Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 04, 1909, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Lake County Examiner
r,,-- and Sthr Orfw.
Bntcred at tn -ot OHIO at Or.
,n,0r , Socon.l-1'laaa Matter.
On aar, In advance,
Ri nanpttl.
1 Si
Tbm lfcoolhi. "
-If not paid tn alTanoa, IJWi" i
Snbacrlba-ra to lh Kiamlner h
from on- locality k ano her. vt
thflr pottofflc ..Kir,-, ahnuld nmrmlt
drop Sli oltiw card o tha-lr paper can b d
dreaaed to the right postoftlr.
Regular Mandinar ad 1 CO an Inrh. lnIe
i-oliinm rT. Pr month. All .taii.linir ad..
ihangrd Ir. a mont h. foal of
"on ch.ritod for an t' rhno. All Mcl.l
positions extra. All short tern ad, extra
Render, loom column. Iiv. per line ra.h In
wlon. Want ad. .V. a lln t-a. h In.ertlon
Card of!. Il . Resolution ol condo
lence. I1.W and upward.
ajTrnsient Advertising and Job Print
ing, cash in advance.
All hllU must be paid the flrat of each month.
-No deviation from these terms.
tuic ninrn i er on aie at ?'
inio, rMrtn a.
. ...... ,-iiin A.inrTl'24 &an1
aime Street. Ssn mn. -A
contract lor iovnm -
A bill will be introduced in the
Oregon legislature, by Senator Bing
ham, providing for an amendment to
the present tax law providing foi the
publication of the delinquent tax
list as formerly. The rate to be paid
for the publication of the tax list will
be as before, not to exceed twenty
five cents per line fcr the four or Hve
There is a general demand by tax
payers throughout the state for the
publication of the delinquent tax list
before the issuance of the Sheriff's
certificate of sale.
Under the present system parties
have no public notification of their
delinquency pi ior to the sale of their
lands. This is all wrong, ani we
would say so, just the same, if we
were not interested in tha newspaper
It is a general custom throughout
the Union to publish the tax list.
People look for it, and nearly every
day inquiry come9 comes to The
Examiner office as to when the tax
list is to be published, or if it is pub
lished in "the other paper."
Some one has figured it out that
rh 9'a in American history have been
characterized by proepority, says an
exchange. The panic of '7 was sue
ceeded by the boom of '9s. In '49
gold was found in California. Pike's
Peak was discoveied in '9 and the
mines of Colorado opened. In 'G9 the
era of reconstruction set in and the
prosperity that followed has never
been equaled. In '79 came another
readjustment of industrial conditions
particularly in the south, and great
prosperity followed, lo '89 came the
r.inm that er.Il.-.rmed in '93 In '99
t.-i i i
the opeuing up of the
ni Ml iik'i niiti .
the revival of trade after the Spanish
war brought another boom. From
every iudioation it now looks as
though '09 would do its part in veri
fying the tradition that history re
peats itself.
The State of Oregon has no bondtd
Isn't that a nretty good state in
which to locate?
The County ot Lake has completed a
fine court house, has it all paid for,
and has several thousand dollars to
the eood, and the tax levy for this
year is only 13 mills on a 1,500,000
Isn't that a pretty good county in
a pretty go d state iu which to cast
your fortunes?
The Examiner thinks there is no
better place iu the Union.
A bill has beeu introduced in the
legislature to guard Oregon Cattle.
It provides for a state Veterinarian,
with authority to kill all ciseased
stock. The sale or transfer of dis
eased stock is punishable by a fine of
from 825 to i'500; failure to report
diseased stock is punishable by a like
fine, aud vi ilatiou of quarantien is
also under a like penalty. In view of
the fact that there is disease among
etock all over the Union, it would seem
proper to take measures against its
spread, and also to protect the public
from unscrupulous dealers.
