f.AKK COUNTY KXAMINKR, 1.AKKV1KW, OltKGON, THURSDAY, Al'MI, 8. 11X10 eight faster Specialities In abundance I There are plenty of good things here for you, and plenty of attractions in them; too. Our strong argument is for ValuesBargains that appeal to your taste and judg ment. We watch the stock we buy so that the things we sell are right. For Easter pleasures we give you a little more than any other store. Our Easter offerings U you comprise: rff Ladies H iiulkcreliicts well worth O VV from Hoc to "0c each. Our s vcml price, Ladies Novelty Belts, from - - i5c to $1.25 each Ladies Fancy Back Combs, - 35c to $j.l0 each Ladies Misses and Children's Tan Oxfords. $1 .50 to $3.50 a pair 35c to 7"c a pair - 50c $L50 to $4.00 each $1.25 to $2.00 each Tan Hose. Plain and Lace, from Mens Neckwear, special for Raster, Mens Fancy Vests, from - Mens Overshirts, "A NOIUJY I. INK', from Mens -Tan", "Patent Colt" fl O ff "O Blood" Oxfords, from pJSS Men's Summer Suits. ThclI"lsnrikt Vi' ever presented to the Lakeview public. PriCeCl tO Sell Oil Sight terprlao In seeking hi fortune hi the Krowlutf, bimtlintf. busy wont. "Lady Hetty" the ehnrmititf Mnry of Ihe bright little Knulltdi iihl who wot iii American hiiHliuml, nml "ho they lived happily ever utter" I con cluded In thin Issue Tim second col u in it on Hi we three ltormtil to Chap ter IS, Ml (I WHS llllllHCPli III niNklnit up the paper If we can spare the ppace, nml can (led another story na hooiI, mi will tin kIaiI to phut!1) It. Por't foruet tlmt tl nut of tlie play iilven for the I'uMln Library Ih 1 t'rliliiy. April 0, h w..ek earlier than 1 was tlrnt announced, mi, I tlmt tlmt Ih tomorrow nlwlit. Haulier Skirt, PMtrn wide, perfect tlon In tit. Merc. Co. j Mrs. M. Wlitirton nml MImm llaiile. Nv witwr hnve opened the Slur Ki'" t it u rri n at .Now Pino Crook. Short nil Iiimiih, li'oiiniM ill IhiI.v : expoi ienced country seho I. Address Kxamlner. to $5.00 CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS fi'lumii of wiiHtwiT 1 M-rii'timi li one f'T t-arh ia-it-ri ion. auctioneer, ami also those who assist in this tii iu ttie program aud iu serving io 1 " cream. HltlHlU C'5!1 ft.r Hiivthiu roiii'als lff arti. I -. Vi ui vii.iic. 1 th- The Kxamiuer uiau has not fonn i time to liake sftrk'iiieut itb our business men since Sept. Int. Our books are now Doited ami we will be nronrH the last of this week. So see that yo n noeket books are well f i 1 1 ' J . V need the iiiouey. j Rev. Father Tomkin will conduct services Snnduy, the 11th lust. Mass f at S a. in., for the reason that all may ! Communion. f: Watch Mr. Mf-rryeale iu his tionMe i'.audiuK career Friday nitfht. That's tomorrow niwbt. O. Tande, of Urau.l Ieadow, Minn., rried Sunday. Tue ueutlemaa holds considerable land on the West Side, tbat be purchased several years aeo, and came out to look it over. He ia very much pleased with the county ind Lakeview. T. II. C;oud w ill now take ecial orders for Ice Cream delivered, tiotli iuii les thau ue gallon. I have no-. contracted for tuy cream delivered from the cream separator an. I citn wan ant my cream rich and smooth, packed in sweet Mitiitary porcelain Hue packers. At The Fiost. Nice line flouncing and corset cover embroidery. Merc. Co. All widths. Auten Poultry netting. Harwdare Co. Everybody fortunate enouab to own 1 chug wagon is getting it in readi ness for the season's use. C. E. Louzway has installed a big Jven in bis bakery, with a capacity of jlU loaves at one baking, ile evi dently believes there is to be a boom of bread eaters in these parts. At M. E. Church, April 11. 