Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 29, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2

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Ln kc County Exn m incn
Largtat I'aptr. end Largest Circulation In
Castern and Senthern Oretnn.
rt hi.isiii:i kxkkv tiu kshay.
I f'i at tin' I'O-I Oltie.-Sl I.SKeVlPW,
mi rvo.itnM'lii Maiwr.
One i nr. in advance, . t-'N'
Hi MlNlMllK. " I -'
Three n.oiiths, " '
fflTK not pM In advance. $1 50 tin' oi.
o uhseritM'ra to
1 he Kxamtner who remove
from one loeal.'y to amillfer. I'hRiKi
tlnir i.nsiofrl.e a.t.lrem luiiiltl riiii'mhir "
drop Oil office card m their i-aper can b- ad
Sretaed to the riiiht ptwti.fllce.
Rcmilar Mending ads 11.00 n Inch, ninitle
oln in li apace, per month. All siamllng ails
rhiK free mire a month. foal of coinpoM
ti.-ii rhargc.1 foraH extra channel. All a octal
positions extra. All short term ed extra
Header, local rnluroii. U-. per line each In
(pIdoii. Want ad. V. a lin ach InnTin n
Card of thank II W. Resolutions ol condo
lence, fl 60 and up. tarda.
,j4jr-TriiRient Advert. ng and Job Prim
ing, rash in Bdenc.
Ail ill 1 nutat bo paid the flnt of each month.
t tp-Xa deviation from theee term.
TUIP OIDCD t" lept on file at B.I". lUaiCa
lHIO lArtn AdTrrtining Afenov U4 8and
ome Street. San rrani iw-o, Cal.. where
eoatractii for advertiin ran be madt for -t.
The rpublicaa party in its plat
form promised tariff reform. Presi
dent Taft bas insisted that such proru
iei revision be made promptly aud
faithfully both in 1-tter and epint.
Hut it begins to look as tboush a
republican congress intended do each
tbiut;, if tbe Payne bill is to become
a law. And if it becomes a law there
will probably be a day of reckouiuK
in the future for tbe party.
Cbnuip Claik, tbe democratic lead
er, probably takes a stroDg partizan
vi-w iu bis criticism of tbe b
wherein he insists tbat tbe Payne bil
as a revenue measure depends too
much upon taxing tbe necessities, and
too little in taxins the luxuries. For
indtaure every tbintt tbe poor man
wear, eats or uses as a necessity is
faxed to the utmost, vbile Morgan
gets bis valuable art collection into
the cjurtry without a cent of cost,
on the specious plea that tbe same is
o! an educational nature!
Congressman Clark insists tbat
many of these duties should be
chauged to a revenue basis, and in
many particulars the rank aud Hie of
tbe country will agree he is right.
Obivionsly, there is a nation wide
demand for a revision of tbe tariff
tbat will redune tbe cost of living,
aud auy tinkering that will not com
pel the trusts and interests favored
by tariffs of the past and now iu force
to make cotieecsions to the many and
not for tbe benefit of the few, will
not be quietly accepted by tbe peo
ple as a party expediency, and will
result in such clamor tbat tKe republi
can party will be shaken from its
pedestal of high ideals. The demo
crat are eager for such a chance to go
to the people.
Equhl taxation should be tbe hasis
of all legislation and anything tbat
falls short of that end will not be
tolerated longer than tbe p euple can
find means to remedy such evil.
A national recall would make con
gressmen a little more careful in their
legislative acts As it is now there is
no effective remedy for gross acts ou
the part of congress, except to refuse
the delinquent re-election, and too
frequently, some new issue arises that
oyresbadowa tbe causo of complaint
and tbe culprit gets back to cuorgeesj
to repeat hi ofiieuse, i pigy be, in.
some rtbe; yray,
Everybody's Magazine is laboring
bard iu tbe cause o justice, and is
doing yeoman service agaiust every
form of graft. Just now it is fight
ing tbe speculative game whereby
lambs are systematically plucked of
millioss every year. In its May
bue, under the caption, "The Last
of the Wall Street Game," it says:
Tbere are a score of Wall street
brokerage bousas thai make from
100,000 to 8300,000 annually iu years
not marked by lessened speculation
due to financial aud industrial de
pressions. There are hundreds of
other bouses tbat are disappointed
with returns which fall below such
figures as H25.000, $100,000, and $76,
OiK). It seems reasonable to assume
tbat there are two thousand specula
tive firms in the United States with
an average net income of $20,000eacb.
