .1. the lintel States mi. l me itiiihii ,,o,.-ea.-io if, ..ii. 1 in tliH. rtl.tu-t will lie u rivol:i:io! tn tio lu'oplc of tli iolii Wll.M'lt'll illtTKlt H niiini i,t i in t f uii.lfr!nkink nil t'i" ill.' 'VI. i j r.' i" ifi i' ' i " " ' .Hi k'll' 'itTi U Of ' Iu Hurt. 1(. i . ! ill llt t!,i riifllio a, tliiii veiir tlmn In miiv I'lf tlv vi-ur ,1'orioil." unys .luuif n u I. inuvii r i t KiH iirtiinii ot No It Villur til.' . ) i ly t! iii- ,k.l 1 l.kl'll I'lU'lIU' f.pxosii ion , . . . 1 1 , - i. in in tnll 1 1 ir-t i !!' tullj jiilill'' I i ft ir il'.H'.l from our rsn ili(' tin' Iftt "r.- 1 ffk-rivi- mi I I tu tl . ! t.ll r','.'rt tor tin- ruii-i'.ni rii'.roti is uti.i tdfir loni'i' ... i a it I Ml'iiit'Hi'oli-. II. HI.-. ' :,r i i. i i i:.:l.iin i.'t l ire i n i'n' ii ii i i ll'll l lll'!-l I.H'.I t. i !i I nil tlif i'-i ,1'llio Norlli west ill j ;iss tliroiuti 11" It it" ' lie ( r.ilKll If t'Xtfllt Ot ttll' UIOtflllflH I i3 -reiitir iuoreiw i l .v rrports fr ;n all the other Hiii t'itios of the L'liite I States. More put.lioltj liu 'eo wiven Ulie Alu.-kit VilKOil I'm i'io hxpuMti ill ' : inrii k' the five nioulli tlmn iM! . H t1 El nil e X I o.- mi rxio.-itioii Ht'l I 111 IMS i-iiuntrv since 1'hiciii.o. r.iistein railroad otlices report h more neut ral ljipiuy ttmu wan made oonceruinkt unv't exutiMtion. Tl'f move- tuett ii hlieady on. His estimated lrhn ti-.llx- U.itx' nw people have lonuie to Wnshinnton. Oregon I l.iati.. and I'.ntifh Columhia, an.l since i ittl'-K ! March 1j. largely drawu hither by ,Ml "r'the iilti.utite hoiut-.seekei 's rHtes. II t.:o 1 . ... . ,,,, i,.,i,w uiili .uui rue i la: iui-ruirin ..a..,.. ...... ttia Mrst iIht of the exposifiou raies hlj y,,, Workot explnilittiou we have put the Fueitle Northwest to the front w ith lbs exposition n.t a leat i feature of a tnu this year, .xm our visitor tu a huudrsd who couien to the I exposition ehonl i be lacking ceu ' eral iuforaiatlon couceruiuit con li- tioud aod ipportuuitlen lu this ami the borderiuif 8ttes and the province to the north. This worn has been most effectively advanced by the publicity and the passenger depart menta of the railroads and 1 waut to say that the Northwestern repreeenta lives of the various liues are the most active, euerpetic aud helpful bunch of men that ever got behind auy eort of project. The Exposition is complete ud ready. Atteutioo has been drnwu from every quarter of tbeKlobe. The i visitors and hotuei-eekers are comm. ! bv tens and hundreds of thouiiHndsi and it is up to the people of all parts 0( te Pacific Northwest to give them a welcome worth while.. , June 2d, 190y. FromDtlv at twelve o'clocK, on the first day of June, President William U. Taft pressed an electric key in the CaDitol at WashmtKon. aud the Alaska-Yukou-PaciUc Exposition was formerly opeuert to the Kleata from every uart of the world. Th opening exerciaea weie con ducted in the presence of a quarter of a million ceonle. These impressive icere-uouies were hell in the immense ' natnral ampitbeatre on the shore of I Lake Waebiniiton. 