Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 01, 1909, Page SIX, Image 6

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    It .
vL PMiiitml .. Jaasca H. ahiian
UTt erf "tr . rhllanaVrC. Knm
ftacrrtarvof Navv ......Wrerga o
ftacrvtar? Interior
RlrDard A. Hailing., of AarV-lrura l?.
Hremart of rommrn
rnll Jiistlrc
w .mrr. P. 8. nsion om
w.e. k
V. B. Land Coaamlaaloaei
a r'ar ol State
Traurr .. ... ..
Attornr? Hetieral..
nt. Public Instruction
Prtii ii
pairy and Food INim
U.B. Senators (
. F. W. Ri'tisou
F. W. Benson
... . wo. A. wwi .
A. M . Ta ford )
. J. H Acrmau
. W. S. Puntaajr
J. W. Hut!)
Johsoihan Hounr. Jr.
i;n. A. Chamb.-rlaln
Jw. K
w. t . tmwiry I
blrl Justice
K 8. Bean
IF. A. M.Hirf
( Kaain
(Will K. King
) V. T.Slaior
AmciiK Justice .
HirrH ji-ntctai. wri.
. i;eo. H. Noland
). V. Kiiss,"iidal.
A tot nr jr .
U. H. Merrymsn
Joint Senatol .
H. V. Beiap !
( II.
..... H. I'm! )
rreaouror. .
.ttf or
cbool f npl
ComtniMiouri ..
fctock lnstwior.
K. W. I'ayne
Aiben . i duce this coudmou lu butler mat it is
K.o. Ah i.m.ioj . , doflnIte heh.ful advice ;
R Vj.cor
. ::;:::::cRmB f!" ,thUk.T S kT !
. c. a. R, b.rt the conditlona under which thla but-
' " of i-SoS'1"' 19 lnH,0Cd- StronK butter may ta ;
Hr- Bailey ' i
V. esemng
'"'iiooil Co im'ilB,'D '
J. N. ttateon
i. i -
J . O. ijttUV 1 u ......
w.B. burner T,....,.r .
A.Bieber . .
J.AKEVIEW boarp of trams i
rre..dent '".
Dduirial j
l'ubliciijf "
VV-p. Herytord
.1 VI' 1 Ir..n V ..I
liuDicipal " b v r hiri i
Agricuiiur.l leTt. tot straaurra. '
Koo-nt Ilea ouarie o
U g. la M vrtu-i.
J.N. Waion. .
Fred V. Cronemlller
.Regist. r
A. O. I'. W.-LAKEVIEW I.OIH5E NO. 111. '
MetrW every -pud apd lourtti Tbr.tay of."'" , , . , JT A ,Zt
eacb month
i, in .i"iic flail, Ukeve. t
ngp, Vm tjontbtr, r.
thaa. Itiuui
I. O. O. F -LAKEVIEW LOlXiE, No. 63, I. O.
L I. II.
O. F.. meeia every atuiday evening in Odd
Fellows Hail, at 7::w o'eiora. irom i
fepiembJ-V'S?. 1!1rs.'l! t.F!
f ed arter it is separaieu lue snevier iuo , weeics or mis Kinu or a a one win pui .Meriaian, nxa men nonce vi luien-
Deuree ok hosor-lakehore LOirtiE gutter will tie. it Is well to remember J the quack grass, root and branch, out tlon lo make Final Proof, to eatab-
uwT?irlv.oi ekJb moi "b in MaVnic also that the very best butter will be- I of business. . lish claim to the Inn. abova deaoTibed
lf:,d WJrelS c. oi,H.: wm. Pnce come B lf any lenpth of before Keglsfor and Kec-eiver. at lk.
