Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 04, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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' Tirrtr:r:
i .
i t -
thlnga In injBclf. Pve told you In lb
hope that you'll remember mo ami niy
wasted year If your Huince comes in
be happy, even If It should bo n Hmmr
Wbhb you think, In a worldly way,
wouldn't be prudent or whnt your peo
ple would llk. IVopl hsre iiu rltflit
to try and order our liven, no mutter
bow near they may I... to us. Ifa we
who have to live our lives, not they."
For a minute wo were both silent,
and thon Hnlly said (tilolly, n If she
were Kind to speak: "Here comes some
on we've aeeu before. Do you recog
nise Ii I in 7 And Mluill you bowT
fkUldn't help fooling ai If I bad known
Mr. Ilrett for a long flma, aa bo aat
by tia on tho bench under the wlatarla,
helping Hully aud mo fd tba qulr
reU mid shelling peanut for ua to eat
too. I do believe there roust b some
thing iInl about at)uts, which
gives you a homey aort of fooling If
you dim i a them with people. They
form n sort of bond of food fellow
ahlp, and I can't fonry ever being
rliu with a mini after you bad eaten
peanut with hi in.
Mr. Itrett didn't tell ua much about
himself, but from the few thing b
Vlvnce gave such a Iran Hint hi1 did tell I gathered tho Itnpreiialon that
lea nh, which I'd Iteen holding careless- ' bo linn led nu open air, adventurous
ly, was jerked out of my hitud. It
wn my brown iniin who was coming
Jim Ilrelt.
W .. . a m . . . ...
iiue 1 1 in i redj Vlvnce wna
linking audi a fun over him tlmtHiillr
, could Imrdly help guessing whoso the
oog luid Im-cii Ix-foro bo wna mine
Ilut I made the liest of It. "Of courae
I recognize blm, and of couran I ahull
bow." an Id I. "lie wn very kind to
me on tho dock when I wa at let
ter 11."
Hally didn't mnke any remark about
Xvarea enpera, though by this tit
he wa wagging all over with Joy at
bla mnater'e feet and Jumping up to
Bis knee. I wa grnteful to her.
in aiioiner moment we three bud met
In the ahady pntti fnr away from ev
ryliody elae, mid Vivace begnu run
nlng back nnd forth between hi mas-
ter and nie, na If he wanted to make
u good friend and not hurt either of
our feeling.
"Ilow do you dor aald I, holding
out my hand. "Whnt a coincidence
meeting you here. And my dear little
dog thut NoinelxMly aunt me doc aecui
to tnke an extraordinary fancy to you.
doesn't lief"
Mr. Jim Itrett Inughed and kept hi
bat off, w hich made blm look very nice
with tho dappling green and gold light
waving over hi thick, abort black
.mlr ami bl forehead, which la w hiter
than the reat of bla face.
II bad on better rlothea than he
bad worn on ahlpboard. but they were
blue aergo, with the air of having
been bought ready made at a cheap
ahop. In aplte of them, however, he
looked very handsome, and every Inch
of blin a gentleman. I don't think
many men, even In Man's act, could
wear those biully cut thing and look
a be did In them, though he doe have
to travel In the ateemge.
I aalted Hally If I might Introduce
Mr. Itrett to her, and alio aald yea and
arnllcd up so awectly Hint I wn de
lighted, bet-auto for nil her talk about
nature noblemen I felt I didn't know
her well enough to be quite aure bow
a hu would take It. Ilut ahe talked to
blm i hiirmliigly nnd complimented blm
upou bla bravery on ahlpboard. "Kv
try one of ua ndmlrcd you for It," the
aald. "nnd I'm very glad to meet you
thl morning."
Mr. Itrett thanked her nnd, of courae.
an Id how pleiiHcd lie wna too. "I am
Inking ii holiday." bo added, looking nt
me. I wna ghid to hear that, be
cauae seeing blm out nt thl time the
thought hud occurred to me that he
might have lost hi employment nt the
club. It lit I only answered that It wu
a lovely duy for a holiday and that I
didn't believe he could Und a better
pi nee to spend part of It than In Cen
tral park.
"Have you fed the squirrels yet?" he
"Oh, uo. Can one do that?" I ex
clulnicd. "I should love It."
