Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 08, 1909, Image 1

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    Lake ferty
i .
Early Irrigation Now Probable
In Warner Valley
There U h aoheiint on f'-ot now,
whereby pNMtciri capitals tin plann
ing to CtallUll M big plUHplHg station
on Flag-lalf lake, III Dim Warner
Valley, with a capacity for Irrigating
thousands (if HITl'H (it till) rll'tl llllld
(if tliNt valley.
Huch enterprises wherever eiitabliiiti
ml In vyeterii Kenans, Oklahoma and
ToXBS llBVB proVHD great SIICl!eMl.
mill have made ImihU thut befoie such
r.tahllMhmciit were nttntly niirthlmm,
except for acauty grazing aud lu l l at
price of it few cents ii it nor i'. hw
now worth hundreds of dollar, ml
Jirodnne crops worh from $100 to
(KK) per orn each year.
TIih April number of the Technical
World, of Chicago gives a concrete
liftHiii'M of pumping plant at (iiu (It-ii
City, Kansas where there is a spleti
did boII, aud ml climatic conditions
extretnelv favorablii foi product lull of
fruit and other crop, hut ther ww
00 water. Till ha I to he secured
from au underground How and Irom
deep large woll-s at M 0at of about H
million dollars, hut tho roiilti In
making thn lltrlot Mmoui a ii ton
havo justified thn fmtb of low pro
molem aud Hi money .xpeudd.
Tim pumping plauta of thn Louslaui
ml Texas rice fields have madeDosal
bio lh miiMiHMNfiil mid proitiible cul
ture of tint' valuable food product,
while tho pumping plant ou Hid Kin
Craud river. In southern Texas, ot
our friend Conway, mid others, hnvi
IIIHdll flirtill) Mild VIiI'ImIiIh llllllONt
beyond (Mii r- Ii t- ii h i on , tlm liiuxt
wat place of foil section.
Ho It will ho In the Warner Valley,
situated III M HIIIIIIV (Utile, tit mi
altitude (if about I. "00 feet, mid
where neither frosU nor hhiwh come,
H ern In n future that will In a short
1 1111 iniike It fiuiioiiM tlie world over
tor fruit and other product Iouh. All
It need 1m tint Irinf Ifylng Inlluauca
of nler.
'l h capitalists having thn matter of
the pumping plant under ciusldera
t loir, first wanted to know the nature
ot thn w liter of the lake and HMCxrlain
whither it a sultahlti for purposes
of irrigation A quantity of Cm
water wna sent thn Iowa A k r Kmi 1 1 n tm I
Experiment ritatiou. at A men, luwa,
for anulfula. with lli following result
which will be gratifying In the ex
treme to everyone Inteietderl :
J hav i finished at last making my
examination of the water aent, and
was very agreeably snrptlssd at tho
results. 1 liave miida qualitative testa!
of thn water for alkali, ami Hud rather :
les than I nutrlpnted. (Thn ((uanity !
r led waa acareely enoouh to permit
of thn iiiohI Mceurnte determluiit Ion, j
hut plenty for my purpone.. An you ara .
a ii re. the alkali of our weatern I
Of the County Trenail rer (d Lake County, On-Kon, for the aix montha
ending April Int. HKJlt, of tho money received and pnld out, from what Mource
reiiM red ati'l what account pnld out.
ii;N"i;iCAL !i
To amount on hand from hint report
' received from tn xea
" " " " oVlTrlllllne on fct .
