I.AKK OM1 vTY a iAjINK.', MKKVIKW OKttJON. TIIUKMUAV. AI'IIIL i - iMM'va THREb FOOTBALLJtATURES. With Novelty and Science Intro duced, Great Piay It Expected. FORWARD PASS TAKEN UP. Aaauraejr In Throwing ana) Patting the all tha Citentlal feature New Rule Relatlv ta Recovery af Furw lad Pa. If t he football araaon of 1108 J at produce aaveral (Intra aa much sorrily and aclenct In lb way of naw play aa an of lu prcdccrMor It will not b Jm fan It of tha coarhea and playrr who rrpreernt tlit Mif raatrrn and wwitcrn team. At errry n of the limtltutloiia there tma bwn ahown dlHMltlon to ruab th aeaaou. llndl mcntary ImawMur of tii nmc In not brliiK Ik'iiorrd, hut It la bclnjr niahril along and made auhahllary to th atra Wlc aldo of thi gaina. That thla la ao la proved conclualrHy toy tha mnnntr In which Vftcran play, r of former day flocked bnck to aa alt In building up naw oftYnalva tnc lira. It In oiiltrul If at any of th lnht bint Itutlmia rvfrrtd to hr Yale, Ilnrvnrd. I'rlncrton, IVnnaylva Dlit, Onii-ll. CIiUhko, Mldilk'tin and ilnncHotn-ao mncti nolld iroKt Ttnn vr Ihh'ii mad within a few week. It U true ttuit Cornell and I'rlncrton ntcrwl tha field Inter than thrlrrlrala. but they loot no time;. Thi' forward pnaa la certain to lx productive of tha moat atarlllng wo- ?: rim h?Mi OOOWET. FBOBAnt.K tttOBTTACKLI OM tkVM roOTIULb TBAM. (Coonay, who haa played rlaht tackle In aavaral prac-tlca (m fur Yala thla " aon, ta tha bluiceat man who haa avar played that poaltlon. Ilia alia la not tha only attribute which recommend blm. 11 la tha faateat man In the Una with the eiceptlOQ of Captain Burch.) lutlnn this Benson. Without exception all thene conrhee are worklug with it aa the bruin of their new play. It haa now been a part of tbe rule for two yean, but thla time haa been required to familiarize play era with Ita baalc principle. Ita poHnlbllltlea have not by any meana been explored to their limit Accuracy la throwing and catching tbe forward paaa la tbe keynote to aucresa, Wben tbe play waa flrat Intro duced accuracy did not matter much, aa It 'waa uaed In an tndlacrlmlnate manner. Then tbe play waa need very much aa the reaort of tbe weaker and Inferior team, which trusted largely to luck In making the play a auccesa. But thla year a team la eo reetrlcted la tha use of tbe play that It must be devel oped to a high degree of perfection to be a winner. First emphasta must be placed on developing several players who ran throw tbe ball any given distance with enough speed and accuracy to enable one of hla team mates to recover It without fumbling. The change In the rules whereby a fumbled forward paaa can be recovered only by tho -player who fumbled It on tin priHser'n aide makes this lnt doubly Important. It baa been one of the Inexplicable things of tiicdern football Hint ho much poor passing mid poorer catching of the. forward pnaa Nhntild le tolcivted by up to date rone Iich. At liny rnte. i they appear to hare realized the IihihII- cap this weakness linn becu to win- nlng tcamn, and we inny look for a radical Improvement thla senHon- Three Elavene at Carlisle. . Glenn Warnor la working out three elevens at " Carlisle. He handles the first team himself. ' Johnson, the brtl ' llant qunrlerback of several seasons (ago, bus. tho second team, and Kxen dine, Inst year's captain, la In charge , of the third miuueyw i , : , i ' -,.,. it r-- "" U '. ) V ' 1 Football at Swarthmbre. ' 1 ' " ' rootbnll Js not dead at Swartbmore fter,ll., Jntoreollejrlate games have , been .abolished, put InterclaBS , tea tha aro being organized to keep the eport alive, .with a tlew to a team next year. !" ,v"a.eota 'Pa.t; Says LaJoU.""1,' ' ; Manager ' TJole, Is of tha ; opinion that maucois are, pest, i If Larry had his way. 1, there would be no "klda" hanging around the:. ball yards, to get In the way of umpires and playera. ,. -... r-i ' '': ' Y: U.