Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 13, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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J. W. Mmw.II
Of Property
40 acre, tZAH) una mils from Lake
view, could ha auccawifull v Irrigated
aa n I'o'i II ry fMriii, one and hum half
story hoime. '2x'V) comparat lvdy hew,
4 renin on ground floor, 'I oil upper
Hour, Imrii IH It pimta, I h x 'J 1 , good
Hull, etc. No. hi '21
UV) acres Ht f 10 per acre, saga ItiihIi
I mid, Mi miles from Lakeview, aamly
Iomiii mill, uuimprovsd ' No. Mtt'i
fKmO-.'WO acre, N (feMtaUe stuck
ranch Mm! small fiirrn, about on I) ft n
of thin U Uii'1, remainder graiii
mid paatura Unci, mnitll honaa mii'I
barn moated Vi mil from Lakeview,
ma'l creek mid Itrlgatlng illlob on
the film, Is patronlznd mm m way side
Inu. No. (14-121
1700 acrea t I2Ti per acre one of
tbe Iwdt and tun at dsslrabla farms and
took ranches lo thla part or the
country, tin thrifty orchard, two
lory dwelling 7240. Mddltlou lHx'J7.
milk h'HiNn, wood hoime. cellar, smoke
hotme, chicken houae, aprlng water In
l ! to houae, garden Hiid borne
barn Hdx'.i;, li well adapted to urn hi
Mild alfalfa, i'iit:) tun of hay, would
cut vm tou If surnjed to altalfti. It
1 m bargain, la within 1- mllea
Lakeview. No. l!M-rfl
80 acre tt $.! per, level bottom
land, nil fenced and cultivated, in
good act t lenient, good strain and
orchard land. No. 17 1 --7 1
40 acres at fH.75 per acre, unim
proved the H V quarter, Hen. 4 T.
30 H , H 10 R No. Wl-I0:i
'.Wt acran within f ml lea of Lake
view Ht 110 per Bi'r I ISO of Hum U
Bholcent bay graiu ami alfalfa laud 2m
ante deal of liny laud well irrigated
all fenced With good cotlltuodloilt
buuae Mtid tarn on the place.
No. rVJH W.
.TJD Mrrea a IIH 7't pr Mere, thla !
holce Intel productive laud, all
fenced, and adapted to all klnda ol
4 grain, a good dwelllnK end barn, Hue
orchard, altuate within V.l miles of
Lakeview In good settlement.
No. BOO -18
t21G 216 ao re a oo lake abore, '
mllea louth of Laksview, water rover
Urge portion of It wblcb will even
tuaily be dralund by the government
reclamation aervlce, making it on o.
the moot riealrahln placra In (inoae
hake boltoai. No. CIS I'M
I'.M acre, at ('JO ier acre, wltbln 3
l-Vi mllea of Laktvlsw, adapted to
grain, alfalfa or vegetables, doea no)
require irrigation, tbia la a dealrablr
price of land Terms tvsiu down, one,
two aud three yeura time on bulaure,
deferred pay incuts to draw H xr cent.
No. rtir 40
rjXNI 273 screa in the foot blllx. ell
feuced, never fmlli g creek on place
Mini aluml ID mllea trom (iunce Lake,
juat the place to bud I a atiH'k ranch
with Kood outleU No. 442 US
4!f.l ncrea at H.lV p.-r acre, thla lc
a cn-ck I n it torn In (he foot bllla over
thri'K mllea Imirf, la all friicod, Hiid i Mitiiuteil hh a dmrv or
etock ranch- 0 mllea from (lonae
Luke. No. 442 l-'J 2N
Oil mci ea at i 1 7 . T per ucre, never
railing creek tlimiuli pliice. n koo.)
farri. dairy or atock ranch, 2m ai-iei-buy
limd, rehiiliie ttriiin iilfulln and
pHxtiire IhioI. idl fenced, a wood hoiiae.
barn and out hoiiaea. 'lerina enby.