'Ibe enormous crowd stooa silent ano aweri as inese ! solemn w or Is of Invocation were I uttered by the Ristht Reverend liiahop ! Edward J. O'Dea. Bihsop of Seattle. Not a ttug or Btrip of l)iintin flutter led from the thouasnd Ha statfs aud idumen; the entire exposition city j awaited with suppressed eaKerneas ! the the touch of the President's hand. With th- tiri-t stroke of the bei' aunouncinK the arrival of h)h noon, the deep 90undiui whistle soundini; whils. from the University House Poer taken from tne Russian Uun boat that announced the transfer of Alaska to the United States years ago, Bave response to the IJash from Wash inton, and every wheel of the expo sition machinery was set in motion, it was the signal for general paude mouiutn; from every whistle, bell and iiren of the great manufactories aud steamers the sound was taken up, and the great throng gave vent to its witheld enthusiasm. Prom tne top of a giant flagstaff two huudred aud fifty feet in height, the largest American flag ever made, broke loose and the exposition city was buried in a cloud of nags, banners ana gaily colored bui.tiog. Over the blue waters of Kll lot nay came the thundering salute of twenty one guns fiom the ships of the Ameri can Navy, and re-echoing this raug back the answering reply from the it . Jf a.U gum muzzles or ine guns 01 iue Mikado. The program marking the most im portant happening of general interest ever held in the Northwest, was par ticularly elaborate and interesting. Its commencement was announce by the firing of the National salute from the guni- of a mountain battery sta tioned on the grounds, and this was the signal for the movement of the military tnarcb hnd review. Thin was made up nf one thousand regular tioops, two batteries of mouDfaio and eoastjartlllery, two companies cf cavalry. Ijattailons of marines aud blue jacket from the navy and two companies of marines and sailors from the Japanese Cruisers Aso and Soya. These were drawn up in parade rest just bank of the ampitbeatre. The formal program opened with the playing of America, by Jnnss Rand at eleven thiry ; this was follow ed by the invocation by Rlsbop O'Dea which was brought to a close at the exact minute of iwelte. The add ret of welcome was deliver ed by Dirctor Uenreul 1. A. Nadeurj and following this march, Gloria VVasbiotgoo, the official exposition march was rendered for the first time tn public. Further addresses were made by Hon. Hir James Hryce, Rritisb Embassador to the United States, Jas. J. Hill. President of the Great Northern Railway Company, Congressman Kodauburg aud after YUKOn heso.'iit of t!n AlunkH Yukon I'Ht'itlo Kxpocition. '. 1 t'liillur!. tiirne. I tho oomplet exposition over to ttio people i't the city an.l t-tntn The lieiM'ilii'tioii whh tiroiionnoe.i by Kiwlit Ueverevil I'reilerii'k W. Ki'titiT. liUhop ot Olytiipiti. iiinl I'lono.l the oeromonieH of onti iiitf. A iiutkiiiitU'ient ilinplay of ilnylii;lit Mre works folio -oil the throwinu open of the fnir, Hii.l tills was oont liiue.i thrmiL'hout. the Hfteriloon. With the close nf the piocritin. h luncheon miih serve. I to ii lt in k!U ishe.l (.'Hosts Mini us Htteiiili'l I'V in imy prom inent ' n lii'i mm. I k'iMitleuien uutsts ot the ex po-it inn iMiintikonit'iit. In tlo1 ive nini; Hii.i o.'IIcihI luiiniiiet whs leioli r el visit i:i.: .1 iw'n it or ies lit which shurt iilliessi's were ili'hviMe.l ly tl o k'nv prnor 1. 