"May 1 go ami get Home peunutaT"
ho Ma lit to Sally.
"lo," ahe aald In her pleaaunt, friend
ly way, which wn Just a nice for til in
a It had been for Stan or nicer. "We
will go on to the wlaturlu urbor and
wait for you. There are alwny Iota
of siiulrrcls there."
Vlvnce broke away from uie ngalu
and followed him, but atlll Sally seem
ed to take no notice. "That's certainly
a very hatidaomo fellow," alio said,
"und wo can be aure that he's worthy
to bo trusted, hccaiiHO the wrong aort
of men don't Jump overbourd at aea
to ave the Uvea of children they don't
know. That I why 1 fuel perfectly
afe In being nice to him and letting
you bo ulce. I reckon he I a south
ern man."
"How cut) you toll'" 1 usked.
"Oh, u little by that good looking
brown fncu of hla, perhapa, but more
by hi wuy of speaklug. You P.ugllsh
people lump up all together for our
'Amerlcuu accent,' but we cau tell
whet her u pcraon I from Massachu
aetl or New York or IlllnoU or Ken
tucky nnd so ou Juat im-you I; now i v
onahlru from Lancaalilru."
Tho wlaturlu urhor, whh-li we bo.m
reuched, wati like a fairy bower hung
With thoii' a:nla of lumtliVKt lumps,
burning pcil'..u.e Instead of oil, and
tho moment we aat down a troop of
tho fairy residents, cleverly disguised
a gray squirrels, with udorable Utile
fucea, begnu excitedly to tall; ua oVr.
With heads on one Hide, they criticised
our feathers, our drobses, our hats
nnd finally approved of them ao far ua
to decide that we were creature thuy
might know. They stole uearer, by
twos, by fours, then raced away again,
gray und soft us undyed ostrich feath
er, blowu by the sweet smelling
brei'Ke, when they auw my brown man
coming buck with Vlvuce,
I wu ufruid thut Vlvuce would uiuke
M daah und frighten them, but he evi
dently know how to treat squirrels a
equals, not us edible, for he behaved
bluiself like the little brindled gentle
man thut he 1. Uruvely he looked on
aa Mr. Itrett produced six small, brown
paper bug, crammed full of the most
eztraordluury objects. They looked
aomethiug like wood carvings of uu
rlp bean pod, but It appeared that
they were peanuts. They atnelt good
ratner like freahly rousted coffee, aud
when you ahellud thorn out of their
woody pods they were largo, fat bead,
covered with a thlu brown akin. 1
sort of life. He showed that be knows
a great denl nlK.ut home, nnd I rather
hope tin has been a cowboy like "The
Virginian,'' In a delightful hook 1 have
found In Mr. ICa Kny' library. In
deed. I Imagine the hero of tho story
luuat have looked Ilk Jim Ilrett It
Is a ftpleudld typo.
Hnlly nnd he talked about looks. He
apoke about aomo college in the west
where ho had la-en, and I was glad
that ho we a university man, though
why I ahould care 1 don't know. Any
way, Stan would b at sea and floun
dering In the aubjecta which my
brown man of the steerage and Holly
Woodhum dlacuaacd while tho squir
rel frisked MlKMit their shoulder. Hut
then Stun doeau't care to talk too long
about anything eicept hunting or
abootlng or polo or motoring not eveu
bridge, at which Vic says he loae a
great deal of money.
We atopped In the wlatarla arbor for
more than an hour, aa I knew by my
bracelet watch, when Hally said sud
denly wo must go though I hndn't
dreamed till then that wo hnd been
hnlf no long. I a hook band with Mr.
Itrett for goodby and o did Holly, but
nobody spoke about our meeting again.
a perhapa we ahould if he were In Mr.
Ea Kay' set. It seemed very Bad
aud Irrevocable, aoinchow, and 1 bad
a heavy aort of feeling that life can
be full of hard thing.
HI eye looked wlatful and 1 aald
what I couldn't have aald to a man of
my own ruuk. "I've kept those ros
you sent to me by that dear, funny
little black boy all this time In water
and they are fresh still, though a lot
of other 1 have had since are faded,"
I told him, and In that mood I didn't
caro whether Bully heard or not
The brown muu'a fuc lluabed up
and tho wlatful look lu hi eye bright
ened Into something which I felt wa
gratitude for my rather allly speech.