.No. :JN7 47
,'tjn acrea wiMiin hIx mih a of lake
view, U nearly nil hav laud can tie
utilized uh eit liar ynilu or liny land,
all fenced, kikh! I)oiik and burn. In
liuuily all under ditch aud irrigation
fur f'-'O per acre. No. 41 77
2lH iicn-M 7 inllea anlltll iff I'lllsle.V
etiiiill creek I hroiiwli jiliut' tlda ! n
linrunlii nt f 1 1 per acre. N. il l"i
200 acrea at i.f0 pT acre, m euni
m r dairy ranch, would cut 2-r0 lona
of native bay, hua catried HO id of
dairy cows ami eeveral beal of other
loiiMii etock durluK Ave months of the
dairying hchhoii, outlet iinhuiited.
No. 41si -io:i
I2K) WW acrea, H( cre ooi tiui
tier. HO acrua Hue meadow, located
about nine milea from Summer l.,Hke
I', t). in T. :U)S. K. l.r K. No.f.:i4-lll
?:l,rH) ncrea, one of the moat
duaiialile fiirinx In (Jooho Lake valley,
ylelda an immeiiHe pianity of buy, I
well iidiipted to all klude of farmitit;,
all fenced and well improved, dwell
itia liarna, out Iiouhoh etc. , mid ond
orohiird. No. C:iK-ia
(i:i,(HMI :H.ri acres 1S milea aouth of
Lnkeviuw, nil fenced aud under culti
vation, tuo Kiicd dwoilina, barnH,
out lioiitteH, perpetual fre in-)lile
water, HO0 fruit trees beuriuu, 100
Touuu treea. 4uXK strawberry vines, 800
dewberry plants aud many other var
itles of planta ana vines, a place r
Kood poaaibilitie and aa pivttv m
profitable No. Uo -
100 Rerun at $21 per acre, (2 inilet
from Lakevlew, thla has been proven
a very productive farm. it. a nil
enoed and croas fenced, all I he 4 m
provemeuts are new aud tierma im-iiI
trood dweliluK, bam, nutbtiiire. m Ihi
did water well 20 tt. deen KM .-cs
cultivated, 15 of this alfabu The
clearing, plowinK aud Inipiuve'i'e-itM
can not be dnplioated for Ihhm tnw
f2,'J00. No. Ol.'i- H6
100 acres iu me Cuewuucnn iiuev
oil Lakevlew and Puiwlev etiie road,
cboic Htiricultural land, proouccs
well without irrigation aud will even
tually come uuder the Cbewaucun
rrluutlou project price f 10 per acre.
No. 0128
f :i(M 0 W) acres, Improved, all
fenced, well watered, never fallliitf
creek on place, small well built dwell- i
lug, one story, pood bain, cut houses, j
etc. No- 102
UfiO acrea choice bottom land, all !
never failing water, nearly all meadow, I
good bouse aud large baru. ulue miles 1
from Lakeview. f'JbOO No. 2KJ BH
.... . .1
i:ifjOO 100 acres this is an inviting
tilace in annerauce. it Is well
I in
uroved fine orchard produces well
. -
J. W. Maxwell Son
Sfffr Lakeview, Oregon
V. W. Mm ell
for Sale
without li ritfrtt Ion, la a iriu at
thla price must be aei-n to be appre
ciate!. No 21'. Hi
$1 Hum-210 aciea In Warner vullity
all fenced and enma teni'eil In live
llelda pah! up water i llit of 2011 Inrhea
two story dwilllu( UIKI-ti rooms,
troat pioof cellar, on story 12x10,
frame barn 20xii", wauon and wood
Iioiihm lliv'Hl, shct-p shed -'). 101, orch
arl bearlnu, liTi tiees, berries of all
kinds Improvements cost over tHmKi.
