Wake xrnnmer VOL. XXX LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OKECJON, THURSDAY, FEHKUAKY 11, 1909. NO. 6 If SHEEPMEN ARE ACTIVE AT SALEM Look In f After Legislation Affec- t tint; Their Interests and are Seeking 5calp Ilounty What H 6LS Fruit Is em Done Elsewhere Doifce at Lakeview In SCABBIES ARE WIPED OUTd Oregon Has 2,200,000 Sheep Worth $15,000,000, In come $6,000,000 A H;ein dispatch say Oregon sheep man are rallying to the support of the different maure now pending te fur tba legislature fur the bene tit (if tbe Industry. Prominent aheep nien ad otlioer of the sheep grower' association and otllclas of tliB bureau of aulmal Industry are no at Kalem looking after th thinly of Ilia 112,000 appropriation carried id tba Kluaber 1)111 ol 1!HJ7, for tba Oregon board of sheep commissioners. Tba shaap meu ara alo backing up tho tight for tha passage of tba scalp county bill, carrying a contingent appropriation of HO.lKW for tba purpose of potting tba lid oil tbe predatory animals ot tba state. Or. H. W. McClor. chief of the tuspectoia of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, ban appeared before tba way and means committee of tba bouse aud ban oUo wet mauy members of tbe two booses. Ha tins told them what baa bean done under the co operation of the Government. Two yearn ago the stute euacted tbo Slush er bill ami appropriated fTiOOO for curry in n out Its provisions. Tbe abeep cotumistdourrs were appointed and went to work In co operation with tba fitlioiiila of tba bureau of animal Industry. At Unit time there were 3I0.IHK itcabby abeep In the atate and l.'AXJ.OOO more Unit bud been ex posed to tbe dleaHe. TbU fall when an examination wan made there were 7'JIO scabby sheep lu tba state and 31(1) more that bad beeu exposed. During the two )ears tba govern ment baa spent 127.000 In aiding the atate to stamp out tba scab from xniouK Ita abeep. Tbe atate commiss- as snent alnitit ft I. (MX) of tbe J appropriation of 112,000 up to thla tune. During the two years thn abeep man have apent 75.000 for aheap dip alone, not counting tha man employed or tbe taia and other appliance necessary. During tba time '2,200,000 abeep have lieen dipped at an average coat of 10 centa a head to tha sheep men or tba atate, or 220,000 for dip ping alone. 1 be total value or t lie aiieep or ore- That there Is profit lu apple pro i. i. it- M,.ii.i l . .. . ..... "" " " ' ductlon la very aptly lllustrateri m a approximately llft.txxi.txx) and the . . ,. , . . ........i i. .,- alt mi lam . recent Issue of tbe Hood River New liuni IIJI w U J a t , i, i rait. i . i ill IOC Lake County Apples Will S Command High Price be rained ty tbe government on I. according to Dr. McClure. rill BIO THINGS FOR WHEAT RAISERS MANHATTAN, Kun., Jan. T2. (Specia-. ) Profeaaor H. F. Koberta, of tbe KaiiHua State Awrioult iitmI Col- lego, hat beeu experimenting 'u the breeding of wheat el nee 1'JiHi. Hi experlmatita have now reached tbe Mtago that wuruifig ha gono nut to Khiihhh farmera to itioreHne tha aize of their giauarieii and to buy more tbreabluu inaohlueM. The retiult of Fr )faior Knbert'a ri'Hoitrctii o la the probable propagation of wheat thet n ill lucreHMa tbe average yield trom It to 'JH buebela an acre. The wheat crop of Kbiihu for the lant five yeara Iihh averaged approximately Hi).OI0,(00 biiMhel "Uy uext fall," declare Frofeitgor ICubert. "I will have aernred an ideal wheat. Theu watch Kanaaa Her wheat yield will double, aud tbe farmera of tbe atate, will have their annual iiiOme increased to tbe ex tout of nearly e.VJ.OOO.OCX). California Editor Com mends the "Oregon Way" of Doing Things Tbe BuHuaville Calif., Advocate ot tbe 2H ult, hua tbia to aay of our new court bonne, aud tbe novel economical way In which It waa erected : Tba Stale of Oregon haa leeii very muob In tbe public thought for aar eral months pant, principally becauae of an innovation In political method by which it aeema, utrange us It may appear, that tho peoplo are to be "allo.ved" their