1 Wiishmuton. Mnyi r of Sriltle. visit lui! itove'liors l.l.l II lllini , ber of ilist incuislii-.l visitors. The O! en li'k! nf the A lilskil U knn ! l':iciti.- I , posit ion wms wnitliv ot Ine ' nocHsioii. Tlie piesentlnc tf the norl 1'- fnir. comi'lettt niul tlnlsheil w is dii'iie t tiintf reumi kMl le tu expn-r Hon history, ion! wheii Ilie lnr pr.. sente I tin I jiifiille.l the clitinis of its hull lei's, nini in i I 1 .i..i the i' pe. In ti.iiis .! luM i i ki the iiinst I i mi I it n I ex luisi t urn ever luiilt, tne entfiiisi.isni of the lniuinllt"s west I hi i futllcieiit t".iiiM eitHliturt. in. I in al N.'ith lit ,'iul No ScrJ ol IVom Khrunint i-ni It is a mistake to ulluw auv mm to mifer from rt eiiuuit ism, as t lie pul.i cn always. ! n-llevetl, Hiid in most cases a cure eltccted by aopltinii CliHniUtTlain'8 Liiiimenl. The to ll"! fi.uii pain which it all iris is alone worth many times its cost. It inaki-s sleep hii.I rest luissl hie. Kvi-n in id loiikj stand HU luis lini meut slinul I he used oti dcciuint nt the relief hich i atfords. 1V not I il iscniiriu'.'.i until you hare k'iveti il a trail. Kor sa-e by Paly A Hall. N OMAN 1 1 1 K W A I I k -;SS. "A wouiau." reniarked the wise!, "is always waiting for a tins- ' band." "How do you iU'tire 'hut oir? ' ijueried the iutete..ted hpluister. i "If she isn't married, she is wait- , inK to Ket one, aud it she is, she's i always waiting 'or him to come home." Chicago News. l or a 5prlntJ Ankle As usually treated a si raiued ankle will diaable the injured person tor a month or more, but by applying Cbamberlaiu's Liniment and observ riutt the directions w itb each bottle faithfully, a cure may be elfected in many eases in less than a week's time. The linimeut is a most re markable preparation. Try it for a spram or brume, or when laid up with chronic, or muscular rbeuma tim, aud you art certain to be de ilKbted with thea prompt relief which it aflords. For sale by Daly & Hall. PROOF CONCLUSIVE. Lawyer (cross-exauiiniug) Von testified that 'iiss Smyth" was walk ing in her sleep. How do you know she was asleeD? Wituess Well, a mouse ran across the floor, right iu trout of her, and sue never even Jhatted an i-ye. Chi cago Tribune. Born In Iowa Our family were all born and raised Q Iowa, and have used Chamber- Iain's Colic, Cholera and Uiarrhoea remedy (made at Den Moines) for I years. We kuow bow good it in from experience in the use of it. In fact wtien in El Pami, Texas, tin writer's life was saved hy the prompt use of this remedy. We are now engaged in the mercantile business at, Fla , an.l have introduced the remedy there. It has proved very sucessful and is constantly growing in favor. Ennis Rros. This remedy is for sale by Daly & Hall. TWO KINDS. "There Is quite a scandal tn town because an elderly man of science was chasing a butterfly." "No harm in that surely." "Well, there might bo. It seems the object of his quest was a tociety butterfly. " Birmingham