1 On-Miies' Anti-Pain IPs lb. NtURALClA. Sciatica. Rheumatism. Backache. felN inchest. Distress in STOMACH. SlUPlttSNESS Headache J If fom H Headache Try On They Relieve Palo Quiddy, Uavinf no basj AftaWfsxU TaX)NB of the LilUe Tablets and rue Pain is Gone 25Dotet 25 Cents Never SoU in Bulk LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. J ! - INCORPORATED 1 Ttili It jtiat the' tlma of trie year ho you are molt likely to bur kidnay or bladder trouble, with rbeo uatlani and rbeomatlo paloi eanaad lay weak kidneys. Delays art danger ma. (Jet De Witt's Kldoey and Blad der fIH, aod be aura yoa get what you auk for. Tbey are the beat pill mad, for backache, weak back, orlo ry dlaordare, Inflamatloo of the bladder, to. Tbey ate antiseptic and act promptly. We mil and recommend tbem. Daly t Ila'l. A Complete Record Tlaaaer l4 Matte Department of the Interior. U.S. Laud Office at Lakeuew, Oregon, November. 25, 1908. Notice ia hereby given that MIL TON Br III' HICK, of Lakeview, Ore goo. who, on Nov. 10, ISXJfl, made Tim bar and atone Application, No. 0H(1, for K half HW quarter. Section 3.1, Tnwnahlp 30 H., Rao 1S H, Will. Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to tb land above des cribed, before Register aod Kceiver, ,'at Lakeview, Oregon, oa the lltb day of Feb. 10OM. Claimant oames as witnesses: C. O . Dimenoerry. O. W. Ktee. Mabel Hloe, Geo, "Lynch, all of Lakevtev, Oregon. J7 '.0 J. N, Waon, Register. 1 c have made nn entire transcript of all Records finJLakc County, which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county. We have a complete Record of every Mo.tijairc and transfer ever made in Lake County, and every Deed jjiven. ERRORS FOUND. In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed recotd and not indexed; and many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other hooks. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds arc not indexed at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records. eVaaeMMMBaBaBaKBaaMMsJeVBa a We have notations of all these Errors: Others cannot hud them. We ha ve spent Hundreds ol dollars hunting it these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, manager. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Practice deep breathing. A person with fully developed lung capacity purlfles his blood several time per tnlaute. A. cup of cold water before retiring ao4 a cup of hot water In the morn ing before breakfast work tike magic as A curs for Indigent lou. Almond meal Is preferred by some women to soap and acts as a pleasing alternate to soap st any time. This often, cleanses and whitens the skin The most easily dlgestod foods which coutnlii Lb greatest aniouut of nourishment and are free from acids and starches nre those beat adapted to tho child's needs. Uubber gloves to wear when wash ing china and old kid glovea when Ousting are au inestimable boon to housekeejK-m, for nothing so ruins the skin as con r soaps, soda and dust To soften and perfumo tho bathing water mix together four ounces of al cohol, one liu If oiiiko of am mould and one dram of oil of lavender. A few drops of this mixture will be sufficient for a bowlful of water. Tales They Tell. A cousin of the German emperor la a dishwasher In New York. A Des Molucs man buys his mother-In-law Ave pounds of csndy every week. Howard Buchanan of Royeraford, Pa., aays be saw a waau spilt tbs skin of a cabbage worm, roll It up Into a small ball and fly away wltb IC A crowd of 1,000 Boatoulans recent ly followed a woman who wore a knee length "common sense" skirt and so annoyed her by their Jeers and rudeness that she was forced to ap peal to tU polk-a. Plays and Players. Maxiue Elliott will be seen next spring In London In a coetume play called "1801.- Mark Sullivan, the magnetic singer, Is a leading member of the "Lota From Berlin" company. Olive Oliver Is to be In William Fa versham's company, producing "The World and Ilia Wife." Eugene Walter, the author of "Paid In Full," has written a play for the Llebler company called "The Dream er" and one for Belasco entitled "The Easiest War." Tl saber l4 Mlee Department of ti e Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, January 11, 11 J. Notice is hereby given that ANNA M. NE1LON, of Lakeview. Oregon, wbo, on August 31. VJUH, made Timber and Ktone Application, No. 0109, for Lots 1, 2, 8W quarter N W quarter, Section 1ft, Township 30 8., P.ange 16 E . Will. Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, befor Register and Receiv er, at lakeview. Oregon, on the 27th dsy or March, 1909. ('aifunnt names as witnesses: Wal ter Howard aod Ouy W. Rice, of Lakeview, Oregon. MIS J. N. Watson. Regiter. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon. December 24 i'J08. Notice is hereby given that JOHN O. SVEEN, of Lakeview, Oregon, who on Nov. 20, 1907, made Home stead Entry No. 3 SHI. (Serial -No, (K:5) for lots 1 2. Ebalf NW quarter, NE quarter Sw quarter Section :, Township 37 H., Rang 17 K. , WHL Meridian, has Hied notice of intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described. before KeeUter ind Receiver, at Lake view, Oregon, on the Kith day of Feb. 1909. Claimant names ss witnesses: John Jacobson, P. M. Cory, of Lakeview, Oregon, Ole Soleim, Kristian Jorgen- sen, of Hly, Oregon. 1)3110 N. Watson, Register. The Kind Yoa Hare Always Bought, And which has been In one for over SO yearn, has borne the Ignatnre of and has been made tinder his per fjt-y2, sonal supervision since Its Infancy CiCCA6V ATlnrar no nn i1moIiia tah I n f Ma- All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Caatorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hp Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc surraim M.N.T, Tt mMUf mat, Bear T. am. a There is not liny better Halve than De Witt's Oarbollzcd Witch llazei Haifa. Wn lutreliv f viusi we are not rewpoiialtilelfor any In j jurlous etfucts raiiHed from worthless or poisonous imitations of our Oar- bnlized Witch Hazel Halve, theoriglu al. It is uood for nuything when i salve is nederi, but it is especially Kood for plies, lie sure you get De Witts. Hold by Daly and Hull. Generous. "This Is n foino country, Rrldgetl" exclaimed Nurnli, who hud but recent ly arrived In the United Stntes. "Sure, us generous everybody Is. I linked ut tne postolllce ubout slndlu' mouey to me mil her, mid tho youug man tells li me I can get a money order for $10 for 10 cents! Think of that nowr-Touth'. Companion. Wellington Once Osve Up. to three doctors; was kept iu bed for live weeks lilood polium from a spider's Lite caused largo, deep sores to cover his log. The doctors failod theu "Jlucklen's Aruioa Salve oom- ipletely cured mo." writesl John Wash- i iigtou, of JioH(iuevilln, Tex. For .. '....Wn ... K linil.. I. .... .1 I 1 It. vutDuiO) uuiia uiirua hdu piles 1L IS supreme. 2Th'. at A. L. Thornton's Esslng Whooping Cough. "When my boys liad the whooping cough," suld the mother who was not afraid to try simple home remedies, "I greatly relieved their paroxysms of coughing and reduced the number by having the children gurgle frequently ewltti lemon and water. "I alHo gave them a laxative diet and kept them In the open air as much as possible. Two of tho boys who had It In summer fairly lived out of doers, and each day I would niiiko them take sun baths und run ijrfr- " Seve Money by Buying Chamberlain' Cough fcf.BMdy, i on wiu pay juhi as mucn lor a bottle of Chambtirlain's (!ougb Kern edy as for any of the other cough medioines tut you save money in buying it The saving is what you get, not what you pay. The sure to-cure you quality is every bittle of this remedy, and you get good results when you take it. Neglected colda often develop a serious ooudtion, aud wtieu you buy a uouga mediolue you want to be sure you are getting one that will cure your cold. Chamber laiu's Cough iiemedy always cures. Price 25 aud 50 cents a bottle. For Hale by Da'y & Hall. l&fr sr i a 'Repeating -rr . O This new 6-shot model is the simplest, surest, and fastest 12 gauge repeater made. It has the solid top, side ejection and double extractors special Planfct fea tures ot comfort and convenience. The closed-ln breech keeps the action clean and the shells i dry keeps out rain, snow, dirt, leaves iwigs ana Sana. The new take-dawn eonetructlon allow, you to '.ake sun aoarl In ten second (or t cleaning or packing, yet the Joint la alway r na firm and rigid aa In a eolid frame, non 1 tuke-down gun. The fat forearm file vt.ur inn.snd help quick operation. The full choked gune ere guaranteed cloue-ehooting, hard-hitting gune, and are unequalled lor duoke, geeee, foxes and all lai'S-range work. A circular giving large Illustration, with full deacrlption of thie handeumo new gun, Sent free on requeat or with complete 136-page catalog for t stamp. 