Stock if wauled at market price This
Is an up to date ranch. No. 2'i2 4.1
11,2.12 acres at f.f0 jier acre, situate
in Nevada, fiO miles southeast of lake
lew, and IH mllea esft of California
Hue, it la all In one body and a larf
portion of it skirts the lakesboie. this
Is desirable for any kind of Mock
ranch, with the meadow land It em
braces and the extenlave open rane
adjoining. No. 4H.I J 1 .t
HiO acres blMhly productive ImijiI.
wood bouse, laws barn, granaries,
etc., small orchard, creek through
place, li'i acres In cultivation one of
the best yielding farms In (ioohe Iake
valley, It; mllea troui I akeview ffir
laKO. N", Ol-.'-H'J
0 acres for 1210, one story frime
four room house, new barn, never
fallliitf stream, oil place, .r0 ai-ren
feuciwl, 10 cultivated, an ideal chb-ken
rancl. or small stock farm about one
mile from otaye road aud a Unit .2
miles from New I'lne ('reek.
Nil. 43-".'
lt'iO acres 4:101)0, uuod farm hoiike and
barn, on staMM road, o inches Irtlk'x
lile water, chesplv mui'e r-wi vnlr site,
l.'si beiirlnu fruit tree, '!) yoliliifei
lies of uood select ion, arric plow
land, residue piistme. No. 421 .t
bio acres wlthu il miles f.f l.akevlew,
cf'olce bottom hay laud, cuts '. ton
of hay, price HO per acte. No.
2") per Mere !To acres all fenced
aud well Improved, 2 kooiI dweliiugs
each with commodious bains, out
houses, 2 orchard -over half off it
meadow, the remainder Is rolllux and
bill laud It Is one of the very few
tracts thst could be so evenly divided
Into two farms that It would lie diffi
cult to o ske choice of them, lias Mil
the free water it requires. No. 2'" !!
20 acres at II l.2-r per acre In War
ner valley, all under fence, food
house and barn and out bouses aud,
small orchard, oever falling creek
through place. Terms f2!U, bhUm-e
I 2 ami ',i years at li (er cent.
N3. 2X--77
100 acres at 110 per acre. 14 u lies
from l.akevlew. this Is good uuim
proved sage brush bottom land aud
will come under one or two of the
irrigation projects coutem p'ated in
that vicinity. Ito. :tri2-.'ii
0 acres at 12.50 oer acre levtl sage
brush land on the west side ol lioose
I .like, in good neighborhood, no im
provements, vet a good baigain.
li.No. X2-122
-ji a I 1 "Ji i m-res 14 miles from
I'liifli. about Ho ncrea fenced, 21' in
grain, 20 in timothy ami clover, 10 in
nllalta, remainder mixed bay Inn),
timothy, red top and blue joint, is
a t reek luittom, comfortable bonne,
out hoiiHCK, barn, corrals. 2 weIN 12
It. dtcp. A line opening tor a begin
tier III the slocK lusiuess. .0. .,. 1
?l!)20 10" acres level sage Prush
laud in growing settlement with good
pTasoects of the (iovernnieiit lieelnm
Mtion Service in the near future assist
ing the settlers in their Irrigation
scheme. No. 411 112
320 a. Ten at 2" per acre an ideal
stock or dairy ranch on tributary of
ChewHiican river about twenty miles
from l.akevlew. is nearly all meadow
with good outlet tor stock.
No. 4)h-0H
200 acres of C'bewaucnu bottom,
choice land fur any and nil purposes,
nt lf per acr. No. 0ir5
120 acrea atisuO per ucre within six
miles of l.akeiiew. Unimproved.
No. 4i(
IliO acrea, price f 1.000. located on
border of Uesert, small creek through
place, 120 acres good farm land. 40
acres pasture, with extensive outlet
for stock, 20 miles to neare-t t.'wu
this Is a first class opening for a
young man to build up in the etock
buiiiiieaa. No. 02M.
