M I N Kit, 1 . ; - 1 1. W . OHKOON, 1 i I hDSAY MAV '27. IlKH) six .NT OFFICIAL DIRECTORY NATIONAL .. .. Vt Ilium II. T. . ..Jumrt S.She rein t'hiiai'dcr C K Vies l'rci1ctu deem' v f !' Socieo.tr 'i Treasury Secretary "I vr Atwirni'T .V.-ncral ...Franklin Ma. .. ..Jacob H. Pu am .-. Geiwe . Wlrai ' . rrli H. llHChcva .l,.tge Von I.. M.' rt Lf,..i,r.l A 111 tllk,l 1'oaimanter tiii-ral gwrnminl Navj Swrriarv I lienor Perratar? ol AnNruluire ...Jatrn V n ii , Charlcn Naacl Secret arT oi mm- ChleUnnitct J I1HI14' ... . . ll " r-n, fwinon vv.rmr. o . 'VnMon t oniin.io, IV. S. Hirlmrd. t . P. Land toininlsM - ..MITl IP I t Vi ITTATI. Got r nor p. r"rv of Stale Treasurer Attorney liencral Hiifi. I'Hlillc lusirucilon. . Hln:..t . .. f. w n-i ...K. W. Hens i. . .tteo. A. S " ..A. M.Crf. ol . J. H Ai iorn'iii V. S. Puntwav J. W. IUIe Dairy an.1 Food Com 1 (ieo. A. Cuml"latn l.ka.ithin HAIltlV.Jr U.U Senaiom.. Congrvamn v. j W. R 1 W. r. Hw .)' dim tThKMSOorST Chlel Justice R. . Bean v r. A. Morc ( Knwri Kakin Associate JuiMces . f vv ill K. kn ) W. T.S'.alc UK tier hits jrMOAL Disrate. ,,... Geo. H. Notan.l '.'.'.7.7 P. V. Kuiaendal. Atorney LKUISUATIVS 0. H. Metryran- Joint 8enatoi . H.r. Bt'U.r Kprcntl!et j A p,,,,, LA Kb col .vTV Judge.. " Clrl Sneriff ITrajiurur iMfMIII Scbool Supt Surveyor K. W. 1 ayu Albert Is ... K. O. Ahiir. ...... A. J Fo I-1 ... R. B. Jae v C M. Kaiilam . IT A. Kctiar Commlaaiouera . Stock Inspector. I H. R. IKryioi . ,.w. m. I'rouilioo- TOWN OF LAKKV.KW. Hir- Bailey V. Snellliia I D. J. W i'oox t J. N. Wton i J. 8. Lane I W. B. tfllldft A.BIelxrr Co iniilin- Kecora TroHu U 8. J AND t'FFICE. J.N.Wntson Pred Y. Cronemlller LAKEVItW, BOARD OF TRADE Pw-dent tor. jy M. B. hio KiMAtu e i'ommiiema .. i -,l Publicity " W. K rin BtKk " 'Vw",'"! Agricultural '' s- v- Kehnr. Roo-n- Headquarter for fxmrg LUUOb UlKtClUK. i. O. C. W.-LAKEV1EW LOLKiE NO. Ill Meets everv second and fourth Thursday of each month. In Ma-nic Hall. Lakeview. Chag. Tonning'en. W.M.: '. Gunther. F. DEGREE OF HONOR-LA KESHORE L01GE No. 77. D. of H., A.O. I'. W., Meeta first and third Thursday! of each mobtli in Masnuu Hall. Cora Green, C. of H.; Selma Price. L. ofH.; Vida Gunther, C. of C; France Ns wauer, Recorder. L O. O. F--LAKEV1EW LODGE. No. 63, I. O. F., meets ecerv Saiurdav eveninit in iMit Ftllows Hall, at T:3u o'clwk, from October 1 to April 1, and at a olclock from April 1 to September 30. A. E.Cheney, S. .; E. F. Cheney, Secretary I.O. O. F. I.AKEVltW ENCAMPMENT No. 1 I O. O. F., meets the firt-t and tl.ird Thurs. day tvenin! of each niifiilh inidd Keli-W! Hail. Lukeview. CD. Arthur, .CP., A. H Hnmmerhley, rcrib. REBEBAH LOlR.t-LAKtVli.VV Luln.r.. St 22. I. O. O. F-, uieeis the seound and fourth Fridavof each inouih in Odd Fellows' Hall. Mis.il. L. Heryford, V.G.; Mrs. Ida Hery ford, VV. G.; Mrs. M. D Moss. Secretary ; Mrs. L J. Magilton, Tr as:irer. O. E. 8. ORIENTAL CHAPTER, NO. 5, LAKE view, Oreiron, M-e-. 011 Tuesday, ou or 0 fore full mouu and tvvo weeiia thcienftcr, in Masonic Hall, at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting members are conliullv invited. CWKNEI.1A A.WATSON, V. M, IDA rERtCH rv CHURCH DIRECTORY METHOId.-T El'I.-i OPAL CHl RL H-'l 1. 1 first Suuday in each nnmth, preaching ,al li a. m. Aside Iron' this, preaching every ! ,r day at 11a. 111. and 7:JUp. mi. at Lakei w biinday School at 10 a. m. Lc ae ai 6:') p m. Prayer Meeting Thursday 7::J0 p n Ladles Aid Wednesday IM i' in. Chou practise Friday :: p in. A cordial iuvua tiou is cxleudeO to vouu. I. C. PARKER, Pastor. VIRT BAPTIST CHI KI'H OF LAKEVTcW Preaching service at 11 A M and 7 :i0 H M o 1st and :rd bun. mi inlay School at Io A : Junior Kucieiy ai i:.t P M. haptiHt Voun People's L'liion t C:.J ? M nil each .