f- IAKE .M.'.OY I XAMINrt!. I.AkKX .MV, OKItioN, TIH'ICHDAY. MAY 1:1, I'M1.! TWO LnkcComity Examine in their evident piirptm". KKf'.n J. IIOWMAN. l.aigrat Paper, and I artrrt Circulation I'aMcrn and iithem Oregon lrill.lHHKl KVKKY TIHKMAV.' t at thi Ortlri' at l.an'Tiow. a t Sron.-l IftM MuM'T. CiH"NTY ("VKIi lM. l'APKIJ tin M B5CRIPTION RATIOS. In H'U HTlt o. s fjp-li nl ptl In a.lvam'c. ii SO tin- vi i l'rn N'ri" Io I lie hjHin'ii m tut r mo t-r. or li-i'i. th it is'stoflre a-ldr. . h.ii.i rm.'vi'--r dTnp ihiv a i-r 1 v t:- ir pkimt i i . ' dri'tM'.! i.. ihr ritctit i'iit.'i- AOVtRTI.lU KAlt:5. RrKUiar taii1uic ai. tl 00 an inch aiiu'li' column spact'. p. r mn'itii Alt i:amiini: h N rfiiK'l ir" a monin n of ov jxi II. ii lixru.-.l Inrail extra chanp-a A.I m ..m noi-ion extra. All short term aria r;r Hi aili'rs. lot al milium. KV. per line arh in eliioii. iant a.ls .V a lin i-arh ins rinn Taril "f lhanka t KcMMiilioua ol comii lein t". II M'anil up ar1. 4,-Transient A1v r'iaiig and Job Prlnt la. ash in advance. All l l mum he paid the (1 rat of each month. aVSafXo deviation from these lermi. THIS PAPER la Kent n file at E. 0. IUkc'R A'l vrrtlsina Agener 124 Saint line Street. San rramtaco, Cal.. where eo'"rai'i for advertiiit ''r he mail" t WANT TO HLTAIN Ol K TR.4DK The merchants of Sacramento atici San Fmncisco, aod of Sacramento especially, are bffc'imiiutf to ut ailve to the fact that tbre id a possibility tha the trade of Kla-uath Falls aud Lakeview may go to Portland. Such undoubtedly will be the case, if the temper of cur buisnesa meu re jaio9 ad it is at iireseut, and if the bu cin ess men of saeraiueuto aod Sau r"rauei.-iCO make no effort to retain thir present command of tbe situa tion. But, there is a way for those two towns to bold the trade of this Ureat Iti'aurl F.mpire. pow and for all time to i-o&e. and tbat is to establish rail com aui meat ion to Lakeview without furtlier delay. It is too a til known to need discus oin that Lakevie stands at tbe trate way of this section, ricb in latent re oarces of farm, pasture, orchard and mine. Tbe coutour of tbe country is such that there is a down-bill haul all tbe way from Lakeview to tbe tloldru Ijate. That means moth. On the other hand there is a mountain barrier between here and Portland That means more to the rairload man. M jreover Portland business men are not huetl-rs. Had they been of the stamp of those of Seattle, Eastern Or'tron would today be radiated with railroad Hues, all drawing the trade ot ttiU Great Inland F.mpire to ber dnors, lu spite of Harriman, or a dozen of bis stamp! If Sacramento aud Sao Francisco are really in earnest as to tbe trade of tbis section, which can be made to trow in volume greater tban tbat of Eastern Washington, where all railroad giaata are battling for a foot hold and spending millions to secure a portion of tbe tradu, all tbat Cali fornia business men need do to cincb this trade is to build an electric rail road from Lukeriew, about 100 miles in length over a water-grade level to a junction with tbe Western Pacific railway in tbe neighborhood of Ama dee, and tbe thing is done! Such a road can be eaialy and ebeaply coustructed and operated, with plenty of tlecrrical energy avail hUe at btueJl coet. If, upm Investigation, they should hud dealing with tbe Southern Pa cific more satisfactory an electric line lro:u here to Klamath Falls, 1 miles in a direct linn via Virtillis and Bo nanza, the latter a ricb farming aud dairiyug ceuter, would also secure tbe trade. Ei be line, or both, for that matter, would from tbe start, command rap idly increasing local traffic an would Lo