1.AKK CltlWTV AMIM'.K, l.M- KVIKW, OllKMOK, Tlll'KHIA, MAY 27. limn E1GH1 The best possible Merchandise at the lowest possible prices that's the policy wo have followed for years and are STILL AT IT. We want to satisfy our customers and we know that their satisfaction comes only when the goods are right and the prices likewise. To sell you goods of the GREATEST POSSIBLE MERIT, is one of the ruling forces in this business. We direct your attention this week to our particularly attractive new line of Low Shoes for Men and Women. The newest, snappiest styles in every respect. If a pair of shoes purchased at this store goes wrongwe are ready to make it right with you. WE ARE AFTER. YOUR SHOE TRADE to a lady who had reoelrod injuries tu mt accident and closed with the following: "At a Into hour hut iilttht she n rcporteu Hfl lielnit tit much paint, hut doing well ciiiilit be evpecte I." .Inst wait until the patient Is aide to call upon the eilitor. ! Kiiberoir1 rooifng. utinrantoed 10 j yenr. Auten Hardware Co. 1 1 .). Fririkl went down to Altnras ! Inst week ami secured the Sherlock ! WOt. I lip. HhII IHT WH'stS, tlit best to be hrtil 1 in any city, Mmo Co. I Tna limns Times says : A sage ! brush waste ii year nun unit a field of i iKrowlcg grain now Mint onlt make the "tears" uriu with delight I tin1 : record ot the Harney Valley settlers. , Mexican taniah's, hot. every evening i at f o'clock. IMue (loose. IStf. l!et your I 1 n m I i n mi l Tin Work ilom nt lit niMi d V We do tlrst chins work an i nuaratilce sut itaet ion. 11 ! The wool clip hi Mum iko w as pur chased bv sealed hids, come if it go- a Watch this Space For Bargains. SCHOOL LAND ASSIGNMENTS ing at -'J'i cents. The average price was S cents larger than that received last year by the growers. "Look here hoy I dont' nee yon in Sunday school any more. Pont' you want to g.i to Heaven?" "Aw. not vet !"' Portland Tele grain. Horn: Saturday, the 1- inst. to the wite of I. I'. Ilulies, it daughter. The Kdison phonograph ami 4-niin-ute records at Thornton 'a. l'rico ?t0 and ?f.. 10-tf. "Mabel! 1 in surprised at you, j potting .mt your tongue at people." i "it was all rik'ht, mother: it w the doctor going past.' If the real estate dealers ot Lake county desire to reach the people who are looking tor homes an ad. in Ttie K.xambier will do the business. We j guarantee a circulat ion of over --'V which is ftil; increasing, in every state in the I'niou. Atkin's saws guaranteed the"llest" iu the worl I. A ten Hardware Co. man w ho a pelican will partition It otf Into bedroom ' and establish a Induing houe that will accommodate ahotit. KHl people. He intend putting In tlrst class an- eomodatlons. It la an enterprise that' is needed and will prove a prolltahle I venture. He expect have the pUce ready for btmlneM lu a very' efiort time. ' All klnda Wire Netting and Ornl-j lueiital Fence and Oaten at Her- I tiard's. l'.-4 ! Horns Times : The first thing ton j know those who are selling out. fruit treees will he liuikiug moiiey trom , their foresight and hen you will wish, you had set out an orchard. tiar len Hake.-, Hoes, etc., at II. ami M 's. , Win (ireen. a thriving farmer nt ' Surprise Valley, has heeu in Altnras 'this week, and Informs us that very little damage, if any, has heen sns tained hy the recent coll weather. He says there may he som patches in jdilfereut localitioHth.it have heen in jured hv the froi-t, hut they are very , scarce, and he looks for larger crops than we have seen foi years in Modoc county. i La Mode - Special Saturday May 29 For the above date only Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, Drawers, Che mises, Corset Covers, At Cost. Mrs. NEILON, Woman's Outfitter J I A ii ten says that any cannot tell a swan from iroi.al.lv woul 1 not kno.v the d liter - Mr.. I'enland and family are now occupying the Moore house. Judge lii attain has purcl used t h' ltoone residence on Walter street. Wm. V. Mong has orgnnied the "The t'ooe fount y Stock Co. , " anil! will play III all the towns of that! county His many friends over here will wish ti I in success iiuhoiiuded in his new enterprise. Fvanceli-t Marklami will he here j the rest ot this week including Si.n- , day. and will