LAKE t'olWTY EXAMIM It. LAk l:IEW, OREGON, THURDSAY APRIL 8. llKH) OiriCIAL DIRECTORY NATIONAL . .. Wlllnm II. Ta( ' . JnmriS. Hir.miil it....nll.r I k turn I frC" '"Ml Vi I'r.-JMl. ii HT- t-r.v ol -vl Heci-tnty of l' Sort clary nl V ar A linntt'V li. Ccral Franklin MaeVrl-h i .. . Jll'Oh II. IMcHtlllMH licuryo W. Vtirknliam . Kraiia M. HiU'hiwk (i orsc Von I-. Mi'MT 1'O.t MlftXHT lfll'rl . iMTclnrv 111 NVT . . . . Swr-urv lnt rnr Hwrctarv of Ai,rt. nlturt Uuliar.l A. H.xl'inm'r Jaill! " u.ii SWr.-iaryof omm.r. e n rW .l Chiil Jiiniii VoiTlle" filler VrMmuoii Warner. V. S. ". ii.kmi Ciiiiiitwlonc! W S. Ki. Iiar.l I', - rommtwlo"" -tati irtvornor 15.x ri'-nrv ol Slate Treasurer Adonic- tloiicral Hi-.. I'uWic Instruction. .. ..... ...... ... V. W. Hon win F. V . Heiiaon . moo. A. ''i'1 ..A. M. Craw loril J. II Acaernian . W. S. Otini w ay lirr nn.t Kix1 i'om .J. W. Kailr i J ilinoilmn Bonne. Jr. XJ.S Kenaiora 1 (,0, a.. Chamberlain ' . V, I' II .W IfV iW. I'. Hnwirjr 1'ongrriMnim )W. K tint tTK"MKCll KT rcc ;v.a: ! Awu'iaio Juntltv f v ill K Kmt! I J VV . r. Saior hith jrmriAi lITRl1. t.o II. N.l"'l p. V. k : UkoiuUi. Jic'so Atornoy t.K.ll HVK I Jim souatoi . . erTco"lti.'.vi' , i;. 11. M' :. ...nan v h. r. jvikunp ) 11. A. Hrattain l.AKK iTN rY Illiit) t'lrr &oriff rrraaurwr flor cbool Snnl Surveyor Commiiiontr . Mock lusrwctor. H ! .'.. . . k. v. rnyiu' . . . AUmTI I'o ' K. ii. Uiietruu A J Kti l r . K B Jiic son i; M. Kanlaner i . A. K- imri H K. II' fyior.l NVm I'roclioot TOWN OK L.KKVKW. Hir Wnllojr I M.. i V . Unfiling ( P. J. I'COX I J.N. W rnson J F. B. Snider A.Kielwr i CO lltl'llMH'l f . K(M '.Tllfi . . 1 riiaurrr U S. LANK OKFICE J.N.Wntson frvti Y. Crouemnlor ... 'i-RI'' - ... Rveiv. r I KKVIKWBOA Kl OK TKAPE KiHAiu'i. rouiiuinemu i.. r. onii Pat.lli ity " ,w W. FllH- a,0.k . . . W. 1' Hi-ryford MU;.:ci,.l " "v'vT.'hlrl AgrleuliurAl " h- v- R'r Koo ii HoAil'i iHriors for Sirnap-rK LOUQIi DIKfcCTOKY 4 0. V. W.-!.AKKV1E" I.OIXSF. M. 111. Hn-U vterr s on l hii.I f.iurtli Tlmrs 'ny of ohcIi monih. in M!.lc llil. l.ntei wvt. Chan. Tot ii iu sse n. W.M.; Wm. GuiuIht, K. tFURF.E OF HONOR-1-AKKH0KE I.OIKiE No. 77. I', of H., A.O. L". W' .Meem flrt nd third Tinirsilari of nu'h tnoiitli in MusiDit lla!i. l'or lirVen Col!!.; tHflm I'riri". L.. j I II.; Vid Cuiniu r, C of C; Iraiicvi ' wanor, k-cor.ier. j X. O. O. F--LAKF.VIKW I.OIm.E. No 6.1. I. O. O. F., ini'fis k-vtv uu!i1k funiu; in Odd j Fillows tlll, Hi 7:: o'o( It, from Volrl n April 1. and at olcl ioli from April 1 to Boi liTitnT 91. A. E. I liviJiy, N. u.; K. F. j I'ticufY.StMTwtarv j T. 00."F.-I.AUEVIhW E.Vi'AMI'MKNl No. 1 j I O. O. F . uiwtfi IIih first and third Ttinra- ! clay . v-DiiiRS of eai h inontli in Odd Fellows' ', Ha.!. Lik-eview. t .u. Artnur, c f , . it. Huniniersl v, (kribe. PEHERAI! l.nrxiE-I.AKEVIfcW LuIiE, NO. ?J I o. t F., ineetH Hie second and fourth ridaa of cuc'i monih in odd Fallow a' Hall. Mrs. L. N. ileryi'ord. N.'i ; Mrs. Ida Hery ord,W.ii.; Mr. l. I) Moss, beertary ; Mr. C. J. Ma.iltont Treas'irer. O E. 8. ORIENTAL I'll AITEH. No. 5, LAKE- ! View, l.eIl. .lee. on I'ue&day.on or be- i tore full iiUHjii nod mo Weeks ttieredit'T. In! Masonic Hail, at 7: :0 .iVi. ck. , Vuitini; luemlieri. are cordially invited. iKNKI.lA A. WaTsoN, W. M, i IDA t'ERACH. fecr.-tary ; CHURCH DIRECTORY METHOIilST EI'HCOl'AL t II I RC II -THE riri?l i-uuday in eah inontli. prej'diiinj at n fi. m. Aid" from this prt-aeliinK every Sun day at 11a. m. sod 7: lup. mi. at I-aKeviw. Sunday Schiil at 10 a. m. Ltf-j at ti M p. rn. 1'rayer MetiTii Thursday 7:A" p in dies Aid Wednesday 1:10 fV m I'lioir f.raetise Friday 7;. p in A cordial iavita "wion is cltellded to vouu. "1. C I'A RKER. l'Hor. frlli-T BAI'TlfT (H flu 'H OF .U'KVIKn f'reaohinit service at 11 A M and 7 in I' M on t and ;iril r-un. Sunday School at lo A M. lumor Society at l-.-'U I'M. ttaptist Vomit; 'eople's f n i i in at !: Y M on eact! Sunday. 1'rayer Meeting at 7:)F.M iVedmnday eve iiiij. Every Uolv ia vi ted to atteud hi! s. r- rxices. Pn-tor. fAI IIOLIi- ' HIIICII - EVERY Sf NPAV MASK ttA B.