Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 20, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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None but the best Groceries
Are Offered for Sale
At Bieber's
Good Puro Foods aro a groat advantage to
you in keeping house. It saves the waste
and helps in many way3 to make your liv
ing a satisfaction. Order from BEBER'S
and judge for yourself
This week's addition to our Groc
ery Department comprises:
"SHIELD BRAND" Breakfast Bacon
Eastern Sugar Cured Hams k
Snowflako Pure Lard
PREMIER Roasted CctTeo
CARNATION MiLri has been
reduced to 15 cents a can
Sugar is Cheaper
tha work on tha dama anil canal! la
progreitelog very aatlsfactorlly and
that they expect to cover aeTaral luia
dred acres I I rt i-eason.
An Iron fenca la delim placed
around the court bona ftnunda.
It I now delisted that tba front
did not (to no damage to the trult of
the county that waa at II rut fnrr1.
The apple tree ar now In full bloom
aud lv evidence of an lainieiiMt
Ilanuer waist, tha heat to tin had
In any cily. Merc t'o.
J. It. Anton recently allot a nlirnii
mi tin' l-tkt. which ha ai'nt over to
(.'hit.. IVmitrt. I tin taxidermist nt
l l.uii mIIi Fall-, who sorely did n boo I
jod. '1 tut MM can Im Keen In Mr.
An'en's bIiow window.
Mexican taiinid's, hot. every vn iug ,
lit o o'clock. Hlue House. Itf. j
V. Ij t'lupp. ho run hii HUto do j
tweeu here an 1 1 1 11 rm last lull Iih (
rt't ill 11 ' I with another machine which j
In is .i !iii'l on t': regular run.
It I ropol t'd t tint the site id the j
Hunting home on Court House I
r ii(ri is soon to In occupied dy 11
lint flu:.' Iiotl'l The dtlihiltltf j
11. ' occupying thi Hilt, wit tin I
otllglial In. ti l ill l.aket liv . It it 1
Icing removed to the rear of tin d't. j
prepai iitoi y to tn 1 1 1 1 1 ci k op T itl-ms
of some k iti'l.
Viet yum- l'lumdiiuT (til l Tin Work '
done at lli i ii.ii .l'i Vi ilo tlrst chiss :
work tud guarantee aati-factton. 1'.'- I
They ara delighted with prottpeola
over there, and ara adla to tnaka tin-
proTKinpiita of a audHtantlal nature:
upon their claim. It la a I no Tory)
prohadl that theli aoltlitnient here, 1
will cause many of their friend to'
follow thoni.
Whan yoii noma to Lakevlew go to
Ilia (Jreen Harden llnnaa for a good,
dad and room, opposite tha M. K.
Church 'it ,
It. Ix. 1 .11 mon a contractor and :
dullder of Hun Francisco, came out
lurn on a visit with IiIh frli'O'l l. ' ;
I'.nipilst, (if I lagstalT Mini was Hi 1 well
pleased with the conn ry tlm I hi
I Immediately llll'd II pi 1 1) It lll'ilil t I'lllllll.
mill il at oiu'ii proceed to make lm
1 provcuionts. The gent I 1 1 1 it has
1 in mi) f rlends I hroiighont t ho eoimlry.
I who iloudt Ic-H will 11 No loi'nti lii'if
through Ids tlturts.
Straw hlnl lwig Unlit ill II mi l M '
j Tllt l' Isi-opitl Clod will inret 'it thi'
! Iiotiui nt Mrs .1 .Niuln. 1'ii'dtv, Mny
: lit. S I. M cluiM'. II I ITMi'lin
! Inti'ri'fti'il in t t uiil lull v invili'.i 1
Saturday is Children 's Day
at La MODE
HUhcst in uki't pili
Willi) nl.'p plllH, lit
M rl r;i 111 ilf ( ii.
i 1 p il l for Siimj
tho 1 .1 l,i t Ii
Infanta' Long Slips and Dresses
Chi Id r ens' Whlto Cotton Ribbed
Vests and Pants
Childrons' Aprons and Drosaos--
ogo 2 to 10 years.
The abovo will bo on
Romombor tho date:-
Saturday, May 22d, 1000.
