Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 06, 1909, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Smiles and Squalls
lit "tMK VFIIHAVr ."
Mammoth Stables
O. D. ARTHUR, Poaw
Tin '.firKfMt Livery ii ml l'tl Stiilile lii .liiii Iiitii Ot'cirmi
or Ni 'H lnTII Cnllfnriiln. llnrwM Itiinnli'it ly tin' Pt.V, Week
or Mnth. Nperlnl At tendon (ihcn to TrniiMleut Stuck
The Best Meals in Town Try Us.
in connection. Froh Ilread Daily
, C. E. LONZWAY. Propreltor
notice U hereby jrlvcn that all Irriga
tion, or iiilllnic' ditches on till trout
at ream '.lirouulit Lake County. tin1
iron, inuat lie Hcreened with a Minall
ineah win Hcreeiilnir at their head or
Junction with the main i-haimol of
at renin. AImo all latuN or obstruct
totiN mi Maid MtrciiniM niiiHt Im pro
vided wit Ii a flali-linMcr. or ot her em.v
tiii-aiiM of inHHiitff, at or u-ar thu mid
lli of the mulii channel, ho ac to al
ow the pHMMiige of trout at all time-
of .venr, ft provided h.v law. Nnld
work to lie done at low watrr time,
or to lie completed by I'eli. 7. UK7.
Ily order of J. A. lUrlnun.
StHH-lal Deputy flHh Warili'ii for
l,nkeCounty. Oregon
Wash Machines, new Lnula, sold on
trial, Auten llarwdare Co.
$1,000.00 Reward.
I'hi' Ort'Kiin. California & Nevada
t.lveatock Protective A HH k-oi r l III
will give flOiMl Iti-waril for tin run
vletlon of any party or pnrll'- Meitl
lug ImrM-M, cat Hi1 or iiiuIi-h I h I i i u t i i u
to any of i In- following iih-iiiImth of
thla Ahhim-ImiIoii:
Cm A: Clark.' Chi'w acau Land it
Cm Ml Co., Ilcryfonl Lund & Cuttle
Co., hake County Lund V l.lveatock
Co., Warner Valley Stin k Co., Win
W. Brown. Jeo. M Joiii-h, Himi, Han
klna. H. It Chandler. 0 A. Uehart. N.
Fine, W.a. Currier, l-'rank It. Hnuera,
J. C. HotchklMH, Calderwood Itrim.,
T. J. Hrattaln & Noun. T. A. Crump,
CreMHler & Homier, W. T. Creasler
Maud I. !tNinlio.
( W. I IlKHYr-OUIt. Preald't
IK. M.'c ATrfiiH.
0 -l.r. M. OlIKKN
A I'-irtUnd wife got tin of the
Intent craat ion In hatn. Kim and
tin' by started fur n walk when lie
iiotliwl Imr head guar, "flint tonka
like ,'' rnuiarka I the hiialiaud.
when thi'V Ht.Hrt I out fur a Hi roll
Hunday afternoon.
"If you dixit' like It, you run U"
to ," was the wife's reply
Wlierrupou tin gratihtvl It Hiid torn it
Into lned. SIih culled thi) polio
mid an unfi-HI'iK Judtto Hrad him t'2t)
for not being willing to have his wlfn
look Ilk Mm .
HolllH OIK) HIITR "Doll't UllHjlldKti
I tin iiihii wun wi'iim a irHyc I nvnr
nut." No, Indi-Md I It mlilit prom
t i Ik llHrrlniiiii or Jim Hill.
, koimI Ptory In tol l of Jim Hill.
Il' Muii'IImm mi Nicollnt Ave..
.!lnuMipoliM, nun tiny wenrlntf mi
tiuyd'i overcoiit, Mod lou Imlr hunu
i it kC down hi neck. A tMiiiipuoim
iiihii drovM up, mi I not knuwinu the
mllroiid k lutf , xrlnlii!d : "Horn hit
man, hold my horne for inouietit. "
Jim m'ipilinfiil, and whnn thn tnitn
cHnie. nut, hit thontth tin would ill--loin
Mn MnnltT Hut thu hro7.
