LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER. LAKEVIF.W, OREGON, TIM'RNPA V, Al'ltll. 8. 1IMUI LakcCsunl v Exaniincn tllKtl J. H M AN. lucent I'urcr. and laitc Clnulallon t.attrrn and Snnthcm Oregon. ITHI.ISUKP IVKKY Till Ul'AVl I at i ho I'okI omivai In cot if. Ore. Sv-romt-l'lnw Mailer. NTV l I l IM IWl'K" M'B.CKirTION R ATI S. One nr. In advance I : Three n.oiili", " gXr-U P1' ln -'value, $1 50 thi ycat. otib.-IS'iTi. I hp Kiamlner mho r.iiiore O fr.-m on.- I 'U l" Hii.ilu-r. or chanm Ihrlr ...l.rfl.-e -t...iu.l r. -m. mK. r drop lh" "rtn-o a crl no llicir ihT ean ! droosoil to llie ruitu xi. tll. e. AtVPTI.INO RAH- RrEiilr uv s"ni:,u" -olu 111 n hi"" .-. Pr 11,.. nth. All iaii.inut a.K. clmiiKi'l lro tui.e month. ot ol comix"! lion chared forn'i cmtk i Iihubck AH M ' it poMuonsciir. All ' .rt t. rm at t tr K.-.U r. I.xi cliiinii". uv 1 . r line '' h i" tclh .... ant .t. x . h im-cach iiiM rnon fan! o( 1 limn k !. Uooluliolis ol romlo k'tice. H -Ml ' iiprl. fap-Trmirnt 11 K end Job Prlnl 1ns. cah in alein-e. All tlll mnM bf paid 111 Brat of each mouth. fgfSo deviation from thene term. nrn Im kotit nn flle it R.C D4KI'R IH O rArtn AdcrtiHin Agency ia land ome tsireci. tn Francisco, .ai., contracia for adverlUin can be madt for it. SAVE jVOl'R MOS KY Lakevlew baa a Loan and Safin8 Dank. It doea not advertise, by the way. bat it is a worthy iDatiMitioa, and well condacted. Such institutions are a good thing in any community. They encourage saving which means thrift to the depositors, little or big. The sating babit bat laid the foundation for many a great fortune, in this con nection it is stated that some one once asked James J. Hill, the rail road builder, how be got his start. Mr. Hill answered: "Work, saving and careful invest ment." Nearly evrey capitalist in the country will give the same anwser when asked tbe secret of bis success. "Saving baa been primarily the cause of my success, Tom L. John son, mayor of Cleveland. Ohio, and .. . . , a. 1 av one ot tne weaitniesi men ia u middle west, once said.: "Every cent 1 could lay my bands upoj went into the bank. When I needed money 1 could always draw it out but 1 alway saw to it that I put in more than 1 took out " One capitalist and financier, nation ally prominent, tells a Btrange tale of bia start in life. He bad gatheiedtogetber a few dollars as a .voonster and bad planned to buy bimsflf a horse. However, be did not have enough to purchase the animal be wanted so, at bis father's suggestion, be put tbe litle sum be bad in the bank. The horse which be bad intended buying, died, by that time, bowerver, be no longer wanted tbe horse. He wouldn't have taken tbe mouey out of tbe bank for any thing. The saving uiauia bad takeu bold of biui. Dollar by dollar he added to the ftcc-QUOt a dollar a week be declares. Before be kuew it he bad &00. This be invested io land, but kept right on puttibg tbe dollar a week in tbe bank. Now he is worth ei2.0uu.000 but even yet that dollar a week goes into the bank this tiose bis owu institution. The moral of all this is that you should teach your children the value of saving. Tbe pennies thus saved, day by day, from uselees and vicious spending, in time will make them independent and start them out in the world on a career of usefulness to themselves and and communities in which they cast their lot. If you wish to see a wondeiful record in County finance take note of tbe reports of the officials of this county, in which there is shown a resource of over 101,000 and liabilities of only ?2-5 agaiuat the County. Tbe Examiner may be egotistical and saturated with optimistic optimism, but we believe that is a record that can not be duplicated in America! Lieutenant Shacklatou, of the Uritibh navy, who returned with bis party on the barkeutine Nimrod to Iveicarjjill, S. Z., Tuesday, after ex ploring the Antartio reigons, reports that they got to within 111 miles of tbe South Pole. The expedition fctartei ia July. 1907, and made a 1700 mile sledge trip touthward, reaching longitude 1C2 east, latitude 88. 