-u. diei ion at lo o'clock u. in. Sun. lay m hool after Benediction. Week ilnv ,V-s at ;30a. ui. I. A. V AS A, b. J. j FrKST BAHTlsr )lfR H OF OOOSE LAKE at New Pine Creek, Oregon. Preachinn --r-j vict-a at 11 A M and 7:J P M of each Sunday of everv month Sunday nchool at lu A M. of ear li weed. Ail am cordially inv.'.ed to 4teiid i he aervlrea i. HAYDEN HOWARD PaUr. PROFESSIONAL CAKDS Jy F. CONN Attorney at Law Likkrvkrw, tr-fu VFFICE ialv building. J D. VENATOK Attorney at Law, Ijnid 31 altera Hp-rialt) OI'FK-'E Daly Building. fjHAKLES UMBACU Land and Law Office Abstractor of Titles KhlitulUliud IHM Lakeview, Ors- W LAIR THOMPSON Attorney at Law Office: Over Hank of La view IjAKKVIKW, OilKOON THOS. J, I'OWELL Attorney at Law Oflice In Duly Building I.Ahl UKW, OitEQON, w o M A N Woman Cab 'Drivers Not a Success A Warning to )oung Mothers Handsome Old Women of GV thiim Town. Woinnu lias lnvn trliM atul not fouud wantlnjc In a Kl many occupations which the world believed were only to be tilled properly by man. but nt Inst she fieenis to have met her Waterloo. AeoordlriK to recent advices fntii I'arU find Berlin. It appeals that t!i. women In those cities who have esiyed t!ie business of cab driving have nut been suit csMtil. The Parisian iiui moiiicii f.iuud that they could not enluiv the lniiR hours and the exposure to all kinds of went her. in Berlin It has U".i demonstrated that vi:ne:i ,Mvcn lost their nerve when ceiifrout p.l wi.h thi. k tratllc and stieel; aiicv Many youns mothers gradually k -t into the way of believing that with house and children to look after It is quite Impossible for them to leave home long euouKh to pay visits and too much extra trouble to have friends with them. After awhile they practi cally give up seeing their frleuds ex cept on very rare occasions. This Is one of the saddest mistakes n woman can make. The woman who stays at home who has practically no Interests outside her own household Is certalu to grow narrow. More than that, she Is tjulte as sure to become prematurely aged and U lessening her chance of happiness Immensely. Should her home happiness fall, what has she to fall back on7 If she has been w ! euougu to keep her friends, even tltuJKh doing so has euturled more or less hardship aud u little se!f denial, she will still have them to help her over the hard places which are sure to disclose them selves In her pathway. For this rea son, If for no ot her. It is vv Ue to lose Do chance to make friends and to take the time to cultivate them. Most reason able persons demaud very little atten tion from a busy -woman. An occasion al visit to show that they are still ap preciated or even a note If the visit Is lmix'ssible will do the business. We cannot Ignore our friends for a time with the ejcpectatlon that friendship may be resumed when It Is more con venient. Most jiersons will decide that such a friendship Ls not worth having. H The present awakening among Hin doo wonign uppears to meet with the full approval of the men, who are be coming anxious to have educated wives and daughters. At the last con vocation of the University of Bombay two high caste women belonging to the families of Brahmans took degrees. This year also Hindoo women were graduated from the Madras university, j At the University of Malabar, Srimatl Annua received the bachelor's degree j In arts. She Is a married woman and mother of a large family. Her hus- 1 band ls a prominent Brahman, and It ! was In accordance with his earnest de- ' sire that she went to college. I New York has the reputation of pos- j sesslng the handsomest elderly wo- ; men In the world. On Its streets one j sees any number of women past mid- die age who are positively pretty, j With their snowy hair and clear com- ! plexlons they look more like young j matrons made up for a smart function ! than the grandmammas they are quite i likely to be. When one sees them Ninon de 1'Knclos and the other beau- , ties who knew the secret of