IndlriduHl toHKi-d him a ipiurter Bnd
Ktd "Now, tin mid Ket your hair
cut." Mr. Hill wh no Mitonlnhd
tlmt he did us he wn hid, and hiked
to the nenrent bnrher ihop and ftrt
liiii tiMir and heard trliumeil. When
he wot to the Kenernl otlled nf the
((rent Northern, In Rt Paul, the
office boy were not inclined to let
him tnto tils own private office, be
eaiiMe of hie cbanued appearance.
The woniNn or the man who loveot
ed the prevailinir hi y lee of beaditear.
'or women, could not have Imagined
anythiuK more bldeoue and the
women look like the d I in them I
Murk our predict Ion. The record
of matrimonial alliance for 1WJ will
how a bl reduction 1
An Alalmina man tried to eat a!
utick of dvnamlte the othet day. Hei
miuht hMve succeeded if bis bead bad (
stayed together lotiK eooimh.
A Diirae nay kimhidk Uiniea la a
crime. Hiiro Wait till (hey get to
he 1(5 or thereabout !
It 1 now averted that the ladles of
Pari ntiMolutrly refime to wear the
new millinery creations. We admire
the n for their Krlt. And, jimt think!
Our ifw hail taken the Imhy'. bath
tuti and (nit some cahbaKes and other
flower on it, and made jutit tb
lovlier-t tumult.
Nw Five Hundred Button Orsts.
Iii liledly the iiionI ruillcnl i rent Ion
of ffishlon win exhibited by MIh I0II7,
nhetli A. 0. While nt the opening of
(he ilri-NNiiiiikera' i-oliventlon nt Ma
iniile temple. New lork. It nn Parl
tlnn irown of eecleMliiatlenl design har
Init WKi huttoiiM. In fact, there wns
nil' h a butlony effect on all Hm exhib
it thiit when nevernl lii'iulHltlve men
wnudered into the exhibition and be
IN Urn
Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which ha been
In me fur over 30 years, has borno the Ifirnatnro of
and ha been made tinder hla per
ffl?-' , Bonal miperv lslon since Its Infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Jnst-a-jjood " are but
I'xperlmrnts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,
Cafltoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Irops and Hoothinjr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JCarcotlo
substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays FeverlHhness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Conntipatlon
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother' Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Kill to Slop the rieml
The womt foe for 12 years of John
I'eye, of Otadwin, Mien,, was a run
ulna ulcer. He paid doctors over
MOJO without heufHt.. Then liuck
ln's Arnica Salve kil:ed the ucler
and cured hiui. Cures Fever Bores.
liuiU. Kelont. P.czema, SaU Rheum.
Infallible for Piles, Huron. Ucalds
Cuts. Coma. i"c at A. L. Tbrouton's.
Ely's Cream Balm I
Sure to Civ Satisfaction.
It eleanHCH, booMiph, heal and p-otecf ti
i'iie d iiiciiihnuie rmnltin-r f:- ! (.V ,r ,
mid ilrivcaaway a Cold iu the lUk.d piiel.!v.
UeMtoTr the Heiiwi of Taxte and Hm ll.
Kjioy to use. Contain ii It )-v j IIH ,
Apnlied Into he ii- t'-"s '- 1 a'-u-r' t -t
Cjiio Hize, GO centH at I.'ruriata or I y
mil. IiUjiild Cream Balm for o.a la
1tomil, 7B en- (k.
i t dROTHfrii. b6 Warrsn St.. Htm York
are for u!e by all profreive
Hardware and Sportinf
Goods MerchanU
DAN BEARD'S splendid rffort
will be mailed postpaid to any
applicant by J. Stevens Arms
& Tool. Com tan v, Chicojieo
Falls, Mass., upon
receipt of price.
