LAKE COUNTY KXAM1NKH, LAKEVIEW, OKEOON, Tllt'RSDA V, MAY 27, 1IMi four Hlands ! LANDS ! These are Snaps for Men Who ECnow ! fid LANDS ! LiS WufcA Gs Ldk VaMy, ,11 1,000 acres, improved wheat land in Goose Lake Valley, 640 44 choice land, unimproved, in Chewaucan Valley, 320 " excellent wheat land, per acre, - - Business Block, Lakeview, paying 12 per cent net, New Cottage, 5-room, Lakeview. $22,500 6,400 16.50 3,500 900 SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY CO., Umbach Block, next door to Board of Trade Room, Lakeview, Oregon. fl-r7f 7YCirS--etropolitan Hank & Trust Co,, Los Angeles, Cnl., Tnjaro Valley Hank, Watsouville, Cal.. Hank of Oxnanl, Oxnard, Calif. P i 1 " - -, FINES" AND MINING j C. E. McClesrry. the New Pine Creek mining man was in town Mon day.. He reports mining men com in into tbe Hoag district from Tuuo pab, Goldfleld aDd all other Nevada camps, who in tarn eenrJ lor their friends. Several leases have already been made and more are under con sideration. Tbe gectlemaii expects the work now under way in the dis trict will prove so highly satisfactory that there will he a tig rush into that district bo soon as the snow dis appears about July 1st. The Reno Gazette of tbe 19th inst says: Henry J. Amigo, the well known young mining engineer who sp-nt several months here this winter left this morning over the N. C. O. for New Pine Creek, Oregon, where he will engage in mining for come time. lie has a number of miniug properties in tbat part of the country and states tbat tbe country is being developed on a large scale. At this time there are many people rusbigg into tbe uorthren country to take up new mines and develop those already taken up. The Ft. Bidwell Gold Nugget says Mattering reports still continue from tbe lioag mines The Sugar Pine ledge, tbe King of tbe mountains is j sti-1 on tbe improve, and bids fair to 1 . , . i . develop into oue oeyona mi tioos; and tbat J. R Baty and How ard Brdue left there Friday morn ing for tbe quicksilver mines in Washoe Co. Nevada, to he gone sev real days. Mr. Baty is interested in some valuable ground at tbat place, and is out on a business trip with some lower ccuatry people. Quick silver is looking up considerably of late, and good properties are in demand. All kinds o' Lace Curtains at B and M. City Gardens Are A Success In California PUSHING WORK WESTERN ROAO County Commissioner Heyford left Monday with a gang of men, teams and tools for the completion of tbe work on tbe Klatuatb road, through tbe Quartz valley, and over tbe mountain to tbe Klamath county I line. That part of the road up to the present has been covered with snow, i so tbat it was necessary to del ij I working tbe same until now. How-1 ever, the work is now to tin rushed to early completion so s to enable freighters to haul tbe wool clip over to Klamath ami bring buck freight shipments for tbe bueiuess men of Lakeview. A SCRAPPY LOIDV. Few possess tbe quickness of thought and action characteristic of the coster monger's wife who exclaimed. "She said I wasn't a loidy, sbe did, and the next minute 1 'ad Vr 'ead in tbe gutter. "Exchange. Down in Southern California they have developed a movement for the cultivation of tbe one-acm farm. It is advocated, and said to be demoo terated, in some of these southern counties tbat a small f am illy of two or four people ca maintain itself on a plot of ground of this size. Tbe movement has attracted a great deal of attention ; and obviously enough, it will be of sociological as well as material value if it shall prove suc cessful. In commenting upon the above tbe Portland Telegram say tbat ic is a fact that a small family iu this city, reisding in tbe suburbs, where they have an extra lot or two, are able to pay tbe family living expenses from the intensive cultivation of these lots, regarding tbe requisite labor as nothing but needed recreation. Tbree dozen toamto plant", of tbe right va riety and properly