"1 think thoae roses will bate to die."
be said.
'Terhnps I shall press them In a
book," I answered, "to remind me of
my flrat hour In America."
Then we parted, nnd there wn a
fusa with Vlvnce, who had to be taken
up In my arm or be would have chok
ed himself with hi collar in hi des
perate struggles to get free. He whim
pered eveu then for a few minutes,
but soon he wna comforted and visibly
Hindu an effort to content himself with
tho fact thut he wna my dog.
I set him down on the ground, and
Sully nnd I walked on together with-1
out awaking. Hut at Inst ahe aald, I
"Penny for your thoughts, deahT"
"I wn wondering alxut class dis
tinction In America," 1 answered. "I
think oh, I do think It' very silly of
you to have uny at all. 1 always sup-
TlMtrrl.n1 Xtir
"pi of the interior, V. 8.
Laud Odin at Lakevin. Oregon,
November V), V.ntH.
N'oltco I hereby pi veil that ZAIM
M. 8TUDLKV. of Laketie. Oiegon,
who, on Nov. . r.M,ii,d Timber
MHI Ntofi Application. .Not7'.ML foi N
"Oh, I hardly know,
lan't Itr
"Ye. And I'm stir that's what our
poor, handsome friend Is thinking."
"Io you suppose ho mind ?"
. "1 reckon ho would like to go on bo
lus acuuulnted With vou. lU-ltr an. I
bate the elm nee of other men You're ww . 'I "art or, W half hK quarter
not an unattractive girl, you kno- iTSi-Li?,1' ..To..?",,,p 38 M ,a"
or maybe you don't know. A
huninu. . I have a sort of Idea
try to make aomo change In hi way j ci bed. before Kegiatet and Keeelver.'
of life, so that It may be possible to' at I.skeviaw, Oiegon, on the Mb day
meet you ngalu." J of Keli. VJ.O.
When Sally said this 1 bad the odd- t Claimant names as witneaset: Ueo.
eat sen atloii. like a prickling In all my 1 !' ''rtt"h.1, Thomaa Bind ley, K. L.
veins. I Ion : .1 to nak her If wr. yy- "roisiy, all of Lake
Lnd h.'. 21 K' Wl,L M.'M'n. umUM notice
; . of "'""Hon to mak K. al Proof, to
lea hell etblih ,Hii, to th laud above dea-
Joking, or If she really did think that
Jlio Itiett w ns enough Interested In tne
to tnke so much trouble. Hut the
word came only sa far us the tip of
my tongue, mid shirk to It s If they
hnd Irt-eu glued there.
view. Oregon.
irm. J. N. Watson. Iteglater
Nolle lor Publication
Timber Land Nolle
Department of tho Interior, U. H.
I mini OfllcH at Lakeview, Oiegou,
Novemb r .", 1!H.
.Notice la hereby given that JULIA
Department of tho Interior, U.S.
Land OHIre at Lskeview, Oregon.
December JW, 11J(JH.
Notice la hereby given that OLK
HOLKIM, of Illy, uregon. who, on
Nov. 'JO, irJ7, made Homestead Kntry
No. :W78, (Herlal No. MM) for 8W
quarter, Section 17, Township .'JO S.,
Kang 10 H, Will Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make Pinal
Commutation Proof, to eatabliab
cUIrn to the land above described, be-
M Ii I . a . ..
ore iiogiNrer ana Keceiver, at Jake
KLLA KICK, of Lakevlew. Oregon ' . 7.1 " .l-.T.'"!. "'1T,K.8
ho. on Nov 18. i!NH. n.ado Timber WV " 7 m reo
and Htone A lipplicHt ion. No. itHVl,
for Ya bair hb qii'-rter, Hectlon 31,
TotttishlpTM , S., Karige 18 10., Will.
Meridian, baa llld notice of intention
to make Dual Proof to establish clnl.u
to the land above dacribed, before
Kegiater and Receiver, at .Lakeview
Oregon, on the 17h day of Feb. IIKTJ.
Claimant names Ha witneaaes: (eo.
