Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 25, 1909, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Lnkc Count v Examiner
Larat "mpr. mn Larfwt CrrarMteti
Eaatcra an4 Fwlhnl Orrf.
prni.iKHKn itvKitr TntiwiMT.
Knlorwl at lhi lnm Uflr talw. Or.
Socnnit-l'laaa Matu-r.
llirSTt OF Fill At. TATBR
Ona ar. In aitrance
Pi martin. 1
Tore n.onthc, ' .. .
fr-If sot Mid In aOvaoc. $3 M Ike )rt.
Snbaerlbrra to 1b F.iamlaar ta rvmer
from our locality U aooihar. or ehanirv
their poatofllca addrc m (hernia romrmhrr i
drop ihts oftie a card ao their ppr ra be i
dreawd to the right poatofnc.
Rpftilar atanrilna: ad I1.M ao toeh. atnile
folumn nrxce, per aionth. All alandlug ada.
cbanptnl free twice a moatn. Coal of componi
lion eharel for all eT chra. All -eclal
poalttuna extra. All abort tern adj. exira
Reader, local eolnmna. lor. per Ho each la
ell Ion. Want arte. Sc. a line each Inaertloa
Card of thaaka 11.00. keaoltailona of condo
lence, $1 bO and upward.
fTBS-TraniileBJ Adrenlaiog aad Ja rrtnt
log, cash la advance.
All Ulla moat be paid tha flrat of each aioata.
No darlatlon from tbeaatartaa.
TUIC 01 Dm lakaptoallaatK.C. Dait'a
InlO rRrr.ll AdTcrtlalnf Agency U Band
oma Street, Ban Franclar. Cal., vhare
eoatracta for adTertinnr can be atadt tar it.
An example of bow graft and dis
honesty permeate All avenues of ocl
ety and which among the "higher
upa" is looked upon aa a virtue
rather than a cririe ia had in the case
of Robert N. Orave, a "business"
man of San Francisco who, wheu
examined as a juror in the trial of
tha notorious bribe giver, Pat Cal
houn, said :
"My sympathies and prejudices are
all with Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Ford, and
their associates. My frienda are ail
of that class, and I never would vote
to punish any of them."
How different are the words of
Cicero, the Roman, the noblest of
them all, who in 63 B. C. had this to
say as to what constituted "Friend
ship: "Let this then be established as a
law nf friendship, that we should
neither ask of our frienda, nor do at
their'requeet, anything that rs dis
honorable; and the plea that one has
acted in a friend's behalf ia a base
excuse to otter for any crime, and
particularly for an offense against tbe
State. For the piesent situation of
tbe Republic is such tbat we ought
to look far ahead for tbe danger tbat
may threaten it. Already it has, .to
. some extent, occupied a dirfereut
ground and followed a different
course from tbose prescribed by the
customs of our ancestors.'
If tbe words of Cicero meant any
thing then how infinitely greater is
the need of their application in these
times when graft, bydra-beaded and
witb its octapus tentacles is reaching
everywhere, and gathering within its
toils the people's servants, who place
otilites, that should belong to tbe
Dublic, into tbe baDsd of these mon
sters of greed 1 Then, when an areus
ed public conscience calls for punish
ment of grafters and restitution of
these privaleges wrongfully obtained,
men of tbe stamp of tbis man Graves
refuse to do the pubilo justice on he
specious and unreasonable plea of
Under such conditions no wouder
tbat an arouesd publio sentiment ia
sweeping tbe country, and such men
as Rooserelt, Cummings, La Follette
(and shades of darkness 1 John D.
Rockrfeller. Andrew Carnegie and
Jajob Klein, recent recruits in civic
reform) and others, urge prosecution
and punishment of tbe Calhoun stripe.
Meanwhile, socialism is looked up
on by growing numbers as the only
way tbat leads to reform. But, w ill
it do so? Can the leopard change his
After all tbat is said and done, is it
not blind subserviency to party, right
or wrong, the cloak under which
these rascals ply their calling of rob
biog tbe people?
Tbe only escape from these condi
tions seems to be a ilttle independent
thinking. Then, let tbn ax fall where
it will do tbe most good. If a Cal
noun or a liinkey-Dink or a Reuf
happen to be where the ax falls, well
and good. Bat do not shield tbe
.higher-up and punish the lower down.
