LAKECOl'N'I Y EXAMINER. LAKEVIEW, OREOON, 1 HUH USA Y MAY 6. 11M 0 SIX OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Vie President . ., 8Tttf Ol "Mat SecnMii'T of Treasury Seoretarv nf ' attorncv tieiieral .NATIONAL Wlltam II. Tan James s, She.niati ' Philander C. I ....Franklin I JacoH H. Plckilis.-n lienrv W . vricketaham IVMImasirr t.eneral . . Kran II. Hitchcock dwrtmrrnl Navr . org,- on U secrenrv Interior Rntar1 A. H PI navr eeoietarv of Agriculture Jam. W IIm.ii Heeretarv ol Cointn.-rc Charles Nair. l ChtelJ I'tic .....Nur l r-in.r Veapatlon Warner. C. S. "elision I i.mmlwfmi." W.s. kirird C.S. Land Cuinnitsaii.n. TATS. Governor . 8 r-ar il State Treasurer Atiotur? Ooneral B.iwt. Public Instruction. Prln .pi Dairy ao1 Food Om V. !"ni.iri. 'oCrTsicn Cblel Juiuc .. Associate Justices I J 1 ;eo . ... F. W. B. iiMii ....r. w. n.'n.i .. . t.eo. A. 8l.-r A. M. Craw ford ... J. H Acaerman ....W. S. Piintway J. W. Haiie hnothan Bonne, Jr A. t pnir?riain t w . c. Hay ) W. R kill NORTHERN LAKE A FME SEOTI ON Discriptivc Article Taken From the Silver Lake Leader. tiTKEMiroritT R. 8. Bean IF. A Moor ' Robert hasin t W ill R. kniK ; W. r. slater Juris Atorney iixth jrmnaL iitici. II. Xolaml D. V. Kukkendal. UMISLATIVI Joint Senatoi Reprceeniatlveti. , G. H. Meiryman H.F. Belkaap H. A. Bratlaia LKK COUNTY Judge Clers Sheriff . rreasurvr assessor School supt Surveyor Commissioners . . Stock Inspector. TOWN OF LA a ty.KW . Hsr Bailey F. W. Payne Albert le.i F. O. Ahistron A. J Fo. r R. B. Jac Kin C. M. Fa.ilsuei i C. A. Rchari I U R. Hcryioni Wat. Proud loot M4..I V. Snrlllug I D. J. Wilcox , .. J. N. Watson j J.S. Lane I w. B. Snider i.Bieber U 8.UND OFFICE J.K. Watson . Fred P. CronemUler Co inrlluxn ...Recorder ..Treasurer . Regis! r . Ktueiri r LAKEVIEWIBOARD OF TRADE lu this article which we promised lust week to produce In this lsne on iMke couuty, or more particuiaily that portiou kuowu as the northern half, embracing a sectlou from Pais ey to our uorthero boundaries, w hall try. aai it U1 be our atiu to Rira thiuKt juot aa tbey are (us we know by ectual observation auJ rer-l-deutw) and wbiob oau Ce voritleJ by any one liTiag iu tbe ran u try kuiI familar with it, -o that tboaa IitIdk iu other section ami wantiuu to kuo more about us can have souietbiug that tbey can depeml upon aud that is reliable. In tbe outset, vie wlt-b to Bay that while we cousller Lake county uue of the beet counties in tbe state, or perbupe to be wore Herniate, will be rtbeu all our undeveloped rexoun that nature bus bteu so lavish with is developed prupeily. yet we waut it distinctly uu ierstoo.l that it I not a county, uor is there any sertiou of it where roa ran raise oiauKes, bauHUits, 1-41DOUB, piueapples, cacoa iitits or other tropical fruits, and auy one creating or causing to create such an impression either directly or best watered snotlona In Lake county . as there are tunny mountain streams commit into the valley at various places t hr 'uifliout its entire length bi;h furnishes abuudaut nater to Irrigate much lsud, and In addition thereto the river la tapped at several laces aud tbe water brought out Iu ditches which Irrigates many thous and acres more. Nearly every farm aud ranch is well supplied w itti water for irrigating, and Iu many iutiiices tbe HuPMt ami coolest spriugs which nuiiu louwly abouud turulsh the household with the purest an I clear est of ter. Within live rriles of Paisley there are immeuse qnauitiea of timber, and iu tbe hills back of town there have been some miDiiiK operations carried nu Many exierts w ho have exam ined the mines Rive it astbeir opinion that wbe'i the. strnft is sunk to until Cient depth, rich ore deposits null tie struck. Paisley has a populatiou of 2t0. and has three ge teral mrcUaudlse stores, oue hlucksinitb shop, one drug ktore, one hotel. two private boarding houses, two feed stables, two con fectiouery stores, a meat market, grist mill, barber shop, doctor, a ;oo.l cbi rcb building, an I last but not least a good sobool house wltn well . w . . F. Preiident Tjeasnrer Becrvtajv Fiuanre CommiiteuiSD .. Industrial Publicity ftock " Municipal " .... Agrlculturaf ; Room- Headquarters lor Straagtra. H. M IRK M. Miller M. H Kice L. F. Conn ('. E. Spacer W. F. Paine VT. P. Herylord . H. W. Hrenael ... 