-uiiOh; Prayer Meeting at 7::) P M Wednesilay ev. Uing. Ever) body hu lled to atteud ail ser rviees. Pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH- EVERY 81NDAY MA and beiiediciion ai 10 o'clock a. in. Stunlx acbool after Benediction. Week day Ma-s t:.J 1. in. I. A VAST A. J. FIRST BAPTIST HtltCH OF GOOSE LA K at New Pine Creek, "regon. Prc achini! s vices at 11 A M and 7::ioP M of each Sxiidn of everv month Sunday School at lu A Prayer S-rvic at 7:' on tt Eduesday eieni of each weed All re cordially invited 1 attend 'he services J. HAYDr.N HOWARD, Pastor PROFESSIONAL CARDS F. CO NX Attorney at Law ljUe view, Or'E OFFICE-Dalv Building. J D. VE.VATOIt Attorney at Law, laiid Matters WpecUlt OFFICE Daly Building. (JilAHLKS UMUACH Land and Law Office Abstractor of Titles EiOtalished 1888 I.akeview, Ore- Y. LAIR THOMPSON Attorney at Law Office: Over Bunk of La view Lakeview, Oregon XHOS. J. POWELL Attorney at Law Oince la Daly Building Lakeview ItEOO.X ROOSEVELT INRy? AFRICA Hunting the Elephant Dy Frederick R.Toomba eopvwKiKr.190a.8V American pkes association W1VU bull Cle lili.mt U th no t'K'fct work of Ooi," re-etit!.v aid a well known Afrktia hunter to toe wrier. Undoubtedly the sIk'U of htm lunging through a tropK'81 forvsi, trunk upralsotl. tusk glistening, eyes gleaming, lot: like monoliths crushlug all opnoattlon. Is more than enough to fill with awe aUn to fear tho soul of a were hu man, no mutter how steely his nerves, how true his rifle r how clear his con science. That Mr. Koosevelt should not be satisfied with the dangers of lion, hip pootaiuus and rhlnocetvs killing and desires to add to them the unques tioned perils of elephaut tracking la cumulative proof of his atnbitiou to experience every possible thrill that this little wcrlTl affords. His chosen bunting field on t lie Uganda tableland affords probb!y the best elephant ter ritory now remaining in all Africa. Ke- mote from the coast. Infrequently touched even on its edges by whites. growing luxuriantly the pachyderm's best liked foods, well watered and well shaded, central Uganda was apparent ly created by the gods of the elephant os the ideal breeding place and play ground of their favorite children. African elephant hunting is more hazardous than that of India, where j the venturers have trained elephants, j on the ba' ks of which large baskets j or howduhs are placed to carry the j riflemen comparatively out of harm's way. But no such trained pachyderms are had lu Africa, and the tracking ' and attacking must be done on foot, an i operation said by the renowned author- j Jty, Sir Samuel Baker, to be the most j dangerous sport on earth, for, since j many elephants are killed without any , danger en foot. It is absolutely in- : evitable that the charge of a wounded ' animal will sooner or later U-.vf to be met successfully by the iv-i'i Vjo presses closely Into combat i:l met successfully If the hunte; would preserve his life from this unsought com bat that calls forth every ouii e of un swerving, unhesi'ntiug. intuitive cour age. Like the hunter of the jungle lion, the slayer of the tusked behemoth r hi v.7 e1 -yv-V Vk 'f ' i") 4 'jv A. ifcl'' ' hit bas thrown his life In the balance, and t the balance swings against him only be himself Is to blame. Another way of hunting the Deasis In a safe way, unknown In Africa, Is the Indian custom of organizing im mense drives with from uOO to 500 men, encircling a herd of elephants and for Inr; it by noise and other deuionslralloiiH to enter a large, spe cially prepared lnelosure, termed a kraal. There the tuskers an reHdlly ta killed, or the beasts itn be taken out Individually and trained to llio various kinds of work they are capa I 'e of pet foi nlng. While it Is true that elephant drives