LAKH COI'NTY KXAMINKII. LAKH VIEW, OHKUOX. Tlll'HHIiA Y, MAY 20. 1f !) vive. Personal Mention IE YOU SEEK Bstldntf Powder Absolutely rare It tt economy to use Royal Daking Powder It saves labor, health and money. Where the best food is required no other baking powder or leavening agent can take the place or do the work of Royal Baking Powder. Proceedings of the May Term of the County Court County Court rtnl I ti km coiil'u- lll'll ft Oil) lllht Ml' It. In tin mutter of tint nrilli'iitl' of MnnHiiiT iiinl Hundley tor H llietiim to (ii'il I'lrltoim, malt ami vIiioiim 1 1 1 1 1 1 o r h In miNiilt W'n leu limn one gal Ion Ml North Warner precinct, Lukn (Niiinty, Oregon for the period of hx mini t li'i. It appcnrliig to tin' satisfaction of thi-riMiit HihI tlevald Manner Hoi 1 1 Mil t I . I'D 1'lirt HI'I , lllivlllg com piled mill tlm mv In hII 1'iirt icul nr, hm In hui li I'lim-n r'iti lril : II In hern hy oiili'ipi Hint I'm clerk of thin (mil t Ihkiii' ii llt'HtiMii to Mild McMMjer ml linn llv to muritii hm, nihil Hllll Vlll'HI ll-jOllIN III 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 MH Hihii one t'nl I mi lit North Warner n cllli't. Lake CoillitV. Oieu'on,. f. r Iht'ii I of nix iiiontliH fruiii tliii date. Court adjourned to meet May II. l'.li:i lit ti ll oYlll' k N. III. In thii Coii.'ty Court of the State of Oregon, for Dm County of Lake, Fri day M.iy II. I'."'.". (limit nu t t'uruHiit to hi! inurnment of My I'.'i with tin- following THE MCCULLEY TRIAL 11.- It I..I of II. K. .M.-Ciill.y for k ill 1 1 1 kf Clll IK'iltlH l''illll('llll llHM Ol'l'll 1 1 1 1 lli at I ii t Imi of thi' limit iifuri Ju U'it N'i lu'i'l for Cm I'litirn ci k. I'ur I ' ir i'i'iI inn tin i'kii In in t hi- tut"-1 ' of l.lti'i.-l A, VVt-hrtcr of 1 ' l 1 I It IK 1 , 4111 I Ml'rHl ('llllll llllll CALORIS BOTTLE KVd'IItit diiiili without 1'iiv Ice Colli drinks without lYi' Till: Mjirvi li.iiM CM.ulUS Ii..tllo, w hli'h kIvi'm v tit-li hi iMiiliiulv I n -H.Hsll.n ri-HiiliH. U ii ill-t I urt cil nil Ki ii'io I'll' I'l-iiielplMN fur t h iilt Hie nf ki'i-jilnn li'iiiiil", f r n 1 1 r l i iii;i J pi'fl- Oil, III I In Hitlllo ti'llipl'l U'llH' III Wllli'll they ii ' i ihi mI In tin-Imttli'. It will Keep contents hot thirty hours and warm two and a half days; it will keep contents Ice cold thro and a half days and chilled five days. . L. THORNTON, likevicw, . Oregon IVXZ22XZS3 J : ' ' ' , Lime and Brick it) HAI1N & KELLEY, Lakevlew Wo bjo now iirennrtnK to bora our flret kllu of 75,oo) pnutulB of Linn', ami will be prepured In two weeks to fill oideru. 150.000 BRICK V arc alao preparing our flrnt kiln of 150,000 brtik, which will Imi n-udy la a short time, and guaranteed beut quality, GIVE US A CALL Yaid at North Lakevlew k CRAPES, from their moit Iiealth. ful properties, give ROYAL its active and principal ingredient -(mm otllcera present: Hon. II. Duly, :Jndg: ('. . lifliHrt, CotmiilHlMoijf r ; i I''. W. i'HytiK, Cli-ik.MiKl Alhi rt Di-ut, Shrllf. ' Winn tliH fullnwliitf prurnft'liiiKK with hml ,tn w II : In tlm mutter of tlm nllrittloii nf 1'iit Murphy lor lici'imn to n-ll ' HI'lltllOIIH. llllllt VlllOIIH llUUOrH III iiiit It li'H li'HH Ihhil onn (.Mil I on lit North Wmiiht firi'i'lnct In LHkn ( ' 1 1 1 1 v . OrioiKii, lur ii In I inl of nix IiiontliH troin Miir 7. Now thin l,i ma Hi" ii'Wiiliir limn for tlm In-lit I ii of