8. V. Kehart LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W.-LAKEVIEW LODGE NO. 111. Meets every second and fourth Thursday of each mouth, in Maatnlc Hall. Lakeview. Chas. Touningsen. W.M.; Win. Guniher, F. DEGREE CF HONOR LAKEj'HORE LODGE No. 77. D. of H., A.O. U. W"., Meets first and third Thursdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Cora Green, C. of H. ; Wm Price, L. ofH.; Vlda Guntber, C. of C; Frances Nys waner, Recorder. L O. O. F- LAKEVIEW LODGE, No. 63. I. O. O. F., meets everT Saturday evening in Odd Fellows Hall, st 7:30 o'clock, from October 1 to April 1, and at 8 olclock from April 1 to September 3D. A. E. Cheney, K. G.; E. F. Cheney, Secretary io-irectlv i creatiug au impression "on ueatly kept grouods. that Is misleading. Nor is it a fruit country taking tbe county as a whole. vet theie are some sections admirably ! j ... ii ..j summer unke vauer is ouunded ou which grows in abundKuce and of the ' l."-1 bJ ,t,'e lMkr, -n' ou f 18 finest flavor and keeping qualities which will be noted more particularly later on. SUMMER LAKE Summer Lake valley Is bounded 'ever saw alfalfa in the most favored i localities, and this without a drop of ; water except 11 at which tell fro u the clouds. On the f ame farm the rye was good, at! the barley medium. In t'e uanlt-n, potatoes, cabbage, anil many other d lit ereot verities of veget at.les were grown, all of ahlch were of good size and splendid quality, and all this ou new wild sags brush land. This is not what can la called a fruit section, although there Is an orchard or two near here bearing fruit, aud no doubt many favored spots In time will be found where the more hardy fruits can In raised to soma evteut Harden stutf grows well and 'as line vegetables of the hardy sorts as one ordlnarly sees auywnere has been raised throughout the valley. Th town of Silver Lake has a populatiou of aliotit 1HI. It has two general merchandise stcres, two hotels, one of which Is lighted with electric ity throughout aud owus its own electric," light plnut. one black smith shop, a harness shop, drug store, two d oct era. livery stable, barter shop, two real estate firms, ice rream and soda parlor, one soft dr'nk ettatillahment, several lan locators, one newspaper, a uood school which ha out row u its present quarters ami now tbe district ia hav ing built ou a new site a new, hand some, commodious and modem school building that will cost fc'i.OU). A new llaptlst church will tie erected this summer, a portiou of the lumber be ing now on th grounds. Four dllfer eut stage lines leave the place. The creek that runs through the valley U a regular Hdhermau'a para disc, and Indeed it ln poor fisher man who goes out angling, If iu an hour or two cannot bring back a string of speckled beauties sutllcleot to appease the appetitA of at least half a du7eu persons. During the fall. winter aud spring mouths, the lake is tilled with myriads of ducks geeso and swans, aud It only takes a few hours for the hunter to procure a bag limit excellent qtialltv, Summer Inka. ' the (lam nf baha nt-iii nl v will I. a . - v a " a i i n III iv,v (III Its fruit. Whooping Cuuis) "In February our daughter had whooping cough. Mr. Lane, of Halt land, recommended Chamberlain's Cough liemady and said it gave his customers the best of sat isfact ion. We found It aa he said ami can recti mmend It to any one having children troubled with whooping cough," says Mrs. A. (loss, of Diiraud, Mich. I'or sale by paly anil Hall. CASTOR I A For Infant! and CUldrea The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of I. O. O. F.-LAREVIfcW ENCAMPMENT NO. 1 I O. O. F., meets the first and third Tours; day evening of each month in Odd Fellows Hail, Lakeview. C. 0. Arthur, C. P., A. H. Hunimersley, cribe. REBEBAH LODGE LAKEVIhW LODGE. NO. 21. I. O. O. V., meets the second and faurth Fridays of each ninntb in Odd Fellows' Hall, 1 Mrs. M. L. Heryfnrd, V.G.; Mrs. Ma Hery fonl, W. G.; Mrs. M. D Moss. Secretary ; Mrs. L. J. Magilton, Treasurer. O. E. 8. ORIENTAL CHAPTER, NO. 5, LAKE view, Oregon, Meets on Tuesday, on or be fore full moon and two weeks thereafter, iu Masonic Hall, at 7: 0 o'clock. Visiting member are cordially invited. CORNELIA A. WATSON, W. M, IDA UEBACH, (Secretary CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH -THE first Suuday in each muiitb, preaching at 11 s. m. Aside from this, preaching every Hun day at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. at Lakeviaw bunday School at 10 a. m. LiP-je at 6::i0 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursday 7:S0 p. m Ladi.