77?art rearms Co., Street NEW HAVEN. CONN. Reewoa Enthroned Bceause meals are so tasty tbey are oonsumed in great excess. This leads to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your diet, lt teason and not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver diets and you will soon be well again. Try it. For sale at Daly & Hall's drug store. Samples free. Kotlee- for Publication. Department of tbe Interior, U. S. Land Ufllce. Lakeview, Oregon, Jan- nary 7, ism Notice is hereby given that tbe State of Oregon baa tiled its applica tion to select under tb provisions o tbe act of August 14, 1848, and tbe acts supplemental and amendatorv tbeieto. tbe HW quarter, Sec 9, T. 36 S.. R. 21 E.. W. M., per list No. 0953. Any and all persona claiming adver sely tbe lands described, or desiring to object bees use of tbe mineral character of tbe land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant. should die their affidavits of protest in thia office, on or before tbe 6tb day of March, 19J9. J. N. Watson, Register. Tbe foregoing notice will be pub lished in tbe Lske County Examiner, h weekly newspaper, printed and pub lisbed at Lakeview, Oregou, for at least thirty days prior to tbe date last mentioned in tbe above notice. J21M5 J. N. Watson, Register. f Bfiiiiog Tde Star ine Piaci El J 4 Subscrlbo for The Exuuiluer. is electing a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the nianufncturo of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., elc. 1 A frwfrnA ntjinutif fif 4 ni"V will Rlift tm ill n profitable bttsiueai. STAR PORTALLL DRILLING MACHINES havo been proved by Competitive Tests to be The Mesi I t 1 he World. For full particulars regard inur well drilling niailiines, tools, supplies, etc., write to TI'E STM DS!LL!f!G IV.C.MISE C3. PORTLAND, ONE. SON, AKRON, OHIO. Notice ror HahllcatioB-(laolatrd Trart I'l HLIC USIl H-4I.T". Lakeview, Oregon, Land Office, Jan. 11, 1909. Notice is hereby given that as directed by the Commissioner of the Oeneral and Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1900. PubMc No. 303, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on tbe 6th day of March. 1909 Dext, at this office, the tollowiug tract of land, to wit: NsV quarter HW quarter, and S half SW quarter, See 12, T. 39 3., R. 20 E , W. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above described lands are aa vised to Ulo their claims, or objections, on or before the day above designated for BHat). J14M4 J. N. Watson Register. Fred P. Cronemiller, Receiver LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE H. E. Bark eb, Prop'r. Office in Thornton Store rStage lesves Lakeview daily, ex cept Sunday at tt a. m. Arrive at Alturas at 6 p. m. Leaves Alturas for Lakeview al 6 o'clock a. m. or on the arrival of tbe stage from Likely. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturas. KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIME TABLE . . . In Effect May 1st, 1905. 'Lv. Torall ... A. V.Lv.Pof.eeame 10.45 ik Ar. Bogua S.JS Ar. Dixie 10.55 " Bteel Br'f .45 " Kl'h Sp'r ' J 4C Tell Cr'k. 7.06 " Fall Creek 11.45 Klh8p'g7.10 Steel Br'ge 12.00 " Dixie. ....SAO - Bogua 12.20PM " lVkegamaH.20 " ThraU J2.46 " Klamath Springs Special. Lv.rrhrall...lJ P. MXv. Kl'h Sp'gaj ttP. M Ar. Bogua lJi6 " Ar. Fall Creek2.50 " Bteel Br'ge2.15 " Steel Br'ge S 00 M Fall freek IJ5 " " Bogua 1.20 " Kl'h8p'tt0 Thrall . ...V4i ' Freight - Matters Strict - Attention Qiven First - Class - Accomodations. LAKEVIEW PLUSH ! STAGE LINE 1. E. Tavlor, Prop. WESTERN STAGE K'amath Falls-lake yi ew O Stage Company orricEs Hereaatlle Ce'a latere, Lakeview Aaeeriraw Betel, Klaaaatk FaUa FA REM Baa4 Trip Oae Way - ait - 10 Office at B. Reynolds' Store. Stage leaves Lakeview Mondavs. Wed nosdaysaod Fridays at 6 a. m., arrive at Plush st 9 p. m. Lesves Piush Toes lays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at rj i. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m. Passenger fare $3 one wav or 15 foi round trip. Freight rates from May j 1st to Nov. 1st 9.75 per hundred ; from I Nov. 1st to May 1st 11.00 per hundred ' r SIEVEMS Timber Land Notice Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon, November 25, 1908. Notice is hereby giveu that JULIA ULLA KICK, of Lakeview, Oregou, wbo, on Nov. 1h, 1008, made limber and Stone A Implication, No. 0842, for E half 610 quarter. Hoot ion 34, Township 38., S., Kauge 18 K., Will. Meridian, baa tiled notice of Intention to make fluul Proof to establish claim to the laud above described, before Register and Keoeiver, at .Lakeview Oregon, ou the 17b day of Feb. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Ueo. II. Lynch. U. W. Kloe. Buit 8. Tstro. Kdwiu Tutro, all of Lakeview, Oregon. MHIT . -v. WtOQ. Keglspr DON'T BUY A GUN until you Lave Boen our New f Uoable Carrel models fitted with Steven Compreued Forged Steel Barrel DEMI-BLOC SYSTEM The mode of constructing these siqierb Trap and Field Guns is fully set forth in our Now Shot gun Pamphlet. Send two-cent .stamp for it. Aik roar Dealer for Steveaa Desii-Bloc Gum. Hi Rye. 1 - Jtuist on our make. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. Bex 40 CakopM Fall lUn. Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW PAISLEY. A IV. BRiAN Proprietor. leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m ereiy day but Sunday. R. tuniiiiK, leaven Paislev at 6 :b"0 a. m very day bu Sunday. Paasenseri' are j Rovd trip I OFFICE- Xernolds A WingOeld'a ikevlaw America's Great THE Toledo Hladz TOLEDO. UrWO The Best known Newspaper in the United States CIRCULATION 200,000 Popular In Every Stats KILL. the COUCH CURE the LUNGS w,th Br. King's Now Discovery F0RC8L,gsH8,.sSa. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OS HONEY KEfUNDED. In many resets the Texlrde Blade is tho most remarkable weekly newspaper published Id ine United stale. It ia the only uewapaper eauoriwlly editad for National circulation. It haa had the In rues t circulation (or more years than any newspaper printed in America. Fur thermore, it is the cheapest newspaper in ttie world, as will be explained to any person who will write us for terms. The News of the World so arranged that Lusy people can more ea ily coinpreiicuu, man oy reaainir cumDersome col umns of dailies. All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date. The only paper publihed especially for people w ho do not read daily newsuaper.and yet thirst for plain facts. That this kind of a nw8papei ia oopular, is proven from the fact that the Week. . ly Blade now has over 200,uou yearly suliscrib- era, and is circulated in all parts of the United States. In addilon to tbe news, the blade pub lisher short and aerial stories, and many da- pertinents of matter suited to every member ol : the family-. Duly one dollar a year. I Write tor f ee specimen copy. I Address THE BLADb, j Toledo, Ohio. 'THE EXAMINEK, both n ne ! I IlL TOLEDO ULADE. 1 Yr tJ HHKKP BH.4N1M4. Jamps Barry Brndi with Swallow Fork la rlKht aar lor ewes: revere for wtvuera. Borne ewes Square Crop and bill to right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, ('rant Lake. foatnUc address, Lakeview. Oregon ?'7.s .f.f. p'11 tak Pe :,u'8 Zac Whitwonh Gentle, eaay, pleasant little liver pills, i Sold by Daly A Hall. Brandt with Crop off left ear. Half Dnderorou off Tight lor ewe ; rsi arse for wnthora. Tar Brand W. Kauge, fish Ureek. foaiofflee addraa Notice The Lake County Examiner baa changed bauds, C. O. Metzker having sold the paper to Fred J. bowman. All moneys due on subscription are payable to Fred J. Bowman, and be ia to continue tbe paper to all subscrip era who have paid in advance, for the full term for which auob subscriptions have beeu paid. Billa due for adver tising to June 15 are payable to 0. O. Metzker. Signed G. O. Metzker "Wl .1. ti in