( roit nix children GuPer Older lays and Olrla.' Sum might call It a gam of "au thor" played without card. Tba play era arc llnel up on a bench.Juat aa If they were reciting a leaaon at acbool. A lender, alttlng lu front, brjrlna to tell I a atory Into which tha tltlea of well ' I I I. - i- . at .. tll. II IKHIHB iimihi IIW I1IHUVI IV Ml lly - for IiihIiiik e: "Onee uiHin a tlmo 'I.lttla Inrrlt' ; went to ny a' vlalt at Tho Hotia of .(lie Keren t;nlilea.' Hlie Ih-IoiikcJ to a 'aKrty of 'Utile Women' who were J tf'ilng on a 'Journey to the Center of ilio lOurttr for 'The Marble Faun."' vVr. AM the title of e led IhhiU la menlloned In (he conrxe of the atory Uie player on the hench In turn gnexn the nnme of the author Thla l often very pua rllng. and the failure to gneea rorrnrt ly turua the nnliirky on to the very foot of the clitaa. It tnakea no difference If the atory be abort or long, provided It la well known and flu In with the Ingenuity of the atory teller. Thl la good fun for a long, ralnv lilnr. and the girl or boy tnuat lie well up In reading w ho ran follow tbe atory without a break. ' Lord Loehinvar. The bigger the place tbe more ex lllng the gnnip. A lnrce ring i formed of Ixija arid glrla alttlug rrow legged on the ground. They represent the wisldlng gueata of Heott'a f motif "Martnloii," which you moat read to net the rhyme atrnlnhl. The bride tnnat alt In the renter, and the com pany inunt alng: Oh, young Lochtnrar la coma out of tha Mil Through all tha wlda bordar Ma atMj la tha hfHit. IM'liliivnr now appronrbea, riding a brntntlrk Tlieu th father . of - the bride -"the fair Kllen"-alngt oh, eonte y In peace or noma ye In war Or to dance at our bridal, young Lord LochlnvirT Then IxMnTrir, galloping upJump Huddenly from bin ateed, aprliiKN Into the ring, aelzea the bride, and the com pany clvea chiiMo. If tho ruuawaya are ennght lefore they get "over the bor der," Iochlnvor hna to try again. But If they mircecd lu eacaplng pnat the Itorder the game U won. Lnchlnvnr tiniNt be daring, for the rbancce are i.K'ilimt him Saate of a King. One I aectiHtomed to think of a kin;; or quecn'a throne. But ux.st rul era have aeveral thrones. Kin;,' Kd wnrd of England haa six. The moat CHtly. that at Windsor castle, In com nuoned entirely of carted Ivory Inlaid villi precloua stone. Moat ancient of the throne Is that at Wcstrulimtcr, where the ruler of Great Britain are iilwnye crowned. It Is of massive oak and baa beneath tbe aeat a sandstone block, known as the stone of destiny from Bcoue, which was tbe emblem of power of the Seottlfib kings. Another throne, of Burmese teak, carved, glided aud atuded with crye tnla, atands beneath a great gilt can opy In the house of lord. Tbe throne In RL James' palace Is very large and Imposing, having a canopy overlaid with crimson velvet, -which la euibrold cred with rrowna set with fine pearls now as a Purifier. Tbe value of auow as a cleanser of the attuoHphere Is uot appreciated as It should be, (wrbaps, for tbe reason that few persons besides those who neck the rause of things stop to think about It Wben a flocculent or flaky body falls through a fluid it drags down lu Ita falling ausended matters con tained In the fluid. That la a principle of physics. Bnowflakes, therefore, act as a sort of broom, sweeping from the nlr partlclea of matter that are aus (tendetl In It A London scientist has made several analysea of anow gather ed In tbe suburbs of tbe city and found In 'It ' certain ' proportions of ' mineral matter, carbonaceous matter, free am monia, albutuluold ammonia, etc, the removal of which from the air Is of great Importance from a hygienic point of view and the bringing of which to tha earth tenda to enrich tbe aolL Flower Enemies, It la rather Interesting to note that certain flower have great dislike for each other. For Instance, If