Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 25, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Thirty days ago some
of our citizens were
prejudiced against
Royal Tailoring but
that was thirty days
We are selling Royal tailoring
to our best people and they
are enthusiastic over the
beautiful work manHhlp, hand
some Htylen and nice fits we
are giving them. The Royal
Tailor guarantee make a
customer's money absolutely
Eighteen Dollars and Up
j2j 500 New Styles to Choose from
Satire. .
Bnrinens Looali or Readers Inserted In tbif
column of whatever description 10 cent
line lor each inat-rtion.
A quiet wedding ceremony was per
formed by Judge Holder Sunday when
6 Mr. W. H. Robinson late of Frlne-
ville and Miss Minnie Wallace of
w . Lakeview were united in matrimony.
Q : The bride is one of tbe most esteemed
"irniitio Indian nf T.nkvinw. and tbe
j r -
The elanflled advertlnlny rolumi afford tbe
greateal market for lined art Idea. Yon can
btain eaah for anything of vaiua.
groom is a new comer who has lately I enlarged quarters.
engaged in Dusiuesa oere. inn ikhiu
luer joins their many friends in wish
ing them a long and happy life.
Gossips and scandalmongers are to
get" what is coming to them" at last.
A law has just been passed by tbe
Oregon legislature which provides
fines of from 1250 to H000 for circu
lating any scandalous or malicious re
port concerning another.
Tbe little child of E. L. Rains
received a broken arm by falling
from a cbair litst Monday. Tbe baby
was brought to town and Dr. Hall set
the broken limb Monday evening.
We have a few articles of good value
left on oui bargain counter. B & M
tion has Anally settled at Summer
Lake, having purchased some relin
quishments and some deeded land.
He believes that that section has tbe
making of one of the greatest fruit
producing sections in the United
Tbe Bank of Lakeview is to be re
moved into the Daly Building. It
will occupy the room in which Daly
and Hall's Drug store is now located.
New and modern fixtures are. being
made bow for tbe Bank. It will prob
ably be ab tut two months before the
bank will be able to euW its new
CRAPES, from their most health
ful properties, give ROYAL it
active and principal ingredient
The Examiner wants correspondents
at every pustoffice in tbe county.
Send in your news.
Ladies, we have some new neck
wear. B & M
An Illinois farmer, who had always
distrusted banks, recently found bis
strong box containing $'28,000 which
be kept secreted in bis home, bad
disappeared. That farmer is now a
strong believer in bank. And it
might be that if our banks let tbe
libt of their countenance shine
through the columns of Tbe Examiner
that many a board now secre'.ed in
an old stump or buried in a tomato
j can, would be brought out to do ser
Ivice in tbe interest of mankind.
iO(()0)OCXOiOt!0()0!0iO(000)0( i We are showing tne most upao-date
All members of Lakeview Camp 526
W. O. W. are requested to be present
at tbe first regulai meeting on April
tbe 14, 1009, as there is business of
importance to come before the lodge.
A. E. Cheney, Clerk.
We have seventy five new styles of
Ladies' neck wear. II 4 M
The Lnkevle Literary Society held
Itn regular meeting Friday, Feb. 19, at
the Methodist church. As many
members were unable to spare the
time necessary to make the nociety a
I Hucceaa It was voted to turn all mon
ey In the treasury over to the Metho
j dlst church, and adjourn Sine DK
t Supervisor Ingram is holding a
j Ranger meeting thiH week.
Ladies' and Gents' neck-wear at
B & vi
A Texas exchange wants to know
why an editor ghuuld tell bis readers
that Bil Smith came in and planked
down two plunks for bis paper, any
more than Mecbaut Jones should get
out on the corner and yell that the
same Bill Smith bad j iiHt bought a
pair of 50 ceut galluses. Well, we
think so, too.
The Examiner is now sending out
notices to nil subscri tiers sboniug bow
tliey Hppeiirou tbe books of tb office.
Under tbe new ruling we are not
allowed to give credit longer tbau
one year oi; subscriptions, unless we
place a nue cMit stump mi each paper,
something we emmet aflurd to do.