somewhat similar lu uature an- at times ren rted to In Africa they . re conducted on much scmller scale;-', a"d the beasts are driv en In front of t:.o hunters who kill them luutciid of InU ticlosures. In elcphunt :-ootln ' It Is vitally Im portant that the hunter have a de tailed knowle' - of (he makeup of the rain of the '. -c''. us ''m shots best mm ; calculated to Instantly brln down the ; animal are those tlui penetrate the j Vralu. and this, of course, cannot tie ! penetrated unless a man knows Just how It Is sltu ired inside the skull. When n herd takes alarm at a party of attackers and starts on a rampage ! across country the hunters must travel at a punishing rate If they dwlre to secure any of the sjioclmens, and woe be unto whatever Is lu the path of the crashing monsters. Obstructing trees, torn up by the roots, are thrown aside like so much driftwood on an ocean shore, and they will go fifty miles at a stretch over country of a nature that men would cover only twenty miles In the same period. Frequently elephants of the same herd become angered at each other and Indulge In forest duels that would make a bull fight look like a kissing bee down on the old farm. The Kngllsh authority, Q; V. Sanderson, actually witnessed such an engagement and describes It and the subsequent hunt as follows: "The elephants were separated from us by a deep ravine, and we saw them lunge ferociously at each other, cut ting deep gashes with their sharp tusks. The cane tops bowed and trees shook as they bore each other back ward and forward. The noise was ter rific, when the last nearest us, evi dently having enough and losing large quantities of blood from his wounds, turned, uttered a deep mar of pain ond fled across the ravine to uear where we stood behind a clump of bushes. He !egan to destroy the foil age In sheer fnry and granted deeply. lie was very large. It must have been a genuine monster that worsted him. Suddenly the animal backed away anil stood stark still. Not a sound could be heard. lie gazed straight In our direction, and I knew that he had winded us. Ills frenzy now sent his ears forwrrd. his tall up, and straight tit us he !: trued with Incredible swiftness, considering his size. I srepped out Into the opeu to clear my pun of the bushes and fired. I looked to see where the elephant lay. '(!ood heavens! He had not even been checked. To my horror he was upon me. His tusUs came through the smoke like the oow.-ati i, r of a lo comotive, and 1 bad Jus: tt tu fall flat before belli:; tn;.:in-! .111 them. His ponderous left 11c wltlilu a few Inches of my u f 'M-.-h. and I "1 n. -,-1, .Vj c . U U.l.Vit.. would have been crushed had 1 not drawn my legs forward us, shrieking 'ihrllly. he rushed directly over me. "My companion escaped by leaping Into the ravine. The beast kept straight on and disappeared, leaving me soaked and my hair matted with the blood vtiut flowed from bis wounds." When elephants fight each other on of I heir favorite tricks Is to bile off each other's tall. Females are espe It'I' fond of doing lids to rival fe iiinlc In the same herd. Flephants ron'M about and feed both c'arlnjf day and 11 Iff) t. usually resting from 0 or 10 In the miming until the mldiMe of the after' i-on. In warmest weather tbey bahe frequently and roll around In the iitrd At such times they are shot cor ttlvely easy. They are expert awl. i ers, going through the water wltli !y tho tips of their trunks or the tops i their beadj showing above the surf" i. An elephant shot In the wa ter '' ts, while a hippopotamus sinks. ' st rate at whl h A'rlcan ele J ' 1 phant! hnre ever been known to travel U about fifteen tulles an hour, tho liiatlouim length cf their stride being from and n half to seven fe -t. y;.lln cite or tvvo partliu'ar ani mals liMtu n herd (ihe herd In t'em 0:l titlniLcr flout leu to It'ty l:iei:i!:''s) Ii a t.i ik requiring censnmui: to hunt ing sMII. 1 he heids travel w th ths fccvtlcH In front run! t'io litilis In the rear, utul herd aie list:. illy muck ed from oil her the mic oi the rear. S'.i'lll i-,.' bi;l!.. i:lei! "im,:uc" clei '''' i efer t!.v v Hilly v l. loits cv i-i IT. re at :i. Ltd. nl-o prc-'eiit In ii tv. I-.; I ii ! I ins. 