H. Lynch. (1. W. Klce. Hint H. Titro.
Kdin Tatro, all ..f Iakeview, Ore
gon. 'tKT. ' ' U'nof fl.o
t laimaut names as witnesbe. Wm.
K. Hutter, 11. .1. Luugkam. Kriatlan
orgensen, ofHIy, Oregon, John
Jacotiaen. of Lakevlrw, Oregon.
D31-10 J. N Watson, Itegiater
Our Dear Friend
The Merchant:
Timber Land Notlco
Department of the Interior, U. S.
band Otllce at Lakeviuw, Oregon,
.ftovemoer I'.am.
Notice la hereby given that Harry
M. (iluzier, of Sacramento, Calif, who
on Nov. 1, l'J08, made Timber sod
Stone Application. No. 08.j0, for bB
quarter, hectlon "iH, Township 37 .,
Kauge 17 R, Will. Meridian, has filed
notice of intuition to make Final
Proof to establish claim to the land
above described. before County Clerk
Klamath Co., at his office, at Klam
ath Kails. Oregon, on the th day of
Feb. 1UW.
Claimant names as witnesses : Dap
Johnson, of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
Oda Craven and Frank Howard of
Lakotiew, Oregon, and Ollie Howard
of Bly, Oregon.
DHFG J. N Watson. Register
do believe there must be lomcthtuQ
rjiccidl about piunuU.
posed till I knew you and Mrs. Stuy-veaaut-Kuoz
that ouo person was con
sidered Just us good as another Iv
America And it ought to be like
that In n new country, where yoM
haven't ail nrl..oi rat y."
"'e li.u.- two aristocracies," 8UhJ
blie. "Wu go .i;u better than ytu, for
you have only otic. We have our old
families (maybe they wouldn't aeeui
Very old to you) und we huve wealth
They both think us much of them
selves us your urlstocracy does anf
mighty little of each other."
"1 could uudei'staud au aristocracy
of bra I us in a laud like America," t
went ou, quite fiercely, "but it's uo
good breaking off from tho old coun
try ut all if you're to haulier your
selves with anything else. Now, If I
hadu't hoard Mrs. Btuyvesunt-Knor
and Mrs. Van der Wludt talking I
should have supposed that in Amur
lea a man like Mr. Urott, for lustanc
could be received uuywhere. As It la,
I suppose no, nobody could despbw
hltu. For myself, I'm proud to know
such a brave mau. Hut but of cour
we're uot likely to meet blm again,
ere we?"
"lu society?" lutighed Hully. "Poor
fellow, It doesn't look much like It
now, does It? Though 1 believe be'r
a man In a thousand and worth six of
any of those that Cousin Katberlna
will let you know, counting Potter,
though be la my relative."
"It aeema a pity," I aald, with I
sigh for tbe miatakea ol tba whole
world or something
"What'a a pltr
Do you know how to soil goods?
Your clerks, of course, know bow to
sell goods when people call and ask
for them.
Hut when people do not call and ask
for what they want and what you have
In stock, what then?
Let the people know what you have.
Our columns are open to advertisers
with bargains who want to connect
with bargain hunters.
Simple Toilot Preparation That Can
B Mad at Home.
The following face wash, now in al
most universal use among Parisian wo
men (nnd their matchless complexions
attest Its ettlcacy), will restore clear
ness of skin and delicacy of tint to tbe
plainest of complexions if applied dal
ly: Obtain at your drug store roscwater,
two ounces; cologne spirits, ono ounce;
eppotono (skin food), four ounces. Put
the epiotone In a pint of hot water
(not boiling) nnd when dissolved strain
and let cool. Then add the rose water
and cologne spirits.
It is quite an easy matter to mix the
ingredients according to above direc
tions, and it can best be done at borne.
It costs llttlo and accomplishes such a
decided improvement on the skin that
It should be a requisite on every lady's
dressing table. If this wash Is used
the plainest complexion will take an
Immedtnte nnd decided change for the
letter, and tho powder puff aud rouge
Jar can bo relegated to tho closet.
Every woman who would lko to
huve a pretty complexion (und unless
feminine nature has changed mightily
this may safely be said to Include ail
daughters of Eve) cannot do better
than glvo this preparation a trlnl. It
I ierfectly harmless, even to the most
delicate skin.
Tinker I.n4 Sotlee.
