Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 04, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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5 Our New Premium
Plan is a Winner
Every piece of Glass-ware, China
ware, Lamps, Mantel Clocks, and Im
ported Decotatcd Waref is exchange
able for Premium Coupons. If you
have not a sufficient number of Cou
pons you pay the difference of value in
Cash. This is our plan to stimulate
Trade during a dull season. We want
to interest you in our way of doing
Don't Worry Pay Cash
Rnnln.M or K.l.r tnatrtml la Ihli
column of whurrtt dracrtptloo 10 nnM
Una for rac h Inarrilun.
proposition up there that will make
tbeni competency. The men with
nerve and hop enough to go about a
work that will maka the desert bloom
I or riiifnim BiiTrniHini miiim vu..iu .,, . a . , - . . .
rtatrl murkrt lor tiiwtl arlirlva. You rn , a realization of tbelr fondest hope,
bum rh lor anything el tIu. j They surely hare tbe beat wiabea of
i the Examiner lo tbalr endeavor
The picture eolarglng and frame
gang are at work among onr neigh-
bora. Look out Tor tbeni. may mint
iu couples. The II rat gets the plctute,
the other the money and order for
frame, aod the joint reault la you will
never eee picture or meu aalo Kven
such astute denlens a those of Med
f rd and Ashland got stung on a bran
new "(.K'treal" method of enlarging
pictures. Tbe safest plau la to aet
the doga on auch chape.
Ice Skate, nil kind and tlie.
Auten Hardware Co. -
NOTICE. The ineinlMtn of Women
of Woodcraft will plea pay their
w nHHt8Hiueni ii I., r. . ii-nri , mr im-
month of February
Bonaor.a Bulletla, 28 ult: T'te
business men of Bonanza have been
making arrangements tiiapaKt week to
hare Chaa. Kice, foimer leader of the
Lakeview band, locate here and iu
truct tha Bonanza baud and orchea
tra. "Wanted" A few good second
band cook-etovee. Auten IMweCo.
Tbe Literary Society will meet at
tha Methodist Church Friday evening
Februry 5th. A program of aome
aort will be rendered. All memliera
are requested to be present.
RnblH'r rooting ft C)t of Hlilngle
guaranteed 10 year. Anten Ilurd-
V F. Ford baa goue to Alturaa,
and ail open a skating riuk there.
It is reported he will be
and open tbe rink again
middle of March.
The Library At aodatlon held Ita
regular monthly incviluir Monday
night nud tru unacted routine tiualneaa.
Joe Fuller has soue to the desert.
far thai T.rrlbl. Itchln.
Fr.ema, tetter and ealt rheum keep
their v'ctlms in perpetual torment.
The application of Chamber In In 'a
Salve IU inataully allay thla Itoblug,
and many canes have neen ciirtl by
Ita uae. Fur sale by !nly A Hall.
K. N. Keed.v. who came here hint
fall from Nebraska In near h of relief
from the ravagca of tutH-rt-uloafH,
died Itet Friday morning; at bin
home In Prvwa Valley. The funeral
eervloea wen conducted Saturd.iy af
teriinoii iu the Buptl-l church It.v Kev.
W. A. HnpkliiK. The remains were
Intern-! iu the lakevlew cemetery.
Mr. Kml.v waa a brother-li.-law of
I. M. Corey, of Lake vie w.
K.volli al Cald Slaal
"Vour ouly hope, " ald three doc
tors to Mr. M. H. Fisher, Detroit.
Mich., aulfering from severe rectal
trouble, lies to an operation," "then
1 used Dr. King's New Life fills,"
she writes, "till wholly cured," They
prevent Appendicitis, cure Constlpa
tion. Headache. 'i"o. at A. L. Thorn
Mrs. Neilon's Great
Sae of Women3 s
Up-to-date Suits,
Coats, Skirts and
flIif finery.
Everyone of the above positively
NEW this Season.
Come and See for Yourself.
La Mode Anna M-NeiIcm
aaaar vaa. w PROPRIETOR
cMcaxHXCKXoooxooNxxooo. u xxxoooocKX)CMXocKXKXooaaa
I Bright sunn " days agnij, and mud
I real Oregou mud under foot I
i Letter From Washington
1'oultry nettliiK all klnda, at Auten
Hardware Co.
The guu fools are tiring high power
ed rifle bullets Indiscriminately
around Klumuth Falls. Some one will
back here get killed iu tbis way, aud It would
ibout I he I not be muruer of course not! Hut,
uevbr-the less, there should be a law
preventing the sale and use of auch
daugroua weapons, except to licensed
men, aud thru ouly to tbose capahlo
of careful and Intelligent uae of auch
ore a rm a
jir.le copy, for.
size their pocket booka in their
mind a eye.
