Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 22, 1909, Image 1

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f I
vol.. xxx
NO. 15
M Raises the Finest of Fruit--His
Trees Now
W. A.
WHS ill
Currier, of Summer Luke
town I'llilny. Mr Currier
It (mi of ti. oi l timer, who .hiii( wni'ry "P iWH imiM.1 oy a i on
hum in IM7fi and hu iiihok m fortune "yiidiciite. who took out permits
in tlm slock I.uhIiu-hii He now takes to the water and b large acreage im
life easy h.i I lives In H.moy Cultf- i'Hr"y 1,1 11)1,1 ' ,,on"
ruin in tlm winter season and Hvcm ' number of mmiiiio tnl up to tlm
on hi ranch during t li Mtintciwr. ! prasotit they have dona nothing o
Mr. furrier I- a Mrong advocate of I 1'i'prova their l.oi.i inu or to Induce
the a lv4iiMgea of Like County. u ! aetUainent.
nil iti diversity of lufereats, aud from I It would seem If t hoy urn not trying
hnt he has learned abroad ia satisfied ! to Improve their holdings that they
tint the next 3 or 4 years will work,""" '1 j Hired loose ami thereby
more of a change here than , j ubi e otln.ra to (Jo oiuHIjiiiii.
occurred iu all It. previous history. ' mrpri.lug what a lot of
While Mr. Ourrler la aal.M-kuiar, tie l'tlence the American people possess
U fu'ly alive to
fruit growing
the agricultural and
IOMOlirC6A Of tlltt
country, which only awaits the com
ing of railroad to grow Into euormoua
While there U no question ai to the
adaption of all sections if the county
to fro it growing, aa yet no one baa
rated to go into the business on
a ooamerclal scale, owing to llmltei
or uo market. Two year ago bis
trees of every variety were loaded
with the floeat quality of fruit, lie
iiited all be could, aud Brighton for
milea arouud were supplied, an 1 (till
bushels of it Ml to the ground, and
all he could do area to turn the bogs
In and let them eat and destro y to
their till. It there hud b ton a local
market, oiioh aa la now promised
from the immigration he could have
made a good thing from his orchard.
The gentleman ya that bU apricot
tre are now In full lilooni, ami that
hi cherry tieea are ready to Moom
with prom Ink of the nlggest crop he
ever raised. In fact, all of bU orch
ard gls promise uow of producing
a liHiiuer crop, of a quality that can
nut he surpassed by California or auy
a here elae.
Mr. Currier hm pltuty of water. If
needed for irrigation, lie has c,uita
a lurga aereage f lauds auitable for
fruit produotiou. and luter, when
railroad traiuportatton la amnired be
ill aubdiride bU rauch into email
tr:U aud dtapove of It to fruit grow
the ooly tioudle with thu rapid
Ore Growing Richer and More
Plentiful With Depth
Tbe Ft. llidwell Hold Nugget of
tbslDtb inst bas tbia enthusiastic
mention of tbe mines 1 utiles south
of Lake view :
Tbe Unag mining district Is now Id 1
line to defy tbe derogatory statements
to tbe calamity bowlers aud to lavita i
thorough Investigation of tbe state
insula given out by tbe Nugget.
Kverr day shows new development.
uot new strikes, and a thousand
them, made iu tbe earns property as
bas been stated by the unlnlated
l ut new aod Mx'teiing d -velopu ec tt
ou tba same clai . a .n eptb is ob
tained. We made the statement that tbo ore
taken fron. the several claims "aod
especially tbo Mountain View" rnn
in values ranging from f 11 to $30,000
aud at tbe same time stated fiat tbe
iily ramaiuiug problem waa quanity,
and uow that obstacle baa practically
baeu removed as development baa
brought to light every indication
Known to mining experts as lar aa j
permanency can be determined. Tbe 1
average depth obtaiued from tbe aur-!
face is oue hundred and fifty feet, '
All Are Moving Earnestly to Im
prove Local
At a meeting- of tbo Board of Trade
tbe rate question waa thoroughly
itlscuatNvi and a delegation waa ap
pointed to ro to Klamath Falls to
bo preacm at a meeting of the Chum
Iyer of Commerce April 1. Tbli dele
gation waa in full co operation with
both the Hoard of Trade and county
Klamath (Jounty realizes that this
town in the natural gateway for
Iak county traftlu and uiet our delo
Kation with enthusiasm. The reaulta
were vary gratifying, aa they have
already commenced repairs an the
old road to their comity Hue and
Lake county has done the asine.