a paying venture to fctock-holders besides maintaining trade relations tbat natural conditions warrant io way of tbe ease of gradients from tbis great Inland Empire to tbe coast. The Examiner Is of tbe opinion tbat aid can be obtained locally, and also along either of tbe proposed lines, to assist in inch enterprises What do you say to tbis proposi tion, gentlemen You better Iovstigate. j "Senoatt r Aldt icli, n director ifj the Senate, ha male hi policy clear :! I. lie Is BkHinst any lottu of in-! i ; heritancf tax which may gun n tci l I holil M H possible suhnl Itute lor con lotus ilut :i i i J. lie is imaiut retliii't'il custom loutli-M whlcli onl ! brl'it! in Infill r leveuiif. t rHli li'iij jrohilltivp cl t it's lo ilutles tloil Hive Hie coillitrv I In liii'oiue I hat It pci'iif. .1. lit jt'Cllug luilh income atl'l i i ht'iiliiiire lawn in O' M li and in cri as i cutso.iis n whim s on the ol In r i ne ir- in ttivcr rather ot ecoiioinli w , luil-lic 1 1 it n t s I v en" ii'i: oow ilie oViTiniH'i.l r ((s ulucli liae: t'fti estsl llHin1 a the reM.lt of t . imp ii laiir returm mmi'iucpt of I e In-i tew year. I. lie woull rather have t lu ev en tiient taisf the rate o! iuteit'-'t H paja for borro veil mo ley .roni to Ui t hi ee per ecu t ina-i lime pilal hv; il iwsi t iiuHs e-lai 1 s,i ii lit. a io -r two hiiI ii hall pet cent l a-is . ";Siich a policy hs thi i a detlami' ; of nil the j.ihk'Im of H.e 1'iiiu- I Mat s I except I lie fe n who tlu( in Senator' Aldtich the'r hint) priest kitik!. ! "Such a policy as t his is a diie.t ; challenge to the viler of tua L'uitnl j States to overlhrmv Idr n-liism hi.. I j Oauuouisni completelv by giving the; Denit ciatic party a tretne.lous vie-1 t r at b.3 Co gesrloal elections a year . trom next N'ovemlier. " If reiisiou i-i to come from fiieuds "fif protection" it till cine from thi.ne ho believe in a tariff for rev eue ouly. It is up to Aldrii'h pnd Cannon to choose, ai- their present c ure meaps defeat for the patty while h.oest re vision, will give it rerewed life. Absolutely Pure an Grapes give chief ingredient, the active principle, d he<hfulness, to mi Ibsotutely Ture Insures wholesome and cious food for every day in every home No Photphatea No Alum dell- Northwest Notes A ionlih lie v t iliia'rv In t in' iioiim.i Klvcr valli'V iiiiiv 1 1 the u huh f i.-t-i t of Chier will iv 1'itii bisl.i't an. I other 1 1 1 mi are. I'll" K 'KM'' Klvor Vitllev "Tim osier ill wet ground anil ral tinii'M iliirii oi.tfr for I his will i . It. in idea large v i-l Is i on I ;:il'iit s iiiaili I V t he I'lilit (iiower him.: mv kT'ina luct on low t 1 1 l I II Kl'll'il M'V it I he veiir, la nil tn III Hlll'll soil of I oils ami ex - leliai I tt it of cart for th" town. Sha ly aud ll kept avenues go a lone war toward making a town attractive "And while we ere speaking of nays to knock aud b n et, why uot tiy a little boosting ly wiiting o that friend of ytniis who is lot knu' and I for a new location aud tell him al.. i t will gaiu tbe greater the Aiuericau people. confidence of Don is lift him to come out ami look around. If he can t come j ir-i now, seu-1 him to tbe ii io-ier t n six mouths or a year an i i I n- k him posted and let biiii ki:ow w Mil we are lo'rg lii'n". Tha above udvice wil. ai i'ly 1 i Lakeview, or any other lowu, tor Unit matter, iu ivtiie:i yon in iKe v.mr liv ing n '.nl call your hooo' riitLir owNKitsiiir 'outi The rceeut decisiou of the L'nited St iles Supreme Court that railroads i at" own coal lands, or aoy other com " o lity iu which tiny also act as public carriers.causes the Sacrameuto l!ee to cl se a long an I able editorial