hhI'I f 1 li'nt ion. hikI tlm hm ill I'nt Mini tl V hniiitf com ul)'il with I tin lu In all p.irt Irulnrn nn to hiich i'hni'n iiiulti'(l. It U hurt' : hy ordiTHil thul t lie i'i elk of thiiciiuit liii ii I IriMHf tii Miiil i'at Mnijihy to Ki ll Ki'lrll uoiiK. limit mnl vlbiiii I ! I 111 It M I II lllllllt it ll'H Illl'H t llllll Olll tul I on Ht North V.nrniT niului:t in Lhkn Cuuiilv, Oiuoii, for H ii-iioi ( of lx months from Aly 7, I'.xKi. ' llotit. Ilnrtin him noli his iulfn-xt In tlm hiiI oi n to IiIh (.ait in r, !. horton. Jliitilii-iilf r of tlm loi-iil liar, hikI I'm Irirt AttoriiHV Kuj ki'iulall, of llin ntli 1'iillrt. '1'hr (U fniiHii h run ho toil hy W. hair Thomi'noij. of Lk-vtnw I Hllll Jllllk'll llfllHOII, of KIlllllHtll I'm I In. ! Tlm jiuv urn A. M. Smith, Whiter i llnii k, W. II Tiicki-r, J. I'. I-'mi rn, .Ihiiu'k Vim mt, Ihiih-h Piiki, W.' A. Currier, . ). HoiikIi. l-'red Wehlo, 1 W. K. ii.Ti.Hnl. D. li. Conm.i mid (imi. S. DiiHtm. I Tin' vai.llct U; Nut itiillty; ! Thn Btorin of Cridiiy nltfht xhh iiccompMii led nith ('(incliliTiililo liyht j li I lie on the ruiik't'H on either hidii of j t tin valley. One of thn rexultH wiih 'thn fitit 1 1 nj out of working order the j hikj up hti-p triiiiHforiner of the i-lec-' trie litfht .romp ny, euttintf off tier 1 v I i'ii for three ninhtH. I'ort uiihIcIv tin ext rn .inn w h on hand or ot hern Ice we rluinlil have teen without liuhtx for a month or morn. Mr. Jensen Ih now puttiiK on lik'htuiiiK BrrewterH. that had arrived lu foie thn ft inn. tuit which he hud not hint time li'i ; plui'e, t-o that hereafter there will tin I no tiuul'le I rum that nuiiree. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A To Home Builders Two liiitidreil latent ileHfgnH n ml pIllllH of , Bungalows ana Cottages costlnir frrm $500 to $5000 Kuipilre of S. C. BURRIS, Architect, and Builder. Main Strwt, next to AlilHtrom'H. JEWELRY If yuii in-eil a Watch, Clock or Jewelry, 1 1 v iii pn.v i ou to wait for mir mock. CAHF ENTER. &. SON, Jewelers. All kiiidn of repalrtnc N. Water Bl. next door to Colojtdo Hotel Lakevlew, - Oregon w j Mr llnrrlet Wallets returned lnt I wpek from nn extended vlult with .relatives In Texas, Washington and Oregon, s w In I HIih we- pltl rflHttVkH III 1X- ,. lit I iifitnnn In 40 year. ct'O'ii 'Hti ii'il on tir Journey ini'Mr Mr. Lizzie Ohrlii T . h Mr. J. L. Hmlth, i . ini r. in l children, of by her - mini. (l I'.i another i Will I it Wiii... i her iiipl m.Ihi (li 'I- I home with llj w ill -remain nil hi j in in ' r. I I, L. Ilcl'k.i" ' Chill. Nil IVU'l ' ' M fv week W It n . til mklllg lltl 'X. lntr y " I " I-1 i t- -Mt i, Ini ' "f Shanghai. " n visit of i'i. pre Ions "Min Ameri- (mi tour, lift w. i ' i couple of riKin LfiH in i hi journey, which ' year t' complete y raised In Lakevlew, i ii ii . -ere h i i -' 1 1 ' i if on Ii t ''ii I I ld k l IK Wn li n 'I u i ri'i- H vreat I'lmnun for th lu 'li-r'h he knowH will uliow it i 1 1 utv. t r lii,irove. 1 ment nrn hn in a ken h'm n.vt vtnit. tin In irlndy welcomed by all I. in old tlm frleiidn. I Afbi-rl Dent awl family lft thia morn Ins In the Klneliart anto. for Hantn IlHrtinra, ('Hhf., where they lll IrenmliiH year or more Id hopes of luiriefUtliiK the Iiealth of Mr. Dent 'and aIho that of their eon. The'r I many friend wIhIi them well, and hope for their return to thin commit uity with their health fully reitored. Mra. W. A. MaHalnuill l expected homo next week from ner winter' atay in SHn Dleo. W. (1. 