As aoou aa a new road can bo sur
veyed, work on the cut-off of ID miles
will bo commenced, leaving only a
distance of 81 miles to Klamath Kails
and the Bout hern I'acilic Hallway
On account of prohibitive freight
rate from the south on Han Fran-
cUco; ahlpmeaU, the merchants of
Lakeview aud Lake county were
forced to provide Home method of
obtaiuinn their goods at smaller
1 hen, too with true Oregon spirit
in Bloom,
settlement (if the counfry tributary
' ily h any I" the fuel Mint thu
allowing u.eir iuhwii w i.e
I a . j.i, ., I A ,1 illutii..iuun.l t . mm t tin h
' ''BnTnnnii utj iiiPjiurminnrnj ujr tuo iiinu
I Hi the money Hut there may come
a change over the aplrit of their
dreama eomeduy and then tlie will
not be ao fame aa they appear to be
Mrs. Nora Loat, said to bave been
a former reaideot of Lake county,
went to Vane uver, U. C, marled an
KuKliehmau. and abortly afterward
left for Californai, where ber bueband
bad a contract to u at work. They
were stopped iiy the U. S imiuittra
lion otllcera, on the boundary, but
eluded them and dually reached their
dentinal loo. Ho elated ttr tbey
over eacapiiiK the otllcera that in a
aplrit of fun tbey wrote them telling
them they had eluded their vigilance.
Tbia was more than tbe dignity of the
guardians of tbe border coull stand,
and tbey gve cbaao the pair, finally
landing them io the federal jail at
Alaneda. The Deptirmtent bolda that
Mrs. Loat ex patriated herself iu
marrying Loat, and ordered ber )e
porta I with her husband.
The ICkurniiier baa fulled tu iearu
tbe Idetiltv of the lady, other than
the above from a press report.
beiedoB the mountain side Is fairly
houevcomhed witb tuuuela and in
every Instance tons of rich ore Is
plied ou tba dumps which la cetraiu
to be milled this year.
Installation of mills Is no longer an
uncertainty, at least two and probab-y
the third Is fairly ou tbe way to tbe
camp, at'er tbe installation of which
rich rewarda are bound Io lie reaped.
Wilson O. Hall, who became de
uiented last, summer over socialistic)
problems, and waa Bent to tbe Insane
Asylum at Halera from Lakeview,
attempted to escape, last Thursday
nigbt by tying bis bed blankets into
rope. Hut it broke and let blm fall
about 10 feeL He sustained injuries
so that be could not get uwuv. Two
of bis fellows took tbe sauie method
aod escaped.
Lake county bunlueaa men desire to
keep within their owi atate the vast
amount of trade that bas formerly
had to go to Ban Francisco on
account of there belug no freighting
roads to tbe est.
With the' asHlatance of Tortland
and Klamath Falls Lake county
should be able to patrouine her own.
They're coming, Mother Oregon,
by thousands now a score, aud yet
this year, old Oregon, tnere.ll be as
many more And next year, mighty
Oregou, their number will Increase;
aud for years to come, rich Oregon,
the tide will uever oease. They'll
like you well, great Oregon ; vou offer
them Buoceas; witb htalu and wealb,
fair Oregon, their etiorts you will
bless. Ooiue to the best state, Ore
gon, notnaseegere, munous strong
There's room for yon in Oregon ; she's
waited for - you long. Dome spread
out over Oregon : its great resources
use, and you 11 ne'er regret that Ore
gon for a new home you did choose.
The Examiner would
correspondent at eaoh
this county.
like a tegular
postottloe In
What a Hustler Can Do in Oregon On A
Farm of Limited Acreage
Tb Portland Journal j. doing J"i
man's aeri i''e in hoonting for every
iurtlm of (Iregiiu, nud such effort
could be emulated for the good of
all by STne of it i!'intmporaries. It
editorial page uIoam with Oregon
KtidijrHHtnent. bright and optimlHtio,
and is an argeeable change from the
pHHnimiMllc. und fault finding so con
spicious In tbe pagei of Its only con
temporary Iu the state.
in Its ianue of the 14 tb inet It cites
what can be done on a small farm as
A ('iiluiiiliia county tn.n tells in
tbe I'aeltlc. lionie-tcB'i a story that
rhould lie of interest t'i many of the
immigrant h'iiiieH"ekTs who are
duubtful whether a comfortable living
can be ma la for a sinall fa'iiily bv
geuerel faming on a tract of from 15
to 40 acres, lie says that "it has
lieru abundantly demonstrated that
ralulng poultry, onions, berries, etc .
will make a good living for a family
on a uiia'l frni. if situated near a
good market" and being near the
Columbia river is such a location. He
then tells what he did on a '20 acre
farm In one year as follows:
On March I he bad six Jersey rows.