choco for Unite 1 fttaten Senator. If anythiug more la needed to uliow thitt the people of our neighbor KUte are peculiar, it may lie found in a recent illnntratioii lu Lake County, juet over tbo California line. Tbe people of Lake County needed new Court iloiiwe tlioy didn't need It more than two thirds an much aw Lanaen Comity doe becnune there' only about two thirda a mimy people but tbia la a digroMtiiou. They uoecied a new Court lluimo and they built it. While there tuny be nothing in this atatomout of fuel, there ia something remarkable in the way tbev went about It au Oregon "way.' Tbev levied a special tax of moderate amount two yeata in miccetitiiou. The tax whh not UiirdeiiHome and buc few of tbe Ili'iOO people found occiislou to i growl about it. With tbe money lu hand to meet evert' demiiud aud ket rate, got special rates from trail aportatiou couipauiea, aud buryiug their individual rivalaries and desires for gain, personally saw to it that bouest work was done. Htrlctlv busi ness riiuoiples minus graft wera applied from beginning to end, aud Lake Couuty's new Court House, costing her people 12.1X10, bsa beeu variously estimated by newcomers mifuuiiUur with the facts as a but fil ing costing from $100,000 to $150,000. rue "uregon way" Bee ins to be a little simpler aud more direct tbau the California way, and bus other features to recommend it- LAKEVIEW IS THE MECCA FOR ALL The Cedar vlUd Record of the 3rd iuet says : "Wo understand that tickets for 'i."00 people heiidud for Alturas bad beeu purchased. We presume it is all right, but it might be a good Idea for our merchants to lay iu a good tdock of iiadluckH. aud ship lu a few get ! good bulldogs'" HilvHiituun nf cMHh iliHi-.mintH.il com liou't be ularmetl. 1 tiey are not go- mittee ol business men of Lakeview iuK to stop at Alturss, nor will they took hold of the mutter. Flans and a'op over to Cedarvilla, as they are apeclilcntion having beeu obtaiuod, heuded lor Lakeview to make homes these men interested themselves iu the ' for themselves iu the broad and fertile . .') buying of mitteriul at tho lowest mar-1 valleys of Luke county. Wooly Terrors Will Clear U. S.'s Brush Ijettei, published in tbe lst apple rowing section In tba Union, or at lenntn in a locality where bent tloau cial results are obtained for the grow er. It says : "The average price received for apples In Hood Klver din lug the pant three or four years Is t'l per himhel box. Thin average iuiludes all ntnnd ard varities, the Hpitzuherg and Newton reachlug from f'2 O'J to t'.i 00 while notaudard apple has sod under 1.7.'). '1 he cost of raiaiug ami marketing apples beie, etery detail of labor and ciillivatl' u included is 50 cents per box. The exact amount fruit trees will bear at specified Hge is hard to estimate, as much dupeud upon the mau who ruined tbe trees. Tho fact, however, that 4tie custom of thinniug Is so vigorous y practiced here accounts for the fvt tiiat such an extremely low percentage of the crop is classed a culls. One apple is le-'t ou each bud aud six to eight iuches space between tbem on tbe limbs. Tbe coil dl In moth baa small chance to bide iu the trees of ttiis valley, for every apple is fully exposed to sun and spray and tno apples aro uever allowed to touch. It is a gen eral eatmate that a' seven year old Mpltzenbfirg tree will bear five boe ot tirst grade fruit, and a Newtou nf Uie aame age seven boxes. With 65 trees tnjlie acre and an average price from these vat Itles of 12.50 to J2.75 per box, the profit will appeal to the business man as something wort h while. A such trees grow older tbeir yield materially iucreates from year to year. " Hood Itivei is au agricultural com munity w bere tbe average orchard is only ll acres lu area aud where the return have reached a mark so hlgb as I1H00 par acre, wbile tbo average returns through tbe entire valley is not far from ftVX) au acr for bearing ocrbarda. Mauy wbj settled there teu year no with a few hundred : dollar-) now Lava young