perpetual I youth become realities. What Is more j beautiful than a beautiful old woman; i Nothing on the face of the earth ex cept a beautiful young one. With her forehead still white and free from wrinkles, her eyes sparkling with the sheer joy of living aud her cheeks Ktill rosy with the afterglow of youth's radiance, she ls certainly a dear. She moves as briskly as In her younger days, dresses even more smartly and is fully abreast of the times. Such l the astonishing old woman of Gotham In these latter days. Recently the Georgia legislature of fered the hall of the house of repre sentatives to the State Woman's Suf frage association for Its annual meet ing. Thirteen years ago a governor of Georgia declared that It was unconsti tutional for women to bold suffrage meetings In the cupitol. The only immigrants desired at pres ent In South Africa are women. Of the 841 who went there from England during the last twelve months as teach ers the majority have found husbands. There are still many vacancies In the ranks of South Africa's educational forces and also many prosperous bachelors who are awaiting an oppor tunity to become benedicts. MAHY DALE. Cart Wheal Hat. So far the styles do not show any thing very widely different from those of last season, but some of the new bats are simply Immense and piled high with everything that ever grew la garden, wood or sea. One particular hat seen recently bad five roses on It, each as big as a small cabbage, one deep red, one blue, one purple and the others a delicate pink. Besides these, there was an enormous bow of black velvet ribbon and one wide but short black ostrich tip. The hat itself was not visible to the caked eye, but was of fine mllan straw. It w )W faced with pale pink crepe de chine. The SPORTING WORLD 8ttfftn Kay to tha Arch. All signs at the Chicago university IHiInt to a one man football team. It Is to be Captain Walter Teter Steffen, the brains, the ground gainer, the punter, the forward passer, the drop kicker and -It Is hoped the winner of games. Not since the days of the fa mous llcrshbergcr. wheu the origina tor of the spiral punt won game after game with his place kicking foot, has Coach Stagg been forced to build up hN eleven ho closely around Just one player. What little has bceu revealed of the maroon style of play In the opeu prac tice so far has Indicated that In the first few games of the year at least WAliTKK SrKKFKN, CAPTAIN OF THS CHI CAGO KJOTISALL TKAlk. Steffen Is going to be the mun of the game from the time of the ktckoff un til the final whistle concludes the but tle. Steffeu figures in practically ev ery play. No player In the maroon squad ap proaches the captain In ability to squirm through a mass of players, dinlge In the open or snake his way on a returned punt, aud at this stage of the season no rival appears lu sight among the other colleges to claim a share of the attention which the other various coaches are showering on him In an effort to stop his gains. On Armed Ball Player. Handicapped by the loss of his right arm, yet able to field an average flf .9S5 and bat .380, Is the remarkable performance of George Ely. an ama teur baseball player of Los Angeles, Cal. Ely ls a lightning fielder and plays bis position, second base, as well as oue with both arms. For the past seven years he has been In baseball. He traveled with the Sioux Indian team during its tour through the state of Washington, and, although he went against muuy classy players, he has yet to find one who can beat blm. In addition to being a crack second base man, Ely can also pitch. Ely thinks that a oue armed man. while handicapped to a certain degree, should be as good a player as one with both arms. He says that a man loses time transferring the ball from his right to his left hand, which he would not do If he caught aud threw the ball with the same hand. Two Handicaps at Readville In 1909. According to the latest plans of the New England Trottiug Horse Breed ers' association, not only one but two handicap