Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 28, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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    l,AK nWNTY KXAMINK . . K KVIKW. Oil Knox. TlinitMDA V. JAN. 2. V.toj.
Won. Hut before I should hnve hud
time to say "knife" lo curate I
found myself (listtlng nwny wlUi
those cartels an If I 1 1 n I (crown tip
with IIipio. I never oikv stopped to
think what I hIkmiIiI ny next, and
neither did they.
Home girl were I'jlroiliircd to tne.
too, I. tit luckily they didn't K''in to
eipcct inn lo lnlk to ttii'iu much, o I
didn't. More nnd more cadets kept
mining over from tump nnd Joining
our group iiml being Introduced In
agreeable l roves until I gnve tip oven
trying to remember their tuiuies.
There wna one, though. In tin flint
batch of Ave tvlioMu tin me mih rimy to
get hold of mid ksep In mind liecmine
It WHS HltlllU. ItoltlllcN, he wns llio
best looking of nil, which made cInmhI
fyliig Mill n re, 1 1 pli-imurft.
Tin- kIi Im who spoke to Mr. Hlllllll
railed him "cnptnln," perlinp Joking
ly, nnd I linked how he c-otild !
riiptaln and yet a rmlet unless It
mi'iint cricket. Then ho exphilned
that the cadeta hud all tint different
grade of (, from adjiitnnt and
raptaln down to sergeant, and wanted
It was difficult to are oil jou vantctt to
Utrvuyh ti fell of errepcrt.
to know If then were any other ques
tlona I would rare to aak. I aald that
there were lota, but I waan't aure If
I might.
"I give you a permit," aald he In a
military way.
Ho I liegiin with the button. "1
ahotild like to know why you havo ao
ninny-nil ttioae rowa on your Jnckct.
And It'a only the middle row you seem
to ue for anything."
."We uae tin' othira to give nwny to
girl to remember u y," ntiawercd
ray endet "It'a forbidden, hut thiit'a
a detail. Or rather It'a why the girls
like to have them."
I atnred. "None of your are ml
In." "Moat of Vui are pinned on nt pre
ent. It'a that way wliu all of ua. Our
pleha ww 'em on for ua nt nlifht and
Uhc (lie door fur a tlilmlile."
"Oh. what arc pleha, If you plenae?
Are vou allowed vnleta';"
"I KUeaa they cnll 'em tun In your
country, There are a lot of them ly
1 ii K nroiiud. Shall I have aoino entiKl't
and ilniKk'i'"! here? '1 In-v ihIkIiI Hiiilriu
a hit. a h tliey aren't uxed to ladlea' ho
clety, hut"
I liilKtlly proteKted H;nliiKt null 1
cruel exhililtloti nnd went on with my
(jueKtloiiM. I iiHked what they did In
winter ami how Ioiik they had to he
endeta' and whether they were In n
hurry to he olllcera.
"Not a a Ioiik an the kIi'I ran put up
with u an we are," aald tny cadet.
"Some of theiu even pn-tend they like
us better."
"I can quite uudcrtttnnd that!" 1 ex
claimed. And then they nil lutii'hed.
and homo of them appluuiled.
"The really Important question Ih,"
aald C'aplulu or Mr. Kuilth, "whether
you are K"IK to he an otllcera' or a
endeta' lady."
I hadn't mi Idea what he meant, hut
I reinein hered Vle'a naylnt; that lu the
lower inldillo cliiHses they aometlmea
call a man'a wife hla "lady." I'erhnpa,
I thought, thu expresMlon had been
broiiKht over to thu nlceat peoplo In
America In the Mnyllower, which they
all tulk ao much aliout, for certainly
aome of the people In her muat have
been cooks or In the HteeraKe; there
are too many Uescendanta for the tint
clius pasuenKera alone. After couald
ei'liix for a minute I mild in rather an
emhurruHHcd way that I w.T-ift "ipipe
aure yet whether I v. mild lie either "
"You must he one oi tin- oilur, you
know, or you'll he IlUe (In- tint In the
fuhlo who w.ih lielllier hlrd nor hca t.
and ho was m! of all (lie fun mi ho !i
aides. I may he prejudiced, luil I a, I
viae you to lie a cadets' lady. And
you'd la'tter decide now on account of
"Toiibhl Y" I repented, pir.led.