-s Aid Wednesday 1:3U p; m Choir practise Friday 7 :;J0 p rn. A cordial invita tion is extended to youu. I. C. PARKER. Pastor. LAKE COUNTY Lake county is in the centet of the great lake country of Central Oregon where are located some ot the moat remarkable bodies of water in tbe state. This county lies in tbe central southern portion of tbe state, about miaway betweeu tbe eastern and west ern boundaries. On the north it is bounded by Crook county, on tbe east by Harney county, on tbe south by the states of California and Xev a la, and on tbe west by Klamath county. Aa to area it' stands the fourth largest in tbe state, having something orei 8,000 square miles, and its annual ptecipitatioo stands third iu 2astern and Ceutral Oregon ouly Wasco and Hood River counties leading It by a small margin. Some Idea of tbe vast territory embraced itbin the borders of Lake couuty can be more easi-y understood when we cox pare its area to some of tbe states in tbe onion. It is larger than j Deleware, larger than New Jersey, larger than Connecticut, and about equal to in size to Massachusetts. Yet this vast area our populatinun is only about 4.0U0. Tbe county contains 5,0j:),.10O acres divided as follows: 1.9S0.04S acres of by tbe moutaius which bear the name of the valley, and is a veritable gem. This valley contains the choicest lauds i n Lake couuty, aud in time will be to all Central Oregon what Hood River is to the country tributary to it. Summer Lake Is an ideal fruit belt, tbe equal of which la haul to find anywhere and nowhere in Oregon can it te excelled. In this fertile little valley there are 20,0uu acres that re adapted to frnit culture. Here is a vast body of land that by uature was intended as a fro it belt as is shown by tbe wild plums growing on every band where tbe ground has as yet not been cultivated and whose quality and flavor can ouly be known and appreciatad by partaking of tbe luscious fruit. So prolific are the plums, that in niauy places as the traveler goes along me road be can sit ia his wagou and pluck the fruit at ripening time. Here in this val ley, apples, pears, dIuius, prunes, peaches, apricots and all other like fruits, as well as all kinds of berries grow in profusion an i Bbundance, aud not ouly tbe quanity but tbe quality cannot be excelled auy where. Tomatoes melons, aud all other vine as cvell as all kinds ot root crops to gether with oats, wheat and barley, i almouds, walnuts and filberts all J Uourisb aud yie;d abundantly. To give tbe reader au idea of tbe yielding capacity of this soil, agricultural land. l.l'J4.:io2 acres of grazing laud. 1, 5i 000 acres O' timber; of potatoes from wbicb land. 50,ooj acres of unsurveyed ; 00 tons of laud aud IIOT.'JCO acres covered by lakes, much of wbicb will in tine be drained aud make tbe veiy choicest of artMcultutal laud. FORT ROCK AND CHRIST MAS LAKE These two sections are almost i lentically the same, .ud Iu fact, there la uu difference between them ouly au imagiuary line, and just where that imaginary line is located would take some oue more fortunate than we have been or ever saw, to tell where that dividing Hue was, aud for the purpose of this article will treat tbe dtferot neighborhoods as a whole. This entire section is covered with a luxuriaut growth of sagebrush which up to a few years ago was con sidered only tit tor ranging stock, owing principally toQ the lack of water for domestic purposes, it being generally supposed to be impossible to get water by digging, liut some one two or three yeurs ago diepe-led that supposition by having be hardi hood to dig aud see what was beueath the surface, aud lo I water was struck uf the finest aud best qualit). Set tlers began to come in and In noi