Id bead of young cattle for beef in the
fall. 1H shoats and id bens. To avoid
buying much mill feed be raised one
acre of kale, a verv callable fodder,
one and a bslf acrei of cairots and
half ai acre of rugar beets, turnips
and sweet corn. The carrots furnished
feed for a small toam, tbo kale and I
The good oi l air of "Heidelberg"
bas been transformed into an Oregon
booster song that is very popular lit
smokers and dinner given under the
auspices of the com mericial organiza
tions of the Mute It is as follows:
(Air "Heidelberg.")
Hetter ti'un riches or worldly wealth,
Is life i , a trait's royal,
Teeiumu with hHpjiiiei, hope and
And warm-d by a cun benign;
Sweeter itisn p.df that is won by
l-i bunding with citizens royal;
So come, let
us drink
On toat wi
Here's to the
us cling, but first let
th a brimming stelu.
state that knows no
Soon There Will
In the United States
Tb Examiner has held all tbe tirce
that the cheap lands ot tbis section
now beiug placed under irrigati iu by
the Oregou Valley Land Co., are
bouud tu increat" enormously Iu
value iu t not distant future, and
we still stand by the statement that
this 110 land will ret be worth 1200,
eveu more per acre.
In this matter we bave tbe history
of the development of other sections
as a criteriou, ami which is ably set
forth In the Portland Journal of tbe
14lh, as follows :
Receutly tbe Journal alluded to tbe
great results that would soou appear
In consequence of Irrigation, fruit
raising aud iutensive farming in
Umatilla county. And that exagger
ation was not indulged lo is Indicated
by these statements nf tbe Peudleton
East Oregou lan:
Up in the Mil ton country a 1200
acre ranoh baa just been sold for 185,-
000. A fsw years ago that ranch waa
probably valued at about one tenth
this price. Down la the West end of
the county Umatil'a project land that
we selliug fur So per acre a few
months ago U uow going at $125 an
aore and upward.
Nearly all tbe pioperty of tbe West
end has more than doubled in value
during the past year and the develop
ment baa only commenced. Some
improved land near Hermistoo is
The New Regulations not
Force at Local Office
Mauy iutjuiries are beiug received
at the Lakeview Land Otlloe concern
ing tbe new acre homestead law.
recently passed by Congress. As yet
tbe oilicials have received no instruc
tions relative thereto, but the) have
iiaAii advised bv the Commissioner
that uv anulicatlons under tbe ant ;
must be rejeuted and tbe parties noti-
tied that they will gain uo rights by
tbe OIug of such applications or by1
corn furnished fodder for the cows,
and nunc of all theHe product with a
patch of a'ticbokes rained the pigs so
that a few sacks of barley ground at
borne, fattened tbein for market. He
sol I htief, pork, veal, pota les, garden
truck, apples, plums, cherries, cream,
milk, butter, poullrr and eggs to the
amount of over $Uwyj. though there
were seven persons in the family, "all
with very good appetites and not very
frugal In the use of poultr) and eggs,
but er. cream and milk." Next year
he will bave '.V) acres more in cultiva
tion, and will raise propottionally
more products, but this story shows
what a firnily can do on only 20 acres
of laud such as can be nought in
Columbia county for fr.m t30 to
an acre Hpiilf.a f hia mnrt nf farm.
Ing. instead or exhausting tbe soil,
makes it richer, under good
men, every year.
This Is no fairy story. Any farmer
can do tbe same. if they work lotelli
gently. With 8'JOOO or rUKX) a man
with a family of children growing up
can get a piece of land and all other
essentisls for a start, can keep even
at l-'axf the first year, can make there
after perhaps flCXX) a year, as tb:s man
did, cau get mora laud if he chooses,
and within ten years cau give all bis
children a snia'l farm o." tbeir own to
start life witb. It takes work of
course, and some pri'atlou, t-ut gold
is ant to be picked directly and with
out labor off buabjs In Oregon any
more tban aowybere else. It is, bow
ever, more easily obtained from tbe
soil, by labor and thrift, tban in
almost any otuer part of tbe country.
Here's to tbe hopes that rise;
Here's to ber eons, the bert ou earth,
Here's to ber erasing eklrs:
Here's to ber past so gloriou.-,
Here's to her future preat,
' Here's to ber ever victorious.
Here's to our own dear state.
' Oh. Oregon, dear Oregon.
The state we love so well.
Where summer snows and beauteous
i rose
Deck mountain, bill and dell;
i Where shimmering sbeeu aud ever
green Blend into leav'n above;
The thought of you, so old, ao new,
E'er fills our hearts witb love;
Tbe thought of you, so staunch, so
E'er tills our hearts with love.
be None Left
now held at $100 per acre. W itbin
a few years thousand dollar an acre
laud will be common in that section.
