LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER. LAKF.VIKW, ORf'.UON, TfltK-liAV 'MA K. 25,1109 EVEN i- Settlers Rates to A "SMALL PUCL Firm Via Southern Pacific Lines Daily From March 1 to April 30, 1909- . unqM l! ) Omaha ' Ht. Jtm-) ' Ksneae Cltr I Isavenworth Jnver II on ton . St. Lniite Mew Orleans i. oo . lift (K) . 25 00 , m oo . 2ft 00 ,. zr, oo , :w 60 Memphis llloonilnuton Ht. J'hiiI Minneapolis .... IVorla, ChlciiKO .A........ I'lttMtnirK New York I'V .... A..ft. ll .ano no . SI 7ft . ai V . 31 7ft . 31 ;76 . 83 '00 . 42.00 . M 00 Corresponding low rales from other point. KuU-h for branch lines point , wjll be a combination of the proper eolonUt rate for the main-line June . tloo point and the usual branch-line local. The coat of a ticket can be ill posited at enw with any Nou thorn Pacific agent In Nevada, and the ticket will te furnished to the pawncer In the Kant, while these low rat are In effect. Ktop-overs are a'lowed at Cnbre, Elko, ' tod KENo. Nevada. Winneinuci-tt, Lovelock, Haeen LAIlEVIEiW, "OREGON ! A Growing town In ths heart of the Fertile Irrigated Farm.. A Home for You Tell your frteada In the Kant alynit thesr low rates, and fend them a rfe- sorlptlop of the SUNSHINE STATE, Maps and llluHtrat4M ilmrlptlve mat ter can be obtained of any agent of the Southern Pacific, or from CMAS. E. FEB Passenger Traffic Manager Man Francisco, Cat. D. E. BURLEY, General Passenger Agent Salt Kake City, Utah JA5. HORSBURGH, JR. General PeenKrr Atrent Kan PrAoclsco, Gal E W. CLAPP, t Diet. Freight and I'aa. Agent Ileno, Nevada ARMS are for a1s fcy all progreailTt i Hardware and Sporting Goods Merchant and DAN BEARD'S tjJendid effort " CUM AND CUNNING " will be mailed postpaid to any applicant by J. bVrsvcsa A aa a it Tool Conn xt, Chloopre Fall, Maui., upon receipt of price. For paper cover edi tion forward 30 cents ; for clotb bound book tend SO cent. Written forand pul. Halted by J. STEVENS AIMS a TOOL CO. I AUU t TOOL CO. I 1 r.o.Mm I i cii ra aw I CATARRH -irvy 7 DRY LAND FARMING: - IN EAST OREGON Agriculture la a proRreaalve science. Nature not on 1 present ooropenae tloo for Incurable deOclenciea In cer tain aectlpoa of the cpuotry, but bIho aeema to bold In reserve unexpected possibilities of development that are valuable whart the human, fanny tieeda an Increaaed area for croo enl- Itlvatlon. 'The Western - vtatea have riven the world a eneotanle of general -develop-j being forced to Incur debt to pay for . I A t A A ... . . meni eo rapia as to iwBimMiPuniioi groceries and anppilea untu toe farm In Ita reallratlon, The ant inlcra. j Sterne Ifiran to come In. Beea. amall mineral dletrlcta or to tbe nnnr-w ' . . iu thm !u... ,lw- n,y D of tbe four waa American Uaaert" aa qnlobabltable Great ttieeeae ef a ewr Aere Managed by a Wimin. ftnrcewefol womrn fanuera are no longer a novelty, numbers of tbem belne found la alt aectlous of the coun try. Possibly (be amalleet farm tbaf aaa provided a llvlog for Ita owner la carried on by Mra. Jane C, Barrow of Connecticut. Tbla energetic lady haa succeeded .In obtaining a living for herself and twovblldren on tbe profits ef a four acre farm, aendlng tbe chil dren to school meanwhile. The enterprise waa started without capital aeven year ago. Mra. Barrow will and conanuentlr4 worthless. Cross the "desert" now on any one of the trans continental trains and try to Imagine what traneformetioo bee beet, wrongbt. It waa nuder the magldawav of Irrigation that tblnga first began to ahange.. In rer'ala Instances the seemingly Impossible haa bead aocom pllahod. Water lifted from ancient river