20 Major Fremont, is to be dismissed from the army because of iusubirdin ation. lie is a son of (Jen. Fremont th "Path Finder" whi discovered and uaiued some of the lakes and valleys in Lako (louuty, and whose name Is perpetuated in tbe Fremont National Forest. Harriman told a tteno newspaper man that all railroads should be uu" der one gigantio combination, thiik eo, too. Ed. We But the combination should be taken from private ownership for tbe benefit of tbe few, and placed under government ownership for tbe benefit of tl nation. Oilier countries 011 Hie railroa 'a, n 1 auy on with s ihiintiU full of brain who will take ll.e Iron! le to invest luate can Hi n I of llm tu tug ovr of mII rail - roads in I hi country by the iimitnl WOVerUlllellt. Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. N YE Copyrlpht. 13i. by Edwin A. Nye. SrCCIAL FAVORS TO THAW. Harry Thaw klllod a num. Ho was saved from the electric chair ny his pica of Insanity anil tho ex- penditure of fTim.OOO In hl);h priced lawyers, experts, etc. He was Anally declared Insane. 1 Hiring his stay in Jail he had spe cial accommodations and enjoyed many luxuries refused to the ordinary jail prisoner. In the lunatic asylum vi here he w as sent he w as given com parative freedom and was served with many dainties. Theu Thaw was released from tbe Insane asylum by a writ of habeas cor pus. He wna takeu to jail, where the priv ileges granted him became a constant ly Increasing scandal. Thaw bad au eutire floor of the Jail to himself, with thirteen cells for his bedrooms, the hnll for a smoking room and dining room. His meals were serv cj by a private caterer; be had flow ers, books and magazines In profusion. Besides This degenerate Plttsburger with sybaritic tastes enjoyed frequent au tomoblle rides ostensibly on business gay excursions to the referee's office, court bearings at White Plains, etc. And all this was done under the legal fiction that be was "a dangerous luna tic with homicidal tendencies," but really BKCAL'SB THAW HAD PLENTY OF MONEY.' No poor man could have had such privileges and attentions. For the or dinary prisoner tbe narrow cell, tbe Iron cot, tbe coarse food, the gruff orders. Now, such discrimination is not only subversive of Justice and wrong; It is impolitic snd DANGEROUS. It tends not merely to break down prison discipline; It outrages every sense of justice. When you show the poor man that equity Is denied him ln the courts be cause the rich man can hire able law yers, when you show him that money will buy special privileges and Immu nities from prison officials, privileges denied the poor prisoner, you foster class consciousness and strike a body blow at Washington's republic. The nauseous details of tbe Thaw trial carried contamination and moral danger. The story of the special fa vors granted this weak minded murder er is even more danger us solally. The Biggest and the Best Net For Getting Res s. In seining- flah to set results You have to take the net results. In bualneaa, too, to get reaulta Tou figure on the net reaulta. Netting fish and netting profits sug gest each other. In each case yot must put out a net that moves arouno and gathers up tbe results. Eo far as business goes, tbe locai newspaper la tbe biggest and best nel for getting results. It circulates around town and ln the country also. Are you advertising? WfjrJbodffS agazine Ever had trouble of your own with a hired man ? Read "The Late John Wiggim" jn this month's EVERYBODY'S, arid laugh over the other fellow's trouble. Did you know that more funny hort itories are swapped from "The Chestnut Tree" from any other similar collection anywhere? Every month you can find one that vou'll laugh over i ill vou pet the next, iiet EVERYBODY 'S and see. 11 " 111 Seager's j IMiimIi Lnkolow, Oregon PiiMey I rs r i NOTES: For 3o