races will be given at Read ville, Mass.. next year. A great deal has been written afier the recent big race about the association aban doning the track, and officials were quoted to this effect, bnt most of this was unauthorized and without founda tion. Indications now are that the grand circuit horses will again perform at the ReadvllJe track In 199, aud both a paclm and trotting handicap will be on the programme. Details have not been worked out yet, and the handicapping system may be slightly changed, but the main fact that the big events will be given Is practically assured. Joyner May Go to England. A. J. Joyner, who trains the Ilarry ! Payne Whitney string of race horses. I has been asked by Mr. Whitney to go j to England to handle the horses be In tends to race there. Joyner has not yet given a dtfinite answer, but he will probably accept the offer. Mr. Whit ney's horses will be sent to England , shortly to become acclimated for next season's racing. They will be quar- ( tered at Newmarket, where a training establishment was recently secured. Coatos, Andover'a New Captain. Francis William Coates. '09, of Pal myra, N. Y . was elected captain of the Andover footbal team recently, suc ceeding Earle A. Itosendale, who was elected captain Inst fall, but failed to return. Coates played a brilliant game at left end last year and ls oue of the five veterans to return. Coates Is six feet one and a half inches tall, twenty years old and weighs 104 pounds. Kramer Expects to Go Abroad. Frank Kramer, the American short distance bicycle champion, will go to Europe to take part in the interna tional match event for the world' honors. This race ls to be held In France and will bring together the best sprint racers lu the world. Dovey Aftar Players. President George Dovey of the Bos ton National league baseball team say be has spent $30,000 on his ball park In the past two years aod will now pat his money Into players. mm PROPERTY FOR. SALE J. W. MAXWELL Department A., Lakeview, Lake Co., 40 acres, I2.VX.) oue mils from Lake view, could be MitvtiHxfnlly Irrigated as a poultry farm, one and one half story house 'JlxltO comparatively new, 4 rooms oti urouiul floor, 2 nu upper Door, hnru 18 It posts, lSx'24. good well. etc. No. fil 2:1 H'.0 acres at (10 per acre, hhko brush laud. Hi miles from I.nkeview, Hiimly loiiui soil, unimproved No. fxi '1' HHK)-:ii0 acres, a desirable ntcck ranch ami etutlt farm, about one tilth of this Is liny l-ui'l, romiiiucli r grain Hiid pasture IhihI, huihII bouse wild barn titoatcd 12 miles from Lakeview, sma'l cret-k and itrigatiug ditch on the place. Is patronized as a way side in 11. No. tU-121 1IM) acres at 25 per aero one of the !( t aud inoxt desirable farms and stock ranchee lu this part of the country, One thrifty orchard, two story dwelling 72x4U. a lditiou 1H27, milk limine, wood house, cellar, smoke house, chickeu house, upriutt water lu pipes to house, tiarden Hud horse liitrn 80x1)7, la well adapted to grain and nlfnlfti, cuts lino tou of hay, would cut 1000 ton if sealed to iiltnlU it is a barguiu, is within 12 miles "f Lakeview. No. 120-83 80 acres at $20 per acre, level bottom turn!, all fenced aud cultivated, in good settlement, good grain and orchard bind. No. IT t 71 40 acres at ?8."o per acre, unim proved the SW quarter. See. 4 T. 30 S , K 10 K. No 021103 IkVJ acrse within 5 miles of Lake view at 910 per acre 100 of this is choicest buy grain and alfalfa laud 200 aoiea best ot bay laud well irrigated Mil fenced with good commodious bouse and baru on the place. No. 008-85 .120 acres a 118.75 pr acre, this Is choice level productive land, all fenced, and adapted to all kinds of grain, a good dwelling aud bain, flue orchard, situate within 13 miles of Lakeview lu good settlement. No. M0-18 ' I24i'iO 24G acres on lake shore, 7 miles south of Lakeview, water covers a large'portion of it which will even tually be drained by the government reclamation service, making it oue of the moid desirable places in (Jo one Lake bottom. . No. 