LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER. LA REVIEW, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 4. 1909 i I i i i ii i ii till IH1I ! LAKEEEV is the Ont-fitting Point for This Great Inland Empire Personal Mention It is now on the verge of receiving railway fa cilities. It will receive an increase of several thousand inhabitants during the coming sea son. It is surrounded by the richest country on the face of the globe THE COLDEN GOOSE LAKE VALLEY. DO NOT MISS this last and best chance to secure Nice JO-acre tracts at $200.00, paya ble $20 down and $J0 per month. These are IDEAL FARMS for Fruit Raising, Sugar Beet Farming. Culture, or Poultry REMEMBER We plant chards or sire. We money; and care of you. " save you then we money; " Let your land to Or anything you de- we make you vour land take LAKEVIEW DEVELOPHENT CO. Lakeview, Oregon Bernard C. Sitz, Mgr. P. O. Box 214. COLORADO LAKEVIEW, OREGON The BestMeals in TownTry Us. BakerV n connectin' Fresh Bread Daily J C. E. LONZWAY, Propreitor Society Notes W. O. Nett, for two years Head Ranger in tbe Forest Service at this place, left Lakaview Monday witb bia family for tbe Crater National Forest, to which be has been transferred for duty in tbe same capacity under Supervisor Eriokson, formerly of tbia jplace. Mr. Ineram demonstrated bia respeot for Mr Neff by inviting bia entire force including bis stenoKraph er. as well as tbn wives of tbe raneera, to a big banquet wbicb was given at tbe Colorado hotel on Snnday even ing. A sumptuous dinner was served in elegant style by Mr. and Mrs. Lonzway of tbe Colorado, and all tbe participants in the excellent spread report spending a meet enjoyable eveniug. Supervisor Ingram acted as toast master, and many good speeches were made by the rangers Miss Boubam presented a piece of poetry which referred feelingly to Mr. Netf'a career us a ranger. In this piece she showed rare ability as a poet. Mr. Leavitt furnished food for both amusement and eerious thought by a speceh in which be expressed the sentiments of the Fremont force for Mr. and Mrs. Neb. Those present were: Miss Veda Bon- bam, Mr. and Mia G. D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. M B M nes rave, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Neff, Supervisor Guy M Ingram and Rangers Jay billings Jason S. Elder, Earl Abbott and Tbeo, F. Cadle. The ARCADIA floving Picture Show Illustrated Songs Moving Pictures One of the most enjoyable affairs of tbe season was tbe party given at tbe borne of Marjorie and James Bernard last Saturday evening. Progressive top epi iuing formed tbe chief amuse tuent of tbe evening. This is tbe Hrst ti'iie this game has been tried here and it was declared a success by ali who were present. Tbe game resembles i rogressive whist in so far as pArtoers uud tables are concerned. At 11 o clock a dainty luncb was served after which tbe guests listened to some flue musical selections, both vocal and instrumental .Miss Kate Duttou received a hand some enp and -saucer as first prize, while Walter Dreukel was pieseuted witb a book. Miss Mildred Rebart and Mr. Chester Dykeman received consolation prizes. Mrs. J. N. Wat son assisted in entertaining. Those present were: Hazel McKee, Mae Green, Emily Ayres, Marjorie Bernard. Varian Stickle, CubaAmick, Louise Storkmann, Mildred Rebart, Kate Dutton, Verda Umbach, Jessie Stickle, Henry Newell, Earl Garrett, Lynn Cronemiller, James Bernard, Guy Cronemiller, Walter Drenkel, Chester Dykeman, George Wborton, Walt Dutton. and PROORAn CHANGES Mondays, Thursdays Saturdays Two Shows each Night At 8:00 and 9:00 o'clock Odd Fellow Building, Lakeview. Admission 10 and 15 ct ALFttm M311TII, ITnprlrter. Gambling in Arizona was killed, when tbe territorial council passed a bill prohibiting it in any form. Tbe measure will become a law when tbe governor affixes bis signature, which ia assured, as be recommended tbe measure in bis annual message. Nev ada also bad passed a stringent law against gambling. Now that those two worst otfeurters have banished th tiger it would