Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 13, 1909, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    I A K K ' I ) N I v kwminkh, i.ak
Smiles and Squnl
it ii.i r vi - I U
Mammoth Stables
C. O. ARTHUR. Pmorntw
'I In' '.iiruci-Mt I.Ivitv Mini I Vcil Sttlil"' In .mill Ihth Mh-kmii
or N.i Until Cnllfoiiilii. Ilorw-M ;..iinli'l l.v tin- Dn.v, V. .-k
or Mi Hi. Sh-Iii AMiiiIImii (ilvi-ii t Iriiiiflfiit Hum-h
The Best Meals in Town-Try Us.
in connritioii. Froli I tread Daily
a C. I;. LONZVVAY. Propreitor
Wii. O.iliiii i,iit il'iil Uiv-r
l.llil H w ' I-mV I lK till Hfl'l I'.
III! I MM whiiin evuy ly Hint M Mi
iikBinnt lii'r in Hit) Ni-wh f j-1 1 r
. r It'll MU1 A III A.I'. I. ml:nf III.
Iff I I ll i li'T l "ll'l I H'l I li
1' i.t vi-r In it ... ' iit.iit
f . rvilllP I III Will III II MHV hllf
ji y t In- hill, m.i l ,.vr !
1 rnilwle-s yi.fA ritiT Iimk in i
on tli i hmi. in ii nri i t .V.w .
Will I iVflll. HUH II.Ht Mill ll'it ll
li . wltli hi rn f 1 1 r yi-r, itnil irn '
(IihIiii I. til- tun. I.t rilillvir, it i
t. i III l.M llllel
A 1. 1 1 ii. i in nt i n r . ii wliyi'itr hi i
I-. l'Iii.1 tin It lint Ii wiiiiiiii in
i nn wear IiIh own liitlr hi Iv nil ii
II hIH'I'I, Nil B till lllll'l lll'll l"l t'llt'l
i. film I'nttiiii' lirove LimIit.
I'll, er h'iiiih niarriivl iinii iji-ii
Id hut ft llixlr hnlr short, for i.lium:.
I.Hrt "k a t-' llit MIK llli.T t'liHI'll'l
MI'Vi'Mll IllMIlk CHI I I rlU"M Hi till' tt.irt- I
mrl, "jiict fur Inn " Then to eh .
In r (tint. It wn not loaded Iih piiiiiti'd
I O Hpllll lit It I H llfM'l HII'I fllllf 1 the
trVg-r. Tlii ll'iif It wmm loadi-d and
tin i. a h.jIkii'Ii.I Jnli Mowing the top
of hi wnrttilPMii liml olf.
2 m
i bUt lilt, ic4j l 4.
iiutlf m lit-ti'liy win. ii tlmt nil Irrluii
ti ii . or tiililrin-r illtclifn mi all trniit
Htri'iiiiiM tlirniiKlit l.nkf t'mitity. Orr
tron. tiniMt In' Hirnt'iii'il with a hiiiuM
iiii'hIi wlrt' MiTtt'tiliitf i t (hi'lr Ih'ihI nr
Jiiiirtlnn wltli t Ii.- 1 1 ) ii 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.f
Htrt'iim. AImu nil iIiiiiim ur iil.wi ru.-t
littiM mi Mitl. I Mtrt'iiiiiM mtiMt Im pru
vlilfil wit li a llli lulilrr, i. mi Ihti'm-v
iiiciiiim if iiMMMi:c, at nr iH'iir tliu nil. I
tlli- of tlif main rliaimi'l. m n ti nl
itw tin' iani;i' nf trnttt at all tlini'-
of .Vi'ir. hh irnv. Ifil I t.v law. Sahl
work to In ilniii at low water Mint',
or to Im I-. i in pl-1 ! Iiy l-'rli. 7. I'.hiT.
I ly order of J A. Itarliiini.
SiMH'lal li'nity IImIi Uunlfii fur
I jiki'Citiiiit y. Un-iroii
A full lino doom mid
Lnkevlew Mercantile Co.