give a course ot lectures as follows: Thursday, nt .1 I'. M. to i the married won en. Saturday atfernooii to the young ladies oer il' and under 101, and tn the men Sun dav a'teinooii. .None n! m It ted with-' out tickets, which on npplic it ton are free The 1'. S. Forest rv agent for the Mod c reserve met a iiu::iher u: . stockmen at Aduras ilurlin.' t'ie past : week, to discuss range matters with them. Much .1 is.at Islact Ion evlsts m regard to tins reserve, as the govern i meat lias no timher upon it. and do wnier L, dug owned t y private parties the outside range is particularly of County News o Add : ii .ttr r- .i M I t r t he M htnaman I ani'h, li'lh. Telegrams direction trjilit m -d is W ere to w it h with We have for sah "20 acres of land, Id Klamath County. M mile west of LaKeview, the most p.irt ot which is mountain meBdow I.-nnl, witb some pine timber on it. There is u cieek rtovviu; throuLrii tliis tract Inir is not used for irritr itiou, us t his land dues not require irriiritio-i, there U-ing surticient sut'-irrigati'iu to produce i a g;ood growth of grnss. This is an excellent property tor a dairyman, or is first cl.iss pasture land l'rice per acre. ?!2."i0. cash, lialance as per state terms on school land. We also have another school land assignment for "20 acres, located in the Warner valley, and is nch land, hut excellent pasture laud. This tract is lower iu elevation than Lakevlew, hut there is no water here for irrigation, and the same would have to t.e u-ed either as pas lire land or for dry land crops The price o' ?4. per acre will justify you in huyiuir this for a speculation Half cash will handle the aliove prop erty, the lialance as per state terms. Further particulars regarding- eit li er of the above properties will be furnished upon application to, euce between a w heelharrow and an , value to til national Kovernmeiit to lease to i-toi'kilien. New line of Fl iresheitns Oxford Shoes at iiieber'a. If you have an item of news, dont' k' p it all to yourself, hut tell or j phone the editor about it, so that1 your neighbors and the rest of the! well I, can also he made so much the wiser. I PACIFIC LAND COMPANY, Offices, Bank of Lakeview Building, LAKEVIEW, . - - OREGON. auto. Well don t they both no wings, and what is ttie matter wheels lor the latter? Highest market price pah! for long wool sin ep pelts, by the l.ukeilew Merca nt t.e o. 1't f A connects I bine print map of l.iikeview is needed in these growing times with the town full of strangers making enuuiry as to tins or that piece of propertv. Some one shou gei busv and provide one to tluatfcial benefit. Paper! 1'aper! Paper! of all kinds, Rosin sizing, P A II liuildltig, l)ea ieu iug Felt an I Mooting. Prices right at Ueruard's. 101 A. ('. Mills, wife and child, from j Northwestern Kansas arrived in town i . . i . . 1 1 . i .i , t IHsl ween, ami are n wen piei.se., m.iw. ,..,v,,rJ ,, be has decided to remain. He has .,.,' K-.,,,,, M llilley plove I on appeal ed May sent In evii- locate Mi. ( ' h i e ii ni ;ii: , but with soccers It was then I eat o I lie had t ie! with f.ni play as he had quite a sum of inonev on him. Hlstrict Mtornev K uy kendall and deputy 1 n i 1 1 f Snider came nvei Thurn lav to investigate and oil I'Vi'luy the Ii i ii n i n ii ii was seen at Sal, deck, seen miles north of Ijtikoview ami Satiudiv moiiiing he took the south em stage at Willow lam h. We hunted l ir two davs f r the chinaman mi l the next chink vour'n truly sees has g'.t to light. Facie. Ion Morrow we.it to Lake view to make lliial proof on his desert claim. Win. Cooper mid I'. Morrow and wife accompli) led 'ilui ('ill Iw. lU move I Ir'iui the ll.itey ihlltll to the V liigtbl 'I run -h whein tin y will make their lu'lile home. Ask leiyd who they call (!onkie? I'oin.'ny Ferris Imys a ranch, a good one too, the I lodson ranch 'Mill a ten loom llinl-e. Must be something do ing Tom, eh. Iltive vim a k.'h iolma' ii i ti or a merry w I low . W. v. S. ('. bought the ('ameryii I n well ot ,1. ( ' l)i dson. Udl piactlce Siilldav, everyone la( 1 on hull. I t I leep Creek. J H P. I'.iowne left Monday tor the jiiolroa! wlele he will i t Mrs. Hr mn mi I hts .laughter .Mildred, I who are on their wav