Department of the Interior, U. 8
I,nud Office at Lakeviow, Oregon,
govern Der. l'Jua.
Notice is hereby given that MIL'
TON HEKT KlCfcl of Lakevlew, Ore
gon. who, on Nov. 10, 1908, made
Timber and stone Application. No,
080d, for E half SW quarter. Section
m. ,inwasnip JO S., Kan bo 13 E.,
Will. Meridian, baa filed notice of
Intention to make Fioal Proof, to
estaLiian claim to tne land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver.
at Lakevlew, Oregon, on tbe 11th
day or r eo. VJW.
Claimant names as witnesses: C.
(J Dusenoerry. O. W. Rice. Mabel
Rice, Oeo. Lyncb, all of Lakeview,
J7 10 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber Land Set lee
Department ft the Interior. U. R
Land Oftica at Lakevlew, Oregon,
November 25, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that Lillie
E . Harris, of Lakevlew, Oregon, who
on November 26, 1908, made Timber
and Stone Application, No. 0772, for
W balf SW quarter and SE quarter
SW quarter, Section 28, Township 38
S., Range 21 E., Will. Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make
Final Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Reister
and Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon,
cn the 8th day of Feb. 1909.
Claimant names us witnesses: Gran
ville ilardlsty, Sarah Uarrett, Gordon
Garrett, Farnbam E. Harris, all of
Lakevlaw, Oregon.
DM j j. N. Watson, Register.
a I
fS L
1 ''if VP
ftp i j
1 I FP l ''
8 mP
The best Vanquer
saddle on the market
Also n complete line of
wagon and buggy bar
ne, whip, robe, bit,
riates, spurs, quirt, rose
ttea in fact everything In
the line of carriage and
horse furnishing. Re
pairing by competent
71 frf
ill EL it
SAni'LE Roon
LIQHT & HARROW, Proprietor,
Lesley Dental Cream
An Ideal
Tooth Paste
A full weight tube of this
delightful tooth paste free to
anyone mailing this ad with
4 cents in stamps to cover
postage. - -
Perfect for
Teeth antl Gums
Absolutely Free m Absolutely Free
Send your name and ad
dress 'on a postal and we will
mail you our three new com
plete catalogues, free, postage
The Owl Drug Company
611 Mission Street Man Order Department San Francisco, Cal.
lakeview Cigar Factory
Timber Lanit it o tire
Department of tbe Interior U. S.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
November 25, 1908
Notice is hereby given that William
N. Bishop, of Lakeview, Oregon, wbo
Nov, 16, 1908, made Timber and
Stone Arplication.No 0833, for S half
K Yj quarter. ISfci quarter bK quarter.
Section 19, Township 37 &, Range 20
K, M11. .Meridian, baa rjld notice
of iutention to make Final Proof, to
establsb claim tu tbe land above des
cribed, t-efore !RegisterZand Receiver,
at Iakeview, Oregon, on tbe JIGth day
or reo jyuu.
Claimant names as witnesses: W.
II. Mendll, l L. Barnum, A. II.
liarnum, C. A. Rehart, all of Lake-
view, Oregon.
DM.) J. IS. atson, Register.
A. Stokkm . Prop.
Maker of
Havana and
Bomcstic Cigars
Give u a trial. Store in the brick
builrii&ir next door to Poet A Ring sa
loon, wakeview, Oregon.
Of Interest to Woman.
Mrs. Philip Snow-den of London, one
of the most celebrated of English suf
frages, will be a speaker at the na
tional convention of woman suffra
aista to be held in Buffalo Oct 15 to
21. Mrs. Snowtfpu'a husband in a mem
ber of parliament, and she will bring
to her American colleagues the true
story of the suffragette movement In
Great Britain.
The time wbeu a father gets close
to his boy should aot be limited to
those occasions when be find It uec
esaary to wield the haeti g d. Should
such be tbe cbbo tbe vltul distance be
tween them will widen u4 tba year
go by.
Timber Lud Retire
Department of tbe Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregou,
January 11, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that ANNA
M. XM1.1L.ON, of Lakeview, Oregon,
wbo, on August 31. 1908, made Timber
aud Ktnne Application, No, for
Lots 1, 2, bw quarter N V quarter.