I trust tbat Lakuvio.v will aee to it
I that it baa employment for all its peo-
tf, . 8rtr tell me P-e. l-re sugar beet reHnery looks
t.lrr, aud more, vety plausible and I hope it will
siiue'tine, yes, materialize,
cuud it interest- j If I were not alone my greatest de
ints than one Fiiet. j light would be to eDjoy the newness
Reared in the Ureat i or ids country, me oeiping to ouna
i v oiley States 1 learned up and construct tbe social bomeues
f tb Lfctt and Wtft. Vet, ; of the surroundings.
y i relereuce weDt to the! As it is I shall at least watch your
leu 1 traveled over tbe West growth, snd you a tbo't of good cheer
i t.'h to leave. 1 s-eued to and success.
Larmony with tbe Universal! Hope the Sanitorium goa farther
I came here to tbe Kafet to mare man ouserviog lue gooa location,
w. i orisons are under U adage Also hope ita enerl system will vary
rr Poor Sao b. iu 1K0 was as ! somewhat from most of these having
tt.' Oblicatioua bate a band on all 1 a hospital in connection.
y, do or not to (io. At any rate I am going to live with
Even when hustling my Geography J you ia mind, and if permitted will
fcasona, I ued to atiire n,y mao of' reuind you often thru tbe kxamioer
tregon meat, and impiue tbo sreat 'of my remembrance.
Gravamen who ventured first to ...... . CJfAYFOnD
"blaze the way. The noble women 1412 Chapin St., VSaahlngton, D. C.
ho dared to follow their h'tebauds; -. ,
or lovers hve aUavs beeu rr ideals;
f heroines The mothers who fed
thir children's minds n Uvio
ntiirp. lirir.p and rract ical facts c
rest in ber trave. Or if she is yet.
To the Lake County
I received your
which recei'-a tha
Tbe col
you ar
yon e'
time u
leg cm
I lo.
ma f
Major Kinirley. while riding; the
range on the 70' ranch had his hone
rear and fall on him. breaking one of
the bone of hie lift leg. He waa
brought to the luiine of liU parent
in Lake view, the bone waa act, and
he la now ijuiie comfortable.
! New and complete line of eurpenter
toola- Auten Hardware Co.
' NOT1CR. To the cltl8'iia )f Luke
view, Oro. You nre ht-rvby notifi
ed that the II null ill llie'tlng of the
Lakeview Library ANHoclatloii, will
Ite held at the Lakeview Library, on
the fith day of March-. 1!HK. nt 7:.l(i t.
in., for the pjurpoaeof electing' otMcera
and trustee, to m'rve fur the entitling;
year. feb4t4 MRS. W. H. SHIRK.
J Ladies, we have some new neck
wear. H t M
Maxwell & Ron. sold tbe lot adjoin
ing Kaster's residence to a Mr. Cop
ello, late of (ireely, Colo., who will
build a residence thereon, "when the
railroad cornea. "
We are showing the most up-to-date
line of neckwear iu town. D 4 M
Some labober, working on one of
tbe teat fit at Cottonwood dam site
waa slightly injured a few days aince,
by having the nucket fall on bia
5oldlcr Hal lath Dot.
tt deemed to .1. A. Stone, a civil
war veteran, of Kemp, Tex , that a
plot existed betwren a desperate lung
trouble ami tbo grave to cause his
death. "1 contracted a atubboru
cold," he writes, "that developed a
cough that stuck to me. in spite of
all remedies, for year. My weight ran
down to Ktl) pounds. Then I began to
use Dr. King's New Discovery, which
restored my health completely. 1
now weigh 187 p' uuds. "
For severe Colds, obstiuato Coughs,
Hemorrhages, Asthma, aud to prevent
Pneumonia it's unrivaled. 00c and
? 1 . 00. Trial bottle fre. Guaranteed
by A. L. Thornton.
A lot of ties and material for rail
road construction are being piled op
at Detroit, the termiuua of 'he Coi
vsllis Jl Ka-itern railroad, presumably
'or the pui poae of begiuniug Hatri
niau's much talked of iuvaatou of
Central Oregon. It ia to be hoped he
meaua business.
ere to ee and teel tbe wave of social .
"eception and the curse of tbe meo-i
al food tbe touuk cet for general'
digestion, can be suie St. Peter's gate:
ia open for her. j
Southern California is beautiful, I Teacher's examination will be held
ut seems too eut-y to exitt there. Not at tbe Court House, Lakeview, Ore
tnat I call tbe people indolent ; oh no goo, on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1900,
tbe trsncient have to take au elec trie-commencing at 9 a. m. and continue
treatent every morning there to keep ing over the lltb, 12tb, aod 13th to
5 with tbe native? ; acommodata all applicants for State
Tome it seemed too many neopie and County papers.
crowded iuto tow in and nothing to do, R. B. JACKSON
oaly watch iLe Lext ones come and
County Superintendent.
Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Prints, Etc.