" " " " Chrk'Mf.e
" " " " llipjor licence
" " aherlff fee
" " an'? of liitnlier ,
" " " rale of hind
..e20.177 HH
... 2H,74! (II
1 "
in . I o:,
37 M
?,: m
Total amount received and on hand J.V), 175 12
Ity amount paid for alnle taxea S . 1 ftO
" reilemptlon of warrant 11.11 1 7
" " " to tiull.lliiK fund 5,413 41
to library luiid V-l 72
Work Being Rushed and to Be
Completed in June
Hahinee on hand In enernl fund
To amount on hand from hiat report
received from tnle
" " " use
Total amount received an I ou hand
H.v ntiiouiit paid for reiletupt iu of w.irranta
2H,m 73
?!,(lr)l 23
3.0I' W)
7.1I.TJ 02
Itnlaiii'e on hiind in rood fund
U fiil 10
country If of threo tpyeH.coinmoii aal t ! To amount on hand fvtm ut lep.irt ..
or nodinm, a-i'iluui Hiilpliateor wnita
alkali and aodluui carhooato or black
alkali. I had expected to And thn
second in aoine iiiiiut It lei. hut find
only a trace, not more than 10 or l"),
plU per KHi.lMHi. Irrltfullon wafer
i-hoiild not contain morn I linn K
i,,.rlM t,.r liHl INK) Of eomtimti milt
.n . i .
t'H'te in not mot than 10 pntt per!
KMi.(Kii) ()f Kodiitui cnrlioniitn 1 am
not iille hi i re lint textH hIiow
between 10 to 1W par a per IUO.imki. In
other wordf, if the rHIMl" fent Ml
thnriiiitrlily reprenputat Iva of the j
luke, it a'mtil I t Hike tlrxt chux irrt ,
k'atiotl Mater hh tie nomunt far'
lower than that v. h ich iri reKular'T j
lined In ninny ha-nl it lea.
rw-clviHl from litxen
" j u I Ice Hiii-h.
'Pol a! amount received and on hand
i nn in o i m Id for redeinpilou of warrant
:i..-.KSi 07
1I.4H7 HH
i: (xi
ei.'i.idi 9-
Ilalatice oti hand In echool fund
city of i..Ki:vn:w i r.i
To amount on hand from laat n port f ''
1 11,4113 90
" received from Iiim-k.
Total nmnuiit received ai;d on hand.
Hy amount paid city ireiiHtirer
057 41
MpMra Maeinslll, T.ljfht and Flor
ence, who went ti Klamath Falla aa
reprenent.ativea of the lioiir 1 of Trade,
In tha matter of entabl iHhinij and
n.aiutalnlnif a vond road between tbat
iivai:d Lakeview, met with a moat
l ea ty racentiou from the bmdnepa
men and the county official, and
were accorded treatment that could
not have tieen better had tbey been
priucea of the realm. They were kiv
en HHHiirauce tbat the work of repair
and cons ruction thnuld he ndertaken
at once, and ruahed to completion to
the county line, so that it would be
rady for t he tranaportatiou of freight
and pafenitera by the Ut of June A
fund .f ?iO.OU4l ia now available for
tlint purpoHe, and more can be had if
needed to put the ro-id Id drst cIihs
Thn Crnnty c -urt ot Lake county,
alto is wholly alive to the Importance
of t ti it road to tbia community and
will at once ret a force ct met at
work on the road from Lakeview to
the o tu.tyline.
The road decided upon as the best
for all purpurea, and one tbat can be
depeu Jed upon the year round, ia
knom a"he "Reneriation Koad. " it
leal oi t from Lakevlw, up Drews
valley tuinuuo tbo (Jap an1 Quartz
vulley to IMy then to the l'.efprvat ion
and domett the mc.ntitains and will
(io either by way of Dairy or lioenna,
whichp rer in deemed the bent road.
The road ia somewhat shorter ttinn
that uon lined and nith improvement
will make a road that ejean btraveled
wih some decree of comfort all the
The construction of thu road will
reduce the cot of freight very mater
ially, and a auch will be a bleioii
to ad our buHine-a intereata as well as
to the peopla of the county.
But. it I not eoouuh. There is
now atronif talk of an electric railroad
from Klamath Falla to flonanza In
the near future 'Vhen in operation
that, far it should, and will, he contin
ued to Lakeiew. Hat that is another
chapter, or which more wilt be said
later hy The Kxaminr.