"rmher,C o,t-: FrD",Nj8- tlme to tlve Itebt and air. This sug- Many farm anlraala which are killed - d'
Cbeney, secretary sweetest and cleanest place avauaDie,
I. o. o. f.-lakTview encampment no. i where It cannot be contaminated by
I b. o. f., meets tbe flrt and third Thura- odors from other substances. In mak-
dav eveniUEB of each inouib in Odd reliuws , . (
Hn? Lakeview. c. d. Arthur, c. P., a.H. tag prime butter cleanliness . Is the
Hommeraley, eicribe. most essential thing In the care of the
"rebebah lodge lakeview LOiKiE. no. cows and their food, tbe handling of
22. I. O. 0. F., meets tbe second aud fourth tbe milk and utensils and In the mak-
Fridavs of each month iu Odd rellows' Hall,
Mis. Alice Bunmiir, N. . ; Mrs. W. L. Hery- ing and packing of the butter. Care
ford, w. Ci.; Mrs. M. V Mosa. Secretary ; Mrs. lessness In this respect In any Step of
L.J.MagUton, Treasurer. Jn an ,nferlor
O. E. e. ORIENTAL CHAPTER, NO. 5, LAKE- butter quality. Every buttermaker
view, Oreuon.-Meets oil Tuesday, on or be- ' ' ,
fore full moon and two weeks thereafter, in
UMtu-mip H All. at 7::10 o'clock.
Visiting members are cordially invited.
IDA CEBACH. becretary
Methodist episcopal CHURCH TH E
first Buuday in each m..nth, preaching at 11
a.m. A Mde from this, preaching every bun-
day at iia. m.aod 7:30p. m. at LakevUw.
ml&leVtlng'Tburad:?3?: l&
Ladies Aid Wednesday 1:30 p: m. Choir
practise Friday 7:30 p m. A cordial invila-
tlon ia extended to youu. '
I. C. PARKER. Pastor.
FIRST BAPTiyT CHl'RCH OF OOSE LAKE One of the leading gasoline traction
at New Pine Craek, Oregon, preaching aer- engine manufacturere of the country
vices at 11 A M and 7:80 P M of each Sunday . . , . . iv,. ,.u
of everv month Sunday School at 10 am. has within the past eighteen months
Prayer Service at 7:S0 on Wednesday evening shipped Several twenty-two horse pow-
of each weed. All are cordially invited lo , nv,Mi,.in. i.i.n.
attend i he services i er tractors to the Philippine islands
J. HaYDEN Howard. Pastor. : for use in plowing on tbe sugar planta-
- " tlons. It seems that one of the result
Preaching service at ham and 7:3opm on or m ,ate fcpanisn-Amencan war, ea
lat aud 3rd Sun. Sunday School at lo A M. peclally in the Island of Luzon, and the
Junior Society at :r PM. Baptist Young .,,... u,hirh followed w a da-
People's Union at :3o pm on each Sunday, tiisoruers wnicn ronowea was a ae-
Prayer Meeting at 7:30 P M Wedueaday eve- tmction of most of the draft animals
log, s""Vjft1&,Pio!r'i been used In their agricul-
tural operatlona. Later Importations
catholic church every Sunday mash
and Benediction at 10 o'clock a.m. Sunday;
school after Benediction. Week day Man at I
a .JO a. in. 1. A. VAST A, b. J. - t
! t
Attorney at Law
La.kevlew. Oreges
OFFICE-balv building.
Attorney at Law, .
Ind MaUtera sipeelalty
OFFICE Daly Bnlldlng.
Land and Law Office
Abstractor of Titles
Kaotallshed 1H4
Lakevlew, Ore-
Attorney at Law
Office: Ovpr Bank ot La view
; ' . Lakeview, Oregon
Attorney at Law
Office In Duly Building
IT I Lakevikw, Obeqon
Copyright. I, by F. R Trtgr This
matter must net be reprinted without
special pertnlaaton.
