Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 25, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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. I.KKVIKVY. ORKtlOV Tlimruitiv u t. .
Many Football Elevens Shy of
Little Men For This Position.
Dillon, Tigers' Captain, Expected to
Do Premier Bock at End of Season,
ttefien of Chloago MeOovorn of
Mlnneeola Look a Promlelng.
It Ik th quartorbark (juration thnt I
worryln tb roarhea at many of th
blir coIIckm (hla eeaaon. Harrlne;
1'rlnrfton. C'hlrogo and Minnesota, all
the members of tho bljr-eaatrrn and
western football elerrnsare up ajrnlnat
mrlnua proposition regarding the
moat liiijw.rtnnt position on tho tram,
Tin Tlgora hare Captain Kddle IHIIon,
i or w .: '. '
. ; (r i 1'-'
:. r V ''- .- J
o r
Under tho provisions of tho now
nam law, which becomes onaratir
May 22, WOO. Tho cloaed aoaaon for
door la from Nor. , to July 15, for
buck deer. Female doer and spotted
fawn are protected tho tear round.
A limit ol tutea dour for each hunter
lu any roar la alos prorlded. The
,SHle of Hush or meat of deer la pro
uiui'oa aui aiao I tie una or dot a lu
btintluif for dour or elk.
Hie penalty for any violation lo
nna not maa than 70 not mure than
AM), cr Imprisonment In tho county
jmi oui jim miiu .a; oara nor more
than w data.
Kill ar protected until Hop 15, 19H.
under a penalty of a (loo of not lees
inan tHKi nor mora than IIOXI.
lnck aro p otected from March, II
io nept , arm Knese from Marco I. to
wim. II. rnnalty, lino not lxa than
25 or more than I'JTiO.
Vuail are rote!ted In Grant, liar
nay. Wblr. '(Jllllanj and Umatilla
couutlxa until Oct. I, VJ2 Kuo hina
lxtveoo l)o 1, and Ana. 15. nltli
;aame llmlta aa to numt ra aa Kroiiaa.
inia open araaoa for trout remains
Klahlog la atrlrtly prohlhltod ex
cept with hook and line under aovere
All ditchna inuot te provided with
wire acimtn u'hllnH the proper device, ,
at the Intake, when required by the'
Maxtor r xh Warden, strict rflula
nona aro provided reuardlnu tie
dompluh of aewdiiet, ehaviiiKM, etc.
lu any at ream. "
All M .
am lornier lawa protecting gene
aud flab are repealed and the entire
IcglHlatlon upon the eubjoot la enj-
traced In a game rode which la quit
Iliintera are at ill rmi)lred to
cure liiwoHcn aa formerly.
Th Lurid Ulew of IMMat
waa aeen in the red fuce. hauda and
body of the little aon of II. M.
Adaina. of lleitrii-tta. i'a. ilia awful
plittbt from C7.eina, had, for flva
yeara , defied all rein Id lea and raffled
the beat doctors, who Bald the nolHou-
ed blood bad auected hla lunua and
nothing couhi eave hln. "Hut,"
wrltea bla mother, "eeven bottlea or
Klectrlo llittera completely cured
bim. " Horea and all Ulood l)ior.lrs
aud KhetitnatlHiu Klectrlo Hitter la
aupreme. Only 5t'o. Guaranteed by
A, L. Thornton.
Moot Married Women Do Not Inter
Thomoalvo In It.
Thcr aeenia to le no letup In the
matter of food reform, and w ar
bavlnf a veritable outpouring of Indi
vidual vlewa and eiperlenrca on tb
ubjpct. Kren the doctor, moat con-
crvatlvo of men. have caught the In
fection and are prescribing granoae
brumoae, nut (one and all tboae queer
looking sawdiiaty and blotting papery
aort of fhlnHmt aecm to auggeat tb
need of a duatpau, but are really, don't
you know, the very thing your over
worked and weakened dlgeatlv ayatem
may be requiring!