Therefoie if vou wi lithe paper ceu
t in ued .be nrompt with payment. Do
Mot forget.
Molilalia and Wyoming sheep buyers
are operating in Gilliam County, and
reeutly niekiil up 10,000 mixed year-
A. ..i-7 J : T '- ,! -MT'. - If ti...Sti-h;
It it economy to use Royal Baking Powder.
It saves labor, health and money.
Where the best food h required no other
baking powder or leavening agent can take the
place or do the work of Royal Baking Powder.
W, C. Ford and wife returned Fri
day from their stay In Alturas. Mr.
Ford will re-open the rink as soon as
his skates arrive from that place.
C. C. Cannon, one of tbe early
pioneers of this section died a bis
borne, near New Pine Creek, Monday
He left here last fall for a visit in
Califorina. Tne climate there did
not seem to agree with him and be
returned borne about three weeks ago,
suffering from a complication of dis
eases resulting in a general break
down, which soon culminated in his
Mr. Cannon was born in Holt Coun
ty, Missouri Feb. 11 1842.' In 1853 be
crossed tba plains with his father
and settled in Polkconunty. Tbe next
year be located in tbeUmpqua valley.
In 1861 be took up a prospector's
career and for several years followed
that calling all over tbe west. 1869 be
located in tbe (Jocse Lake valley, at
Lassen creek, adjoining New Pine
Creek and at time of bis death possess
ed 300 acres of fine land, well improv
ed which is considered one of the
most valuable estates in this calley.
In 1887 Mr. Cannon married Miss
Blanche, tbe daughter of Capt. E.
Follette, who survives him, together
with a daughter, Olive, who are thus
bereaft ot a loving and indulgent hus
band and father.
Mr. Cannon bad tbe reputation of
being an industrious, honest and up
right man and was higb y honored
and respeoted by bis friends and
neighbors. He was a stauueb republi
can and his hones'y of purpose was
such that he never scratched the
He was buried at New Pine Creek
Tuesday mornnig at 11 o'clock.
Terrible wind storms of late am re
ported from Oklahoma. At Oklahoma
City, Tulsu, Ardmore and Gutbria,
brick walla and plate class windows
were blown down and big trees were
broken down by tbe force of tbe
wind. At Enid, several people were
seriously injured by the wind. In view
ot tbe p a noe of these ttorms, Tbe
Examiner ceases to wonder at tbe
rapid iucrease of its list of sub
scribers iu that state.
Mrs. Neilon's
Sale of Women's
Up-to-date Suits,
Coats, Skirts and
Everyone of the above positively
NEW this Season.
Come and See for Yourself.
La Mode AnnaM. Neilon
They get time to write it
Real Estate
Will occupy this space
to tell of their bargains.
Red Livery Barn
M. ('U1
and T'Vw-5 S
New Mis
Fancy Tc nns
to Lit
Corner Canyon ai d M.iin Sts,
IVAN, Prop.
Special Accommo
For Freighters
Lakeview, Ore.
Trade-Mark's, Designs, Labels, Prints, Etc.
Atl eliiPHex if business bef.ire III United StuteH Patent Office fjlveii
Prompt and I'mvful Personal Attention. Terms the nioHt reu
Minable and ;"' work KU.'ii'nulacd Address all Incpilliea to
( Member of the of the V. 5. Supreme Coust. )
2407 P Street N. W. Washington, D, C.
lings . t Iper lit ad with the wool
to l e delivered at Cor. dun uuiu'. i
April 1st.
A dance wa broken up at Bly be
ouno same one shipped in some stuff
at t'i per bottle, that had lots of fig lit
in it.
Pettv tMeviiiir is going on at Bi.u
iiiiza anr. the ISulletiu lutia.Hles fame
j thiug surprising will be doiug soon.
The Legislature passed a law estab
lishing an asyluui four the iusaue in
Eastern Oregon Now, wDo wuuts itl
Does Lakeview?