Every consideration tends to prove
that this is au ultra-conservative
statement, yet it implies that, our
speculative friends must dig down in
to their pockets for another $40,000.
000 before they Cn hope to extract
dividends from tbe quotations which
are manufactured for them ou tbe
various exchanges.
Tbe approximate annual cost of tbe
speculative game to those who patron
ize brokers and commission meu in
the United States is thus indicated
in this recapitulation :
Operating Expenses of Speculative
Firms $100,000,000
Profits to such Firms from
I 'nmniluninns Paid bv
Customers 40,000,000
Paid bv Customers to Hank
mi Iuterrt Accinint 4ii,lHV,lH.
Coot tr the Cam- lMi,lH"AtH1
It there he no ml.niiiprehetislon
ciineerntns the nature of t hat total of
lr'0(0itx0. It doe not imply that
I the gros amount of loss mif
tained hv these v. ho "tn'Ctilite In Wall
Street and rlst here. It linn untiling!
I to do with t tint ThU lStl.(XM,(XKl I
n fmrly mvuiat Mate.nrnt of thes niro j
vl "tho kitty." It is the tiilil!y j
' contrii uted the piMiii fot tlioi
; pri vilgo of nunt'lnw in flocks hii1 j
i 1 otids. j
IVOIiklMi ;im.s m ikk luxr l I
Mis Mary Wooloy, college prei.
denl of Hoston. is authority for the
Mtatenietit tlmt "it ik tho factory and
shop Hint o'.lk-e worker and not tho,
college tired wirl who make the i ienl i
wife." I
Mirs Wooley bases tier statement in j
the a leue 1 laot that, through their J
activity atnl earnest ne8, utrl bread
w inner develop a spirit of Mticeiity'
aud L.e proper appreciation of a
home, which are largely unkon
amoug the unwed girls hu have no '
occasion to develop a longing for a j
home of their owu. I
She declares tbe tvoiunu who works
is much more anxious to be married
than her stv at-home sisters and
that, while formerly she was con
vinced that the opposite was the rule,
today after conducting a series of in
vestigations amoug employed women,
she is certain beyond a shadow of
doubt tbat the iu-Jepeudeot girl whoj
goes to her shuo or office every day i
more sincere in her love of a home'
than tbe college girl, who lack tbe
experience of and contact with tbe
real coodtions of li'e.
Tbe Oregouiau is not altogether
rigbg in some things, tut in its war'
against tbe robLer tariff, which en-f
riches tbe few to tbe detriment of thej
many, it is ngbting the tight of the'
common people.
For intauce in a receut issue it
spoke right to tbe point w len it said :
Mr. PayDe said women could get
along without some kind of gloves, or
fewer of them, or could manage to
keep tbier hands warm, though they
could not cover thir pride. Passing
by tbe sneer, women will be heavily
taxed in keepias their hands warm
Tbe duty on knit goods is from 3.'J to
41 cents a pound, besides 55 per cent
ad valorem, and on woolen yarns 22 1-2
to 38 1-2 cetita a pound and 40 perj
cent ad valorem, tven cotton gloves
and threads pay a heavy tribute; as
do silks. The women might not
objeet to tbia so much if tLe tax
went to tbe government, but tbe
object of the increase is to make tbe
duties absolutely prohibitive, " tbat
tbe government will not get a dollar,
but tbe trust alL Tbia is protection.