orchards that are selling as high as 1 1000 an acre aud wbo count their wealth from H0.0O0 to 00,000. Any community that, will support a family ou lti acres is indeed interesting. What will its feature be. This is au inter esting study for tbe socialogist, for this region promises to develop iuto au ideal agricultrual community. J. tie cry or over production Is con stantly going out over tbe laud, but the fact that tbe apple crop of the United States haa decreeasd from CO 510,000 barrel in 18!5 to 25,000,000 narrrels in l'.0i, does tint an list this fear. The orchards of tbe former Having In great measure tiarcurnbad to pest. With tbe rapidl increasing consumption of this stapl fruit, it will take a vastly greater orchard ateu than is now plaotnd iu tbe northwest to u.eet tba demand. The bulk of tbe Hood Kiver crop goeo to Kuglund aud (iermauy, while New York gets a good share, aud the prom inent fruit buyers state tbet if tbe entire 50,0lKi acres of that valley was a beating orchard the product would alwayi be iu tbu great demiud it is now if the preseut standard is r- aiu tuned. The lesson that Hood Kiver Iihs taught the world that quality j pays better thtiu q.iui.t.tr in fruit rais I lug has revolutionized the apple mar kt. An illustration of the prosperity 'attained from fruit culture at Hood Kiver in but a few years is tbe fact j that In I'.NXJ tbe bank deposits were I practically uotbiug, while last year !tbey were over $700,000 Tbe fruit of 1!K7 brought iu $500,000, and this year it will exceed $SO0,"O0. while tbe lumber output is almost as much m ire. With 500,000 anple trees now planted, it is estimated tbat in tlve years the income from these will leach $2, 500. 000. All tbe above shows what will result in the Ooldeo (loose Lake Valley, which experts claim produces a better apple tbau doer Hood Kiver. and w tiich w ill bare tbree times its acreage, when all our broad acres are set out to ap'des, and railroad transportation comes to ship the product all over th world. , In view of these facts, no wonder tbe Government experts sent out last year ou a tour of investigation of tbe fruit resources ot tbe State were moved to say : Hood Kiver Valley is but one of Oregon's niany attractive and re sourceful districts which invite in vestigation. A detailed recital of w bat its orcbardists are accomplish ing in fruit grow log sounds so much like tbe generally accepted "boom" literature that we can only invite the outside world to come bere and make presoual iui-rectiou of America's garden spot. " year planted tboctaods of Burbank tbornlass cactus plants and says they are thriving and growing In every y as fiurhank said they would. He nd other Lor Angeles men ware bare yesterday to see tiurliaok regarding other big shipments. Southern Paci fic land commissioners are contemplat ing putting in a large acreage of Bur bank cactus on desert lands along tba system. DO NOT RUSH UP HERE UNPREPARED If tbe rush bere la as great as tbe kuowlng ones predict; tbe next few weeks, and, in fact, until things settle down to a uoimal condition, The Examiner advises all new comers to bring tents, bedding and food sop piles along, for if they do not do ao. suffering will result, as this section is iu no wise :epared. We bave no lumber supply on band, and tbe food stuffs bere are "nly gauged for those here, aud for normal increase in population, Ws notice tbat some of tbe general agents of tbe Oregon Val ley Laod Co. are sending out tbia advice to contract holders, and in so doing they exercise good judgment. FIRST MOVE FOR GREATER LAKEVIEW ! A Ffne Large Commercial Build. To be. Immediately Ereceted On Main Street. BUILDING TO BE MODERN A Rogue Make a River Man Will Big Investment Lakeview The first move toward the maVing of the new and Greater Lakveview waa had tbia week by tbe arrival in town of Mr. John C. Lucas, from Grant's Pass, in tbe Rogue river val ley. Tbe gentleman lost no time in siz ing up tbe Held and prospects and at once. secured the splendid piece