day oulv. We have 1 two. one fSiKi-llHUI. June loth, one HXHi l'.'M, June loth, notes s 'cured by 1st mortiiu on Ui sore i-Hiti'h hII Improved, vmIiio ?:CilH Ht SI ptr cent interest psytile sniiuMlly 1 t lt2 interest due, Jim 15th. These 1 notes run lie had now for I I'.MO oaah. 1 We recommend thru "Wire uk, if I yi.11 want these reserved." Itwrlllngn f'S(X IIoiiho, burn mid or .'hard, 2 ai'rei, New Pin Creek 8 rooms, frame, good Incut ion, one third down, i Imlaiu'c, 8 per cent. No. lii For fiHHi. i cmnIi, pomos hIoii kIvcii '.' WM-kn lot Pfc.VJLW A; Ifvrnonow barn. best oflindo fruit. lint h, complete, xv I i I Itu hiile furniture thin one will bo taken quick one block from Court House. No 15 For en Investment - 8M. cash, 5110 ft front, 170 iloe-t-rotiiii frame house, complete, taood repair. TliU In on principal thoroiiKhfnre, anil there can lie ft .VixlTtift lot Hold for at least $400. apiece, leaving ,(mI house A: lot for that can rent tor f'-'io. per annum. Frame no ven-room house. "OxliH) f. lot. lawn, shude, lient resilience Htreet In centre of town, furnished CNtupleto, with piano, f.'l .VHI, must act at once. Five-room house, frame; (rood barn, can be made over Into six or sev en room house for f J00, 2 acres of ex rollout laud 5 Hocks) from Court House, hoUHe anil barn alone cost f 1.000; 4 he land can U cut lino 1 Slots and re solil at enough to clear the place this Is right In town. Price, t.soo. t.tK). Modern 6-room Bungalow new. all details) complete, fenced, a uooil tin v, must close at once. Houses, either to noil or rent arc scarce in Lakcx lew. If you moan business) we will mmiu plio tos. Lata Kesidenc Lots Bet location in town 00 x J 50. ft 000 building re strictions. LotaTl-SOO 8fiV) i250. Block 1 also lots 12 t200. Sc. 13 tJOO Block i Drenkels first addition. aarhrt 176 acres Near New Pine Creek, 12.600, 1.000 fruit trees, all kinds of berries, and gardens truck, beet of water rights & room bouse, a tried and proven fruit farm, one tblrd down, balance 8 per cent. No. 3. t-SO acres, north of Lakevlew 12.r mllen, on propoHed right of way of railway. -rooin house, tiarn, capac ity 100 tons of hay. 1500 sheep, 100 acres iinfler Irrigation, two creeks) cross the (arm. Small orchard. Best f hav & grain land. Unlimited range. JfNXlO. The Improvement alone rep resent 1(000. I his will not be on the market long. Hanch I'JO acres all fenced, good for fruit of all kinds, also 40 to fto acres for grain, near Iakevlew on county mad, uprlng water all year, ft-room house. 175 fruit trees 2 and 3 years old $.'t.5O0, half cash, balance 1 to 5 years. "Itoat tin- Kallrond toit." Ranch of 140 nctvs-80 aero cleared & f'tneed, oa Went shore of fioose Lake In California, five miles from Ky. right of way. Jlouw ami burns, garden & fruit trees, good spring water, 12j0 jxt acre. This Is a real-rare-inveMtnient. The own er Is forced to sell. lieu t the Kailroad to it." Ranch 3i0 acres, pari fenced, barn only. If sold with ranch of lt0 acres house & barn for $12.60, If seperate, $15 per acre. The 3i0 Is Just at south end of Ooose Lake, the 1fi0 2 miles south of Davis Creek, Cullf, on coun ty road, excellent level grain and gar den lands, Is located on the right of wav Ry. "Heat the Itallroud to it." 100 acres, cheap land.tlO fenced, bonse and barn. Part meadow, balance grazing, 12 miles from Lakevlew, some timber on It. 160 acres unimproved land, under O. V. L. Co 'a ditch, Umiles from town. Exceptionally good grain laud at 117.50, on county road. 100 acres, 40 timber, 12 miles wast of Iakeview, on stage road. Douse barn, capacity 8 head 50 acres fenced. good garden, 30 acres grulp, 4 living springs Includes 30 to 40 cord wood cut, all for $1500, cash. This price is low. Dairy Ranch 300 acres. Klamath County 2 barns, one 7-room house, orchard and good garden, 200 acres Irrigated, about 40 liead good milch cows. On County road, telephone communication, $20 per acre. 1340 acres All gootj