I.A K I! COt'NTY EXAMINER, LAKKVIEW, .:j ,) i TltMDA Y, .'I'M 3. 1:0 FIVE ami I I II The most highly refined and healthful wonderful V.'..uK;VtMi Lake view Has Two Moving Picture Shows The opening of tho u moving picture show hi tlin Mulder Opera lluoitit, Sunday nUlit wan iti the nature of n society event. Upwards of 400 (cil wem pretent mi 'I nil were pleaied. Thi nititfiiitl of Mr. WWhoii was well received. Mini Man Mulder was IIih accompanist. Thn Opera II has been nicely decorated and with thn new aud vary comfortable opera Meats, makes t oni of thn mom lent and Iteat appointed house uf thn kind to he found In any of thn smaller towns of tho Pacific Nnrthttent. Thn ili'turH shown were first-clans, aud the vibration usually associated with such premutations waseutirelv eliminated Lakeview now ha two very credit able movlnu plcturn show, and lu that respect m fully ahrnaiit thn tendency of the time. lu thin connection, fnw are aware of the extant of thn moving picture shows ;t hi ouuhout the clvilied woild According to statistics, published in thn New York I'oit, thnra are In thn United Stains anven million moving DIED Mr. Amandit .1 Kuyder, an old reHident i f Lakeview, died May '!7, Ht the lioiiin of her sou, W'ado Sny der, feven miles west of town. Sin had bceil III for eevernl months. i She uh h.iru in Waehiuuton Co. Ten n., In AiitfiiHt 1H:7. I Khn wub iimrrio'l to I) A. Knyder, of iincliiiunon (!o , Mo., March 1, ; 1 HT!. who mirvlvea her Hhe came to tint en tern cHut in IHSI, and to Lake County lu 1MHH. Mrv Kuyder was the mother of nlun vhildien, live of wnoui arn llvliitf: Mrs. Maruaret h'ollettaud Mr li. M.J Knylii r, of Stockton. ImI if., and Mra. John Arner, T.. A Snyder ami Waldn j Hliyder, of l.akevlew. Khn Is eald to have tenn u woman , of flun iUHlltlM, and was hihly eHtoniuo'l by nil who knew her. The funeral whs held Friday from ' the HnptiHt church. j J. W. Maw x ell &. Son lact week sold h 10 acre tract of thn Loehmnn farm to Mr. Dewey, of Kly, Neyadii, ami alxn 1 10 acrea lieloiiKiiik' to K. L. 1 Kn I ii a to Albert Cochran. A carload of doors and wludowa received at II A M 'a. CALORIS BOTTLE Ked'IIot drink without Fire Ice-Cold drinks without Ice Till: MarvdouH CALOMS Bottle, which k'vch hiicIi accmillKly I'U DohmIIiI" ivhiiIih, Im cnliMt ruclcd oil acinlHiltc priucipleH for the itlriOH( nf kii'plnn liiiiidN, for h priiloniicd peri od, nt III" name t cm pern l lire in which they are placed In the bottle. It will ke.-pc mtenti Itot thirty hours and warm two ai d a half days ; it will keep contents ice cold threo and a half days ami chilled five days. A. U THORNTON, lkevicw, . Oregon i '.f w " ' if r f baking powders. Its constant use almost every American household, sales all over the world, attest its p popularity and usefulness. picture houses, In which .V),U),(M) U invested. ChieuaMi has '.U'.i such show. Nnw Vnrk .UK), HI. Louis 2'i.r, I'hlladelpha IPO. Him Eraueaci Ml, Pittsburg DO and HoHton 31. it ia calculated thnt nearly 200 nillna of Dims arn exhibited every day in thn United Nlatea. Thn making of thche tllniM la conducted by an orgaul?attoti, which dan a large eapl tnl, and which niaintaliia a r-rew of auenta In all part of thn world photo graphing scenes of interest. Tlie establishment of thia tmn I npea has been of particulai benefit to thn poor, eHptcially of the cities, and to all thn people of all smaller towns which In connection with thn phono grand, given an opportunity to see and hear things heretofore onl v avail able to those cf tho wealthier class In our larger cities. OlivioiiNly thn morliiK picture show which appnaln Moatroiiidy to tha peo ple and wh Ich i so chenply laid