A reader of these notea llrlnjr near i
Three Hrldgea. NVJ, writes toqulrlufr
what he should do to Veep his butter
from getting airon after he has kept
It two or three days. ' He saya It aeeuis :
to le pood and sweet shortly after be-
a. Kraitaiajifyj ckurtit-d and worked, but deterl- '
orates rapidly In quality. There are ao
ninncllilnin I hilt Ullfht tend to !TO-
me resuu or wwus wnuo tow. r ui
pasture or manure which they get In j
th rnrd of tulors which the milk maT
derive from standing ra the stable or
I from vegetablea or other articles of
In relhir refrlirerstor or milk
i - t . l mA la :
" - "
not PPerly scalded and cleansed each
accumulated filth In this place j
migui De me uireci muw oi me buuuh t
butter, which, though, sweet at first, j
. . . . r . J . 1 '
WOUid soou ue couinnjmaieu oj me
rapid Increase of filth bacteria. Some-
times cows far along lu their milking '
period give milk from which It Is well
nigh Impossible to produce good but- ;
ter. Quite onen smelling the ninu in ,
the pail will enable ona to locate the j
"off" cow. A .omewhat more common ,
cause of strong butter Is due to allow-
,n ,ua ,n m f, annr nr
ripe before It Is churned. Other things :
being equal, the sooner cream Is churn-,
gests the necessity of packing It In
cienu ana bchiuwi cseis ui iui.b i
goon as made, covering properly ana
storing in the coldest as well as the j
buouiu ue ni hbbi-juu w u irnuci
published by the dairy division of the
bureau of animal Industry of the Unit
ed States department of agriculture at
Washington entitled "Twenty Dairy
Suggestions With Special Reference to
Sanitation." which may be had by
making application to the department,
u woul(j be Impossible to cover the
... .. , .
whole buttermaklng process In a short
artlcIe- 80me f the ab0Ve
tlons may cover our friend's case.
of muies and horses died from one
raIllu, or .nrithr with the result that
the natives were left strapped without
means to prepare their land for the
augar cane crop. Tbe traction en-
glues In question, which are adapted
aUo to the burning of alcohol, were
bought by Uncle Sam, who did the
plowing work, assessed tbe cost on
tbe crop grown and collected It as
soon as they were harvested. The
work of tilling was done by band. In
thla way the Filipinos continued their
agriculture and hare been kept from
, s
There Is probably no improvement
that can be made In tbe farm kitchen
that will tend to simplify the work of
the good housewife more than laying
over the worn and aoft floor a good
quality of linoleum. From- the very
nature of things a good deal of mud
atiu nin or one atnu auu auotuer in ,
bound to be tracked Into ho kitchen ;
and this means a whole ot of back ,
brcaklni; work If it has to be scrubbed ,
out of the grain of a soft pine or aah 1 1 1 1 nt tit u 11 j in vu 1 iivj m tui-
dirt ct'WM not go beyoud ti unrtnve
and n- a result Is mopped up easily
Cut -tV. !ino e, and lay It without
tacking at Jo nts or edges, aa it wlll jle
tx-rf" Hat as It Is. You fellow
then- et flint linoleum. " Indicated 1
and l"t the good wife jiut the time that !
she 11 1- ' ent in scrubbing that porous ,'
old f 'i'' In 'sitting In an easy, chair, '
readlUK.ii book jr magazine. Bbe will :
apnreclnte your tbotightfulnesa In so ,
doing and will doubtless live longer
and I n happier for It I
The milk cow will eo nwk better
Curing tbe winter moo tbe If, la addt
tlou to- their hay and grata; they ran
be given a dally ration of becta, which
hare a high sugar content and seem to
Increase au animate rapacity for dl
gestlug and assimilating other foods,
' Expressed .appreciation for work
well done often furnlnheaa strong an
i Incentive to effort aa the money which
t pnld In the shape -of wagva at the
end of the week or month, and It la a
kind of Incentive thnt la not utilised
aa much aa It ought to be.
To the tiller of the soil more than to
any other class of fteople la the country
an a whole Indebted for a perpetuation
of pood times.". When crop are boun
t If til gtod times art assured, but when
there la a failure hard tlntea ronie, no
matter what political administration
may he In power.