meadow nnd grain lands, wutcr rights, good barns and 0 room house. Fine gar den. All fenced. Excellent stock farm can be had for 118 per acre If taken at once. One-half down, balance terms, flood speculation 0 miles from town. This last one lor persons who bave $55,000 and some energy. Fruit ranch, 800 to 1000 acres, 3 houses, 3 barns, good fencing, perpetual wa ter righj, all Irrigated, best lands In loose Lake Valley for fruit & garden fariulnv, no frosts, local market for all, will produce from 125 to $U0 per acre ordinary farming, fruits much greater. All implements, wagons, 14 bead of horses, harness etc. Can be aub-dlvtded, part town lots, bal ance 10 to 40 acre tracts. Tbe lots will bring SHOO to $1,000 per acre the Imlmii'o f"8 to IllH) ht nori Tli rtuht df xmi.v rim'h rluht I v t IiIh forin. To I ho purl In who run imiiillo till Ul-ll U llM'l't.V It In II I'llf tllOIII'.V innkir inn nil l hhI.I thlx .Your, prU1 fiA lHH, rim hoiuI ihotottrnphN If vim iiHitii IiiimIiii'mm. "Iloal I In Itiiilroiul to It." Ilriitii'li Olllot', I'lnxh, Oroit'oii, Joo i:illott, Mtr. Warner Valley. Ono of I ho lox eh moon to hoimiiv tho fIMt krolno;, ! Kiivoriiiiiont tllllllM. Wo looato porHoiiM mi only tho I mm I of vc n i I IiiihIm. And fur part Iciilnri. Seager's ! l.aUcvlow, Oregon IMuxli I'aUloy The fariueiH and fruit ttrowera of California are entering a vigorous protest because restaurant oIihtkh prohibitive priced ior fruit. For instance troui 10 to 13 cents la charg oil for a dish of tomatoes, when a whole box Is uouuht la P mnt ket for 20 cents. The sumo iiiht holil good for peach's, and yet they ask fancy prices There Is to be a con centered tlTort to remedoy this evil. Some of the late hour deni'.ana of Dayton, had their auporstituoue fears aroused recently dy seeing two moons appear among the clouds. Well, most any brand will bring about such pecu liar conditions of vision. Once there was a man who plainly saw two women at the head of the stair await tup his laborious ascendiug, and exclaimed: "Zherea, two women hio, wit a stick, hie, but only oue's a talkin', hio I" tiet a ranch in Lake County ; get a 10 acre tract In Hons ljike valley; vet an acre or vet a lot in Lakevlew. vour children will then call you thrice blessed ', CLASSED WANTS ( Fle cenla jr line or one rem pvr word, each Inarrilon. Thirtjr worla. or Iraa. $1 per month. aT1aXo atlverllaviiirul Innerus! for Ivu than lb centa. WATKR-RIUIIT 4X4IIII TAKE NOTICE -To All Whom It May Concern: That I forbid any ,H-r- t;..-.i son turning the hat Is m ii I !it ial Man Canyon cn-ek, except w longed to the Itet it ditch In 1H8G nave claimed it since i.vui as natm flow of water on my ranch south of Lakevlew. Any one interfering with this right will lie prosecuted to tbe full extent of the law. 10W2 B. W. KMKI.80N. WATKI WANTED MEN TO TAKE LOO-! ging contracts for timber for irriga tion flumes. Enquire at tbe (. V. L. Co. office. D. L. Wrav. WANTED SPAN OF WORK HOKSES, I weight l'JUO. well broke, aees not! over y years, with harness and wagon. Inquire of Ous Ubde, on Walter St. one block north of Slash St. 12M2. WANTED Trustworthy man or wo man In each county to advertise, re ceive orders anil manage business for New York Mall Order House. flS.OO weexly; position permanent; no investment required. Previous experience not essential to engaging. .spare time valuable. KiicIohc nelf ad- dreswd enveloe for full psrticulars. Arlilress, tl.AIlK Co. U holesHle Dept., 103 PARK AVE., N'F.W YORK. CRYSTAL WHITE ORI'INOTONS. the big winter layers Last Decern tier I purchased n f 35 pen of birds from the famous Kellerstrass Farm of Kansas City, Mo., and ft n now furuish u limited nnin.Vrof eggs from these choice birds at $3 for 13. March and April hatched pullets lay eggs when the price Is highest. Address, F. P. Crouemlller, lakevlew, Oregon. rH MALK- FOR SALE: ONE 12x12 MINERS tent, three foot wall, new ; one camp stove, nearly new ; one folding camp table. j Address A. E. CONVERSE, or at I Tbrus ton's ranch, Lakevlew, Oregon. 