Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 15, 1909, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Ihe Eyes of the Natooii are , Eipon ifc.
You furnish the Property. We furnish the clients.
Over 50 real estate correspondents in California.
We waut at once business and semi-business property in Lakeview; also large acreage near by for sub-division into JO's, 205, etc.
Don't list unless you want to sell. Our references : Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co., Los Angeles, Calif.; Bank of Oxnard, Oxnard,
Calif.; Pajaro Valley Bank,Watsonville, Calif.
.j We extend a welcome to all visitors, and invite you to make our office your headquarters.
GEO. E. MORRILL, Manager, '
Umbach Block, next door to Board of Trade Office, Lakeview, Oregon.
LakcCountvExamincn :r':V:itrr flRFfiflM VAI I FY
Larfrst Paper, and Largest Circulation In
Eastern and Seathern Oregon.
referendum to
Inter! at the Vol Office at Laelew. Or.
.1 Second-Class Matter.
One roar, in advance I1--
Sis m.rthd, i
Thrn n.nnthl. : '5
tWlt not paid in adranre, $2 50 the year.
Subscribers to lhe Eiamlner who reniovi
from one locality to another, or cbangi
their posuiffic address should remember ui
drop this office a card so their paper can be ad
dressed to the right postoffice.
Rfgnlar standing ads. 1 1.00 an inch, single
Column spare, per month. All standing ad.
CbaDged free twice a month, Cost of composi
tion charged for all extra cbaDges. All special
positions extra. All short term ads. extra
Headers, local columns, 10c. per line each in
aeltion. Want ads. 6c. a line each insertion
Card of thanks $1.00. Resolutions of condo
knce and upwards.
fa""-Transient Advertising and Job Print
ing, cash in advance.
All bills must be paid the first of each month.
"No deviation from these terms.
pope to invoke the
revoke the charter.
That is what tney should do, and
also make use of the rerall to replace
such unfaithful servants.
The Examiner
notice below from
The vote for ro .yor iu Los Angeles 68'Jl Vale ave., Chicago which
has received th
A. F. Ureutzer. of I
gave very surprising result,. There
were but two tickets n toe fie'd. The
republican candidate was Alexander,
who secured 14.043 votes, while
Wheeler the socialist candidate secur
ed 12,341 votes. The socialist nomi
nee is a carpenter, lhe total cam
paign expense of that party being but
1225, while the influental press ot the
be of interest to the contraot holders
of the Oregon Valley Land company :
Chicago, April 0, 1SHW.
To Agents. Representatives. Club
Captain and Contract Holders.
Tear Sir: You will receive bulletin
No. 3 from the Oregon Valley Land
('onipsuy with youi AprL' Reminder
U-rd, requesting you to vote for a
candidate for 3 trustees to represent
you at the Opening of the Oregon
is Kept on file at E.C. Oixt'R
Advertising Agency 124 Sand
some dtreet, San Francisco, Lai., where
contracts for advertising can be inadt for it.
city becked Alexander' and the re- Military Road Urant at Laketiew.
publican managers, it is asserted, Oregon.
spent 250.000 during the campaign. ke piessuraio rwommendlng
n view of this election it shows that . .fi . j.,. st. rhimn Mr
Roosevelt is tight in claiming that Wood ia interested with main the
the odIv check possible on the growth Company that will develop your laud.
of socialism Is to Institute the reforms So It will be to our mutual Interests
... ... .,, , to have you cast your vote for Mr
tbey call for., through tbo republican ;ood
party. If this is not done, there Is Will Representatives and Club
no doubt but that some of us will be Captaina kindly see each person tber
awakened by a rude rhock and we "P4"!"1!' ,l the Opening of the
..... , 'Oregon Military Road Grant and
wuerm go c t their vote for Mr. Elijah C.
; ' Wood as candidate for Truste. i
Ex-Senator Fulton did not get the SPECIAL: I bare a few more con
federal judgeship, aud refused the . . TfJi ' ' . , ,
' 11 " acquire additional contractu, or know
mission to China. That probably of 8onje o( you frieuds who wish to
means trouble for some one else later buy one, kindly let me know at the
0Q i earliest hour possible.
Taylor Tailoring
If you never wore a perfect suit of clothes,
you can do so now by ordering the famous
Taylor Tailoring
aiMii Shoes
We are also agents for Lhe famous Hanan
and Red Cross shoes.
Bailey ft Massingill Agents
The city Council ol Klamath Falls
is gettiug much deserved censure for
granting a street car franchise for 50
years, with, oo provision for iuuuici-j!
pal regulation, torfeiture, or restrie- .
tiou iu aovtyav.
