LAKE t'OUKTY EXAMINER, LAKKVIKW. OKfcUON, THUKMDAT APHIL 1; 109 EVEN r 1 i i Settlers Rates to NEAPA Via Southern Pacific Lines ' Daily From March 1 to April 30, 1 909 mtOM Omilhs Ht. JlNMlll Kaunas 'Clt v. .. I ,m von wort h . Ieiiver Houston Ht. I. Kill ,. 2-1 . :'." (xi . 'jr (hi . -ir (to ,. 2'i ' .. I'.'i (H( Mew Orlcnu- ... 'M Mi-iniliiM IH'MMI " ion . si I'miiI MImii'HhiIIh ,, IVoha CIlllHUM t'IMxIiiiru New York tn ... HI 7ft .. 31 7 ... 81 7A ... 81 7fi ... 83 (XI ... 42 ( ,.. Mi (K Corresponding; low rates from o'ln-r nolnt . will Is tfvumtiliiftilou of the ro4T rol iil lion point mnl tin u mii ill branch-line Intnl. Rate for branch lines point r lie for tin mainline Judo TIk' coot of a ticket can tv il i..Ih. n eue wii h any Southern rnrlflc agent Jo vnda, and the tl kff will l furnished to lb paener 1o tin F.nat, while tliea low rates are lit effi-ci. Htop-over ar n lowed ai I'til-re, Klko. Winiii'inucca, Lovelock, lliisen and HK No. Nevada, . " LAKEVIEW, OREGON A Growinj town lit the- heart of the Fertile Irritated Farm.- A norne for You TV 1 1 .Tour friends In the ICm-i hIhmii the, low inies, mid send them a de scription of the SUNSHINE TATE. Maim and IIIumI rated iWrlptl ve mat tr ran bsohtalued of any att- ' t of the Southern I'arlllc. or from CHAS,'tL FEE JAS. HORSUURaH. JR. riMacniirr Truffle Mai Nitrr General I'a-MenKvr Agent Kan Francisco, Onl Han Francisco, Cat. I). B. BURLEY, Genernl raeaenirer Agent Halt Eake City, Utah 12 W. CLAPP, Pint. FreUiht and Pa. Agent lb-no, Nevada ' 'UTi' ' MO MO t 0 'i "03 1001 V SMbV CN3A1XS T A A n -wjoioo u 'UfUlJfij -u aiJMjg jou.J pus B N H A M J. -ii ) iMtiuimiM wnriO'T jo; wluitii u ljuao f yua u. )() vJtnxu aodn 'uiioimiuj nuX n 'V"A AHJ.W UK UJtU WAIMOji(Xia V :. ; : SN3AHXS , . . - - pajouoq-auiii 'Suixiran .. Noiivonaa whv3mlj jo pupi ?qSu tp pouivjqo' OpiA '0At JO BuoitUOaOQl A Reliable nATABRL! Remedy, rabtsrlMd. I faioiK. tiy Ely's Cream Balm It aukkl) Km a, It cleanw hpI anl protect tha 1ummuwiI inem bnne rxulliiix from CaUrrh aud Uri rra w a Cold In tlia toraa Uie KoDM-a of flfiT C.V Lt: loata and Hiuf II. Full ixe 50 cU. , t I;rur; KiaU or by mail. Ia li.julj form, 75 n" ' tl Brother, CO Warreu btreat, New VorV "IS -aw" av . Wattarn Haehay. At a mrtlr) of tb Twin City nckty taaoclatlon h14 In Mlnnpapo ll riH'ontly Important plana for th rotnlnjr ttockey aeanon wr dlwuKard Aftar na Mrnrat ronaultatlon roucorn Ins the amntmir atandnrd of thp league tha dlwtoni read a romninnl ration from thr Mlnnctpolla Amateur flock? aaaorlallon requMtlnc that the Kt. I'oul Ifami play all gaino aclirdultnl for ttuneNolla at tha nrw eorarcd rtnk that they plan t build Wbin thla rink la completed It will Undoubtedly prova to bit one of the brat lu the country. Tha aprcldratlona call for a large covered rtnk, well lighted by electricity, with aeata for aoreral hundred apectatora along the Kldea. At ona and of tha rink a apa tloua clubbouna will be erected, amply provided with drenalng rooma, lockera and ahowera. Prominent boatneaa men of Mlnoaapolla arc backlog the enter prlae. 1 ' $1,000.00 Reward. The ()rPK". Cnllfornl1 4. Nevada Llveatotk l'rotvtlve AaHorlatlon will Klvf IKKHI liewird fort be con vict Ion of any party or partb-n ateal liiK horxea. cattle or miib tielonirlnK 'o any of the following nieinlera of thla AanoclMtlon: Cos Sl Clark, Chewacan anl A kittle IUk, Hereford band Sl Cattle ''o., Lake County Land ft Mveafock Co., Warner Valley Ktock Co., Wm. V. Hrown, Ueo. M. Joiu-a, (leo. Han klna, H. a. Chandler. C. A. Itehart. N. Flnfl, W.a. Cnrrler. Fank B. Hrnier, I. C. IlotchklMH, CaldcrwfHxl Hroa., I'. J. Brat tain k. Rona, T. A. Cramp, ('rwwlwr & Itonner, W. T. Creeeler Maud I. !'