Hon. H. A. lirattain, representative
from this county, has sent The Ex
aminer a cony of House Bill No. 190,
which he has introduced for the pur
pose of equaliizng the value of the
taxable property in the several coun
ties, aud to apportion the revenue
among the several counties. It seems
that this county has bad to bear more
than its share of taxes, and Mr. Brat
tain purposes to remedy the inequality,
something that will commend itself to
the voters and taxpayers of the coun
ty. The bill providing for timber oruia
- ing for purposes of taxation very
uatura'dy meets the position of the
timber barons. Anything to escape
their jutjt eharea of taxes, while await-
Ing profit fiom holding pnpeiiy
teems to be the rule. But, the poor
devil with the cow geU all that I
roruluR to him I
Have you noticed this, bright new
tar In the east which can be seen
ver earlr In the morning? Better
make bast and take a look at U for
tha astronomers tell oa that it will be
a matter of something like 500 yeara
before it will apear again. We apeak
of it as a new atar, when sa a matter
of fact it is one of the oldest, but
makes its appearance very rarely. It
is the star of Bethlehem, which guld
ed the wise men from the east Ml
years ago. It can be seen just before
It is amusing to notice an Oregou
editor taking seriously of a blizzard
iu bis locality. We. who have ex
perienced the real thing In the Dak
otoa and Miuesota, never would
associate winter weather here, that
rarely gets below zero, with the heavy
darrp snow that 1 les where it falls,
with one of those bliudiug, freezing,
death-denliug terrora that sweep the
prairie states. Iu other words: Such
writers do not kuow what they are
talkiug about!
Better Roods Association is an
organization, that has for its purpose
the building and maiutaiuauce of
good roads. Too little atteution has
been given this matter in the United
States, while in most Euroreau
countries eood roads are the rule.
The Johnson Road Bill now before
the Legislature, which Beems to have
many good features, is backed by the
Association and the State Grange.
The race track has got to go out of
California, and puiposed jumping ia
to Nevada. But Nevada, while good
players of the ponies, frown upou it
being located "in their midst," and
now have bills simi:ar to those of New
York and California forbidding race
track gambling in that State.
A bill isbefore the legislature for
amending t? libel law providesiug
that no action shall be filed if not
brought before the expiration of twelve
months. A year should be loug
enough to eatisfy any man how badly
bis epidermus was hurt.
The United States has withdrawn
from Cuba, and within two days there
was a scrap between the president
aud vice president over patronage that
threatens to again disrupt the "gov
ernment." Capable of self govern
ment? Bab !
A fonnrHnn crirl was married to an
Iowa chao at Hamilton. Ontario, last
week. The wedding cake was said to
be the largest ever made foi actual
usi. It was made in Chicago and
expressed to Hamilton.
The cake is nearly six feet iu rlen feet in diameter at the
liHKo. 'iiuhi oracticallv a Quarter of
-- - a " - .
a ton. It was servea at, tue weuainit
of Charles P. McColm of Mngcatine,
Iowa, to Miss Alec n Oavis of 1'ami -ton,
January 27. There were GCi
Kuefts at the wedding reception.
Some of the chief ingredients of the
cake were: Thirty pounds of sugar,
9'JO eggs, GO pounds of butter, "0
pounds of currants, 00 pounds of
raisns, 62 pounds of citron, 37 pounds
of chopped almonds, 120 pounds of
Hour, and one half pounds of spice,
15 quarts of cognac, 15 quarts of sher
ry wine, three quarters of a pound of
bakmi; soda.
All of the fruit was soaked in liquor
for 10 days.
Yum ! Yum !
The bride was well known in Reno
where she bad spent some time on a
The Merrill Record says a little boy
in town was given the stunt by his
father to write an essay on editors,
and here is the result:
"I don't know how newspapers
come to be in the world. I dont'
think (Jod does for be haiut gut
nothing to say about them and editors
in the liible. 1 think the editor is
one of the missing links you read of.
aud stayed in the bushes until after
the Hood, and then came our, ana
wrote the thing up, and has been here
ever since. 1 don t thinit e ever
dies. I never saw a dead one and
nurnr heard of one uettinz licked.