1-VhcIi, of Shu Franciscio, reirMent iu th Cary Kafe Co., waa j In tow a Tueaday. I Mr. .1. D. Venator, who Imo had an attack of erynlpelaH, la now able to he up, and hopea to lie out in courtte of a ehirt time. Mia. Marian Couley, o.' Palniey, la III town xettllnu u fi her hilflmnd'H et-t at e. "i itSow im Mud family, drove acroaa (ho country from Willita, Cal., in 19 dayn, and Htrlved in (rood health ami ere well leaned with the Uoone I. akf' valley and l.akeTiew. i W. ('onn, of 1'aiHi-ly. whh the tfiient if hla brother, Ii. l', over Run day. Chin lie Wendell left yeaterday inoruinit for Dutiainiiir. Ca'if., to take no IiIh job of locomotive (Irli)K. from which he had a lay-off for sev eral montliH owtiiK to haviuK been injured in a train wreck. Hobt. llartln him one to UoiiKla county where tie ha a lariin farm which ho will take (lemoiial charge of for awhile ami mav locate there. It all depend uprn bow he liken the I Ifo of a farmer. J W. M. Alford whh over Thuruday from 1'luxh. Win. I!atxr, of Silvei Lake, la iu no attendance lit court J. J. lJeilley, the inininK man, and J. 1. LoftiiH. came lu troin (ioldherc Friday and took the autoHouth tioutid the next morn Inn- No one Heemg to he on to the caune of their huriy. Ii. 1). l'rakeB, a Warner etock man wue in town Friday. M. C Currier. S. 1.. ilaniHter, Fred Weldy, Wm. Dobkine. W. V. Mi'ler, W. (). Iluiik'h, J. I). Sprayue, Ceo Conn, and J. 1'. Kelnuy, all of lJultley were iu towu thia week Marx and J. Lauer, the prominent Alturua iiierchanta weie iu town over Sunday and returned home Monday. Jtl. W. Johimoii id expecting the re urn of bia wife next week, and the lady will brink" home with her a little daughter who arrived the 17th of March. They will occupy the Sheriff Dent's rHbidence. 'Fruuk 1 liiininert-ley wua iu from the eheep camp laHt week W. I). 'Iracy will move bis family to the rancl' ill Drews VHlley next week. Mm Kjan has rented his city liouie for the summer. F. L. llon whb up from bis fruit fiirni near New Fine Creek Haturday. Al Carter, the West Side gardener, was in town Friday witb Rreeu onions and other early veKetat'les. Harry Lioydatun was iu from the ranch Mouday. "Uncle" Jack McCulley was in from bis Cottonwood ranch last Thursday. J. O Hoydstua, of the West Side, is iu town this week attendiuit court. Mrs. James McDermot was shopping lu town Saturday from the West Side. Miss Kdith Ulurton. of New Pine Creek, was visitiuK friends lu Lake view last Friday and Saturday. Miss Edna Smith and Miss Ollie Caiinnuf were up from New Flue Creek Tuesday. Joe Tracy was lu from Drews valley over Sunday. C. EL Oliver Is in town this week from bis homestead ou the West Side. Ted McKee, of the O. V. L. Co. aurveyuiK erew, speut Sunday in town. Mr. A.'vln Auiick wan up Saturday from New Flue Creek. II. Reyu dds is having the inside of bis house repapeied and painted. Miss Annie Tonuiuesen. who spent the w inter iu Spokane, returned home Tuesday. The Kasreru Star pave a farewell receptiou to seven of its members Tuesday evening, viz: Mrs.. Aloert Dent- Mr. aud Mrs. Weudll. Mr. and Mrs. Uowan aud Mr. ami Mrs. Stone. Arcadia TheaLre Will present the Passion Play Commeuciiiit Wednesday Evening May, 19, contlnueloK two allows each nue ceediny: nlixht, five ulhts iu all. with a epeclal MATINEE, SAT'DAY, MAY 22,2 PM Adiulselou 15 and c nti. Don't Miss this Opportunity It U considered The Oreatoet Moving Picture In the world today MHITII AUIIIK' l'rprletor. II ff l(i. i l.'