The ML Sterling (111), Repbublican
contains this surrpising statement:
A year ago wben the saloons were
voted oat of this city, a few people,
(and probably ooly a few) were a little
frightened (and probably only a little
by tbe prophecies of the dire ca;ami
ties which would fall npon tbe city
in tbe event tbe saloons weie pat out
of business. Well, 'saloons were rek
gated to tbe rear and within a year
all business places. Including some
which wer idle when tbe saloons
were here, are occupied, every avail-
abledwelling is fall aod tbe demand
for house was never so great as
A step toward the ultimate annexa
tion of Ccba is embodied in a reso
lution introduced in the bouse
by Representative Helm of Ken
tucky. It provides tbat whenever a
majority of the voters of tbe inland
gball vote in favor of annexation to
tbe United States tbe territioy of tbe
ialand shall be annexed on such terms
and conditions as the proper authori
ties of both coqntriee may agree up
on. A certain writer has said tbat no
newspaper which took truth for its
standard would make pecuniary suc
cess Tbe press might return the
compliment by remarking tbat no
minister who told the truth about
bla congregation, alive or dead, would
Roosevelt Says:
Every iktkoo who In- .
vents In wll-elected
renl eatatem a growing
and prosperous com
munity adopts the Ktir
ent aud mtfcHt method
of Incoming Independ
ent, for real ewtate Im
tbe tiaulH of till wealth.
Every week Exam
iner real estate ads
point the way to
good investments.
You may miss
your opportunity if
you miss the ads in
this issue.
Heart to Heart
tBy iinVIN A. NYE.
mryr'sht. l!wi, l.y K.lwln A. Nye.
The poet cillM life "crystal clmllce."
Which Is :t lino llgmv.
You (mii till it tliiilKv or cup lo the
brim, mid t'icn ;f you want an over
flow yon must thrust or drop aoine
thing Into It.
The amount of the overflow will tie
determined by the size of tlmt which
you put Into the cup. What you get
out I of the siime quantity as that
which yon put In.
' So I huuiiin life.
He who made our earthly vessels of
mortal life filled them even to the
! brim. Your earthly chnllee holds with
( tn It life. Whether you shall have that
life "more abundantly" depends upon
. what you put Into the vessel. What
you get In overflow ta measured by
1 what you put In.
j For Instance
j If you put love Into the chalice of
i your life, your life will overflow In
j loveliness. If you put hatred Into It, It
I will overflow In hatred. If you put ln
i Into your cup or life, sinfulness will
I In other words. YOU CANNOT CSET
get less; you cannot get more.
Do you any It la a harsh lawf
On the contrary. It Is a most gracious
provision. It puts the power of the
universe Into your bumble hands. It
commissions j-ou as captain of your
You get what you give.
More than that
the Mom: you rrr into tite
err the more is left to tut
That Is to say. the more love you
put In the more love you have left, to
say nothing of the overflow of loveli
ness. The more hate you put in the
more hatred you have left, to say noth
ing of the hideous overflow of hate.
But you ask. Why call life a CRYS
TAL chalice?
rteeause Its operations are transpar
ent to all. You can see the process
every day In others and In yourself.
Y'ou can see men and women putting
love or hatred or envy or revenge Into
their cups of life. You can see the
overflow In kind, and you can see how
they have more left than they put In.
And In the end when the frail glass
of the crystal chalice Is shattered by
the stroke of Death?
Why. "all you can hold In your dead.
i cold band Is what you have given
away what you have steadily put
Into the chalice.
Here's tbe cup.
What will you put Into it?
occupy tbe pulpit much longer than
on Sunday atferward The press aud
clergy go band in band with tbe white
wash brush, rosy spectacles maguify
i g the little virtues and kindly
throwing little deformities ioto obli
vion. Tbe pulpit, tbe pen and tbe
gravestone are partuers in saint mak
ing. Cardinal Gibbons, of the Catholic
Church, evidenotly is fully alive to
j tbe evils to which tbe American peo
ple are subjected wben he raises bis'
voice as follows: I
"No man can be a good citizen who I
seta at defiance tbe laws of the com-1
tuon wealth. Tbe man tbat breaks i
tbe laws of tbe state is violating at
tbe same time some commandment of
tbe deoalogue.