Al Roberts, who haa taken up a
homestead in the Chewaucao valley
has been out on big claim for several
weeks, and bas returned rutted In
bealtb and full of anticipations of
future joys in a fanner' life. While
on bis claim ha dun a well, only 14
feet deep and secured two feet of
splendid water. Now, that tbe O. V.
L. Co. bas secured the Heryford
ho dings Mr. Roberta thinks be bas a
snap, and will some day not too far
dihtant be the ownet of a Hne raocb.
To utU'iiiul on hand from hiHt report $ l
received fiiitn t.ix--H 12
" ' ' Ketieral fund !C! -
Lakeview Ball Team Wins First
Game of the Season
Total ntiiouiit leci'lvi-d ami on hand
Ity amount paid l ire-on library chiihiiUhiou
?'.'! ti.4
!:! 7-J
Wisconsin Farmers Get $60 to
$120 per Acre Profit
I la la ncc oti bund In library fund.
8 'Jit
III I !!.; 1VND
To amount otiliaiid Irom I n t report fll.J4l :tl
recelxed from taxex '2 7vl t7
" " " hale of inati rial 1M l"i
" " ' " uciieral fund ."4l:l 41
Total amount rccciu'd and ou Ii mil
Kven m lil i ml i m,' inow atorin did lint
prevent kiiiiih Xi of l.ukeviwe's entliu
slaidlo bane ball Ihiih Irom atlendiiii!
the Kami) at Fine Creek lt Sunday
and they aaw a Kama worth the trip.
Up to the tnldillrt of the kbiiib the
Finn Creek team led iu the ncoiIiik,
Hud then the homo boys di i all of
thn home coiniutt. inuiiit by a acore
of aovuii to four. 'J ha hotel keepers
of our atater city ilid tUettiHelves
proud, fill iitK their Kiieats with auch
Kood diuneia that they all wtxhed to
KO BKii). Lakeriewitea are famuiia
vatura. While wo won, it was no walk
over, and the home team will have to
be up and ootnlna to win tbe return
Kama, which will be played hero next
Sunday aftieuoon. A satisfactory
and amicable arrangement has lieen
completed whereby .-;. lire amine I of
j eeverat (iiimei w ith Fine Creek thin
laeimou. 1 jcb tiain will pny iiu own
j expuuHCH, nn I the home lea n of each
'town will take the Kiite receipts. Thus
tho Lakeview team will ttvl the re
relpta uf the Kamea here, while Fine
i Creek will wet those of the fyumes
The lineup of the Inxt Kama waa us
follows :
V Kills and Ford
F linden au l Drenkel
iue Oeek
Mu I key
A mlck
Cook -
liyaninuut pah! for ieic:ip Ion of vviir.aiitM on hand in huildim; fund
To amount on hand from lont report- fi'.lM'i J-
rec ived from taxen Khi KJ
H',H.MI 17
$:m 40
Total iiiuoniit received nod on l and,
am unit paid fur IntToit "ii liotiiN...
" " school clel ka..
?7,0:!l 84
ZlTt 00
5.307 !
Ilnlam e on hand
RS .
- CF
III apecliil Hchool filllda
' Institute f ii till . . . .
Homesteads Allowed of 320
Acres Under Restrictions
Following Is tbe text of the Moudell "Seo 4. Tbat at tbe time of making
dry farming aot. approved Feb. 19, ! final proofs, aa provided in section
"UOU, aud provldlog lor euiargea Dome tsji oi the Keviaea biatutes tno omry
mau undr tnis aot anaii.
nl! f Hilda ."1 Ml 44
I, F. O. Ahlstrom. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abate
ment of tko iimount received, paid out. and remaining on hand in the County
Treiiaury of Lake Cuuut v, for the alx ui ntha ending March Slat 190H.
