Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 04, 1909, Image 1

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    vnmitif of " nut t
NO. 5
Enterprises H
A Beet Sugar Factory, Sanato
rium, New People
Get Together,
At last a long needed organization
hu assumed (1 ti 11 ii It n proportions.
Our Chamber of Commerce Is now h
cirtaiuty. Tim lint drawu up and
circulated has already uettud a
membership of over fifty and the
proceed now exceed i:H). We will
easily reach $1Mio before tha end of
the week. M I'. Kirn actng as tem-
Iiorary secretary, linit Issued n clrcn
ar loiter explaining thu objects (if tho
Rules for Herding
Stock on Fremont
Forest Reserve
The Secretary of Agriculture baa ,
authorltad the uraziux of 20.000 bead
....i tin mm K,i .
a-o: iiu.u.nt neau i
of horses aud cattle
of shoe
heep on the r rem on l National
st during the season of
Tha summer gracing period lor
rattle aud horses will tw from April :
15 to November 15. the charges for
which will bo 25 ceu In per bend i.n
cattle aud 35 cents per beacon borsea. i
A year long vrazing period, boglnn-'
tng April 15, may also be allowed at
tbe rate of 4 ceots per bead ou cattlo .
aud 6 cents per bead on horses.
1 be reguJor summer grazing eriod
for sheep will be from June 15, to i
October 15, the charge foi which will!
be 7 cents per head. A grazing per-
lod from April 15 to June 15. luclnd-
lug the privates of lambing, may be ,
allowed at the rate of 6 cent pur '
head. Extension tf tlmo may be
allowed on either of the above periods
at tbe rate of 1 1-2 cents per mouth.
Animals under six months of age at
the time of entry will uot be counted
or charged for.
It Is (leeinod Inadvisable to ullow
the stock to crosR the Forest, over
regular established driveways without
permit, as tho Secreiury of Agricul
ture desire to keep control of this,
B-V HLOII VW ' -' vm .
In order to insure enforcement of any
quarantine regulations which may be
necessary for the eradication of dia-J
ease. .
The tange known as "Antelope
Plat" will be closed against tho gruz-
lag of sheep during the season 1!MK.
The protective limit for tbe Fro-
moat National Forest will lie l,3.n
ewes and iucreaso aud lu order to i
oreveut monopoly in 'no use oi iub
rauge. a maximum limit oi o.ouu neau
of sheep will be established and uo
Increase will be allowed any persou,
Brm or corporation who held a permit
for inor tlmn that number of stock
for the last year; neither will they
i be allowed to luoroase their permit
An Omaha Man Who
Got Very Oold Feot
Au Omaha man, one whom
have been used to 25 below zero
weather, if be lived there apy length
of time, read the mean annual temper
ture ot Lakeview was 45 degree above
zoro, and jumped to the conclusion
that the mercury never not lower than
that, and so be aud hi wife hiked
out here to locate.
He found oold and storm all the
way and got here In tbe midst of a
hnavr fall of snow, that Only re-
imained a day or bo. Hut, be at once
I began to "boiler" about mlsrapresen
Uatlou, because our coldest point this
f winter was down to seven below zero,
and hiked back to the Dig Muddy
Itowo tbe next day. '
That man. If be expeots to dad tbe
mercury never below 45 degrees above
zero, should go to the Isthiuu of
jTehauntepeo, or Heaven, 'aa he will
'not Hnd It any where in tbe United
.;Htatse, may be at Key West,
iFlorlda! ' 1
i Lake county la no paiadise, no one
ver olalmed It to be such, but if you
review One of Oregon's
Pull !
: orgaolnzation and liega that nil study
carfullv the lint o tho members aui
select from them the ImimI material
; for llio otllcea. There will be it Presl
' dent, tx Vice Presidents, a Secretary,
'a Treasurer hleh will constitute an
'executive committee P.Acb of the
'alx Vice Presidents will he the Chair
man of a certain committee which will
Im selected lijr the executive com
llnittee from the body as a whole. The
! Constitution and Hy lws aadraftel
'provide for six staudlug committees
by tbe purchase of atook and ranches
of others. This does not mean, bow
ever, that persona who held permits
fo ior- t1(I1 t,0 IBXmum u,jt iHl
year ueisl be required to s'and more
than the regular sliding scald 'reduc
tion lu tbe reuewal of their penults
for this year. I
Permits may be issued for tbe graz
ing of sheep upon the Forest during
the season of 1900 subject to tbe
fullowiug sliding scale reduction: j
Al' permits for less than tbe protect
Ire limit of 1.210 growu sheep may be '
increased 20 per cent, provided they
do not go over 1.200 bead,
Permit held during tbe past seasou
for from 1.200 to 2,400 sheep will be
reuewed without reduction,
Permit for from 2,400 to 3.000 sheep
w jn be reduced 10 per cent, provided
none are reduced below 2.400.