to Warner tit spend a few en jnvalih' we"k HOTEL ARRIVALS d his rented the skating rink bull. ling an I J CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS Xottce. Knsiness Locals or Reail-rs Insi-rn d in this roiumn uf whatever ieseri ption lu ceHts a liue fur t-aeh inscriiun. The cla.sfiH-ii aivertinlru rolmns afford the irrtaiest market fur used articles. Vou can btaiu cash fur anything uf value. L. L. Hopkins made Uncle Dick KiDgsley happpy by bringing him a wooden tray, made in China, on whicn ia sculptured the lotus flower Mud other designs dear to the Oriental teart fctraw &tid Rag Hats at B and M's. Most of our merchants have been making improvements of an up to date nature in their stores. Mr. Hie Ler got in ouie of the latest designs of show cases, and then JHailey and Massingill and A. L. Thornton fol- j lowed suit. Such enterprise is highly commendable when we consider the reat distance from the factory here, and the cost of getiug such furniture to Lakveiew. The wool shearing plant north of town began operationa Monday meru it g and will continue until all the clip is in the bale. The schools will close this week with not very satisfactory ratings as to scbolarahip, due to several causes, the chief of which were tha several diphtheria scares. The big fellows sometimis make mistakes, too. A Quincy daily iu an issue during the pant week referred S, AUTEH HARDWARE CO Sells SO ft. Carden Hose u Lawn Sprinklers, all kinds. Lawn Mowers from ?5 up. Scieeu Doors, all sizes, from 2 tip. Window screeua, all sizes, from .'i5 up. Uuildiug Material, full Hue. Kuberoid Koofiug. guaranteed i() years, J co-t of shingles. Klue and lied Building Paper. Water Motor Wanning Machines Guaranteed to run od less water Pressure than any other machine M ade. Buckeye Mowers, Peerless Hay Hakes. Repairs for Buckeye, McUormick, Deering Mowers. Paints and Oils, Wood Stains and Varnishes. Hilly Williams, the drummer evan gelist. will be here .iunday J-.nie t'.th, ami expects to remain until the '.'Jnd ptox. The work of painting the Opera House inside and nut, and kalsom ing the First National Hank was dune by Clark and Sterling. The Adin Argus stays: We are in formed that the Southern Pacific snr working south are now ecampeii about four miles north of Lookout and ar surveying south of Fug Lake toward Full liiver valley. When all The followin. were among the arri vals nt Hotel l.akeview t he past week: I . P. Derrick, Ke.l llluir, Culif: John Ovens. Mi'es City. Mont: U. J. V.il des. Santa Ko-u, Calif; K. K. Boss, e.llteno Okia; C. II. Weston. Poit hind; I' in nk Mart, San Francieso ; Duke Bennett, Warner Valley : J. I". Kittuer, Santa llosa; Fred A. Stront, S. !'; F. Lngles. S. F; Kobt. Dufur. Snoonville L. Amest, S. I'; J. J . Anson Los Angeles. The Snider Opera House The following ii''e arrivals at the (ireen (iardn House for Ilia pa-t week; Fdza Harrititgon, r.verelt. Washington; ( leorge llnrrintgou, ('rooked ('reek; Joseph Bciuart, iermany; W. V. Trotit'iian, Bedding, Cailf. :(?. A. Laiimau, lieuo; !'. A. l.'..,.Lrw..ll I. ,1.1.,, Mm - V I. 1.,rnu . .1 I l, I..I.1 l...... I " - ' ' ' " - "I IIIK miril'JJ KOI uniiu mm imi I j. , ,t , ()hll). there will he no room letf for the! ' grass to grow. But dont' be alarmed I they are nut built yet. j It is cloudy as we go to pre-is and j D. c. Kenyon, of Klamath Falls was looks like more rain. I in town Thtmday interviewing n men In the Inteiesl of su ha SECURES LAKEVIEW TRADE n l f tl, w.. r .".TTuT I business ,.,.nM u,i. 1,!,!.,, tin., ...i,l frlui forwaiding warehouse he . ' , , .... i... ; estaiilished since the coming of the people locating on ttie dovernmeiil i . . . ".. . t I ... i nil piiti.l ffn thul r.lui'u If uoll Ink u IrK i j 4 i LJij Homesteads and Desert Claims In the FAMOUS WARNER VALLEY. We have surveyed out, yJZrJ'T ' Sage brush land, soil as there is in this This land can be irrigated at moderate cost. Do Not Overlook This Opportunity ! For this this is about your last chance to secure a homestead. We are the only firm in Lakevlew that makes The Location of Covtrnment Land a Specialty. InfAHmrifiAn regarding these Government Lands promptly llllOl nitlLlUIl supplied. Call at our office and see photos of Warner valley. We also have homestead reinquishments and school land assignments for sale, tour Scandinavian and German Spoken. JOHN COQBURN, NCLS JEPSON, 1 a n ii a. tvl.