you will make up a boutjuet containing, among other Dowers, rose and mlgnonettea, ami pluie i he bouquet In a vase for nhour you will titid that, while the other Mowers remain perfectly fresh, the roties aud mignonettes have wilted - that is to nay. they have killed each oilier. Ullt'H of the valley also kill without pity any other flower with which they come lu t-luse contact On the contrnry, carnatlona and heliotropes tuive the greatest affection for euch other. A Game of Skill. Did you ever try throwing cards in a hat? It ta great fun. Take an old high hat, place It on the floor, then let tbe players In turn atand at a distance from lt-ay ten or twelve feet Use an ordinary' pack ; of cards and' toss them one by one Into the hut as far as possible. A prize to him who gets in the greatest uuruber adds to the inter- at i -, ,.. . , ' t After a little practice it Is remarka ble bow skillful one may become. , ''" ' A'QIant PopBun." ' " ! ' ; ' ' There i la a tree In the tropics; 1 f a mlltariy ! known as the bamboo blow, pipe, that would make great popguns, or pop canuoua, for the boys If they could get It. The stem Is only about an Inch and a half In diameter, but U grows to a height of fifty to' sixty feet, with Joints fifteen feet apart ADRIFT l!i A BALLOON i i ' Experience at Sea of Interna i tI:nJ Balloon Racers. FAcir:: ::ath in the dark. Mew Dr. Ki-f-yee and Han Held mann Were Bletvn From Reaeue Ship, Claaptd Fln:'-i H Farewell While Clinging te Rwt ! i-il T,i om Boat waetaat Seund They Cver Heard. On board tbe ate:tmr':lp r:!:ir. Wll helm, which recently ?i " 1 ut flth, nVotland. were Ir. K!cuie;fi- ami hla aaalstant, Hans Heldeni:"::i, t!ie crew or ine itennnn uauoon one or . tbe competltora In tbe gi. il Interna tional balloon race which waa held at a auburb of Iterlln. Dr. Nlerneyer and nerr Heldemann arrived lo Ixndon wearing cheap ready made clothing which they bought In Edinburgh, virtually having been naked when rescued. The sail ors of the collier which picked them up lent them garments until they could purchase others. Their story of the hours when they believed they were fsclng death upon the night wsves-of the North sea Is thrilling, says a special Ixmdon cable dlnpatcb to the New York Sun. After being blowu over Cu I haven they were not alarmed at tbe prospert of be ing carried acrosa the sea. On tbe contrary," they were elated, for tbe wind waa driving tbem northwest and as It was estimated their gas would last fifteen hours they saw a prospect of lauding In Kngtand and winning the race. But a little later tbe wind veer ed and, blowing with terrific force, drove tbem northward through pitch darkness and bitter cold. Wben they realised the situation: Dr. Nlerneyer exclaimed, "Now we have done It!" "Yes, we are In for It" responded Heldemann, and each was silently busy with his own thoughts. - - ' - Presently they bow the lights of two or three ships far below. They shouted and signaled with their electrlo lamps" In vain. They were driven helplessly for two hours. About dawn they aaw the tight of the Prlnx Wilhelm and Ignuled frantically, and at lost the steamer's foghorn anawered tbem. Dr. Nlerneyer, telling the atory, said: "Heldemann shouted. 'We are saved T but wa little knew. Tbe worst was yet to come. Suddenly we realized that we were traveling much faster than the Bteamer and unleaa we opened the valve and dropped tbe chance of res cue would be gone. I opened tbe valve of tbe balloon, and tbe car struck the wavea with tremendous force. Tbe car, being weighted with ballast in stantly sank, and we were aubmerged to the armpits. "We climbed tbe ropes and grasped the extension ring. There waa enough , Street, building and other Improve gaa left in tbe balloon to keep it above i mcnta resulted in the removal of 678, the water, bot tbe whole thing waa driven flopping through the