"Yea, on account of making out your
card. Kuy. I.ady Hetty, If you uro go
Ing In with us, can 1 ninko out your
Then arose a clamor. It nppenred
that they nil wanted to make out the
card whatever It wag. I naked If I
couldn't havo one from each, but It
appeared that you couldn't do that
My cadet had apoken tlrst, bo he aald
that ho would do It, but the others
could give me hell b'lttona and chev
rons and decorate fans for mo Instead.
"Do you like hopa, Lady Hetty?" In
quired a perfect pet of a cadet, who
looked like a cherub In uniform.
"Hopa?" I wondered why he should
ask me such an Irrelevant question, but
I answered as Intelligently as I could.
"I don't know much iihout them. I
think they're graceful, but I don't Ilka
the smell,"
lie looked petrified. "The smell T"
"Yes. It makes one sleepy."
"I cues we wou't give you mucJi
US,..', ,8
fliiimc lo l sleepy tonight," said h,
"at our hup."
Then I ii ii.IthImh1. Hut what
f::::tiy ihlng lo mil a hall -a "hop!"
They eplnliicd, im, when llicy an w
how stupid I wx. Hint you with an
"ofllceiV Ind.v" If you dnrircd with
I hem and walked with Ihrin and flirt'
)d Willi Hicm mid illdn't bother with
cadeta, or vice vcran. Then I decided
ut din i Hint I would ho a endeta' Indy,
though I wna aorry I had only ime
iiigiit to in it in. I hey were aorry,
too, nun anoweu their aorrow in ao
many nice wnya that
I enjoyed myself
saw how nice It
If you are a auc
lo draw lota for
linnieiiHcly nnd quite
IliiiHt feel to Im out
rena. They wn tiled
which cadet ahoiild take tno lo I'llr
tut ten Wnlk, hut I anld I had to go
with Mr. I'nrker.
lie ruiiHt hnve been listening from a
dlstnni'e, though he ought lo hnvo Iteen
Inlklng with a pretty girl who had no
bat, for he came up lo me at once and
announced Hint It wna llmo to go now.
He rather put on nlrs of having a
right to tell tne what I mtiat do, nnd I
didn't like It much, especially before
those denr rndcta, but It would have
been childish to mnke a fuss. He
aides, I wn Ida gut-at.
I went like a ithui green hie Inmli
sulking on Its way to the alitughter;
hut. thank goodneaa, waa engaged
already for nenrly all the dances, and
most of them had to be split In two,
there were ao many endeta for thern.
(I think, by the by, I shall try to get
Htan to take mo to Handhurat soma
day to nee If It la at all like West
Point nnd whether they have hopa.)
Potter mndo fun of tha cadeta and
called them "white meat" aud "little
things that got In the way." Hut
wlieu I asked a straight question he
hnd lo confess that he had been one
himself only alt years ago. "I waa
twenty-two when I graduated." he
an Id. "One of I he youngest men In
uiy clans " Which was the ssme as
telling mv that ht Is twenty-eight
now. Ten years older than I am! It
mnkea Mm seem quite old.
Somehow, although he Is so Die to
mo In most ways, he stirs me up to
feel antagonistic, as though I wanted
to contradict him and not like things
thnt ho likes, and I believe It la the
ssme with him about me, for I mnke
bl eyes look angry very often. I felt
he waa dlsaptHiluted been use I ad-
mired the cadets ao much nnd had
promised so many dances, and I was
In s mood to tease him. Hut I fancy
bo isn't the kind who would take
teasing well, and the acenery he was
showing me wss so hesutlful that
presently I resolved to tie good.
We saw Kosciusko's monument, and
would Insist upon hla telling me
things alsiut Kosciusko himself,
though Potter didn't seem to think
him Important, And then we began
winding our way along a most ex
quisite path overhanging the river, al
ways shadowed by trees. Sometimes
It was cut through a green arbor, with
light like liquid emeralds. Some
times It ran high on the rock. Some
times It d!pvod down closo to the wa
ter. but Invarlubly there was Just
enough room for two, and no more, to t
walk side by side.