A stricter, sterner juetlce would pun-
lsn the former more surely and with
greater volume.
Reports of the colonist travel to tbe
JVorthwest over tbe Harriman lines
for tbe first eight dsys of March
have been received. The total num
ber of tickets sold for Oregon points
was 1545, an increase of 301 over last
year's period. Of these. 275 werve for
Portland and 272 for points south
of Portland.
It is claimed that an unbreakable
steel rail has been made by the Penn
sylvania Steel Company, which if
generally used will preserve the acci
dents now so common in railroad
travl. at the sacrifice of a o many
Uvea. Now, let's see what the steel
truat will do about that
A dispatch from Houghton, Mich.,
aya tbat an American Trust baa pur
chased Isle Royal, in Lake Superior,
j net opposite the Canadian town of
Port Arliur. ThU it to IntiRh. Jle
Koyal always was American territory.
There la more piobabtllty tlint an
English syndicate hut purchased the
island for the well known copper
deposits Tbe American syndicate
referred to, bewever, hae mora likely
purchased Pie I si in J, for Its mineral
deposits, aj'ver, gold and eopper,
which lie between the Isle Royal,
nd tbe main Cauadian shnie.
A short musical will l rendered
at the Openi House tnniorrnw eve
tilng Is-fore tht auction of tin ban-
I kets. Admission free.
Mrs. TV. U. Shirk wa tbe bofte of a
delightful party Saturday afternoon.
Progressive whist was played and
olos wete rendered by Mra C. F
Seager aud Mrs. Norin. Refresh
meuts were served at tbe conclusion
of tbe card game
Tbe following ladle were prevent:
Mesdamei Creseler, Wilcox, W. U.
Suider, Florence, Bern is, Cobb,
Gowan, Norin, Umbaob, ll.rvy,
Sherlock, Harrow. Thornton, Beall.
Clark, Stone, Scbminck, Creed Me
Kendree. Watson, Bailey, liatcbelder.
C. E. aud L. E. Stager, K. W. Mai.
KIlKHl, for April
"When to-day dlad, an epoch ended.
Inter it In tbe crypt witb Alexander's
witb Ceesar'a, with Napoleon '. '
Thomas W. Lawaoa writes. In tbe
April Everybody's, a cbaiaeteriatic
ally stirring appreciation of Theodore
Rooeevelt, aader tbe title, "Tbe
Passing of tbe toao"; and .the editor
add to this a brief review of tbe ex
PrtrsiJent's career as a publio servant
and citizen, aod a godpeed to tbe
new cbief executive.
Tbe tbird shot, and perhaps tbe
most effective from a practicl stand
point, in tbe campaign against mar
gin gambilug, is hred in "Tbe Came
UeU You,'' by Jobn Parr: and added
to it is tbe confession of a branch
manager of one of New York's big
Sto?k Exchange bouses. It is called
"A Hireling of Wall Street."
Witb a natioual comnweston con
sidering ways and means ot bettering
Amreica's wateraay utilization, and
bills before a half dozen or more
legislatures dealing witb tbe eatue
probl.-m, Jobn li. Matbew's article,
"Making Rivers Work," bita the
middle of tbe target squarely. It
shows what Europe has done. It sbows
bow much better America could do it.
No less timely is "Alcbolism: Its
Causation and its Arrest," by tbe
Rev. Samuel McComb an outliue of
tbe method used by the Emmanuel
Church in combating tbis widespread
Tbe fiction and every article in tbe
current number is of interest tbat will
command attention of alL
Curing a Pullar.
It is claimed by one who has tried
It that a driving horse tbat pulls on
the bit can be cured by fastening a
small ring on each side of tbe bridle
and as near tbe brow band as possible.
Pass tbe lines through bit rings and
snap them Into the rings at the brow
band. This, with a common Jointed
bit, will enabled a child to bold a
"puller," or hard mouthed horse, with
ease under almost all circumstances.
It can be used on a fast horse in
double team or on both, as desired.
It Is cheap and easily applied, and it
won't make the mouth sore.
Indications of Diaeais.