beds haa been carried for ten fltfeen, twenty or thirty tnllea ' to slake tbe thirst of the parched jao( and cause Ita tbokaglvtng to appear In the amllea of natnre enthroned In tt.e midst of green tlalde and In the fra grance of fruit and flbeera.' . " ; ' lint Irrigation la almost an old story, enrpesaed In a new wonder of the weat known "aa ""dry farming V. Tbe name of tbla moat recent agrl- aultabte for planting, aid tbla acre haa really brought In most of tbe Income by means of a system of tntenalve farming which la remarkable, to aay the least One-fourth of tbla one acre was devoted to poultry, and laet year 8.000 docks wore raised and sold at a weight of four poonde each when be tween three abd four menthe old. Tbe feather crop alone amounted to 400 pounds. On tbla acre of tillable land, beeldea tbe ducks, were 100 fowla. 24 turkeys. CO J Irs of ptgeone and 79 etanda of beee. Plgeone were a profitable spe cialty, about 400 pairs of ao.oabe bav- Ing been aold. iJucke, however, are , considered more profitable than pi geona, and Mrs. Barrow thinks of dls- j The Kind Ton Have Always Bought antfc whleh has been in use for over 80 years, has born, the algnaatnre of and has been made under his per sooal saperrlslon Since Ita La fancy. Allow no one todacelre roaa In this. All Counterfeit, Imitations and Jwt.aa.;oo4are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against JBxperiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless snbstliarte for1 Castor' OH' Pare trorlc, Drops and Soothlngr Sjrupa. It la Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor ether Mareotta substance. Its age Is its guarantee 1 destroys Worms and allays Fererlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teelhine Troubles' cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assiaailates the Food regulates tbe Stomach and Bowels gtrtng healthy and natural sleep. -The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. cewuine CASTORIA ALVAYG Sears the Signature cf" cultural acieooe la at onoe a mianomer' poetng of tbe pigeons and Increasing sod a fairly deanrlptlve title. It Is ; h dock area. Tha tnrkeva at n not an abstruse proposition nor dfH) onlt to onderatand. Like Irrigation,' dry farming la aimply an operative oompon senae applied to given con dltlona. It haa been discovered tba an average annual rainfall of eleven Inrhea la sufficient for successful crop welt. The white variety la kept be cause tbe feathers are more valuable. Tbe birds are aold during tbe holiday seaaon end. being especially well fat tened, bring the very highest prices. Tbe bees are an ex tan eat Investment. production If that moisture la cooaer-, and Mrs. Barrow considers tbe work ved In tbe soil Tbe trutnoi inis ; pMnt snd suitable for s woman, propoaltloo baa been tbooogbly , tw ni, Rn tw. it.i.. vi 'by continued agrlcu . i Kn,""",: "e.-T- S7 mm Ely's Cream Bali tture to Civs Satisfaction. - OIVKS RILItr AT OMCt. It eleamiM, soot bra, hrls and protects the diney nirmlirane resulting from Catarrh and lri rr away a Cold In the Head qui. klv. lt.'to-ca the Senses of Teste and HmrU. r'juiytoase. Contains no injnrioued-'ir' .Applied into the ntrils and absorbed. Larie 8I, 50 cents at Drovbits or I y mill. liquid Cream Balm for uue la Momucra, 75 cents. tit BROTHfrta. b6 Warrea 8b. Mtw York WE BUY Vki fnr r-aw aUaiM IFUGSSsIHiflPE ipot Mak le io aes mnr Mon,r fnr ria to tb l u TUw Vm r. . .d Hid., to le io aes aww Mon,r fnr rnv to aliip TUw Vm r. . .d n Write fur Prloa Limi. MuM Kpnrl. Hblppln 1 Mr, ud tural success for a scors of years at various plaoea In Utah, snd