1'erniist for more then 3,(XK) will be
reduced 15 percent, provided none are
reduced below the highest number
allowed in the next lower grade, or
3,240 head of sheep. This slidlug
wale may be varied from, in case it
is found necessary, In order to bring
tho until tier within tho allowances
made by tbe Secretary of Agriculture.
No charge will be mado at present
of cattle already established for the
iu tbe maximum limit of 2,000 head
Itlank forma to be used in making
application and other information in
regard to giazing will be furnished
upou request. All applications for
grazing permits must te tiled iu this
ulllce on or Imfore March 1. 11KW.
Acting Supervisor.
Oregon, February 1,
Nw Hotel at Altiiran
The flue new hotel for Alturai
roady for busluess. The public
appreciate it.
want winter climate, miller man
)maba or any part of tbe Middle
West, where there are splendid oppor
tuuitiea for new homes aud where one
can live otf the fat of the land, with
fruit and honey, none better any
wheie than right here iu this Ureat
Inland Empire.
;"I simply had to stop telling my
friends where 1 was going", said a
man from Kansas Olty recently, "for
when 1 spoke of the Paoiflo Northwest
everybody was so interested aud Saut
ed so much Information that I
wouldn't have had any time left for
my own business had 1 undertaken to
get It for them. You have no idea
of bow many people are looking in
tblt direction."
tf n r
eaaea mis way
vlz: Finance, Industrial Conditions.
Publicity , Stock Interest and Munici
pal affair. These committees will,
with tbe no operation of tbe club as a
body, take up all matters under their
jurisdiction and will, with tbe major
ity vote of the rlub, execute change
at their discretion. These committees
are all Important and great oareshoulil
le used In your selection of the Kx
cccutlve Committee as they will
appoint all committees.
The object of this organizHtion is
to further the interests of Lakveiew
The Prospective Beet
Sugar Factory Here
The article we published last week
lu The Examiuer about tbe probable
establishment of a beet sugar factory
in Lakeview, created a gieat dottl of
local interest, and doubtless will also
be good rending to the thousand who
j now contetuplute locating in this eec-
; tion.
i u has since been broght to tbe
I attention of The Kxamiuer that ex-
. periments in tbe culture of
! j Hrea(j- l)een n,8,je
sugar beets
iv linen made here bv Or.
J Da'y, Dick Kingsley, Ed Tatro and
otheia. All testify that sugar beeU
grow to a very large size and all con
tain a very bigb percentage of sugar.
The lacts will all be brought out when
President Martin, of tbe Oregon Val-1
ley Laud Co arrive, here, some time
within a fortnight. He will then go
over tbe matter with any who possess
such facts ot local bearing, and
will get them in shape to present to
the capitalists who have signified t heir
willingness to establish tbe factory in
In one particular we were mistaken
and that, was in tbeiufereuce tbat no
such establishment bai yet been
located in Oregon. In theKeportof
Bureau of Labor Statistics for this year
just at hand, we learn that La Orande
Valley in Northeastern Oregon Is the
principal sugar beet section. At La
Oraudo is located tbe plant of tbe
Amalgamated sugar Beet Compauy.
The plant is valued at $:iH000. This
year it paid $5 per ton to the growers.
About 17.4 tons per acre are growu,
Tbe iuoome would then on the average
be W7 au acre. It will be seeu that if I
the work of growing them is couflued i
to oues family, the income from 10.
acres from this aouroe alone would
koep a moderate aized family in good ,
North Dakota Mil lion-
aire Boosts Lakeview
Tbe Examiner clips the following
from the Michigan City News N. D.,
it being the opinion of a gentlemau
who recently paid this section a visit:
M. T. Seartf returned home on
Monday from a mouth spout In luves
tigation of Oregon lands held hy
local Investors, by whom be waa com
missioned. Tbe land in Question is
in a valley situated in southern Ore
gon, whicn ha until lecently been
used for grazing purpoBse solely,
and has heretofore never been exploit
ed nr-r offered for sale for fruit grow
ing, a purpose to which it is claimed
to excellently adapted. At a banquet
teudered iu bis honor at Odd Fel ow's
Hall on Tuesday evening, which waa
largely attended by interested parties,
Mr. Seartf made a favorable report
upon the Investment, stating his
opiniou that after a most compre
hensive and careful survev from every
point of view, the holding were aa
renresented : that Irrigation was easy
aud feasible; and that in the ordinary
course of time there should be uo
reason why tbe newly opened valley
should not be as productive and
valuable aa any In tbe state.
His statements were reinforoed by
statistical data, samples ot soil, and
a lucid and entertaining disoourse
upon the nature of the oountry and
It natural advantages.