When men) bora of the home circle
'"T 'r or tn" ',n
Journey whoe end la not on earth we
refill re with greater clearneaa than be-
fnm thrtt If Ia th filka mthor Ihtin
,h run.lture and flxlnca of the dwell i
ln .,lnc- th., -on-titut the home,
When they are (rone It Is but at bet
a rbeorlesa. lonesome place.
The excellence of a man'a digestion
. . - K. - (.
nru nnciw '
measure or sucoess which he achieves
the bu-lues. world. There Is many
-Pln r '"-' ni mmionalr.
vho g thottsanda of
dollars to the humblest laborer In hla
piqj tn exchange for a -good dlges-
tlve apiaratnn.
Tha necessity of aufflcletit rain for
the corn at earing tluio Is shown from
the fact that. for. the production of
Bi-nrv tt trv n.atti,r In fltftlk nr
- - '
ear there must pass through, the atalk
ffom 2-5 to of w,t(r. Thu.
when there Is i Shortage of moisture
m tne son tne siae ana weigut or me
stalk aud ear. are likely to be reduced
.... . I
in me snme prxiponion.
friend Imiuires how he cau exter-
minate a patch of quack grass that
has gained a foothold In his lawn, the
patch being about 4 by 10 feet. In a
case of this kind the best as well aa
tbe most effective nietbod to follow
would be to cover the patch with tar
.h .Ith
""';' "' , '
dirt as well as the edge where the two
pieces of paper lapped. Six or eight
In pasture during summer thunder-
I. .......a a, . .
.w Sn ...t a. w..6;
xj irora neing iu ioociuw iroinuij iu
wire fences Inclosing the pasture. Loss
from thla source could be completely
done away with. An Ohio farmers'
mutual Insurance company requires all
members who take out Insurance for
live stock to ground the wire fences
on their premises. This la done by con-
nectlng abort wires of the proper
i .h . i,M m,.,i.i
x. . - .
Uie .ence uu groauuiUK turn, at uiter-
vals of about six rods by running them
down the posts. The lower end of the
wire should extend Into tbe ground
about six Inches.
Figures given us recently by the rep
resentative of a leading lightning rod
manufacturing company show that a
barn 40 by 50 feet and 50 feet high at
the gable can 1 equipped with three
effective rods and the wires necessary
to ground them property for $41.50. j
Considering the fact that the Insur-;
ance rate on farm buildings thus pro-'
tec ted . Is considerably leaa than on
those sot protected and in view of the
large number of barns which are barn-;
ed to the ground every year, with their
contents of hay. grata and live atock,
protection of property at tbe above coat
would net aeem to be a matter of ex-
travagance, but one of good business .
Judgment It goes without aaylng that
to be worth anything tbe Job of rod- 1
ding a building abould be carefully and
scientifically done, but when It la ao
done there Is aa nearly complete pro
tection from loaa by lightning aa can
well be. j
A locality 100 miles south of where
the writer lives this year bad In aight
some fifteen carloads of Wealthy and
other varieties of fall apples. A few
days before It waa time to pick them
a bard wind blew through the orcharda
for aeveral hours, with tbe result that
two-thirds of the fruit on tbe trees
waa precipitated to tbe ground and -rendered
worthless for packing pur- r
poses.. In no Instance were any of
these orchards protected by a timber s
belt as a windbreak. As a result the
ripening fruit was an easy prey for '
the Bwiahing winds. . The . Importance
of a windbreak for the orchard In lo- 1
calltles where heavy winds are likely . '
to blow from a given quarter can
hardly be overestimated. If a site '
cannot be chosen for the orchard
which already has a belt of natural
timber to the windward. It la well to'
set out several rows of quick growing
trees, such aa cotton woodti, willows or.'
