Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 22, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Don! Spend a Cent
for anything in the merchandise line until
vou have had a look at our display. This
costs you nothing and ITS ONLY PRUDENCE
to be sure that you are getting the most value
votir money can be made to ive you. Just a
visit--that's all we ask.
12 1-2 ds a yard.
Sunday morning Mara broke out
in t ho yard fit the rear of tha Mctlio
ilint cliiuoh. Naithor blar.o dM any
We nn KtlU olTermit our lare cur
tains nt rr-iluei'il vr loot. H. nud M.
The Heiid r-n lo are certain Harrl
niHt) In union to tmtM from Klamath
r'nlla to tlieli town inMoail ot t'oiiitiitf
down t h IVt'hiitca valley. Harrl
ninu la m iiilnhty unoortkiu quantity
mii 1 may or limy not euter Kastrrii
M '
For hundreds of yards of Summer Hoods that
will make up well. They are standard width
cloths. Plain and Flowered,
Checks, the greatest values vc
and we believe ou will admire,
vou to see them ?a: n.
Stripes nr:d
have shown
It will pay
q t,
t'luMion' W'aah Suits at H. nul
Tl;ri' hip aeveral eaeea r innt'xloa
in lo ti Mrn. Wiii. Ktiaui-ra and I'r.
An.l''u'i little kIiIh have lnn ill
It ll t lit ll IM'HM.
The IMifOii pluitionnipli anil I mill
ult rn-orilt ii! Thornton V. I'nci'
I0 hii.I fo.. H If.
'l'!:t i-ioili of 1'alale.r iiIho ti 10
,ii i . I m r t lie iiiet ion of nil outlet
Kliii'iiilh 1 hIU, niiil li.'oc miI'ki'I ll'i'il
!"' Mill Hi mill' tu-ciii work ot
l ! p ! o vt-n , t ot tln roiiit troin Hint;
to. mi ! luletMvt tlio county roiiil i
I'toiu l.nki virw to Kliininth KhIIh. Tiny
are ti-iilly inMier Unit town thtin Ml
l.aki'VicA. It Iii'hIiih to look a though 1
the N C. O. Iihs ot to the end of ita '
I r 1 1 1 K co far its coiicerna tutllu r ex !
toil ion from Lake county eoole.
Look out for I ho l iki Bale every Siit-
unlay at 1 .. M., north of Un-I-Mr'
atoro. Ilariies an i auiIkiih nud lintf
, Kies, nml lota ot tli I ii w.i.
1 !tf Hy John MrDnoiiKli. '.
Frof. l.eavitt received tt-lotfrnoliio I
orders to leave iiiiineiliiitely tor hi
new r otation aa Inspector ot I ho new
Superior National bereft,
nuartera at I My. Mi'iu.
'tiny by way of linden aul
Montana. Mrs. Lfivitt
look over the altuaMnn. II liken the
town and the country, hot thlnkt to
aorta too mnall, and ha et hla heart
on line of Uiomo HHH) acre tract for a
a (inert ran oh.
If vou want II ret claim work done,
aatiefactlon uuarMUteed, at uiholnler
Ititf, iiiattreaiieea overhauleii, tied
eprlnit tltihtxned o'.o., leave word at
11. Uynold'a atore for A. J. Ihivlx.
It tf.
Ke ctoaiied
Hard 'a
id fulfil Kl l'll
Ht Her-
Itiiluell Niik'k'et, ! : Tuernlny, A 1 1 1
'., (hire Ihity, on of mil mil Id
("tookiiiiMi nodi hia tutor 1'i'i'f to N.
Mntte.-i. '1'ho h.ini'h i'iiiihImIimI of
thirty one xteeia and eiuhl coun.
The I'llce Jiaid a (M for Meet uml
;i0 fur cow.
.1. I''. t'ultliT n illinium ::mti ot
Sookaue arrived in lildAell TueNilay
and WedneH lay went up to t lie ihIih'h.
lie lie-e for the hiiiok ot Inventl
k'lit iiik' Hiol 'li'lrriiilniiiK' I'V I'i'I ioiimI
oli-f r til luiii the exti n ' of the II i iU
tiiliinit; litrict'H ilvhiieHH.
Mui in iiiulei'.M iii
HtyliH. Merc. I'o.