Mothers who seek economy and
siylo should not overlook this op
port unity.
rtJVc A
Watch this Space
For Bargains.
We liavo for Mile :!'Ji bitom (if laml,
In Klmua'li CiiuiiST. oil nilli'H woct of
I.llKI'Vll'W, till Illi'St p.'irt oi which in
niiiiintaln mctii'iiw iiihI. wild mum
plii" t imlicr i mi It. Thoro U n cut k
tdiwln throii jli t his tract dm U mit
iiscil fur irrlu'it h hi. mm thin IhikI ilucn
not rcuir irri j; it ion, lli"n U'in
mltlclciit Kud tri iii itl ii to pioilniv n
a tfood urowih of uriifH. Thi" is an
excellent property ior a dairy man.
of is tirt cl.ix tmsturi land Price
per acre. f!i;."0. cash. d:.dnii e as
ptTMtat tiTini on school Inn. I.
i We also have another clioo 1 . 1 1 1 1
assignment for 3.0 acrea, locited lii
tha Warner valley, and is hencli 1:1ml,
dut excellent pasture land.
This traci is lower in elcv.-iiiiii
than l.akevlew. but thcrtt is no
water here for IrriKiit Ion, and the
snine would have to if u-ed either m
pas ure l.nd or for dry land crops
The price of 81. per ncre will justiiy
you In bo vim; this for 11 fpcculat ion.
Half cash will handle the adova pi op- I
eriy. the dalance as ier mate terms.
Kurt her particulars reunrdintr eith- 1
er of the above properties will lie j
furiiished upon application to. I
Offices, I Sank of Lakcview HuilJing,
MiirshiiM Toiiniiik'seu hits run in a
l it of canines the dift week or mi,
much tvi t he iteliisht of the owners,
who weie coin iielle.l to pny a line in
crdor to cet their pets out of limlio.
'I he result is I hut not a dok' is now
Feen on our t lee's.
Atkin's siws kiiiiriin teed the"Hest"
in the worl I. -i ten llnrdwitre t'o.
The flr.-t d a I of wool arrived in
town I'liday. We rh.l not leiirn
whoHi clip comprised the load.
The N. V. O. is doHstinc that the
Luke county uool clip will j:o en
, overthitt road. Not when it onn t e
hauled Iroin Klsmatli Kails to Hoston
fvT per hundred.
Thi week Prenkel .V Paine hsive
'snl I to llarlin W. Proiitth, one lot in
Prenkel's l-'irst Addition on South
Mrtin Street; to Mr. J. A. Kdmisten.
a f acre tract, one half mile south of
tow 11 from the I'reukel Kauch.
The Klisoti phonograph Biid 4-inin-ute
records it Thornton'. Price :h
and Jim. 10 tf.
We are still olfennii our lace cur
tain at reduced prices. It. and M.
North Yakima wanted an electric
road to one of the fruit section off
rtculnr liner, and cot a sudseription
for that purpose in one duy of fTO.ii1.
We will all see the greased piK Sun
day 11 1 j Is r .
f J.."-l "or the doy
The fullo't iiiij
w ho catches him.
tren tleinen
tnok up
land last week at 1'lakfstalf Lake In I
the Warner V'ulley : .lohn Spriiik.'er.
P. J. Miller, and Henry Souer, all;
prominent n en of Kagle ( irove, loivu. j
v?vvvvv www
!t.!ll1ll'! I.!'1 '
t'! a Mi n oi
Uiif lor t'Hi'U niv rt
ir Kt'Milt-T
tT it; I i
home in Dnsumuir, Calif..
' Ai kiudd of Lru-e Curtaiurt .1
; m.
Tin, flu. (''.
r'Mti-)il niHrki
..I.ihiii 1 li l
1 Imt uui 1 1' ;
I 1 . r I'M-it r i :
r mi in 1 '.n el h
aT ir.t Hie
Wilt CAM
Ti( ITI( T. Any one found ibimpiiin
trash of any kind in vicinity of the
cemetery grounds i ill ! prosecuted.
l,i :t ' Uy I irdcr of Ti u-ti-es .
