Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 11, 1909, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    1 -r II, lxn
The Oregon Magazine Hit of 1909
Jap IJbby, KniUerr, wt n 'lil work of l ur
enulnns nml nrwi
Hcginning in thcjanuary issue of HUMAN I, IKK, the Magazine About People,
ami runring through the twelve months of 109 will he published a story of his boyhood
by Homer l)avct.jKrt, cartoonist, traveler, humorist, lecturer and man of many
stories. The scene f Mr. Davenport's boyhood and young manhood is laid in
Oregon and lover ma y of the people that arc well known there today.
Mr. D.tvc po'", for pure and native humor, is the superior of any we have ever
met since il. d y of Aitcmus Ward. Those who follow Mr. Davenport through
this year'- i ;;ti s of 1 1 LIMAN I.I KK will remember 1009 as t!ic year of laughs.
Mr. D.m hport'.-i article! will be illustrated by himself, and the pictures he has
drawn, representative f hi many delightful that is, delightful to read about adven
tures, will constitute not the least part of the fun.
If you want to read tliii story from the beginning, if you want to see Mr. Daven
port's p'ctures of himself from early boyhood to manhood, his father, his family, and
a' I of his Oregon friends, :s only Mr. Davenpor: can draw them, be sure your name is
entered as a subscriber to J I U MAN 1,1 KK the best magazine, for the money, ever
M f 1
ll, "' jt' ( published.
Vf5J' Mr. Davenport starts hi st
" Ptiriltintl ltM.1 liiril 1 i out and the Mml hitrlendcr
I Ihr St. lix Hotel l I me S t i .n the
hi lljr I tjiilf. !'ir w ill li I on luu r
ill at banted from tle (.ood
Tcmplsr's I oil : In
Silvcilon "
;tory at a very early age when his father tells him that
thi y are to move from their firm i:i Salem, Oregon, to Silverton, Oregon. This is a
bun; f some three hundred people. Mr. Davenport, iri his story, states that he feels
that the city it oiling them and that his opportunities for studying art in the Latin
Quaitcr f Silverton will be exceptionally good.
'1 he story v:!l tarry Mr. Davenport up to his San Francisco days, when he made
his first big hit ai a cartoonist.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the ftlgnatnre of
and has been made under his per.
fy-u , Bonal supervision since its infancy.
f-C4CCJi6Z AtlnwnA onn tiiWilvATon In thin.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Jnst-as-jood ' are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Irops and Koothlnj? Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fererishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething TrouhleH, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and JJowcls, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother'.; Friend.
Sears the Signaturo of
X,t-t 'Jtt h-rf f"& f-J'i ft tA' ft PiV?
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
f ff A. i O rV' , ,n -v
Mlv. rion I roinhone ll.nd. "We alw.y, played at wc drove out of tuwn and with much cllon the driver held lha team"
Send us your subscription to HUMAN LIFE. Wecan start you with the January 1909
issue, this is the number in which Mr. Davenport's slory commences, and we would
call your attention to our wonderful offer at the bottom of this advertisement.
H. E. Barker, Hrop'r.
Office in Thornton'5 Store
AI Coolldt a aad Jake McClaine, promlnrnt oankera
and bualne.a men of Silverton In Dav.o
port'a younger daya
HUMAN LIFE U aUulutrly oriinj. There it no other ma
arine dealing with people eiclutively. It it filled from cover to cover
with Muriel and pictures of people and will keep the entire family
posted a to the action, and doings of all the prominent people of
the entire world.
It hat the teateit writer in thit country of vigorout, virile, pun
gent, forceful, piquant Englith, at itt editor-in-chief, Alfred Henry
Lewit, the cauitic contributor to the Saturday Evening Pott, Cos
mopolitan, Succeai and many other representative periodical!; the
author of "The President," "The Boa," " Wolfville," "Andrew
Jukton," and other bookt of ttory and adventure, every one scin
tillating with trrenuout life. Mr. Lewit't fingrrsare upon the public
puUe ( he knows wlut the public wants, and he gives them running
over measure. HUMAN LIFE is up-to-date in itt fresh, original
matter from the best authors and the best artists, and filled to over- a
flowing with human interest.