In this day ami a-e, with the patt
before theiu, men who are to fcbort ',
sighted as tbat have uo business t o i
be intrusted with the business affairs, I'lilh
of a city. And taxpayers should uot
let sncb thinns stand unchallenged
for a minute. Enough has been do e
id way of municipal nwuership in this , NOTES: For 30 day only. We have
country, ami iu other countries, to; two. one JS00 1.1011. .luue. bith,
show tbat it is utter felly to grant any j
franchise of a public utility to private !
Bsart tba w119 YD HaW A'W3R
Lake view, Oregon
100 acres, cheap laud. 910 fenced. hoimc
and barn, I'ait meadow, bn lance
grazing. i' mile from I-ukevieu,
some timber n it.
Dairy Ranch ,'itiO hitch. Klainatli
County 2 tiariiM. oik 7-rtxim hoin-c,
oi'L'lianl and good garden. 'JiMJ acres
irrigated, about -10 head k I inilcli
ciiun. On County road, telrphoiH
tominunication, f JO H-r ncrt.
In Texas tbere are Wi counties, .'15, -000.UU0
acres, without a foot of rail
way. Most of Texas Is over ten mil
from a railway, and there are places
100 miles away. That is uot as bad
bus completed Hh -li, and there In
no Inn to Im MMincthiiiK ilolnvc aroinid
as are the conditions now prevailing iUt-vlcw, .,, hoimo liavt nlrcailv
n Eas'ern Oreuon
one 000 KM 4, June liitb. notes
secured by 1st oortaae on 1W acre
ranch all improved, vhIiia at 1)
per cent interest payble annually
interest due, Juue 15th. Thesu
notes cau be bad now for 1!'40 cash.
We recommend these "Wire us, if
ycu waut these reserved."
I wrllllie
lurueuew barn, bent of tdinde & fruit.
bath, complete, will Include furniture
thin one will be rakea quick one
block from Court Houae. "
bands for their sole use aud benefit.
A noticible iu:tan('e of the benefits
derived to a com munity in maintain
ing such Utilities is had in the case
of the Canadian Twin cities of Port
Arthur aud Fort William, norb of
Dulub on Lake Superior. Those i - -
towns refused to grant their electric ! fl'i"o snuJl frame.
light, aater, telephone and street car
franchises to any one, though impor
tuned to do so. The Bell Telephone ! one half cash
Co. did put in a system to compete
w ith the city system, but the patriotic
people refused to uatronize the same,
except for long distance, which finally
compelled the bell people to with
draw. The result is that the profits of those
utilities, at greatly reduced rates,
from those usually charged therefor,
has made possible a condition unique
in conducting municipal affairs, so
tbat not a cent of taxes is paid by the
fortunate people of these towns, tnd
they have been enabled besides from
the earnings to improve the systems
as needed; to improve the streets;
and to build and equip costly and
commodious hospitals, tbat also are
owned and managed by the municipal
ities. If the people of Ban Franosoo, and
other large cities of this country, bad
the wisdom and good sense of the
people of those two Canadian towns,
there would be no such unclean
spectacle as tbat now going on from
graft prosecutions, the result of
bestowal of such valuable franchises
upon greedy and venal private inter
ests I
Socialism f
Well perhaps, but It atrikes us that.
It la just plain ordinary common
every day horse sense.
And editor Smith, of Klamath Fulls
ia right in combatting any auob
foolishness, not to call it a harsher
name, on the part of the city oounoil.
The latest phase ia Klamath Falls
1.M40 acren All jiood meadow and
grain bimlH, water ritflitH, good
burns and ti room bouse. Fine i;ar
den. All fenctd. Excellent Htock
farm can c had tor lis per
acre If taken at once. One-half down,
bnliince terms, (iood Hpeculation 9
mileH from town.
Homestead Rel iniiiiisliuiens two 100
i acre tracts, only a short time necess
; ary to prove up on. One bouse and
0 room bouse, i barn etc. tliOO. the other i'M, aud
city water, wood she'! etc, 2 blks. j fenced, part cleared.
from Court House-furnished com-, J76 acre8Near New Pine Creek,
pieie. joc uuxiov a rare goon ouy, 12.600. 1.000 fruit trees, all kinds
of berries, and gardens truck, best of
200-House, bain and orchard. 2 Hnd pr0Ven fruit farm, one third
acres, New Pine Creek-8 rooms, down, balance 8 per cent.
frame, good location, one third down,
balance, b per cent. .. , T . ,
r No. 3. 4K0 acreH. north of Lakeview
v. , uu, ,, . 2r mllen, onpropoHed right of way of
No.lfS For f-4000. enh. poHH- ruilway. 7-room houw. barn. capac
won given wei KK lot toJ,xS dc iy inn tona of Imv. 1500 ben. 100
No 15 For an Investment $2,800.