lusttuco Imvo they tailed to find water iu abnaduce everywhere from tit tu 40 feet, and now tbe name here tofore applied to this section "des ert" is a minsomer. Here is a vast terrl'ory where n man can ride over for miles and during the eutire time be is lo iking it over a ! tbe same similarity of soil uud veget NOTICB I OH PUBLICATION Denatrment of the Interior. U. H Land Utiles at Lakeview, Oregon. April 10, lIKffl. Notice Is hereby given that KKANK A. CA LDKKWOOD, ! Adel. Oregon whooii May IH, IlKi.'l, made t.omeHtead Kntry No. 2HH, (Serial No. 0IKI2), for N halt HK quarter, NK quarter 8W quarter, SK quarter NW quurter, Sec;ion II, Township ,'7 h.. lUnge V.5 K.. Will Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make Final lire year! rrr, to estal llxh claim to the Itind above decrlbed, before Register and Receiver, at Lakeview, Oiegou, ou the limb dy of May. liMti ( 'lit 1 H in mi t he ties us w IIiicsmi'm : X. K. of rlush, Oregon, Oakley Clark, uf War ner Lake, Oregon. A2.MJU J. X. Watson, Suit In Kqulty tu forclose a Mnrtgngo Hod- IN Til CIRCUIT COURT OF THK KTATK OF ORKOON, FOR LAKK COUNTV Km II Kllese, ) riiiintiin VS ) Sidney Dodder and ) t resale Hnd.ler, ) hla wlte, Ilereiidants. To Sidney llodder, and Cressle tier, his wlte, I icfeudanta : IN TIIKNAMK OFTHK 8TATI1 OF ORKtiON.You, aud each of yen era hereby required to Hf'pear aud answer I lie Complalut Hied against you lu I he above entitled Court and Causa within six weeks Iroui the dale of tha First Publication of tliia Summnus, to w It on or before the 7th day of May, I'.kKl, antl If you tall so to appear ami answer or otherwise plead lo the said Compbdht, lor want thereof the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for a De cree against you and each of ui for the sale of the following described land situate In the Couuty of Lake, State of Oregon, to wlt: NW quarter. Keo. :ir, Tp. :ih. R. in K. w. m., and for the foreclosure of the follow Ing described Motgage upon said land, towlt: That reltalll Mortgage ex ecuted by the Defendant Slduey Hod der and (.'resale 11 odder, hla wife, on IhelQihday of November, 11)04 In favor of Columbia Itrewlug Company, a Corporation, lu tba sum of a ith luterest at the rate i percent per annum until paltl ; which said Mortgsgn was duly aaalgued tu plalu tllf herein ou he Fifth day of Feb ruary, r.Ktu Thst there Is due and owing to Pliilntlft hei el ii on the said Mortage the mm uf f.Vdi. ".ft wlh interest on the sum of f.'Oi !'0 since the Kith day Caldetwood, Harry Odder ood. of Xovebmer, I'.HU at tbe rate of C per Add Oregon, .lame McKee. of i cent per annum, and luterest on tha fteilre for fabilratlon. Department f the Interior, U. S Laud Otllce at Lakeview. Oregon, April i:i, VMK Notice la hereby aiven that THOS. YOUNG, of Lakeview. Oiegou, who ou June '.'7, r.HXi, made Homestead F.utry No. .'10H!I, (Serial No 01167), for Lots ft, ft. NK quarter SWquartsr, SW quarter SW quarter. Section Vi, Towsnhip 40 S., Range 1! K , Will. Meridian, baa Hied notice of Intention to make Flual Ore year Proof, to establish claim to the laod above described, before Register and Recei ver, at Lakeview, Oregon, oo the 21st day of May, im. Claimant names as wituesses: James Youug, John C. Moirla. Alfred Mor ris, and John Noble, all of Lakeview, Oregon. A 15 M20 J. N. Watson, Register. i sum of I Ml since ths Kan day ot j Nuvemoer, P.V-' at the rate of ti per rent per auniim: aud the sum of j iWi IU taxes paid on said premises by I Plulntllf ki.ln mith I it. nut . t I h- gentleman bud in lea tbau five acres 'atiou greets bis eye. be harvested 1 tory that embraces LAKEVIEW FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF LAKEVIEW Preaching service at 11 A M and 7 '80 P M on 1st and 3rd Sun. Sunday School at 10 A M. Junior Society at 2:.'i0 P M. Baptist Young People's Ciiiuii at6 MuPMon each Sunday. Prayer Meetinu at 7:30 PM Wednesday eve niug. Every body iuvited to atteud all ser vices. Pastor. CATHOLIC CHCRCH- EVERY SCNDAV MASS and Benediction at 10 o'clock a. in. Sunday school after Benediction. Week day Mass at iuvi.m. i. A. VAS1A, b. J Lakeview ia the conn y seat of Lake I county and is situated in tbe extreme ' south end of tbe