F. O. AHUSTKOM. County Treasurer.
rateada or SM aorea:
44 An aot to provide for an enlarged
iiomestead :
"lie it enacted hy tbe Senate and
House of Representatives ot the
United States of America la Con
gress Bsaem tiled, Tbat any person who
,'. ia a qualified entryman under the
fcomeeUad laws of tbe United States
nay enter, by legal subdivisions,
under the provisions of tbia act. In
' tbe atatea of Colorado, Montana, Nev
- ada, Uregon, Utah Wasbiugton and
u -Wyoming, and the tarrttorlee of - Arl-,
zona and New Meztoo, &JO acres, or
less, of uoa mineral, non-irrigable,
unreaerveed and unappropriated sur
veyed publle landa which do not con
tain merchantable timber, located In
a reasonable compact body, and not
over 1 and oue half miles in length:
Provided that no lands shall be sub
ject to entry under the provisions of I
tbla aot until suoh lands ahall have
been designated by tbe Secretary of
the Interior aa not being, In bis
opinion, auaoeptible of auooeaaful
Irrigation at a reasonable cost from
any known source of water supply.
"Beo. 2. That any person applying
to euter land under tbe provisions of
this act ahall make aud subscribe be
fore the proper omoer an amdavtt as
In addition
to tbe proofs and affidavits required
under said aeotlon, prove by two
creditable witnesses tbat it least oue
eighth of tbe area erabiaeed in bie
entry waa continuously cultivated to
agricultural cropa other than native
graaaee beginning with tbe aeoond
year of tbe entry, and that at least
one fourth of tbe area embrsoed In
tbe entry waa continuously cultivated.
begluoiug with tbe third year ot tbe
i VSeo. 5. Tbat nothing herein con
tained ahall be held to effect the
right of a qualified entryman to make
homestead entry In tbe elate named
In eeotlon 1 of tbla aot under pro
visions of aection 2289 of tbe ..Revised
Statutes bat no pe'son who has made
entry under tbia aot shall be entitled
to make homestead entry under tbe
provisions of said section, and no
entry made under tbia act shall be
oo minuted.
"Seo U. That whenever tbe Secre
tary of the Interior shall find tbat
any tracts of land. In tbe state of
Utah, subject to entry under this aot,
do not have upon them such a sum"
uient supply of watr suitable for
dnmestlo purposes as would make con
tinuous reaideuce upon the lands
reoulred by sectinu 2290 of tbe Rvlsed I possible, he may, iu bis disoretiou.
Statutes, and In addition thereto ' designate auob tracts of land, not to
shall make an affidavit that the laud, exceed iu tbe aggregate 2.000,000
sought to be entered is of the char-1 acres, 'and thereafter they ahall he
Hotel described iu aection 1 of this , subject to entry under tbls aot witb-
act. and shall pay the fees now re-1 out the nacnaslty or residence: fro
quired to
stead law.
"Heo. 3.
lie I'uld under the home- vided, Tbat in suoh event tbe eutr
' man ou any snob entry shall in good
Tbat any homestead entry- faith cultivate uot less .thau one
man of lands of the character herein
described, upon which Hual proof has
uot been made, shall luve the right
to enter public lauds, subject tc the
provisions of this act, ooutmuoca to
Lis former entry, which shall uot,
together with the original entry, ex
ceed '.YM acres, aud reaideuce upou
aud cultivation of tbe original entry
sball be deemed as residence upou aud
cultivation of the additional entry.
eighth of tbe enti.e area of the entry
during the secoud year, one fourth
during the tiiird year, and oue h .If
during the fourth aud fifth years after
the date of auch entry, and that after
the eutrv and until final proof the
eutrytnan ahall reaide withlu such dis
tance of said land as will enable biui
successfully to farm the same as re
quired by this sectlou
Approved February 19. 1909.
Statement of Albert Deut, Sheriff
of Lake County, Uregon, compiled
from tbe tax rol of said Couuty for
tbe year 1908, showing total amount
of taxes collected thereon; total
amount of rebate allowed: double
assessments and other errora: amount
of Sheriff's assessments aud other
matteis alfecting my return tbeieon.
and balance between total of tax list
as given me as ?nch Sheriff, and total
collections, less suoh errors and other
matters up to April I, 1909.