Age Herald. Sure Nipple Any mother who has bad experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to kuow that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off' with a soft elotb before ailowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve witn best results. For sale by Daly & Hall. NO REASON AT ALL. He The major is going to be mar ried again. She Whj, when his wife died be said that the light of his life bad gone out. He There's no reason why he shouldn't strike another match is there? Illustrated lilts Stomach Troubles Many remarkable cures of stomach troubles have been effected by Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. (Jue wan who had spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tablets. Pi ice. 'ir cents. Sample tree at Daly & Hall's drug btore CULTIVATING THE SOUDAN The area under cultivation In the Soudan was 1,423,U71 acres, an in crease of 115,3'i9 acres over 1SXXJ. The Soudan irrigation service, lu addition to its work connected with tne var ious projects for increasing the water supply of Egypt, is also engaged In the proposed oanaliztion of the Uezlra, which will bring under cult i vation large tracts of fertile soil for the growth of cereals and cotton. A Thrilling Raacu How Dert R. Lean, of Cbeny, Wash., was saved from a frightful death is a story to thrill the world. "A bard cold,' be writes," brought I on n lenpfrt lun tronlil Oust iliiirie.l hii expert iluctor her. Then I h'nl fid to tlb H tlslt to m Iiiiim hpec allst III SptikHiiit. who illil nut. help line. Then I went to fill iforiiiH, Imt w ithmit Iihim III. At Inst Iuhk I Pr. Ixlnu's New )t .'sovery, which colli pli tely cured ine au.i now I hiii hs welW n ever. " l'ir l.uiw Trouhle, llronchltl. I'liuBlm mul (lul.U. Antli uin, froun hiiiI Mioo'iK Couuh lt Hiuiieine. ,"itv hiuI II. (0. Trlnl Imttle free, tiuiiritntee.l ly A. I. Thornton. WHY IS TIIISY "All the wor (I'm a stat'e." 'Hut you never hih n crowil of ixiiln haiwuik' iiroiiu.l n holler faclorr to watch the mat lion l.lnls come out." I ,iiu i sv i lln Courier Jouiuul. X'umrn S hn mrt t'nvlril Thnse attractive woiikii who lire attractive in the lace, tnrui uihI tem per me the envy of ninny, who m In tit he like 'hem. A wciik, MoUy woiiihii w ill lie sickly ami li I Kiilil... Constl 1 1 1 1 1 i.'ti oi Kiilney poismiH hlniw in pimple?, l lochi's, skin erupt lotus hii. I a wrt lcheil complex'on. r'or nil such l.lectric Hllters wnrk wntnliMs The rck'nlate stomach. Liter an.l KnlnnVs. inn it v l he l; k'lve stroiii; m i vrs hriuli ' eyes, pure preath, smouth Velvety skin, lovely ciuuplex inn. Many chain inn wtuncn owe 'heir health ami luiiuty to them. ""V at A. I.. T l.i 'I'll t r n 's. Tin; i;n. i:ai. mdtdkist Mis. t in-;- ip - I'hey tin say that h r Illinium. I h'ls ac.piireil IncuMintiir at i in. Mis I'aivemie - I don't think much nf I tmse cheap cars; in jr tin t mini has an imported tine Smart Set Coulil N..I he llrtlrr (on has ever made a salve. Ni ni nl in i i , li.tiim or I ;il in tn iMii: i,u e ivith liiickleu's Arnica Salve. Its I lie ni:e tu ifect healer nt lnt, ('urns. Hoi lis, Itriiises, Suits, hi'alilft, HiiIIh, I'lceit, KtVeuiH, S.ilt