An Irregular pulse In a horse is a
strong symptom of grave disease. In a
healthy horse tbe pulse beats thirty
two to thirty-eight per minute, but
forty-eight per minute may not de
note disease In some bursts. To take
the pulse place tbe finger of tbe light
hand across the artery below tbe Jaws,
holding tbe watch In tbe left band, and
count tbe beats. A rise of temperature
above 100 degrees denotes tbat some
thing Is wrong. To take the tempera
ture use a thermometer. By practice
a high temperature can be easily de
tected by inserting the hand in tbe
moutb of the animal Cold legs and
cold ears and cold sweat are bad symp
toms. Difficult and quick breathing
indicate lung trouble, and snoring is
caused by disease of tbe brain. A
rough coat is a bad symptom, denot
ing Indigestion. Fever in a horse la
indicated by dullness, a quick pulse,
high temperature, extended and in
flamed nostrils and usually great de
sire for water.
Reliable Seeds
So much has already been said on the
importance of buying your seeds from
a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only-
waste of words. tikS& Seeds have
proved their worth our increas
ing business is proof indeed that
merit alone has made the
Chas. II. Lilly Co. fore
most seedsmen on the
Pacific Coast Send
for catalog:, 120
pace, illus
trated, de
scrip, j
I strong, durable, comfortable I
g garments for workingmcn I
r N
v,hyi Millie X
iftUi Alii WW.,a..
.. a
tin, Ryan, Drenkel, and Powell and
Mlseea Applogatc and Linton.
MIimi Fae Humes entarntalned a
number of ber frleoda at wbUt lt
Saturrdy afternoon. Refreshments
were cerred. Mlf Kmlly Ayres
revived (trot prire, aud Minn Laura
Vu was awarded the consolation
Lrlze. Tboee present were Mlsaia
aura Puke, Medio Oltihona, F.mtly
Ayres, Verda Umliarb. Marie Mo
Shane, Mae Far nee, Cuba Amick,
Kdne Peuluod and F.tnlly Claik.
W. Ijir Thompson will be the auc
tlnwtt At thf llnxkrt SotUl tit lx
irtvtMi tomorrow night by the lllnh
No.lrt Ftir e)(W. man, pnnxtii.
eltn gfven 2 ke lot ia2x2 &
Inrirenew tmrn.lwHt f abnde & frnlt,
Imth, rompb'te, will Inoluiie furnlturv
thlMone will lie tnkt-n quick one
b'wk from Court Ilouae.
Noli For vn Investment 2 WX.
cash, 310 ft front. 170dtep--rmm
frame houae. complete, In good rvtiHlr.
ThN la on prlnctpnl ihoronglifurtN
and there can tie 5-Wix 170ft lots aoltl
for at l-et $400. nplece. leaving pood
hoiiH & lot for U., that cau rent
for $ 240. per anuiun.
No. 14--7-rooin botine, rot W-by IR0.
Honee in beat n'tmlr. orchard nnl
Lgacilen, good sidewalk and fence,
Nv 3. 480 acres, north of Lakevletr
2"i tulle, on proponed rlnht of way of
railway. 7-rotin bourn . baru, capac
ity 100 totia of bay. 1500 abeep, 100
ncn-e nnder Irrigation, two cntka
cross the farm. Small orchard. Bet
of hay & grain land. Unlimited range
MXX). The alone reii-
renent 7000. This will not tie on the
market long.
No. 2 Ranch. 140 acres, 0 miles from
Lakevlc w, good 7-rooin hoiine, barn
30xN0, 4 other build Inga, all fenced
400 acrett In tuettdi w. - Irrigation
rights. B'tt ot grain oc fruit landa.
Soil loam & rolling land. In the
center of Ooone Lake Valley. fi'tl.OOO
if taken at once. Teruin. "neat tbe
Railroad to it."
No. 1. I'alry Hnnch, Jt0 acrea, near
creamery, 8-rooiu house, 2 barns
new one cot fl.'iOO. Orchard of 70
trees & garden. All fenct d. 40 to 50
cows. Telebbone, & It. F. I), twice a
week. Oood roada. f 2 000 down, bal
ance 15 200. Terms. "Beat tbe Rail
road to it."