015131 120 acres, at 120 per acre, within 3 1-2 miles of Lakeview, adapted to grain alfalfa or vegetables, does not require Irrigation, this is a desirable piece of laud. Terms i"00 down, one, two and three years time on balance, deferred payments to draw 8 percent. No. 2f-40 f2C00 273 acres in the foot hills, all fimced, never failing creek on iIi-e and about 10 miles trotn (loose Lake, just the place to budl a stock ranch with good outlet. No 41228 430 acres at t8.0f per acre, this Is a creek bottom in the foot hills over three miles long, is all fenced, and ii admirably situated us a dairy or stock ranch 0 miles from (loose Lake. No. 442 1-228 120 acres at SC. 50 per acre within six miles of Lakeview. Unimproved. No. 4e-65 320 acres wibin six miles of Lake view, is nearly all bav laud can be ntilized as either grain or nay land, all fenced, good bouse and luarn, is nearly all under ditch aud irrigation for 20 per acre. No. 48.177 200 acre 7 miles south of I"Mdey, antnll creek t hrough plitce this I n bargain at f 10 H-r acre. No, 0145 200 acres at $& 60 per acre, a aum- mr dairy ranch, would cut 250s tons of aativn hay, has cairied 80 bead of dairy cows and several bead of other loose stock daring five months of the dairying season, outlet unlimited. No. 4 19--101) For Conay ipatloo Mr L.. II. Farnbam, a iominent druggist of tipirtt Lake, laws, says: "Chamberlain's stomach aud liver tablets are certainly the taet thing on the market for constipation." (jive these tablest a trial. You are oertaln to find them agreeable and pleasant In effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples for sale by Daly and Ha l A Meacbam man says that coyotes are so numerous and so bold this spring that it is next to impossible to raise colts on the open range In that region. Often a coyote will follow a band of horses for days and pouno upon a colt as soon as it is born. On Touch ol Nature flakes tha Whola World Kin. When a rooster finds a big fat worm be calls all the bens in the barnyard to come and share it. A similar trait of human nature is to be observed wben a man discovers somethinng exceptionally good be wants all bis friends and neighbors to share the benefits of bis discovery. This is the touch of nature that makes the wbole world kin. This explains why peo ple who bave been cured by Chamber all n's Cougb Remedy writes letters to the maufacturers for publication, that others similarly ailing may also use It and obtain relief. Behind every oue of these letters is a warm hearted wish of the writer to be of some use to someone else. This remedy is for sale by Duly and Hall. ILff i op -ItY- I2i!0 100 acres, 80 acrm goo I tim ber. 80 acres Hue meadow, located about nine miles from H imiuer Ijnkn 1'. O. lu T. 30 S. K. 15 r. No. (534- 144 1 1 3100 3ti0 acres, one of the most detdi able fin in In (ionno Lake valley, yields h 11 liiitnniiMH qnaiiity of liny, I well n lNi'tui to all knids of farming, all lenced and well improved, dwell ings burns, out houses etc., and good orchard No. (I3S 130 1 13.000 305 acres 10 miles south of Lakeview, all fenced ami under culti vation, two goid duellings, barns, out, houses, 1 erpetusl free irrlgble water, 81HJ irult trees hearlutf, 100 voting trees. 40 H.I strawberry vines, 800 dewberry plmits aud many other var Ities of plants ami vluea, a place of good possibilities and ss pretty as profitable. Nu. (51081 100 acres at 121 per acre, 12 miles from Lakeview, this has been proven a very productive farm, it is nil fenced an. I cross fenced, all the I m provemeuts sil( new and permanent good dwelling, barn, nuthouses, spleu did water well 20 ft. Joe 11, 100 acres cultivated, 15 of this altalla. The clearing, plowing and improvements ran not be duplicated for less than 2, 200. No. 013105 1 lii 1 ucres iu the Chewaucao valley on Lakeview mid Palslev stage road, choice agricultural laud, produces well without Irrigation and will even tually come uuder the Chewaucan 'rrigutlon project price !0 per acre. No. 0128 f:iOK) 80 acres, Improved, all fenced, well watered, never falling creek on place, small well built dwell ing. oue story, good baru, out bouses, eto. No. 1U2 20 3i50 acres chnlce bottom land, all never fnillug water, nearly all meadow, good house and large barn, nine miles from Lakeview. ?'