KheiiMi. Km role eves Cul. I Si res, Cliai I c I llaui'.s l supreme. Infallible f.H' pi.;i l -s Only -."c at A. I.. Thurutoii's. iin; ih.m .mi Ft ut vi'i'i.i: wood The ri'iif lie. nan. I fur apl lr fur the manufacture nf saw hau.ll.'s ha- been n I'l'eclutp I by the lara't' number of farmers n ho have lust their orchards through the ravages of the San Jose scale. Iluyeis have been uoliig through New Jeresey niakinu temptltiit ntliTi tor the Umber lu some case farmers IiaveJ.fninnl it mure to cut down u .l treis that are not prolific rather than de pend upon an uncertain crop in the future. There are many Imitations of De Witt s Carb illed U'ieh Hazel Salve DeW'itt's is the original, lie sure you get DeWitt's Carbolized W itch Hazel Salvo when you ask for It. It is good for cuts, burns and bruises, and is especially good for Piles. Sold by Daly A Hall. TELEPHONIC IN SOUDAN French business interests in the We.ttern Sound have grown until the telephone has become a necesisty. Hundreds of natives are uow engaged in stringing telephone wire to the Niger aud down that river to Tim buktu. We do not know of any other pill that is as good as DeW'itt's Little Early ttisers, the famous little liver pills small, gentle, pleasant and sure pills with a reputation. Sold by Daly A Hall. A FAM1LV AFFAIR. "Cordelia," ordered the teacher, "throw that gum iu the waat bas ket I" The pupil's face grew scarlet but she did not stir. "If you do not put that gum iu the waste-basket immediately I will send you out of the room," said the teacher gravely. The girl walked reluctantly to the desk. "I can't, teacher," she con fessed; "its' ma's gum au she'll lick me if I come home without it." Success Magazine. By Special Arrangement with the SAN FRANCISCO DAILY BULLETIN San Francisco's Leading Daily Lake Ogunty Examiner Is Enabled to offer Old and New Subscribers The Lake County Examiner, per year The Bulletin, Dully, per year Both Papers, one year, This in extraordinary ofTer and may la- withdrawn at any time, we suggest that all old subscribers in nrrears pay back accounts, that they may take advantage of this tsprcinl rate, TUB HULMJTIN is famous from Coast to Coast lor its fight in the defense of good government, and is read by more people dai ly, than the combined circulation of nil the San Francisco dailies. You w'll appreciate the value of this offer when you consider that any of the other San Francisco papers will cost 8.00 per year. SUBSCRIBE TODAY CAMPING OUTFIT ; Wi furnish the most complete Camping Outfit lor ttia money iter offered to tin public , Wc liavc iiimto i. piuioliHU to hirnluli lite ( luvrrnniriil mnl nil ilrnlrrs nml hi IIiuh ol j Hulls i.l hoi. I (is will m luiiilinn, hsliinc mnl niininj; pnilii with a ' t I it hhlii weight inl i.'iiM'niciit tmiipinii iniilil. Iliuii la a i- VuA,., li. a In (nrnisli I tin onl lit nl lust enst we tie . . " "V 1 ni(4 i'( n iiiiiviis la-il a .link i ii tnmplnjl etc., connlstinj; of I, I . nl mi. I I i . i , ( Inllil p.. ill it Tiiuil. . We till I he I'lihun il I !il Irmik w nil 1 ,n w In. Il I . . I 1 I ! ii.I.i Is mnl wru i Hi); iippim I, i iimiIi-iisiiii ii I tu vi Ill's I nc.ui:e to 1 1. si hi- . ..n i li.