One of our Minneapolis subscribers,
Mr. A. Kylander, hBa our thanks for
a copy of the Sunday Tribune of that
city, long a welcome visitor in our
former home.
L. F. Conn, who In considerable of
a hunter, wrote a letter discussing
the inline laws, which was published
in a recent Issue of the Oreyjonlan.
tl. R. Boydeu, of Sioux City, Iowa,
after traveliug extensively in this and
tlaruey couuties. looking for a Iocs-
To relieve tbe worst fcrms of Bbeu
mutism, take a teaspoouful ot the
following mixture after each meal and
at liedtime:
Fluid Extract Dnndelion, oue-t'alf
ounce: Compound Kargou, one ounce ;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
Tbese ingredients can be obtained
from our home druggist', and ar
ou euMlv mixf-1 by shaking them well in
Alturas, California
Government Land
Homesteads and Desert Claims
in Lake County, Oregon.
Thousands of Acres of the Finest Grain and Fruit
Lands on Earth can be secured now, FREE !
Do Not Lose This Last Opportunity!
' CT Scandinavian and German Spoken.
For Particulars, apply to
john coqburn,
nclsj epson;
h iiih'iu. ji'iiti is Ku'ruiiv it5ib iruiu
til.' Orst few doties. I VU
up, iuHctive kidneys to tiller am'
strain from the Lluod the poisonous
wade matter and uric acid, Mtucb
CHtibes IxheuniHtism.
Ac KbeuuiHtisii) is not only the nioet
puintul h iid to:.'turous diseiise but
dungerous to lite, this simple recipe
will no doubt he greatly valued by
many suil'ereis here at borne, who
should at ouch prepare tbe mitxure to
get this relief.
It is said that, a person who would
take this prescription regularly, a
dose or two daily, or even a few times
a wetk, Viculd never lave serious
Kidney or Urinary disorders, or
Cut this out and preserve it. Gool
Rheumatism prescriptions which
really relieve are scarce, indeed, and
wheu you need it, you waut it badly.
A Needles, Call', youth received a
circular setting forth opportunites iu
tbe navy, in answer to which he wrote
the recruiting offices, as follows: "I
will cut olf my right hand before I
face war. I wouldn't work for tbe
United States navy because Japs work
for less money tbau white men get.
All us white boys go without jobs;
tbe Japs take them."
Revolts at Cold Steel
"Vour ouly hope," said three doc
tors to Mrs. M. 11. Fisher, Detroit,
Mich., sulferiug from severe rectal
trouble, lies iu au operation," "then
1 used Dr. King's New Life Pills,"
she writes, "till wholly cured," They
prevent Appendicitis, cure Constipa
tion, Headache. 2."c. at A. L. Thorn
ton 'a
Week endiwc Tuesday. Feb, 23 , 1W0
Pay max juilu.j proolp m'w character
I (vatiuu tall of day
wetl.' I 44 ' !' 0 00 "' "uo" pt cldy
thur.j 44 fa7 0.15 2
frid'yl 41 j lor"""!: I 2 i "
aat'T ! a.', j ID 0.08 j 1 cidy
suu. 84 14T"T"fr I I
iiiuii.l it) 4 0.00 1 00
tues. 4(i j 15 U.tK) no
Bunch (b Tussey
Commission Merchants
We carrry & fali iine of Fresh Fruits, indluding
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap
pies, also all kinds of Nuts.
$ Vegetables, such as
aj Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and $j
m Potatoes. m
$Fresh Fish, Oysters, Clams,
Mlf your merchants do not handlejS
f this class of goods, get them busy, m
m fS:,;a,,a.V-rr-fatoaa" ' feg
Goods delivered In one day to Lakeview.
ami Km Haw Aiirarj i
immr-outmrn rummourm
sotirarHr omiymmm
Mammoth Stables
O. D. ARTHUR. POMifitf
The Largest IJvery and Feed Stable In Southern Orepon
or Northern California. Hones Hoarded by the Day, W eek
or Month. Special Attention Given to Truusieut Stock