1 FOR SALE: 400 ACRES LAND, agt ictiltuial. timber and pasture. All fenced, contains springs and stream. Well sheltered. ideal for froit. 17 miles north of Lakevlew, on county toad. Enquire at Exam-: iner umoe. r uh HAiib-wiiiLti Tiii!,! LABI 1 1 inacnioe ror delecting liars, jr our can accept a limited number of i wife finds that out, and gets one, we orders for OREGON VALLEY LAND ' are elected to stay at home nights. CONTRACTS at a premium of only No more "lodges" or "pressing" SI0. Parties buylug will be req lured j business excuses will then be avail to pay down 150 which will include : able. But, Hi a last resort, there Is th premium. ASSIGNMENT GUAR-, an ax in the wood shed, and we might ANTEED. First come, first served i have provocation to smash the duru- Western LiHiirls Ulinn, 21u Musonio Temple, Rock ford 111. FARM FOR SALE 345 ACRES, 11 miles south of Lakevlww, also farm ing utensils, 110 head of stock cattle and 100 calves. Isaac Deter. FOR SALE- AT AUCTION, ON SAT urday, April 3rd. 1000, at 2 p. m., In l I.I.I,i II.. I, a.. windmill, tank, pump, and fixtures of the plant at CLTR..qTpIi, M I I UU I Wl.U 1TJIUH B IIH'1, luh FOR KAI.KTwn triuuX inlh l. nn,u one lumber wagon. F. It. PATCH. FOR SALE West X of Sec. 34. Town - suipH. jtange id i-.ast at $5. per acre. 7 miles from lakevlew. Oreiron i Write or enquire ot C. F. Elgin, cire of City Hall, Salem, Oregon. TELKP1IOWKH. IX)OKATTIIE NOTICE FOR RE ward Issued by the Telephone Company for destroying Its prop erty, lotf YOU r - " r-' A W u V V r a r::r;rccT CLOTHES YOU CAN DO IT NOW BY ORDERING THE FAMOUS Ti i aylor Tailorm Thu service it the finct in the country and the cheapest too considering the very high quality cf the v oikmanrhip ar.d the all wool fabrics which are used exclusively by these famous tailors.. Call here and ask for further particulars regarding this new and perfect system of making made-to-order Clothes. Bailey & Massingill Agents RK tL KMTATK Til K OUKtiON VALLKV LAND CO. 1 has comnl. ted Its sale, and there Is going t Im m mie thing doing around J lX vlcw and hoiii., have n-ad v reirretted that lliev did not buy. If ! ,uerf a,,y "n wft,lUnK lo cnn K't u ,,,w 'nO"ct" 'r,"', llentshere. Make me an offer Ufore ine ureininnis on mew mminin' make another advance. M.C. OILLETT Kta. B. Pallas. Texas. FOB SALE Oregon Valley Iind Co. nsalgunieuts or contnu-ta. L. I). KICII AKPSON, 103 4th 8t. h., 10W4 Minneapolis. Minn. CHOICE 10-ACHK FAUMd. C'lose to Uikevlew S-SJO. Easy terms. Don't delay they are going fast. II !Ton wiuit ft KIM (ruit or garden If,,,, ,i,.i.'r mi il.U 1 1,une. tlnod. uv ,.,- wanteil LAKEVIEW PEVELOI'MKNT CO., I. O. Uox i'H, likevlew, Oregon. WANTED TIMBER LAND HOMF stead relinquishments. Want to bin direct from owners. Write, with particulars, to M. A. EIRUY, 1 10N Felix Htrift. St. Joseph. Mo. I OKEOON VALLEYLAND Contracts i lor Hale. Mase me your ner, en n- er direct or agents. f4tf ; BERNARD C. SITZ, Lakevlew, Ore i OREGON VALLEY LAND contracts i bought and sold by W. L. Bllno, 1 21C Masonio Temple, Rnckforri, 111. I Wbeu writing htm do not fail to en close postage If you expect a reply. sir DUTCH LUNCH AT THE BREW ery Saloon. tf Smiles and Squalls Ily 'TIIK VKKIIAKT 0.K" A Roseburg woman wants a divorce because her busbau J has a habit" of kicking a pot full of hot coffee into ber lap. Well, we have bad bot colfee that would give even - Saiut Peter a touch of temporary insanity, luatead ; of a divorce that woman should study Mrs. Rorer. j My I My! ; has went Now see what some one and done! luvented a ed thing I I The tariff tinkers have stirred up a pretty muss with women kind. They resent the IncresHed tax on gloves i and stockings and suy they wou't I wear 'em, so there I I Just because a preacher found a hair - pin and a trouuer'a button i alongside the single oyster lu his soup, at a church social, he