EVEN Settlers Rates to FEEDING THE CALF. I.AKF, C01TSTY KXAMINKK. LAKKVIKW, OltF.OO.N. TfltJFHDAY, APRIL 22. 109 ! Q ! ! Via RENO, Nev. Via Southern Pacific Lines Daily From March 1 to April 30, 1909 Mm ( Mint hit Ht. JllMI'pIl Knna ('II v... 1 veil worth , lieiiver HltllHtOII Ht. I.oiiIh. IK) . 2r (Kl . ii.'i INI . Jft . W (X) ,. ii 00 .. 'jr. (K Mi'tltpllla Itlooihlll'ttoll , St. Fulll MllllH'flxilrt , IVoriit ('Illt'iiifn . . ;i 7 f . :l 7.'. :u 7i . ."il 7fi Mew Orli'itiia '.M 'M I'lttntitirir 4:2 i0 New York M (K) (Jnrri'Hponrlliitf low ratoH from other polnta. Kiitr-a for lirancli IIiu-m point will Im n combination of t ln pror rotoiiUt rate for tin ion In Hue June tlon point and the iihiiiI branch-lint' total. The coat of h ticket can lie di poalted at emv with im.v Southern i'ut-lflr agent In Nevada, huI thi ticket will I furnUliel to t ln pHM4-iiwr lu t he F.nat, wlill' thee low rnti-n iirn In effect. Stop-overs are avowed at Cobre, Elko, Winni'iimci'ii. Lovel-irk, ILizen ml KENo, Nevada.. LAKEVIEW, OREGON A Growing: town In the heart of the Fertile Irrigated Pirmi.. A Home for You Tell your friend In tin Kant alioul tlicm low ratex, ami mmhI tlu-rn a de aorlption of the SUNSHINE STATE. MapHaud llluat rated descriptive nut ter can be obtained of any intent of the Southern I'ncltlc. or from CMAS. H. FEB Ptwaenger Traffic Mainger Hn FrauclMco, Cat. 0. E BURLEY, General I'eeHcnger Agent Halt Eake City, L'tah JAS. HORSHUROH. JR. General I'mwiwr Anent Kan Frunclaco, Cal E W. CLAPP, Dint. Freight and PnxM. Aicnr Keno, Nevada KUruatb Falls la to telae a fund of 10, (XX) for a railroad day celebration and also for an exhibit at toe Seattle Fair. Our staler cltr seems to be on a bustle for future importance and Lakeview abould do likewise. TW'i'.mir. Mi-Cull I'af 11-rna.nM Im. l,'nlte I smohiiI l Oi'Jr ,yl., B'LtrNi7 mill tjt.,'i. ty, I 11 cl'iilTn M nif ii lnlr'Mir .i.n f P.hlofi) Wl trll I I, .1 . , otlr l,"l''Mp (II, t t yrm ... .. t. ' ' I 1 1 t. " Ifi'w I !' i f l r I t I A. !.' ii ni.i.,t..r, k rrm. I r .i.U-i t' MiO'l I l l-m I rr. i"l' i ' f.11,1 Vliim V n ft 1 1 it. 1 1 .It'll' ti ttrrrr . f I 1 1 ' . i i I t 'lt n I '.li.iif I ' I fc ft fll. I " I I'l' t lttt- I'l ir .'S 4-1 I'rtl..tlM Ajjtt.,.t (,,. lit. LU, N V 51,000.00 Reward. rin-(iri'U'on. California A Nevada I IveMlock I'rotii-tlvc AMHoelMtlon " III irlv IKMMI licwnnl for the con virllon of my piirfy or partlen U'i li'ir liorwH, cm ttli or muled U'loiiiilni i" any of l lie following memlN-rn of i liU Akm.cIh ( Ion: ( ox gc ('lark, Clieacan Land & i 'it tie Co.. Heryford Laml & I'm tie ' i , Lake Ooiitit v Land &. LI vent oik ('.. Warner Valh-y Stock Co., Win V. Itrown. Geo. M .Ioiivm, ileo. Han Una. H. II. Chandler. C A. Itcharf.N. W.a. Currier. Frank 11. I'.Hiiera. .1. 0. llotcliklxM, Calderwood llnw,, l J. Itrattaln & SoriM. T. A. Crump, i iviHler & liotiner, V. T. CrcMnler i nid I. I'huiIio. 1 ' " K,w F. M. Mil f.Mt.Sec&Trenn. V. I'. II KltTKOKIl F. M. UUKKN S. M. ClIAM.I.KU Otic. I'M WHOM IT MAY CONCKHN. iiiitli-e U hereliy it I ven that all Irrlifa tiim. or m 111 nice ditchea on all trout atreaniM .liroutit Lake County. Orc- miat lie Mcreeneil with a hiiihII Nylet la Thia Direction the Cause of Many III. .M in.v at tV Ilia of enlvea nrlm? from IT . iii' liiein t:ii!k III p 'ir c-ouditlon. At It'.' ei tviiiieiii'H tl: vutu lire noiuclliiiPK n I i'i i t K-t lii h very liniinltjiry nlnle. They me not emptleil nnd Hcnlil ed out with millliletit freipieney, and "Miieiiiiie wnaliinH from t lie utcnaila are duiiii'-d Into the vuta. In aorne In ataneeH trie milk In drnwn bm-k and kept for ii dny or two lcfore It can nil Ih fe.l. It IniM time Id bm-ome ncld Binl otlierwlHO ileterlornle nnd when fed In mu ll a condition doca not mnke a very H'md food fir cnlvea. J lie lient aklminilk that can l ob tained for calve la that which Inn eon obtained from new milk run through ; the fteparntor aoou after It lina l'?n ol tnlniil from tin cow. uya ProfeaHor Thomas Hhaw. It la then fresh. It la of proper temperature or nearly ao nnd Is lu Hi couHiltucnts almoHt aa khh as now milk for promotliiK (jrowth. If tins palls lu which It la kept are scald ed, then the danger from bacterial con tamination In obviated. The temperature at which milk la fed la a mutter of much lniHrtance. Cold milk lowers the temperature