county, being only ' about It miles from the Oregon and California state, line aud has a popu- j latiou of about 1'Jik). It is a busv This vast terri- thousands upou the finest potatoes man I thousauds of acres, capable of sup- ever laid eyes upon. This yield , porting a couple of thousand families while probably a little lurger tbau tbe 1 lies open for settlement uuder the average yield throughout the valley ! generous provisions of the homesteud yet it goes to show what cau be doue ; Ihws where a man cau make a home in that line by a mau who throughly i for himself. This section now has understands gardening A few years three huudred sett'era and every day ago a tield of 10 acres yielded 107 briugs more in. Quite a large arenge bushels per acre, aud wheat has has been sown to grain this tpriog yielded Gil bushels to tha acre. These and last fall, aud tbe fall graiu iu yields we are trunk to say are ex- i every iustauce is looking Hue aud ceptioual ones, but the land in this ' promises au abundant harvest, valley does and will average 40 bushels! .While it is true, that comparxtively t.9 It, rl..n uwi Vil k..tlw.l-. . . 9 ...t....t ' anonL'tiirr tlm. u.t,.t,l t..l ,t 1 .. u,....,K ,u iuci.1 .u.i, .wnu, ujudi, c.r. j Itha sera 1 1 11 H 1 1 1 1 u n f t h 1 n Uei'tlnti u ra in j In this valley thre are uo towns . their tufaucy, yet from Ihe trials I but tbey have a good saw mill which given and the manner tha farming tint nil I R fiipiiluliau ul I frk.u .A,i.i. I hui. llBOIl llflMU till Sllltliwils . . . , , , , iwuv . i luiuiauca ail bull, BDvblUU "" '- . ......... . ' u u , w i, i ,i i u , tOBt It Supports three banks, Oueuith I, uM ,hu r'h,u,...u.. more favnral,l tl.nn t.l. i,w,ul ..riln valley a-i well. A Hoe building was j could expect. erected last year for a grist mill and ' These soils have hiieo tested by NOTICU FOH Pl'BLICA I ION Department of the Interior, U. 8 Land Ottlee at lakevlew, Oregon, April 8, I'.HiO. Notice is hereby given that J. I MORROW, heir of Sebbrln Motrow. of Adel. Oregon, who. on June 20. nisi, maoe ieert ibim r.niry, 7o, . ,,, ji. ...i ..ii.i.. . . . n.i, ineriHi .-o. uiu-i;i tor uoi 1, Meo tlon 2. Township .'CI 8.. Range 'i K., Will. Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make Final Proof to establish claim to the laud above described. before Register and Receiver, at Lakeview O-egou, on the 'JOth day of May. IIKO. Claimant names m wituesnes : A. N. Uenbett. of Warner. Oregon, F. A. Miss, of Adel, Oregon, W. II Cooper, of Adel. Oregon, L. I). Frakes, of Waruer, ( Iregon. Al.ri.MJO J N. Watson, Register. Plaintiff herein, with Inteiest at the rate of ft per rent per annum until paid and for the sum of liiO as attor ney's fees herein, and for hla costs and disbursement herein, and for such other and further relief as to Hi Crmrt ttiMV ileefii ii.sxit. Notice Is hereby given you, that this summons is served upon you by Publication thv f ia the Lake County .amine a News Paper of (ienrral Circulation, issued and pub lished weekly in lakeview, Lake Coun'y, Oregon, pursuant lo aa older of tbe Hon. Oeorge Noland. .fudge of said Coutt, duly made at Chambers, lo Klamath Falls, Klamath County. Ore gon, on the 1Mb day of March, ID JO. The data of the first publication of this Summons is tbe 'Jftn day of March, l'W, and the date of tbe last publication of said summons Is tba fttn day cf May, I1K)0. J. D. Venator, M20M7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Sheriff 5a le closure. In l ora- 4 on leal tot lee kind of business bring represented. To give our readers au adequate idea of Latceview and its busioeBa. will sav national, one savings, and one private. whose combined assets reach over one million 'dollars. In fuct. Lake If I Ihu inl.,,lln A ..I...... liVf ba?k'n ceBtro'Lakt' 'machinery therein this summer in ' T u , " u be ready to gnud this fall. ,0VB"J lfewbere iu ner borders : Tb,s entire valley is well watered T -u,B Keueraj i net umcripmin ,,,rinua ,l i,ul.i,i,., i,.u,i,f .,. W O Dili . ilmiu u . . n r i i .. .. .1. I ui.v a u i i a ii i if BUJVI VI ISD the aud by FIRST BAPTIST CHCRCH Of f.OOSE LAKE at New Pine Creek, Oregon. Preaching ser vices at 11 A M and 7 :ao p M of each Sunday of