notably In tbe vicinity of Pendleton. Oie. The three prime essentials of auoh success ar summer tlltsge cropping a certain piece of ground only In alternate years,' and light seeding. These truths were not dlecovered in k day. Tney are the product tf experience. Finally tbey were collected in a eyetem and there appeared tbe acienoe of dry farming. Eastern Oregon, with a normal annual rainfall of alxteen lnobea, la at preaent tbe tost Interesting field foi tbe demonstration ol the possi bilities of dry farming Land hitherto providing only a preoartoue existence for range etock la easily made to pro duos 30, 40, or 60 bushels of grain per acre while potatoes, corn and other crops are usually auoceeafuL Dry farming Is not tbe successor to Irrigation. Tbey are kindred snd co ordinate acts gees, often working aide by aide in the asms locality. Tbe Individual and sgoregste resulta un doubtedly mean the complete reclama tion of Eastern Oregon and tbe building of tbouaioda of new bomes on tbeae vast stretches of fertile lands. The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. A vaeiTMr fB.aNMMur staasT. To Cure a Coid la On Day rake LAXATIVE liBOMO QUININE Tablets. All druggists retund the money if it fails to core. E. W. Groves' signature ia on each box. 25c. Great Remnant Bale Mercantile Oo. at Lakeview winter. 1 Of coarse tbe bugs supplies of food v needed for tbe poultry sre not raised on tbe farm. Tbey are bought outside " at considerable expense. Mrs. Barrow : LAKEVIEW hesitates to buy more land, having made aucb a succees on a small area. She Is firmly of tbe opinion thst a com mon mistake made by women who take op farming Is to begin oo too Urge a scale. 3 ALTURAS STAGE LINE H. E. Base is. Prop'r. Office In Thornton's Store Stage lesvee Lakeview daily, ex ec Dt nndav at 6 a. m. Arrive st Altorss at 6 p. m. Leaves Alturaa for Lakeview at i 6 o'clock a.m. or on tbe arrival I of the stage from Likely. Ar rivee in Lakeview in 12 boars si ter leaving Alturae. Freight Strict - - Matters - (liven Attention ,. First - Class Accomodations. LAKEVIEW PLUSH Ulete to srs thiva tO aikoat our HUNTERS'&TRAPPERS'GUIDEsr as. lasjstssr sbpsm4. sest tblag Use ssjies eews sHWia liltes41a ell fnr aatsnats All re tat treev ftaM aeeos a sue Ms e tsjaynlar tmtfinpm4f Prise. 91. Te oast siiSusmms. tl is. s1.4s taeaawt MS Qaar lUtxestes wksH asxl PsafT stlraeHs esstisials tr leaps, f m raw awHf. Miievtaaff im as4 est augaewt parkes AmUmnh UBm Mlaiaiisslli.Mtmsx. aaVant traepssV psawsSa, Dsesn, Traps, r ALBANY NURSEUItd Tlsced 20,000 trees In Lake county last vear. Beat adapted to needs of this section. Frea from all diseases. Endorsed by fruit Inspectors, febotf E. R. PATCH, Lskevlew. LAKfc 'COUNTY' ABSTRACT CO. STAGE LINE INCORPORATED A Complete Record e have made an entire transcript of all RecordstihJLake County, f, ,4 which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county.. e i ' j We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made in Lake county, ana every ueea given; ERRORS FOUND. , In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed recoid,and taot indexed; and . many deeds are recorded" in the Mortgage record and otner ' boolc9. Hundreds ot mortgages and deeds are not indexed, ' at nil, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records. THE NEGLECTED ELDERBERRY H Is Really a Wholeeorns and Oelieleue Fruit. Of tbe wild fruits few sre more de licious than elderberries. Our fore mot be ra, who had to depend upon tbe wild frnlta alone wben tbe country was new, learned many arts thst seem almost forgotten In theae later days, and