LAKE OI NTY EXAMINER. LAKEVIEW, OKEtJO.N. THURSDAY, MARCH 1H :i) five m m a vVr vstrsi i LARtvtw is tin- Outfitting I'oint f: r I'll i 5 Circa t Inlaiul Empire Personal Mention uri'ivniu nit I .'in it km vase of viy la SCVtMVll SCI- It is now on tlic vcrc cilitits. It will ivaivc 1 1 1 o 1 1 .' u i ( 1 inhabitants tlnu'iitr (Ik i-omiiiLr son. It is sin i oiindol I v the rieliest . country on the face of the rIo1H TI1U C0U)I:N 00051: I.AKI; VALUiY. IB NOT HISS this last and best chance lo secure Nice 10-acre tracts at $200.00, paya ble $20 down and $J0 per month. These nro IIM-AL PARMS for I'rult Raising, (J. O. Mtkr, farmer pnblUher of i')xiiiiiiiir nrrlv"l In town Hiitnr (ImV. OccHr' frlendr, wtiii iiiiiinlmr tfm whole t o f 1 1 1 1 m I Ion, w r li lined to Mm. Ho In now employed by the l.'nltype people, nf Hun Ennu i net VNIiile bi tm linn Iiith putting our I y(i" M-lting tiinrlilim In (irliT. Ilo mill , Hmi , S I will K'i to I'lihley I) 'I n rliort vinit J iUk-ii will return to bin homo In I riiiM'Icfii. Sugar IJcet l:nrmlng. 1 EMBER Culture, or Poultry We jilant your land to Or chards or anything you de sire. We save you money; we make you mon.y; and then we " Let your land take care of von. " LAKEVIEW DEVELOPHENT CO. I a ke view, Oregon Hcrnrd C. Sit. Mur. I. O. Box 214. 'ff W''vV'r ,, t,' r1 r'fJ', 'f-r rs ' r 12 M s MP 'Baking Powder Absolutely Purs Hie onlr baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. Mr. ihi'I Mrs. E. .1. Stone entertnin- fil u few fi li-mlM ii I wlilwt Wednesday jcvi-tilnir. 'riu jfi-nlH wer. : Mr mul Mr. Uiitxim, Mr. ami Mrs. Shirk, Mr. Ilni. In I '.-r. Roy Shirk mul II. A. Filey, Ire cn-mii mul cuke were rvcil. Mill- Aci.M MkIiI I,.-, 4 Ii I.ImImIh. 1 1 . Illli IiihI. '1 Mht." u ic ii riik-n u IiIi Ii were four i- llll'H. Illlll nil MortH f fflMMlW'M. 'I'll" I little (.'in m h were Fay (iri'i'M. Ruih! I1' m!h r, l-iit vl'Vi' Neiigar, mul .f rouoe, Imitlli r Anion HhmImIi-iI sister J In entertaining. . Attorney W. Lair Thopinnon In huny ' I Im mh iIhym ut tlm court Iioiihh lu ex mul ul ii ii Urn Heryford title for the iregmi Valley Land Co. Shrrnan A. Brown a lirotherof ill ln'it I), liri.wii, (if IIih l''rftr.T M-r-vlci. Iihh liceu lrnfrrcil from the Cmu'wIh Turci-t to the Krtiiiont, and is lllTf til Il"rfllln0 hU llllHl'H. Mm. lirown Ih actinu uh milmtltute 'lutliiK tlm IIIiihhs of Mrn. Ilunliy. Tlio KxHiiiiiier Ih Horry to tute that Mn. Ilaijliy in no better C. i. linruen was over from (iolit buru Hiiiiday. V.. L. Wltb.wLo bus b-en in Port- i li fid all winter ftHei tbroiii;b town Moudiiy on bin way to bin botue in Paliley. P. K. Wood; of St. PmuI, Minn., 1h h-iv liHiklni; over I In1 country. Tint I ri I it Noii.nrl( I of t lie 12th lnt. eiiyn Dr. V. V. Kh ul km-Ha tbert mul will iMTiTimienlly locate. i K P. Grlldth, of Paialey. was bera SuuiJuy. i H. H. Webster, of Kai am Cltr ti , retflHterd Sunday at Hotel LakeTlew. S. J. Putton and wife of Hotel Iht1 Creek ire In town yenterday. Uuy Cronemlller hiii accepted a I poHttion in Dieters' Cach Store. Kverybody come to tbe Banket Social Marcb'20tb, atSnider'u Opera i HoiiHe. GREAT clearance SALE SHOES SHOES Ladies, Gents, Hisses and Child dren's Shoes to be Sold Re gardless of Cost. Come and Look Over Our Bargain' Counters. MENS SHOES - - - from $1.00 to $2.r0 per Pair. LADIES SHOES, ..... i.oo " 2 50 MISSES SHOES. ... .7s 50 CMILDKENS' and INFANTS' SHOES. .25 " I.OO4 ' L Ivvcry pair must he sold in order to make room for New Lines, which will arrive in a few days. We have secured the agency for the W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes for Men, QUEEN QUALITY for Ladies, the very best lines that can be bought. Lakevlew Here. Co. - Wholesale and Retail EUCALYPTUS TREES GROW IN NEVADA ? 