Then are the daya when the ad
vanced dirt reformer are hoaatlng
thnt they are llvlngand llrlng well,
mind yon on alxpence a day. Tbey
make their break foat off a cup of pat
ent diet food; lunch on a nut meat or
two and dine on a concoction of vege
table Julcee, with a banana perhapa for
Jolly and acceptable deaaert. Tbcae
are tho eatlmablo folk who hurry paat
a butcber'a abop with averted faeee
and a look of profound dleguat There
ar not a great many of them, but they
ar very radical. Bueh are the Halgltea,
the Fletcherltea, the Kuatace Mlleatana
and the dlaclple of a dozen other mod
ern food rcformera. The almon Dure
Halglto tnnia faint If he aeea you eat
ing a pea, the Pletcherlte wanta you to
cbew on a mouthful until notblna- ro-
maina and to b aatlafled with that.
and. aa for the Kuatace Mllealan, be
Bimpiy pitiea you ir bo dlncovera yon
atlng anything you really like.
Orap vloea require more pruning
of all fruit. Cherry treea leant, Apple
j treea require a little pruning every
Tr, too much la one aoaaon cauaeo
growth of wateraprouto and ahortena
i life of tree. It la a big mistake to
j prune a great deal one year and not
at ail the next, bead and dry dying
.us mini ix cut on.
Pruning fruit treea in winter atimu
lute growth. Pruning in Juue and
July cWke growth, cauaea the form
ation of fruit bud, help to tbln the
fruit, in aeaaona whan tra r.
full open the beada to let lo air and
aunllght to color the fruit. Severely
cutting bank treea for a few yeiira
will dwarf them aod In caae of frnlt
treea will cauae early bearing, for
growth prune in winter and for fruit
iu aurnmer, aa Boon aa the leavea
wen grown. DICK KINUHLKY
Chiefly a Male Fad.
(O. F. Kennatly la tho feat captain of tho
lartniO'ih e'ven. which la feared br
tha rolie ;n thnt hopo to capture the
football rnanipionahlp of tho oaat.
who la one or the greateat quarter
back In the country, and uuleaa tb
unexpected ha poena Dillon will eaally
t premier quarterback of the 1908
Yale baa loot Tad Jonea, last year'a
. regular quarter, and abw Dlnea, the
firat BUbatltute for the poaltlon. Who
will play tbe oeltlon la a myatery. Al
ready the bluea have tried aeveral
Ilopklna of la at year'a free h man
team and ntngham, aecond aubatltute
on tbe 1007 varalty, are likely randl
datea. There la, however, a atrong poa
alblltty that either Wbeaton or Pbllbln
may be moved Into tbe all Important
poaltlon. Tbcae player both played
halfback laat year. Wbeaton aeema tbe
moat llkoly candidate. In fact, be waa
given a trial at tbe poaltlon. The
coachea are desirous of having Whea
ton on tbe team on account of bla ex
cellent drop kicking ability. If poaal
ble, therefore, be will be broken In.
Harvard, like Yale, baa loet Ita 1007
quarterback and also Ita principal aub
atltute. Ncwball played tbe poaltlon,
and, although he waa not auch a bril
liant player aa Jonea, Flarvard will feel
bla loaa even more than the bluea will
not the abaence of Jonea. Three men
are atandlng out prominently aa tbe
moHt valuable candidate for the poal
tlon at Cambridge. There la not much
K to chooae between them, aa all are of
fair Tnralty caliber. (J. O. Itrown, Cut
ler and Fprague are the player, and
each la being thoroughly tried out by
Coach Daly. At present Brown and
Cutler are doing the beat work.