Hlu lowg nt
Lttke Cotinty int'd I'ariniMM.
$1,000.00 Reward.
I lie i iri'Ron. California V Si-vadii I
I.UfHtiH'k rrntffl Ivt' Ahmi flu tli ill j
will tlf $iiiki trwnrd fur t lif -i ti I
vlrtlon nf any party nr partli-x tful I
lllir llntxi'-. rill I If nr III II I M Udnliu ill;
iiiiimv nl i In- fiilinwiim iinintifrM nfi
t hl Ai tela 1 1. m: j
Cox Ar Clark. i Ih-m ara n I. and Ai
Cat tli' I'o, llt-r ford f.aiitl iV Cnttlf!
i n., Lake County l.'ind V l.tvewttK'k
Co.. Warner Vall".V Slock Co.. Wtii
' W. Krown. lien. .Iniii'M, i Man
klliM. S It. ('han.'.Ier V A. ICetiarl. N.
l ine, U'.A. Currier. Crank ll. Ilmier.
.1. C. Ilnti liklM.i. Calder wood Hron..
T. .1. lirattaln Ac SntiM, T. A Crump,
CreMMler tV Itonner, W T. CreHMler
Maud I. I'aniliii.
V I. IlKKYKotilt. I'n ld t
I I' , M. Mil I. Kit. Sec .V 1 ri'HB
I W. I'. IlKllTKnntt
S It ClUMH til
Kill to Slop tha Urn I
Tim Komi fon fnr VI ymn ul John
I eye, of (ilaitnlri. Mlirn, iih a run
niiw iili'ir. 1 1 h fin id line torn over
finx) wit limit lifiiitlt. Thmi Hiifk
ln 'h Arnica Halve kild the ucler
and cured hun. ('nre l'Vver Horea,
IwiIIh, Celon . KczMiiH. Kn-t Rhftim.
Iiifallililn for PllfS. Hum.. Hi-aldt.
Cnta. Curm. 2.'; at A. j. Turontoo's.
Hu nunc i
tile Co.
hiitj at Lakeviow Mercan-
f 'l III
tin; r
ll it'. I
i ijl. rtal'i . 1 ll I
mm i i
I i Jim dt
i iid yi i.
i ui-iitfi
-h y tii i
it lu n
dd i ..
t on I
' id In
ir ad
For Iafanti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signaturo of
l''ariiit'rM need Luke Coiintv I.aud
( Ikiu kiih
Blacksmiths and
North Water St., Lakeview, Oregon.
kKvi-rythluK In the line of til:ukiiill tilow or Iron or
work done lu a HutlHfactory manner and at liedrock iirlct'H,
imtronaKt r'Mpi'tfnll,v aolU Ited.
I )e (ih rt in mj t of the Interior, U. S
Lund (Mlli'u at LakevieA, Oii'ijnti,
April H, I'.HCI.
Nnlico Ih herfl.y tveu that J. L.
MOKKOW. heir of Seuhria Moirow,
of Adi'l. (Jri'Knn, who, on June 2
HKKi. made Deuert Laud Kntry, No.
i.'JJ, (Kprlal No. U1G4'.) for Lot 4, Sec
tion 'K Townt.hip :tU S., Hauue 'Jl K..
Will. Mrridian, ha Hied notice of
intention to make Final l'roof to
fHtahlihb claim to the land above
dPHcritied, before lieu inter and
Kecfiver, at Lakeview Oreou, ou
the 'ititb day of May. liKW.
Claimant trtinies8 Ituemtes: A. N
Heuhett. of Warner, Oreuon, F. A.
iiliiti. of Adel, Orewou, W. II Cooper,
of Adel. Oregou, L. D. Fraken, of
Warner. Oregon.