I. A. Wendell l as si l l meat
1 'arket t'i a gentleman named liailey,
1 I South 1 Kh k i 1 11 . an 1 another gentle
: iaa from (loll Hill, ie:oti. liitine.l
Turner, who w i'.l conduct the tuisi
1 ess in the future. Mr Wendell aud
I, is family w ill leturn to their tinnier
I'reed NcKendree 8ay tti'.
his excit'uri experience w Inch
pelled him to jump iuto th -that
he is thinkinK of duyi'i
"White Cloud' and Hlue li
and trying the simple life f ir a
lie does'ut like eo much strL: i
Kuberoid rooifng, uuar in
years. Auteu Uardaare t'o
The weather at preseuet i :;t,c',y
M. W. O'llrien. of Summer
ami the Ana Kiver I.rigatl i:
rue was 111 town Saturday I
si rice
ton-, ' '
t.: me.
1.. Mty.
...d 10
Paints ho I i s.
Stains and Varnishes,
liuil ling Material.
Puildiug Purer,
liuekeye Mowers.
I'eerles Hay Kikes.
I'.xtra for Ihickeye,
Mcllormtck and Peering
Wo do Tiaiug Ii-p-iir
Hath Tubs an 1 Sinks.
We do Pipe titling and
Plumbing, all kinds.
Our Kii-hing Ta kla
is the finest assortment
ever displayed iu the city.
Ml wu
and Desert Claims
The 1' dnildtng is delng III te I up :
iu elegant htle Ii r the I ih'imii I n g ' .
I the (tank nt Lm H' v If" I ni I t'eilia.'S
: haxelcrli put I n mid w 1 1 Ii t he lie w tl X '
, tines the I mil: w ill have u iictr.po- j
lltun appeal ance in its new iiihrtein.
i Maxwell A Son have sol i this wnekj
itho ,'iXI acie faun, known as the
Tucker place, t ear Paisley, to Ldgnr j
t, , doling, a recent ntilfal Irotn
l )k Ui.uiiia.
! The Laket iew I'h.iriun y, to be nil-;
' der the management i I I'r. T V. ,
Hall, .till I'led Ley mil d.-. w ill oo.'lipy ;
the present tia'ik of l.aki view luilld j
lug on tir delore the l.-l of June.
K. L. Young has dei n ill fur the,
p:l-t week or HO, .Mil IS IIIM' II I lie 10
te about. He lias lecently lull charted
Ihe lucker i lace, a J'" acni farm near j
Pal-ley. He aiid his it lie are holhj
l light I with the coiiritry ulioul;
Pal-ley. i
lr. S W. Mifbire, of Pendleton, j
the chief inspector for Oregon H III I
!bwu, unit will make pers iiial innoec-
tlon of the hheep t hruoghuut thei
; county. I'he di says thai all Ihe
cheep in the comity must lie dipped
j to prevent scud. It Is his tlrst visit
( Mii'l he s:i) i he is much sin prised
I tin. I one of the lie-t tectl ms In the
' State at l.akeview. He pieil lets a great
. future for Lake c-uinty. Mils is his
opinion alter seeing every ntlier
i purl ion of t he state
l he Kia.i'ath Palls II. nil I of the
! Uth inst, says ('. O. Metzker. rei re
' si t lug t he I'lUlypet'o. is In that
It only on.t J") cents for all the fun
Suo liiv night at Ska'ingrink s P. M.
We overheard a Inly in the cnurt
room whose hii.-dand w Hi on the jury,
say she not ed It would take Mime
'time tii try the case as when her tins-
l and wan at home tie hpeot Ins Mum
pulling blossom Iron, the fruit trees.
; with he 1 1 mii ii 1 resutl : "Why that one
lis alive!" until she feared h wool I
! leave untie In ttie trees to mature.
Paper ! Paper ! Paper ! of nil kimls.
i bo-ln MIng, PA II lluildlng, Deaieii-1
ling lilt and Looting. Prices right;
at It. riiard's. b'-IJ',.
The revival services deiug hel l in '
fhe Itaiillsl t'hurcti dy Lvangel 1 1- r
Marklaud are i-aid to lie mooting with,
much success. (In luf,t .iunday Ihe
church wus tilled to the over How tug.
Come and see t he greased pig caught I
at the SkHting Li:'k Sun I ay night,,
j May "Jl. Admission li'ie. '.