.iK No. 21388 .'1500-1G0 acres this Is an inviting place In apperance, It is well im proved fine orchard produces well without irrigation, is a bargain at this price must be seeu to be appre ciated. No 235 :td $11000-210 acres' In Warner valley all fenced and cross fenced lu five Melds paid up water right of2O0 inches, two story dwelling 24 x.' 10 6 rooms, frost proof cellar, one story 12x10, frame barn 20x00, wagon and wood house 10x50, sheep shed li5x 10J, orch ard bearing, 05 trees, berries of all kinds Improvements cost over $8n00. Stock if wanted at market price. This is an up to date ranch. No. 20243 (5,232 acres at $5.50 per aero, situate in Nevada, 50 miles southeast of Lake lew, and 18 miles east of California line, it ls all In oue body aud a large portion of it skirts tbo lakesboie. this is desirable for any kind of r-tock ranch, with the meadow land it em braces and the exteoisve opeu range adjoiuing. No. 4!)3 Jill 100 acres highly productive Und. good bouse, large barn, granaries, etc, small orchard, creek through place, 05 acres In cultivation one of the best yielding farms In (loose Lake valley, 10 miles frots Lakeview for $3500. No. 510811 80 acres for f 1200, one story frame four room house, new bsru, never failing stream, on place, 50 acres fenced, 10 cultivated, an ideal cbickeu ranch or small stock farm about oue mile from stage row) and about 12 miles from New Plate Creek. No 4.U-102 1(50 acres 63000, good farm bouwe aud baru, on stage roud, 10 iuchea Irriga ble water, cheaply made reservoir site, 150 bearing fruit trees, 200 younger ones of good selection, 50 acres plow land, residue pasture. No, 42138 100 acres withta 3 miles of Lakeview, choice bottom hay laud, outs 00 ton of hay, price 910 per acre. No. 020U Wosxla to Fra.ia Tha Soul "Your son has Consumption. His case is hopeless." These uppslliug words were spoken to (ieo. li. Blev euB, a leading Uifarebaut of Bering field, N. C. by two expert doctors one a lung specialist. Then was shown the wouderful power of Dr. King's New Discovery. "After three weeks use," writes Mr. Blevens, "be was as well as ever. 1 would not take all the mouev iu the world for what it did for my boy." Iufallible for Coughs and Colds, it is the safest, surest cure of desperate Lung diseases on earth. 50 0. and $1.00. Ouarautee satisfaction. Trail bottle free. For sale by A. L. Thornton A Marsbfleld man while taking a drink of water, tell over dead. Here Is conclusive evidence of the dauger of drinking water. Swept Over Niagara This terrible calamity often happens because a caieless boatman ignores the river's warnings growing ripples and faster current Nature's warn ings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the Kid neys need attention if you would escape the fatal maladies Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's Disease. Take Klectiio Bitters at once and see Back ache fly and a'l your best feeliugs re turn. "After long suffering from weak kidueys and lame back, oue $1 bottle wholly cured me," writes J. H. Blaukenship, of Belk, Teuu. Only Mo at A. L. Thornton's. DStt SON, Oregon. $25 per acre IH'iO acres ai fenced and well Improved, 2 good dwellings each with coiiimodloua bsins, out hoimea, 2 orchards -over half of it iiienilow, the remain ler is rolling and hill bind--It Is oue of the verv few tracts that could be so evenly divided into two farms that it would be diffi cult to make choice of I hem, has all the free water it requires. No. 2071!) 