of property to tbe north of Tbe Examiner office,' cornering un Main and Bear Streets. Having secured tbe lot b immediately began negotiations for tbe construction of a modern build ing tbereon jus t as soon a tbe mater ial can be got on tbe ground. Tbe holding will contain four large rooms on tbe main floor to be devoted to mercantile pursuits It will be two stories in height with strongly laid foundations for addtionul stories, wben occasion demands. It will bave glass and iron fronts, and will be ud to date in every particular. It is not yet decided to what use the opper floor will he put, something tbat will be determined later on. The gentleman is of tbe opision that there is a great future in store for Lakeview and is makng investments ! witb tbat in view. Not only is be approaches ' pinning bis faith to tbe town by put Well, tbe ting in his money, but be also will locate with ns, and will soon bring bis family here to reside. Tbe Examiner is pleased to welcome j him to Lakeview and believes tbat be 111 mnlra no I Li. St. Paol wants artistic to its new marble capitol. last time we saw tbe grounds, tbe j beautiful building, and shabby grounds, truly were a. little bit in congrulons for a great and wealthy state. We are a Minneapolis man. but will be generous enough to wish ' lot witb the neonle of thia town. St. Paul better surroundings forberi This deal waa made through tbe capitoL j Seagars. Will Endeavor to Make a New State Out of Eastern Oregon Some of tbe Eastern Oregon are BURBANK'S CACTUS GOOD FOR STOCK tANTA ROSA, January 30. "Too much value canno: be ploi on Bur bank's tboruless cactus as a fodder for CHttlp. " WH4 Mm Hnftttrntinn liora itantiate j iH8t night by Charles J. Welch, who the enst'j has a big catil ranch at Los Bauos, aud middle west are disappearing iu southern California. Welch last prominent pepole of ;8tate aaaiat.n , maintanln PrlSru..lln !.. . . .u-wct.UK ""J tint n.itrht .a ..II ,!, I FT "'wivm v m ctate uun lorming s. Senator from Pact another commonwealth, which is to ' may seem foolish talk to some of you, include tbat part of Oregon east rf tbe CQt tbe older settlers will bear me oat Cascade mountains. T. J. Monroe, a ' ,n tn statement . that tbe forming of uvn oMibg vein au uob cru urnuvn im of Mitchell, in Oregon Journal prominent stockman an interview in the says: 'We, east of tbe mounting, are in dire need of something of tbe kind. We feel tbat we bave beeu slow to de velop; and tbe lack of state and feder al institutions only goes to prove Ihflt VEA huv, luan nupa.l sw V' w. tory made politician-. We are sadly 1 1.8aid on, I am not alone w in ueed of a large experim-ot station ;docte such a move, and I fhi SUBANV'LLE (Lhhsou Co. ), Feb ruary 4. Word cornea from Washing ton that Angora goats to the number of 3,000, uucouBiitously doing yeomau service for Uncle Sam in constructing, by grazing, mile after rube of tire line thiuugh tbe busby chaparral growth of Lassen National Forest of California, shoitly will be tbe novel sight witnessed. Tbe contract for pressing thl little baud of white ani mals Into tbe government service baa been signed, aud the uovel experi ment will be undertaken next spring In the forest reserve mentioned. The goats will be given two years in which to make good on the service, aud if they coma up to Uncle Ham's require ment they will Imj permanently placed on tne roiia. ... i Tba schema is to run fir puralle with the contour of the slopos by cutting trails about eighty rods apart which are to serve as guides for the angoras. They will graze in each direction from tbe trails killiug, it is estimated, a strip of brush about thirty yards wide. The wild lands cut out aud grazed by the goats will serve as Ideal fire lines In protecting the forest covered lauds lyiug beyond aud around tbe chaparral areas, and also make a place foi reproduction of merchantable trees. Speaking of tbe eugagemeut of the Priuoess Maria zu Y.enburg and Budingen to Admor Robiuson of Bal timore, tbe Vleuua Neue Presse says: ''I'M la the first time that a real I German nrinoess goes as a bride to lines' tbe Dollar Land." V LJ5 sf'V u ,1 ifw -1 3 1 mm 'N,.