You will find the great and the almost great, the famous and
somrtimet infamous, described in H UM AN LIFE, with a knowledge
of their little humanities that is engrossing.
Every man and woman in Oregon ahould read HUMAN LIFE, the Magazine About People, during;
1909 do not fail to read the following most liberal subscription offer and act at once. This offer U
not good after May 1st, 1909.
Among the well known writers of the day who contribute to
HUMAN LIFE are Charles Edward Russell, Vance Thompson,
Upton Sinclair, David Graham Phillips, Elbert Hubbard, Brand
Whitlock, David Belatco, Clara Morris, Ada Patterson, Laura Jean
Libby, Ninon Tobey and many others.
HUMAN LIFE is uniaue in that its principal aim it to tell truth
ful, fascinating, live, up-to-date human tales about real human people
rich people poor people good people bad people people
who have accomplished things people who are trying to accomplish
things people you want to know about people that everybody
wants to know about.
HUMAN LIFE gives you that intimate knowledge of whatiuch
people have done are doing what they say how and where
they live and lots of first-hand information that you cannot find
HUMAN LIFE is a great big magazine, printed on fine p.tper
with colored covers and well illustrated, a magaiine well worth $ 1 .00
a year and we can strongly recommend HUMAN LIFE toour readers.
' ....RAILROAD....
! ... TIME TABLE . . .
', In Effect May 1st, 1!05.
; Lt. Turall .. 6 A. M.Lv. r.ceuia lo.O A
Ar. Boa-us 6.J5 ' Ar. Dixie 10.56
I " Ptel Br'g 6 .45 " Kl'h Sp'ir ' V
- ran t.r'K..7.U) " " rail Crrak 11.44 "
" Kl h t-p'g7.10 " ' Steel Br'ge 12.00 "
" Mxie 8.10 Bokus 1! 20 P M
ljkegamaM. ' Thrall ....12.45 "
Arrivei Ar.'"Bnrui.'. ..'.'..So " ArI Fall '
Klamath Springs Special.
Maee leaves Lakeview
cept Sunday at 6 a. m
at Alturaa at 6 U. tn. " Htct;l Br'ae2.15 Hteel BrVe3 OO
1avpa Altnraa fnr T okenism at ' ' reek 2.15 ' " Bottus 3.20 "
leaves Aiiuras lor iaevie a Ki'n8p'm4o Thrall . ...i.4
o o clock a. m. or 011 the arrival
of the stage from Likely. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturae.
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention
First - Class - Accomodations.
Human Life and The Examiner one year
only $2.25. This offer is time limited.
I1. E. Taylor, Prop.
Klamath Falls-lake view
& Stage Company
Mercantile Co'a Stare, Laltrvlew
American Hotel. Klaunatb Falls
Reaal Trip
Osie Way
1 (cc)-;5;:t:(:
A Complete Recoid
c have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
which, in any way, aflcct Real Property in the county.
. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed recoid. and Mot indexed: nud
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and otner
books. Hundreds oi mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records.
Thli new 6-shot
model is the simplest,
surest, and fastest 12
gauge repeater made.
It has the solid top,
aide ejection and
double extractors
special ETat&ji fea
tures ol comfort and
convenience. The closed-in breech
keeps the action clean and the shells
dry keeps out rain, snow, dirt, leaves
twigs and sand.
Th new take-down construction allows
y.ou , Bun Prl n aeconda for
cleaning or packing, yet the joint la always
as firm and rigid as in aolid frame, norv.
take-down sun. The fat firearm fits your
hnndsnd helps quick operation.
The full Choked runs r- 0it..n..
I close-shooting, hard-hitting guna, and are
j...c, tor aucaa, geese, loses and all
lorg-raoge work.
A circular giving large
Illustration, with full
description of this
handeome new gun,
aent free on request or
with complete 136-page
catalog tor 3 Slumps.