-ck f i l i I.l..,'. Ilii null v I'll 111-. II. 1. 1 I mi. I Imt e II" cm esa h(;K'H:r' ' '"'tl , .i-1 .1 llus h-i.i lie i.iC'u is $ I .'i HO. IV i ins: $.i. Oil with I lie t.olei, , in , J..I ml hrl. no II '., n. . nl 1. 1 the (,; "I, It" in nut l.e i. uv. 'I In' r ' ' . Ull.. I 1 ..l Vllll'lit 'I if "0 I ii 11 In- ptl l.l l.i ill - r pi t'ss i . .in p. Ill ( I I I I fc X.j " Ith privilege to examine." T. I..I . ip.hi in II- W h. n "-;"-k ' - .1 1 ,- 1 I l.'in ( . .- I ,1 t..;;.ilnr liny iih- I 1 1 v '. .". ."..l.ini: t 'Hr: '""' ..uin:, iw.i 1 1 1 1 , V n . . I 'n. 1 iriiia. All ortlers will be llllcij III . order, rtcclvcd. '''Hit ,', i"' Mie onenini: ol the Orejcon AWIItary-Wond (Irnut nt I akevlew (of the Oregon N nlle;, I. find Company 1 nlll tk'e September Vih. I .an. U .'1 , , . 1 (mm ,.l pmis il tin- I'l.iii-.l S'.ilrs will ulii n.l this ul n li will !-, i'ii- pt : In I np. 111. .; nil l.i LI 111 I lie I C .1 I Ai-ur Is d. Mined 1,1 I . ir ii,.- . 1 1 1 r -,'M i I i . .iiiiim i. i.i I it'ii'i is i. i in i i . .mil i y , iniiii. i. -.- pi .pa i .0 me I r Ml I . i 1 ,11. . N. : .. . . K- i i II, . i pic ' I 'i't! 1 lit Inn i :. ,... . nil, Ir 1., ,, 1 ,.' I .i lii . i III l' .1 III ; ,1.' ' , ,1. ..' Iml.l .!,...' .11. Ill .1 I., I. . i r .l M l I ..' ' 1,1.11.' - 1 ' I ' - "LI I..-M III. K I I -t. ! ; I., t l.e j i .. . j 1 w I ,-1 v. I ' ! , r n I - !l I. . ,1 . . i , . I Till- V.lM lllllllllllll.' r ,i si,,,- ...a i , - , , ,1 t.i I., i i. ,. tit lit hc ' .. ii-, ill s, .ml ir i n Ou-t I ill.- I lt,(:,,, .lllil , , I .i i .1..1,, . j . in t !.! . . n. I C a i,il,,; N.iv tvlll ti 1 1 a , f . ; i nil,,;, , . 'l .-pat r - 'ill i .itiil, II , i; i. nil, I , il Hill I !.,i sli-cpin,; I.. .III j.,,- m- li.iv i- l.iVni i.f . i . . ki v c . . 1 I-, .i- . .nl - 1 1 ui the uj ,p. ,i i mm y , ; . !!,!. 41 a . ': I I .i .. 'Il 1 1 .!: I'll,.', Villi hi' I I . Mi-r ai lid III V ml ' ' I ' ! '' I ll! I -III I III I lb.- oralcr received uu.l tomlnii i.i dally, . will I , i.n. ' I. in 1,11 yu I .! I I , I I HI 1 1 . I I .1 ' ',' U 1 1 1 - -Ill l' rlj.l . 'I a.. I nr. - i'l 1 11 I ''...' '. "11 t .11 br III - .If I ! I li I -.,'iv'','.! v. if'l 1 Ins , .nil J .11 i.tC III , v 1 1 I I lt.ll w ' I ,. ' " ' I' ' 'i . 't v li, t; ! . I. i. ,..i i , , i . r r v 1 1 .i I v , LYNCH WKLL TRUNK CO. 40 L. Jaakaon lllvJ. Reliable Seeds So much has iilirailv Itch uiil on the iuipur'anrc f 1 . iiij your st t-ils fron. a rt'lc il-.,!cr -h;itto r. pet it isonl v:is'e of wnr.i.a l'ltvi. St rJs have proved thtrr wtirth our incrcav - tS, ing lu:s :!.;. is protif ituicrtl th:c f V''X merit alone ha nude the lSVVv C bus. U. Lilly Co. forr V itict scrdatiirn no tfir 1 I'ucific Coast. Srnd VA, frraal..Bp 120 'V. irjtrd.di- -Na.crir I' I lia f am ii ii ULALL ive ' HE LIKED HIS iSTRA JtiHT ln temperance, " said lloractt Hlx- by, the oldest Mississippi pilot, "Isj what kills most of us olf. Onoo we j fished out a passenger who hnd been soaking in the river for ha'f an bom. i When the whisky was brought, the i... . ii.. i . , 1 victim s lips moved siignuy, aim i stooped