LAKK COUNTY, LAKKV1KW. UIIKOON. TIHIIWDAY, FKBRUAIY 4. 1909 FIVK Colorado Hotel LAKEVIEW, OREQON The Best Meals in Town-Try Us. BakerV 'n connection. I'Vc'h Hrcad Daily , v "viiti t Alt I'ruprciiur Personal Mention Red Livery Barn M. O'SULLIVAN, Prop. Now Kil's ami VxSl- Special -Acconimo- Fnncy Teams y-4AV, dntions I'or I'mghtcrs Lakevlew, Ore. to Let "V, Corner Canyon and Alain Sts, BaHimf Powder ylbjolutcly Tare Renders the food more wholesome and su perior In lightness and flavor. The only baking powder mad Iron Royal Grap Cream of Tartar.' 80CIETY NOTES Our society editor fulled to report 111 Inst H ii Iin Ihmih, a him IuI irnt lerliiii at the In iiiii of Mr. ami Mr- I) (?. Nchuitiick, on Hat urdu., tin- Z'r nil. They entcilaltieit the following uunxtx with whist: Mr. ami Mrs. Nnldcr, Mr. and MrM. Nnrln. Mr. and Mrs Faulkner, MIhm'h .lone.. Holder ami Mcsar. Ilynn ami M.vtT. Mr. ami Mrs. (has. Slier'oi k Invl till some frli'ixln to share thrlr hospi tality ImhI l-rMny evening, ami they were entertained ulili music ami ranlH, all arei-InK that It Was a immt enjoyable evening Tin uncut wen-: Mcusr himI Mfsiliiuie HciiiIm, 'In rU. Miller. Norln, Kchiiiiuc k. MUm-h Ai iilcgaic, I.lutoii. Meiers I 'id lie am) Thomas Kin riix k. laiit Saturday vt'ii I ii ir. Mr. and Mr. Warner Hnldcr ci t -r I nttitMl a few of thelryotitiK friends very pleas nnlly with vailoii nuil Kami'". They were the MImwh lleryfuril. An plcgate, Jones, Kidder, Messrs M. II. Hire, 1'ul lie ami Ir. Faulkner. A few friend met Ht the home of Mn. Miller hint Wednesday, ami the afternoon wan spent In conversation and needle work, a pleasant time I terminated with t lie set vlng of n dnlii SEEKING A LOCATION FOR A BIG COLONY (. K. Poydeu, a civil eiiuineer from Rloux City, Iowa, arrived iu towu Friduy. 1 Iu is hero fur the purpnsn of look ink' up a Held for h btii colony of Iowa aud Nebraska people. Ho loft Monday ou horseback for a trip of in spection of Lake. Harney and Malheur counties, iud will ko aa far as tbe Idaho line. Ilia present preference la tor the Warner alley, lint he In tend n to place hla friends in the licet suction left open ou Government He promises to let the Exam iner know bin conclusions when he returns from hia trip. Forln, Mlsse Apploate Iv liinrhroii by the hostes. The fol lowing liull" h were ;. resent: Mexila ill ex Khirk. Sherlock, llntcheldcr, Be. in Im. (Mark, and Linton. Mr. Ityan cutcrtnlncd n few guest with the popular game of whiMt .Sat urday evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mi. Stone, Mr. and Mr. Psnlkiier, Mr. and Mm Norliiaud Mr. Myir. 5 Moncv by Haying Chamberlain's Cough Icenwdy, Vou will pay jiiHt aa much for a luittln of Chamberlain's Cong-h Kern ed y ab for any of the other rouuh medicines tut you Have money iu lniytiitf It. The savlun Is what you uvt. not what you pay. The sure to-core you quality Is every bottle of thia remedy, and you et good results iv (inn you take It. Netdectei colds often develop a serious munition, and when you buy a cough medicine you want to be sure you are getting one that will cure your cold. Chamber laiu'a Cootfh Keoiedy always ouraa. l'rice 2.r and uU cents a bottle. For Sule by Paly A Hall. A . J. Duckworth will depart in a few days for Hovers, Ark. ou a viait with his relatives iu ids old home. HAHN HAVING GOOD TIME A Newtou Kansas paper has this to say of a ntheriiiK of the kinsmen of who was If you need a pill take Do Witt's Little F.arly Kisers. Insist ou them ; veutle, easy, ploiiwant. little liver pills. Bold by Daly & Hall. ALBANY NURSERIES Flared "0.000 treea In Luke count v laHt year. Hewt udnpted to iicedM of thla aeetlon. l-'ree from all dlHeiiMcH. lOiidorned by fruit liiHpectnrH " M)6tf K. It. I 'A TCI I, Lokovlew. our townsiuan, 11. II. llahu, present ou the oecimiou : A very enjoyable family reuulou was held at M. A. Halm's residence. No. 11 'J Went Uroadway, where all the six brothers and one sister met tor tbe first time in their lives, the old eat boy heliiK of aye and koIdk west be fore the birth of the yoiiiigBxt boy. Those present were: II II. llahn, of Lakevlew, Oregon ; John