77:-? 2t?ari rearms Co. ,
42 Willow Street NFW UAVFN. CONN.
r flK5ffiaTsV"rr
Office at B. Reynolds' Store;,
fctatfe Iwives Lakeview Mondave. Wei
i nccoays ana t ridays at Ha. m., arrive
j at Plueh at f p. va. Leave Piush Tues
i days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
1 a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m.
! Passenger fare $3 one wav or tS foi
i round trip. Freight rates from May !
! 1st to Nov. 1st $.75 per hundred ; fmm :
i Nov. 1st to May 1st f 1.1)0 per hundred
Northern Stage Line.
A W. BRIAN Proprietor.
'.ea ves Lakeview at 6 a. m
ereiy doy but Sum1 ay.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :'60 a. m very day bu'
, '""' r 3 Rofi trip
'4 OPPICP- RpvnoMs A Wineflel1' iAkoTiow
America's Greatest Weekly
Toledo Blade
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds oi dollars hunting hp
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Hanger.
Ashland, Oregon
Something Special
Business and Shorthand Training, Thorough
and Practical
SU nontha Scholarship, f4S; Months (60
Note the Special
All siudi'iiis who si-rure a aine-nioulba' scholar.
ahi ami i-nlcr 8eU'inir 7, will Im milled
l thu ciiniliiiiod course to Jul) 1. 1904. Iu
oludiiig books and atailnnery, Sa: 60. This
Kivi-s you au extra mouth. In.'eMiKKte and
ocuiu. AUdreaa P. RITNHH, Hrea.
laV. I.. I I I
Buy Lots In Watson's Addition
Before you buy lota any where In
this ftoiuity see tnoae iu Watson's
addltlou. Close to buBluees center,
of Lakeview. tf.
All the latHt uowh contained? In
The Examiner.
and CURE the LUNGS
1 The Best known Newspaper in the
United States
Popular la Every State
In mane respects the Tod .-do Blade is tha
most remarkable weekly newspaotr published
Iu toe United dtates. It is the only newspaper
especially tunau lor isatioual circulation. It
has had the largest circulation for more year
than any newspaper printed in America. Fur.
Ihermore, il is the cheapent uewspuper in tha
world, as will be explained to any person who
will write us for terms. The News of the World
so arranged that busy people can more ea lly
comprehend, than by reading cumbersome col
umns oi uaines. ah current topics mada
1 plain in each issue by special editorial nmitnr
written from inception down to date. The
only paper publihed especially for people who
w Dr. King's
lki Discovery
OLDS Trial Both. Fro.
rnn av miaha
run i zxrxr o.
do not read daily uewspapur.aud yet thirst for
piaiu iki is. j uat inis kiiiu oi a newxpapci Is
iHinuUr, is proven from the fact that the Week
ly Blade now baa over 2uo,000 yearly subscrib
ers, and is circulated iu all parts of the United
States. Iu additou to the news, the Blade pub
lishes short and serial stories, and many de
partments of matter suited to every member of
the family- Only one dollar a yeai.
Write lor f ee specimeu copy.
Toledo, Ohio.
THP EXAMINEIt, both nne
Jamps Barry
Brndi with Bwallow Kork la
right aar lor awea: reverai
forwtvuera. 80 ui. ewes Buuara t'roD aud Hill
In right ear. Tar Brand 111. Rauga, Crane
Lake. roatomca address, Lakeview, Oregon
7nf Whituvnrth Brnd llh Crp n ith
tali IllliinUllll Hall Uuderorop off
right lor owea; rnsaras) lor wethers. Tar Brand
W. Range. Vish Ureek. foo(Bue atddraa
tatkv tratarn
The Lake County Examiner baa
changed bauds, C. O. Metzker having
sold the paper to Fred J. liowman.
AU moneys due on subscription are
payable to Fred J. Bowman, aud he is
to continue the paper to all subsorlD-
hers who have paid in advance, for the
iuu term lor wnion suon subscriptions
have been paid. Bills dne for adver
Using to June 15 are payable to 0. O.
Bigned 0. O. Metzker