To Amount of Tax Roll,
1908 S51141 21
" Sheriff's assessments 2090.84
Total $5:1232. 0&
Hy A mount Collected 141230.22
Rebate allowed 1049.29
" Errors and double
assessments 661.68
" Bal. on Roll 10290.86
I, Albert Dent, Sheriff of Lake
County, Oregon, fdo hereby oertify
tbat tbe foregoing la a true and
correct statement, compiled from tbe
tax roll of Lake County, Uregon,
for tbe year 1908, showing the amount
of taxea oolleoted ; tbe total amount
of penalty and interest; double
assessments; Sheriff 'a assessments,
and taxea uncollected, and all other
matters affecting my return thereon.
Dated tbia 31 day of March, 1909.
Sheriff of Lake County, Oregon.
By W. 11. Snider.
Of tbe County Cleik of Lake
County, State of Oregon, ahowing the
expenses of Lake County, Oregon for
tbe elx mouths ending March 31st,
1909, also ahowing tbe amount of war
rants outstanding and unpaid on the
1st day of April, 1909. as follows to
Salaries and Deputy hire of
Couuty Officer fiwo.ll
Expenses of Circuit Court 389.80
Expenses of Justice Court f9.4'
Expenses of Coroners Court 249.00
Expeuses tor rant. Wood,
Janitoi. etc. 374.00
Amount paid for Otlloe
Supplies, Stamps etc. 440.1J
Amotiut paid for Clock, Vault
Furniture etc 3190.99
Amount paid for Printing
and Publiahiug 224 30
A id ou tit paid for material aud
labor for Court House
Couatruotiou 180OH.64
Amount paid for care of in
sane and board of prisoners 49.50
Amount paid for expeime ou
Couuty Roads aud ijrldges 7941.17
Expense of Election 429.08
Expense of Eighth Grade and
Teachers Examinations 41.00
Total amoont of expenses -$35734.13
Amount of outstanding County War
ants $224 90
State of Oregon)
County of Lake) 1. F. W. Payne,
County Clerk of tbe County pf Lake,
State of Oregon, do hereby certify
. tbat the foregoing Is a correct state
j ment of tbe expenditures of Lake
I County for tbe six months ending
I March the 31st, 1909, and of tbe
'amount ot County Warrants outstand
i ing and unpaid on tbe first day of
Ap-iL, 1909, as shown by the records
of my office.
In testimony whertof 1 have here
unto set my band and affixed tbe seal
of tbe County Court tbia 1st day of
April, 1909.
Coonty Clerk.
Snowing tbe financial conditions of
Lake County, Oregon, on tbe first
day ot April. 1909.
Money in bands of County Treas
urer, belonging to all ruuds, as per
Statement of F. O. Ahlstrom, Coonty
Treasurer $51831.44
Uncollected Taxea, on 1908
Roll, as per Statement of
Alber; Dent. Sheriff 10290.86
Total resources $62132.30
Outstanding and unpaid
warrants 'Ai.wi
. Balance $61907.40
County Clerk.
The Prairie da Cheu. (Wis ) Press,
of the 10th ult says tbat the U. S.
btiunr Co., has contracted for 500
acres of sugar beets ou tbe lauds ad
joining that city :
Tbe company will furnish 50 experi
enced Belgian beet raisers for this
vicinity, to plaut aud care for the
tuigar 4xets. Tbi.-i labor ia contracted
aud paid for by the company, and
- the laborers board thenisevls. This
plan iutmres succes iu tbe care end
proper handling of the beet crop.
This labor ia furnished to beet raisers
at nominal cost and deducted at time
beets are delivered during the fall.
Thin svatem bai been the most suc
cessful tlnancial'y, to beet raisers, yet
The first planting expects to be put
iu about tbe 25th oi April and con
tinue to the 2tb of May.
Tbe United States Sugar Co. fur
nishes tbe seed, and the cost of tbe
contract labor where desired. Is de
ducted ou settlement in tbe fall. Tbey
settle all accounts for contract labor
during the summer. Tbe average yield
on tbe prairie sou, is irom iu to to
tons per acre.