'l 'ie natives have ' , d ;.; i .'I npiltuilc In f .:..w l:rt i d i ..-rp.e'. icv, I lie I mpi iios ( .po t i f i , j.intrv, vv he: !n-r II, lis ele ,m i jl.:., !!' or oi Ii -r Rininv If It .di. lue it! i li v.- i : u n, I d utid they are lll'ed. i p u-.lv ho. ivl.li virl.'l tint'd and Id s .f ;.-,'.. ou.d:d tie (hunts are . Ho i.'-unii ! ,V the l.lood stains tm the ec li.i. ' , t ,'.s through , which they pass, and b.v '.l I eight of j the stains on the gr:i:s , .m-i be e.-al mated how lali::ei'ous the v i d tl Is. In "(In Sa In 1 1" Abel t'hipuiau tells of nn attack by a bull elephant that almost cost hlin his II. e. He says. "Archer and I npproa' bed to within thirty ynrds of the animal (near the chore of l.ol.o liarlngu, Itrltisli ICast Africa) and hoped to get u good shot vv ll In. nt di-te. tlou beforehand. Sudden ly t!ii wliul shifted, and the eh'phunt cauli' our scent. Instantaneously he was nil ti It-rt. Suddenly he disappeared In the jungle brake, uud while trybig to t'p.v 1 1 1 1 ii a heavy t-rashlug hen id di rectly before us told us be was com ing. At oii-e it big square forehead appeared directly above us In the tail gruss (leu or twelve feet highi only u few yards away, resembling Ihe hoary Kray tower of som. old village chur h. "1 hlcel a 'M bullet III his temple at the point described by experts, 'half vvuy between tho eye and the orlllco of I lie ear.' tln-llll hid car was us big lis a barn door. Archer, In front, tried the cii'cctive forehead shot, aiming at the base of tl.e tllllih. The le.i.-.t swerved from tight under these blows, but qui'-Uly reiii'pe.uvil again just us I h i I reloaded. He crushed tit us v I i l iislv fi. ui our rihi. uml vve ea h lut bullets Into Lis load from Co- mi!. hi i ear almost I u- hliig our rllie t.iu.-:-.. 's, Archer h.ltlng him with a -In i tul I with tvvo more ::.(. following wlih tvvo lead slugs fn:n a -la. black ,.1-hiI'T rilic. i the e total seven .III t In vital parts had n npparcut d'eet. and th" beast headed Into a heavy thorn J'ltigle. We follow ed but !' r miles he otit-.,o us. and we re-i:i.-l:ii;lly gave up th.'ch.ise, marveling that any ai.i::;al could live, much less travel, s far and mi fast with seven ordinarily deadly bullets lu Ids skull. Our natives continued the pursuit twenty miles and gave up. Later the Uast was found dead nt u point about forty miles distant, his great tusks, weighing ninety pounds apiece, having been taken by u native Ivory trader. "This elephant was estimated to weigh almost l-.ooo pounds, the great est weight known U-Ing H.omi Nuuds, and this latter animal stood practical ly twelve feet high, the record height for the modern pachyderm." The elephant carcass Is a choice prize for the natives. They climb Upon its side and cut a large hole straight down Into the Interior, Just as a mining sli;iTt Is sunk, and the na tives climb down out of sight in the "shaft" to hunt about for choice mor sels. A coating of elephant fat and blood is a Nipulnr substitute for cloth ing among certain Uganda savages, who believe that no .people should wear clothes until after marriage. F.lcphant hunters lo Uganda llnd ant hills a valuable aid as observatories. These hills tower to h considerable luilvbt. and uianr of theui can bu SAN FRANCISCO DAILY BULLETIN San Francisco's Leading Daily T H F Lake