The citizen who buys or sells votes
who creeps into political power by
intrigue and bribery, is a thief aud
trausgr!Suiog tbe commandment'
...I U f TU .. l, afrA..t 1 1 ' i
WUIUU BUjn X uun sunn UKim "
Fourteen weeks to pick out a jury
ignoiant enough to try that man
Calhoun in San Francicao I No won
der the Portland Journal man breaks
out in this piece of blauk verse:
He never read no pat er, aod never
heard no news; he knowed nobody
much, and never bad no views. He
aidn't care 'bout nothin'. and
couldn't even think, except to eat and
aiaan. and Hometiuies take a drink.
The lawvers were delighted, and
agreed on bim at once;
for be was
model juryman
because he was
Tbe lace track gratfers, having
been driven out of California, bave
gone to Mexico, where tbey have been
granted concessions by President
Dies. Very Well. Now let tbe gov
ernment place a bau on publicity,
euch as that enforced in the lottery
cases, and the "business" will go in
to "iuoccuous desuetude" to quote
one of tbe democratic faith.
Jeffries, tbe ex-champion . pugilist
has announced that be is ready for
all who muy dispute bis title of
champion pugilist. "Ure'r Jobnsing
set be will be dar," but Tbe Ex
aminer bets on Jeffries. The date
nor place for tbe bout t is not yet
arranged but will be aunounced soon.
The new Nevada Banking Law gives
security to depositors. There was
need of such law, as too many Nev
aduns learned to their sorrow.
A Kansas farmer drowned himself
from remorse because he had failed to
make a return of all his property to
tbe assessor. It is now up to John
I'., .!. l'li t'i and ohm tit ! i in n
mid do likiHvl. Iftley w II only do
mi the hUtoiy will give thenl a doitcr
place In Us page than will ln i he
0 i0 If they irsUt In dodging their
joid tuxes.
The Vieka Journal an it Is out
t'l n.-t Inn ilnlv lor counties to bmlii
M Ileum fur llg " I, llld gioit vo lien
and lis sermon In allocating such
toons purpoue rings Iron I'n nifi
01 aged wo it are, through no
of thi'iis. thrust upon i he cold
i-h ti tties ol tho world. T'h'V slioul
be tsken care of In comfort during
their remaining v"ir f this life.
ll'iiriii'iui mivs "timi tn.' I -hi i ii n'i.
o ri'iitinil (.fciiril ies i none of th
peopl"' business. " l!iit, lion tin
milk i an I hihIIi the pump him Ho too
lill-llv tho people niako it tnen ' linnl-uei-s"
In see he slops It. And
e'i'iit uillv the pO'itl will make li
their "I'tnlnes'' to squeeze the water
out of tnilioad i-toi Us, too.
Jii lge I'lke, of Nevada, has Hopped
the diroice bn-ineo in that state by
'leciiilng that no divorces wtl! be
griinle i. except to Inula tide residents
of that stale anil (ten only for statu
tory fumes The actor class, and th
venal rich, are t egluaiug to find out
that ther is such a thing as decency,
after all
In suite nf tn ;rMi snassioii In
business in l'.H'H. t ie steel trust msu
aued to poll ut a profit of flU.Hi"',
710 If any better argument conli
be a Ivsnce l for a lowering of taillf
taxes, In ftcHM'd In the. And,
tiesides, unit tile says the tttist does
out ii. iu need protection.
The Hankers of Pittsburg have sent
an hih''i1 to Mocretarv of state Knox
asking him lo take st-ps to stop the
nianlpiilati in of wheHt on the Chicago
Hoard of traoe. This Hpt'ciil In sent
following two failures In tho last two
days, which have betu traced directly
to t he Patten rleiil '
Senior Chain berlaiu has introduced
a t ill l etore l utigess to estnMlbh a
Land Ottlca at Yule The move is a
deserving one us the great distunce
from Ilurim to Yale, and the lmcnenc
a noniit of laud in each let would
justify the mukiiig of a new disttlct
at Vale
The Oregon Inn is moved to asy
Harri'tian Is exasperatiugly slo".
eien though Oregon approach's nearer
aud pearer tbe time of going Into
railroad business itself.