We met several couples cadeta and
girls, young ofllcers aud girls saun
tering or sitting down close together
In out of the wny place. But by and
by we Kcemod lo have passed Iteyond
the Inhabited Then Potter asked
me If I were not tired from so much
walking nnd If I wouldn't like to rest.
I said no. and he promptly pretended
io U done up, which I thought very
slllv. Hut of course I had to sit down
by It I in on a rock w ith a green, moss
velvet cushion.
"This Is what I've been longing for
all day," aald ho.
I hadn't, aud I was thinking about
the cadets Hut I agreed that It was
Yes, It Is." he answered, looking at
me. "I never saw anything so pretty.
Sny, Lady Hetty, you're an awful
I did open my eyes at that. "A
flirt! I exclaimed. "I never bad a
chance lo try being It."
"1 guess you are born knowing. I've
been mlseritblo all the aftemoou.
Couldn't you see my agony?"
"I didn't notice." aald I.
"Ah, thnt'a the trouble. You weren't
thinking of mo. Of course, 1 oughtn't
to have cared for those little boys"
(some of tboui were Inches taller than
he), "but I couldn't help It I kept
saying Inside, 'This Is a foretnsto of
what I've irot to suffer when she's
staying with (Catherine at the Moor-
lo; .' I :" I I, new when I've been so
uiipi'n;hir w!:!i myself. I don't see
how I'm foi:ig to get along unless
you'll be nice to me, right now."
"1 am nice to you." I said. "As nice
as 1 know how to be."
"I could teach you to be a lot nicer.
Say, l.nd.v Hetty, let me, won't you?"
I ls eyes, though they are such a
pivle blue, had that silly, melting look
In them that my cousin I.oveland's
Ivive w hen ho talka to me. "Let you
do what?" I asked almost snappishly
for a person sitting In such a lovely
"Tench you to like me. I fell all
over myself In love with you the first
minute I saw you."
"Day before yesterday!" I exclaimed.
"What nonsense. Y'ou're poking fun
at mo. I don't believe lu love at first
sight nt lenst I don't think I do. Any
how, nobody could fall In love with me
In thnt way."
J'CoulJu't they, though? That's all
you know about It. then. All Amer
icans will full lu love with you like
that, and It'a Just what I want to
guurd against. I want you to be en
gaged to ma before yojj go to New
port. Then I shall feel kind cf safe."
"Dear me, are you really proposing,
and It Isn't lu Joke?" I asked. "1 do
wish you wouldn't."
"Would I propose to Lady Betty
Bulkeley lu Joke?" be reproached me.
"The Men of proposing to any girl
when you've only seen her three
"U hat did I toll you nlxttit my friend
In Kim I'mnclBco? wna working
alowly up lo thla, even then."
"Yea, very aloivly. I tlilnk I've
iihown n if t di-nl of pntlence. Amer
leiiu girls -Hie Imni ntli-M. I menn-nro
quite hurt If a fellow d'iean't propose
iwnii'n Ikw along In the first dny or
two, They think he can't appreciate !
their renl worth nnd thnt h? deserves
what he i;eta If some other chnp wnlks
-way 1.1, then, Now. I'm not going
I.. .11 at... my perd. and see any-
thing el walking off wli Ii you."
I eoiiKint Help inilglilng. "Ill call on the Int.el of the bottle. The manti
for help If I think there's no danger," faeturers of Chamberlain's Cough
snhJ I, "but I can t promise more than
thnt. I didn't come over to America
to pick up a hushnnd."
lie look id nt me rattier queerly when
I raid that, almost ns If he thought ' I
had come fur (hat express purpose
and was trying to conceal It Hut of
course he couldn't be ao horrid as to
suppose such a thing renlly, and I must
have liiuiglned the strange expression.