Attention is called to the ad. of j
the Klamath l'ulls Hospital. ;
; A spec in I meeting of the board of !
Itrinle will d e held Saturday evening!
1 iu order to see what can be done iu !
'providing accommodations for the I
thousands of people coming here be- !
It. veen now and fall. A full attendance
; is requested.
I A prize of ?'J oO will lie giveu to the
doy who puts the greased pig ill the
i tiox at the skating rink Sunday uight,
, May -IX
I On account of Court deiug in soi-s-i
ion 1". T. Otmther any it is inipo-ci
I die to hare ttie clock finished as muni
las expected, dut it will de in perfect
I operation dv the tlrst of next week, i
I The hours otrike ail right no, ami 1
ttie ipiarter and half hours, and the!
I chimes will lie in working order the ,
i tir.-t of the week. In view of the!
fact that heretofore every one kept!
his own time to the confusion of
every one eli-e, it will de tho proper
thing nn.v to have all time uniform
w ith the town clock.
O ara C 0 CK O 0 aO 0 O Oe ao C CX
County News j
It' iiu m i
t !ee '
II I" III )eei
. I 'i eek - nothing to
Vibd da-., bail team shut nut t he
hi II ins (nil Siiinlay III a well played
ga nti ut dal 1.
The A'dd s,'!iiiol cIoshs 1 'rid IV litter
inmost urcrtul let ui. Mr. Wllllts
ideierves a m at deal of credit Lvi-tv
I ftu lent that took the eighth grade
I e v it in I n n t Imi uiiide his credits., and
all the vtn le'it t hat coiit imind scliuol
cami 't l ot help It "1 Hot go i I renill,
lie tins 'I'liin iiinst exerld'iit work
line an I w a li"n- to have hln Willi
Us t tie coin log w Inter.
J. .1. Ulley watt II TIMtnr In our Val
ley Weilnendny,
tr .xliiiru niol wife are hern look
ing for a location no I mny locale In
Warner. Ihe I r. Is the nephea of .1
W. Morrow.
.1. W. Si hwetoforlh U iu the War
ner represent lug ttie Chli'o mimicy.
The Alturas and Lakevlew das.,
ball teams were schedill-d to crims
j I ats on the Lakevlew diamond but
i Siiii Iiiv, dot at the last moment It
: mi I I. nly occurred to the management
i of nor iie'ghiiorlug nine th it as far as ,
ia fair, clean base ball contest ens!
I Concerned, the odds were greatly I
I agalnrt them. Consequently nothing
I short of a little cash on the Hide, win
or 1 1 1. i-e. would allot them into a
j game w ith our hoys. To this end
they domaudo'l that Lnkovlow guar
a n tee them the exorbitant mini of
f'Jixi on th specious p'ea of "paying
expenses." Our manager was willing
to listen to any proposition w It liln
reason but rightly refused to eren
, cotisi ler any such terms as tliune
j tillered dy our daunt Ies opponents nt
i Alturas. The Lakevlew dull nine
'will meet any of the iieighdorlng
, cluliN in a frie. dlr, upright content,
; lint does not propose yielding to
, tern- that will datikrupt the club
and make it an object nt ridicule to
Oiose abroad as well an icir home eo.
I Pi".
I . T. Iniiither says that notwith
standing the fuel that he Is empolve i !
mi'st of his time on the town rlocU, j
h is still able to take care of thej
l.usiiieiH entrusted to his car" dy
working nights. '
The folio I' g were among the arrl
tali at lleli I Llkevie.t the pact week:
1 1 eo. Human, Pol I lanl ; P. II. Ilugg,
S. I' ; C A . Hall. St I, r,.l. M;
Nath Luloi, Ogleii, I't.ih.lvl Killuk,
Altursn; L. i'.. lbakwith. Portlanl.
John Wale. It. Illlwell. Calif; N.
A. Leo i ard, lre Ciei k; C. N.
Sntdl. Poitlaiid ; II. Ixe lusper, Klam
ath I 'alls; II II Kuisliergitr, S ! ;
J N I iiiadou, Alturas; O J. i!ry,
Sam'l Chase. I'lesno, Callt; (i.W.