1IAZHN (Ne.), March 8 -A Bt Lou In enunciation haa bad repreamta tlven at Ila7.en lately uiakiiiK airuiie ineut to buy 100 aorea of railroad land on wblrh to plant rucalptua tieea of tbe cnabnjfany apeclea, a native of Auatralla. It U uudreHtood that J. 8. Mo Coruiack, una of the repreaent atUen, bas fri?en bia opinion that tbeae tree will grow well at ilar.en. lie and bia companions have returned east to lay thiir report before tbe Association. lo Cure coid in One Day Take LAX ATI VK HKOMO QUINJNK Tablets. All drUKKitts rem ml tbe money if it fails to cure. K. W. Onive' algtiMture is on each Ihiz. V , TSk ARCADIA Hovlng Picture Show Illustrated Songs Moving Pictures- SALE OF MINE IN HOAG DISTRICT Win SInmcrM mid others have pur-i-linaol from J. Tim I llonner the noutb WKJ iicreH of Hbool wet Ion 3(1, altu iited on top of Mt. Home, In tbe Iloair Minliic llinlrlrt. Already there have been two or more very promlrilnjf lenilrt iincovereil on thU Kround, which will Im! under vlmroiiH develcjinii'iit thU comliitr .eiiaon. The CoiiKoliilHt4'd Co.. will erect n mill at tlieMt. View mine, situated nt thu head waU-ia uf theaouth fork ' of Pine Crtvk, ft4 quickly na th elf j incut a will penult of transport Injt the machinery to the inountulu. We Iioik' to nee thla mill In operation by ;Jui.v 15th. ! Tbe further development of ihe Hoiik Dlatrlct la now a question of milliiK facllitli'H. HH there lire four, i perhapa five. propirtleM on the moun tain that will nay for their own dc- ' velopinent anil In addition thereto. ny a llvldend each and ev ry mouth, o licit there ate inilllux facld tk'H t cruHii hiuI save the valuea of tht ore. The xiiow on thu ir.otin tutu in HcttliiiK very rapidfy and It la only a matter of a very few day a until one can travel any where on the cruat without the uac of anow-ahouH. McCLKARY, and PROORAIt CHANGES Mondays, Thursdays Saturdays Two Shows each Night At 8:00 and 9:00 o'clock Odd F.llows Bullillnf lakcvUw. AdnilHMlon Id ami l.'i i t HI HH A MI1 II. t'nrl. ir The Happy Hooligan Club met at the home of Lynu and (Juy Crone mlller last Thursday eveuiutc. The evening was spent in wbiat atfer wbioh retreebiueota . were served. Those present were Mioses Mae Marnea, Mae Ureeu, Hazel MoKee, Cuba Anilck. Mellia Uibbona, and Menars Murray HeHid, Carl Uubacb, I ynn Crou" uiili-r. Jnuiea Judge, (Juy ('reufluillli'i, l'eil McKee, Kelton Uutlier, and U1I Duttou. V M .Mil'er. wife and son left Mou day for Kb n Francivco. .1. P. Rnyder.f.Willow Ranch was 1 1 town Friday." I Misa Inez Lee, a school teacher of Willow Kanob waa in town Saturday. (iattleld Force of Reno waa a visitor Saturday. a T. Colvin of ;Crookad Creek is In town tbls week; K Rbinebart is arranginK to put on an auto srevice betweea here and Aituraa in a few days Mrs. Nyswarner and little daughter retnrned from tbe lower country yes terday. She waa accompanied by her slater Miss Helen Avoirgeoette. Rev. I .C. Parker will preach to the elderly people Sunday a. en.. His subject in tbe evening will be "Ood in experience," C. C. Gott la building a W on bis house fonr miles north of town. M. H. Buchanan Ralph Pbelpa. Fben Croner and S. A. Lester were Silver Lake people here tbe past week. U. B. Btickel. of New Pine Creek, a up Saturday. W. P. Vernon waa in Saturday from Crane Creek. Father Tom kin. tbe popular priest, arrived from Klamath Falls Friday, and will remain until after April Htb. He ia always a weloome visitor at tbe Examiner office. A Heintz, of Colombia, Nebraska, arrived Saturday. Mrs. McCurdy and eon arrvlved from San Jose, Calit.. laat Friday, aud they are now a permanent ieei deut of Lakevlew. The lady is enthu siastic about Lakeview'a prospects for tbe future. Correspondents must let this office know their names, not for publica tion, but as a guarantee of good faith. A. L. Jny. of Oxnaid, Calif., ar rived Friday. He will thoroughly ex amine into tbe merits of the whols county, and if satisfied then will be come a resident. Judge Brattain and family who have beeu on a visit with friends at faisley for a week or so returned borne Mod day. W.O . Ford and wife left Monday for Lovelocks, Nevada. Tbe Skating Riuk will be open three daya each week under the management of .Mui ray Heard. 