Tbere is mor catarrh it this sec
tioti of the country than all other
diseases put together end until the
last tew years was supposed to be in
curable, ror a great many years
doctors pronounced it a locil disease
and prescribed local remedies and by
constantly failing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced it incurable
Science bas proven catarrh 'o be i
constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment
Hall's Catarrh Core, manufactured
by K J Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio,
is tbe only conetktottoaal cure on the
market it is taker, internally iu
doses from IU drops to teaspoonfuL
It acts directly on the blood and
mucous sorfacea of the system. They
offer one hundred do'lars for any
case it fails to cure. Seud tor cur
culars BDd testimonials.
Address: V. J. CHENEY it CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Drovgrets. 7"o.
Take Hall's family Pills for cooetl-
Ocean Waive "Manner", Sunshine
Washes, sold on trial, Auten Hard
ware Co.
Our Motto:
"Don't Let
Vs Alone!"
That National Prosperity Association
wants everybody to quit "agltutlng."
Its motto is "It Us Alone." Well,
that may be all right for the Immense
commercial concerns of tho country
the manufacturers, etc. but It U ull
wrong for the ordinary business house.
You don't want people to let you
alone. You want them to come around
and buy goods, don't you?
But they will let you alone unless
you "agitate."
And tbe way to agitate is to ADVER
TISE. Our columns are open, and the space
price Is Just right.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times rath day.
Docs it hciid out kooJ bluot.1
ur bad blood? You Know, lir
I'.ood blood is ".oiid liculili ;
!vid blood, bud liraltli. And
you Know prccistly what to
ukc for b..d blood 'Aycr's
S;irsap:n illa. Doctors have
endorsed if for t'O years.
(Mil frriiii-i'l r n. of niil liiimit I. it litmiUh
Itur 'I In. ii 1 1 . i . full. . i , I'ui.i.iii.iifr
tllIJItrt . Iih .,l,...tlM.' i ti ltn liliMtU.
Kl l'l II" I t'Hi'll . n II Mill. Au. . I lol
Mt-lr J.O rr O . . I ov.ll. .
AlU IbMlll.iM.l.urV' 4 vf
sii r ci i.i.
tllik'Ni I'ltTOSU.
W riav no Miril W puMlah
tli'a or ll uur utJutnfl.
Nll.-tlll Cltllirrll quickly yields totrent
me'it h" Urn ngriMiable, arotnnllc l.iy't
('remit li.iltu. It is n oi vi'. I ihromdi the
U'l-trils and eliumn n i l In 1 the w holu
mirfiu-e over vhlrh it ililliis- lirndf. firttg
ii -ts Rill the fi c., sir.n. Tot it ntnl you
are sure to ontititiurt tho trenttneut till ro
luved, AmioiinriMiient.
Co A4'(Mitittiot do tii'i'.n whi'uro pttrtlnl
tlm ui of B'.inn'.jsor in n;p!;. ing liquid
l!ia ti mul iuv.i;'St f ir r.tmrrlmt tru.
4 i:is projirn tir e i ,m ,v uu I'ulni Iu
; I t for ii, w.ii li i.l Im Know n ns 1 y'i
.1 j.ii I v'r nil l"..iVu. Price in. Iild ng On
vini! tum is 7 exiil. I'nt! or I
ii '.. V'iii I ; i d f ' I e-t' t!in ino.l'
nntl pripert:w nf solid )irvtmr.iiotk
A Shot with Every Tick of Watch
Tree Book tells of this Gun
This IlnrtitnerlcMs Itiqicftter la the
Iiiim evert known liiipriivetiietit
g. Ir.i"ch liliH-k, roveretl inwhaiilsiti and tup ili If ili'sln-d.
Fp Catnlug shows our other allot guns, duulilcs, slngleM, etc.
PaiT A post si I brlnirs our book
45 Auburndale, TOLEDO, OHIO.
1 Furniture and
I Undertaking
I New Pine Creek, - - Oregon
Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Print, Etc.