before t!in public, will be a valmihla edu cational forcn. It will lie lutereHtitiK to note tbe development of the IhimI units the next leu yera. MARRIED IIOl.llllOOK-TKACY At thn h'me of tho bride's parent, Mr. and Mie. W. D. Tracy, oo Kuo ilav, May !KI. by KvaiiKeliet MarkiHiid. Mr. (ie'. L. Ilolbrook to Minn .i;ues Tracy. Thn Broomnniiin was Mr. Lawrence Tracy, and tlie brideamaid, Min Velvia Ktanley. The KueNti., hevidea the luimediatn ri'latlven. were Mr. and Mra. Newell. Mr. and Mra llsvkina, Mrs. Duncan, Mra. Kyim, Mr. Kraukl and Minn Kmily Ayera, who played the weddiutf march, at the entrance of the bride and uroom. Allnn dinner wiih nerved immediate ly utter tho ceremony. The bride was the recipient of many valuable and uaeful preaents. Tlie young couple left at once for the dairy farm of the bride's father, where they will remain about ten daya aud then will make a toil' to Kiiatrru oiuta, returuiuK by way of Seattle to viait thn Alaaka Yukon -1 'ac itlii KxpoHitlnu. T!m uroom ia a wealthy youiiK atockman, and the bride ih a charm hiK yoiinu daughter of SV. I). Tracy. hImo a prominent atock and duiry IIIHII. The Kxaminer jolna their many frieuilH in uIhIiIiik tlieui full meed of the jo.VH of thin life. KKKNK-HAKNKS A very ipiiet wedding occurred at the borne if Mr aud Mrs. M. S. liarnea, Wednesdny ut uoou. when their daughter Kaye was united in niHiriiiKH to Crud Keeue, of Lakoview. The ceremony wbh performed by Rev. H. Smith, of New IMne Creek. The bride wore a own of white Batiste aud carried a boquet of white lilacs KelatlveH only were prenon t A dinner wag served immediately after the cere nony. The bride was the recipient of many valuable preaeuta. She was born and reared in Lake view. The groom came here last full from the Willamette valey. The youog people bave uiauy friends bere, who will be tclad to kuow that tbey will remain here for the present. Ava Campbell, aged 3 yeaia, 10 months, died at Summer Lake lHut Friday, May US. after a week's illness cauaed b an attack of appeudioitia. The child the daiiKhter of Mrs. Anna Tiiyl r, formerly Mrs. Fred Campbell. i h a KraudaiiKhter of F. K JlarriH of Lukeviaw. The little one waa laid tu lent la tbe Summer Lake cemetery Tbe miuiuK men, H. II. Loftus aud L. O. Heckrti'li were In town several days the the pnat week. Mr. lieck 'th N 'i oraeliciil mlnlntf man of iuh v veuis experience aud l e says n . have t Hinuelbiua over in the in .inp ol O old berg tbat will eoon i ii'ttiu a lurore In tbe mluluK world. We can fill youVorder for doors aud windows. U. Sl M. JEWELRY If you tMt'd a Watch, Clock or Jewelry, It w 111 pay you to wait for our atock, CARPENTER. &. SON, Jewelers. All kluds of repairing K. Water fit. nes door to Colojado Ilotul Lakevlew, Oregon Personal Mention I'rof. A. J. hsndby left town Tups day rnonilDK for Ms eld home lu (,!eu tral i olnt. Mn came here with his wife IuhI full, only to loan her, and i where hot e mnl in-rnf then filled his mind, omi he Is bowed In mid liens, lie loin not know what his futiirnl.il i In I bun he will not enviik'n In i"'CMei tor a couple of yera aud p--i.i.m h lie v'r aunin will eutiHUn In c "., mn i The penile man lias mauv r I t- ' ei", who wish hi in well, and hipe tenl tils future, no far as circu necen peiuiit. will h i briK'd'r for n i Mle Alice A. A rfl " l"ft Hun day niotniiiK for hei i. O ikland Calif. She will le . i to M ei for a couple of weikl and then i to WiiHhliiKton l C. whf die will upend the no miner wn.. I er ('nele Major II. II. SarKnt i the t. M. regular army. Mr. F.W. Khra .of IJnt". Cal., I In speudinK a tew days in l.ukeview. ' lie says he is well plaeaed with Lake view and vicinity, and is