Over the Blue Mounaius in the
f iraud Ronde valley a similar trans
formation aud access of values of
thousands ot acres of land will take
place wben an irrigation project uow
being worked is carried through. Land
now worth 150 an aore will be increas
ed In value ten fold. In the Powder
river valley many thouands of acres,
till recently practically desert, are
now finely producing grain and alfalfa
farms, and many of them will later
b put to better uses. In tbe great
Malheur valley large areas will iu tbe
not distant future be irrigated, with
like results. Up in southern Oregon,
both east and west of tbe mountains,
in Klamah and lake. and in Douglas.
Jackson and Josephine counties, lands
now sustaining say 100,000, people
can be made to sustain 1,000,000 and
tbe lauds will be increased in value
in prpoition. And even im the Will
amette valley irrigation can be made
tbe means of an enormous increase of
values, of production, of popoulation.
or wealth.
Geo. Wiogfleld, tbe Nevada million
aire, once a barefoot bov of Lake
view, now at 30 a man ot mtlilons.
bas just completed arrangements for
a private wire from New York to
GoldtJeld, Nevada.
N. F. Heath
was in from Reno
appeal fiotn the rejection thereof.
Uutil tbe lists designating the lands
which are subject to eutry under the
act are received at the land otiioe will
entries be aooepted, and as to
whether notice ot the selections will
be made public through advertising
tbe asme the
land omce otnoials are
not advised.
gie e? view
Satisfied that There are Plenty
of Opportunities Here
La.cview, Oregon, April 17, 10.
(jeutlemen: As eome qf tbe people
who bae come to look over yonr
lauds and country, we feel that we
oe tit to be many interested people,
who cannot, for various reasona, make
the trip themselves, m write-uo of
what we have seen. '
Ic the brst place, we donbt if the
people of Lkeview aud Lake County
realize the general interest io you
and yours over the entire country.
l he people or lue Miuaie eni, par
ticularly, are mieresieo ana are co lo
"id io your couniry in great numbers
i 1 1! i year. i ou uave a woii'jer hi
country, good lauds, good water and
fine climate; but your one itupor'aut
thing that is lacking, and it will be a
severe oue, is lack of accomodations
for these people when tbey do come
to s b your towu aud county. This,
you will find to be a very set ions
proposition wben immirgation actully
starts. This la hardly a beginning.
Through I be summer months you
will bave hundreds and een thous
ands of visitors, in fact, to sum it up,
you will bave a maximum immigra
tion aud you bave only minimum
accommcf attune. We do not piesuce
to advise you in regard to this but we
are alive to the many tenets you will
receive by having accommodations for
these people wben tbey come
We bave examined carefully, your
valley, even taken spades and dug
down to a great depth to determiue
the actual depth of tbe soil and we
find it more tban satisfactory from an j
agricultural view point. Your water
is far above tbe average and your-cli-rate
floe, and witb all these
advantages yuu should be able to i
greatly increase tbe population of!
your county. As soon as outside
people know the value of your
country, as soon as they have seen
these places as we have seen tbem, it
will b hard to keep tbem away. If,
you should go into a community in ;
the East or Middle West and tell peo-
pie tost an acreage of this character
existed without being over-run ' with
people, you e ould simply not be
believed. It Is bard to realize.
Some of us have gone practically
over tbe entire racitx iscrtnweai ana
we can therefore see rue Bavantagea
you bave. Ot course you bave diaw-
l -1. II' I mnan
country that didn't have, but yours
can be easily overcome.
tion is vour greatest one and it will
j probably take time to gel tbe one you1
want, but it is absurd to thins tnat it ,
will not come. Wben it does yon will
find realty values far in excess of
what it a now, for then its values
will be determined by actual1
Now in closing, to nut friends who
sent us here we will say that we are
more tban satisfied and we have test
ed it thorouch'V.
Tbe soil of the valley is a rioh allu
Supreme Court Decides The
Warner Land Controversy
Salem Statesman. U: Holding the
land was dry argicultural laud, un
appropriated, ocsurveyed and vacant.
suitable for settlement and cultivation
and not been selected or listed by the
same aa swamp land or by tbe secre
tary of tbe interior, when settled upon
aa homestead claims, in November.
1887, tbe supreme court yesterday
morning in a separate opinion written
by Justice Slater decided that the
oases of J. L. Morrow. W. II. Cooper,
John H. Greene. Jerry Harrington.