peem that it must go from tbe win le laud. O. L Dunbar, and A N. Anthony of Portland, were, visitors in Lake view last Friday. R J. Martin, President of tbe Oregon Valley Lnd Co. arrived Friday from Kansas City. He will be here about ten days tak ing note of what tbe engineering crew are doing in surveying for tbe irriga tion dams and ditches, and looking after other matteia of moment to tbe company's work here. Now that PCing is teally here, Mr. Martin assures the Examiner that be will crowd matters forward with ' utmost dispatch so as to get ready for tbe opening of tbe lands of tbe company some time early this fall. Kerybody ii Lakeview is glad to welcome this big. jovial man of affairs, feeling tbat to bis effort is due tbe remarkable and extended Interest this section is receivng from people all over tbe Union. Dr. Daly returned Friday from bis eastern visit. He says tbat be enjoyed bis trip, but the weather wherever be went was such tbat no. one felt like paying it a compliment,. Tbe oldest, inhabitaut in eacb locality qever exprienced the like. But such people usually are forgetful. The d xtor is happy to get back home. He says tbat wherever he went be noticed great interest In Lakeview and Lake countv. W. A. Massingill returned Thursday from his winter's stay in San Diego. He reports a bis rainfall down there. and says tbat town and Lakeview. are the two spots in the Union where the weather has been such tbat one could krng about it tbe past winter. Mrs. Ma8siaigll and daughter will return to Lakeview some time in June. A. Bleber is expected home to-day. H. H. Ilabn returned Thursday from his eastern trip. He promises us a i account of his visit and im pressions next week. Oscar Kaldwio. of Fish hole, ia in town. He has been feeling not too well of late, and thinks life in the city for awhile will benefit him. Lake view Mercantile Go. Have You Tried S&W Canned Goods ? Second to None in Quality. S. C& W. Every Can Sold with a Guarantee of Satsfaction. Lakeview Here. Co. - Wholesale and Retail I J. F. Kimball, of Kamtah Falls, was in town rnciay. Mra. W. R. Steel and foster, Mra. Bliss departed l?st week for au ex tended visit in Portland. Henry Fox. a homesteader on the West Side was in town Tuesday. He is bustling to get some of bis friends out to get some of tbe good things lying around loose In these parts. m. m. moo gee ana wire were new arrivals Sunday from Ogden, Utab. Manuel Saunders was in from his Cottonwood sheep ranch this week. S. P. Dicks was in Saturday from Crooked Creek. G. M. Gluok wa an arrival Satur day from Milpltas, California. A. F. Fitzpatric was in Saturday from tbe ZX ranch, on the Cbewau-can. W. E. Scbnster, and A. O. Kelley were visitors from Plush this week. N. O Herring, of Portland, arrived in town Monday to take up permanent residence. His family will arrive some time in June. Mr. Herring will be associated witb Mr. Bernard Sitz to tbe Lakeview Laundry Co., which will be running jnst as- soon as the machinery can be brought in and a building erected. A Y. Mayne and A. L. Lyons of Sacramento, were guests of Hotel Lakeview Thursday. Geo. B. Armstrong, a cattle buyer of Reno, was in Lakeview lant Thursday. N. A McCurly, of Bozexan, Moo- tana, is a new arrival who caaie to erow up with tbe country. Tbe e is room and opportunity here for any man wbo will bustle. W. K. McCormack was down from Summer Lake last Friday. C. V. atrd C. A. Collier, of River side, California, were arrivals Thursday. Wm. Crowder, of Alturas, came up to visit in the metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northeastern California. He wanted to see bow it seemed to be in a real live town. J. E. Membs of Paisley was down Thursday. Seagers have gone to Paisley on a business trip of a few days. V. J. Powell and bride began house keeping lu the Steele borne Monday. The Eagles will celebrate Sr. Pat rick's day, by giving a grand ball. i i i i MM MM MM MM MM Mt M Hi MM 5 acre tracts half mile south of town $600 and $700, eas' terms Lots in Sherlock's Addition 50 x J50, 16 ft. alley $250-$275 