cultivated, for ex ample, will provide a family of three or four persons -itb sufficient of tbat succulent vegetable, fresb during tbe summer mouths and canned during the Winter, for an entire year, and there will still be enough left to sup ply all demands of neighborly cour tesy. What is true of tomatoes is true of string beans, of squash and a number of other vegetables . The uniutiat ed w ill be surprised at wha tbe city grdea will yield. Morover tbe mecbauic and tbe pro fessional man soon finds tbat he ;is interested iu the soil and wbat he ran make It produce. His intreest leads to a sort of scientific inquiry and experiment, and tbe first thing any body knows, he is cultivating a small farm; making money enough for his needs, and broadning and and en riching society by tbe production of wealth in independent and fundamen tal fashion; by relieving city con gestion and contributing to a better social order. What is said above also applies to the people of the small town, where the tendency to cultivate small plats of ground is much more generally the custom tnan in tbe larger cities, iu fact many secure most of the living fort beir whole families in this way at only tbe cost of small effort to themselves. If You Own Any Farm land, or know anybody who docs, you ought to get in touch with the steps farmers in all parts of the country are taking to protect themselves from some of the commission men who have been robbing them almost ever since they were boys. 1 you don't own any, tut want tbe best short stories printed this month, get the JUNE EVERYBODY'S r f v o What do You TfainfC of ,ine of Goods ? thisl coses Hanan Shoes, Red Cross Shoes, Cluett Peabody Shirts, J. B, Stetson and Castle Hats. These goods need no advertising. But we want you to know who has them in stock. We have. Bailey ( Massingill ONE WAY OUT. j L'ttle Mary bated to say 'vinegar" because sbe bad been laughed so often i for her queer prnnunication of tbe j word. So when her mother sent her i to the store to buy some she resent-1 ed the jug to the clerk and said: Z "Smell of that and give me ai ( quait. " Bohemian. strong, durable, comfortable garments for workmmen Fruit Lands Fruit Lands CLASSIFED WANTS (Five crnta per line or line cent per word, each liiKi rtlnn. Thirty wonla, or li m. II per month. f-Na mUcrtU. mi-nt IliHorli'il for than i cntn. HTIt AV NOT U K ft I KAY EI) ONE LIOHT CHEST nut colored mare nnd one irdilinir. welirhlng each about 1MK). Until white Htnr In face, borne tin one white hind foot, both with humem marks. 910 reward, delivered at O. FOK EXCHANOE: KOUHERN California property for good prop ' ery Iu the vicinity of Lakeview. , SOUTHERN OKEOON KEA LTV CO. I U in hitch block. FOK SALE WeHt i ol Sec. 34. Towu hl:W. Kantfe l't EiiHt at $5. er acre, 7 nilleH from Lakeview, Orcuou Write or enquire of C. F. Elgin, cire of City Hull, Salem, Oregon. I u.t (..til ... a 1 I - t nKiiiuiiuiai, inuuor nun immure. i Ail fenced, contains springs and stream. Well sheltered. ideal fnr V. L. Co.'h camp at Hrewn Creek, or ''rnu'; " " or'rth ',f Ll',ew' notify W. S. McCollurn, Lakeview. tl ; ,0"d- huulre ttt EKTKAY NOTICE (1 O O H On April 14, KKX), there came to my plitou 7 head .of hogs marked as follows: one crop off left ear, one crop and slit lu left ear, under bit in right, two crops off right and under bit in left, three crop otf right. 1 have takeu up the above mentioned bogs and am feeding them. The owner IB equeHted to come, prove property, pay charges, and get their hogs. T. A. CKUMP, Adel. t'OH MALK' i FOK HALE-ONE OKEOON VAL ley Land ('outrsct at a preniiun. ot , I lfiO if takeu at once. Not delinquent, i Address Mrs. J. Pottn, W2N. .Main, i I'ooafello, Idaho. 