L. llahn and family of Ponca City, Oklahoma; M. A. llahn and family, ot Newtou Mm. (). J. Kwlntrln mid family of Iliirus. KausastT. O. Habu aud fain-! recommeud them. ily of Ureensburfr, Kansas: O, V. llahn and family of Wintleld. Kansas; W. K. llahu aud family of Lincoln, Nebraska. One sinter, Mrs. O. K. j llelden of Wintleld Kansas, was dd-1 tallied ou account of sickness. II. II. and M. A. llahu will leave for1 mi exti'iided vi'it in Indiana next week. I We all ibh M. .X. llahu and wife many more happy aud propserous yea a. Thos. J, Powell, one of our legal luminaries, who departed from Lake view last fall for bis old home at Allentowo, Pa., got back bare Toes day, with a ohsrmlna bride, who will make a welcome addition to Lakevlew society. The Kxamlner extends ltd bent wishes to the young people. W. It and Ora Oopeland, were arrivals last week from Pittsburg, Kansas. They did oot atay la town long, and it It surmised they went out to look ovi r the newly discovered coal measures eut of Lakevlew. The Richmond, (Oallif) Dally Lead er reached this ofllce with notice of tbe blrtb of a 10 pound boy to the wife of O. A. Follett. formerly of Lakevlew. Mr. I'Vilh-tt Is one of the Town trustees of that thriving llay City. J. Duncan and family, W. Crowder and 11. K. Darker, the stage man, were Alturan visitors here the past week. I). Htanton, a Iteoo man, was In town Friday. Harry Koberts returned 7'uesday from Likely, where he had gone with a bunch of borses which be sold to the U. H. government. W. Merkey of Seattle, Wash., was a guest Wednesday, of Hotel Lakevlew. W. W. Credit and wlfo, were new coiners from Nebraska, wbo arrived Wednesday. They came to stay. John V. Lucine, of Grant's Pass, was here Thursday K. W. Martin, of the Orejron Valley Laud Co , returned from hi vlult to KansiiM Cl.y. last Thui-Hday. He waa accompanied by hia wife. I. C. liarrle. of Kt. St. Louis, Mo and . C. Johnson, of the traveling men a guild, were In town l rlday In tervlewinir our luiHlncHs men. Hoy 0. flutter has returned to Lake view. He will open a quick luucb counter for business men of the town and others in tbe tear of Wuorton nd4lartln's place. C, Kelm, of ( ulncy, III., arrived In town jenterdny. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Taylor of Neb ranks, and (J M. Noret of Oklahoma arrived here today. They are inter ented in the Oregon Valley Land Co, allot! men ti, and are well pleased with their 11 rut sight of the county. Carl U in bach entertained a few frieuda at ccarda Monday evening. Wm. Harvy and wire returned Tues day from tbeir trip to California. Senders have bought 1C lota in Prenkela addition, and will ern-ct cot t hkcs t hereon tlila apring. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Currle. of Sum. iner Iike. paimed through town thla w. ek enronte to their winter home at llatiford. Calif. They were the Clients of Mr. and Mrs. Schmlnck Tuesday. Dr. W. W. Faulkner, or Roaebnrg. the new dentist who haa been here for a few weeka, left for his old home yenterday. He will lie gone until such time na hia new olllcea are eoni pleteH In fhe UelU-r Block. The Alturna K'pulillcan repona that Mr. and Mra. Harvey, of lake vlew were there aeveral duya laat week. A. Ueltier, while away, will secure eatlmatea ou the coat of nilnlntf hia buHlneaa block, at leaat. one utor.v. which we understand, will lie fitted up for ofllcea. The block la located on one of the U-ct" corners In Lake view, double front, and eventually will require several atorlee. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Umliach de parted yenterday morning lor Santa IUihh and other polnta In Calif. They will lie absent about a month. Tuesday was Gronnd-Hog- day. lie saw Ills shadow all right In the morning, but It waa cloudy In the afternoon. Now, s hat? Lakeview Mercantile Co. Have You Tried S & W Canned Goods ? Second to None in Quality. S. C& W. Every Can Sold wif h a Guarantee of Satsfaction. Lakeview Here. Co. - Wholesale and Retail 5 acre tracts half mile south of town $600 and $700, easy terms Lots in Sherlock's Addition 50 x J 50, 1 6 ft. alley $250-$275 Lots in Drenkel's Addition 50 x J 50, 16 ft. alley $150-$ 175 Excellent wheat and general farming land near town 3Jb per acre. DRENKEL A PAINE, HI LAKEVIEW. ORE. 4H 1 1 1 J M W sO 1" 4)4 mm-mm " n- iuiuw, i uu xvnow ; j. Harrer, Kansas: Tbe share holders of the Oregon Valley Land Co. met Jan. 18tb, 1909 and organized the Oregon Valley Land Club of Ilaiper, Kana , witb a membership of ninety, electing Chas A. Wilier President, R. Nordyke Sec. A Treasurer. Tbe purpose of this oragnization Is to look after interests of the share holders and get acquainted witb other clnba, any one desiring to correspond witb us will write tbe President, or sec retary. Mgoea, Oregon Valley Lna uiud, or uarper. II. F. C. Valley City. N. Dak. Unquestionably Lakeview is on tbe verge of a land-seekiog boom of big dimensions. There is plenty of good government laud to be bad, about tbe best left of tbe publio domain tbat is NO DIPHTHERIA IN LAKEVIEW This is just the time of the year when you are most likely to have kidney or bladder trouble, with rheu matism and rheumatio pains caused by weuk kidneys. Delays are danger ous. Get De Witt's Kidney and Blad der pills, and be sure you get what you ask for. They are the best pills made, for backache, weak back, urin ary disorders, inflamation of tbe bladder, etc They aie antiseptic and act nroniDtlv. We sell and Uaiy & iiai. K. K. Patch, -representing the lba n v nurrierli'H U out taking orders for fruit trees for fall delivery. Blue Prints Made I will make Blue Prints of any tract of land In the Lakevlew Land District, and do abstract work. Call or write W. B. SNYDER Lakeview - - Oregon Can you sell? Will you sell? Do you want, to sell? K If you want to se.l your property list with REAL ESTATE farm and city LOANS INVESTMENTS INSURANCE FIRE-LIE E-ACCIDENT o Lakeview Oregon SEAGERS L. E. SEACER C. E. SEACER Office on First floor Umbacb Building! Can yOU buy? IP SO we have one Rancii.IGO acrcs,fenced, cleared, and improved, within an hour of town.. CITY BUILDING LOTS, vacant and with buildings, in three (htierent incations. we wm iurmsu uuu lots on our own p'ans. & i Dreadful reports are current Is out side papers of the diphtheria scourge in Lakevlew. There is no oceaslon for such mls- repreHettatlon Three children ouly have died. One died of membraneous croup or possibly dfphtheria, the other two of piieumonin. There were no doctors here. Dr. Hall lieingdown with rheumatic fever, aud Drs. Daly and Smith out of town, so the au thorities decided to take mutters In hand and quarantined the town. In the emergency Dr. Amsden, who had not been practising for sometime, j stepped Into the breach and success-1 fully ministered to the sick. ' The quarantine was removed Satur-: day, and since then the schools, and j all public places have been open. i ALL DISTRESS FROM STOMACH VANISHES Take your stomach oi maybe you call it Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas tritis or Catarrh of the stomach: it doesn't matter take your stomach trouble ritfht with jou to your Phar macist and ask him to open a 5u ceiit case of Pape'a Diapepsiu and let you eit one 22 grain Triangule and see if within 5 minutea there Is left any trace of your stomach misery. Tbe correct uame tor your trouble is b'ood Kjraieutatton food souring: The Digestive organs become weak, there is lack of gastric juice; your food is ouly half digested, aud you become atfected with loss of appetite, pressure aud fullness after eating, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping in boweln, tenderueps lu tbe pit of stomach, bud tate iu mouth, consti pation, pain iu limbs, sleeplessnes. belching of gas, tiliousuess, sick badacho, nervousness, dizziness aud many other similar symptoms. If your appetite is tickle, aud nothing tempts you, or you belch gas or I' you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead ou your stomach, you can make up your m'nd that at tbe bottom of all there Is but one cause fermentation of un digested food. Prove to yourself, after your next meal, that yiiur stoamob is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation aud begin eatiug