Section 10. Township 80 S., Ilanpe 10
H, Will. Meridian, has Hied uotice of
inteutiou to make Fiual Proof, to
establish claim to the laud above
described, befor Register and Rceiv
er. at Lakeview, Oregon, ou the 27th
day of Maroh, 1909.
C'aiuiaut names as witnesHes: Wal
ter Howard and Ouy V. Rice, of
Lakeview, Oregon.
M18 J. N. Watsou, Reginter.
Notic for Publication
Department of tbe Interior, V. S.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
December 22, 1908.
Notice is berehy given that JOHN
O. bVEKN, of Lakeview, Oregon,
wbo ou Nov. 20, 1907, made Home
stead Entry No. 3881, (Serial No.
0935) for lots 1 2, E balf NW quarter,
NE quarter SW quarter Section
30, Township 37 R., Range
17 K, Will. Meridian, baa Bled
notice of intention to make Pinal
Commutation Proof, to tBtabliah
claim to tbe land above described,
oerore Register and iieoetver, at Lake
view, Oregon, on tba 13th day of Feb.
Claimant names aa witnesses: John
Jaoobaon, P. M. Cory, of Lakeview,
Oregon, 01 e Solelm, Kriatlan Jorgeu
en, of Bly, Oregon. j
1)3110 N. Watson, Register.
Nolde & Reynolds
House, Sign and Carriage
Pa i n ters-
Papering and Kalsomining
Ofllce with Woodcock & Baruea
General Blacksmiths
Lakeview . Oregon
A itpresentative in tbia country
by a lurjre real estate corporation.
Special inducements to thoBe who
wish to become financially iuterest
The Real Estate Security Co.
Fort Dearborn Bldg. Chicago, 111.
All farmers or fruit growers in
Lake county are hereby uotitled tnat
under tbe state law it is imperative
that all fruit trees should be sprayed.
For that reason fruit growers must
obtain proper appliances in order that
such work can be doue during the
period previous to budding iu the
spring, it is knowu that two danger
ous fuugus growths already bave
found lodgement in tbe countv.
Spraying will destroy all lnseota and
fungua growth. AU fruit growers will
observe tula official notice, and (torn-
ply witu the requirements of tbe law.
Dated, New Pine Creek, Ore., Ueo.
A. Me Smith, Inspector.
1 1 -
Thrre 1
soarclv ativ I' to the
hut it t zlica ( jsar.l t.:o:-?y. V c hre
bccTj ir-iroviu'y Sower nr.l vrrtatjle
eci'.ifcrc. ?r f y:-a i. J.'c-c t'.;.-.n jro
pco!c f vtr:i: to ina'r.c Kerry'
Eect'.J:::. ty :. I i: . f :- beit Ferry
or: rvcrywlu rr.
FEH.!:-'X -cjj srro annum.
D. t.t. ru.i.tY a CO., Uetroit, V.loh.
?1 fci t
n 1 s::w
The cleanest.
liahtest. and
most comfortable
at the same time
cheapest in the
end Decause it
wears longest
Every garment quar.
anteed waterproof
Catalog free
JX i m
Bun th ? m hm m nm Alwsn wKpt
All tbe lateat newa contained? in
Tbe Examiner,
Timber 1-auU motlee
Department of the Interior, U. fe.
Land Otbce at Lakeview, Oregon,
November 25, 11)08.
Notice is hereby give'i that Iva H.
Fox, of Klamatn Fails, Oregou, wJio
on Nov. 7, 11)08, made Timber and
Stone Applicatiou, No 0701, for S
balf SW quarter, section 14, Township
38 S., Range 18 E., Will. Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Final Proof, to etstablibb claim to tbe
landa above described, before County
Clerk Klamath Co., at tiia orflce t
Klamath Falls, Oregon, ou the 9 th
day of Feb. 1909.
Claimant uames as witneses: Fred
KoeU T. M. O'Conipel-, Arnold Press,
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and C. iL
Du Ben berry, of Lakeview Oregon.
D3F5 J. N. Watson, Register.
Dealer la Real Estate
1 have listed son e of tbe toai
Ranohes, Timber Lauds and Tow
property in Northern California,
country that is bounri to improve raa
Idly. Alrurxa, California.
Our bargain con
you. Ball.-
er will please
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