planning to. make this his future home. Mra. J. O'Nell. of New Fine Creek. I and Mrs. (ieo. r ItGerald, south of town, were In Laknvlew 'lueadav. tin rou'e as delegates to a Christaio Clirueh Convention at Turner ()rron. Mis. Nellon and her mother, Mrs. Maxwell, went to New Floe Creek Friday aud returned Saturday. Maider Max Nellon accompanieu them. John O'Nell. of New Pine Creek , waa in town Haturday. Hill U'lllUm li t-'vunuxl lt lll I open a aeries of meetings in tbe M. K. Church, Sunday, thn 0th Inst. Mr. Williams cotces very highly rec ommended by the preaa. Mrs. J. N. Watson wa chosen a leli-Kate by the O K. H. to the (Jrand Lodtfe, which meets at i'ort and tbe Kith tost. Hhe will leave the 7th K Y. Yoiiok aud family left laat week lor Htickaue. The Koutlaman owns propeity lu Lakoview, and also at Paisley, and expects to retnrp hern noon as the railroad reaches Lake County. Mr. Thoa. Alford has one to Port land to attend the Old Soldier's Con vention which meets ou the lOtb Inst. J. A. Fitzgerald and wife left Tues day for their borne at Warner Lake. W. A. Cowan and family left Tues day tnornins for Cheyenne, Wyoming, where Mr. Cowan baa been aligned for duty as U. H. Iand Oltlce inspec tor. K. A. Fltn'"triek "" family, of the ! ZX ranch, Painley were in town Tues day. Thomas Flynu, one of the promi nent sheep men of the county waa in from his rauch Tuesday. Mrs. W. A. Maasimiill returned Saturday from her winter's stay in Sau Dtctfo, California. M. C. Lotfus and Clarence Dixon were over from Plush Tueaday. W. II. Norton, of Fort Klamath, was over Tuesday. A. Walker wua an arrival Friday from Illy. Frauk Marshall, of tbe 70 ranch is in town. Herbert WcUs, of St. Louis, Mo., was breathinuoui dry ozone-laden air after leavlnu the soot and damp of tht city, and pronounces Lakoview the kitiK of 'em all. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Woodcock, Mr. and Mr. M. 8. llaruea, and Mr. and Mra. Frank Toler, accompanied by I'earl Mulkey took an outiuit on tiooMe ljike Sunday. Tbey took the steam launch and went down to the Mulkey ranch near Davis Creek, re turning the same evening. J. W. Small ,of Los Angeles, arriv ed Tueaday. A. Wulther, 'O. Oalena aud S. N. Phelps, of San Francisco, were all telling our merchauts Tuesday, that a dow n hill haul beats climbing a mountain by a Ionic ways, and then some I Mrs. F. M. Miller and her two sons returned Fiiday from their Culifornia vihit. They arrived in their new Stevens Duryea auto. F. J (-tone Is in from bit Crooked Creek howetsead, and is as brown as one of tbe native sons of tbe desert. Al. Roberts was in town a few days laat week from bis Cbewaucau farm lie bays you can juht bear bia ruta biiKs aud other fruit grow. A II. Mclnnis, tbe well known wool-buyer, of Red Bluff, Calif.. Contest Notice Department of the Interior, United Klates Land Otllce, Lakeview, Oregon, May 27. liW'J. A siitlicient contest affidavit having been tiled in this otllce by M. B KICK, contestant against Homestead entry No. 40:15, (Serial No. 01008.) mnde May 13. VMS, for N half KW quarter, SF. quarter SW quarter, SW quarter 8ft quarter, Section 28, Township 31 8. Range 19 K. by Rudolf Knubbi Contestee, iu which it is alleged that said tfudolf Huubbl baa never eiuce tbe date of said entry es tablished a residence on said laud: that said entry man baa wholly aud totally abaudoued said entry for more than six mouths last past, to wit; From the Kith day of May, 1908 to the present time, that said entry man has wholly aud totally failed to cultivate or in any manner improve the lard embraced iu said eutry, and has performed uo work of Buy kind theieou, and tbat said alleged absence from the