Although Cornell and Pennsylvania
both hnve veteran quarterbacka on
hand, each university baa to face the
. problem that la confronting Yale and
Harvard. Kelnath, the regular quar
terback of tbe Pennsylvania aggrepn
tlon, la laid up with lnjurlux. and
Towne baa been forblt'den lo piny by
bla parent. MllUr tin m worked well.
but he la wenk In timidllng kicks In
the back field.
Gardiner and Caldwell were at the
all Important poult Ion on t1' Condi
team last year, and both nre Luck thin
fall. Neither Is particularly brilliant,
and some oue may cut them out be
fore tbe aeaaon la over.
Glen Warner aaya that Bulcntl, the
Carllnlo Indiana preaent quarterback,
la aa good aa Mount Pleasant was In
executing tho forward pass. Mount
rieaaant'a value, however, waa not
confined to that department of tbe
game, and bla presence will be sadly
Captain Wultcr Bteffen at quarter la
the brains and the speed of tbe Chi
cago university team, and much will
depend on him to win a number of
games this aeaaon. lie la about the
only strong open field runner on the
Mlnneaota baa a promising quarter
lo licGovcrn, a freshman of laat year.
Although he Is small, weighing only
165 pounds, ho showed exceptional
speed and ability In the open field laat
aeon and may develop Into a star.
Springer and Moll are candidates
for quarter on tbe Wisconsin eleven.
Moll when light Is on of tb best
kick are In tbe west.
Salem, Or., Feb. 10. ICepreaentative
MoUuo'a bill authorizing the oouttlea
to lavy a apecial tax for advertising
irnd other general boosting purposes
baa passed tbe senate with several
amendment. Tbe amended bill re
duces the assesament from on mill to
one half of on mill and requires 20
per cent lustead of 10 per cent of tb
roter to petition tb couoty court
before th question ol levying tb
apeolal tax may b eubtuttted to tbe
He It noted also that the bualnoos of
food reform baa been confined princi
pally to the male aid of humanity.
Th women have not committed them
selves to It with th eager noa with
which they em brae most fada. In
fbo matter of diet women ar th
rat conaervatlv fore. Perhaps it
la because tbey ar compelled by clr-
cumatance to see so much of food that
they am ao Indifferent To get rid of
th whol tiresome subject ia th chief
form of relaxation that many of them
eek. It would b an absurdity to ex
pect women to tak tbe lead In re
forming tbe national diet. Th fact la
that very few women core for food aa
food. When It la for tbemeelvea It
quit alngularly falls to Interest them.
Their business It wouldn't be quit
correct to call It their pleasure lo to
prepare It for consumption. Really
refined women seem never to know ex
actly what tbey ar eating. Slngl
women living by themselves practical
ly do not eat at alb Thee Utter ar
th one who become food reformers,
and they are ao In order that they may
forswear eating altogether.
When a married woman turns food
Near Daatbj la Big Pood
It waa a tbrllliog experience to Mra.
Ida Hoper to face death. "For yeara
a severe lung trouble gave me intense
auirerlng," abe writes, "and scleral
time nearly cauMed my dea'h. All
"ui""m miiHu ana oociors said 1 was
Incurable. Then Dr. Klng'a Ne
Discovery brought quick relief and
a cure so pcruianeut thHt 1 bare not
been trouble! in twelve years." Mrs.
Hoper Uvea in Hig Pond. Pa It worke
wocdera In corn La and !oM Kr.
Lungs, Ilemorrbaitea, La Urippe,
Aathuja. Crotin. W hoonlnu flnnvh an1
all Krouchial affections. 60c and 11. 00. !
iriai bottle free. Guaranteed fc a '
L Thornton.
H (
1 m mrtK
' h b st Vanquero
lifl- ,n I he m.itkrt
(complete Hit of
w x'n and buggy bar
" wli p, robe., bli,
"ft spur-, quirts, roae
'e n i,-t everything; In
l ie Hi .f carriig) inj
"rae furnishing. k4.
pairlu by competent
m -n
fl .