If he only knew I came nwny so that
another girl might he sure to get a
husband, and I'm not allowed to go ,
brick until he tins been got! i
"They're Just growing around on
hlncklvcrry bushes and In strawberry .
patches for you to pick and choose," I
anld Potter, "nnd that's what worries
. f... . .it.ii. i.i... ,.u f
. ... J-
got two months' leave so as to be with
you at Newport, and I tell you I shall
seo a bright, leautlful crimson If too
mnny dudes come fooling around the
shanty. Say, won't you Just play we're
encaged anyhow and seo how you like
Hut now I was really cross and
wouldn't bear a word more of such
nonsense, so 1 Jumped up, and be bad
to scramble up too.
"If you've really proposed which 1
doubt," said 1, "you must please un
derstand that you've been formally re
fused. Hut I forgive you because I
believe you must have been chaffing
and been use It's my first proposal, so at
all events I can't die without having
bad at least one. Now, do be sensible
and take me back or I shall have to
find my way alone or else ask a
strange cadet to pilot me."
That threat found a vulnerable spot,
and be was not half bad on the way
home perhaps no worse than the
name of the wnlk allowed.
I was a good deal excited about tbe
ball, as It was my very first. Sally
Woodburn had looked at my things
and told me what to bring. Not that
It was a hnrd choice, for I have only
four frocks with me In which I could
go to a dance. The one Sally wanted
me to wear at West Point Is a little
white thing of embroidered India mus
lin. Thompson made it after one of
Vic's, and It Is a rag compared to
Sally 'a and Mrs. Kss Kay's gorgeous
things. Hut when Sally had done my
hair In a new way (they had left
Louise behind, as there was no room
for fieri and fastened around mv throat
lovely string or pearls sue urougni
on purpose i looohcu quue uice,
The "hop" was in a grent big room
which the cadets use for something or
other, 1 forget what, nnd It wns dec
orated with quantities of American
flags. There were lots of girls the
youngest thlngu! Hardly any of them
could hnve been out, but there were
even more men; counting otllcers and
cadets, nt lenst two for each girl.
The card which my particular cadet
bad talked about making for me wns
4 . f
. &
"Are you golna to be an officer or a
cailcttt lady T"
a programme, with all the dunces and
the men's names and Uluiuluutlona
which ho had put on himself. It was
beautiful, nnd I told biiu thnt I would
always keep It. 1 danced every dance,
with two partners for each, nnd there
wna a cotillon ufterward with favors
to remind the girls who got them of
West Point; little' (lags nnd buttons
nud bits of gold lace, but I was very
lucky, for some of the friends I bad
made In camp bad smuggled me spe
cial things, and I shall have quite a
collection of sergeant's stripes and cor
poral's chevrons, belt buckles and beau
tiful bright bell buttous with Initials
scratched on them.
I don't believe Vic had half so much
fun'at her llrst bull us I hud nt mine,
although hers Is so many seasons ago
now that I can't remember what she
aald nuout It I was only a little girl
then, and she wasn't In the habit of
telling me things aa she Is now.
Although I didn't get to bed till
after 2, I was up early next morning,
because I bad promised my best ca
deta that I would be at morning pa
rade, or whatever they call It, to aay
(foodbj. Sally went with me, and It
was quite nn affecting parting. I
siinll never forget those dear boya If f
llvo to be a hundred, though I can't
remember any of their nnmps. n after
all I lost the cord I meant to keep always.
The Pur feed Lav.
Secretary Wilson says:
'On of
,t'"' ,,,jw'' of I he law Is to infi rm the
l",'","(,T !'1 preri.rfj cf j-eitsi.i
"'J; ', '.i n,,7": ,"'!" ,,h!
S.7rOTi?" op!,, """'.od
, other habit forming drug be stated
i''""""'! "ve always rlrtlirie 1 that
their remedy dH not contain any of
nies nrugs. ari'i tne tiuth of this
claim is now fully proven, as no men
tion of thern is made on the label.
This remedy Is not i nly one of the
safest, Lot one of tlm beet in use for
coughs snd colds, its value has been
proven beyond cpiestion during the
many years it has been in general use.
For sale by Daly ard Hall.
Nolle for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land OMIco at Lakeview, Oregon,
December 'Si, V.hlH.
Nut ire Is hereby given that OLK
KOLKI.M, of lily, uregon. who, on,
Nov. '2f, WOT, made Homestead Kntry j
w... iur on
.o. .iin. Merlal ?o. m:i.f) for
Upiarter, .Section 17, Township 30 a.,
auailt) JC WUI Meridian, has Hied
notice of intention to make Final
I Commutation Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be-
fore Register and Receiver, at Lake-
view, uregon, m the lUth day of Feb.