)i caHli, 310 ft front, 170 deep C-room
frame house, complete, In good repair.
Thli la on prticipal thoroughfare,
and there can be 55Oxl70ft lots ttold
for at leant 1400. apiece, leaving Rood
bourn & lot for 1800., that can rent
for $240. per anumn.
Five-room house, frame; good barn,
can le made over Into hIx or sev
en room house for f 200, 2 acres of ex
rellent land 5 blocks
acres under Irrigation, two creeks
cross the farm. Small orchard, itet
of hay & grain land. Unlimited range
$8000. The Improvements alone rep.
resent 17000. This will not be on the
market long.
Ranch ICO acres all fenced, good for
fruit of all kinds, also 40 to i'O acres
for grain, near lakeview on county
road, spring water all year, 5-room
house. 17.0 fruit trees 2 and 3 years old
f.'t.500, half cash. I in In rice 1 to 5
years. " Jieut the Itallroad to it."
Ranch of 140 acres 80 acres cleared &
fenced, on west shore of
from Court ! Ooose Lake In California, five miles
House, house and barn alone cost i Ir,"n llv- "Kit of way. House and
$ 1.000; the land can be cut Into 16 lots barn, garden & fruit trees, good
and re sold at enough to clear the 1 Hprlng water, 12.00 per acre. This
place t his Is right in town. Price, ' ll real-rare-investment. The own
Is I, NX). . - !erls forced to sell. "Jteu t the
- . Itallroad to it."
$2200. Modern 6-room Bungalow, i T, 7TZ : ; :
new. all details complete, fenced, a ! 1an?h J0 f I c,ej' bttrn
good buy, must close at once. . oaiy-l Bol(1 ,w,t1' ""ch 1 acres
I house & barn for $12 60, if seperate,
' ... " ! H5 per acre. The m0 is Just at south
Houses, either to sell or rent are, end of (ioose Ike, the W 2 miles
scarce in Lakeview, if you ; BOutu of Uavls Cret Jc. Calif, ou coun-
Ilieail business we WHI SeilU OllO- t. v road erpell-nt lvl riaf n n nrl rrav.
way Itj. 'JIeat the Itallroad to
Residence Lots Best location in
town 00 x 150, S100U boilding re
strictions. Lots-7 I'iOO. 8 9250. 9 1250. ,
Iilock 1 also lots 12 1200. '& 13 1200.,
ijiock i urenkeis nret addition.
Ranch ICO acres 10 acres cleared,
11 fenced, bouse and m barn, both
practically new, this propoerty is In
: ins best oi condition, V miles from
town, creek runs through It. 11800.
Lake lew, Oregon
Plush l'uixle.v
Hauch 200 acres all cleared, l'X) par- j
tiully so. two h.-iuses. three horns.
creek through it, good orchard, land j
ready for grain. 8")OO0, a ood buy.
regretted that the.v did not buy. If
there Is any one still winning to get
In, 1 cnri get a few contracts from
clients here. Make me an offer lsfore
the premiums on these contracts
make another advance.
Sta. H. HhIIiim, Texas.
4init F.:-lhe public is hreby
notifl-wl that 1 lmv taken over the
urnlture Htock of Wallace Co No
bllU against sM firm coniii . , !
after date of Jan. I, 1!KKI will b. .
sidered and all accounts outstanding
ml 3ue m.i.i firm are to bn paid to
the uuderslgneil,
r, , , . . II. L. Chandler.
1'iited, Lnkfview, Ore., Jn, f ji(;i.
inn acres unimproved land, under O. i
V. L. Co's (iitch, '.(iniles from town, j
Exceptionally good grain land aij
?17.."jO, on county road i
iW acre", 40 timber, 12 miles wast of
Lakeview, on stage road. ilouc
barn, capacity H head .V) acres fenced,
good garden, .'10 acres grail?, 4 living
springs Includes ;i0 to 40 cord
wood cur. all lor ii;ou, cawi. inisi
price Is low.
miles south of Lakeview. slso farm
ing utensils, 1 10 head of stock cattle
aud 100 calves.
Isniio Deter.
FOK SALE West ol Sir. 34Town
smj.. uange i:i r.ast at per
acre, i miles irom I.akevlew, Oregon
Writt or eiupilrc ot C. F. Elgin, cm
of City Hall, r-alem, Oregon.
agiicultuial. timber and mistiirM.
All fenced, contains springs aud
stream. Well sheltered. ideal for
i fruit. 17 miles north of Lakeview.
ou county load. Emiuire at Exam-
Thls last one lor persons who have: 'uer "tllee.