Our paper is a mighty good one, but
the editor goes wuooui unuercioines
all winter and don't wear any socks
and paw haint paid bis subscription
since the paper started. I ast paw ir
that was why the editor had to suck
the juse out of snowballs in winter
and go to bed when he bad a shirt
washt in summer. And then paw
took me out in the woodshed and be
lickt me awful hard. If the editor
makes a mistake folks say be ousbt to
be hung; but if a doctor makes a
mistake he buries them and people
dassent say nothing because doctors
can read and write Latin. When the
editoi makes a mistake there is law
suits, and swearing and a big fuss;
but if a doctor makes one there is a
funeral. cut flowers and perfect silence.
A doctor can use a word a yard long
without him or anybody else knowing
what it means; but if the editor uses
one he Las to spell it."
Our bargain counters coutaln dlnh
es, children! and ladles hIioch, ladles
knit cweater vests, boys corduroy
clothing, in fact, too many things to
mention. Bailey & Massingill.
The many friends of Dr. Hall will
be glad to know he Is able to be out.
Charles II SaUhell. auditor of the Itiw-H. Smvt Railway
s stein, under date of tin Itft l hint
write the Examiner a ioiiowb:
1 have a contract In tin' Oregon
Valley Land Co. ami fa-cl very much
Intereetcal In your country and al
wav look anxiously fr your paHr
each week, but have failed to receive
two number) already, IVc. 10 and
Jan. 1 4 1 h , which make) It rather dm
appointing;. It taken ihe paper Junt
a week tor ach here. 'Hie people i
your country ami city certainly will
hall the approach of the first loeonni
live I lint steam Info J our city and
connect) yon with the outnfde world.
It womu! appear front the picture
I have neen of yniirclty and country
and the wide-awake and up-to-date
ImpreMHli nw one gvts from reading
your paper.nud oli-e: vlugr the nature
if jour iiii'tvhaute nd veriiHlngr. th
your community la the largeat left
iind far more Important than a ureal
many other thai have had railroad
fat' Hi tie years iiko
Wlshlug; you siiccex.
Maey Steeples Night, 0lof to a PrlUnt
Cugh. Seliet Found at riant.
"For several winters past my wife
has been troubled with a tuost penist
ent aud di.areeable rough, which i i
variably etxeuded over a period of
several weeks and caused her many
sleepless nights," writes Will J.
Ilyner, editor of the Burley, Colo.,
Bulletin "Various remedies were
tried each year, with no beneficial re
sults In November last the cough,
again put iu an apperance and my
wife, acting on the sugaestion of a
friend, purchased a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Hemedy. The result
was. indeed, marvelous. After three
rtnoam tha iwutih ntirlr H istttitieHred
aud has not manifested itself since. '"
This remedy is for sale uy iaiy
The people of Bums are working
bard to secure the location of the ex
perimental rarm lor eastern Oreuou.
We do not kDuw that any effort has
been made in Luke county to secure
this very"" deirabla institution. It
may be tbit we have got so iu the
habit of having things come our way
that we do not feel any special need
of huatilng ( nrselves.
Mow's Tbl r
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for auy case of Catarrh that
cnnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yeara,
and know him perfectly honorable in
all business transactions, and finan
cially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by bis firm.
Walding Kiuuau A Marvin
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 73 c
per bottle. Sold by all drtiglgsts.
Tlce Hall's Family Pillo for consti
pation. There is a new industry up at Echo
an alfalfa meal mill. The new pro
duct s said to have a superior nu
tritous value for fattecing sheep and
hoes It is first steamed end added
to mill feed, before feeding. The
fact that this section produces big
crops of alfalfa seed, with settlement
and the coming of railroads, will give
a big impetus to stock growing here.
The Socret Of Long Life.
A French scientist has dicsovered
one secret of long life. His method
deals with the blood. But loug ago
millions of Americans had proved
Electric Bitters ptolonps life and
makes it worth living. It purifies,
enr'chfs and vitalizes the bloud, re
builds wasted nerve cells, imparts life
and tone to the entire systitn. It is
a godsend to weak sick and dobiliated
people. "Kidney trouble blighted
my life for months", writes W. M.