dis cussing tbe qjestion. in the follow ing riugiug words : These two coal rrad decisions, like uii'ienus other Court deeiisons iu railroa I cases, go far to streugtheu the growing popular tbe final solution of tion question is government owner ship. The Federal Government is so tied up with constitutional testric tious, aod so fettered by narrow "ules of interpretation in tbe Federal Courts, tbat its inability to control railroads uoder private ownership is hecomina more manifest. And tbe greater the etlor's to do so, tbe stronger aod more determined be comes tbe struggle of tbe railroads to control Congress and every otber branch of tbe Uovermenut, in tbe or der tbat tbe regulation may be battled. xsevertbeless tne ngbt tor tbe regu-, ,,, lat.on must go on until Tbe People! y (;()0(l) lirMvt. necome convincen tiy me power or , da , Lake,r jt)A. ) .ri ai-i ile ine ranruau corporations mm resort j must be bad to public ownership. 1 For a burn cr scald anply ( ha . A-few more regulation laws, fol- Iain's Halve. It will a lav the lowed by a few more nullifying deri-! al noet inMuiiiv mi omt klv . .... promote 1 in juried part.-). For jale by D.nv 'aine's awakening to the te'rinle and yet unnecessary waste in fori-st tires has Leeu rielated J l the meas ures uo beiiig takeu sho.i ii.noi- coovictiou thattgence aud di toi uiiai iuti. The elate tbe trnnspoita- j la tl, ,,.,.,, i . ,,,, ... Coast with "danger" uoticen cnn,ng attention to the peii- : .n toit-et fire especially in dry epeil-, tiil at the sunie tune ti e town i tlt -ials are to lie warned to tejar- iheui selves tor emergencies An iule li- gent ami energetic i!eutr.l supet v appe.ieto emanate f. -. u tin' i ite tire commissioner, n t o miulil on- Bonanza Ycun Men Want German Wives. The lloiiana liiillelm says: Since the oil tiiiiid 's C" n ent Ii . n iiunibei' !o HI1X Ions bacheloi s lime Innni asking ! the editor JUHi wli-u I lie con -II' U'nen I o Km l ermaii mai'b-iiH trom I lie saner 'kiiiut kiuc ii'iii m n- io i.riue lu jllrego". S- veral ol lh- 'nils iiroiiml t h is l id n It V an I l.img" It wilier who hue gno.. homertia i- which inel to be cleane I up I ' ey nr.- .iiblng to in it n a st in t lot i .ii gul w tin knows w t .rub. Mil n cum t sim. milk 0 s r-p'ill K i '! 1 1 'I I at 1 1 1 tig, O k le,- nallv J II ofS Hot w a flow i ll i tip' ' os, r Wtlf pm Cou. h "In Febr'iary our 'lunghter had lu oping oilgli. Mr. Lime, of Matt l.'iml, ri'fonino n i'l I fount-rial n 'a Coligli Keuie.ly anil ssid it gave his O'l.-tomeis In," l"-l of s'll I -' act ion. U'e f Mind I ' is be - ii I and can recti impei I i' Io iinv i lie hilling children t'ollllUI Ajl,, Ml idllg C OICll, " S'l js M i - A i f 1) n un! M ich. For sale by D-ilv Hin' Hull ALBANY NUHSEIilES ceivably uiuku hiuistli world is' weight lit gold on this il it" i I n k. I'll I Vil Di tni-s in I,.k- cniititv ion i bi-i v.'ir II ..-f h I iiii'l i ii ells nf t ii'i ii in rr iriini in il isi-am-H Eip!rHi"il liv liitii"ci is. f-tiiitf iL Ii. F I t'll. I.nkei l. w. I Louis Shaw igi i, -tilt urn has glieii vii'lls t lint .ill oli I II I'lollt pel IP'lt" will up to i hut of Kogoe I ; t orrhuiils ll'i I In" uoveriiiio ,1 testing giooml I n -1 Veiir tin III I"!1" of ail II re i acll yielded I'.l'.e.' poun is ','1 ("t pi tiiiil- mid T'.'l I mill Ii I he pi Ii sold tol Tl Cents II pound making ll'" iitnins per ncre on the three tracts :in:i. iVt, l.'il. Ill and ! '.'I'. There's no exieip"B tor I'u't 1 wit Ion. M ii it v liars and 'o gro'.inls along Uogil Klver ami Its tril iitarln-ate perfectly a Inpted to to this pnrpuso. 