to get bis last words. i "Roll me on a bar'l fust and get some o' this water out," lit; said itaiutly. "It'll weaksu the linker." i Success Magazine. ! Sometimes you nmy be told that there are other thitigs just us good as ; DeWitt's Kidney and bladder Pills. j That isn't mi. Not hing made is as good as DeWitt's Kidney and Mad- 1 der Pills for any ailments of the kid- I ney. or bladder which always results 111 weilK lia.'K, OBCKaciie, rneumnm: pains, rheumatism and urluarry lisorders. A trial of DeWitt's Kid ney and Hal lder pills Is sufficient to conviuco ynu how good they are. Send your name to E. O DeWitt Si Co., Chicago, for a free, trial box. They are sold here by Daly A Hall. ;t h if; - i- ' ".a t. Ill -aiiaiL II 11 A9 il ld in coo tinr ciisiiiiiu ti iho benefit or T7 1t31." low prlCCH. 1 Ins naiipl. tumthl. f.nivisl. 'Wj A ' Vv "ti II , iiinilc 1. 1 K i. .v'l I fj outfit fur tooklnic, rXCjy ;y)ip" . V..W tl piece lll a pOi..: t'l lls-.i-llible II,. I.- Ill 'li II ,i t I f..i sli. In-r nt f.-r it 1 1 v "ill. r pnii. . ,..ctii!!;; I. iv. I. ,l.i ii ul! lli.- :....iii . . .ii lire an, li I ..j.i- . .in li .- - ut ilt in 1 In- I I '..1,,.U,V mil il II a lii-ll II I-. I . - I I" ii, il....,- i. ! 1 1 . I I ... - ii t I I ill- .,ul,l f.ll II i. I. ;,N i.f 1 .1 1. n vt l vr na I t.i Ir. e in all ,iii.... . i- alvl-.c ..u, il t-.u ll.'.'li.l 1 1 In i-1 i IV tt ,iv " " l' ! . a.ic ft ;lt ,il ilrjl i.f lil,,lll valiii Ii ..llirrAiM' Hint livnij-, lil. Il will only he uwitl.iH.- loa I, iv f -r ii .it ei.. -I l!n"-.- ..ulfiu i. a .ii i" t in.i.i- ii i . . i -t ! r, an 1 1 i f ; i ' ' 1 1 -u- i .1 I ln---i 1 1 ,;!'! vt ij; lit i mnp CMICAdO, ILL. Met Al t. PATtTRNS ( r .l.titr l . lyl, pllrc III , imp 1 ii it V an. I irl il... i nm l y--... '".''I '" crr iiiaaml l.ntn In O r IVU..I M .1 m il lji,4..i i.r I'v ii. i.l in ' M'.'f ' I tl ui any ..!.,. r liuU. l" b'e titJlui; r. MeCAIfH MAGAZINK M,,ir aul.ail.lfH I'm ny t.Oirr l4.l,,..n iti.i;.iir -million ii" P . Ilw i"!' -. 1 ' r.l aHlr,, pill la, i,ii.m,mI,I,K, I.,, lull. IV, plain arwlliK, I m. V Hffil rl..l. li lllJn aaii.j , rliqurllr, r m..I aLinr., rlr. Hit V f ii-. n rr rtli U'.iil.lrl. ii.cli.ilmR l" pillifii. buiiunl t ..uv, ..I .. l.i ..t mi.j-;.- WONDKBKI L INIHIC'I MKNTS in AirnK. I'ii.IiI iiiiik pirmlum cjUIo;u anil new raali pi.enllr.. Addteat Til BcCAU CO.. WHIMH. 171 a 81.. HIW tela AI.W. YH THERE M -m ItliiLn i ret III Hum- John. lTrend where a scienl Iflc exreditlon explored an extinct crater 2IKKI feet deep and at the bottom they fouud the tones of a prehistoric woman. How do;Hyu account for it: Mr. Hlnke-Oh that is Hr accounted for. Martha. Von woman Is at the bottom of e.eiy thlug. New York tllobe. Truulil rtakar OuaUil When a sulferer from stomach trouble takes Dr. Kiug'B New Life Pi Is lie's mighty glad to see his Dyspepsia and ludeglstlon fly, but 'more-he's tickled over his nwe, line appetite, strong nerves, healthy vigorous, all because stomach, liver and kl heys now work right. 'J.rc at A L. Thornlou's. Stelu liloch clotblug at Lakeview Mercantile Co. Linoleums, carpets, Lakeview Mercantile Co. matting. .' (KI ;i on - $3.50