Sherman, of Cusbing, Me., "but
Electric Bitters cured me entirely."
Only 50c. at A. L. Thornton's.
It is thought that the confession of
Welch, the captured horse thief over
in Klamath will round up the entire
gang. It is now believed that Roy
Vestal, who so mysteriously disappear
ed is also a member of the gang and
an effort is being made to locate him
up in Washington.
Whif ton Once Oave Up.
to three doctors; was kept in bed for
five weeks Blood poison from a
spider's bite caused large, deep sores
to cover ni8 ietf. me aociom jhiiwu
tUCU UULIklVU -9 - -
pletely cured me," writesl Johu Wash
ington, cf Bosqueville, Tex. For
eczema, nous ourns anu puea it m
supreme. 25c. at A. 1j. 'Ihointon s
Silver Lake
From The leader.
II. A. Brattaln. Lako county's rep
resentative, fared well in the legisla
ture, being; appointed an three of the
most Important committees of the
Wonder what's the matter with
our Lakeview papers? They should
nave arrived last Saturday but nei
ther one has shown up yet. Bome
thlug Is radically wrong; somewhere
us we understand other post offices
down the line got their papers all
We understand that A. W, Cyrus of
Astoria: who has a desert claim in
the Christmas Lake country has pur
chased a we 1-drllllnir outfit ana has
the same now at Shaniko and wll be
brought In by Mr. Powers as soon as
the weather will permit. He has an
engine and all necessary appliances
to go down 2,000 feet. This Is some
thing that has loug been wished for,
and as soon as the machine gets at
work, the problem whether artesian
Groceries, and
Gent's Furnishings,
Freight Arriving: Every Week.
Bailey (f& Massingill
( Five re-til T Mm or onr ri'tit T woril,
each liii riloii. Tinny unl, or II wr
month. ttT ailverllwim-iil Inn-rliil lor
Ic than i. crnt.
n I, Farm for Hal.- or Ki-nt. K-miiii or
DwHIitiK' to K.-nt. Hveoml Manil Furniture f..r; In fart any want roil want HH-I- Tim
F.xaminrr want )"'" ad. Ka r & "'
i-t-h InM-rilon. Count lx nl to th li"'-.
Nrnd jour claulflrd ada tilth" oltirn or mail
to tin- F.xamlnrr. enrloliit tlv-ror tamn to
cover Ihe amount.
FUR SALE: By City or Ashland.
Flouring Mill machinery of Ashland
Flouring Mill, complete iu place in
the mill. Machinery in good con
dition, serviceable and operated up
to time mill stopped. City wishes to
dismantle mill and clear grounds for
park. Address M. F. Egglestou. City
Recorder, Ashland, Oregon. F!3t
LOST One big Htwl-yitrd weight
directly In front of Nixmicith resi
dence. Please leave at. thin olllce.
Fred S. Flnhcr.
I OS 7" Monday forenoon, near Ihtly
& Hull's drtiK ntore. .ne auto
matic Colt revolver. Under notify
this oflice or the Sherlff'H olth-e.
I,()ST One white find Mack two
year old atit r, liranda-il Tdlninond,
connected. M i rked . Kplit In left ear.
A jeward will lie paid for knowledge
of IiIh vher.-al'oiit). J. C. OLIVER
NOTICE: The person who bor
rowed Vol. 8. of the International
Cyclopedia, belonging to this office,
will greatly oblige by promptly return
ing the same.
S ? lB"J
w ater can be had In that section will
soon be solved.
Regular corri-njiotideiiee.
We are having fine weather here
Minus Caldwell is our now road
J. C. Dodson is iu the county seat
on business.
P,oy Benelield was here after stage
horsse for the Plush Lakeview line.
E. A. Friday. Win. Pope, and Aug
ust Boguer repreneuted Adel In Plush
last week
The Warner swamps are covered
with water one large lake.