one of tbem was tbe use of elder berries. . Tbey , gathered tbem. stem med, washed and packed them In deep earthen Jars until within three Inches of tbe top and then filled tbe Jar with Orleans molasses. The berries kept in this wsy, too. snd made dellcloua pies through the long, blesk winter, wben good things were scarce. Another wsy, which some of or remember, wss to dry tbem In tbe sun, snd this. too. gave I many sn appetising dlab that other wise would have been forever lacking. Somehow tbe pioneer woman found her greatest Joy In providing good things for her family. One wonders If the women of today who have "ca reers" know as .much real happiness ss did tbe pioneer women of fifty years ago. But elderberries still grow, snd they sre still good. Let tbe boys gather some and try an elderberry pie. Mske a . rich crust snd pinch It np high around the edge, so thst the pis will not be, as some one said, "all fence and no pasture.'' Fill It with tbe clean berries, sdd a tablespoon fnl of gooa vinegar and a teacup or sugar i c,7i;m nil r; r-i n c; Into which a tsblespoonful of flour has !5l HLLtUKc been stirred. Cover with a top crust I REE Knowing what It was to auf snd bind the edges together with a I fer. I will irlve FREE OF CHARiiE. strip of cloth, or some of tbe rich Juices ! to any afflicted a poaltlve cure for I will be lost sure. Bske forty minutes, j Ecaema. Salt ttheum. Erysipelas,! A delicious ssuce can be made with i " . ii "T0"- VLBUD,1 TKr can be made In the same wsy. Cook New York. Enclose Stamo. appies ana nemes ogetner. one part KLAHATH LAKH ...RAILROAD.... . . . TIME TABLE . . . - In Effect May 1st, 1906. IT. Thrall. ...S A. M.Lv.Pocegnal0.4S Ak. Ar. Bogns " Ar. Dixie 10.46 " Steel Brf 44 - K l'h Bp'r II 4f " rUCr-k..7.0 - rail Creek 11.4 - " Kl bSp'gnMO ' - Steel Br'ce M.oe " " Mile S. W " Becoa. lt.rat " fokctasuajO " Thrall.... Jx.46 " Klamath Springs Special. LT.rrhraii i.a p. hxt. Krh Bp'ni r. I Ar. Bogus IM - At. rail CreekLfiO " " Bteel Br'te3.1 " " Bteel Br'ge 1.08 rU Creek tM - " Botjua 1 10 Kl'SBp'tttea - Thiall .44 r 1. E. Taylor, Prop. Office at B. Reynolds' Store. 6tage leavea Lakeview Mondaye, Wed needayeand Fridaya at 6 a. m., arrive at Pluah at 9 p. m . Leavea Piueb Tnes dsys, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m Paaaenger fare $3 one vav or $6 for round trip. Freight rates from May tat to Nov. let $.75 per hundred ; from Nov. Jat to Mav 1st 11.00 per hundred VESTRH STAG E K'amath Falls-lake Tiew O Stags Company erricKa ereaatlle Ca'a Stare, Lakevtew Asaerieaa Hatet, Klaasath Sails FAB Kit aaaS Tria ... . am Osre Way SIS of berries to three or four of apples. Strain the Juice and cook as sny other Jelly. Elderberry Juce la a fine addi tion to grape Juice, both because of flavor and medicinal qualities. We have notations of all these1 Errors:' Others cani'ot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up these errors, and we can guarantee our work. , : ( , ( , ,..,,,.. , , ( ., . : ' 1 J. D. VENATOR, Hanger. Petted Strawberriee. At this season of the year there are always a somber of Inquiries with re gard to potted at raw berry plants. The Idea Is thst extra strong planta can be grown by plunging pots Into tbe ground ' snd setting tbe young plants Into these while stUI attached to tbe mother planta Theae potted nurslings are then- transplanted to peraaneat beds In August or September snd art expected; to yield a crp tbe following year. rractlcaUy one year Is thus saved In the production of a straw. 