1 I ! te I 5 acre tracts half mile south of town $600 and $700, eas' terms Lots in Sherlock's Addition 50 x J 50, J 6 ft. alley $250$275 Lots in Drenkel's Addition 50 x 150, 16 ft. alley $150-$ 175 Excellent wheat and general farming land near town 415 per acre. DRENKEL eS PAINE, LAKEVIEW, ORE. PLOWS OUT ALL HIS SAGE-BRUSH 1 VALLEY LAND IRRIGATED PORTLAND WANTS OUR LITERATURE The followlufc communication shows urgent and inanifeat need of proper printed Information regarding l,ake vounty lor genernl distribution:' Portlwod, Ore., Mob. 10. 1909 Editor, Lake County Examiner, lakevlew. Oregon. Dear sir: 1 K.nyJ nn1 .fa. a rmiv rff ilia 1 Lake County Exa-nlner in which fa a i is information is worth tlOO to every The diK-rioc of be u.aiu canal an I ovinia Murriinir I. itboi farmer in iliroev count v. 'lateral; ia now oti.:;: none anrf a w Ci jf VJ .rivV ri-s I, iv.-. a .f v uw. v i - wonia dp a very frooa i Tbe Burns Times Herald gives this Js Klilott representative of the timely information to desert farmers: j Seaara, at Flush wbo is in charge . John Sevedge has done a good turn ; of tbe irrigation ach -me carried out tor tbe farmers of this section in dis- j Dr the Elliott hrication A Reservoir covering a cheap manner in wbicn to ' Cofrpany. i;i Tur: er Valley, reports get rid of tbe sage brush. He simplv 1 socce?pfnl ro-r ; of the dam removea the mold beard from bis Oil- 'her. Tne a-r rot i'.rs an area pin Dlow and Hods it does tbe work of t0 ac:e ot an aceratie rieptb u ti to perfection. Karl Hartsmao eajs feet, , ani 10) acres at a l-as depth. county. It woold be a very thing If we had from fiOO to 1.000 of them? as we could use them to ad vantage, but we arc not in a poal tion to tiuy the advertlalus matter of outalde Counties, and if you wl'l preaent thia letter to the proier or. ganization in your City I think they would certainly take the matter up and see that we get them. All tbe settlers coming to thla Htate como to thla place tirnt. and it would pay your people to have reading matter bu our table. Youre verv truly. E. O. G1LTNFH, Secretary. r Lakeview Central Ofllco Plush SEAGERS REAL ESTATE : Joa. Elliott, Mgr Town Lots, Ranch Property; ounea to sell or Jteut. u you dealre to aell or buy list ut once :: L. E. SEACER C. E.'.SEACER Office on First Floor Umboch Building THE MUTUAL BENEFIT INSURANCE CO. gives Mother or Children, real, ubHoliita protection Itcudy CukIi t time of death, or by au Eudowment, and bj teiiiatii ly save for your declining years. LIFE INSURANCE ;r FIRE INSURANCE The LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE Fire Inn. Co. Dou't have the neighbors condole Twlth you after the fire. Be pro- t $ 0 0 i Do not fail to see bargain at Lakevlew Mercantile Co. counters DIED James Clarnce East, a character about town for some years, died Wed nesday tbe 10 iust at 11:30 p. m. He waa about 39 years old and leaves a wife. He was well connected, and leaves a sister t Pendleton, and a brother and aunt at Walla Walla. Tbe funeral services were conducted by tbe Rev. I. C. Parker, in tbe M. E. church Thursday at 2 p. m. considerable Brfi of sae lT"h ln'l now being cleared will be Irrigated this