Gcunty Examiner Is Enabled to offer Old and New Subscribers The Luke County FxHiiiiner, per your ?2 00 The Bullet in, Dnily, per year ; ()( Both Papers, one year, - - $3.50 This an extraordinary offer and may be withdrawn at any time, we suggest that all old subscribers in arrears pay back accounts, that they may take advantage of this special rate, THE BULLETIN is famous from Coast to Coast for its fight in the defense of good government, and is read by more people dai ly, than the combined circulation of all the San Francisco dailies. You vv'll appreciate the value of this offer when you consider that any of the other San Francisco papers will cost 8.00 per year. SUBSCRIBE TODAY easily climbed. OfTiers rise sharply like smokestacks, and. being hollow, holes are frequently dug In their sides and fires built for rooking. A perfect draft Is pnxluced by the hollow In terior, and the smoke Is carried tiff at the top, Ko numerous are these bills that they are h distinctive, s typical, feature of the country. Cases are known where hunters have saved their lives from charging elephants by dodg ing behind convenient nut hills. The charge of an aroused elephant herd Is. by the way. n si ht never to be forgotten If the ob.lret cf It escapes wllh his life. A writer In the tleo. g'nphlcal Mngnr.lne tleseillies such au assiuilt by African elephants near Iake luuiolph. as follows: "W'r entered a patch of deme Afrl rcti Jungle. Huge pilckty nlces enor luo'.is cactuses with long sharp points ml S tall feathery pl-nt l.'l.e pilvet made tip a safe usyluiu from ordinary mortal". Very few. minutes xuftlced to , turn hunters Into hunted. No, 1, a , tow, iluirr.cd down on tri. Jumping ; aside, I killed her as she rushetl on my kttn carrier not f ur feet from him. Hardly had we struck the spoor of an other lot when a youi g bull suddenly ' liorc (town in lee. Hou-evp, n lucky . forehead shot laid him low. While sMnn'ng one of these heads the whole place seemed nllM- with elephants smashing toward us r'e lug my rifle, I run al'iTtl StVden'y a Hue of over forty elephants I n : c cover, about twenty live In the first Hue Jammed together like a cavalry regl'tient rhitru , lug Pcltf only tv. enty yards from me when they appeared, with the een- ; ter hearing direct 'y down on ne, I own to frellir; they had the best of me. I saw my only than e was killing the flank one In a n1 ond I 'rop;ird , the left hand one. whl h. falling In wardly. Inclined the whole' troop a lit tle to the right Within leu yards I fired my remaining barrel, dropping , another, causing still further deflection to the right. Another second the flunk one ou the left rushed past. eP.ciU knocking me down. "I felt thankful for such a lucky escope and blessed my new 450 cordite rifle, which hud done such good work " NEW SCALP nnm trvi r ini Kill MV I I I LIU (J 11 I I Llll Will Co Into Effect On The Twenty-third Of This Month The new sculp bouuty law, which whs plowed by tlio Inst legislature, will go into eftoet on May 'SI The noiititv tlmtwill be (mid isHStollow: For coyote or coyote pup. fd.CiU uruy or balek wolr ." ; uruy or l luck wolf pup, limber wolf or pup, S-..rsl; bob-cut wild cut of lynx. t'J; inoiin tniu liou, HUtliir or cougar, fill. The entire skin ot ench of suid nui ihhIh on. i-I be iTceeii t ed to the county clerk within six moiitlis from I lie date of kiillng the nniiniil. The skie In cludeM mid must have nt Inched there In nil lour td the paws or feet, the lull mid the skin ot the entire head, Inclining both ears thereof, eye ho es mid skin (o lh tip of the nose. The skin will be examined by the clerk. ho fl, II nun k it by cutting off the sculps of cerlHin animals nun the lore feet of others. A plan is ou foot to tiurchiisn the McCull rsi lence