1 berry crop. The value of tbla method csn be pretty sccurately set forth In a : dosen words. It Is Interesting play for ; amateur gardeners, but has no stand- ; lag In commercial strawberry culture. It Is never undertaken on a commer- clal acale. But In small gardens, where j tbe fun of growing things Is equal to , tbe market price of tbe produce, fall planted potted strawberry planta may be cordially recommended. These facts account for the annual appear ance of tbe potted plant fever In tbe amateur horticultural Journals. Tbe scheme la suited perfectly to those who hsve not yet progressed beyond tbe reading of such msgsslnea Un fortunately, however, these amateur horticultural periodicals very seldom warn their credulous rssders that tbe Idfa la of no commercial value, snd so from year to year, along with a small crop of strawberries, there flourishes a large jctod of needless disappointment f... know vsrjr. &J54" J tnlnr. To become expert 1 ?"?a' PortiiiMi. W.aniN- I In DrodiM-tn (k. . . ho beoom. eiporW. Sow rerrr a Red mad nap lb raulta of wtm B. ll. rtlRT I CO., Drrtarr. Mica. Northern Stage Line. LA K EVI E W PAISLEY. A W. BRYAN Proprietor. leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m eery day but Sundaj. v Returning leaves Paisley at 6 :'60 a tu every day bu' Sunday rnmpti arafj Kor trtaj OPPICB aynoM A Wnrfleid - America's Orcatest Weekly THE Toledo Blade TOLEDO, OHIO The Best known Newspaper in United States CIRCULATION 200,000 Pcpala ta Cvary State tee KILLthi COUGH and CURE tnk LUNGS w Dr. rag's Hon Discovery PBTCV sarv. A. si fa OLDS Trial Settla Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. WOLDS OUABANTXKO SATISVAOXOAl la many respeeu the TeeVte BlaSe Is the aaost remarkable weekly newepeper publlaheA Id tae Uolted Mtates. It is thaonl otnuna. eepeelallj edited (or National elrculalloa. It naa oa toe targ mi circulation for more years thaa any aeoipeper printed la America. Fur thermore. It la the eheamut newsuener In ih. world, as will be explained to any person who win write us tor terms, i as news ol tbe World o arranged that bny people can more easily comprehend, tbaa by reading enmbereome col umns ol dallies. All earreut topics made plain Id each iuue by special editorial matte written Iron inception down to date. The only paper publihed especially for people who do not read daily aewtpaper.and yet thirst for plain faots. Tbat this kind of a newspapes ia popular, li proven from the faet tbat the Week, ly Blade now has over tOO.OOt) yearly ubaerib- rra, ana is circulated in aii parts oi tne United Slates. In addlton to tbe newt, the Blade pub lithe short and serial stories, and many de partments of matter suited to every member ol the family- Only one dollar a yeai . Write lor f "ee specimen copy. Address THE BLADfc, ; Toledo, Ohio. EXAMINER, both O flC TOLEDO BLADE. 1 Yr ,U THE MHKKP SSAHDS Jamps Barry Brndi with Swallow Fork Is rtaht ear for ewes i reeerst lor wttners. Soms ewes Sonars Crop and bill la right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, Crane Lake. foatoBcs address, Lakerlew. Oregon Zac Whitworth A new Una of shoes at B. ft M's. Brands with Crop eg left sar. Half Uudererop OS I tight for ewes i r srse for wethers. Tar Stand W. Mange, Itsh Creek. fue'oBoe addrea laheetew. Ore" Notice The Lake County Examiner bas changed bands, C. O. Metzker having sold tbe paper to Fred J. Bowman. All moneys due on subscription are payable to Fred J. Bowman, and be Is to continue the paper to all aubacrlp era who bave paid in advance, for tbe full term for wbtoh aocb aubacriptlons have been paid. Bills due for sdver Using to June IS sre payable to O. O. Metzker. bigned O. a Metzker