'I .i linn Irel an I thirty four Inquir ies fi'in prospe live seltlets and In vestors from mi advertising expetnll tore of ?11 ii the reesult achleted by Ailanv Oregon. The idvertlslug was placed through t lie Cliaiunnti Adver tising fo. of Portland. 'I'h ('hap mini agency selected the publications snd the ad vert Moment was worded by Hury I. Dasrtit. the Moerntary of the Albany Commercial Club. C'edart illn liecord, S : Whiln com lug down the grade with a big load of freight last Wednesday, the wngous Irivt'ii by lienrgit I oweiy, of I tigte- villi" tur I over, I'IiiiiIiim Hin I e- lAeeu the seat nii'l a tne htlinillng nil I ho lower side of the r lid. The i"Mt ha I In I n cot i.wny be'orn bit could l'n tiiiMii, and mi I'Minilnal Ion tt tins toon I thai no bones were binkon, bill I In" hoi ll I" gs were soui" what sor-lou-lv 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 . I . It was ii mlracbt that h- was not cl u. In. I Io death. The llouanii Hiillellu nays A. I'. Cross and his associates lu Nail Frail cisco are shipping to Klamath Falls a bilge ami powerliil passenger nuto mobile to run between Klamath l ulls and Lakeview and expect to add mint tier soon I'nllltliH through roat- i l raugeiin nts are i'oio lnte.1 the car will probably run only betw i lion- , ana and the cuuntv seat. It l one of lh mnt expensive cais uiaiiiila.t lilted ami in built for both speed and strength. Th car will cany passengers only, luggage going ill ol her vehicles. The Klamath Herald of the 1st nays it crew la working on the mountain load bet seen Young Valley and Spragilt river, while another force l.t at work oil the pevlFs Harden. One crew is mi the Koiimiiii road ami another on the Ihiiry road, which will give tsainsters a choice of roads. Il is evinii tsd that the road will be Com pleted to the Klimalu county line by lad of May The Lake county portion of the road wll be completed at about the same lime. WW W -M A A f W V TTm . V -Dealer In- Furniture of AH Kinds. UNDERTAKING Mr. F. K. h A llltl", an 'hm li'iiccd undertaker, lin charge if in v !' mil-it n k liiif 1 1 1 " i n i m CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK V sions, will go a long way to Government ownership. Hall. pa I ll I lit) mid Dealer In Heal fistate I have jite l some ol the est Kanches, Tl iibei I .an Ii ami Town property in Nortiiern lallioriiia. t country that la licniud to improve rap idly i'inih. Ciilitornia (JNION QQUARE f-jOTEL. Cor. I'oat and Mockton Sis , SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. t-uropaan snd AmrrUan Plan OvrrlooklnK beautiful UNION MJlJAkF I'aWK; only one block from the retail ahoppjng center. Hate II oo Per day. without hslh: S2.IHI per day artil up with bath. Ideal acrvlta - I Iratclaaa In avery rapct R. H. GATLEY. Manager. i 1 A BOOSTING KOOvrKK I Tbe Dorria Booster lives up to its i name. One of its latest v ise re- j marks is aa follows: "Bare you ever known a man who! is doing a good business and is bap-1 py and prosperous who is a knocker? ! If you bave please baud in bis name' for we would like to kuow it. We have made a good thorough study, of the Knocker and bave examined all tbat we bave come in contact witb and in every case be bus proved to be some one who, through Ihh own fault, is not making a success of bia busi ness, and instead of studying out tte real reason of liia failure, be jdmps at conclusions aud blames the country. , TRY THIS PA.Ml.DY ; "Buy a lot or two, build a nice; little borne, send for r ha folks and j settle down. Write Iv your friednsj about it. Get enthusiastic ivben you j speak cf (Jorris aud iS'ille valley, i plant shade trees in (ro it, of your property aod tielp get ii .prinkling A Homelike Cottage. Arranged For One or Two Stories and Estimated Cost. $1,700. Cooyrifht. 