Claimant mmes as witnestes Wm.
K. Kutter, 11. .1. Lanukam, Kristian
Jorgensen, ofWy, Oregon, John
Jbcolisen. of Lakeview, Oregon.
D3I 10 J. N Watson, Register.
Timber Land Notlc
Department of tbe Interior, U. S.
Land Orilce at Lakeview, Oregon,
November 2.J, 1IKJ8.
Notice is hereby given that Harry
M. (ilazier, of Sacramento, Calif, who
on iov. t.
stoDe Aoolication. No. 0850. for SK
quarter. Section 28. Township 37 8.,
Kauge 1 1 iv, win. Meridian, has Died
notice of intention to make Final
Proof to establish claim to tbe land
above described. before County Clerk
niamain uo., at bis office, at Klam
ath Fulls, Oregon, on tbe 6th day of
Feb. 1909. I
Claimant Dames as witnesses : Dao j
JohDson, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, !
Oda Craven and Frank Howard of j
Lakeview, Oregon, and Ollie Howard I
of Hly, Oregon. j
D3F5 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber Land .tlre-
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
November. 23, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that MIL
TON Bfc'RT RICE, of Lakeview, Ore
gnu. wbo, on Nov. 10, 1908, made
Timber and stone Application, No.
080.!. for E half SV quarter. Section
33, ..Township 3G 8., Ranoe 19 E.,
Will. Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final Proof, to
establish claim to tba land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver,
at Lakeview, Oregon, on tbe Ilth
day of Feb. 190y.
Claimant names as witnesses: C.
(3 Dusenoerry, O. W.Rice. Mabel'
Rice, tieo. Lynch, all of Lakeview,
J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber I. and Xotlre
Department -f the Interior. U. S.
Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregcn,
November 25, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given that Lillie
E . Harris, of Lakeview, Oregon, who
on November 00, 1908, made Timber
and Stone Application, No. 0772, for
W baif SW quarter and SE quarter
SW quarter, Section 28, Township 38
S., Range 21 E., Will. Meridian, has
tiled notice of intention to make
Final Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Keister
and Receiver, at Lakeview, Oregon,
cu the 8th day of Feb. 1909.
Claimant names us w itnesses: Gran
ville llardisty, Sarah Garrett, Gordon
Garrett, Furnham E. Harris, all of,
D3F5 J. N. Wuteon, Register.
Timber Land' Xoilee
Department of the Interior U. S.
Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
November 25, 1908
Notice is beretiy given that William
N. Dishop, of Lakeview, Oregon, who
Nov, 10, 1908, niade Timber and
Stone Application.No 0833, for S half
NE quarter, NE quarter bE quarter.
Section 19, Townxbip 37 S., Range 20
E., Will. Meridian, has tiled uotice
of intention to make Final Proof, to
establsh claim to tbe laud above des
cribed, refoie Regieterkaud Receiver,
Bt Lakeview, Oregon, on the 'ICtb day
of Feb 1909.
Claimant names as itnetes : W.
II. Meudel), I!. I., A. II.
Hamum, C. A. Hermi t, all of Luke
view. Oregou.
D3F5 J. N. Watsou, Register.
Timber liiid .ollee
Department of the Interior, U. B.
Lund Ottico at Lakeview, Oregou,
January 11, 1001).
Notice is herehy given that ANNA
M. NE1LON, of Lakeview, Oregon,
who, on August 31, 1UU8, made Timber
and Stone Application, No OiTil), for
Lots 1, 2, SW quarter N V quarter,
Section Ul, Township 'M 8., I!ange Id
10., Will. Meridian, has tilod notice of
intention to make Final Proof, to
establish claim to tbe laud above
deaoribed, befor Hegister and Iioeiv
er. at Lakeview, Oregon, on the 27th
day of March, 1900.
Claimant uaraes aa wltuesses: Wal
ter Howard and (Juy W. Klee, of
Lakeview, Oregon.