said land waa not due to bis employment in tbe Army or Navy, or Marine Corps of tbe United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman, or marine, during tbe war with Kpain. or during any other war In which tbe U 8. may be engaged, Bald parties are hereby noti fied to appear , respond aud offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a m. ou July 9, 1909. be fore tue Register ana receiver bi wie i United States Land Onloe lu Lake view, Ore, Tbe aald contestant havlug, In a proper affidavit, filed May '26, 1909, set forth facts which eiiow that after due diligence personal service of this Dot Ice can not be made, it la hereby ordered and dlreoted that such notion be given oy due aud proper publica tion. J35W Fred P, Gronemiller, Receiver, r QUEEN Lakeview arrived in ton last week in bis Speedwell auto, lie was accompanied by Win. TbompMOU of Portland. On Friday they took a spin to New Pine Creek, accompanied by F. W. Proud foot and Dan Malloy J. 1). Kstes and wife were up from Alturas Friday. K. Call ice. 8. A. Phillips, F. E. Ilarstow, and N. K. Ross, of Sao Francisco, were all after tbe almighty doMar the past week. A.K. Calderwood, of Plush, and Frank and Harrv Calderwood, of Adel were in town the past week, aud all gave the fcxamioer a friendly call. o w -c ay Beat D aoi NOTES: For 30 dar odW. We two. one SHOO 19011. June 15th, one 810001914. June 15tb. noteiJ secured by 1st mortaue on 1G0 acre rauch all improved, value &&00, at 9: per cent interest payble annually 102 interest due, June liitb. Thes. notes can be bad now for ?1940 cash. We recomtoeud these "Wire us, ycu want these reserved." lwelltiia 11250 email frame. 6 room bouse, city water, wood sbe'l etc. 2 blks. from Court House furnished com plete. Lot 00x100 a rare good buy. one half cash. '2800 House, bam and orchard, a acres. New Pine Creek 8 rooms, frame, good location, one third down, balance, 8 per ceut. No.lb For 3iKX). cash, posses slon given 2 weeks lot 6tx"'75 & large new barn, best of shade & fruit bath, complete, will Include furniture tills one will be rakeii quick one block from Court. House. Five-room house, traine: good barn, can be made oyer into six or sev en room bouse for f 200, 2 acres of ex cellent laud 5 Mocks from Court House, house and barn alone cost 1.000; the land can lie cut Into IGlott and re-sold at enough to clear tin place this Is right lu town. Price 1.800. $2200. Modern 6-room Bungalow, new, all details complete, fenced, u good buy, must close at once. Houses, either to sell or rent are scarce in Lakeview, II you mean business we will send plio tos. Lo ia Best hotel or store site in town. Mock from Court House, block eas of Main St It is the abutting property at end of Street. Eve'y one in town cannot help seeing it. 6 room OL I Nocrn """"" I """'" I bouse. Lot 77 ft front, 1S8 ft deupKJoose i.1500. I lot ("ill v 27ft ft. main afreet of tnwn orchard, tine shade trees, one ti lock'8 from court bouse, f 1000, part cash, surrouuded by tbe best homes in Lakeview, Residence Lota Best location in town 50 x !50, f 1000 building re strlotlona. Lots-7 1300. 8 2."0 250. n lock 1 also lota 12 9200. & 13 200., Block 2 Drenkels first addition. xox o SEAGER'S QUALITY A NNO UNCEMEN T Wo have rooently completed arrange mente to put in a new line of women's shoes. Thia shoe is the famous QUEEN QUA LITY. We have the exclusive agency. QUEEN QUALITY shoes are all that good shoos should be. They fit to perfec tion, have the style and are made of the best materials obtainable. Hardly an occasion can arise that the makers of QUEEN QUALITY have not an ticpated and prepared a style to cover it. It will pay you to see this line. $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Mercantile ; GOOSE LAKE LAND RESTORED i ' Washington.' Mar 24. Eighteen thousand acres of land in Oregon and 1 25, 000 acres of land in California, ; withdrawn from tbe Pitt river re ' clamation project bave been restored to entry by tbe government, accord -' ing to an announcement made to day. The land waa restored because it waa j decided that it was not feaaible to j oae tbe water of Goose lake for tbe : pt oject. We bave a large assortment of door locks, door bells binges etc. B.