Welch, our telegraph operator ia
great jokei and an ardent Socialist. ,
A few daya ago he Invited us to
attend bis lawn party, and then fixed
the weather clerk ao that there was j
six inches of anow on the ground, '
Bud, of course, we did not go because
we bad light freeze. And to day be '
wanted 1 1 know what are tbe three !
most uncertain thlnga in thia world. 1
We auswered Dea'h. Pol It I i
Religion. Hut be said it waa one '
woman, another woman, and the'
climate of Oregon. Welcb, by tb
way I an old Bach. j
Acconnoo tions
LIGHT & HARROW, Propnetosi
Ood Unlmcat. 1
You will bunt a good while before
you find a preparation that ia equal
to Chamberlain's Liniment a sure for
muscular and rheumatic pains, for tbe
cure of apraioa and aorenesa of the
muscles. It is equally valuable for
lame back and all deep seated mucular
puina. 25 and 50 cent aizea for aale
by Daly and 1111.
A large number of atodenta of tbe
University of Oregon will be forced
to leave the school on account of in
ability to paaa tbe examinationa.
Parents ahould tak notice that there
is something moie required at tb
UniveraitT than to be able to play
balL dress Ilk dudea and 'soara"
reiormer it may t set down aa a fact ; me giria aaya an exchange,
that her domestic life Is not a nappy I -
one, nor will ber conreraion tend to i ...... . ... , "
.w.m. t-v. ... I mioouB-u i a lose my leg.
-7 " " ' J- A. Swenson. Watertown
twmsu l law CUUUK U LU I Tao awa.u S . a. l a. l
amuvvr m tun, I IM UUl irVDI IQO rmaiLB 1 nnil!,1 nr AiiM VxmA .s- l-i
'UNE "lite
Bta-aia oflaro AM
of ta
of tfalo :
1 tbs bctt iryytlitHa'ir
nevtcw or ncvttws . . . s3.ooi H FOR
SUNSET MAAJU9NC .... 1.oV ff
rprr wOtk m m4n, a kaawtlfsl prcmhna, TVpc lk
Uaartnta ta tamm cotaa with US Weatara riwm.
make It
Tbla la tbe moat daogeroua time of
tbe year to catch cold, aud it la tbe
bardeat time to core it. If Ton should
take cold a few doses of Keuuedv'a
Laxative Cough Syrup will act very
promptly. Ita laxative principle
cures the cold by driving it from the
system by a gentle hut natural action
of tbe bowels. Children especially
like Kennedy'a Laxative Couch
Syrup aa it tastes good, nearly like
maple sugar. It 1 sold by Daly and
of th married women that th fern I
nine food reformers come. They ar
recruited for the moat part from ain
gle women who care so little about
food that tbey are quit ready to ex
periment with it
A Shopping Lunohoon.
Performing Matches.
Get a baalo of water and arrange a
number of matchea on tbe surfac In
tb form of a atar. When tb matches
ar all together In the center of th
basin take a niece of aonn and touch
1 water. n in the illustration Tbe
iiiutt-hea will m:ie for tb sides of the
IihhIu, repelled lo u 1 1 appearance by tb
noii p. .ay dowu the soap and touch
the water with a piece of sugar. Im
mediately the mutches will return to
the center.
Dcafneia Cannot bo Curad
by local applicat ions, as tbey cannot
rcnch the diseaaed portion of tbe ear.
There is omIv oue way to euro deaf
nns and that is by constitutional
rented iea. Deafness is caused by au
inflamed condition of tbe mucous
lining of tb Eustachian Tube. When
tbla tub la Inflamed you have rumb
ling aound or imperfect bearing, and
when It la entirely closed, Deafueas
la the result, and unless the loflama-
tlon can be taken out aud this tube
restored to Ita normal condition, bear
mg will be destroyed forever; nine
cause out or ten are caused by Catarrh,
which is nothing but au inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give Oue lluudred Dollars
for auy case uf Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that canuot be cured by
IIhII's Catarrh Cure. Beud for cir
oulara free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Hare you ever questioned a mar
ried woman as to what abe ate for hr
luncheon on one of ber ahopplng expe
ditions? The revelation, if you suc
ceed In securing It, will be worth th
men uucaien Arnica Salve oared it
souod and well " Infallible for Skin
Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum,
Boils, Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds,
Cuts and Piles. 25 o at A. L. Thornton's.