- 1) 2 a i r It l. , " 1 lit V I. V ! . t J ' ' '' ''''' SENATOR ELKINS AND .HIS WASHINGTON HOME. ' Stephen B. Elklns, senior senator from West Virginia, Is an especially Interesting man without the added Importance of becoming the father-in-law of a prince of tba Italian royul family. As an example of a self made Amer ican, beginning with nothing but pluck and determination and becoming a multlmUllotulre aud senator, Stephen a Elklns la way ap on tha list. to assist us in tbe science of drv farming to say nothing of what we need iu tbe way of asylums for tbe blind, tbe deaf mute, tbe insane. A reform school would be in order, and what about a penitentiaiy? "We stockmen are forced to spend hundreds of dollars in order to get the least recognition in tbe way of legislation in our line. And our reiireseutatiou iu the legislature must tight ilke demons to even get a pleas- aut smile tor Eastern Oregon. In the isolated counties such as Crook. Wheeler, Grant, Malheur and Harney, we need a system of gcod roads, and tne on? paramount issue wben it comes to uuiug something for the development of our resourceful country. "Tbe attitude which a certain ' stripe of politicians displayed toward .Geo. ChAmerlnin. IhA'nAnnn'a i.hniiA '(in Eastern Oregon) goes to prove that tbe sooner we act tbe better. As ben 1 hall use my best endeavor to eulist tbe voters ' of my locality iu an attempt to hold a meeting in some of tbe larger East ren Oregon towns either Pendleton, Baker City or La Grande - for the pur pose of forming peraiaueut organiza tion, which soa.l bave for its sole purpose a new state, witbiu the bounds of what is known as Eastern Oregon. " ' Mr. Monroe is one of the oldest settlers of Wheeler and Crook conn ties, is a democrat, but takes no fur ther Interest iu politics than a strong desire to see a more marked improve ment in the meaus of developing the great resources of Eastern Oregon. NARROW-GAUGE SURPRISE BEETS GRABBED ON DEBT HIGH IN SUGAR Alturas New Era, 3: Tbe N. C. O. Railway was served with an attach ment this week, upon tbe claim of a lady from another county wbo had a bill of about two thousand dollars agalust the company. E. C. Bonner acted as her attorney in the matter, and bad the papers served upon theageut by Elzie Smith, the deputy sheriff. In vain the rail way officials protested that tbe mail must be taken, but Elzie Urinly formed them that they could not Cedsrville Record, : Tbe Lake view Examiuer is now advocating tbe establishment of a beet sugar factory. In tbe event of a railroad coming through that place a factory would be i of immense value as a leveuue yielder. Tests mane of sugar beets grown in Surprise Valley show a higher per centage of saccharine matter than those grown in the lower valleys. Tbia ! whole norlhreu country is adapted to in. j tbe raising ot sugar beets aud some use ; uuy wnen a uei woric or rauroaus tra- tbe rail way eugiue which bad been verse tbe country the soil will ba placed under attachment as a meaus I used for that puipose. of such conveyance. After a slight 1 delay, a proper bond was put up by the railroad company, after which the train waa released from custody, and departed peacefully upon its way. Tbe eutire matter will ba settled in tha proper court later on. In spite of snow and storm new peo ple are arriving on every stage. On Saturday 17 new comers arrived, and still that man Harriman thinks there is no need of a railroad Into Lakeview or Eastern Oregon I C. A. W., Long Beach, Calif., Tha t 'tie to the Oregon Valley Land Co's lands are perfect. If they bad not. been so, it is evident tbe company would not bave paid hundreds of tbousauds of dollars for tba rual grant. Yes, there were frauds com mitted In Oregon land matters but tbey in no way effect tbe holdings of this compauy. Hilltop, north of Battle Mountain, is tha latest Nevada stampede. t