190S. by Clcnn t. Sazton. Minneapolis. Minn Basement. A lllLK AM) IU IN POLICY No one ever bas bad occasion to ac cuse the Chicago Record Herald, of trbasou to the Kepubilcan party. It bas ever been a staunch supporter of all meu and all policies of tbe party, but, like many ot tbe rank and tile of tbat party.it now balks at the present' attitude of tbe leaders in the Senate to cram down the throats of the Amer ican people tbe nauseous and outrag eous tariff legislation, known as tbe Payne revision bill. A recent issue of tbat paper con tains tbe following editorial which, uot only lands vigorous and well mer ited body blows upon Aldricbism and Cannon ism. but it forecasts disaster I to tbe parly, sure to follow such vlo-j ious aud veual legislation, should they S. C. BURRIS, Architect, and Builder. Estimates, Plans .-ml Speci fications Furnished. Mitlri Street, uext t liliroiii'H. J. ly wUiw 1T U iwirW"iiw.' . I J. IS pr 1 --fvnrJ)e.J PEKSl'ECTIVE VIEW-FltOM A rilOTOG HA I'll. OREGON MAP SALE Full colored Sectional Hap of Oregon. I'vWi' M; while llM-y ,:xni. Sbow'H nil Biirveycii I iikIh, by sec tions, aud every lniii taut hi roam and divide, Towiialupa ami Kaiiire plainly marked. :: :: AlriO fihowH nil I -ii ml (iriwil. f-aniln, and baatbeOKUON fllLITA WY kOAU Grant complete, by bcc'iniiH. inval uable to unyoiio wtu u.ivv in or ex tectn to be intercHtcd iu l.tud lu southern Orejron. :: :; ;: :: F.ntlre output of thin nnii owned by HUNTER LAND CO., 831 Chamber otOotiimerce, Portland, Oregon. . m TORCH ! InATh KITCHCM n ll-b'X1-b' y n OCDROOM I n U IO-. X1-0 DIMING ROOM I 14-0X12-0' I Ln WM LMMG ROOM n 15-0 X li-0 U PIAZZA ROOM PLAN, M M In this design I present something which Is In great favor on the coast, and, though only tbe first floor is fin ished, there Ih ample room on the sec ond floor fur a couple of srnull rooms. Because of Its simplicity it .should also prove to be an economical bouse to build. The rooms are all of gen erous size. The size over all is 27 feet by 88 feet. The basement is seven feet high ami the first floor nine feet. Either a lurpe or small busement can be bad, at the option of the builder. The exterior is sided, though either shingles or plaster would look well. Cost to build, exclusive of beating and plumbing, I1.7Q0. GLKNN L. BAXTON, Architect. M JST M Red Livery Barn M. O'SULLIVAN, Prop. New Kirs and V8 Pt'c',',l Accommo lmcy Teams , dations to Let -Z'ZltS;; I?or Freighters Corner Canyon and Main Sts, Lakeview, Ore. A Shot with Every Tick of Watch SIX SHOTS IN FOUR SECONDS Free Book teiis of this Oun g ". hU 1 1 .'inline rh'HH IlcpeaU-r In t he moMt rapid iniiuii gun inaih" : it p li.n every known Improvement enxy take-ilnwn feature, heavy EE: ImiM'h bbx'k, covered iiiccIiiiiiImiii and tun rib If desired. i: it.ilug hIiows our other shot giini, (IiuiIiIch, hIiikIih, etc. PRICES, SS TO $27 I yg pimtnl brings our book ! ICKE, AildrexH, .THE UNION FIRE ARMS CO., 45i Auburndale, TOLEDO, OHIO. I m :iii'iiii!'ii!l!ii!i!l!!lllltiilllllllllllllUlllilllllllllllii !:lv'::;:ji:, l;ii::i!:;i;;,hi:ii;;1;ii;:-U m Furniture and Undertaking j A. E. FOLLETT. J New Pine Creek, - - Oregon ft PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Prints, Ktc. All c! much uf btMliieHM before tli . United Btaten I'utent Oflice ylveu iToiupL and ( 'a refill I'eivoual Atlentloii. TeruiH tho iiiowt rea Hiiuable Hid uud work jfiiarantaeil AddreHM all lniiiirles to JAHES K. POLK, I Member of the liar of the U. 2407 F Street N. W. 5. Supreme Coust. Washington, D, C.