everv month Sunday School at 10 AM. Prayer Service at 7:10 on Wednesday eveniiiK of each weed All sre cordially invited to attend i he services J. HAYDEN HOWARD. Pastor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. r- COXN Attorney at Law LJtkrvie w. Orea;oa OFFICE-Dalv Building. D. VENATOR Attorney at Law, I -and Matter Nperlaltj OFFICE Daly Bmlding. CHARLES UMBACIt Land and Law Office Abstractor of Titles Esotallsbed lKbS lakeview, Ore- Y. IiAIR THOMPSON Attorney at Law Oflicc: Over Rank of La view Lakeview, Oheoo.n ynos. j. powell Attorney at Law Office la Daly Rulldlng Lakeview, Oregon, of Lske county as a wbole, proceed with the portiou set out iu the first part of this article to more particularize aud which embraces more than half the territory ae well as more than half tbe taxable proper ty in the county, but probably not half the populatiou. Tbe town of Paisley is located in the beautiful Chewaucau valley, tne Chewaucan river, a stream that has 't s headwaters far up in tbe mount aiDB, flowing swiitly along tbe north side of the town. Tbe river furnishes an immeuse amount of water, and in fact is tbe principal river in tbe county, and which uudoubtedy in tbe near future will be harnessed and the wheels of mills and factoiies made to bum, turning out tbeir various products,. Its waters abound with tbe sportive trout and is au anlger's paradise. The Chewaucan valley wbicb lies Lrincipally to tbe east and south ot tbe town of Paisley, is com posed uf some of tbe finest and most productive land to be found any where, and will produce bay, grain, alfalfa, fruit, berriea, and vegetables tbe very best kinds. While we say that tbey raise fruit in tbe Chewau can valley, yet do Dot understud us to sav that it is a perfect fruit sec tion, for it is not, for while fruit is raised there that is of the very finest and tiest, yet there are years when there are total failures as !08 proved. Yet us a wbole, iu comparison with all of central Oregon it is far abeal In the fruit line. Wheat aud barley aie raised to some extent, yet bm a sectiou it is devoted to the stock iu duetry. iiarley has beeu raised that yielded over 70 bubbles to tbe acre and oats a similar amount. These y elds hre not however the average yields, but tbe larger ones. Tbe average yield of barley is from 30 to 40 bushels and wheat from 27 to '10 bushels tbe quality of each being tbe beet. Potatoes cabbage peas, turnips, canots, parsnips, aud such vegetables Hour sb aud grow to good size and yield abundantly, lieaus, pumpkins and tomatoes do fairly well, yet tbey are not as successfully grown as those first mentioned. The Chewaucan valley is oue of the very best of water. Summer Lake is indeed a favored spot, aud iu time the large bu'diugs now owued will be cut. up into small farms and be prac tically a solid vilagefrom oue eud of tbe lake to tbe other, inhabited by busbaudmen reaping neb rewards from the culture of fruit. SILVER LAKE Silver Lake is a beautiful valley, witn Silver creek flowing through it eutire length and emptying into tbe lake some six miles below town. Silver Lake is principally owued by stockmen wbo have large herds of cattle, horses and sheep and tbe land used to produce hay aud pasture for tbe winter needs. There Las however been some farming done on a limited scale throughout the valley wbicb baa yielded good returns, oats going in some instances as high as 05 to 70 bushels to tbe acre. This of course was exceptional instances, the average yield running iu the neighborhood of 40 bushels, but little wheat has yet beeu harvested although quite an acreage was sown last fall aud this spring which promises line but that which was. produced satisfactory returns to the producer. The oldor settlers settled aloutf the creek princi pally and it has only been iu tbe last few year that the prairie lands have neen settled up and attempts made to cultivate them und see what their productive capacity was. but in every instance where intelligent culture aud ordinary care wero ulven tbe crops tbe returns were perfectly satisfactory. We will cite the inst ance of a man who came here about two years ago, and last spring cleared about 40 acres of bis laud of sage