All farmers or fruit growera in
Lake county are hereby notified tnat
under tbe state law it is imperative)
c , that all fruit tree should be sprayed.
White Salmon, Washington the f For that reason fruit growers most !
apple center of the "North Bank" obtain proper appliances in order that '
Road, holds the recurd for liberality ucn work can be done during the !
In raising an advertising fund. The per,,od P,?!0"8 to JfVn8Jn thei
entire population ol thell.age and ? " 9
valley of White Salmon does not ex-!, V i"j ' . I
ous fungus growtbs
rMwi an runnin . i ioudq loatfemeDt Hi
Ing tbe raised 2J00. or almost 4
Kills Would-bo Slayer
A merciless murderer is Appendicitis
with many victims. But Dr. King's
New Life Pills kill it by prevention.
Tbey gently stimulate stomach.,
liver and bowels, preventing ;thut
clogging that invites appendicitis,
ouriug constipation. Biliousness,
CbiHa, Ma:arla, Headache and Indi
gestion. 25 co at A. L. Thornton's.
The Examiner bas a supply of first
olass butter wrapper paper on band
now, at tbe following prices: For 500
wiappere, printed, 11.50, for 1000
prluted 11.60. tf
ox a SHorriNo kxpiditiom.
trouble. There la no form of mascu
line activity that Is more wearing than
the feuil'ilne occupation of shopping.
If a man were compelled to engage In
It h would flud it necessary when th
hour came round to recuterate with
the assistance of a leisurely, satisfy,
lug lunch. How la It with a woman?
Thrown back on her own gaatronomlc
tastes and Ideas, with no man to In
fluence her, she rushes Into a quick
lunch room lu the Immediate vicinity,
selects something that Is neither ap
petising uor restorative and nibbles
with evident regret that she is losing
time at tbe business.
This feminine lack of Interest lu food
reform Is not a difficult matter to ex
plain. About two-thirds of the aver
age woman's life la given tip to some
one or other of the endless branches of
the food question. Her whole exist
ence stretches down an endlesa vista
of meals. It Is certainly an appalling
thought that moat women know pre
cisely what they are going to eat today
and very likely tomorrow. The burden
of that knowledge would crush tb
average man. It Is so mucu of a yoke
to hor that, Ilk th patient ox, ah
never thlrfts of reform.
It looks aa though oui neighboring
city of Klamath Falla ia "in the
tbroea of a great moral wave." In
addition to putting the blind pigs out
or business tbe city oounoil recently
uasseu an ordinance prohibiting tbe
aale of liqour within tbe corporate
limits sua it waa also made a mis
demeanor to play cards for "treats'
or to shake dice, or to engage in any
omer game or chance.
Spraying will destroy all insects and
fungus growth. All fruit growers will
observe this official notice, and com
ply with the requirements of the law.
Dated, New Pine Creek, Ore., Dec.
19' 1908.
A. M. Smith, Inspector.
For Dlacasaa of tb 6kla
Nearly all diseases of tbe skin such
aa eczema, tetter, salt rheum aud
barber's itch, are characterized by an
intense itching and smarting, which
often makes life a burden and dis
turhs sleep and rest. Quick relief may
ue baa by applying Chamberlain's
Salve. It allays tbe itching and
amartiug almost instantly. Many
oasea have beeu cured by its use. For
sale by Daly aud HalL
There ia now little doubt that a riob
coal rind baa been made in Malheur
county, says tbe Ontario Optimist
ine company formed at vale some
three weeks ago for tbe purpose of iu
vestigatiug this ooal lein, bas pushed
i ue worn io a point wnere it seems
proven beyond a doubt that there is
au Imuieuee deposit of ooal of good
quality in tbe veiu.