.r. li.'.nmuw.ii MK1 Lakeview All are leaving the state exemption the Stones mho are Koioa to their ho'ue stead near Laae Abert. Mrs. Featl Adams, and daughter, of Cheyenne, Wy., are late arrivals, ami will stay here for some weeks, until the arrival of her husband, when they w ill decide as to the future. J. A. Adams, of Rock Rapids, Iowa, is a new comer, who came to take up bis borne here. Mis Dells Walker is visiting in Lakeview this week from Adel in the Warner Valley. W. II. Cooper and bis eon Martin, of Adel were in town yesterday aud KAve Trie Examiner a pleasant call. OE o " Beat I0E Noien v,wp.i. Lv.Md... i, i .v illin t . i-.n. WO, one chju i.nn i, -luiin iii 11,1 mm mini. inn lin-.'Mli i v, itaia niv iinu tun i i-.ih ...... . i.i ...ii-.. i ..i : UUO (IUW-WU, UUUU 1CLU. UUir,.Ul,S, 1. 1HMU l.ll hfl IP secured by 1st mortage on HW acreoiue tlmla-r on Ii. much nil Imnrnvmi. Value :lf00. at per cent interest paytde annually 102 interest due, June 15tb. 1 hes notes can be bad now for $1040 .-ash We recommend these-"Wire us, ven waut these reserved." yea warn tnese reservea. llwrlllngo f 1250 email frame. 6 room bouse, city water, wood she ' etc, 2 blks. from Court House Ojruiabed com plete. Lot 50x100 a rare good buy. one half cash. 82800 House, bam aud orchard, acres, rew flue l.reeK 8 rooms, frame, good location, oue third dowo Iwlance, 8 per cent V.. IU I.-..- .-JilIM! 1 ,,..ul. ....u.. 3KI0. alon given 2 we. k.-lot ix275 i....o.... i. i... ,.f huiu.t frniu'eucen. pan cleared. hath, complete, will include furniture thin oue will be lakeii quick one block from Court House. Five-room house, frame; pood barn, can he made over Into six or aev en room bonne for f 2tK), 2 acres of ex cellent laud 5 blocks from Court House, house and barn alone cost f 1.000; the laud can be cut into If! lots and re-sold at enoiiirli to clear tin place1 this ls rlht in town. Price ll.SOO. 220O. Modern d-room Bungalow. (i-room BuiikuIow new, an oeiaus compicic, ieuceu, itoou iiuv, iuusi ciose ai once. Houses, either to sell or rent aro 8ear o in LakoAiow, If you mean iiusiiicsn wciii en piio tOS. La In Best hotel or store Kite in town Hock from Court House, block eastl.vears. of MBiu St It is the allotting: property at end of Street. Eve y iu towu canuot help teeing it. b room bouse. Lot 77 ft front, 118 ft deep 3500. 1 lot ti x 275 ft. maiu street of town. orchard, fine shade trees, oue blockijg u from court bouse. flOOO, part cnsb,er Is forced to well, surrounded by the best homed in.Kallroad to It." Lakeview. Kesideuee Lots Best location towu 60 x 150. I000 building re striotlons. Lots-7.'MM 8250 0250. qlock 1 also lots 12 8200. & 13 200 ltloi'k Krenkeis urst adiiuion. ' OE 30E O KufiMl O ancvicw, vie. o n RELIABILITY in flit, in style, in lasting quality, and true economy in buying, no clothes in the world will serve you like STEIN-BLOCH Smart Clothes. We believe in Lhcm, we selfthem. They are the best and thsy solve fyoujidificult problanthat that, of stylish clothes for men of moderate income. Mercantile The freutlemen says everything about Adel is prosperous, and that some day when the railroads comes, it will be a rich country. Mrs r M. Miller and son are re turning from Sin Francisco in their own new Stevens Dtiryea touring car, and will reach here some time this week. Mrs. Neilon returned Monday night from a very successful busiaees trip to Painley. Menirs Hankins and Frank! and Mrs. Dellfc Cobb went t" Altoraa j Mooday by auto. Tbey teturoed j yesterday evnning. 