19CJ. An Easter Program in the morning. At -night, a sermon, subject, Kesurrec tion. Special music at night, bv mixed and male quartettes. " Sermon will probably be preached by the District Superintendent, Dr. K. E. Duulap. The Basket Social given by the High School last Friday evening was fairly successful. A total of 147 was realized from tbe sale of baskets and ice cream. The club desires to thauk Vr. Thompson for bis services as Drenkel k l'aine sold lots this week in Drenkel's First Addition as foi Iowa: Four lots t" Mr. Mary Ilynn ; ooa lot to (Jeo. K. Morrill, of Lo-. Anweles, Calif. ; aud one lot to L. A. Hilbert, of Medrord. Oregon. See Harris, "As it were," Friday night at the Opera House. Flacstarf lake in the Waruer Valley is reported aliv with duck, geese, swau and pelican. Tbo water fowl : doubtless know tbat now is tbe closed 1 season and tbey are at liberty to' make tbeir domestic arrangements uu ditursbed by tbe pot-hunter. F-cloaned alfalfa seed at Bernard's. 13-3 Howard bus accepted a position nt MiererA 1'iank'a dote aud will re main in Porthmd. J The doctors have prescritieil a wool laiiwh for yon. Come to the Opera i Hous next Friday uiwht, see ltetweeu tho Acts, aud go away cured. Huliest iiair' i t price l aid tor !onw o.ii nheep pelts by Likeview Mercau i lie Co. J It. Sullv. the Flinch maid from Cork, will te iu nil her prisitine glory Fri day inwht. Jler great taintiuw art 1 as w on applause i f heads w ith buth siugbi and double crowns. The P.er'.ba, fMinni., Headiiwht C'intaiiis this news Item. : I.nuis I'.. Smi'h left for Lakevietv, Oregon, Mon day, lie wii.-i attracted to Cat place "n account of the bit: boom cure to folio1.'- the cpening of the Oregon Val ley (?nnpaiiT's land project. Louis figures that there will be a large aniouut of building done there inxt summer aud he will look for employ- merit, as a stonemason. The young tniiu ! exhibits a commendable grit and en- orders served In i oiitioctiiMi Middle aged teacher, denlio Touches pliino. Reserved seuts are woinw, g inw hihI they will be gone If you dont' hurry. Then you will have to utimd up to Mee "Hewteen the Acta." Mail' IcoMohiiNon, of Farwo, N. D. has our thanks for h lot of the I'p'en- 1 did ilniliea of that town. , I'. S. Clark, of Dallas Texas, has sent up coppion of his home duilieit that are up to date and of iiit'trofnlt- t H II dillll'llsioUH. ' The Kdison phniiourah and 4-niin-ule record nt Thornton's. I'rlno $'.V i 10 and tti.". 10-tf. j Himner Hrnnd: Silk TulTetn. - Heat herlilooiii and Sateen ildeinklrtH. Mere. Co. i (i. S. Clmttertow n. of llawarilen, j Iowa, arrive! Saturday. It Is live ' years su.ee the gentleman was hern, and ho notices much cliHiiue tor th I better itiiring Hint time He pre lrt great Ihinwstor Lakeview ami Lake cou.ity and nays many in his section are to locate here. ! Mr. Chatteitoii I'Mine out to look after soiiie timber interests u holds in Like county. ! Hnrner waists, tie best to be had in an y city. Merc Co. '"'I ler ,1. A. Davis received H Call at Inst Sntiirday'H meeting, to supply the pulpit at the tSaptl-t church. Mr. Davis will preach evty Sunday morn low mid evening in. til the church decides on i permanent pa-tor. Mis I .i i i ii Cannon, and her cousin. i.Mis OH te Ciiiuion. of New l'lne Creek went out shoilinw ground ' iiiirrels with calibre nib's Tin s (hiy utter i.oi Ii. Miss OHie trlid to let the him mer of her won down when it was ai'ci lentlv disrl.nrwod. the ball striking Mrs Camion in the foot, ' inflicting a painful, but not necessii I ily dangerous wound. Look out for the biw Mile every Sat urday at 1 A. M,, north of liieber's store. Harness aud wawous and Hug gies. ami lots of thintfs. I 'tf Hy John McDnoiigh. For a choiiM box of ciuoiy 'ir lias icr. see The Frost Window. Ft esh Chocolates of the very best quality at The Frost. If von want first class work done, satisfaction guaranteed, at upholster-; iug, niattressees overhauled, bed sonnws