Lakeview. county seat of the
county wherein tbe land is located,
be report a thriving oommunit
nlty or
1,500 citizens, possessing
that Will
Best Towns
and Immediate vicinity; and properly
handled should result in a new com
mercial era for our ten. We hare
the resources ; we have many of tbe
thing that are eagerly sought for by
Eastern capitalitHts, and wltb proper
encouragement and support should
influence thein to give us a pnrt of
their bo si n Ms.
But we must have co operation. A
bouse divided against itself surely
cannot stand: neither can a body of
business men who do not work in
ouixou. The best motto we have ever
heard is adopted by tbe Pittsburg
Commercial Club :
That Is precisely what we intend
to do. We mean to tell facts exactly
as they are w ithout ad ling any rose
color to any one thing. We feel and
know that tbe truth about this
Big interest
circumtances until such time as an
orchard should be brought iuto bear
ing. Tbe La Orande company has a
capaity of 350 toos per day, making
800 bugs of sugar. It converted 20,
000 tons of beets into sugar for tbe
year ending November 1, 1907. W'e
have no tUurea for l'08. During tbe
rummer montbs 75 teams were em
ployed bauliog beets to tbe factory.
wbile at thJatter place an avergae of
12; men were employed for w days.
ar. an average daily wage of 12. 15
making the pay roll 1 10,12."). Tbe
farm lands that supply tbe beets are
valued at 11 75.000.
It will be seen from tbe above that
even a small beet sugar factory is
means of money making foi a number
of people, besides tbe man who grows
the beets, aud it is especially decir
able tbat aucb a plant be located in
Lakev iew.
Various commercial bodiea of Ore
gon and Washiugtou are planning to
get out leaflets to be used as a letter
enclosure, epmhasizing the wonder
fully low colonist rates fruai the East
they are awaiting announcement Jf
Atlantic Coast and other point not
tfeclded by tbe Passenger Assoc a
'' ' th? trans-coutineutal roads,
Tbe 2S . fare from Missouri Kive;
points. $30 from St. Louis, and 33
from Chicago is tbe lowest named
for three years.
court house, flue residences, ex
ceptionally prosperous banks and
commercial bouse, a modern electric
lighting plaut operated by inexhaust
ible water power, a public water sys
tem supplied with the tjnst spring
water from the mountain, mills,
factories, eto
Tbe oity is looated upon Goose Lake,
a fresh water lake of o nsiderable .ex
teut aud naturally stocked with an
abundanoe of tine Ash, including
trout. Oaiue of all varities abounds,
and makes tbe country a veritable
sporstmaa'a paradiae.
Mr. Kcarff' opinion aud report,
based uron a naturally excelleut
judgment of soil and climatio con
ditions, is highly valued by his fellow
investors of this city.
ways for modoc
Our Southern neighbors, over tbe
line are planning a system of eleotrio
railways covering all parts of Modoo
county, including one from Alturas
to New Pine Creek, on the utate line.
Lakeview should meet them at the
state line.
R. T. Rtripiln, foreman of tbe
road crew at the Drews valley dam
site, waa In town Saturday after pro
vision for Lis crew.
country is sufllcient to encourage
settlement and oar object is to let
them know that we are here and will
welcome ey industries that will
enable us to take care of tbe great in -
flux ot people tbat will nnquesti-jn
ably come.
All tbe above ia nothing more than
tbe recognition by our leading citi-
sidering a Sanatori
um at Hot Springs
Tbe Examiner has not said anything
regarding tbe Sanatorium of late, but
it is by no means a forgotteo project.
Tbe Chicago parties ate still consider
ing taking hold of tbe matter, and
there aUo re people in Oakland Cali
fornia, Seattle, Washington, and San
Antonio, Texas, who are very much
interested, and are figuring and plan
ing to sooner oi later begin opera
tions. In this endeavor there ia ample
room for all. as there are three sep
arate and distinct sets of hot springs
situated along tbe foot bills above and
below Lakeview. All of them have
valuable medical properties, and each
set wculd take care of one or more of
tbe largest saoatorlums without de
tracting or inconveniencing tbe
others as U tbe case at the famous
Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Tbe fact tbat our altitude knd our
ozone-fllled and balsam-laden air, and
climate are very favorable to people
who would seek health here will do
doubt be a very big factor toward tbe
early erection of such a resort. These
Fruit Growers are
Warned Against
Foreign insects
Fruit growers of tbe Northwest are
cautioned about Importing young
trees from France by Secretary Will
iamson ,of the State Board of Iloiti-
culture, who say the gypsy moth and
the brown tailed moth have been
found in recent arrivls of young trees
at tbe port of Now York.
"Should these pests obtain a foot
hold west of tbe Rocky Mouutains
there would be no such thing as
eradicating them, aod it would be a
question of time when tbe fruit and
shade trees of the coast would be
ruiued Mr. Williamson says.