Prices eubject to change, no not ice.
in addition to the precediug we
liavo over 20,000 acrea of limd of
every grade and quality, in tracts of
one to twelve thousand acrea ranging
in price from 95 to 1100 r aero, the
quality of soil, location and improve
ments determiu'ng the price. The
above emtiiiue- louda priucipaily in
Luke con o iv, a gou ily portion of it
in vii'l.i iy ot I,iikiew with some
It rl i in' iiiM'tf iii Harney aud
Crook count in Oregon, la some
choice triK-ts in C'sliorula aud Nevuda
bordering on the Oregouliue.
Henid"iice Jots lu Lakeview eeli for
t-rjr to ftX iich liusiuess lots from
Hi. 0 to $7tli ach.
Didiuaii y the towu lota ar b0xl2Ti
leet In lh- l igher prioed lots there
i- no uiiiii r.i'i'.t v in size, the location
mill rbe ue-.-i luiiuug the price.
tv hHve toe town lota in Watsoh'a
lulu ii urn to the towu of Lakeview the
iienri-st to the business portion of towu,
also lots in all vtber nilditious udjoiu
ing the towu we also have a large
lint of improved aud unimproved
town property of all kluds for sale.
A ilftecu years residence in Lake
County eunbles us to aay, especially
to the cnpitalist, we ciiii give you
pointers iu speculative propositions
lu various Hues ol business us well as
realty that we know you will gladly
Investigate . after you leiirn what we
huve to enlist your attention,
Any thing lu the' preceding Unit
may inteiest you, write us for more
4I....I.. ,l,.u......l inii
nuu.n. ; .
.n. w.-iAiviJuu oi. pn.i,
Dept. A.
Lakeview. Oregon.
The nc
(2D Htnl
f .June n. 1H7H. c.haplfr l.'aO
hi prm II":
ii 1. 1 1 1 - of tha United
"That .i.
ntates Hn
tehldents ol I
Nevaiiit, or
New Mexico,
liu. la,
u-o4'i:ia, ho'ia Hie
i i! ."it. i.i Colorado or
t i r nt I in- territories of
i m ,' I,'1 ii h, Wyom
1 In H i. nt il i (huh, ami
all ot ner m iii i I
Culled States, si.. I
tl-t . I 1 4 of tho
e. mi i m a beie-
hy nnthorled niiu .ei-iii el lu fell
and remove, for hoii loia aivlcul
lural, mining. oi oit,-r dii.--stii!
ptirposns, any tlmbei i i oilier 1 1-
growing or being on the put tic li ds.
aid lauds being miners' U'id imi -no
ject tu entry under exi ting law. of
tho United Hfates, Tetnu t !. or
districts off which such ciliz ns or
persons may If at tho lime b in II In
it Irene, subject to such rule' and
regulations as the Secretary of the.
Interior may prescribe for the pro-'
tection of the timber aud the under- j
growth growing up in such lauds, and ,
for other purposes: l'rovlded. The1
provisions of this act shall not ex
tend to railroad corporations."
In puriiiaiice of the authority grant
ed in the n hove section of the act of
June .'I, 17, the following rules and
regulations are hereby prescribed for
the protection of the timber and of
the undrrgrowth upon such lauds, I
and for other purposes Incidental
theieto. '1 he attention off persons
seeking the free use of limber is par- ,
llcularly rallied to the fact that this
act does not authotie the cutting of
timber from any lauds subject to min
eral entry. Ijuids subject to mineral,
entry are such lauds as are koown to
contain such deposits of miners! as I
warrant a prudent person in expend '
lug bis time or money lu the. reason- 1
aide expectation ot developing a mine '
thereon. The proper protection of
the timber au undergrowth upon j
landa to be cut over ueoeasarlly var
ies with the nature of topography,
soil, and forests.
First. Qualified persona within the
States aud Territories named desiring ,
to take timber for purposes authorized j
b law must make application fur
permit to cut timber, such applies-1
tlou to be presented or mailed to any
Kegistet and Receiver, or to the Chief
ot Field Division having jurisdiction
over tbe land. '
Second. Such application aball Bet
forth the nam and legal residence .