Frame seven-room houne. 70x100 ft
lot, lawn, shade, liest residence
street in centre of town, furnished
complete, with piano, 13.600. must
act at once.
Frame 9-room house, 75x100 ft. lot.
one block from centre of town.
good repiiir; trees setout, if taken le-
fore May 1st f 2.200. A rare good bar
Five-room house, frame; good barn,
can be made over into nix or sev
en room houne for $200, 2 acres of ex
cellent land 5 block from Court
HoiiHe, house and barn alone cost
$1,000; the land can be cut tnto 16 lot
and re-sold at enough to clear the
place this Is right in town. Price,
House, either to kcII or rout arc
Kcarcc in Lakeview, if you
mean Mimuchh we will noihI pho
Tlmlier claim, 160 acre, will cruse 3
700.000 clone to Lakevlew, owner
must Hell, $2,500 will get it, cusli.
Two timber claims for sale, one 120
acreM, one KiO acres, will cruxe 1.150
000 ft-1.250.000 ft Can be bad In-fore
May. 1st for $.1000 CuhIi. .
Ranch 100 acres all fenced, good for
fruit of all binds, also 40 to 50 acres
'for grain, near Lakeview on county
road, spring water all year, 5-room
house. 175 fruit trees 2 and 'S years old
- $3,500, half cash, balance 1 to 5
years. "Beat the Kail road to it."
Ranch of 140 acres-fiO acres cleared &
fenced, on north west shore of
(loose Lake In California, five miles
from Ry. right of way. House and
barns, garden & fruit trees, good
spring water, 12 50 per acre. This
is a real-rare-in vestment. The own
er Is forced to aell. "Hen t the
Railroad to it."
Ranch 300 acres, pari fenced, barn
only. If sold with ranch of 100 acres
houHe & tiarn for 112.60, if seperate,
$15 er acre. The 'ii0 1h Just at south
end of (iooHe Lake, the '00 2 miles
south of Davis Creek, Calif, on conn
ty road, excellent level grain and gar
den lands, Is located on the right of
way Ry. "Heat the ICailroad to
This last one lor persons who have
f.w.ouo and some energy.
Fruit ranch, 800 to 1000 acres, 3 houses,
J burns, good fencing, perpetual wa
ter right, all irrigated, licst lands in
Goose Lake Valley for fruit & garden
farming, no frosts, local market for
all, will produce from $25 to f'JO per
acre ordinary farming, fruits much
greater. All implements, wagons,
14 head of horses, harness etc. Can
be sub-divided, part town lots, bal
ance 10 to 40 acre tracts. The lots
will bring $S00 to 1.0(H) per acre the
balance $75 to $100 per acre. Tha
right of way goes right by this farm.
To the parties who can handle this
alzed property it Is a big money
maker. Can all be sold this year,
price $55,000, can send photographs
If you mean business. Heat the
ICailroad to It."
Dranch Office, " Plush, Oregon,
Joe Elliott, Mgr. Warner Valley.
One of the best chances' to secure the
fast going, Free government lands.
v e locate persons on oul v tbe best of
good lands. Ask for particular.
See Our Windows
We feel confident that when you
See them and get jdiut.. prices
that you will. say thatthey-areattrrig
( Five renta er line, or one rent par word,
each lnaertlnn. Thirl worta. or Iraa. II per
month. aW'N ailvrrtlarmeiit lnwrtatl fur
lost than ii centa.
May Coucern: That I forbid any per
son turning the water out of Iiead
Man Canyon cn-ek, except what be
longed to the Reed ditch In IHHfi, aa I
have claimed It since as natural
flow of water on my ranch south of
Lakevtew. Any one interfering with
this right will be prosecuted to the
full extent of tbe law.
WANTED Trustworthy man or wo
rn au In each county to advertise, re-
celve orders ami manage business
for New York Mall Order House,
$18.00 weexly; position permanent:
no Investment ret u I red. Previous
pxoerleiic not esMf utinl to enuatrlnir.
Spare time valuable. Enclose self ad
dressed envelope for full particulars.