wavea which buffeted us In tbe darkness. We were suddenly thrown Into consterna tion to see tbe Prlnx Wllhelm'a lights growing dimmer, and we watched tbem lessening until they almost disap peared. "We could not believe that we wore abandoned. It must be that we were still sieedlng faster than tbe Bteamer. The gaa bag acted aa a sail, and our only hope seemed to be to rip it Pull ing the ripping cord with all the strength left In my numbed arms, tbe envelope collapsed on tbe water, and tbe car sank deeper. "Half froxen and choked by the wavea, which we could not avoid, with eyes smarting from the salt water and naked except for our trousers, having hastily stripped In readiness for a awlm, we still held on for our lives with our bands, having lost all foot hold when tbe basket sank. "The steamer's Ughta were now mere specks In tbe darkness. So they bad abandoned ua. 'Men, men, how ran you forsake uat It Isn't humanf I shouted futllely. "Then the llghta vanished altogether. We aaw our end near. I aald to Helde mann, 'I cannot hold out much longer.' " 'Nor can I, he anawered quietly. "Aa we gripped the netting for a new hold our bands touched- We Involun tarily clasped fingers. "'Goodby!' I said. 'It won't last much longer.' . " 'Ooodby I responded Heldemann. "I ehut my eyea to await tbe end. 8uddenly out of tbe darkness we heard a shout It waa a human voice, the sweetest sound I ever heard. Rapidly nearlng ua was a boat which the Print Wllheem had sent to find us. "'Catch hold of the oar!' shouted a voice In the German tongue, and tbe boat drew alongside, and the brave aallora with difficulty helped ua on board. "I hardly know bow we fought death and won. Twenty minutes later the Bteamer came up and took ua on board. It picked up the balloon too. Tbe cap tain and crew treated us In the best possible manner, and, thank God, we are here to say bo. But we are disap pointed that we did not win the trophy." i i .i , . , Toward Cheaper Aaroplanes. . . It coata much to build a largo dirigi ble balloon, Tbe French and German craft have cot from 92RO.OOO to nearly 1500,000 each." 'An aeroplane ran be built for less than $2,000, and tbe mar ket price will probably soon be about $1,000. I 1,1 :;. . -i i . . , . ;! ,., ,!.),:,! Naw Curs-all. i i--, A, book haa recently been published that advocates atarvatln aa a cure for all human ailments. WASHINGTON LETTER (Special Corrospendanea.l There are at tbe present time 02,700 t'tade tree In the District of Colunv I In. Of this nnmlH-r 3.825) were plant ed during the fiscal year ended June t last. Thla Information la contained In the annual report submitted to the cow- mlixloncM by Tniemsn Iinham, an I perlnfendent of parking. I It.rlng that period 2M2 trees were j removed, representing forty-four sep arate varieties.' mere is therefore a net Increnae of 7.15 trees In the aggre gate number planted last year, r Pin Oaks Popular. . ' Ihe moat opular aperies with tbe department waa the pin oak. A total of 840 pin oak tre were planted, ' There were alao planted 037 Norway mniitaVM 447 rnvrtkmnrnm 9Tf invar ns ... lavnwaa,ie a4 u ' i. n-,9 .tlvr m.r.i,.. ni nnin. elms. 104 glngkos. Id pyramidal oaks and 6 red oaks. Much of the planting waa for the purpose of filling vacancies In existing rowa. Tbe large majority of trees were used to extend lines Into the sub urbs and hitherto unplanted locations. A large numter of lindens were plant ed on Massachusetts avenue extended. Chevy Chase received a large share of young trees, principally elms. Nor way maples and pin oaks. Tr Nuraary Ndd. Superintendent Ijinhnm urges the commissioners to cutaHuib a perma nent municipal nursery. Both existing nurserlea are on borrowed ground. One la on tbe Washington asylnm ground and the other on the ground of the tuberculosis hospital In Bright wood. Superintend) ut Lanham says tbe In stitutions controlling these tracts are continually requesting the. relinquish ment of tbe ground. Both nurseries are fully stocked with valuable trees. Knforcod abandonment of either would mean the destruction of growths which could not be replaced within twelve years. Mr. tanham contends. 