..m - I I a (.11 .J
move, and the names aud residence
of persons who are tu use, toe tim- I
lr ; also tbe amount of timber re-1
....i ' i ... .. -.i iu
1"" I'-i""- V'" "r7
be made thereof, aud
the date It la
desired tu begin cutting; also.
lands to be cut over shall be so des
cribed iu tbe application that they
may be Identified from tbe decsrip-
tlon set forth. The aplicatlon must
be verified by an applicant, blank.
form for making application may be
procured by addressing tbe Chief of
Field Division. :
ihirJ. immediately upon receipt
of un anplicatiou, the Chief of Field
Oivisiou shall cause investigation to.
be mude of tbe lauds, and nt material
statements in the application, it the
Chief of Field llivisiou tinds the tim
per may lie cut for the purposes per
mitted by law, he may ai.thoriu cut
ting to to proceed at once uuder such
named restrictions (within tho scope
of thene regulations ; Hnthe protection
of tbe tiuitier and uudcrgrouth may
require. Such permit, or refuse lo
grant permit, shall he sutiject to re
vision by the CommiHsiouei of the
Cieuerid Lund Otlico.
Fourth. Upon completing investi
gation of any application, the Chief
of Field Division shall make report
to the CotiimifHiuuc r of the Ceueral
Laud Ottlce. Ills report shall con
tain tbe application, copy of bin per
mit or letter declining to grant per
mit, aud sbull further show (II
w bet her tbe lands are miueral, (2)
whether persona uameed in applies
tiou are (a) qualified to fell aud re
move, aud (b) authorl'ed to use the
timber as stated, (Hi whet percutage
of the matured timber may be taken
i consistent w itli proper protection of
tbe remaining timber ami tiLder
growth, with the facts upon which be
liases his coiiclusious ; aud what
method of handliug the tops, aud
debris made by logging is necessary
tor the protect inn of timber and
undergrowth, aud tbe facts upou
which bis t'oncloeoiie are baaed.
Fifth. Permits granted shall
specify (1) the persona authorised to
fell aud remove, aud thoae autchrized
lo use, with amount aud use etated as
to each person; (2)idetitify the lands
to be cut over; C.i) that only matured
timber may be taken :and tbe iorcent
age of the total fttnd. acre by acre,
to lie cut ; (4 ) i lie method of dispesiug
of the tops aud other debris; and (5)
that tbe cuttiug authorized shall be
completed within twelve monbtbs of
date of permit, or application for re
uewal must, be mado.
Hitxb. No tin: tier may be -ut in i
advance of a determined lawful use.
Seventh. No tiuitier uot matured
mav be cut. Fi cn matured tree taken
shall tie worked up aud utilized for;
some lieiiohYn.l domestic purpose. I
Persons taking tim tier for epecitlu j
(lurposua will be required to take only
auch matureJ treea as will work up
to such purpose w ithout unreasonable
Kighth. Urusb. tops, lops. Bad
other forest debris made iu fid Hug
aud removing tim tier shall be disposed
of iu the manner best adapted to pro
tecting remaining giowth, nud as
stated iu tbe p ruiitgranted.
Ninth. No timber cut or removed
uuder tbe provisions of this act may
be transported from or used out of
t he Ktate or Trerif ory where out.
Touth. Persona who commence
cutting upon permit ot Chief of Fle'd
Division before Dual approval by tne
Commisaloucr will be liable to tbe
(jovcrnmeut for a reasonable stump
ago tor timber ao taken in event the
permit la uot finally approved by tbe
Commissioner because Improperly
granted. Where permits are secured
by fraud, or immature treea are
taken, or timber is Dot takeu or need
by persona in accordance with the
terms of the law, the (Joverumeut
will enforce the same civil and
criminal liabilities as in other oases
of timber trespass upon publio lauds.