O. L. Fnskett an S. Oixon against
the Warner Valley Stook oompany in
favor of the settlers and perpetually
enjoined the stook oompany from fur
ther proceedings in ejectment. In
awarding title to tbe settlers, involv
ing about 1500 acres of valuable land.
situated in Warner Valley, Lake
county, tbe supreme court reverses
tbe decree entered by Former Circuit
Judge II. L. Benson, of tbe district
in which the cross bill in equity filed
by tbe several defendant settlers was
Tbia contest bas been In progress
between tbe settlers and the stock
oompany for tbe last five years, and
has been carried through appeals ' to
the United States Department of tbe
Interior, the State 1-and Board, tbe
state courts, and will uow probably
be appealed to tbe United SUtea
supreme court by the stock compny.
The supreme court holds that all
the settlers are entitled to tbe land
as homestead, with tbe exception ot
J. A. Morrow, embraoed in the case
of J. L. Morrow and Cooper, wbo
oooupies four tots in section 33,
amounting to 151 aores, in which
case the majority of the members of
tbe supreme court bold mat the
reoords did not show final proof ot
settlerent. and Juaioe King dissents
from this finding, holding that the
fact of J. A. Morrow having the
receiver's flual receipt iu bis possess
ion is sufficient evideuoe that ha had
complied witb all tbe requirements ot
vial loam with a cap of from eighteen
to tweutyfour iuches of decomposed
vegetable matter. Any farmer knows
the value of such a formation for
agricultural pnposes.
Tbe game 'n this county has not
been in any way overestimated, la
xhort, it is a sportman's paradise.
Wild duck, geese, swan. deer,
autelnpe, and fish are plentiful.
We had beeu told of the remarkable
timber in the county and confess we
did not believe it until we got into
tbe timber, aud some ' f the trees it
took three of us to reach around and
tbey were np in the air too. This, it
is true, is a little larger tbau the
average, but the averge is exception
ally large.
The only way we are dissatisfied
with tbis couotry is that tbe people
are so tborouhgly satisfied that tbey
wont sell out tbeir business anl we
therefore cannot remain.
Tbis year bids fair to be a banner
crop aud if it is, all that is necessary
to convince any intelligent man la a
look at tbis country io tbe right
Harvard, Neb.
Fort Collins, Co'o.
Klamath Herald, 14: J- F. Adams,
who is in tbe city from Merril, thinks
be bas one of the best sagebrush
grubbing machines in the country.
Mr. Adams recently purchased one of
the Steel patent machines and has
been operating it for about two weeks.
Mr. Adams uses six horses on the
machine aod says he can grub from
Sve to seven acres a day and leave
it clean nf brash. Tbe brash is cut
off at tbe roots about three to six
inches under the ground. The mach
ine can be adjusted tocnt at different
Witb tbe small brush three
- ' -
inches is abont riebt and for the
in a
pulverized condition and could be
planted ingrain withont farther plow
ing. Tbe loose brush is turned over
by chains connected with tbe mach
ine and as soon as tbe dirt dries from
the roots, can be raked up witb the
ordinary rake.
Mr. Adams will grab about six hun
dred acres tbis year. He waa late In
receiving his machine, but he can do
a good deal of work this fall. Then
tbe brush will quickly dry and can be
burned without hauling it from tbe
the homestead act, and that he also
ia entitled to tbe land.
The Warner Valley Stock Company
claimed title to the land by direct
meaue conveyance from the state aa
swamp laud, granted to it by tbe aot
of congress of March 12. 1800, and tbe
settlers contested tbe company's
claim, alleging right of title to tbe
land by aettlemet and filing of pre
emption claims in November, 1887.
The company 'a applications to pur
chase we.e made under tbe provisons
of the act ot October 26. 1870, of tbis
state, providing for selection and
sale of swamp and overflowed land,
but the supreme court finds that the
land was not swamp or overflowed '
land within tbe meaning aud intent
of congress, and that tbe company's
applications to purchase from the
state were void. Tbe prinoipal opin
ion In the case, which was written by
Justloe Slater, is very elaborate and
comprehensive in detail aud ouvera 27
type written pages, while tbe dlssent
iog opinion of Justice King covers
eight pages.
WASHINGTON, April 9. In a
decieon. by the General Laud OIHce to
day it was held that in order to en
able heirs Qf homestead eutrymen to
submit commutation proo s of his
entry, they must show both residence
on and cultivation- of tjia laud for
fourteen months by said entryoiau or
the heirs or partly or both. The
same rule applies where commutation
of proof la submitted by the widow
of the tutryman.
The Book Trust ia to be doomed In
Ohioago, the teaobera to write a new
set, aud tbe oiry will publish them
for use in tbe schools.