A Pleasant Physic
Wben you want a DleaHnnt nhrul
give Chamberlain 'a Stomach and Liver
Tal.1.1. . l.u mi ...
.i.u.o,,. a may are mild and
gentle In their action and always pro-
tui-o ineusHui, oainartio enect. Call
at Daly and Hall's drug store for
1 In...... 1 ...... 1 . . ...
iwunu iit-uiillllf nine. V am
going io sen lace curt&lna for iim
oecaslou. 11. & M.
The best known pll'a and the best
nil-a made are De Witt' Little Early
Risers. Tbey are smalL eaav tn lain
genua and certain, and ar sold by I
I'aiy ana mil.
Men who connor stop . ,
for a rainy day.- will '
find Ihe greatest ,y-4
comforr and freedomJfv
of bodily movement
Every garment bearing
the sign of IK fish
guaranteed waterproof
Catalog free
m a
; 1 lir
-s-ro Can t
The Taki
Cold Habit
The old cold goes; a new one
quickly comes. It's the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
a tendency to consumption.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the taking-cold habit.
It strengthens, soothes, heals.
Ask your doctor about it.
Tho boat kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over oizty yeara."
by J. O. ljr Oo Z.OW! Mm.
annlkolmra of
Wo kava ao aaerat 1 Wo pablUk
tho fomtlu of mil our vadlelnaa.
ts) bowels regular with Ayer's
Piil., Just on
each night.
$1,250 Reward.
The Harney county
Live Block Aaaocla
iou, of which I am
a member, pnyf7SC
teward foreridenca
leadiua to tho con
vletlou of parties
iralius atovk be-
ioukiuk lo ita mem
bers. Tn addition I
offer A00 reward
Horse brand horse
shoe bar on either
or both jaws. Re
corded luSoouotiea
Range, Harnev, Lake and Crook Conutiea.
dorses Teuwd wben sold. Horses sold to past
through this section will be reported in this
paper. II not so reported, pleae write or tele
pbOlieTuo Times Herald, Main 824, Burns, O'
iou. w vv .Hrown, Burqt
Reward for Horses
1 will jjlve $5.00 reward for inforni
atlou that will lend to the discovery
ui tuiy uorse iirjindiMi with
horswhtie liraml on both jaws, placed
as In the cut In this ad vertlseiuont.
with freHh trlaiiKl brand underueath
the horseshoe. The trlnno-iu i.i.w.h
lu such a manner ad woni.i .vu ....
a bar on both Jaws. Animals must
lm found lu the iiohhoshIou of somn
person or persons.
lk. Bf U 11 ., Sk
Baanth . "W a"' I DM Km Bflllglt
k4.4.4 60 YEARS
T-. MmmMm
Anrono sendtnc a sketrh and description mat
wnt 1 1 n r u
K on I'ateuu
ftninattv aUAArtAin our rtnlnlon ir
i.,.nilnn la nnthaliltr rMf otiif Hh'fl.
Uukaatrlfillvcontttlntlui. HflNQBQOI
sunt fraa. DWlfuat swencT for aflcuritiai MUenta.
FataciU taken thruutfb Wunu A Co. rvuvlvt
tpecxai notUs, without cbnrve, intb
Scientific Jlmcricaiu
A handsomely lllnstrmted weekly. Tersest ett.
cuULlim of any sciu'itlda 1urnal. Terms. Vs a
sari Jour months, tl. Sold by all iiewstlealers.
CTiUNN &Co.36,BhNew Ycrl
much OOtce. oia r 8U Washtivtun. IX C-
Ik .TT . r. J .
4 -
a .