of the atouiach nnd tbrouKb It the temper ature of the Ixxly. Though no further harm abould be done, the lowering of the tem'ierature of the body means more food, as before any Rain can re ault the temperature mimt become nor mal, and thla means that It la made so at the expense of food. Milk from what la known oa the netting process Is usually. If not. Indeed, always, below the normal temperature. If fed, there fore, at the normal temperature. It must !e heated. Sometimes It Is heated by adding hot water. This dilutes It too much. w. i mhwbw, a aTrii . i aiam... wrwr yi I A vv i lii P. J tk .4fwv itv ytait 25s 7.1. J n a i v Tlio IOnd Yon I lave Always Bought, and "which has been in Uho for over 30 ycam, lias borne the fdgnataro of anil haa been maxle under his per tv yP", Bonal anpcrv islon since its Infancy. 'CtCC4fr AllnW nn nnn tniltkA rnn In t h! All Counterfeit, Imitations and " Jtist-oa-uood' are but Kxinriincnts that trifle vitli and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatorla Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Hyrup. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms tnd allays Fererlnhness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother'.; Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of toil mum tic Hcreene.1 w tt, a h.i.hII A , lt b , fl Th ineh w re Hcreeiilnir at the r head nri . i. , , ' junction with the main r ine V changea Its propertlea somewhat and l renin. AImo ad ilania or oliHtruct Ioiim on Maid MtrvaiiiH iiiiimi lie pro vided wit ha llh-ladiler, orotherea-.v uieaiiM of paMMam. at or near thvinid die of the main channel, ao a to al ow the iHHtre of trout at all time of year, aa provided by law. Said work to lie done at low water nine. or to lie completed hy Fell. 7. I!)u7. Hy order of J A. Karhatu. Soeclal Deputy Hah Warden for IakeCounfy. Oregon Is troubleaome. Heat Is added by pouring In hot gruel. This la good as far aa It gx, but does not go far enough usually. Hence, simple as the problem of heating milk la. It Is not so simple, after all. STABLE WINDOWS. Great Remnant Sale Mercantile Co. at Lakevlew To Cure a Com in One Day fake LAX ATI VK HKOMO QUININK Tablet. All drUKtiots reiuml the money il it (uila to cum. K. W. (rovei' signature is on each lox. 2ftc. India has 20.000,0(10 widow What i a chance for .lack to pick out bis Jill I CATARRH rr - 'iM Hal m irtvtR Ely's Cream Balw 3ure to Civo Satisfaction. CIVIS SILIIF AT ONCB. It cleunsex, aontlioH, henla and p-ntiv l iiii'iiiiinuin r'-Miiltin" ;, -i (.,.; ills') und i!i i ven a way a Cold In the Hei.d ipiieklv, Lt-MloeH the 8iiHe of Tnle fn S"-il ivi-y tu uae. Contir i I i til i w In i Aptilitxl Into t!ie ie . "i n I nb- f jiri Size, M cents at Prugiats or I y tii.til. IjkjuIiI rreniii Iliiliu for in i!i .tuniizi r, 715 en. :i. fc. ' BROrHf rt!. t?6 Wtrrtn Si.. New York EMS STEW ARMS are for tale by all progressive Hardware and S porting Goods Aiercbantt and DAN HEARD'S uphrulid effort " CUNS AND CUNNINC " will bo mailed postpaid to any applicant by J. bTEVtxi Aims & Toot, CosirANV, C'hico'o ' rails, JIv-.i., upon receipt t f price. For paper cover edi tion forward SOcnuts; for cloth boiiiul book send 'M Cuius. Written Tor noil piili- liMiuu tiy J. STEVENS CARMS k TOOL CO. P. 0. B.I 40M i i wt- . a a am r i too REWARD. A REWARD of fifty dollars is here by offered for information tbat will lead to the arrest sod conviction of any peison who has stoleu wires or other property, from our Company; and the same reward Is hereby offered for information that will lead to the arreat and conviction of anyone des troying tbe property nf the Company. Cbas. Umbacb, Secretary Lake Co. Tel. &. Tel. Co. 16tf. ECZ1 MA and PILECUPE fRtt Knowing what It wan to uf- fer I will irlve FRKK OF CHARdK. to any atlllcfed a poaltlve cure foi F.cxeina. Salt Llieiim. Kryalfielaa. I'lleMaml Skin DlaeaMea. I natant re lief, pour Miirfer lonifer. Write F. V. WILLIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue. New York Kni'lun' Stam p. ALBANY NURSEItlhd Placed 10.000 trtva In Lake county nat vear. IJcut adtiiited to needa iif IIiIm aectlon. Fre?