whch w, furQHj ,ue ucedcd
teokm b the tjM treeg get'
Nel, ,0 ha daiMge,-
nwh.iii h. mn.1 to
and agaln(,t 8erIou. ,0B9 from f
tbls tource he can largely liitiure blm
cnlf ix'lth a tlrTilifer Kaklf nf tha flhsWA
n' the 'wrtter,g otcbard tni, pro. f
furn,she(1 J g beU 'of nat-'
, tlmher to tbe .out n1 weat,f
which baa . proyed Igvaluable since f
the orchard ratne Into bearing
Distress in
a chago health . .hort
Km. eo taauMl a bulletin III which '
he wanted the people of the city ;
RRaliut the danger of the apread of
scarlet and typhoid fever, diphtheria,
tUlMTCUloata and Other contagious die-
eanea by mesns of the common bouse
fly. Ha rex-ommetuls aa au effective
tiiethiMl of elteriulllHtlnir tills omul-
prvHcnt et a plan dlacovennl by Ir
iVlHinare, a French army aureon
who hna found that If oue part of
formol (also known aa formalin or
formaldehyde! la nilxd with nine part
of water and put on plates which are
to tie set wherever, the (Ilea are likely
to congregate tliey can easily te ex
tptiiliinMt Th lnaMta aeeiu to lie
attracted by the mixture aa If It were
"Rr. Even the emanations of the
-"Uture are deadly to them. In one
lrge room In which the doctor tried
thla method the number of fllea killed
averagea a.wu uay.
Mlddias Lea 8penosr,
Spencer will not play football for
the navy thla year. He was down In
hla studies and relumed to the acad-
. v. i .n .! . . vn nmmUIn f ha
rnij iuii mu uuii
coujrrpganuin responsible for him that
he wou)a not ptay wlth the middles'
All the liitest news contained In
The x;. ini tier
Tlanbrr Ixtnit ."iatlre.
Mpeitrtmeut ot tbe Interior. U. S.
Land Otilce Iikvlew, Olion, Feb
ruary H5, imi.
Notice Is bm-eby given that MIL
TON HEKT KICK, of Lakevlew, (Ve-
K who, OO Nov. 10 .W, made l ltn-
ber and t
Stone Application, No. OSt.HI.
for p ,slf SW quarter. Section
Township 30 K . liauga' 19 K.., Will
'cVBllunnt name at witnes-ea: tiny
w Hire, and tS0. L.yncn, Dotn Ol
Lakevlew Oregon.
M1M7 J. N. Watson Register.
Notice lor Publication
Department of the Inrterlor. U. S.
Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregon,
March, 8 1P09.
Notice ia hereby given that 1MRRY
B. RIOUS, of Hush, Oregon, who,
on January 10. l'JOTi, made llomeotead
entry No. 3300. Serial No. (MOM, for
s ba Nw n lota t 5 yeC
H and Lot :l section 'A Township
30 Ranae K Will Meridian hsa
Hied notice of intention to make
Final tlve veur Proof to establish
claim to the land above described.
before Ki-m.-tei .,! i' i-ier. t. u
rie. Orevou, on tbe Kith day
April. IWX
(.'laimant namos as witnesses: Jan es
I) O'Connor, Dennis Dunivan, Nobn
Carrey, and William Kapple IlHrry, a.
or Hlush, Oregon.
Mil A16 J. N. WaUou, Register
A tag
A tag
Old Statesman
Old Peach
TLnsley' 18-oz.
ftatr Hkat
Spear Head
Tags from the above brands a.e good for the following and many other
useful presents as shown by catalog :
O aid Cuff Buttons 50 Tags
Fountain Pen 100 Taga
' English Steel Razor 50 Tags -
- Gentleman's Watch 200 Taga j
:. ... , v. - J i i i i .. i . , .j I ) ; 1
. Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which
to redeem tags. . If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write
uafor catalog. , ! ',',. "J
r r r r r r r . , sB -
Anti - Pain Pills
ml v r l.KV ' II 1,1
Take Ott IX
Se Little Tablets
o the Pain is Gone
Aahlaaa. Orfn
Something Sltclll
"'" ! I Th,,,,,,
ail nentha Fchalarahlp. 4i v Monlha So
Hot the 5pclal
A, ,),. Whnwrurra niiir-nuinttia-ai hoiar-
ahli an.l . iii r He.l. nilwr T, will In- eiiilild
1.1 lli,. r.initilllml I'linrnr lo Jlllt 1. IVua.
eluding hooks and stationery, .' (0 Thla
gives juil an rilta inoiillt. In . lt and
ucm. Addrrta P. HITNI H. Prae
. Tala new o-ahot
model ia the simplrat,
au rest, and faatest 12
gauge repeatar made.