301-JLL-lOE the Railroad REALTY SALES LIST f 3000E Caul-ti - Jin , ..i i i a,,w , I i ... .i . . 1: i"i'rJr Hamh-.-iiji) m-re. K lama! County 2 tmrtis. oue 7-roinn litiu'.;t" lte ls low- .jorcbard and jjood Kardeo. 2tKJ acren: if;irnKau. . utiout 4U h.-ail Koo. '''t' k-'ows. On County road, lelop hone Uunnunleution. 20 per acre. i 1340 acres All! memlow and! grain lands, water rijihtn, goiid; barns and 0 room hotine. Fine irar den. All fenced. Excellent etock farm can he bad for 1S ner! Hicre ii uiaen aronce. One-half down .. . IM . 1 . rt . ... 2S oaiaiicei icrius. liooil noeculation U, i raik'8 from town. UIomebtead Kelinqtushmeus tw j 100 acre tracts, only a short time necess !ary to prove up on. Oue house and & baru etc. :J00. the other fjutt, and 170' acres Mear New Piue Creek, 12,600, 1,000 fruit trees, all kinds! of berries, and gardens truck, best ofj water rights o room house, a tried: wud proven fruit farm, oue third klown, balance 8 per cent. No. 3 4S0 acres, uorth of Lakeiew miles, on orouosed raiht if wa v of railway, (-room house, barn, capac ity 100 tons of hay. 15u0 Hheep, (X Uicrea iiniler irrigation, two cnt-ks kross the faitn. Small on-hard. of hay it grain land. Unlimited range a.uuu. i ne impi'ovei)ieiMe aloue re- reseni Tiuou. l ins w ill not be on the itnarket lonf. - Rimcb-IW aen s all ft need , too.1 f0, - fru,t ( kinds. alo40 to Oil acres ifiir irraln. nenr I.nkuvliivv tn n.mnti- roau spriuif -water all year. 5-room tiouse. ii.itruir tnvsa ami 3 veara o il - f:i.5tHI, half rush. iMilance 1 to f 'Dent tlii'ltitilnuul to it." one;Kuueli of 140 acn s-80 m ivs cleared & fenced, ini went shore of tioose Lake In California, Ave mile troin liy. rlbt of way. House and bums, pardon fmlt trees, pood sprlnp water. 12E0 ir arre. This leHl-rare-iiivestDieai. The own ,nUanch 1C0 acres 10 acres cleared, all fenced, bouse nd barn, both'o practically new. thte iirvpoerty is the best of condition, Jt tuilea from town, creek runs through it. 81800. TV Branches: Plush, Paicby Company. Lakeview Dairy J. W. ISENHART In prepared to take orders to furnish daily Pure Milk and Cream. Order left at Ahlntrom DroK. will receive prompt and careful attention W. L. Douglas 1 151" 111 shoes for men at Lakevi i v HOE ISO To It-:5 ICaneheM 1W acres 4') tiinher. 12 miles ver of JiHKflwW , nil MUirt road, llou-i' i, , ., v i"'11 1 '. i I" 7M .-U'lVH fl U(''(I. , J ,1 -j, , , 1 ..j. ' 7. 1, h -m iV i.'J h wooncnr, un lur tiahi. cash. JD n : j z fe ed a out ffl acr fl e 7m er .f ULea' aD0Ul acres nue timtjer, ile spring, and cceek on the laud. llm.1.-.A 1 WAnn.n Slllllil housee about 3 rooms. ?1GOO. Are You a Wage Earner? Do You Depend on Your Day's Labor? If So See Us About Insurance llraiirh OMIceM GOVERNMENT LAND Dranch Olllce. Plush, Orepon. Joe Klllott. Jljir. Waruer Valley lulfast soinp. Ti-fo uiivcriuuent lands. We locate perwons on onlv be best of .pood lauds. Ask for particulars. 3TO 11 . o o if