'He be lie re that all tbe larger trees In tbe city should lie trimmed once a year. To do this an extra appropria tion will be necessary. By this means only can the department hope to keep tbem In good condition. Maintenance of Shad Traee. There are a large number of un healthy . trees which, he contends, should be "topped" in order to save them. Although "topping" is unpop-' nlar and many protests are registered against It experience has taught Mr. Ijinham that It is the only practical treatment of tree in an extremely un healthy state. To top these tree and remove encb a are beyond treatment be wants an . appropriation of $15,000. i Of tbe 2,042 trees removed last year ' 1,703 were curb growths, 173 were re moved from parkings, 40 from side walks, 42 from public alleys and unim proved roadways and 15 from school yards. Of the trees that died last year C!) were killed by gaa and SO by horses. of which 220 were Incident to the elim ination of grade crossings. Tbe total cost of maintaining this branch of tbe District government last year waa $43,495.04. of which $a800 waa for salaries In tbe superintend ent's office. Sang Before tha Praaidant. After giving concerts throughout Great Britain and Europe and singing before tbe rulers of many foreign countries the Mountain Ash Male Voice party of Wales came to "Wash ington to alng before President Roose velt at the White House. Tbe chorus la composed of twenty-seven vocalists, famous throughout Europe for many prize winning performances. Among their successes waa a concert of old songa and Welsh melodies, giv en by special appointment, at the In ternational aeries at Aeolian hall In London recemtly. Lart Big Pewwow at White Houm. One of the moat Interesting pow wows that aver took place at the ex ecutive manaton here occurred in the month of September, 1877. President Hayes presided over the meeting The Indiana were In council, protesting against being removed from the reser vation they then occupied to the upper Missouri region of the Indian Terri tory. There were twenty-three great big chieftains among the Indiana partici pating In this conference, and tbe num ber Included several who had been in the flght with Custer. All the differ ent tribes among tbe Sioux were rep resented and had their orators primed with speeches to make to their Great Father Hayes. 8oma Famoua War Chief a. Among tbe speakers were the dis tinguished old warrior lied Cloud, tbe stately looking Spotted Tall, Little Crow, Little Big Man, Three Bears. Black Coal and others with various de grees of dignity and ugliness, notwith standing the profusion of feathers and paint they had adorned themselves with. Four Interpreters were neces sary to convey the words of tbe red men to the palefaces. Among these waa a rather flue looking Arapahoe known aa Friday, who spoke very good English. General Crook, tbe gallant Indian fighter, waa present at the council, which was held in tbe president's of fice. Tbe Iudlans showed great defer ence for him on account of his prow ess as a soldier, . This was tbe Inst of great Indian powwows at the White House. Near ly all of those who were leading par ticipants In that council have quitted earthly scenes, and, no matter tv hnt the red men may have thought of buffalo hunting and war dances, both these pastimes (so to call them) have prnc-1 tlcnlly ended. CARL S'.'HOFIELD. VZOtZUfZ: :( r U ,-V? ; .7. I" j : . 4 J - y,. a . P-l "If- ...... . . . i i . j " i. 1 . i , ERECTED IN loon MODERN THROUOHOIT FIRST-CAL55 ACCOnnODATlONS For COnnERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT SeohaSIow LIGHT & HARROW. I'rnpneto Sunset Masaxia offer tha reader tt thla paper tbe best opportunity of tbe jrear RCVICW OF REVIEWS . . OO) ALL FOR SUNSET MAGAZINE .... 