AddreHS, CLARK Co.. Wholesale
Dept., 103 PARK AVE.. NEW YORK
the big winter layers Last leccni
Iter I purchased a $:C pen of birds
from the famous Kellerstrass Farm
of Kansas City, Mo., and c n now
furuish a limited iiuiiiImt of eggs from
these choice birds at 'l for i:i. March
and April hatched pullets lay eggs
when the price Is highest. Address,
F. P. Cronemlllt-r, Lukevlew, Oregon.
urday, April 3rd. 1900. at 2 p. m..
in front of Odd Fellow's Halt, the
windmill, tank, pump, and fixtures
of the plant at Cemetery. '
FOR SALE Two good milch cows,
one lumber wagon. F. R. I'ATCH.
FOR SALE West of Sec. 34. Town-
shipsM. icange l Kast at $.. per
acre, 7 miles from Lakevlew, Oregon.
Write or enquire ot C. F. Elgin, care
of City Hall, Halem, Oregon.
ward issued by the Telephone
Company for destroying Its prop
erty. lOtf
Tbe Examiner baa a supply of first
class butter wrapper paper on hand
now, at tbe following prices: For 1300
wiappere, printed, $'160, for i000
printed $4.60. tf
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
rAUlOftt M Afamll kVa taitnsi mnlA lalha f JnllstJ
States tiisn of tvny other mmUm of bancrn. Ihii it itm
account ol thoir ttUf ft(cuit:y na fcimliclty. ,
mnr uit'rilr th .i -i.y in sf I. itli. ' f!;.? ' 1. f'.,
yr' ftubttrifiiinnU "umUrs) cot fiO Oi iit, J itrnt
fturur r, ! ci'llt-f. I .i y u!,iuiUf Kli JriiCftll 1 t
Ifb-f lt .h t ..i'nii. i.i, , ' I tl I K .'.i-j, us v t ( t O U.
1:1.) l'icl'i-"n t I. (' (, tl uin,)
aoul ii u- AUOiut i Co.. ' wk.
i nmrm
They are Worthy of a Look
Showing in our Big
In South Eastern Oregon.
has completed its sale, and there Is
going to lie something doing around
Lakevlew, and some have alrendv
regretted that they did not buy.- if
there Is any one still wauling to get
'In, 1 can get a few conlraota from
clients nere. Make me an oner tiefore
the premiums on these contracts
make another advance.
Sta. B. Dallas. Texas.
FOR SALE Oregon Vall.-y Und Co.
assignment r cntttrnrt.
103 4th Sfoo ,
10W4 Minneapolis, Minn.
CHOICE 10-ACRE FARMd.-Ciose to
Lakevlew 200. Easy terms.
Don't delay they are going fast. If
yon want a good fruit or gardeu
farm, don't miss this chance, flood,
live agents wanted. LAKEVIEW
Box 214,
i lakevlew Oregon.
! vv, .,.. . ..r
stead rellniiilHbmeutH. Want to
buv ill nft fro hi owners. Write, with
particulars, to M. A. KIRBY, 11 OS
Felix Street, t-t, Joseph. Mo.
I forsnle. Make me your offer, elt h
' er d I rect or a gen t s. f 4 1 f
i BERNARD C. SITZ, Lakevlew. On-.
botiKbt aud sold by W. L. Ullnu,
21C Masouio Temple, Itockforri, III.
Wbeu writing him du not fail to eo
close postage if you expect a reply.2tf
Smiles and Squalls
The insurgents already have got
busy In Cuba. Uh,buhl
Silver Lake
From Tbe Leader.
M. B. Buchanan has just returned
from Lakevlew where be went to
appear as a defendant in a laud con
test. He asya he came out on top,
tbe contestant failing to appear.
Rev. Hoplciua of Lakevlew has
accepted tbe call of tbe baptist
Church of thia place for tbe coming
six months and will arrive next wtek.
There will be services next Hunday.
Miss Hart of Lakevlew who for the
past six months bat been going to
school in Orass . Valley, Kherman
county, arrived on tbe stage Friday
night, being worn out witb tbe bard
travel laid over until Monday morn
ing, when she resumed her homeward
Warren Duncan was on a several
days trip with Earnest Hayes, an
engineer in the employ of the Oregon
Military Road Company, and while
gone visited the Christmas Lake,
Wagontlre aud Abert Lake Country.