A15.MJ0 J N. Watnou. Register.
i rrPTTt7pr . Is Paying a Premium . U
Fjrj MJl CUICI ... On Contract ... fa
amo CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
Nov; Discovery
CA jl i nrt
OLDS Trial Bottl rrce
vii jf
Oregon Valley Contracts
.. Land Co. .'. Bought
I want to purchase Contracts of the
Oregon Valley Lauil Company : Will pay n
nrcmiuin ol 10 ncr cent, therefor.
A. F. DREUTZER, 0821 Yale Av., CHICAGO. ILL. I ac WhitWOrth
fJii ' Y l rUni lui wui. ruef
Brodiwltb Swallow fun
loivino Dnrru
JOIIir i UOIIJ rlRht tr lor ewn; rrvrrk
Tt . lor witunn. imi Hqar Crop and -1
lo rlgbl ear. Tar Brand 111 Kange, t:rUt
JJ ; Lak, HontntBte a.li1r. Ukevlew.Oren. i
Brandi wltb CroptS .an
tr. Nail Onderorop off
rUni loi em; r-iefw iiirm. iw
lfrtw llfwn
il I.
ni i
In. In...
H lid M
pr it
if V ..,
III!" II I--.
Inlel . . I -1 1 I ;
1 1 i.u H hi . .M'l llii I i Iih
In h . i
a baud iill.'
You wouM -en i -ii - i
a iieMiaper, u ild.i t y
Then . nv din' v ni ii ii
vei tiBHiiieiii a in a ne rpi.ei?
Kveiy .i.rtii ..tin ii Me it u I'IHijhn
adding to nature laai'iu
hvert -pent l i i t '.filer pro
gram, in a r-u'n rr or in a .iirectoiy
in a It Kitl'i tie Miliar lakeu away
from tnr i.e ripHr- of your ton.
'1 li ne i hii.i tin. I i lon
Wt.y i.t ll laiill up the I.BAB-
papera? ' ner" i on oeiier n.lvertitte
: Uleljl In the l lor a t .nu thin a
ijond u-Mi.pi.per A iinw.-paper l tbe
I lirtr.iii.eii r ii, the touii'i. in(in-try.
niMin n a b on i)ei i-piiper inn oi
advertlnu, and ue illnriOA you t:
uond toun, loll of live merchants
lillllnmr lM hie hh ey r. re ; theater
r.iri.HlliB me irthleia; hotel reel
teri. trom an ndvertiHiuu' ftuu ipoiut,
are rtiiiciiluui
Ne.piipei.n are trno Lu i I . I ere, town
ad ert inera. u.akei, news
diHeiiiiintnr. ner uon deliverern,
pinnperitv f irecHMtt rs Tner are a
neeeHHity, not a luxury Tfiey mut
oh iiMiiitHin.. I Wit'i it the in we
wnull retroiira la lu the
1 !n lUnd Yrt: li.avo Always Itotight, ond -wlilcli lia bcn
in no for ou r 30 years, ms borno tlie sicnaturo of
- lini bficn mada under Ills per
jfi y Z" r "onal Kiipervl.slon Blneo its lnfapry.
All Cf.iinterlV it s Imitations ftnd " Just-aH-Rood" aro lint
j:xp' riin-nti il: it fi lf.o with and cndanjff r tho lioalth ni
InfantH and Children Ilxpcrlcnco against KxperimenU
Castorla 1 a liarmle Bubslltnto for Castor Oil, Pare
for'. Iropn ail Wootliliiff Syrups. It la Pleawant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotlo
nubntance Its njro 1 lt giaianteo. It destroys "Wormii
nd allays Tevc richness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieve Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It aMin Hates tho Food, reflates the
Btoinach and IJowels, eivini? healthy and natural sleep.
The Chlldrtm'M Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tm e.MT.un ennf, tt u aratrr, (taw voaa crrff.
Stnaihca all R corda
A-i an all roiud laxative tonic and
health builder iiO other pilU can com
pare witti Or Kitm' New Li'e Fills.