Don't you Plushites forget our
dance the twelfth.
Joe Jones is worcing for the M. C.
Jack Oreen is here from the mines.
W. V. 8. C. hounds have killed
two hundred and fifty coyotes this
winter. A coyote is a thing of the
patit on the Si. C. ranch.
Earnest (Jivans aud Loyd Morris
took the eighth grade examinations.
John Loll t us spent several days at
the Wibble ranch.
The Dunn las house was moved to
the Deep creek raucb lust week.
Jim Coulon is loing the duty for
Uncle Ham between Plush aud Ft.
On the evening of Jan. 30, we gave
Mr. aud Mrs. Wible a surprise party.
Games and musio entertained the
guests until about twelve when an
eleagut lunch was served.
There is not any better Salve than
De Witt's Carbolized Witob Hazel
Salve. We hereby warn the public,
that we are not responsible or any in
jurious effects caused from worthless
or poisonous imitations of our Car
bolized Witch Hazel Halve, the origin
al. It is good for anything when a
salve Is neded, but it is espeolally
good for piles. Be sure on get De
Witts. Bold by Daly and Hall.
NOTK'E : The public In hereby
notllli'd that I lmv.1 taken over the
Furniture Stock of Wallace Co. No
bills ngainitt ald firm contracted
after dale of Jan. 1, KHW will be con
sidered and all account outHtiind ing
sod 3ue Hiii' llrtn are to be paid to
the undcrHigiiHil.
II. I.. ChHiidlor.
Dated, Lakeview, ri., Jan I, r.H'.l.
It K 1 1. KhTATK
Lakeview fJU) I'.im.v tirnm.
Hain't delay they arv goliut f-nt. II
you wniit t good fruit or garden
farm, don't iiiIhk thl chance. Uoo-',
11 v ngeiilM wanted LAKI'.VII.W
Iikevlew, Oregon.
Hlead relinipiUhmeiiiM. Want tn
tut v direct from owner). Write, with
particular), to M. A. K1RBY, lln-.
Felix Xtrea-t, M, JoMeph, Mo.
has eoiiiplrted iih wle. Mini there U
going tn U- Hoiiietlilii doing around
Lllkevlew, and moiiii have already
reitretled that llie.v did not buy. If
there Im any one kIIII wanting to get
In, I can get a few contracta from
client) here. Make nia an offer liefore
111' pre iniiiliirt on tha-Ha' contract)
make another advance.
M. C. lill.I.ETT
Sta. 11. I lallan, Texan.
for nale. Make me your offer, ell h
er dlrei-t or agents. Mtf
j BERNARDO. SITZ, Lakeview. On.
stead reliaipilHlimeiitH wanted. w
want to buy direct from onirn.
Write particulars to
M. J I., Box Wi. Eugene, Oregon. Ut
bouuht and sohi by W. L. jillnti,
21C Masonic Temple, Rocklord, 111.
When writing him do not fail to en
close postage if you expect a reply. 'M I .. l AIMIIIV
want good washing go to the Ameri
can Laundry. Mrs. R. McDuniels.
WANTED : Roomers,
dsy, week or innnth.
Board by the
Mrs. R. Mc-
Steve Young, a rancher of the IIiihiio
diHt rict is in town and reports good
conditions on the desert.
Smiles and Squalls
Itj ''IIIK VI. HO AVI 0f."
It is reported that Jim Jerlfles has
concluded to push back "dat cloud
uf dnrkuuHs" Unit has arisin over the
nugiliHtiu ring. We bet on you Jim.
Sense me, Mr. Johnning, but we got
ter do it!
The New York Press is getting
mighty iiKpiisitive when it wants to
know what some unmarried women dol
to get somebody to button them down
the back. Well, some ot them have
brothers, aud some of them in Us some
of the buttons.