A tl clui-HeH of liiisiu.-Ms ix-f ire tb United States Patent Office given
Prompt and Careful PeronaJ Attention. Term the moat rea
tsou'ible and 1 work Kuarautae'l AddresH all luiiuiriea to
I Member of tha
2407 F Street N.
Rar of the U. S. Supreme Coust. )
VV. Washington, D, C.
! Ladies' and Gents' neck-wear at
i B A vi
! Mayor Bailey and Guy Inrgam re
turned Tuesday from tbeir trip to tbe
icy fastness of tbe Willamette valley,
and tbe morasses of California, froz
en and soaked, and glad to get back
i where all la peace and nappinesa and
' even man is not altogether vile '
We have seventy Hve new styles of
Ladies' neck wear. M & M
' Win. Mikel got his finger badly cut
Tuesday and may have to lose it while
operating tbe wood sawing machine.
We have a few articles of good value
. left on onr bargain counter. 13 t M
! The Arcade Theatre opened Ita
doors aain Tuesday night, and It
: waa well patronized. It la no loca
ted on the lower floor of the Odd
Fellow 'a Building, on Main St.
J. F.Barnes is down from his home
stead on toe Anna river. He reports
tbe work of himaelt and Messrs. Do-
val, Payne. O'Brien and Nelson is
' going forward to a auccscful con
clusion for irrigating several thousand
acres of tine fruit lands. - Tbe weather
up there has not in terf erred lo the
, least with the construction work of
the dam and ditches. They also have
i cleared quite a number of acres with
tbe purpose of being able to get water
on tbe same tbe' present year, so as to
! begin tbe work of planting crops and
orchards. - He - considers tbey have a
They get time to write it
Real Estate
Will occupy this space
to tell of their bargains.
Government Land
Homesteads and Desert Claims
in Lake County, Oregon.
Thousands of Acres of the Finest Grain and Fruit
Lands on Earth can be secured now, FREE !
Do Not Lose This Last Opportunity!
For Particulars, apply to
Here ia a simple home made mix
ture aa giveu by an eminent authority
on Kidney diaeases, who makes the
statement tbar it will raileve almost
auy case of Kidney trouble if taken
before the stage of Brigbt'a disease.
He states tbat snob symptoms as lame
back, pain in tbe aide, frequent desire
to urinate, epecially at night; painful
and discolored urina'.ion, are readily
overcome. Here ia tbe receipe. Try
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce ; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Kyrup Barsaparilla, three
ounces. Take a teuspooufui after
each meal aud at bed time.
A well known druggist here in town
ia authority that these iugredients
are all harmless and easily mixed at
borne by shaking well in a bottle.
This mixture has a peculiar bealiug
and soothng effect upon the eutire
Kidney and Urinary structure, and
often overcomes the worst forms of
Kheumatiam in just a little while.
Tbis mixture is said to iemove all
blood distorders and cure the Kheu
matism by forcing the Kidneys to
filter aod straiu from the blood and
system all min acid end foul, decom
ed waste matter, which causes these
afflictions. Try it if you aren't well.
Save tbe prescription.
Bunch (Sb Tussey
Commission Merchants!
Alturas, California
We carrry a full line of Fresh Fruits, indluding
EyOranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap-j
m pica, ai5U uii tuuub 01 nuis.
Ijj Vegetables,
such as
gj Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and
ms r a i
mFresh Fish, Oysters, Clams, Crabs.ffl
ralf vour merchant, Hn nnt. tinnHlo
m-- j --ww W4
Vli U: J... M.J. a. a.1 I kli
The Bonanza Bulletin man saya: A
sign huug in a conspicuous place in
the Bullstin office reads: "Man is
made of dust. Dust settles. Are you
a mar?" We wonder what he can
"Home, Sweet Home," baa in too
many cases loat ita charm, if one may
judge by tbe conclusion of tbe Atcbi
aon (Jlobe. That paper saya : "It is
coming fashion to hire a hall to
entertain your friends, to give dinner
parties at a hotel, to be married in a
church, to be taken to a hospital
when yon are sic' and to an under
taker's aa aoou aa you die, aod left
there until tbe funeral Tbe tendency
ia to conduct all public occasions
away from home. Tbe borne ia getting
a black eye."
H. V. Kehart, our local weather pro
phet who predicted last summer tbat
we should Iihvm a long drawn out spell
of wetness thia winter, waa seven times
seven- right in that particular prediction.
Week ending Tueaday, Fob, 2, lf)0S
Day max min, preelp n'w character
italioo fall of day
MiyJl JL '-g"i0-00 i(T ciar
frid'yl 44 1 0.0bj00 j 'J
aitfyj 4TJ24 0.00 Tut) ptcldy
min. I 42 l 6.00 j "(H j " "
iiion. 44 2fi 0.00 I 00 j "
tuea. j 4(1 32 ' 0 00" ( 00 I "
iff i m tMmm
Goods delivered In one day Lo Lakeview.
par-CLe turnout
Mammoth Stables
O. D. ARTHUR. Fmorta.m
The T.jirg;eHt Livery and Feed Htnblo In Southern Oreiron
or Northern Culifurnla, Horaiw Boarded by the Day, Week
or Month. H pedal AtU'iitlon (liven to Tranalent 8tock