& M. SIT A CW ft &si w I the Railroad REALTY SALES LIST 1 0001 160 iu' cres. cheap land.flO fenced.house lM. a"e' 40 nii"T. 1-' iules west of Ibar.i. Part meadow, balance!, Lakeylew, , .n stage road. Houe uk. 12 miles from I.akeview.!''ar'V lr,tv''"'t,J fres fenced, timber on it jgood garden, 30 acres graiD. 4 living ' ispr-ngs Includes ."lii to 40 cord f Ranch 300 acres. Klamath wood cut, all fur $l.".0i, cash. This am MOine Hairy Uanclt Sw acres. County '2 liariiH, one -rooiu house orchard and lrooil irarilen. 1'IHi uitch: M irrigated, about 40 head good milch1 Icowh. On County road, teleiihoiieleuleu. aooui ju acres Due timber, fcommtintcatlon, J0 per acre. i-ii.i .ii i tutu CLUirn .in uirnuuw uuui grain lands, wutcr rigtitu, good burns and li rooni house. Hue gar den. All fenced. Excellent stock tarui can oe imu tor is peri lacre II taken at once, une-halfuown balauce terms, (iood speculation 9i miles from town. Homestead Reliuquishmena two 100 acre tracts, only a short time necess ary to prove up on. One bouse, and barn etc. f.iOO. the other 200.; and feuced, part cleared. 176 acres Near New Piue Creek, 112.000, 1,000 fruit trees, all kiuds! lot berries, and gardens truck, best of water rights 5 room bouse, a tried and proven fruit farm, oue third down, balance S per Ceut. No. 3. S0 acres, north of Lakeview 2.) miles, on proposed right of way ofl railway. 7-room houw. baru, capac ity 100 tons of hay. 1500 sluvp, 100 uteres under Irrigation, two creeks ross the farm. Small orchard. Best (of hv & grain laud. Unlimited range. MKH). The imiirovemenes alone rep ivsent $i000. This will not be on the market long. Ranch 100 acres all feueed, good fori fruit of all kinds, also 40 to 60 acres for grain, near lakeview on county road, spring water all .year, 5-roouH uiouse. iio iruit treea? and j years old $.1,500, half cash, balance 1 to 61 My, ears. "Bout tlie itauroaa to It." Rauch of 140 aerea-0 acres cleared & fenced, on vveat shore of like In California, five tulles (roiu By. right of way. House aud burns, garden & frutt trees, good kspring water, $12 50 per acre. This! a real-rare-ln vestment. -The own kT Is forced to sell. 'II eat the Kutlroad Ult." IRanch 100 acrea 10 acres cleared. all fenced, bouse and a barn. practically new, thia propoerty is the best of condition, 9 miles from town, creek runs through it. 1 1800. Mil i'la !inri 'i ii Company. Lakeview Dairy J. W. ISENHART la prepared to take orders to furnish daily Pure Milk and Cream. Orders left at Ahlatrom Broe. will receive prompt and careful attention W. L. Douglas shoes for men at Lakeview Mer earn lie Co. iioiz iiocri .Q s w -7 J To lt JLOl price Is low. 100 acres 12 acres natural meadow il're spring, and cceek on the laud, bousee about 3 rooms. ilOOO. Are You a Wage Earner? Do You Depend on Your Day's Labor? If So See Us About Insurance It ia li rh Orttcea GOVERNMENT LAND Branch Ottice. Plush. Oreiron. Joe Elliott. Mgr Wtirner Vallev. o 11 bothpne of the best chtncea to secure the IniiHst Kolng, ! ree governmeut lauds. We locate persona on onlv tlie best of (good lands. Ask for particulars. o Branches: Plush, Paisley r w- I t