Atl HasrHM of buataerut la-for th Unltvl Statea Patent (Hflre trlveu
Prompt und Ctrefnl Personal A ttt-tttlon. Terms tine most rea
Hoemble and Kixl work KtkranUMMt Addivxa all Impileii-M to
( Memeer of the Bar of
2407 F Street N. W.
Better Not Get
If you can help it Kodol prevents Dyspeptia, by
effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestion.
But don't trifle with Indigestion.
A great many people who have
trifled with Indigestion, have been
orry for it when nervous or
chronic dyspepsia resulted, and
they bave not been able to cure it
Use Kodol and prevent having
Everyone is subject to indiges
tion. Stomach derangement follows
stomach abuse, just as naturally
and just as surely as a sound and
healthy stomach results upon the
taking of Kodol.
Wben you experience sourness
of stomach, belching of gas and
nauseating fluid, blouted sensation,
gnawing pain in the pit of the
stomach, heart burn (so-called),
diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or
chronic tired fueling you need Ko
dol. And then the quicker you take
Kodol the better. Eat what you
want, let Kodol digest It.
Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tab
lets," physics, etc, are not likely
to be of much benefit to you, in
digestive ailments. Tepsla is only
For Sale by
f I i r hsinainl
This new 6-hnt
model Is the simplest,
nrrst, and fastest K
gauge repeater made.
It has the solid top,
lr aide ej
)iy double
! special i
tures ol i
Jectlon a ii ii
Iffarii fen-
comfort and
convenience. The cloard-ln breech
krepa the action clean and the shells
thy keeps out min, enow, dirt, lcavra
twig aud eand.
Tl nw tads-down nntrurtlon sllnwt
nu to .all tun in In iii Mi onila Inr
tltanlne er fucklm, yti Hi lulnt la alwaya
a firm suit flu Id aa In aollil limn,, f .
l.aa-A.wn (hi.. JJijJivtf..Xa um 1.
hsmi end ) qiick o.aiOnn.
The hill rlieVail fun are euaranta1
rloav-ahootlne, ha'tl hlttin t'n.a, ami aia
unaiiuallad o diMka, (ataa, luaas and all
tang rn averk.
A rtraular (Ivlni larea
lllualrallnn, with fi.ll
Mrliioa of Ihle
bandaiun nw gun,
aanl fi aa on requaal or
with eon.plat I
aalalof tat I eiampa.
72 Zffaru )ramu Ca,
42 Wllloa. Street HEW HAVEN, CONN.
(isnloii Hose and Coupliug
and M's.
at 11.
Look out for the big sale every Rat
unlay at I A. M., north of liinher's
store. Harness and Mgon and tog
gles, atnl lota (if thl n us.
1 tf Hy John McDiiough.
tniiat rnil1 iuii gnu ritiide ; it
ensy tuke-dnwn f.-iiiure, heitvy
SB TO $27
I-'IIKK. Aldr-ss,
the U.
3. Supreme CttMHt.
a partial digester and physics are)
not digesters at all.
Kodol Is a perfect digester. If
you could see Kodol digesting every
particle of food, of all klndB, in the
glaas tnst-tuboa In our laboratories,
you would know this just as well
as we do.
Nature and Kodol will always
cure a sick stomach but in order
to be cured, the stomach must rest
That la what Kodol does rests the
stomach, while the stomach gets
well, Just as simple as A, 13, O.
Our Guarantee
do to yotir dm girl it today and get a dots
lur bottle. 'X'lieu after jrou bavve used the
entire eunteuu ol Ilia buttle If you caa
iiuu.iaiij eay, mai it lias uot untie yon au
utrirlHta know thui.nuririii.riLiif.Mt .ut
Hits oiler a il tea to tbe Urue bottle oolf
and to but one Iu a family. The laxn-e )
tie uontuliis lift tluMM ava much ava tbe flfv
cicut boltlo.
Kodol is prepared at the labors
torles of K. C. Do Witt & Co., Chicago,
D, C. 1
Kwu. return ui noma to ine uriiKKiel aud
be will refund your money without quae
lion ur delay. V. e will Mieu uuy tbe drue
Klst for the tsiltle. Iloll't huulta.ta. a.11
Daly & Hall