For paper cover edi
tion forward 20centt ;
for cloth bouiul Uiok
send 80 cents.
for ami pul-
lutiieu ny
I AW m m I
I r. o. B.i n
mmii rtw, sat.
A Pendleton special to the Portland
Journal the '2,'ird Inst says: At a
conference ot anti-saloon workers
from all sectiuos of eastern Oregon iu
Pendleton yesterday, it was the uu
animous sentiment that the question
of state wide prohibition should be
put to a opuiar vote in 1910.
held their wive take a fancy to the
gowns with the many hundred buttons
they fled In dismay.
This style of gown Is said to have
met with success In Paris. If It be
comes populur Iu this country It will
serve to relegate Colonel Hooker to
the background, for even wltb the
He Kind Ton Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
VMS scamuM
mm, tt aaa inaav, an voa OfTf.
Smashes all R, cords
As an all round laxative tonic and
health builder no other pills can com
pare with Dr King New Life Pills.
They tone and regulate stomach,
liver and kidneys, purify the blood,
strengthen the nerves; cure Constipa
tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Jaun
dice, Headache, Chills and Malaria.
Try tbni. 25c. at A. L, Thornton's.
H. C. Babseb, Hrop'r.
Office in Thornton' Store
Ocean Waive "Banner", Sunshine
most nimble fingers and wltb the aid Washes, sold on trial, Auten Hard
of button book It takes over an hour
to button the dress. 1
The buttons begin at the neck and
wander up and down, finally ending;
with a flourish at the end of the train.
The particular gown with BOO buttons
was made of Salome silk.
A REWARD or fifty dollars is here
iy offered for information that wil
lead to the arrest and conviction of
my pel son who baa stolen wires or
ither property, from our Company ;
ud the same reward Is hereby offered
or information that will lead to the
irrest and conviction of anyone des
roying the property of the Company.
Chus. Umbacb.
Secretary Lake Co. Tel. & Tel. Co.
Straw and Rag Hats at 13 and M's.
' I a mac Rarrv Bruds with 8wiinw 'or. i
'Jdlllr DdllJ righl ear tor e; f-. r.
1 tor wt.uort. Sou ewes Hoiiars Crop ana
In rlgbl ear. Tar Brand 1)1. Rang, Oram
Lake Pogtofflia IJr-i. lkevlew.Or i
The Question of Collars.
There has been so much talk about
the elimination of the turnover linen
collar that girls are Interested to know
Just bow the matter Btands. The shops
say they have sold as many this sea
son as ever before, but the wide pref
erence Is given to the transparent col
lar. The stiff mannish one. no matter
how handsome, has heen'relegated to
second place.
Irish lace, real or Imitation, and
point de Teniae, which is a diet lace,
are both used and give quite a smart
touch to any kind of blouse.
The stork of the material Is In high
fashion and gives a dressier look to a
blouse than a color does.
In the cause of cleanliness It should
be detached thnt It may be sent to the
wash after a day's wearing.
If a girl adopts the fashion of stocks
rather than collars she should make
two at least for each blouse.
ware Co.
792 Lakeview List No. 01750
United States Lund Office. Lake
view, Oegon, April 9,1909.
Notice is hereby given that the
Northern PuciHo Railway Company,
whose post office ad lress is St. Paul,
Minnesota, has this 7b day of April,
1909, filed in this office its application
to select under the previsions of the
Act of Congress, approved July 1,
1898 (30 Stat. 597. 620) as extended
by the Act of Conrgess, approved
May 17, 1906, the N half NE quarter,
B balf NW quarter Sec. 33, Tp. 35 8.,
R. 17 East, W. M.
,-ny and all persons claiming ad
versely the lands described, or desir
ing to object because of the mineral
character of the land. or for any other
reason, to the disposal to applicant,
should file their affidavits of protest
in this office, on or before the 28tb
r"ay of May, 1909.
A22M27 J. N. Watson, Register.
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cept Sunday at Ha. m. Arrives
at Alturas at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at
6 o'clock a.m. or on the arrival
of the stage from Likely. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas..