2H0 acres at $14.25 per acre In War ner valley, all under fence, good bonse and bsru aud out Inuinca and siumII orchard, never fulling creek through place. Terms $2500, balunoe 12 aud 3 years at 0 per cent. No. 28077 100 acres at $10 per acre, 14 miles from Lakeview, this Is good iiuitn pn vnd saga brush bottom land and wilt come under one or two of the Irriuatiou projects conteti p'st(l hi Hint vlclolty. Wo. :i52 5'; 80 acres at 12.50 per acre level sage brush laud ou the west side ol (loose Lake, lu good neighborhood, 110 lm roveinents. yet a good haiualn. Nn. 372122 $2000-120 acres 14 mtlns from liilnh. about 80 acres fenced, 20 In grain. 20 lu timothy and clover, 10 In alfalfa, remainder mixed hay land, timothy, rail top and blue joint. Is a creek bottom, comfortable house, out houses, barn, corrnls, 2 wells 12 ft. deep A line opening for a begin ner In the ntcri'k himlncMM. No. 37745 t0 sores at $17.51 per acre, never 'ailing creek through place, a good farn. dairy or stock ranch, VKI urtce hay land, residue grain alfalfa and pasture land, all fencrd. a good bouse, baru aud out houses. Terms easy. .o. 387-47, $11)2010" acres level aage brush land m growing settlement with good pr.-ispect of the Government l(alam atlon Service iu the near future assist lug the settlers in their Irrigation scheme. No. 411 112 320 a.iresat 85.25 per acre an ideal stock or dairy ranch on tributary of Chewaucan river about twenty miles from Lakeview, Is nearly all uioudow with good outlet for stock. No. 418-08 200 acres of Chewaucan pottom, choice land for any and all purposes, at 915 per acrt. No. 0155 100 acres, price $1,000, located on border of Desert, small creek through place, 120 acres good farm land, 40 acres pasture, with extensive outlet for stock, 20 miles to uearets town this Is a first class opening for a young man to build up in the stock bujluess. No. 0281. Iu addition to the preceding we bave over 200,00 acres of land of every grade and quality, In tracts of one to twelve thousand acres ranging iu price from $5 to $100 per acre, the quality of soil, location and Improve ments determining the price. The above embraces lands principally in Lake county, a goodly portion of it iu vicinity of LHkeview with aome few choice tracts iu Harney and ('rook uoiiuty iu Oregon, als some choice tracts ia Calfornia and Nevada bordering oil the Oregon line. Residence lots in Lakoview sell for $125 to $1500 each. Business lots from mo to $7000 each. Ordtuarl y the town lots are 50125 feet in the higher priced lots there is no uniform My In size, the location and si.e determining the price. We have the town lots iu the "Wat son" and "Vemou" addition to the town of Lakeview for sale thee additions the nearest tu the busi ness and residence portion of the town we atto hare a large list of lm proved aud unimproved towu property of all kiindu for aale. Any tbtag la tha preceding thai may inteieet yon, write us fo aiore particular desctpt'on J.W. MAXWELL k SON. Dept. A. Lakeview, Oregon. 06act to Strong Medietas Many people object to ta'ilng tbe strong tued lolnes usually presort bed by vhysluiaus f or rheumatism. There is ao need of internal treatment in any case of muscular or ebrouio rheu matism aod more than ulne out of every '.en oases of tha disease are of one 01 the other of these verities. Wben there Is uu fever and little (If any) swelling you may know It Is ouly necessary to apply Chamberlain's Liuimeut freely to get quick relief. Try it. For sale by Daly aud Hall. To pay an 84 cent tax the Wallowa county sheriff received lu an envelop a oheok for (57 cents, a nickel. 2 oeut stamp aud a ten cent railroad fare rebate. A Healing Salvo for Burns, Chappo4 Haads and bore Nipplce As a healing salve tor burns, sores, sore uipples and ohapped bands Chamberlain's Salve Is must excellent. It allays the pain of a burn almust lustautly, and unless the Injury 1b vrey severe, heals the part without loavlng a soar Price, 25 cents. For sale by Duly and Hall. Up Bcfure The Bar N. 11. Browu, an attorney, of Pltts fleld, Vt,, writes: "We bave used Dr. King's New Life Pills for years aud find them such a good family medicine we wouldn't be without them." For Chills, Coustlpation, Biliousness, or Hick Headache they work wonders, 2.5o, at A. L. Thoro ton's,