They tone aud rettulate ftomauh.
liver and kidneys, purify the tilood,
ftrenythen the nerveg ; enrd Constipa-
inedliirtval j tion, IlvHnepnia, HilionHtieKS, Jaon
d'.ce. Headache, Chills and Malaria.
Don't patronize them from acharit- Try thm. 25c. at A. L. Tbointoo'n.
aide Htaii'lpoint. i'Htionie tbem he .
cmuhb they deliver the ooda that is, I
if they are t'ie riuht klud
Cut out the fi)olihuej and work
for the upbuilding of your tov u aud
"tate by upbuilding your uewHpaper.
Minueapoiis (Minn.) Star.
U. E. Bakim. Prop'r,
Office in Thornton's Store
Says Horses, Mules, Dai
rying, Orchards, Ail
Thrive Here
Incorporated '
A Complete Record
e have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county.
We have a coninlete Record of every Mortiratre and transfer
, . 6
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
Errors Found in Titles 5
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed recoid, and uot indexed; and Ir
many deeds arc recorded in the Mortgage record and o'tner 0
books. Hundreds oi mortgages and deeds are not indexed A
at all, and aie most difficult to trace up irom the records. i
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have 1 1 hundreds, ol dollars hunting vp
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J.D. VENATOR, Manager. .
Lewis (ieroer, the Klamath stock -man.
well known in Lakeview in now
at Horterville, Calif., on a visit, lo
writing to the Bonanza Bulletin what
be eays of Klamath county will apply
equally to Lake county: I cannot
close without a few wo. da la regard
to the raising of g-.od horses and
mules. Klamath county stockmen
mould not be afraid or crowding the
market with good stock. The market
la good and will coutlu-ie bo. Recently
milieu soli Here at f.JoO and UM a
stieii Horses weighlug from 1200 to
1550 pounds sold at prioes ranging
from 1 175 to 2-5 a bead.
Orchard lands are selling for fabu
lous sums. Many people are oouaing
here from the east, but as they
are unable to buy. they will go else
where, and 1 am putting lot th efforts
to send some of the best of them to
our glorious Klamath county.
Ocean Waive "Banner1', Sunshine
Washes, sold on trial, Auten Hard- I
ware Co. (
daily, ex
Am ves
792 Lakeview List No. 01750
United States Land Office. Lake
view, Oegon, April 9,1909.
Notice is hereby given that tbe
Northern Puciflo Railway Company,
whose post office adiress is St. Paul,
Minnesota, has this 7'h day of April,
1909, filed in this office its application
to select under tbe provisions of the
Act of CongreM. approved Jaly 1,
1898 (30 Stat. 597, 620) as exteuded
by tbe Act of Conrgesb. approved
May 17, l!X)ti, the N half NR quarter,
K half NW quarter Sec. 33, Tp. 35 a,
R. 17 East, W. M.
u aud all persons claiming ad
versely tbe lands described, or desir
ing to object because of the mineral
character of tbe land, or for any other
reason, to tbe disposal to applicant,
should file their affidavits of protest
in this office, on or before the 28th
Jav of May, 1909.
A22M27 J. N. Watson, Register.
j Stage leaves Lakeview
cent Snnday at ft a. m.
I at Altnras at 6 p. rn.
Leaves Altaras for Lakeview at
I 6 o'clock a. m. or on the arrival
I of tbe stage from Likely. Ar-
' rives in Lakeview in 12 boars af
ter leaving Alturas. -
Freight - Matters - (liven
Strict - Attention
First - Class - Accomodations.
Kamath Falls-laks view
& Stage Company
Mereaatile Co'a Htere. Ltkrview
Amrriraa Hatel. Klamath fall
Roaad Trip
Oae Way
Sure, but Expensive Po
tato Bug Exterminator
During the recent meeting of tbe
farmer's institute held at Deu Drope.
Idaho. Zanontello Baker exhibited
bis most recent ioveution, a device
which la a sure means nf eradicating
tbe potato bug. It la estimated that
tbe potato bug costs tbe farmers of
this country more tbau f 10.000,000 a
year. This vast sum can be saved.