1.80V (t0 fr WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION l.2) $O.UU FREE AND Growers of potatoes on a semlcom merclal scale have sustained losses from the Inroads of bugs and blight this year, which bring most forcefully to their attention the need of a sys tematic course of spraying in order to hold these pests in che:-k. An effective spraying outfit can be had for a mod est outlay of cash, while the bordeaux mixture will stop tbe blight, and tbe parls green added to the same solution will put a quietus on the bugs. We know of several fields of a number of acres in extent which this year pro duced practically nothing owing to damage from these two sources. While the bug nuisance Is bad one year and perhaps sllgnt the next, the damage fwm blight, early and late, seems to be increasing steadily from year to year. TOMR'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF S OILED CLOTHING . look belter-wears longer -y nnri oiues more t- bodily comfort because cur on lorae Dollerns.yel costs no more than the "jusl os good'kinds $UITWQ931ICKER5'3Q9. SOLD EVERYWHERE tvry oomenl rfQWEft ign or me run i aBBBe I j j guarontecd worcrprcXM A J TCWt CO fWJSTO U m, IQWfB gAUAfVAN CO tlH-Tfp TOOOWTQCAj $1,250 Reward. rhe Harney coon Live block Aaaooia, loo, of which I am A member, payefTSO reward (or evidence leading to the con viction of pariiee Healing etock be- lougiuir to it mem- bere. in addition 1 offer AU0 reward Horse brand hora hoe bar on either or both jaw. R corded inMonnntiM Range, Harner-, Lake and Crook Countle. donee Tented when aold. Horace told lo pax through this auction will be. reported ia tola paper. If not o reported, pleaae vrite or iele phone Tbe Time Herald, Main 824, Burnn, Ore gou. W. W .Brown, Burin, Om- Reward for Horses 1 will give fS.OO reward for Inform ation that will load to the discovery of any horse branded with an old horeeehoe brand on both jaws, placed aa In the cut lu thla advertlneniLnt, with frenh triangle brand underneath tho hora8boe., .The. trlaiiRlo placed In such a manner aa would cover up a bar on both jaws. Animals nmut be found la tbe possession of eouie persoa or ierHons. - ' ,H rt l.r. T MJl 'imk i a r ;. m l m - x LAKliVIEW SADDLERY S. P. MLSTR0M Proprietor 1h txst Vanquero saddle on the market Also n complete lia. of wagon and btijtg-y bar Mas, whips, robes, bits, Hates, spur-, quirt a, rose ttes, n fact everything; In tbe tin of carriage and kcree furnishings. Ke pairing by competent men j a t xi rr: j m I r-iie.r-"- with your order, a beautiful premtam, a 73-paca book tnnatratod la four calora with US Western view. SUNSET MAGAZINE sam riuMctsco. cauroaai 435 We Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known c'l your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it. TTn1' t!ir It dslly srtion of tha bowel", HMmns pruueu in absorbed, ounu MM arlte, tltuunr, nauaem. dTppla. and lliui nrevaillliiK the Karaaparills from din lu Mat work. Ator'a fill ate livar pUla. Act gemir. all vegetable. - MS br J. O. lrr Co.. Lowatl, Mae. JLImq aaanaXeetarers of All V1G0. AGUE CURE. ' CHERRY PECTORAL. yers W have as eoeret t We publish the formalaa of all ear medieiBe. '4j 60 YE AH8 ; 1 A TRAD. JlAPHMlk DcaiON Copyrights Ac . . .i ,..- k mwtJt AMrintlnn ml-. aalkr ascertain our opinion free wbeiUer ot , laVamiBn le probablr paieniabla. Corjniunlra. tamrtlreonBdentQ. HA(tOBOOI( on Fateuia. aent free. Oldeat aaancr form paiem- I'atania taken tarouiih Mutm X Co. rtclTa., ajMrMtiaoUce, without ebana, in tha , Scientific Jftiericatt A handaomelr llhutrated weeklr. Inret elr ilUNN & Co.selBro New YorSf .,.lT ich 00)085(4 Bt, Waahlwicou. U-i' 1 a. aaBBaaaaamv i mm 5 1 I Ja. ' .. i .T.-p-.