Mr. Hayes made the trip presumably
in tbe interest of tbe company in
whose employ be is.
Mr. Fox, of Fremont, the name of
a new settlement west of Foit Rock,
came to town Tuesday, bringing two
gentlemen who held on homesteads
in tbat vioinity, Mr, Fox informs us
that tbe new road from Fremont
postomce intersects tbe old stage
road about tbree miles northwest of
tbe horse ranch, thus avoiding tbe
long , steep hill in tbe McCarty can
yon. Marrid:-On last Friday evening,
at tbe home of Mr. and Mra. Clin
Hmitb, Mr Oeorge Partin and Miss
Nellie Heard were united In mairlage
by Judge Martin, who did tbe job
op in his usual happy and business
like manner. The newly weds are well
and favorably knowu through out tbis
action, and the best wishes of a host
of friends follow them in their new
Windows a
Is UnxcelSed
NOTH-E : Tbe publio Is hereby
notified that 1 have taken over tbe
Furniture Stock of Wallace Co. No
bill against said firm contracted
after date of Jan. 1, liXiO will be eon.
Idrred and all accounts outstanding
and 3ue aM firm are to be paid to
tbe underalgned.
II. L. Chandler.
Dated, Lakevlew, Ore., Jau 1, liXX).
gra!e of Llqours and Ugars to Imi
found In Oregon. tf
Hotel Iwikevlew bar. The bent aud
purest whisky made. tf
fry haloon.
tf WANTED: Roomers. Board b
clay, week or month. ' Mrs.
want good waohliig go to the Ameri
can Laundry. .Mrs. R. McDanlnis.
Emil Klieae, )
Suit in Equity
to foroloae a
Kidney II odder aud )
Cressle llodder. )
his wife. Defendants.
To (Sidney llodder, and Crossie
aer. Die wire, defendant:
OF OREOON, You, and each of you are
hereby required tu appearand answer
tbe Complaint filed against you
In tbe above entitled Court and Cause
within six weeks from tbe date of tbe
First Publication of this Uu mm nu a.
to-wlton or before tho7tb day of May.
1900, and if you fail ao to appear aud
answer or otherwise plead to tbe said .
Comprint, for want thereof the Plain-(
tiff will apply to tbe Court for m Lit
ems auaiost you and each of you for
the sale of tbe following described
land situate in tbe County of Lake,
Htate of Oregon, to-wlt: NW quarter,
Heo. :J5, Tp. 3 8. R, 1U E. W. M.,
and for the foreclosure of the follow
tog described Motgage upon said land,
to-wit: Tbat oeitain Mortgage ex
ecuted by the Defendants (Sidney llod
der and Creasie llodder, bis wife, on
the 15tb day of November, 11104 In
favor of Columbia Brewing Company.
a Corporation, in tbe sum nf skmh (ifi
witb interest at tbe rate (I per cent
per annum until paid ; which said
Mortgage was duly assigned to plain
tiff herein on he Fifth day of Feb
ruary, 1009.
Tbat there is due and owing to
Plalntift herein ou tbe said Mortage
the sum of $550.25 wl'.n Interest on
tbe aunt of $520.05 since tbe 15tb day
of Novebmer, 1004 at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum, and interest on the
sum of $2.1 31 since tbe 15th day of
November, 11X15 at the rate of 0 per
rent per annum; and tbe sum of
$53 19 taxes paid on said premises by
Plaintiff herein, with inteiest at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum until
paid and for tbe sum of $50 as attor
ney's fees herein, and for bis costs
and disbursement herein, and for
auch other and further relief as to
tbe Court may deem meet.
Notice is hereby given you, that
this summons is served upon you by
Publication thereof io tbe Lake
County Examiner a News Paper of
General Circulation, Issued and pub
lished weekly in Lakevlew, Lake
County, Oregon, pursuant to an oider
of tbe Hon. (Jeorue Noland. Judue of
said Coutt, duly made at Chambers in
Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Ore
gon, on the 15th day of Msrob. 1909.
Tbe date of the first publication of
tbis Summons is tbe 25tb day of
March, 1"09, and tbe date of tbe last
publication of said summons Is tbe
(th day of May, 1909.
4. D. Venator,
M26M7 Attorney for Plaintiff.