Eleventh. Kegieters or lieoelvers
receiving aiipl leal Ions und-r this act
will at nice toiward the same to the
profier Chief of Kield OmUIoii. and
notify the applicant thereof.
Twelfth. KeglMters and Kerelter
ate required toaicerlaiu from time to
time whether any tlmbir Is being cut
from mineral lands, except as pro
vided hy this act. and nidify the
Commls. loner of I he ( ieneial l.aul
f)mre, or a special agent of such
oUlce, who will make any iuvestiga
tion required. Special agents w
also keep informed of all cutting
within their territory.
Thirteenth. These rules and regu
lations shall be in forc from and
atfer May I, i:NKl, and supersede Mil.
prioi regulations hereunder.
ITCKl) DKNNKT. Comirilssoner.
Afiproved March HI, l.0-
It. A. HALLINtitli, ecrtry.
Tht MMt Common (auMot 5e tcring
Khenmat ism causes more pain and
sulferlrig than any other i'isease, for
the leason that It is tbe most common
of all ilia, and It is certain j gratify
ing to sulfereia to kn w that Cham
berlain's Liuimeut will afford relief.
and make reft and sleep possible. In
many cases the relief from pain, which
Is at Hrst temporary, has become
permanent, win In in old enple subject
to chronic rheumatism, often brought
on ty dampness or changes in tbe
weather, a periuaueut cure cannot be
expected, the relief from pain which
this liniment affords Is alone worth
many times its com!. 25 and 50 cent,
sizes for nale by Daly and Mali.
j "Vou call this an op to date family
Hible," said tbe prospective pur
chaser; "in what resoect does it
differ from the standsrd bible?"
j "Wel.l" replied tbe book agent,
"you will notice that it not only
contains records of birth, deaths and
'marriages, but divorces as well '
; Philadelphia liecord.
Blllousnrss Aal Ceastlpatlea
For years I was troubled with
biliousness and constipation which
made life miserable for me. ly
appetite failed me. I loat my osaal
force and vitality. Pepsin prepara
tions and cathartics only made mat-
, .... ... .... i a . i r
iri , vvumn. i uw UUh UIUW nunc A ,
should have been to day bad 1 sot
. . . . " n .
ft T ,n Z!ii i . nL tr!nthn th!
Jj ii i fi onoe, itreDgthen tbe
digestive functions, purify tbe stom-
Ilror nH h:nH,inr th
A ... -A. ""Trf... "
BTuieui iu uu iva nurx uavuraiijr.
MKS. ROSA POTTS. Birmingham,
1 Atla. These tableta are for sale by
, Ualy and Jlall.
Tho school girl with tbe large feut
was sitting with them stretched far
out into tbe aisle, and waa busily
chewing gum w hen the teacher espied
ber. i
"Mary "called the teacher sharply
is, ma'am?" quetsiooed
pu pil.
"Taae that gnm out of your mouth
an? put your feet in. "New York
Won't Slight a Good Friend
"If over 1 need a cough medicine
again I kuow what to get," declares
.Mrs. A. L Alley of Beuls, Me., "'or,
fter usiug ten bottles of Dr. Kiug's
New Discovery, aud seeing its ex
cellent results in my own family aud
others. 1 am convinced it is the best
medicine made for coughs and Colds
an I lung trouble." Kverv one who
tries it feel-i just that way. Kelief is
felt at once and its quick cure sur
prises you. For Bronchitis, Asthma.
Hemorrhage, Croup, La Grippe, Sore
Throat, pain iu chest or lungs it's
supreme. TiOo and 91.00. Trial bottle
free. .Guaranteed by A. L. Tbron
ton. Tbe general passenger agent ot tbe
Watiah railroad, with headquarters
at Buffalo.; New York, is very aux
ioua for literature from all parts of
Oregon, lie asys that tbe peoi le cf
that section insist un getting some
information from Oregon. This in
qut'iy is greatly augmented by the
cut rate that is now in force to points
in Oregon.