what you waut without fear of disoomfort or misery. An almost iustaut relief la waiting for you. It Is merely a matter of bow soon you take a little Diapepsiu. Directories for Sule Thla office has on baud a few copies of tbe county directory, which will be closed out at 50o-hatf price. Those wishiug a copy should not delay send ing tbeir orders. It contains the name of every voter In tbe oounty. There is a speoial write up of the oounty and of tbe towns. In it there also la a synopsis of the game laws of the State, aud much other valuable in formation regarding Lakevlew aud tributary country. wortb taking. Railroad giants are now locking horns over this section, and wo should be placled on tbe rail road map not later than next year. J.E . &, Or?on City. Ore.-Tbere are 2 hotels and a bakery here. and sev eral restaurants. We expect and need a railroad more than anything else, aa it is hard to do business without one, Cou-d not advise. Better come down and look over tbe field yourself. W. E. B.. Keller, Wash.-Lakeview now has 1,500 people and daily arri vals. We are 57 miles from tbe railroad Al tares, Calif. Tbe resources here and opportunites are almost bound- lees. C. M. A. Kalis City. Neb., There Is oue dentist here. Another has con tracted for offices and will doubtless Rraton Enthroned Bceause meats are so tasty they are j consumed in great excess. This leads I to etomicb trcuhie?, biliousness aud constipation. Revise your diet, lt reason aud not a pampered appetite control, then take a few doeea cf Cb amberlain's Stomach and Liver blets aud you will soon be well again. Try it. For sale at Daly A Hall's drug store. Samples free. lie he- early In the spring: Yon will have to be your own Judge. Mrs. N D. R Keifer, Okla.-Tbe Oregon alley Land Co's grant con tains land suitable for grazing, farm Insr, truck-Kardenmgaud fruit raisinc. Many residents he.e bold extracts, which ia a sood evidence tbat tbe propostion is all riuht. M E. B Kearney. Neb., and J. E. A., Canon City, Colo I lie altitude given of lke Aln-rt was a mistake VjJl"1 Pinter. It should have been oOO feet lower than Lik-vi.-w Our altitude uml.T dirfern- l.arorvter texts ranges f,-iu 4.V)0 to 4700 feec. Ask VourMlf Ihc Qucctlunn Why not use Chamberlain's Lini ment hen you have rheumatism? We feel sore tbat tbe result will be prompt and satisfactory. It bas cored others, why not you? Try it. It costs but a irifle. Price IB cents; large size 50 cents. For sale by Daly & Hall. agazine HAS GOT THIS MONTH Two screaming stories by Ellis Parker Butler and Lindsay Denison, each racing to ee which will bump your funny bone hardest. One tragedy that will grip you heart. And article by Russell, Paine and Dickson that cut deep into things. LOOK OUT FOR EVERYBODY'S THIS - MONTH. THE CAT IS BACI Our bargain counter values ore the liest ever. Bailer & Masslnul'l Coupon; ADQIII I ITCIV nUOULUlLLl Return this COUPON with your or der and i s mittatance before Feb. 15 FREE! AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER Good until February 15th, only and then only if you return this coupon T. make you a steady customer we will give with EVERY $5.00 Order or over, Absolutely Free of Charge, $1,00 worth of additional goods, to be selected from our LARGE General Catalogue. JKcmcmber this Most Liberal Free Oiler does not apply to our Pat ent Medicine and Toilet Goods Catalogue, but to every thing listed in our Large General Catalogue, including Recommended Remedies, Toilet Articles, etc. In addition We Prepay Transportation Charges on all Orders of $10.00 or Over to any Railroad or Steamship Point. Don't foaget that if Anything Fails to Please you For Any Reason Whatever we-will Refund Your Money and Stand Transportation Charges Both Ways. 1 1-2 Million Dollars Backs this Guamtee- If you order once you will order again. Remember this is not a Stand ing Offer, but Cash must accompany each order- You Run NO Risk If You Buy From TC Owl. This Offer is good whether you live within i Free De livery Limit or not. OWL DRUG MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT 61 1 MISSION ST., SAN FRA O. :isco