(rom all rilacnacM. Kinloraed bv frult Innpectora. febfitf K. R. PATCH. Lekevlew. r mtt tar Net twcaiue trarr Tr.r lliitruulf r itn a new .updIt. fnxlilT Inuril aiid put up. Vou run do riak of puurlTki-itorrnunuit Uurlu. W.Uk. ilir rui: Tuuurt tlwrttwilu. Rut of tlx lnilttutipMt uul niort.sjiti frow- 9n in America. iti.toonr.iiTuiUa.to Mili.lT joa. W. ill. For ula .Tory. WUWB. UUT W IMNHI Auaiuu Ira. Wrlu to m. nRKv a co. Da troll, Mioti. They Should Be High Enough te Pro tect Animals From Drafts. Tbe absurd little window In front of each horse In the old fashioned farm stable Is a poaltlve abomination. True, lt allows the festive hen to enter and deposit her fruit of Industry and at the same time foul the manger and contribute lice to the other miseries of the ill treated horse, but the worst fault of the window Is that when the wind happens to blow cold and raw, as It Is opt to do during tbe sadden changes of temperature In summer and fall, the horse la exposed to a most Injurious draft striking directly upon the chest, where it will be apt to do the most barm. Tbe eyes. too. may suffer from such a draft, and taken any way one likes there Is neither use nor sense la such a contrivance. The stable should have the main win dows back of the horse, and by prefer ence toward the south, says a writer in Rural New Yorker. The windows at the front of the stalls should be above the heads of the horses and should be protected by wooden slats or wire grat ing so that wheu they happen to be come covered with hoarfrost In winter the glasses will not be broken by the horses licking them. It Is best to have the windows hinged at the bottom so that they may be opened Inward in such a way that the wind striking against them from outside will be di rected upward against the ceillug In stead of downward upon the horses. To prevent the side drafts boards ; should lo r.o arranged from the wall that when the window Is opened they v. !il t'.t to the frame of the window and Si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. LAKEVI EW --ALTURAS LAKEVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE U. E. Basses, Prop'r. Office in Thornton' Store stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex oept Sunday at tt a. m. Am vet .at Altarae at 6 p. tu. Leaves Altnras for Lakeview at 6 o'clock a.m. or on the arrival of the stage from Likely. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hours at ter leaving Altnras. Freight - Matters - (liven Strict - Attention ... First - Class - Accomodations. STAGE LINE I'. E. Taylor, Prop. Office at B. Reynolds' Store. Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed ocsdayeand Fridays at 6a. m., arrive t Plash at 9 p. m Leave Pmsh Toes lays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at ft a. m.t arrives at Lakeview ai 8 p. m Passenger fare $3 one wav or 15 for round trip. Freight rates from May 1st to Nov. 1st $.75 per hundred; from ! Nov. 1st to May 1st $1.00 per -hundred V a w vw vv w sk v-xrw r a ar- ns- a a --bt yV LAtfc: CUUrN 1 Y AtSb 1 KAt 1 tU. Incorporated , A Complete Record e have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County, which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. Errors Found in Titles In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed reeoid, and uot indexed; and Ir many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and otner p A books. Hundreds oi mortgages and deeds are not indexed A at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records. k 6 We have notations of all these Errors: Others cam tot find them. We have spent huudreds ot dollars hunting up $ these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VEISATOR, Hanager. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Luke County. IN TiiE MATTKR OF THE) ESTATK OF ) CHRISTOPHER C. CANNON.) Deceased. ) Tbe underaigned bavins been appointed ty the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lake County, , Administratrix of tbe estate of Christopher C. Cannou. deceased. notice is hereby given to tbe creditors ef, and all persons having claims agaioct said deceased, to present them verinea as required by law. within six mouth after the HBt publication of this notice to said Blanche M. Can-' uon at her residence iu New Pine Creek. Lake County, Oregon, cr at the law office of L. F. Coon, at Lake-. view, Lake County. Oregon. t BLANCHE M. CANNON, s 'Administratrix of the estate of Chritopber C. Cannon, deceased. Mll-5t Dated March 11th. 1909. WESTFRN STAGE K'amath Falls-lake