Lots in Drenkel's Addition 50 x 150, 16 ft. alley $150-$ 175 Excellent wheat and general farming land near town qlo per acre. DRENKEL A PAINE. Ml LAKEVIEW. AN OLD HAT HAS FREEDOM OF MAIL An old battered gray hat. with top cut out, arired in the mail Monday night from Silver Lake and Paisley. It evidently started somewhere in the east, as there were Deleware postmarks on it. It got to Omaha t'eb. Utb, and was marked "Received in Bad Condition." It was at El Paso the 14th ult., then to Los Ange le, San Francisco, Portland -on Washington's birth day, then to Astoria, Seaside. It was covered with P. O. and R. P. O. dates, some of them legible ffnd others indistlnot. Jt Ir covered with rubber stamp legends, "Held for postage," "Re turned for better directiono," "No such office in State named.," "Re turned to writer" eta Post master Miller will plaoe it in tbe Examiner sack destined for the Salt Lake distributing post office, and thus give it a boost homewards to the unknonn part from which it started on its travels. NEW JUDICIAL DISTRICT FORMED CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Bears the Signature of Lakeview Plush Central Office Jos. Elliott, Mgr $ SEAGERS REAL ESTATE i LIFE INSURANCE fown Lots, Ranch Property; ousea to sen or item, u you desire to aell or buy list at once :: L. E. SEACER C. E. SEAGER Office on First Floor Umbach Bufldins Lakeview Oregon THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. gives the Wife, Mother or Children, rtn1, absolute protection Iteatly Cash at time of death, or by an Endowment, and hj tematlely save for your declining years. Reno had a fire Mouday night in which the famous Palace gambling; den and the Arcade Hotel were de stroyed, Involving a loss of 150.000. HYMEN I AL Geo. D. Harrow, of tbe firm of Light & Harrow, of Hotel Lakeview, returned borne Sunday, and, as sur mised by tbe Examiner some time since, be did not return alone. While away be visited Eureka, Cal ifornia, aud there, on tbe 17th ult., was married to Miss Mary B. Light, of that city. Tbe ceremony was per formed at high noon in tbe M. E. Church of Eureka by tbe Rev. Ed mund Francis Browne. The groom is one of tbe old time lesidents of Lakeview, and tbe bride is a charm ing young lady who has frequently been a visitor here, and is well known to all. Tbe bappy couple took tbe steamer from Eureka to San f rancisco, and visited there several days, when tbey started for Lakeview, and stopped among friends a few days in Reno The Examiner joins with their friends here and elsewhere in wishing them a long and bappy wedded life. THE N. C. 0. R'Y HAS A WRECK Klamath and Lake Counties now compose tbe Thirteenth Judicial Dis trict, or will as soon as tbe Governor signs the bill dividing the First Dis trict, which has passed both the bouse and tbe Senate. me rirsr. judicial Jjistrict was constituted by Josephine, Jackson, Klamath and Lake Counties. Be cause of the poor transportation facilities the district for a number of years has been divided into two aivt sions designated as tbe first and sec ond prosecuting attorney districts. The law as it has been enacted by tbe twenty fifth Legislature makes these prosecuting attorney districts full fledged judioial districts, of which Josephine and Jackson will be tbe First District, and Klamath and Lake will be tbe Thirteenth District. At present Judge Hanna and Judge their r rMODP district and the former will be judge i1" in tbe First District an i tbe latter the Thirteenth until successors at. eleoted. i a& The division of the districts :", 'V make no change iu tbe conduct of business before the courts, as hereto fore the business has. alwavs been entirely separate. The oulv change 1 will be ot a political nature. At eleo I tions hereafter tbe people of Klamath 'and Lake will select tbeir own Judge; without the belp of trie voters west of ' tbe mountains This w ill be a great advantage to a Den:oratio cmdidatn, as It will uive biui a nuance ot e'eo-, tion, while heretofore tbe election of a Democrat was practically impossible. 