bu ilt f rent money stolen from the widows, ami orohans of the land by the life insurance graft hh a summer capital tor the I lesi It nt. fcsaJLi By Special Arrangement with the Sheriff 5a I e closure. In I'ore- Under and by virtue of an ex ecution in forrrloMire, Imui1 oot of the Circuit Couit or Ihe stale of Ore gon for Ihe County of Luke, on the Wild day or April, UKMi, to msdl.ect ed and dellvi ied In a suit In said Court for said County Slid (State, where'n tieorgii 11, Aiyxs mid tins M'hhigel, psrtners, doing business under the firm tisms and style of Ay res A Hchliigel, as plslntllls, Tcotrrstl Judgnieiit snalnst John Vv eat lake, us del. iidinil, for the sum of lOight lliiiidred MfiKly eight slid 111 100 Dollsts (stm.:0) siid rots and dls biirseinenls taxed itt Twenty-eight hollsra (?H.(Hi) on the li.'lid day of Octolier, I'.KW ssiil jtidgmeut bear lug Interest nt tho rate of 10 per cent, per annum (rout said October 1rd, I'.HIN, and hIko a decree o- f orecloaure npil order or sale agslimt as Id detii(i snt, and by direction uf nnl order of said CoiM't Hinl Kitbl execution, 1 am commanded to sell the follow lug des cribed reai ptoperty, to It: The Sooth-went Otmrter of Seel Ion Thlrlyfour. In I 'ownalilji Thirty- iiIiik Koiith, nf Bangs Tweuty two I'.iist, ot the Ulllntuette .Merldlsn. In Luke County, Oregon, (or the pur pone of sstlsfylng sslil judgement of t.l..linr.l u...l tt. h ,1 . - tlx. I'll, i.i.i, la mi'i ,iii l.'a.w nuu v.- penes of such ssle. NOTICK IH IIKKFBYOIVKN. That ou Frldny, tie 4th day of Ju-ie, at Id" Court limine door on Ihe (rout and I'.Hst aids of Ihe Com I house of Lake Count v, In' the Sfntn of Orrgon, situated In the (own or Lakeview, at the hour or ten o'clock In the fore noon or raid day I. will sell at public suction to the highest bidder lor cash, all the right, title and Intereat which th said defeudsnt, Johu West like hud ou (he '.'ml day of February, l'.Hifi, In and to the lands berelubefoie desctlbed or so much thereof as may be iieceacnry, to satisfy ssld judg ment uud the cosls and ex proses of making such ssle. lnteil this !ud dny of April, HfSl. ALHI- BT DKNT. Kberitt. of I ake County, Oregon, ViU'1 Ht W. 11. H.MPKH, DepUtT. NOriCI! IOH Pt BI ICATION Oenalrment of the Interior, U. H. I. and nillce ul I.Hktvicw, Oregon, April lit, llsi. Notice Is hereby given that FKANK A. CALOKKWOUl), t,l Adel. Oregon n ho on May lH, 11HKI, niiule tioniestrud F.ntry No. a (Seiml No. OIKI-Ji, tor N IihIi HK quarter, NF. quarter SW qiiHrter, SK (iinrter NW quarter, Section II. Toi.shli :.7 h.. Kauge "f K.. Will Merldliili. has tiled notice fit Intention to iihIik FiiimI live year I'ri'f f, to eslrtl lish claim lo the IhiuI almve decribed, before Jieglsler and Kecelver, ut Ijikevlew, Oregon, on the '.'Kill day cl May. 'l!H Chiliifiisiit nn - es hh witnesses: N. F. Ciihler w ood. Harry ('alders ood, of Ad-I Oregon, limit's McKie, of I lush, Oregon, On k ley ( link, if Will tier Lake, Oregon. A'J.M 'i; J. N. Watson, K.gl:lr. A WISK I'ltl DlCTION. Diisiiiesa mail Mr. Koblnnon. 1 want you to draw up n lint ot nil too living gmtidi arent of the olllen boys nod cleika. Altiniiger Cei iHlnly, sir. Hut wty, -lr llusiliess insil Now (hut "I" 'oil Inun senaiiu in on I wnht lo I i o so thai no one griind srent ie bui inl l.it.ie I l.nii oncti Fi.li iti.o) u American, s li i:s.i; o. A Itl V.l;i ot (if y dollars IH l eic by olfoicd tor intoiniHllon Hint will lead to t he hi rest nuil conviction of any prison who has stolen wires or other property, from our Company; mid tho shiiik reward Ih heteby otfeteil tor intoriniil Ion Hint will lend to the arrest mid convict Ion of anyone des troying the property of the Company. CIihs. Umbacb, Secretary like Co. Tel. A Tel. Co. Ifltf. 3R Notice of i