-.-r- .' - Miss Irene Tull has ('isposed of her photograph gallery to Northup A Stickney, and wid leave Lakctie for Medeford iu the Bogue Liver Valley. Her father, K. T. Tull aud brother A. B. arrived in town Friday for her personal eilects. Mr. Tull left here about a year ago. Miss Tull will be mis-ed by her mauv friends here, who w ish her success and happiness in her new home. Our lightning manipulate. Welch, says that earthquakes iu North Dako ta and.ioritaua, wtre also due here, and that the only reason this section so far has not received a visitation of that HOit is because that earthquake shipment in being made over the N. C. O. and it is a little slow iu getting here. Postmaster Miller is contemplating! changes in the postolllce that will I bring it to the up-to-date mark to I meet the growing requirements ot the ; town. He will take out nil call Luxes, and replace them with IHl lock boxes, t This arrangement will admit of leav- ing the doors always open, ho thatj thuso holding tioxes can obtain their j ! mail at any hour ot the day or night, j j something that w ill be a great ' accommodation to the, business pub I lie. I The greased pig at the Link Sunday ! night refused to run. He knew the j day and refused to labor. Conse uue.utlv it was a very easy matter for Buy Blurtou to catch him. Pi of. Chas. K. Bice hail reorganized the LaKeview band, and the boyH are now practicing and getting ready for the Fourth, New comers, or j others who desire to join the band I for practice or for the interst of the town Hhould see Mr. Bice railroad to ttiat place. It will be great convenience to shippers here, j and we believe the business men of j Lakeview signed tip with the gentle man to handle their freight. 2.260 ACRE TRACT of improved land on East shore of Goose Lake. This land will prtduce grain, alfalfa or orchard has an abundant supply of wat er. $27.50 per acre, McCleary fl Shauers New Pine Creek, Ore. I'iiii'I inl-s the lilif 'I hen I re iiU Ing. Sniiil.iv Mght. Mit.v :iu New Miohltie. .Vow Pictures. .New I Iper.i eh ills, s-iimet long; Specllll I be lirst Night 'Fire , it Lri nnd Other Cel. -Iirnt Inns" Dm M ill'iv on l ues lay pnrrliii-,' l (' W Dent's miel yeal'l'ug sheep at per head and his U year old wetheis for i? I. He also bought the mixed y 'hi lings ot (i. L. Holbrook furtfiT"'. Mr. Malloy Is in the mar ket for more. Supt. Jackson Is down from Paisley this week attending to his school duties. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FABMKBS. IF VOL' CAN LOCATK me near you write your terms. Box 1H7, Portland, Ore. FOB HALF-TWO COUNTKBH AND four show cases, etnUlre uf A. L. Thornton, Druggist, Lakevlew. WANTKD FAT L1VK 1IKNS FOB tamales at the Blue (loose. IHtf. Green Garden House. When you get to Lakeview coma to the ( ireen ( iarden House. You will Hud good, clean beds, and you will ba made at home. Th (ireen (iarden is a modern house aud Din'' will treat you right. Opposite the M. K. Church. 9 Bunch (1p Tussey Wholesale i Commission Merchants!! WLLKLY WI-ATHLk kLPOKT. Week eliding TueHdiiy, Mn.v, 2, I'.liill M anagrs. 1 For Particulars, apply to PACIFIC LAND CO., LAKEVIEW, OREGON. Iny iiiuinlli, preelp mi'w j eliarunter llalinn full nl 'In) VVeTfT (i!Ti .11) Tum") ""(TtTi clwTr thlir. (II) I L'S ll.Ot) 0(1 frid'yl 7.". 1'-' 0.10 I , chly Hiif.vi ri v o.oo " ; no ' " ami. (is i-T) 0" 1 'cienr " inon.l t, j 27ti.MjM TiieH. j 75 i :i5 Vj'.OO J 00 Alturas, California We carrry a fuli iirve of Fresh FruiCs, indludirg 14 Buy Lots In Watson ' Addition Before you buy lota any where in this vicinity see those iu Watsoau' addition. Close to business center, of Lakeview. il!l tf. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA mOrnncrnc I .omnnc RirvAtinc A t W 1 11 i- - r Rl A sx pies, aiso an Kinas 01 nuis. t0 v vviuiivv;, sucn as Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and fpFresh Fish, Oysters, Clams, Crabs.tfj ffllf your merchants do not handle Tnf r iiirF tt n c rrnr wnn'rrv r r r 1 a Vjl ftAliiranoifl In na f "k r 9 f nlrotfiaur M i f,