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention..
First - Class - Accomodations.
K'amath Falls-lake view
0 Stags Company
Merraatlle Store), lake vie r
American Hotel. Klamatk rill
Kenaa Trip
Oae Way
, - io
Zac Wtiitworth
Mrauu wltb Orop off
ear. Halt undnrorou kn
rlehl for ewee; rers tor wei hers. Tar flranc
N.A Hu r.U one. 1'onolBee a1dre
!. Oram."
- Incorporated
A Complete Record
e have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake
which, in any way, aflect Real Property in the county.
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
Errors Found in Titles
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed recoid. and tiot indexed; and
many deeds arc recorded in the Mortgage record and otner
books. Hundreds ot mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at nil, and aie most difficult to trace up Irom the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others caimot hnd them. We have pent Hundreds ol dollars hunting up
these errors, and wc can guarantee our work.
L" J. D. VENATOR, manager.
Tho Ultra Now Hat.
Iu the millinery openings the hat
shown in the sketch has a dominant
place. That It is ugly no one doubts.
That it U fashionable every one ac
cepts. This one Is of ecru straw, rath
er loosely plaited and open. It Is lined
with pink silk, as it Is quite the fash-
Ion to put ii colored lining in a straw
but of opeu weave. There is a wreath
of wide optii pluk roses ot the base'
with very little foliage between them.'
At the loft front Is a scanty black algret
caught under one of the rosea. This
bat is worn without a veil and has a
false crown which goes straight across
the hat with a slight opuutug In the
Wider Skirts In Vogue.
Skirts all show a teudeucy to widen,
this effect being obtained either by
panels of narrow plaits running to the
waist in frout or bat k or Iu godet folds
set In at Intervals around the bottom.
In one model these folds, which are
formed of a pointed piece of muterlal
wltb bias edf.'i, aro repented at the
bottom of the long redlngote. each fold
being braided In heavy soutache la a
wide ronveutlonal pattern ,
1. E. Tavlor, Prop.
Office at B. Reynolds Store.
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
nosdays and Fridays at 8 a. m., arrive
at Plush at t p ui Leaves Piush Tump
(ays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at '
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m
PaMRetiiier fare $3 one way or t f 'if
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. lt f.75 per hundred ; from
Sov. 1st o Mav tal ll l0 rer hundred
Northern Stage Line.
AW BRYAN Proarietor.
1 ia vep Lakeview at 6 a. m
er-ery day but inline1 ay. ,
Returning, leaven Paisley1
at 6 :30 a m verv day bu
Sunday PuMtiiri' are Sj Hod trio I
OFFICE KeynoMs a Winrneia - aw
Eat What
a. : ..
You want of the food you need
Kodol will digest it.
Our Guarantee
Tou need a sufficient amount of
rood wholesome food and more than
this you need to fully digest It.
; Else you can't gain strength, nor
can you strengthen your stomach if
It Is weak. '
Tou must eat In order to live and
maintain strength. . '
Tou must not diet, because the
body requires that you eat a suffic
ient amount of food regularly.
But this food must be digested,
and it must be digested thoroughly.
When the stomach can't do it,'
you must take something that will
help the stomach.
The proper way to do Is to eat
what you want, and let Kodol di
gest the food.
Nothing else can do this. When
the stomach is weak It needs help;
you must help It by giving it rest,
and XLodol will do that.
Go to your druggist today, and
purchase a dollar bottle, and if you
can honestly say, that you did not
receive any benefits from It, after
using the entire bottle, the drug
gist will refund your money to you
without question or delay.
We will pay the druggist the pric
of the bottle purchased by you.
This offer applies to the large,
bottle only and to but one in s i
We could not afford to make such '
an offer, unless we positively knew
what Kodol will do for you.
It would bankrupt us.
The dollar bottle contains 2 timet
as much as the fifty cent bottle.
Kodol Is made at the laboratories
of E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago
For Sale by Daly & Hal