Every body is likely to have kidney
and bladder trouble. In fact nearly
every body fias some trouble of this
fctud. That is the reason why you
have paiua in the hack and crniu,
scald log sensatiou, uriuary disorders
etc. that's youi kidneys.-. The best
t'.tog to do is to get some De Witt's
Ktduey aud Bladder Pills right away.
Take them for a few day or tor a
' woek or so and you will 'eel all right.
In this way, too, you will ward off
dangerous aud possibly serious ell-
' meutrt. They are perfectly harmless,
I ai4 Bra lint, nnlv atitia.,,t if hut al luv
i pa i-m quicKiy oy tteir neanng proper
! ties Send your name to E. O. De
I Witt A Co., Chicago, for a free trial
box. Tbev are sold here by Dal aud
I Hall.
Imruiry coiiwb from a subscriber
conceruiug the hide of a coyote which
the law requites to be produced when
bounty is ccllected. The bounty law
is uot at bund nor has it reached the
clerk's otjice, but it is the opinion of
the cleric that when the scalp and
hide are brought to tbe clerk for the
collection of the bouuty, it is the
dutr of the clerk to cut tbe scalp
from the bide, keeping the scalp and
returning the hide to the oue who
received the bouuty.
Lived 1 51 Years
Win. Purr Kugalud's oldest, man
married the third time at 1:20, worked
iu the Helds till 1)2 aud lire! 20
years longer. People should be
youthful at 80. Jamea Wright, of
Spin lock, Ky., shows how to remain
young. "I feel just like a id year
old boy," he write, "utter taking six
bottles of Electric Hitters. For
thirty years Kidney trouble made life
a burden, but the ttrts bottle of this
wonderful medicine couvioued me
bad found the g reateet cure on
earth." They're a godsend to weak,
sickly run down or old pepnle. Try
them, OOo at A.L. Thornton's.
m ' 1
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LIGHT & HAROW. Proprietor
. . 0 t f
A I inP fT AlltfK rmtTI
Klamath to Lakeview
A special to tbe Portland Journal,
tbe 23rd Inst from Klamath Falls says:
Wltbln a month there will be four
large touring cars running between
Klamath Falls aud Bonanza for tbe
accommodation, of passengers aud to
carrry tbe mail. At present stage
coaches are used. A. P. Cross of tbe
Western Jstaue Company has lett tor
San Francisco, where be expects to
receive the passenger auto-uoliiles.
! They were ordered some time ago.
Tbe distance between thisjeity nd
Lakeview is 105 milea and'thettip
consume a day mil a nik'ht. As
soon a tbe vara ate put in service it
is the intention to cover the distuoce
in oue day
There is already heavy travel to
Lake couuty via Klamath Falls, aud
a great increase U expected as suou
as the railroad reaches this city.
Bad Attack ol t)ienler Cured
"An houored citizeu of tbi town
was suffering trom a severe attack of
dysentery. He told a frieud if he
could obtain a bottle of Chamoerlaiu's
Coilc, Cholera and Diarrohea Remedy,
he felt coutideut of beiug cured, be
having nted this remedy in the Vst.
Ue was told that 1 kept it in atock
and lost no time iu obtaining it, aud
was promptly cuted," says M. J.
Leach, druggist, c! Wolcott, Vt. For
sale by Paly and Hall.
The foilowiug story ia going the
rouuds: A grade teacher, after bv-
ing a medical examiuatiou iu her'
rocm recently wrote the following
note to the parents of a certaiu little
boy: 1
"Your little boy, Charles, shows t
fikHS ol-astiu'!uai9m. Will you please j
investigate au 1 tane steps to correct
it," to which she recvived a note in
reuly saying : 1 dou't understnud.
exactly what Charles ha9 beea doing,
but 1 have wbolloped bim to-night
and you can whollop him tomorrow,
aud that ought to help some." j
If yon expect to get the origiual
Carbolized Witch Ila7el iralve, you
must be sure it is De Witt's Carbol
ized Witch Hazel Salve, it is good
for cuts, burns and bi nines, and is
especiady good for piles. Refuse sub
stitutes. Sold by Daly aud Hall.