Dr. Clara Scott, of New York, savi
"The day is coming when nobody will
want to kiss." We fear Clara has a
face on her that would stampede a
whole gang of railroad wheel burrows I
A New Yorker hammered the day
light out of his wife because she out
her pet corns with his pet razor I
Then, the Judge fined him That
Judge beyond question was a populist,
and wears hay on his faoe. No other
man could render such an unjust
A plain Yankee has eloped
with an Austrian countess. They
were married iu London and are now
on tbelr way to Los Angeles to reside.
Bo many uf our girls have captured
Oregon i.iuiitm.
N IT1CE Wlii-nccr n imtron iIcmIivh
erlce dlncon fin ileal, or changes
made In lamp), iiotlat thereof must
Im' promptly acut to the Company;
aiihcrwlMe current will be
rhargaa1 for all wiring, electric light
Hoa-kets and elartrlfl Irons, III) to the
tlmi'Hiich ntitlce Is received nt the
oilli'c of Ihe Company. All ehvtrlr
Iron, when orda-real dim-out tmii-tl,
ii i it h t U'm-nlto t he aillira', and a rv
ii'lpt will lii given thiTefor, until ra
itli'Ht for renewal uf alich service Im
made. All lamps left linrnlng ley oml
I lie lime lair which they are rateal,
w ill Im charga il for. Temporary if
flee at Flint Natloiml Hank, lakeview.
N. P. J EN SON. Proprietair
tf Ela rtrlO Light Cai.
NOTICE Afta-r the Int day of iHr
emUr. I'.kis. nil hllU for electric
HghtM iiiiimI Ih promptly paid on
or lia-forv the luih dn.v of each inolitli
at tin1 I'lrxt National Bank ol Iika-.
vla-w. t-n..Praiii'ptuess In this pnrtU u
I it r will uiMiire a nntmiwiiii-c of thewr
vlre. N. P. JENSEN, Proprietor
Electric Lluht I'otupai y.
NOTICE All lluriieal nut or broken
lampK inn! Im returned to Ihe of
fice of the Company: ntlierwlac an
extra charge of ft cents will bo nui'le
on i Mi li new lamp
N P.JENSEN. Proprietor
T.- if Electric Light Co.
NOTICE All patrons should pur-
a-lir e la ii f 'f I li- Con- pan v In or-
a ! r In Clll'e I ill- hi-fi lljl'laa No Imv-
Kinde nor liifi rlor biinp n;i:!. d.
Aii.votlut tinile in.! romlc"; up to
Him ra apilri-meiita muv lie etil anil.
N. P. JENSEN. I'r.-pii.
if Ehflrlc Light l o
I.M(I HUM l M. tat").
gnu'e of Llipiurs and Cigars to be
found In Oregon. tf
Hotel Lakeview bar. The lsst iiikI
pun-Hi whiiaky made. tf
erv Saloon.
ward ImhiiimI by the Telephone
Company fair destroying It prop
erty. li'
II you are thinking of organizing a
toci company see our new samples
fnilegn no accounts, that t is only
fair that our boys should steal a
countess or princess now and then
just to even up thluga a Utile.
Applications for (Irazing Permits.
Notice is hereby given that all appli
cations for permits to graze cattle,
horses, and sheep within the FRE
the Hem-oii of l'.MKl, must bellied In my
olllce at Lakeview, Oregou, on or be
fore March 1. 100U. Full Information
iu regard to the grazing fee to be
charged aud blank forms to be used
in making application will be furnish
ed upon request.
F4-545 tlUY M. I NO RAM, Supervisor.
Notice To Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Luke Coiiuty.
In the matter of the estate of I
Oscar A. Bulette, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Lake County,
Administrator of the estate of Oscar
A. Bulette, deceased, notlee H nervuj
given to the creditors of. and all per
sons having claims against said u
ceased, to present them verified a
required by law, within six months
after the first publication of this .no
tlce to said L. k Conn, at ids office
In the town of Lakeview, L'lke
County, Oregon.
L. F. Oonn,
Administrator ol the estate
Oscar A. Bulette, deceased.
Dated December ".4th, 11)08. ft