$')"). 000 and some erergy. '
Fruit ranch, hoo to 1000 acres, 3 houses, FOE HALE WHILE THEY LAST I
3 barns, good fencing, perpetual wa- j can accept a limited number of
ter right, all Irrigated, best lands In orders for OKEOON VALLEY LAND
(loose Lake Valley for fruit & garden 1 CONTKACTH at a premium of ouly
farming, no frost, local market for SI0. Parties '.ivlng will be reqiured
all, will produce from 125 to tK per to pay down which will Include
acre ordinary farming, fruits much the premium. ASSIONM ENT OUAK
greater. All implements, wagons, ANTEED. First come, first served
14 head of horses, harness etc. Can Western Lands Bllnu, 215 Masonlo
be sub-divided, part town lots, bal- Temple, KocKford. 111.
ance 10 to 4U acre tracts. The lots
iqi OHM M H.AMM.
''"'-TA KIMJ HAVE 'II II.- in. mi
gia.'e i.f LI.j.mhm and t lyars to Ihj
found In Oregon,
Hotel Lakeview bar. The best and
purest whisky made. (
er.v .Ni lo u
WANTED: Kooiners. Hoard by lhe
day, week or mouth. Mrs. K. Mo-I'iiniels,
want good washini on in thai A n,url.
can Laundry. Mrs. It. McBlaulels.
a III lirliiir XM ri il OHO iur arm the .
baiaia-e $75 to tlOO ,eV ,u-re. Th Vakevlew U i w TT" f
right of way goes right by this farm. ttt"- Ji',mli
inm III Is " -I"" "" " ii
To the parties who can
W H is a b7g mon ' j, ffiil' or
maker Can all be sold this year, ; ; mVtSl IAVvJkw'
nrlee iSS.OOO. cn w.nd rdintoirrrhs ."''la- LA KLVILW
"IJcat the "V'1" !'-" "'.. P. Kox 214,
in aiiue lakeview, Oregon.
price 155.000, can send
If vim mean business,
Itallroad to it."
Uraiich Olllce, I'bish. Oregon, WANTED TIMBER LAND HOME
Joe Elliott, Mgr. Warner Valley., stead lellnijulshmeuts. Waut to
One of the best ch'inces to secure the ! buv direct from owners. Write, with
fust going, Free government lands. 1 particulars, to M. A. K1KBY, HON
We locate persons on only the best of, Felix street, Ht. Joseph. Mo.
good lands. Ask for particulars.
I for sale. Make me your offer, eith
er direct fir agents. f4tf
HEKNAKDC. SITZ, Lakeview. Ore.
(Five cents per line, or one cent ner word.
each insertion, Thirty words, or lets, fi per
month. 4TTNo adverlisemeut inserted for
less than 'lit cents.
May Concern: That I forbid any per
son turning; the water out ol Dead
Man Canyon creek, except what be-
i.mgeo u me ueeu uitcn in IBtttl, as I
oougui and sold by W. L. lillnn,
21C Masonlo Temple, Rockford, III.
When writing him du not fall to en
close postage if you expect a reply. 2tf
ward Issued by the Telephone
-..niiiiiiy ior destroy lug its prop
the big winter layers Last Decem
ber 1 purchased a f:ia pen of birds
from the fa-noun Kellerstross Farm
of Kansas City, Mo., and eta now
ruruish a limited number of eggs from
these choice birds at f:i for Hi. March
and April hatched pullets lay eggs
when the price Is highest. Address,
1. I . Crone miller, Lakeview, On-gon.
J. Frank Adams, the big ranober
over near Merrill, in Klamath county,
has received one of the latest, sags
brush grabbing machines and will
clear and subdivide 6,000 sores tbls
BauuAn M,t a. L. .11 I a
have claimed It since 1886 natur.l tr.o on belt of term, to "bon.Td.
full ex tent of the law. Ym . ?
10WSS h. W. EMEKSON. pauern afuV Mn Adsmt '"" .
tent, three foot wall, new; ons
camp stove, nearly 'new ; one folding
camp table.
Address A. E. CONVERSE, or st
Ihriiston's ranch, Lakeview, Oregon.
tg,l,BgB II I I
glng contracts for timber for Irriga
tion flumes. Enquire at ths O. V.
L. Co. office. U. L. Wray.
WANTED-Trustworthy man or wo
man In each county to advertise, re
ceive orders and manage business
for New York Mall Order House.
18.00 weesly; position permanent;
no Investment required. Previous
experience not esseutial to engaging.
Spare time valuable. Enclose self ad
dressed enveloe for full particulars
Address, CLARK Co.. Wholesale
Dept., 103 PARK AVE., NEW YORK.