Fruit I iiMpcctor Smith whm In town ;
Satordiiy liixcect ln; a diiiiiieul of,
trnit trccM tlntt hud arrived Irom Col
Iforniii. He any h that trult urinvera
here huve couilied with the M'r:iyiiiK ,
fCtftlllll ii iix.
all I'rtci'H mid
La Mode Specials
Children's Wiu:1kiim Di
Uoy C
fa en
'esses, fie U to 10 yrs, 60c
Suits, each $6.50, $7.50, $8 00
.unl tin newest nuiterinl.
inliMin Wnists.
IVivmIc Wmppeis, sie to IU, eneli
I.Milies Tub Suits, 'J mi pirees,
A eliniee Sileetion.
SI; i its
't liii
Mrs. Neil on.
ever shown,
Sliei'p Slu'iirit and sln'cp hheuiH,
kliid.-t, Auten ll:ir l Aiire I'd.
with head
Me lett to
M ifHOiihl,
and eou
Watch this Space
For Bargains.
will leave Tuesday for Fall t'lty Ore
gon, for a visit witb tier parent In
fore lenvini; for her new Minnesota
home. They will lie teiy much 'uiced
in ao ial anu cliurcb circled, aud
The Ft lil.Urll Nuk'tfet, ot the C.'it h 1
inwt, ra.VH. Win llmvy of I.akevlew i
in in tliin ncltiht'oi hood thla wirk,
luiTint; horses hut at tliU writintt we'
have not learned of hi having closed ,
any deula.
Standard ldnseed. iloiled uud Kawr
Oil, Anted Hardware I'o. j
llarvy Scott, the editor of the Ore- i
Kouiati. has lit en appointed Ainha-sa- I
!or to Mexico. DuriiiK ('level nd' i ('0
aduilulatraiiou the editor of the hu
County News
.... ,. , .,..iiim i aui vnoiie. was also appoiinn
tarry with tben, the beat wt.hea of all t(, Mx(l.0 Hh ,hJ 'ntllllt
tor their uniro. : that the naper went down hill, until
If you kuow an itni of uewa. ti ll i it tlnally hed. Ttiut ia the trouble
uaUHiiy with a one man puper wlien ko mile n
the directiuu force, who bad made it nn a hunch
la tbir bomectead tbere are 88 acres
of level, valley land, 30 acres of which
is number one asue brush laDd. the
rest being ;.rass land.
This claim ia within 4 miles of
Lskeview. and comes under tbe irri
?atiog ditcb of tbe Ore on Valley
Land Co.. as it ia adjoined on two
sides by tbeir lands. Tbere is a uood
frame house on tbe claim size 18'Jx'J2
teet, well built aud finished except
on inside, there is 1000 feet more than
enousb lumber on tbe ground to
tbe editor of it, or call him up iu the
Hi, Itrtll liume Sundiiv resiiltcl in H
m'iiik if ri to ll) 111 favor of the L:ike
vi, w t)itu. I.nck t)f tpace prevent
our u' i v i 1 1 ir the line 'i. The niune
tcaioH will piny ;ii;tlii next Sundiiv.
The Ladies of the Needle Club met
Delia Cobb last Frid.y
finish .h house The 30 acres of
sase land bere is actually worth morel
than tbe price asked for this reWn-'
qaiebnient, without any improve-1
ments. ami we wil assure you that. with Mrs.
you win never secure as food bargain ! aftruooti.
in the way of a homestead again Ou '
account of ill bealtb tne owner wishes ! w. Lair Thompson now
to dispose of this claim, an J must do I f dices in tbe Uuihach block.
so before May 1st !
if you are interested in this relin
quishment, eet busy, for we are going
to dispose of this on or before tbe
above said date.
one man puper when
iree, who bad made it
1P. t tie :it'er usually
Til Oceuoiilan, hnw
tha except iuu to the
a succebs lets
yoes to pieces,
ever, may he
Straw atxl Hag Hats at II aud MV
Van, the I'lusli clerk, ia assisting
Harris In the .del t-tore diirinit Mr.
I'lidiiy's ahsHiica.
Mrs. I'. . I'rldav was Imrin l at
Tuler, Calif . the
The land ciise l.eten the W. V. H.
va. '..resell, was decided hv the
supreme court iu favor of the atato.
Will there he a bop ton flrstf
Two of oor young men are Iu
neilooK tn ul U. The bora went about
th of lime and rounded
of horses and drove them
tn a ranch in Deep Creek Canvou.