tiwhtened '.c, leuve word at i It. Hsynold's store for A. J. Davis j II tf. La MODE Those whose Ideas of MILLINERY inellnc toward the Fashionable and Beautiful, as weii as practical, should eall and look through tnv Hals vor tne with your slrate mv aliilitv. order atttl I Fa- wih demon- PLEASE. Mrs. Neilon. The Portland Telegram inys coyote hunt tin will be given tree hoard nod lolwtngbv the sheepmen of eastern Oiewou durliij,' the oomliig Hpriiig and summer, according to the statement of Attor..ey Dan P. Hinylhe, Hoerotnry of t'te Stale Woolgrowera' Asuncla lion. While all the Hheepineu of tliU part of the state have net yet agreed to this proposit lou, they have all been urged to do so by the executive com mittee of the state association and many of tho u have siwnllled willing nens to conn ly. Some have oven declared their intention of nlferiiitf bounty for animals killed on their iHiigea, In addition to the one olfer-d by I he state. The purpose of those arrangements in to stimulate Die crusade for the extermination t the predatory wild animals. The mil ionul forest seirlio has announced Its Intention of put low ikllled hunters oil all the reserves and the sheepmen are urged to co operate with these Iitinlem In every possible manner. 7 room , hou-e. lot 111) by "Jl feel, herring fruit trees, brries, ehrubbeiy of all kinds. For particulars inuulre a' this otlleo. Green Garden House. When you go to Lakeview, if you want a first cluss place to sleep, where nil is quiet and comfortable, wo to the liieen (iarden Mouse, Main St., oppo site the M.F. Chinch. Mrn. MAKY E. KINOSLKY, Proprietor. Soiiiebndv olal'iis tu have discover ed ll substance which In .'KM times sweeter thnit sugar. The substance Is supposed to be about IS yearn old, wears n bustle, and In not i.s scarce in most coni'ioin itles as would be up pined. A line new heiirsu lias been brought to town by Wallace Co. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Ol FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the Ktste of Oregon, for the County of Lake, la the Matter of the Estate of, ) William Em an, ) Deceased. ) TO Al l. WHOM IT MAY CON CI KN: NOTICE ih heieby given that the onderslwned Executrix of the Last Will mid Testament of Will lain I wan, Deceaiu-d. has IHnl with the Clerk of the County t ourt of Lake County. On-won, bet Final Account as soeli Executrix, ami tht . ii.... it ft..i' i..., r .... i i i'....P lll'll. II. I'lllJ, UIIHK Wl'i ,!,,, has, by an order duly made and enter ed therein, lived and appointed Sat in day, the .Mil day of Mav, I'."', at Die hour of lo o'clock A. M. ot snl l dnj.iit the ('unit IJooui of said Court, In the Town of lakeview, Lake County, Oiegon, as the time and place tor hearing of objections to said I'I.hI Account, If any there be, and for the sell lenient theieof, This Notice ii published in Llie LAKE COUNTY EX A M I N EIC. a newspaper publlsho I weekly at Lake view, Lake County, Orewou, once a week for four successive weeks, bewliiliinu with the Isniio thereof dated April Mh. V.nr.i. T.N'NA EUAN, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of William Egun, Decens i d. 13 r.t. baa purchased tbe by Prol. liauby on Harry Yount bouse occupied Walter St. i M. Nelson has opened a restaurant in tbe Moore building adjoining tbe Odd Fellows building on Main St. ' He bas secured tbe rooms above tbe Hayes & Bee be block, and Iu conse- ' quence is doing a good botel business yew Pine Crek baa a Hhort order restaurant, In charge of Mrs. M. Whorton and Miss llattie Nyswanei. , Itoonis In connection . AUTEN Sells Having secured an A. No. 1 mech anic, we are now prepared to do ail kinds of tinning and plumbing. Batb Tubs and Lavatories a specialty. Auten H-irdware Co. We bave a oomplete line of plant aud