Tbe company offers tbe inducement
, tbat tbe raising of sugar beets is a
' sure crop to grow, as bail or frost
will not Injure them, and tbat tbey
; do well in wet or dry weather. The
crop ia aold at a guaranteed price be
fore planting. Tbe delivery is in tbe
fall when other work is uot rushing,
and paid for in November aud Dec
ember. All beets are weiched at the
borne station and checks diawat le on
the borne banks at once. Tbe esti
mate profit is from $d0 to 120 per
It vdU-liiefJttii4'y ib above
that (Joiden Uooa'e Xalte valley and
Lake connty will become future pro
ducers of vast qnanities of sugar beets
with great pro tit to all who engage in
such culture.
RED BLUFF, March 23. Sheep
shearing commenced this morning.
Two large bands of Sard Wilcox and
A. H. Mclonis are tbe first to loose
their wool. Mr. Wilcox engaged
shearers yesterday. Tbey were taken
; to bis range wbere the ebearilng of
4200 bead ofaheep with a year's clip
commenced this morning. Another
bunch of shearers will be taken to
Elder deek where 3000 head of sheep
belonging to A. H. Mnlnnis will be
relieved of a year's fleece.
City of Lakeview Will Have
Many New Homes
The city of Lakeview ia now practi
cally out ot debt. After paying all
outstanding bills there ia a balance of
$720 iu the treasury. However need
ed street improvement ia now being
doue wbicb probably Twill cost in ex
cess of the surplus. But, even ao, it
should Le done, aud done right, now
at tbe start of the city's growth,
tirades ot walks aud streets should be
established and all building made to
conform therewith.
Railroad surveyors are at work
agaiu down iu Harney Lake valley,
headed towarda Susanville, California.
Through the courtesy of "Seagers"
we were given a ride around town
yesterday, just to show ua what ia go
ing on In the building line, and that,
too, in spite of tbe soaroity of lum
ber, through the ahort aightednesa
of our aaw mill men. On Drenkel k
Paine'a Addition, Messrs Rice and
Cloud have fine cottages Completed.
while E. O. and L. ti. Keager are
erecting tine residencies, and others
contemplate building just aa aooa as
tbe lumber famine is relieved.
Ou Sherlock's addition Messrs
Snelling and Faulkner have fine homes
completed and Di Boyd and Mr.
Dowoa are busy at work on fine
houses. Most of tbe dwellings are of
tbe bungalo type, and are.of handsome
On tbe Watson addition there are
a number of oottagea, and a fine
dwelling being erected.
In other parta of tbe city much
building la going on. and It la aald
tbat if lumber was obtainable that 50
or more buildings now would be under
construction on DrenkePe and Sher
lock'a additiona and aa many more oo
Watson 'a addition.
Sheepmen Secure Largo Tracts
For Grazing Purposes
J. T. Kimball, tb muuKer of the
timber Interstain south
ern Oregon left Tuesduy for bis home
iu Klamath falls.
lie bas reuted the lauds for grazing
to a number of sheep aud cattle men
tn the 'satisfaction of all
nana Frllir thn Hheen kins seoured
a lease on 51.590 acres in the (Jeabea t
Mouutatus. and expects 10 aeuuro
60,000 or 60,000 more acres iu the
Pokegema forest. j
Inasmuch as the price ot muuou
ia verv low this year. Mr Kimball1
has suggested to Lake County sheep
men that they pool their iuteiesta ou
muttou sheep, aud secure of the
Syndicate an immense tract of graz
ing laud in the Po Kegeuia forest,
for ranging tbe sheep during the sum
mer. By ao doiug, when the time for
shipment is at band, tbe (locks will
be right at the railroad. This plau
will have the sheep in prime condi
tion for market aud will elitniuatA
long dilves.
While Mr. Kimball is not a sheep
mau be feels confident that their
range iu that vicinity will provide
feed for at least 25,000 head.
It is believed tbat the sheep meu
will see tbat it is to their interest to
accept this otter.