Mr. Baker argues, by the use of his
"To be effective such an appliance
must be simple, " said Air. Baker, "I
have given much study of the, habits
of tbe potato bug, and I find tbat he
oao be lured where be oauuot be
coerced. This Is tbe foundation of
my plan; 1 lure 'em."
"Kirst, 1 set up a pile driver in u
Beld. Tbeu I bring up a traction
engine. This, as you may readily
uuderstand, is to furnish tbe pile
drivei with motive force.
"1 then place a street piano in tbe
rear of tbe pile driverv aud connect
it also with tbe traction eugine wltb
n light driving belt A small dynamo
furnishes the current for a battery of
six aro lumps, is established.
"Wbeu all is ready, on some dark
night during tbe dark of tbe mouu
the mechauisiu is started. Tbe street
piano seuds forth its sweet strains,
w hich lure tbe potato bugs toward
the light. They walk under the pile
driver aud are crushed to death."
If vou want first clans work done.
satisfaction guaranteed, at upholster
lug, uiattreasees overhauled, bed
springs tightened eta., leave word at
B. Reynold's store for A. J. Davis
1. E. Tavlor. Prop.
Office at B. R-ynolds Store.
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
nosdaya and Fridays at 6 a. rn., arrive
at Plush at 9 p. m Leaves Pmsb Tuea
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at ti
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. ru
Passenger fare $3 one way or 5 tor
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. 1st $.75 per hundred ; from
Nov. 1st to May 1st 11.00 per hundred
Northern Stage Line.
A YY BRYAN Proorietor.
'jtaves Lakeview at tf a.m
fry day but Sunday.
, Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a m verv day bu
Sunday Paaaaag-ars' ara f J Korvtf trie I
OFPICE Rovnolria A WinaOeia Mti(
Better Not Get
If you can help it Kodol prevent Dyspepsia, by
effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestion.
But don't trifle with Indigestion.
A great many people who have
trifled with Indigestion, have been
sorry for It when nervous or
chronlo dyspepsia resulted, and
they have not been able to cure it
Use Kodol and prevent having
Everyone Is subject to Indiges
tion. Stomach derangement follows
stomach abuse, just as naturally
and just as surely as a sound and
healthy stomach results upon the
taking of Kodol.
When you experience sourness
of stomach, belching of gas and
nauseating fluid, bloated sensation,
gnawing pain in the pit of the
stomach, heart burn (so-called),
diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or
chronic tired feeling you need Ko
dol. Ard then the quicker you take
Kodol the better. Eat what you
want, let Kdel digest It.
Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tab
lets," physics, etc., are not likely
to be of much benefit to you, In
digestive ailments. Pepsin is only
a partial digesterand physics aro
not digesters at all.
Kodol is a perfect digester. If
you could see Kodol digesting every
particle of food, of all kinds. In tho
glass test-tubes In our laboratories,
you would know this just as well
as we do.
Nature and Kodol , will always
cure a sick stomach but In order
to be cured, tbe stomach must resC
That Is what Kodol does roBta tho
stomach, while the stomach gets
well. Just as simple as A, B, C
Our Guarantee
Go to your drupglnt today and g-et a dol
lar buttle. Tbau altrr jrou bare uaad tha
entire ouuteuta of Ilia bottla If ou ea
buuratljr utkj, tbat It baa uut done jua aur
Iruftflata kuov Uiat our fruaraiitee la guod.
outl, return tbe bottle to tba druul.t tu
n win reruaa your uiou.r without aue.
We will then pay tba drug
tlon or delay,
glat for tba
bottle. Dou't bealutte.
Tula oiler appllsa to tbe Urice bottle only
and to but oua lu family. Tba lre boa
tie coutulua HH Uiuea m tuocb a tba Oivjr
eeut botUo.
Kodol Is prepared at the labora
torles of E. C. Do Witt & Co., Chicago.
For Sale by Daly & Hall
H tf.