Cooluy. Paisley; C. L Leonard,
Hope, I . I it In t : II. Puis. .11', Klniniitli
laiills. ; W. S. Kul hough, Kentucky.
The CaUoriiln Vole on a bevy of
'''-i gnls, i ielo' I out one with a
M..i,isii like head as the hand soioent
line to lo'll ttie . enter for t he Porti)
la I esl iv .ii t ile h"l I In Sail I 'ra icisco,
Oct. IU lo '2 i, in honor of the din-Con-l
ur of the linl lell (tate.
w ligous choice t
i. II. W. liKLN-
four show cants, e'lipilre of A. L
Thornton, liruggint, Lukt-viet..
Mrs. Niuloti win do at the Lake
Hotel Thursday, May V.7. I'Oll ONL
LAV ONLY, with a complete line of
Lndies' Furnishings including Millin
ery etc..
Wis'k eiidliiu 'l uesday. May, 'Jii, psc.i
taiiiules at tlm Hlue (ioona. ltf.
ley Laud (Contract. W. K. Mathaw
mill, 'Jim WTniie i'ddg., Wichita. Kansas.
! l'y ;ini 'mln.l prerlp nn'w i-tum. iei
I ill
j vvTntliUTiT j
I thur. IW 24 j HO) ikl clear
frid'yl To 1'.' " I on . ptchly I
sat'v 1 M :tu il.l.'i ; oi) I
sun. I (1.1 I 27 f 0 (O I IX) I i
t lies. li7 i :ti 0.IK) II I .
Green Garden
When you get to Lakevlew come to
the ( ireen ( iarden House. Vml will
I llnd good, clean deds, ant you will
de made at home. The Oreen (iarden
Is a modem lioiise and Dick will ,
i treat you right, tjppositethe M.
C hill eh.
Hoes, etc., at II.
VVC IiaVC UI VCyCU UUt, hundred acres of
Sage brush land, soil " t,,eru is '" t,,is
This land can be Irrigated at moderate cot.
Iv XT frt' - Pr this this is about your last
LIO IMOt UVcI lUUK cia,1Ce to secure a homestead.
rxt r .xssUirl We are the onlv firm in Lakevlew
This Opportunity ! that makes
The Location of Covernment Land a Specialty.
loction, several
Information JSff "Kn
(joernment Lands promptly
inolied. Call at our office and see photos oi
. . . . . a i i i
Warner vallev. We also have homestead reinquisnmenis anu scnooi
land alignments for sale. Scandinavian and German 5poken.
For Particulars, apply to S"- .....
, (iarden
and M's
Register Watson has resigned as
: will de seeu from a disputed else
' (there No cause is assigned dut he
! no has large interests that need
'attention. Mr. K. H. Kinelmrt has
i iu an application for the position,
tmt the vYashiiutou authorities iuti
: mate that a man versed iu law should
' have the position, no it is now haid
to detert'iine who will receive the
, appoint ai out. I
All kinds Wire Netting and Orni-'
Uieutal Fence and (iates at Her- ;
I uard'e. I'd
Orris lieuuett, ate of l.liunis, who:
has been teaching the L'niou school j
on the West Side closed his work
there. Friday. The diiectt.r state
that be gave the very test of satlsfae- ,
tlon doth with regard to Instruction .
and discipline. Four pupils took !
the 8th grade examination and will'
pass. Admit 'Jo pupi.s were enrolled. !
The directors desired hi-n to letuiu '
the school at a large increase iu sal ary,
but lie lias not ns yet signed a '
contract as be desires if possible toi
secure a school of higher grade. Such j
a competent teacher ahoul 1, it strikes
us, be retained iu the county. I
Bunch Tussey
Alturas, Laiuornia
Uuy Lots In Watson' Addition
liefnre Toll dor lots tin a-borA In
j this vicinity see those iu Wutsosii' I kS
'addition. Close to dusluesa center. J-W
Of Lakevlew. X U
Children Cry
We carrrj' a uii line of Fresh Fruits, indludirtg
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap-
Vegetables, SUCh as
Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and
fflFreshFish, Oysters, Clams, Crabs.ft
ffllf your merchants do not handle
m mis class ot gooas, get them busy. M
Coods delivered In one day Lo Lakevlew. 3