Linoleums, carpets,
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, tbe
famous little liver pills, small geutle
and sure. Sold by Daly and HalL
$1,250 Reward.
l rhe Harney "jouti
0L I.ivtt Sffli-lr l.uu.f.
Ion. of which I sui
a member. pkvs750
reward for evidence
U-atliiiK to the ,-ou.
vlotimi of pitriiet
ImliiiK stock be
lomtlni. to - in mem
bers. In actilinon I
offer 1600 reward
Horse lira nit linrH
hoe tmr ou either
or tiota Jaw. Uo.
Oortled iiiSniiiiii.
Range, Harnev, lake mt ( root Coiiuur
riornea venti'il ulieu old Homea sold to oasa
through this aectioa will be ruimried lu thl
aier. If not no remried, lran write or if le
plume The I'iims Herahl, Main hut. Uurun, Ore
'" W W .Hrowti, Hiiriii. ore-
Reward for Horses
1 will uive .?5.l() rcwiin) fur Inforin
ntion thai will lead in ili, diacoverv
of any borao lirniulcd kvlib on uhl
horsesbi k lintinl ofi hot h u w a. pbtceil
IIH Ul till' Ctlt iU tlllM .l IVl'l-tlKCIIIi'llt,
with fresh triHtiirlc bnmd 'liidcriicitth
tllO lltllHCHllIN-. '1 lm il lllllttlC pitlCCll
In auch a maimer as would cover up
a bar tin but b Jaw h AnlnmU nmnt
1M3 lOUlIll til till' KlNHIh.r.ll III offsolnoj
person or iici-hoiim.
B1 I v -
1 ? JfW
!s. f3. AHLSTROM
The best Vanquero
saddle on the market
Also r complete line ol
wsgonand Ibuygv"- fhar
1 sLh n ' m'!
i-iates, spurs, quirts,; rose
tes, n fact everything In
be lin of carriage and
I torse furnishing;, ke-
alrin by competent
Notlca tor Publication
Department of tbe Interior, (J. 8.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
April 26, 190y.
Notice is hereby (riven that HENRY
ANDERSON, of Bly, Oregon, who
on November 25, 190", made Hotne
et?ad Entry No. 391 (Serial No.
01195) for Lots t, 2, E half NW quar
ter, riectiou 31. Township 35 S.,
Range 15 E. Will. Meridian, baa
1 -filed notice of lutentiou to make
'' Y iual Commutation Vr- 't to establish
' clmmto the -h-id itii"i- defcritv-'',
, bet'i re fiegiiter ai;d Uec i i-i. ' Lnke
view. Urtgou. om tu Ot''. dav of
j mi.
j Claim nt i:a;ms as it ie . s : Art
j Haver.:, (".in i- Luu-i . " Ander
jsou, (J. N. Anderson, all of Bly, Uie-
I gou.
I M0J10 J N. Watson. Regicter
There is no reed of anyone suffer
ing long with this disease, for to
efiect a quick cure it is only neces
sary to take a few doses of
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea remedy
In fan. in most cases one dose is
sufficient. It never fails and can be
relied upon in the most severe and
dangerous cases. It is equally val
uable for children and is the means
of saving the lives of many children
each year.
In the world's history no medicine
has ever met with greater success.
The deanest.liahtest
and most comlortabie
At the same time
cheapest In the
end because It
wears longest
sdO Fvprvwhprp
Every garment
waterproof Catalog tree
t 1J4 fr. -IBJ
i :4M
i k im j a mi
1 Atii f? l
II cj; 7yA- M I
7 V
m z m
13 . JS .
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