.iinilo. . I W. P. IlKRrroan. Iivaldlt nrrit r , F m. Muxrn.Hec ATreaa. I W. P. Hkhtfobd ' FlNAjirit Com. (P. M. Orxkn IK. B. TO Notice. 1 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Jy ywrrVawtaatHmaxnwiy? tm Um. nAJlrff ,ti 4 Mw upply. frwJilr wk B . Id and ' To ton Do rufc of M pourlkitof roiiMuit atnrka. Watts 11 B tht tint )of iKihtttHlu. flay of Ui4 II . B hnl qalppnl and moMapvrt wwd (Tow. II 'II ara tn Amwtc. ItMlooaradvuitaavIa If 11 tmlimfy jroo. Wa will. Tor nr- II ara. On lata Anoaal (n. IJ ' ' - rwmv a co, - - ' - - -' 4--1 ! for aunt nuh. I a to 't a aoll bnnia. Wrlu lor Prl 0DE)E notice Ih hereby rfrpn that all lrrla- i tlon, or mlllrace dltchea on all trout atreama thronKht Mke County, Ore iron. muHt In acreened with a email mean wire acrwnlnK at their head or junction with the main channel of etrearn. Alao all riaroa or obetruct lona on aald Ht retime muat lie pro vider! with a fluh-lnddec or othereawy nieana of paannKe, at or near the mid dle: of the main channel, no a to al ow the pnxaflKt of trout at all tlmea of .year. iu provldel by law.; Said work to be done at low water time, or to be completed by Feb. 7, 19(7. By order of j, J. A Barbara. Special Deputy flah Warden for . IakeCounty. Oregon T0 REWARD. A REWARD of fifty dollara la here by offered for Information that will lead to the arreet and conviction of any peiaon who baa atolen wirea or other property, from our Company ; -. . i A i. k. . AfrA1 uu lug Hum rowoiu IB uouv; uuoiou j for Information that will lead to tbe i arrest and conviction of auyone dee troylng tbe property nf the Company. Cbaa. Umbacb, Secretary ' Lake Co. Tel. A Tel. Co. 16tf.. CARS OF THE FOAL Wean tlewly, Feaat Liberally-anet Han ' alia tha Animal Btfere Waanlng. Tbe moat eultable way to wean a foal la to lirta to keep him from hla dam two or three boure dally, lncreaa Ing tha time till I bey are together from about Op m. to about S a. m., Anally parting them aome rooming or aome eveulng.. " ! i A dally feed of cruahed oata mingled with--a little chopped hay and bran given to the foal a week or two lefor weaning will aooo teach him to be In dependent of the hiother, but care mnat be taken not to allow tbe mare te have accraa to the manger while tbe foal la eating. She would probably eat It her aelf. Before the foal la weaned It la Im portant that It should have been han dled. To get a fonl haltered, taught to be led about anil to be able to handle It. lift Ita feet up. etc., without Ita of fering any realtitance la a work that In vol veil a certain amount of time, but tbe time epent now la time aaved when the foal la old enough to be broken In. If tlie foal meets .with an accident or falla a victim to aome of the numerous allmeuta to which horseflesh la liable, a foal which boa been bandied ia far easier to doctor than one which has never been touched. After mare and foal have been final ly separated the foal may be kept in a loose box, out of tbe bearing of other boraea if possible, for two or three daya, and It may then be turned out In tbe daytime and fetched up at night A f oale future depend a ' great deal on bow It la treated during tbe first winter of Ita existence; therefore to do full Justice It la eaaentlal tbat It should be liberally but not lavishly fed from weaning time till tbe time arrives the following spring to turn away ; into j aome luxuriant paatnre for the awn- J mer. To keep a roal on abort com m ona with tbe idea of reducing the coat of the keep la, according