1.Ib',?eil1(l Journal ot Tuesday gives the following : Five cars of cattle wont over an em haukment on the N-C-O road six miles north of Reuo, Sunday night, when spread rails derailed a portion of the train. It is said tbat CO head of tbe oattle were killed, and many injured bo badly that the crew had to kill them. The same train, annth knnhi um left the track near Secret, earlier in tbe day, but had been put back on the track after v-y little work. The second derailment, however, proved more serious, and it was not until 7 o'clock yesterday morning that the track was cleared and the train pro ceeded on its way to Reno. That members of the train were--not killed or badly injured cars went over the embankment i. due . e in otner sections of r. ci i it la Rev. 1. Brown found a skull buried at a depth of 52 feet, while sinking a well on bis plaec near Madras. Tbe Pioneer says tbat the fossil was im bedded in a stratum of sand and was in fairly good condition, although broken in several places. It was about the size of a goat's head and had somewhat tbe appearance of that animal. Tbe fossil will be preserved, and later may be sent to tbe paleon ologist at tbe university of Oregon. It is reported that th N. ( O. agents have Leeu advised by the K P. otUciaU that it is oesiitd l y tl.e latter tbat tber retain their ixicitiiu.a. This looks as tbon-b Han i:;, mi bml really secured control of the narrow gauge. ALBANY NURSEMfco Placed 20,000 trees in Lake county last vnr. Bent adapted to needs of thlH section. Fre?frora all diseases. Endorsed by fruit Inspectors. ft'bStf K. It. PATCH, Lokevlew. A. X. Firmai, of Tacoma, visitor in Lakeview Friday. Louis Shaw Dentrr In Real Estate 1 have lUted some of the ' Ranches, Timber Lauds aud T -property in Northern California, ! country that is bound to improve rap liJly. Alturas, California. iha! niA. ind You Hare Always BougM Bus the 1 'lim mnm m" Settlers Rates to VA Via Southern Pacific Lines Daily From March 1 to April 30, 1 909 fjfhodffs agazwe IF YOU'VE GOT a little more money than you need for every-day uses, that' liable to find iti way to Wall Street tome time "for goodness sake in vest 1 5 cents of it in the March EVERYBODY'S and find out how much chance you've got in " the big fellows' game." Your I J cents will pay you back in $ $ $ For sale by Wallace & Co. Lakeview, Ore FIRE INSURANCE The LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GI-OBK Fire Ins. Co. Don't bave tbe neighbor condole Vltb you after the fire. Be pro tected, NOW. Tbe coat It In exact proportion with the lla blllty. Tbe higher the rate, the lew you, as an individual, caa y afford to be without It. f4 Blue Prints Made I w 111 make Blue Prints o any tract of land In the Lakeview Land District, aud do abstract work. Call or write W. B. SNYDER Lakeview - . Oregon Omaha &? 00 St. Joseph 25 00 Kansas City.....' 25 00 Leavenworth 25 00 Denver 25 00 Houston 25 00 St. Lonis 25 00 Mew Orleans 30 60 Memphis '!0 50 liloouoington 31 75 St. Paul 31 75 Minneapolis 31 75 Peoria 81 75 Chicago 33 00 Ptttebunr 42, 00 New York 50 00 Gorreapondlng; low ra tea from other points. Kales for branch lines poluta will be a combination of the proper colonist rate for the malii-llue Junc tion point and tbe usual brancb-liue local. The coat of a ticket can be deposited at enco with any Southern Pacific agent In Nevada, and the ticket will lie furnished to the pannener la the East, while ttiee low rates are In effect. Stop-overa are allowed atCobre, Elko, Winneuiucca, Lovelock, Ilazen and RE No, Nevada. LAKEVIEW, OREGON A Growing town In the heart of the Fertile Irrigated Farms.. A Home for You Tell your friends In the East about tl tetie lmv rnliui uml ilia... - a. ncrlptlon of the 3UNSHINE STATE. Maps and illustrated .h'-criptlvo mat ter can be obtained of any agent of the Southern Pacific, or from CHAS. E. FEE Passenger Traffic Manager San FranclHcoj Cal. D. E. BURLEY, Oeneral PawHeiiger Agent Salt Eake City, Utah JAS. IIORSBUROH, JR. General PaHm'-mji-r Agent San FrauclHcn, Cal E. W. CLAIM', Diet. Freight and Pass. Agent Reuo, Nevulu i