. It has the solid top.
aide ejection and
doable eatraciora
Special PJarl ff
turea ot comfort and
convenience. The closed-in breech
keeps the action clean and the shells
dry keeps out rain, aiiow, dirt, laavcs
twigs and sand.
Tfia ntw taaa-dawa eonsirnetloa aHswa
you a taka gun apart ta (en aacowala lor
claanlne ar packing, fiat tholnl la always
aa Arm and rigid as In a aolld frama, tion.
taka-dowa gun. Tb frtfrtrm ftis rvnt
hsnj and hslps quick oparatioo.
Tha Ail) chekad guns ar gu.r.BU.l
cloaa-ahootlng, bard-hlttlng gun a, and are
unaquallad fat ducks, gaaaa, bits and all
iorg-ranga wfh.
A circular giving large
llluatratlon, with full
doacrlptloa of this
bandsome new gun,
an ft aa on requrel or
with cocnpleie I Jb-paga
catalog for siaaipa.
7Zfl?arin)rarms Cx,
, AN
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.ll., Principal
C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $ 20,000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give Individual instruction, receive more call
for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all
others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
CSald Dosloesa Han I " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
work. It will win out In the end." Haid an Fducatort "The quality of instruc
tion given la your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest."
COperi all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free
Reference t Any bank, any newspaper, any business man K Portland.
from a 10-cent piece will count PULL
from 3 -cent piece will count HALF
with valuable tags
Save your tags from
Sailor's Prtdo
JoHy Tar
Bridle Ut
Old Honesty
Bbck Bear
W. N. Tbisley't
kataral Laal
,. French Briar Pipe SO Taga
Leather Pocketbook 80 Taga
r .Eteel Carvjng Set 200 Tags
! Best Steel Shears 7 j Tags
awsswsea svs.1 mi ltla.ll
Headache j
Try Or
They Relieva Pais
Quickly, Uaving m
bad AflerffecU .
25 Doses
25 CenU
Never Sold in Bulk
Notice to Creditor.
In tha County Court of tbe btale of
Oregon, for Lake Comity.
Ileceaaed, )
Tha tinderalgnul bating htau
appointel by tbe County Court, ol
the Ktata of Oregon, for Lake Oouoly.
Adiiilnlatralrlx of the ealata nf
Cbrlstopber O. Cannon, dereaaetl,
notice ia heieby given to the credit ore
cf. and all ertona bating rlalms
agalnit aa Id deceased, to prevent them
verified aa required by law. wlthln'alx
iiKiutlis after I ha tlt ptibllr at lonf of
thla notice to said Hlanrhe M. Can
non at bar realileuce lu New I'lne
Creek. Lake County, Oregon, or fat
tbe law mce of L. F. Conn, at Lake
view, Lake County. Oregon.
i n il iiliitim t tit utile (f
Cbrittipher C. Cannon, deceased.
Mll &t Paled Marchriltb. 1U0(.
There la no need of anyone eaftVr
Ing long with this disease, fur to
e fleet a quick cure It is only necee
ary to take a few doeca of
Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
In fart. In moet cases one due Is
eufTWIrnt. It never falls end can be
relied upon in the most severe and
dangeroua casra. It Is equally val
uable for children and ia the means
of saving the lives of many childien
eacb year.
In the world's history no medicine
has ever met with greater succeed
Hpring goode w'ill.i arrive "In fear
days at lakevlew,' Mercantile Co.
Big Four
Lady's Pocketbook 50Taga
Pocket Knife40 Tag
Playing Crda 30 Tags
60-yd. Fishing Reel 60 Tags
Lou!s7Mor r
y y r