17 U 1 0-acre tracts $200.00, payable $20.00 down, and $10.00 per month. Orchards net $1,000.00 per acre Yearly. Now Is your Opportunity to Invest. We have the richest lands, located in the best sheltered places in the Gold en Goose Lake Valley, within 9 miles of Lakeview. Irrigation not necessary, but an abundance of water for irrigation if desired, free of cost. These tracts are going fast, and it is possible they will not last long at this price. If you want one or more of these farms, speak, quickly. LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT CO Bank References Lakeview, Oregon AGENTS GET BUSY. WANTED TruHtworthy man or wo man lu each county to advertlue, re ceive orders ami maimue biiHineHH for New York Mall Order HmiHe. $18.00 weekly; poHitlon permanent; no inveHtmeiit required. I'revloiiH experience not eHHential to eiiKaiflnjr. Spare time valuable. EiicIohk nelf ad drcHHcd envelope fur full partictilurH. AddreHH. CI .A UK Co. WholeHale lept.. 103 I'AKK AVE., NEW YOKK. THE lOLA H'JLOEKS OF OREOON1 Valley Land Cu. contracts are per fecting plans whereby each contract ; holder may have bis right looked i after and protected, and commence ; to get returns on his investment at onoe. Write for our plans and send i us trie names or all contract holders you know. Do IT NOW. OKEOON LAND CLUB, Iola, Kansas. Harney County Times: F. L. Swearingeu, woo came to this country about twenty years a?o and took op land after obtaining title to it went to California, Is now here again, hav ing had fortsigbt enough to bold on to the land. He says Harney valley for him as California has all dried up and there Is an exceedingly poor outlook for crops of any kind. jFOlt HALE ONE OF RURl'IJISE I Valley's choice 'Mi acre farms ueur Ft. liidwell, Calif. Oood house and 1 barn, orchard aud berries. 2.ri acres ' in grain; alfalfa aud wild hay grown ' on place. All farm toclx, work ' horses, milch cows, and hogs in cluded. For particular enquire at 1 this office. FOK SALE Orison Valley Land Co. aHKlgnmeiitH or contracts. L. I). K1CHAKDSON. KM 4th St m 10W4 Mliineapolls. Minn. FOK HA LE-OKEOON " VA LLEY Land Contracts at par. I have just cloet-d a deal whereby 1 can sell twenty cootracs at the price of tbe money Invested, whlb la WO aud the party purchasing will have the bal ance of 1140 to pay as it comes due In CIO installments each month. I . offering thete at cost aud without premium to close them out quickly. W.-L. 1JL1NN, 2'o Masonio Temple, Kockford, III. NIIKAtCIM. ,M ll-MU SHEAIUNO AND DII'IMNO COK ml-Kept by rexpoiiHibie crew. No rough work a llowed. Charges remain unchanged. M1 J"'y 15 J OE AMKKOKE SHEA KINO COKKAI.8: NOW IN shape to conimeuce shearing at any time, tiood feed and giod range. AIho ilipping vat. EverytblDg for shmirlug aud dipping u flrat data shape. MKH. KOSA McDAMELH. NI JIM KK HKNOKT UMVEIMU and up. Onnd fishing and banting. I til most In ulthful place la Lake county, or Southern Oregon, or ..w'.'.. C' lif,,-ii- MKS. KOSA McDANIELH. Kroprietor. W.NTKI-HOUHKN I'UKNISHED KO(3.MS TO LET EiKuire of Mrs. R E. Woodcock. V Ml I.I. IVOWCE 1 will have my Kelly Creek saw mill in operation by June 1st, and will then be prepared to fur nish all kinds of rough lumber. A. M. OALLAOER. l.iqi OHM ANIMIUAKM. I 'OUT & kino HAVE THE BEST jemde of Llqoure and I lara to lie found In Oregon. tf FOR SALE: ONE I2il2 MINERS tent, three foot wall, newt one camp stove, nearly new; oue folding camp table. Addresa A. E. CONVERSE, or at Tbrnston'a ranch, Lakeview, Oregon. Men's oxfords, ox blood tans and black at Lakeview Mercantile Co. TIMBER CLAIM FOR 8ALE-1G0 acres yellow pine, 10 miles from Lakeview. Will cut 3,000.000 feet. Oood grazing iand. A bund nee of water on land. Price 915.00 per acre If sold before the first of October. Address The Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon. J. II. CUTLER WHISKY AT THE Hotel Lakeview liar. The beat and pureMt whisky made. tf TKI.ftPIIOWKM. LOOK AT THE NOTICE FOR RE ward IsHiied by the Telephone Company for deatroyliiK It prop- Blue Prints Made I will make Kluo Frinta o any townnhlp of land In the Lakeview Lund District, and Io abstract work. Call or write W. IJ. SNIDER Lakeview . . Oregon