brush, sowing a portion to alfalfa, a portion to rye, and the remainder (with tbe exception of perhaps an acre which was kept for garden) to bariey. Lawt season as every one will remember was a bad year for crops not ouy here, but every where, yet on this piece of laud we saw alfalfa iu August, that was sown lu May. tour teen inches in height all over tbe field looking as healthy and thrifty us we both our State Agricultural College aud the Government, and each have pronounced them of the richest aud highest productive qualilis. This entire section we fully believe, will in a few years be oue vast grain field, yielding its golden harvests and fill ing tbe pockets of the owners with a rich return for bis labors. Do not understand us to mean that every man wbo attempts to farm will make a success of it, although at one time it was the almost universal belief that any fool could farm aud so when a man made a failure of everything else be was advised to go on a farm. That day baa, however, passed and it is now conceded by every oue (except ing of course this old fogy class) that it t,Hkes intelligence aud brains to farm. In fact, it takes more intelli gence aud brains to become a suc cessful farmer than it lakes in many other lines of business Fort Rock and Christmas Lake hold out t; intending settlers the opputonity to take up land of which good homes cau be made, aud iu holding out this inducement, tbey waut to see only good, honest, enter prising people grasp this opportunity. for a peison to come in ami take up a homestead aud theu sit still all day aud reap rewards from bis land is but vagaries aud illusions of au idle dreamer. To clear the land takes work, arid bard work at' To fence plow aud cultivate the land lakes work, money aud intelligence to do it in a proper manner. To tbe class who have these q uiillficut iona this section welcomes you, ana lr you do your part the soil will reimburse, you many times. As to fruit aud vegetables growing In this section we can ouly say, that as yet fruit raisiuR has not been tried, aud while probably all this vast territory will not be adapted to fruit, yet we believe there will be portions that will raise some fruit. As to vegetables, it will grow all tbe Lardy crops aud yield good returns. Our belief of tbla eutire section is, that when once the sage brush is removed and by intelligent (not haphazard) cutlvation tbe poisonous wild out ore that for ages has been retained iu tbe soil is removed, that it wil be pecu liarly adapted to wheat culture aud that iu time will bo as famous for its big yields of wheat, as well as its Department q the luterior, U. S. Laud Otllce at Lakeview, OregTii, Feb. 'J.J. HKO. A sufficient contest altldavit having been tiled In this office by (JEOROE Ii. HOYDEN, contestant against homestead entry No. 3770, (Serial No. j"! oR':i7.) made May 10. 1U07, for NE .(inner, nstiinu -l. lOwuuiD ,x r., Rango 1(1 E., by Frank Ilrowil. Con teitee, in which it is alleged that said Frank lirown has totally aban doned said land , that he has failed to cultivate or impmve any part thereof, that some time in Otto tier, liMiH, the cabin was removed from said laud, that the defects herein sel forth continue to this date, antl that said alleged absence fro o raid laud was not due to bis employment in tie Army Navy or Marine Corps of the Unlttd States as a private soldier, oflicer, seaman or marine during the war with Spain or during auy other war lu which the United States may be engaged, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond, and olfer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock e. m on May I'i, l!)0i), before the Register and Receiver at the United States Laud Otllce iu Lakeview, Oregon. The said contestant having, iu u proper affidavit, filed February 'i-'l, I'.MK), set forth facts which show that alter due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be riven by due aud proper pu til lea t ion. aKinfl J. N. Watson, Register Under and by virtue of an ex ecution lu foreclosure. Issued out of 1 the Circuit Court of tbe atate uf Ore- , 1 gou for the Couuty of Lake, on tba JJud day of April, to me dt. act ed and dellveied lu a suit iu said Court tor said