These moths have been ravaging tbe
Atlantic states for about four years,
and already tbe sum fo $10,000,000 has
been Hoent b? tbe various states iu
fighting tbem. A professor iu a New
York luelituie naa a iew oi mem
bi ought from Paris for scientific
investigation, and one Of the windows
in his laboratory being opened a moth
escaped. This bingle insect started
in to populate the trees of tbe city
and from there the pests were wafted
into Massachusetts, wbicb alone has
expended $3,000,000 in trying to
eradicate tbem since.
"Tbe gypsy moth forma a cater
pillar which chews up the leaves on
the trees aod soon kills them by
stripping the foliage. In the winter
tbe eggs rest in cooooua ou tu
branches and iu the spring the cater
pillar appears, which afterwards
develops iuto a moth, wbicb proceeds
to lay eggs by the thousands.
"Every shipment of foreign trees
sDouiu V- " V; .'
- i j i is-atAri lurrtra nlanrlno' i
nWSSl 22- 2t New ;otbersyc.n profit by their experience.
- f f n nnrrlm'i'mmmt-m--,'
An Assessment Roll
of $4,300,000 for
Only 3,500 People
Followlng Is a Bummary of the as
HesHtnent roll ot Lake Oouuty for
190S, aa equallied by . the Board of
Equalization. ,
Aeres of tillable land 45,229 $297,401
Acrv-a non-tillable, 724.759 . . . 2.267.08
Improvements on deeded land '"
Town lots. l
Improvements oa town lots. . iis,o
Improvements on land not
deeded tele- 15,110
Mlk-s ol telegraph and .... ..,.
phone lines, 390 5.070
zena of n necessary evolution In band
Hag community interests. Tbe real
benefit of tha work of such an organ
ization la in the fortberiog of all
interests on an Impartial basia.
Heretofore the lack of any central
orgaoiztation representing mutual
interests haa fallen npon tbe shoulder
of a few who at times weie not in a
position to properly care for prospect
ive investors and incoming settlers.
This organization will be a great
belp in taking care of tbe tbouaends
of Immigrants who are surely coming.
This ia not a passing whim, but a
real, actual necessity, to wbicb each
', should contnbute bis
best, willingly
1 and at any time.
Tbe first meeting for tbe election
or installation of officers will be held
in Poet A King's Hall, Feb. 12, at
7:30 promptly.
Still Con
conditions, coupled with tbe fact that
here also is produced the finest fruit
to be found any where and a spot
where the boney bee secure a product
only equalled by tbe white clover
honey of tbe east, all condoce to make
this an ideal spot for tbe establish
ment of a number of tbe great sani
toriums of the future.
Tbe early construction of a railroad
would, of course, largely assist in
bringing these health resorts, and tbe
travel to and from tbia beautiful val
ley from seekers for health alone
would bring enormous revenue to the
railroad companies tbat soouer or
later will invade this favored land.
There is sruely no better location
for such establishments than right
here in Lakeview.
Another Indian doctor was stabbed
twenty times at Hooey Lake, south
of here, because of death of his
patient. If white medicine men were
pot to death for failure to cure tbe
diploma factories would soon be put
out of business.
York, is now sending warnings to fruit
growers all over the country, asking
them! to be on tbe lookout for the
gypsy and brown tailed moth, whioh
if let loose in tbe orchard will dis
tance all. competing pest in the des
truction of trees, and make the codd
ling moth, wooly aphis and San .Jose
scale seem like blessings iu compari
From the bulletin issued by the
, Trans-Missouri dry
farming congress
. tbe following is taken:
' Hooiar Pease, near Rocklaud, Idaho,
averaged 30 bushels of wbent, otas,
rye and barlev from 91 acres this year.
Fifteen' additional acres in Oold Coin
wheat averuged 5 bushels. Many of
bi 'neighbors produced 30 to 45
bushels and tbe district averaged 25
busbele. As against tbe Hue yield of
tbe scitjutitlo farmer there are reports
as low as 10 bushel from men who
"farmed" without giving any atten
tion to ftystem. Some day the "Dry
Farmer' of tbe west will begin to
reajize that there is no cry of "Wolf"
in (be viaruiug heralded by this cou
gress that the salvation of the "Dry
i Farmer t is work aod system."
' The "Dry Farmer" wil be more aud
'more in Evidence in Lake county with-
in tbe next few years. Those who are
Manufalturluy: machinery etc 16,020
Merchandise and (stock lu
Trade, 88,972
Farralng.Implinents etc 55,245
Money,.. 35.K13
Notes aud accounts, , ' 80,3-19
Shares and Stocks, 1056 19,620
Household Furniture etc 28,750
Horses and Mules, 5,311 104.420
Cattle . . -7,115 273,370
Bheep and Goats 100,823 202 570
Hwloe, . 348 .. 695
Gross value of ol property.. $4,309,578