Here they took a colt fr Jin ita mother
uud put a iiniuher of the yearling In
the Meld. The horses were tha
jiroperlv of John FUztferahl. .Mr.
FltKTald was Informed and went to
tha ranch and aecured the yearling
ami colt, which waa not weaned from
Ita mother. Mr. Fitlirerald Intend
tn prosecute tha young men.
Mr. Then. WakeMehl returned from
Outalro Monday. Mr. Wakefield hag
to ii iu the eastern part of the atate
since last November. 11a took a largt
l.uucii of cattl- ami fad them there
for tha market.
Prof. Wllllta will upend Haturday.
of f'ls week Iu Lakevlew.
I The atate Superintendent will have
te new edition of nchuul luw ready
for disti iniition about May 5. The
I legislature provided for (one for euuh
occupies school director.
Offices, Bank of Lakeview Building,
Harry H. IU:gs, of Plush, made
dual proof to bis tiouieteud Friday.
F. T. (lunther returned from San
Francisco this week, nringiug witb
him au expert watchmaker, jeweler
aud engraver.
Olis Madison, of Gold Hell, Colo
rado, a coutraci bol ler iu tbe O. V.
L . Co. arrived iu town Thursday to
We carrv
era' tools.
a complete 1, ne of C'urpeu
1) and M
The Examiner is uowahle to supply
the demand for Oregou maps, at i!Oc
fiukei, Hoes, etc., at 11.
l ire.
Biminess Loci'. or header) fnneried in ibis
B-iliiinti of w-ba'ever dt-n-nption 10 veata
hBe tor each inn, num.
Tbe r;.afli d a.lveniaini! colums aff.inl the
irreatrst iiihi ki t fur u-d aniclt a. Vou ran
.t.iaio casti .,r anything of value.
There will be a base ball game at
the itace Track next Sunday after
noon, betweeu the High School ar d
the Lakevlew nines: Admission 2oc.
Bailey A Massingill unloaded 30.000
pounds of onions and potatoes this
Rev. I. C. Parker will preach bis
farewell serman Sunday night. He la
leaving on account of his wife's
H. C. Abbott, of Portland, was in
town over Sunday. He ia an old
friend of the Seagers, an i dropped
down to see them, and incidentally
to carry back a good word of Lake
vew to the Board of Trade of tbat
Taint ami Oil, WoimI Stain
all color. Itath Tub Kmuin-l.
;ill lf-riitif I'liaiiicl,
V full line of Paint liriiHlics. from
10c up.
New line Washing iiiacliiues,
on trial.
Harden Imae, apraya, etc.
ijfn ."iic up. Kakea. COc up.
li(ya waitona. all ales.
We do all kinda of plumblnu;
Oalvaixeil lpr. all alzea.
We make anything to order In
Seagers are building a counle of , tin or aheet tuetal line.
cottages on eilaab street. , . . . , . ,
! fur t(ard ware stock la complete in
A crossing of theelectcric light aud lin"-
telephone wires in front of tbe city J w A f TTPal StSX
hall, caused a Are to break out on a J- , AJ I iSlN KjJ
yua iu iug upper euu or town. A a i
alarm waa sent in and soon tbe whole '
town was on a rush to tbe Ore. Ow .'
aud M'a.
The F.lectrlc sign "Welcome" will
tie In riliice about the litter part of
' Mav. It is designed as a greeting to
jail new comers, aud will be a very
Icommeudable piece of courtesy to the
; strangers coming within our gates.
aud M'a.
Kd. Ounnivaii and a coupla of min
ing men were In I'oleman valley this
7 room. ltoii. lot 110 bv 'Juo feet. i,w Uouiug over the mining proa-
i bearing fruit trees, harries, shrubbery r UHt '"'t""!-
i of alt km I For particulars inquire ' Mrs. Walter Dent letiirned to 'r
a this ottloe. , borne in Lakevlew Tueaday.
The South Warner school closed
Tuesday tfter a aucceaaful term wl'b
i Mrs. O. W. Wakefield as leaehni.
Tom I'Vrrls. an old Warner Settler.
I returned to Warner, atfer uu nxteud
jed visit in Calif. Tom intend to
I make a trip to New York ami other
eastern point then he aaya he ia ready
to return aid buy a home her.
Sheepmen are rounding their herds
toward the lambing grounds.