garden seeders, and weed era. Tbey will par for themselves in one bait day, planting gardens. Auten Hardware Co. Hoes, rakes, and all kinds of garden tools. Auten Harware Co. liest on earth. Rut-erold, one balf cost of sninales. Guaranteed ten years. Auten tltrdware Co. Carpenter tools and building sup . Tbe vocal and Instrumental music j at tbe Opeia House Friday niwht i "Between tbe Acts" will be alone ! worth the pi ice of tbe whole enter-1 pi iea full line. Auten Hardware Co. tainment. , w) h(ve a few J2 n(jb MoHne plow Miss Eva Howard, who left bere ; left Price f 10. Auten Hardware Co. early last fall to attend tbe Keisters Ladies "Tailoring College at Portlaod has finished a oomplete conrse. Missl Hum: April , l't'iX. in the wife (if .1 tli ii KhiidcH, ii tflrl. The EpiMcojial Club will meet on Fiit'ay. April l'i, at the home of Mrs. Noiiu at I'M) P. M. All persona inter ested are cordially invited. Our advertising space is so occupied that we had to crowd tbe big ad. of J. W. Maxwell k Son, real estate dealers, nn our inside pages. ! Magazioes at Tbe Frost. St j Asblaud Tidiuua. Mrs. A. .1. Han- by, nee Eva Stone, daughter of Jacob Stone, an old time resident of Ash I land, died at Lakeview, Monday last. Both Mr. aud Mrs. Ilaoby were former residents of Asblaud, and for a num ber of years were prominent teachers iu this county Prof, llanby has been principal of tbe Lakeview achnol during tbe current year, aud bis wife also taught in tbe schools there. Tbe remains Hie being brought to Central Point for interment. Apples at Tbe Frost, A farm journal bas this needed ad vice: About that boy of yours. Are yuo going to make lb farm Interest ing to him this year by giving him m real stake in tbe stock and crops? Lakeview, Ore. FREE Government Land ii MiL-jL In the FAMOUS WARNER VALLEY. Homesteads and Desert Claims in Lake County, Oregon. Thousands of Acres of the Finest Grain and Fruit Lands on Earth can be secured now, FREE ! Do Not Lose This Last Opportunity! tr Scandinavian and German Spoken. JOHN COO BURN, , For Particulars, apply to NCLS jrpson; Managers. PACIFIC LAND CO., ff Buy Lots In Watson' Addition Before you buy lots any where In this vicinity see loose in Watson's addition. Close to business center, of Lakeview. 33 tf. Bee bow Dick Comfort gets Into a pickle and out again Friday night next. Ihi Kind Yoo Hm Always Bought Brt tb f ins MH9 lira nn wimp OREGON MAP SALE Pull colored Sectional flap of Oregon. Irlr " while tlny Last. Shows nil Hiirveyed lands, by sec tions, and every important hi ream aud divide, Townships ami Jiange plainly marked. :: :: :: :: AIho hIiowh all Lund Crant Lunila, and hiHtheORUOIN niLITAKY KOAIJ (Jrant complete, by hcciIoiih. inval uable to anyone who now Is or ex pects to be interested In IuihIh In southern Oregon. :: :; ;: :: Imtlre out put of tliU inup owned by HUNTER LAND CO., 8111 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Bunch Tussey Wholesale Commission Merchant Alturas, California We carvxy a fall iine of Fresh FruiLs, indluding BOranges, LLemons, Bananas, Ap ples, also all kinds of Nuts. Vegetables, SUCh as C ! ; Cauliflower, Onions and ! Potatoes. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Clams, Crabs. If your merchants do not handle! mis ciass 01 gooas, geiinemDUsy. Goods delivered In one dav xs LaIcavIaw. 0BBB2 CENTRAL MEAT MARKET tC t WNDELL PROPRIETOR 2 BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, ETC. v BUILDING NORTH OF HOTEL LAKEVIEW LAKEVIEW - - OREGON I i ! i rmtT-CLAmm turnout 'COMparsMr omivmmm Mammoth Stables C. D. ARTHUR. Porimon Thn rir(r'Ht T.I very and Teed Klalde In .'ioiilliern Oregon or Northern ('allfoinln, IIoihcm Hoarded by the Day, Week or Month. Special Attention (liven to Transient Stock x LAKRVIEW . . . OREQO