Comity aud State, wbere'u Oeorge 11. Aiyes and (ins Scblagel, partners, doing business uutier tbe firm name aud style of A re A Scblagel, as plaintiffs, -eeovered' judgment auaiust John Westlake, as dcfi ndiiut, for the sum of Kixht Hundred Ninety eight ao i ... ' Dollaih (s!is.7J) and costs 11 taxed n( Twcu. . igut Dollars (fJM.lKl, the Ird day of October, l'.klH said judgment bear- i tug interest at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum from said October ird, lltlrt, antl also a decree o. I.ireclueure and order of sale against said delend aut, aud by direction ot said order of said Court aud said execution, 1 am commanded to sell the following des cribed real pioperty, to it: The South-west Ouartcr of Sect lou Thlrty fonr, iu Township Thirty nine South, of Range Twenty two East, of the Willamette Meridian, lu Lake County. Oregon, tor the pur pose of satisfying said judgement of the plnlntllfs ami the costs ai.d ex penses of such sale. NOTICE IS 1IKKKHY Ol VEN, That on Friday, the lib dity of June, I'.HrJ, at the Court House door ou the front and East side uf the Court house of Luke County, lu the State of Oregon, situated In the town of Lakeview. at the hour or ten o'clock In the fore noon uf raid day I, will sell ut public auction to tbe highest bidder foe cash, all the right, title aud iuterest which the said defeudunt, John West lake had ou the 'Jn.l day of February, l!N),ri, iu and to the lauds hereinbefore Inscribed or so much thereof as may tie necessary, to satisfy said judg ment and the costs and expenses of making such sale. Dated this 22nd day of April, r.10!). ALI1ERT DENT, Sheriff. ot Lake County, Oregon. M0j:i Ry W. U. SNIDER, Deputy. SALK OF TIMBER. PORTLAND. Oregon. . pril S. 11)00. Sealed bids marked outside, "Hid, Timber Sale Application, April 1, 100!), Fremont" aud ud dressed to the District Forester, Forest Service, Portland, Oregon, will be teceired up tu and including tb 22nd dr.y of May. V.HM. for all or auy part of the merchautai le dead timber standing or down aud the live timber marKed for cutting by the Forest, officers located ou au urea tu be definitely designated by the Forest ofllcers before cutting begins of about 220 acres in Sees. 10 and II T. 40 S R. 1H E.. W. M. within the Fremont National Forest, Oregon; estlmutod to be 2.77(5.500 feet 11. M, of western yellow jd ne, saw tin. ber, log scale, more 01 less. No bid of less than 92.75 per thousand feet II. M. for live aud dead timber will be considered aud a deposit of IIIOO, paybie to the order of Ihe First National Hank of Portland, Oregou, must be sent to that bank for 'each bid submitted to tbe District Forester. Timber upou valid claims is exempted from su'e. Tbe right to reject auy and all bids Is reserved. For further Information and regulations governing sales, address O. M. Ingram, Forest Super visor, Lakeview, (Jieuou. E. T. ALLEN, District Forester. NOTICB OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the Couuty Court of the State of Oregon, for tbe Count of Luke, in tbe Matter of tbe Estate of, ) William Egan, ) Deceased. ) TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Executrix of the Last Will aud Testament of Will iam Egan, Deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the County Court of Lake Couuty. Oregon, ber Final Account as such Executrix, aud that Hon. 13. Daly, Judge uf said Court; has, by an order duly made aud enter ed therein, fixed and appointed Sat urday, the iKth day of May, ll)0!l, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock A. M. or said the Court Room of said Court, iu the Town of Lakeview, Luke Couuty, Oiegou, lis the t line aud place for bearing of objections to said Flual Account, if any thera be, aud for the settlement thereof. This Notice is published In the LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER, a newspuper published weekly at Lake view, Lake Couuty, Oregon, once a week for four successive wLa beginning with the issue thereof dated April bth, l'JOi). ANNA Ed AN, Executrix of the last Will aud Teatameut of William Egnu. Duneus. ed. v.i fit. DeWitt's Little Eurlv Risers. o, famous little liver pills, small gentle aud sure. Sold by Daly uud Hull.