to tbe old say ing, cent wise and dollar foolbin. Poak Invariably do beat when they have company, and If two -or three foals can live together ao much tbe bet ter. Before tbey are turned out In tbe morning tbey may have a feed of crushed oata, chopped bay and bran. The same ration may be given when tbey are brought In again at night, with the addition of an armful of whole bay. An occasional Unseed mash may also be given, as It la beneficial In keeping tbe bowels open. Two or three plecea of rock aalt In tbe maager for them to lick la also a good thing. After tbe mare baa left the foal atepa i must be taken to suppress tbe secre tion of milk, and with, that object In view dry food and plenty of exercise may be given.' v J- ' ; small quantity" of mflk 'may' be drawn away dally, and rubbing tbe udder" "with "molasaea bus alao been 1 found beneficial. A dose of physic will also hasten tbe ev. SL The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought, and which hM been ' in tme for erer 30 years, haa borne the arf&TOAtare of and haa been made tinder his per gonal saperrtelon slnee Its Infancy Allow no one to deceive yon In this. All Counterfeit, Imitations and" Jut--g:ood"are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tbe health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare frorlc Irops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its aire Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererlahness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears, the Signature of SI The Kind You Have Always Bought In: Use For Over 30 Years. lakevibw fcjgv KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... STAGE LINE H. K. Bass aa, Prop'r. Office In Thornton's 5torc To Curs a Coid la One Day rake LAXAT1VK BROMO QUININE Talileta. Alii drnggiata refund the jionev if it faila to enre. E. W. Groves' signature it on each box. 25c Oreat Remnant Mercantile Co. Bale at Lakeview r. Km..., Pnr vn. an win lUtw Fu i i Llit. Market Hnanrt. Tw. .sd uut our HUNTERS'&TRAPPER8'GUIDE.?;lU tn fktm. Uuttt hrmmt Bm kif M . Mkwrt wrm irrillM. lll.rtMM H AJMla lit kMl Trpf' lUrr. Dmum. Trmi. (hM l.. Nuw Ml wh.r. Id Ump, ud lo hwqm . M MMf.lliiMMt ll't . hhIh RjM,cluMdi. Prin. t. To owf wawn. tl t. MldMlMi, IM frMinil Som. out HM.!. m p. i SiW MU .rimtrttlim ALBANY NURSEIlItu IMactHl 20.000 trees In Lake county last vear. Bent adapted to needs of this section. Freslrom all diseases. Kndorsed by fruit Inspectors, febott K. R. PATCH, Lskerlew Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrive . at Altnras at 6 p. m. Leaves Altnras for Lakeview at 6 o'clock a. m. or on tbe arrival of tbe stage from Likely. Ar . rivee in Lakeview in 12 hoars al ter leaving Altnras. Freight - Matters - aiven Strict - Attention . . . TIME TABLE . . . In Effect May 1st, 1906. Lv. Tarall ... A. MXv. Poiecsms 1L Ar. Borua.....s.lft Ar. IXzle 10.66 " Hu-l Br'f a 46 " " Kl'hSp'ra " V - raUCr,k. .7 e " Pall Creek 11.45 " - Kl h 8p'ga7.1 " Bwel Br'f e 14 00 " Dixie X10 - " Bokus. 12.20 P M PokegamaSJO " ThraU....Ji.46 Klaanath Springs Special. Lv.hraJl Ar. Bogua 1M " Steel BfgeS.lfe 1 Fall Creek 2M -K.Vh Bp'ga t 40 " 1.SS P. MXv. Kl'b Sp'rt.4SP. Ar. ran ureesx ao Steel Br'reS.OO " Bogui i n - - Thrall. ...1.44 process, but it ahould be withheld If plrSt - Cl3S$ AfjCOmOdatlOCS. possible, especially If the mare la In ' foaL-W. R. Gilbert . LAKEVIEW : PLUSH 8tanehien For Ringing Hogs. - There la a difference of opinion about tbe desirability of putting rings la ! bogs' nosea. Those who favor the j practice usually do tbe work by main ' atrength and awkwardness. The lilus- ! tra tlon shows a stanchion that may be ' built Into the fence In tbe, corner of ; the pen or It may form one end of a large crate and STAGE LINE 1'. E. Taylor, Prop. Office at B. LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. INCORPORATED " ' I? ran 3HBBa. U 7 . t f I I '.' II. II . 