view & Stage Company Mercantile Ca'a Scare, lakevlew Aaaerlraa Hotel. Klamath falls MR KM Keama Trip One Way 1 lO Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW PAISLEY. A W BRYAN Proarietcr. Lfiivep Lakeview at 6 a. m e 'fiy dav but Sunday. Beturnuig, leaves Paisley at 6 :30 a m very dav bu-Sunday WIUi AKBANOKD STAB LI WINDOWS. preveut tbe air from entering except In tbe upward direction mentioned. Buch a window Is made or hinged in the opposite way from that usually adopted for the old fashioned transom windows above doors. These opened so as to allow the air to be directed down ward. The plan we suggest causes the air to be directed upward and so that the horse Is protected against drafts. There la uo way of preventing aa In jurious draft at times If the window la In front of tbe horse, on a level with its chest, according to the old fashioned way we have here decried. Cost of Cow Testing. Some attempt to reach the cost of systematic cow testing has been made at the Wisconsin experiment station, which Institution la doing the testing for a number of herds at cost Aa a result of Its experience the station charges 6 for a one day test, $8 for a two day test, $25 for a seven day test and ISO for a thirty day test These figures cover all cost to the owner sad result la a complete official report suit able for a record of capacity, including all particulars. Notice for Publication Department of tbe Inrterior, U. S. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, March, 8 1909. Notice is hereby given that HARRY B. R10GS, of Plush, Oregon, who, on January 10. 1905, made Homestead eutry No. 3359, Serial No. 01001, for S half NW quarter, lota 3, 4, 5, Seo. 14, and Lot 3. Section 23. Townshin 36 H. Range 24 E. Will Meridian haa filed notioe ot intention to make Final five vear Proof to establish claim to tbe land above described, before Keg inter aad Receiver, at Lake view, Oregon, on tbe Itltti day of April, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: James D. O'Connor, Dennis Dunivan, Nolen Currey. and William Kapple Barry, all of Flush, Oregon. , Mil A10 J. N. WaUou, Register. PaAAcngere' ar ii OFFICE Rernoin. a Itov Winirneia ' irl I America's Greatest Weekly j THE I Toledo Blade j TOLEDO. OHIO The Best known Newspaper ih the United States CIRCULATION 200.000 Papular la Every State Louis Shaw Dealer In Real Estate 1 have listed some of the beet Ranobes, Timber Lands and Town property in Northern California, a country that is bound to improve rap- iaty. Airuras, California. K.LLthe cough and CURE the LUNGS WITH s r. King' Her; Discovery PBICB a, ti An OLDS Trial Battle ft AND ALL THROAT AND LUN0 TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB ttOllIr lUUfUhlDED. In man j reipecu the Te4rdo Blade is the moat remarkable weekly newapapor published In toe United Statet. II la the onlv nriumtwr eapeclally editd (or National circulation. It bat had the largest circulation (or more years than any nenpaper printed In America, fur thermore, It ii the cheapest newtipaper in tbe worltl. ai will be explained to any person who will write ui lor teriut. The News of the World o arranged tbat busy people can more ea tly comprehend, than by reading cumbersome col umns ol dailies. All current topics made plaiu In each issue by speolal editorial mailer written lrom inception down to date. The only paper publlhed especially for people who do not read daily newpsper,aQl yet thirst for plalu facts. Tbat this kind of a nowspapes Is popular, is proven from the fact that the Week ly Blade now has over WO.Oou yearly subscribe ers, aud is circulated In all parts of the United States. In addilon to the news, Ihe Blade pub Usher short aud serial stories, ami aiany de partments of matter suited to every member of the family- Only one dollar a ycai. write tor f ee specimen copy. Address THE BLADb, Toledo, Ohio. THP EXAMINER, bothnflR I IlL TOLEDO BLADE. 1 Yr SJHKKr UHAHIla aKasaWss'Wsaaasav,'aia Brndswith Swallow fork la right ear for ewes: reveres lorwttoers. Soma awes Square Crop aud Hill In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Ksuk. i raiie Lake. rostoSHs e4dreas, Lakview.Oreo Jamps Barry hz Whitwcrth Brands with Crop off left ear. naif Underoroi. of right for ewes; werse for wethers. Tar Brand N.W. Kauge, lia Crvek. foo'uftue atldraa Utx'r Ors"