has utter- ; BU " urU(,e enurcu suppers, A young man got fined 1300 for , . I ' "r ' e 14 year old icirl. lie should nave - - '" t V I UUl. ' tukeu 8ome oue ot bl is size and years A Fresno man gut 14 veara for I attePOiK to shoot a real estate man. JOJ i""""""' iueu oue man and K ,ree- lt is evident that It is 'Jnr other people to have sujh I blood thirsty devils where they will 1 have no chance to make use of handy guns. Tbe country is gettlnu so "dry" that old topers are beginning to put whiskey advertisements in their muies ror ruture reference, as a pre caution against extreme drought lu ' their neighborhoods. a . ! t l i. . . : 1 V . ' ' ft RNITI HKMT4M S4 NOTICE :-The public Is hereby notified that I bars taken over tbe Furniture Stock of Wallace A Co. No bills avslnat said firm contracted after date of Jan. 1, 1'JCX) will be con sidered and all accounts outstanding and 3ue eaM firm are to be paid to tbe undersigned. II. L. Chandler. Dated, Lakevlew, Ore., Jan I, 1900. HiqiOK AftlMIUABK. POST At KINO HAVE THE BENT grade of Llqours and Cigars to be found In Oregon. tf J.H. CUTLER 'WHIPKY AT THE Hotel Lakevlew bar. The best and purest whisky made. tt WANTKII-KOOHKRO WANTED: Roomers. Board by tbe day, week or month. Dsn i via. Mrs. It Mo- .MKHI-AN LAI.1IIHV AMERICAN LA UN DRY: If you want good washing go to the Ameri can Laundry. Mrs. R. McDaulela. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR LAKE COUNTY Em 11 Kliesn, ) Plaintiff) Suit in Equity to forclose a va ) Sidney Dodder and Mortgage Creasie 11 odder, ) his wife, Defendants. To Sidney Dodder, and Crosnle Hod- der. bis wife, Herendants : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You. and eaob of you are hereby required to appearand answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause within six weeks from the date of tbe First Publication of this Summons, tn-wlt on or before the 7th day of May. 1001), and if you fail so to appear and answer or otherwise plead to tbe said Complklot, for want thereof tbe Plain- tiff will apply to tbe Court for a De ' eree avalust you and each of ou for the sale of the following described land situate in the County of Lake, State of Oregon, to-wit: NW quarter, Sec. 35, Tp. 30 H. It 19 E. W. M., and for the foreclosure of tbe follow log described Motgage upon said land, to-wit: That ceitain Mortgage ex ecuted by tbe Defendants Siduey llod- r ana tjrsssie ti odder, bia wife, on tbe 10th day of November, 1004 in favor of Columbia Brewing Company, . a Corporation, iu the sum of 104ti.l0 w It h Interest at tbe rate 0 per oent per annum until paid; which said Mortgage was duly assigned to plalu tilf herein on be Fifth day of Feb ruary, 1U09. That there is due and owing to Plaiutitt herein on the said Mortage the sum of $550.25 with Interest on the rum of $520.1)0 since the 15tb day of Novebmer, 1004 at tbe rate of fi per cent per annum, and mterest on the sum of 123 31 since the 15th day of November, 11)05 at the rate of 0 per cent per annum; and the sum of .').! 10 taxes paid on said premises by ll..ln.ll t 1 I.L. 1 - . A . r iulhi udihiu, wiiu inieiesi bi tne rate of 0 per cent per annum until paid and for the sum of 150 as attor ney's fees herein, and for bis costs and disbursement heroiu, and for such other und further relief as to the Court may deem meet. Notice is hereby given you, that this summons Is served upon you by Publication there if In the Lake County Eiamlner a News Paper of , ?en,i,al Circulation, issued and pub- , " wcobijt ju jaaeview, liini . County, Oregon, pursuant to an older , the llou. George Noland, Judge of i"1' Court, duly made at Chambers In , Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Ore- gon, uu nit jutu uuy or xusren, ijwv, The date of the first publication of this Summoua is tbe 25 tb dsy of March, 1"01), and tbe date of the last publication of said summon! Is tbe fith day cf May, 1009. J. D. Venator. M25M7 Attorney for Plaiutitt.