'I Reynolds' Store. (stage leaves Lakeview Mondaye, Wed needayaaod Fridays at 6 a, m., arrive .1 Plll.h O n n I ooni U,.,.k Tnu J""1 j daya, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 the ( . m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m bogs . Pa.a.ncer farn 1.1 una nr a kf In, may be i driven muad trip. Freijbt rates from Mar into it one at a 1st to Nov. 1st $.75 per hundred; from time through a , Nov. 1st to May 1st f ier hundred be placed outalde of pen so the fill 1 1 A Complete Kfecord i i i S3 c have inatle an ' entire transcript of (all Records 'in'Lake County, wliich, in any. way, affect Rpal Prpperty in the county. ' eA mi. is We have a cmnnletc : Record of . everv AiortD-arre and transfer ' . nvnr lnnrln Jn T .rlr Pimnf v nnd ucrv Tlfrl ri v n , '' S. ERRORS FOUND. , ; . 'i . ..... ... 1 In transcribing the records we have- found numerous - . iiiui iugva iituuiiu in iiiv fiiu muni, umu mui.imuiaiii, j ; . J j ' mieii in vnc -lioritigc recoru-ami utner many deed s are rcco books. Hundreds ol mortgages and deeds arc-not indexed at all, and aie most dillicult to trace up from the rqprds. ( 1 We have notations of. a!; these Errors: 'Others cannot hnd them. We have spent .hundreds ol dollars hunting up thesc errors, and we can guarantee our work. 5 i " , ' V ' J. D VENATOR, Hanger. ' - . : ; , . ' ...It,,,. small gate or doorway. One man drives tbe fob BiNowo hogs, hog In. whUe the other stands with bis band on the loose atanchlon. When the hog un dertakes to squeeze through the atan chlon Is shut just behind his ears and he la beld firmly until the rings are adjusted. Two men In this way can ring a pen full of bogs in a very short time and with very little labor. As soon as the rings are adjusted the atanchlon la opened and the hog per- ECZLMA and PILECURE FREE Knowing what it was to suf fer. I will trive FREE OF CHARGE, to any afflicted a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, 1'iles and Skin Diseases. Instant re lief. Dont suffer longer, Write F. W. WILLIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose Stamp. WESTFRH STAGE . K!amath Falls-late view 0 Stage Company - erncEM Mercantile Cat's latere, Lakeview AaaerieM HeteL Klamath Falls FAB KM Beau Trip Owe Way IS IS Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY. A W. BRYAN Proorietor. I ..eaves Lakeview at 6 a. m e 'ery day but Sunday. Returning leaves Paisley at 6 -HO'ti in everv day bu Sunday Pasaaaccra ' ax. 4a l'4 ' ' ' ' Bov trip I ..... r J ., ... Jr,...i, , OFFKlE ;JatvnoM WineoeiO; evi.w mltted to pass on through. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat, xnent by the agreeable, aromatic Ely's Cream Bulin. It is ra-eived through the nootrils and ch'snss and h -ftla tbe whole surf nee over which it diffuses itself. Drug, cists si 11 the dk size. l'e-t it and vou An Object Lsssen. i are sure to continue tbe treatment till ra- One of the best exaniDles of sue- ; lieved. cessful modern dairying and one of .Announcement. ' 14 th most Instructive Is the experience ! To aeoomuwd it those wh are partial of Charles Foes of Illinois. ue -ins to the u of atomizer ia applying liquids ' treaaed the Inrama nf hi. nl,t. .m r im,. !. ' America, preatlest, Weekly THE TOLEDO,: BLAbB ' tJJ TOLEDO. OH 10 ' The Best known'. Newspaper lh the ..;.;, United States. jCIRCULATIQIS, 200.000 ';' popular fn Bvaey -State-- 1 ifiihkiiy hrpota the T.