Adel base hall team will begin prac
tice next Sunday. Kveryoun try aud
ha on deck by order ot A. Mut. Man.
city, of wbiob he is an influential
member. His visit ill doubtless be
of great value in knitting closer the
bonds between the two towns.
Highest market price paid for long
wool sheep pelts by Lakeview Mercan-j
tile Co. 9 tf. I
The moving picture show is certain-:
ly catching tbe pupular fancy and
draws a big bouse every nigbt. Sua- !
day nigbt Prof. Price and Kice gave a
most delightful musical program. !
A 4 horse freight team in the em-'
ploy of tbe tbeO. V. L. Co. ran away;
j Dn.m vjoj auu uiaua iuiub lively lor
IloHe aud loiipling at 11.
The Hervford Laud i Cattle Co.
arid their Califoruia cattle to Frank
Humphrey aud their Oregon herds to
Miller A Lux. The price icaa not
j stated The deal waa made by Felix
ICiree'i, the manager of the Couipauy.
Green Garden
When you go to Lakevlew, If you
want a first class place to aleep, w here
all la quiet aud comfortable, go tu the
(iieen Oardeu House, Main St., oppo
site tha M. lO. Church.
Lakeview, Ore.
and Desert Claims
We have Surveyed OUt, ready for location,
eral hundred acres of sage brush land, of as
soil as there is in the county. This land can be
rigated at moderte cost.
Ocean Waive "ilanner". Sunshine
I Washes, soil on trial, Auteu Hard
Hold j W8re Cn-
Ex-aeoator Fulton bus declined the
Chinese Mission.
Wasb Machines, new Louis, sold on
trial, Auten ilarwdare Co.
Frank Hackney arrived in town
last week from vltura witb a brand
Dew stage tbat fairly gleamed in red
and yellow paint.
Orenkel A Paine report sales tbe
past week as follows: One & acr
tract to W. K Morris: four lta on
Flower Rt. to Mm. Mary M. Kyan ;
tbree lota jo Lake St. corner of Klui
Ave . to W. E. Musrgave; one lot on
Lake St. to Miss Vada Iloohani;one
lot on Flower St, to Wm. liucthin
sou: and one lot on Flower St. to
II. C. Wilson, ot Delagua. Colo.
Roberoid Roofing, one half cost of
ahinglea, guaranteed 10 years Ht Auten
HardwareC o.
Buy Lots in Watson' Addition
liefore you tiu) lota any where In
this vicinity see tnnse in Wataoan'
addition. Close to business center,
of Lakeview. 'XI tf.
unch Tussey
Commission Merchants
Alturas, California
We corrry a fall line of Fresh Fruits, indluding
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap-fJ
pies, also all kinds of Nuts.
Vegetables, such as
Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and
Fresh Fish, Oysters, Clams,
Do Not Overlook This Opportunity!
For this this is about your last chance to secure a homestead.
We are the only firm in Lakeview that
makes the location of Government
Land a Sepcialty.
Information regarding these Qovernment lands promptly supplied.
Call at our office and see photos of Warner valley.
We also have homestead relinquishments and school land assignments.
to Scandinavian and German Spoken.
For Particulars, apply to
s. c. BURRIS,
and Builder.
Estimates, Plans and Speci
fications Furnished.
Main Street, next to Ahlatrom'a.
Full colored Sectional
Hap of Oregon.
J'rl We while thvy I.uat.
every iinportaut
divide, Towuhlilpa an
by sec
a ( res m
Shows all aurveyed landa,
tlona. and
plainly marked
AIho nhowa all LaniJ Orant randa,
Urant complete, by awttloiia. Inval
uable to anyone who now ia or ex
beet a to h InteiYMtetl In landa In
Nouthern Oregon. :: :; ;: :;
Kntlre output of thla mapowuJ by
831 Chamber of Commerce,
f Portland, Oretoa.
'..ani-i.'!) i'a w i
ralf your merchants do not handle
this class of goods, get them busy, k
Coods delivered In one day Lo Lakeview. f
immr-CLm tummoutb
Mammoth Stables
Tin '.nrnoMt
(r Ndrtlicrn
or Mouth.
O. O. ARTHUR. PnoMiiitf
Livery and Feed Htablo In Southern Oregon
CallfornlH, lioraea Hoarded bv the Day, Week
Kpeelal Attention (Jlven to Tranalent Stock