year. CAN EAT SUASAGES AND FRESH BREAD You can eat aything your stomach craves without a tear of indigestion or Dsypepsia, or that your food will ferment or sour on your stomaon ii you will occasionally take a little Diapepsin after eating. Your meal 1U taste gooa, ana any thing you eat will be digested ; notn- ing cau ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes Belching, Dizzienss, a feel'ng of full- ess after eating, Nausea. Indigestion (like a lump of lead in atomaob), Biliousness, Heartburn, Water brash, pain in stomach and intestines and other symptoms. Headaches from tbe stomaon are absolutely unknown where this effect ive remedy is used Diapepsin really does all the work of a healthy stom ach. It digests your meals when your stomach can't. Each triangule will digest all tbe food you can eat aud leave nothing to ferment or sour. Get a large 50 cent case of Pape'a Diapepsin from your druggist and elart taking today aud by tomorrow you will actually brag about your bealtby strong Stomach, for you will then eat anything and eveyrthing you want without the slightest discomfort or misery, and every particle of im purity and Gas that is iu your stom ach aud luteatiues is gJing to be car ried away without tbe use of laxtives or any other assistance. 8. D. Patera, of Minneapolis, has published a book, showiug up the timber land grabbers of this state. That geutry dennuucea it as rank socialism, while plain every day bomefolk eay it is a piece of work in line of the effort made by President Roosevelt and Gilford Piuchot to ex pose aud stop further depredations of our National Forests. OASTOXIXA, Bears the HaW A'WTS Tbe Atluras Real Estate and Mining Exchanee Ioc will open businesa in their office "Hotel Royal" Altoraa, Calif., April 1st, 1909. S. R. BUNCH, Secretary. Belts for Ladiexat B. & M'a. Louis Shaw Dealer In Real Estate 1 have listed some of the best Ranches, Timber Lands and Town property in Northern California, a country that is bound to improve rap idly. Alturas, California. Settlers Rates to NEVA! A Via Southern Pacific Lines Dotty From March 1 U April 30, 1 909 -TTROM Remnants at Co. Lakeview Mercantile Lakeview S Oregon tec ted, NOW. The coat Is in exact proportion with the lla litHtv. The hlirher the rate, the leaa you, aa an Individual, can afford to be without It. p Blue Prints Made I will make Blue Prints o any tract of land In the Lakevlew Laud Dlatrlct, and do abstract work. Cull or write W. B. SNYDER Lakevlew . . Oregon Omaha 25 00 St. Joseph 25 00 Kansas City 25 00 Leavenworth 25 00 Denver 25 00 Houston 1ft 00 St. Lonia "5 00 Mew Orleans 30 60 Memphis Bloomlnston St. Paul 31 Tft. Mltineapolia jjl 73- IVoria l Chicago J PtttaburK r New York &0 00 Corresponding low rates from other points. Rates for branch lines points will be a combination of the proper colonist rate for the main line Junc tion point and the usual branch-line local. The cost of a ticket can be deposlied at ence with any Southern Pueific agent in Nevada, and the ticket will be furnished to the pnneei In.the East, while these low rates are lu effect. Stop-overs are a'lowed at Cobre, Elko, Winnemucca, Lovelock, liainn and RENo. Nevada. LAKEVIEW, OREGON A Growing town lit the heart of the Fertile Irrigated Farms.. A Home for You Tell your friends lu the Eust about these low rates, and send them a de scription of the.SUNSHINE STATE, Maps and illustrated descriptive mat ter can be obtained of any agent of the Southern Pacllic. or from CHAS. E. FEE Passenger Traffic Manager San Francisco, Cal. D. E. BURLEV, General Passenger Agent Suit Eake City, Utah JAS. HORSBURQH. JR. General Passenger Agent San Francisco, Cal E. W. CLAPP, Dlst. Freight and Pass. Agent Reno, Nevada