-S BlaSela tba 'tuoSl ronarkaM. vsakty Jiapapor published mue i' im swip. 'a ot ouiy uevrnpaper .. .. . .. .kt urn t tXm from 1000 to well over S-'OOO 1 r V v 1 V V 1 oV " f" J eaclallv eUti4 Iqr Natronal clrc.latlon. It , t h ",uw I bq'u 1 for-n, whwh will be known as ElY'S hkJ Oij lrgea cIMulatloii f tnor. years incluiliiir" the r,B"D au"oea(iaperprat.ui maaitnua. rur tr.MHi.1,'JtherBwM,.lhSW"',K"peP tn la. olieaiMtu lilajned to anjr f Iciuul properties of the solid prtiiualluu. And believes that be can double the Linui 1 Grmm Bu'.m. Price IZieOniA Affflln Mlllli lha aamA l Inn. I lunivitio lllu la 7. jAtif a nnTiririt Viv.'W a s -nuvn I J r " - - . . u Hr TbS -liaat-urf-f -j.-tBat - hla . methods I niiul 'I'l'll for:n e:n'Kai,-s t.'.ie iueiN IWill wVfte 6 for teru: Tbir.w.aj would seem to apply In almost any planatlon of bis success Is the best -IIev says, This Improvement has come about by weighing and testing the milk", by selling the low producers, buying and raising better cows, using the silo and feedluit a .more nearlv balanced ration, and by studylug snd supplylug tbe IndlvWnal "needs of tbe cow." I KILL the COUGH and CURETHf LUNGS 1 1 . - Value of Sheep. - Sheep Improve tbe land where they . feed. This Is quickly summod up in -the old snyins. "The aioof ef .the sheep z Is golden."" .' Tliey live on weeds nod other odd klinls of forage .Uuit othqr,. stock -will leave. There J L,ctuuW ' more feed for cows lu a pusturo whqre J , ijoiv, , uiscovcry PAM afFllIIIA run t :xr-. .pj l woo. AT O ww A-VJ, OLDS "Trial Bottle Free AWE Alt THROAT.AND LUNG TROUBLES. OR MONEY REFUNDED. M Wiiiiisn i n "aasaaeaja - raun who Mi a World an an aligns iiiuii p.iila can miua easily oomnrehend. than br reatllna' cuuibemnne n,tf. Hrnina oUArltias. AUmrenlploa made plaia tn each laue by apeclal editorial matter Lt.'D lmjuno iuer publihwl eapecially fnr-paopl read daily uawtpHpar.aud yet thii Dei the Waek- only, pauer p Prl in 'Sown to .late. Tha lihMl eamiallv InritMinl. whA j do iifcl read daily uawtpHpar.aud yet thirat for . LHjouUr. TiiirovenJfOitt thF fact that 11 i.. . . . . I ly liiaue now cas over suu.uou yearly autiacrlb i era, and in circulated in all parta of the Culled 8tatea. In additon to the nuwa, the Blade pub- linlien short and aerial atorlea, and many da ! aar yiifUtaol inaJlvrjuiiled to every meinour of aiieTanaij- t'f'C pne uoiiar a yeai. Wftre nft-reV )eeluieu copy. Aviureaa 2 a few sheen run than there woulil bff wlthout the sheen, because tbe sheen ' Il VFaTWaT . if n wr b b tiynii" destroy bushes tli the grass and because sheen what cows do not care for. A sheep are profitable on good many sheep some, farms.- Much it1 &6h fat tos Jarry ff JTii3&J I - . . -a anyfirpm. " I.. ... . u.... . Ull. few j In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Kaiige, Crane are pigfltablQ on , , U,:tlBHfc Brands with Crop oS led i-depends 'ott'the HZ WW, VI-, Half. Pndercrou off .11 IP THE BLADfc, Toledo, Ohio. EXAMINER, TOLEDO 15 both n nc 15LADE. 1 V.A iiiiiliinui . r tiK :li r TlfeXttK.i4.bty. Exam iuer has changed bauds, U. O. Mttzker having sold the paper to . h-red J. liowuiao. All mobeys due-on subscription are payatik. to k ind J. liouian, and be is bfccoutiaao' iiaper Mall subscrip era who have paid in advance, for the full, term tor which such subscriptions baveueeu paid. Hills due for adver tising to June 15 are payable to (J. (). fanner. Igueil (.'. O. -Metzker .... lAkaw Oriavitn T - - a f i 1 A r .a