M18 J. N. Watsou, Renter.
Fever sores and old chronio sores
should not bt tbealed entirely, bu
should lie kep t In healthy oouditloo.
This can be done by applying Cbam
berlaio'a Salve. Ibis salve has no
superor for this purpose. It is also
moat excellent for ebapped batiks,
sore nipples burns and diseases of tbe
skin, or sale by Daly & Hall.
l a r
1 P)
71 tSKSSS&rasG.
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor k
Lesley Dental Cream
An Ideal
Tooth Paste
Absolutely Free m Absolutely Free
A full weight tube of this
delightful tooth paste free to
anyone mailing this ad with
4 cents in stamps to cover
The Owl Drug Company
611 Mission Street Mailorder Department San Francisco, Cal.
j akeVieW ClgSf FaCtOf)1
. Storkmc... Prop.
Maker of
Havana and
Domestic Cigars
Give ns a trial. Store in the trick
building next door to Post King sa
loon keview. Oregon.
Nolde & Reynolds
House, Sign and Carriage
Papering and Kalsomining
Office with Woodcock & Unrues
General uiueksmittis i
Lakeview . - Oregon
A representative in this country
by a larg,e real estate corporation.
Special Inducement to those who
wish to become financially interest
The Real Estate Security Co.
Fort Dearborn Bldg. Chicago, 01.
All farmers or fruit growers In
Lake county are hereby uotified tnat
under the state law it is imperative
that all fruit trees should be sprayed.
For that reason fruit growers must
obtaiu proper appliances in order that
such work can be doue duritig the
period previous to huddiug iu the
spring. It is knowu that two danger
ous fungus growths already bave
found lodgement in tbe county.
Spraying will destroy all ii6ecta aud
fungus growth. All fruit growers will
observe this oiUcial uotice, aud com
ply with the requirements of the law.
Dated, New Pine Creek, Ore., Deo.
19 1908.
A. M. Smith, Inspector.
Baw ft. Kind Vou Have Always Bought
All the latest l ewa contained in
The Exatuiuer.
The bst Vanquero
saddle on the market
Also a complete line of
wagon and boggy har
ness, whip., robes, bits,
rlates, spurs, qulrta, rose
ttes in fad everything In
the line of carriage and
horse furnishing. Re
pairing by competent
0 t
Perfect for
Teeth aud Gums
Send your name and ad
dress on a postal and we will
mail you our three new com
plete catalogues, free, postage
Ttm't r but becaiue mrr war
the rruwlir vets a new auupIt. f rtwlilv
tested and imt ud. Yon run no risk of
poorly krjitorreninaHt tux-k. Wtitake
the Daint: tou set th remilu. BavofthA
bet eqaipp! &ml moet njurt teed grow
ers m America. It is to onr adT&ntatr? to
unary yon. W e will, f or eale erery-
uere. our M-m Annual rrr.
W rite to
DatroM, Mich.
8 , fwn im " n, i
The deanest.liahtest
and most comfortable
At the same time
cheapest in the
end Decause it
u-MPt lnnrtt
$350 Everywhere
Every garment '
waterproof Catalog Iree
Timber 1-and tsotle
Department of the Interior, U. 1.
Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
November '2", 1908.
Notice is hereby given that Iva B.
Fox, of Klamatn Fallo, Oregon, wbe
on Nov. 7, 1108, mude Timber aud
Stone Application, Xo 0791, for 8
half SW quarter, section 11, Township
38 S., Rauge 18 K, Will. Meridian,
haa tiled notice of intention to maKe
Final Proof, to etablUh claim to tbe
lauda above described, before County
Clerk Klamnth Co., ut his orilce at
Klamath Faliti, Oregon, on the 9 th
day of Feb. 1909.
Claimaut names as witneses: Fred
Noel, T. M. O'Counell, Arnold Press,
of Klatuatb Falls, Oregon, and C. 11,
Dusenberry, of Lakevixw Oregon.
DUF5 J. N. Watson, Register.
Dealer In Real Estate
1 bave listed some of the tafc.
Ranches, Timber Lauds and Town
property in Northern Califorula, a
country that is bound to improve rap
Idly. AlturaH, California.
Our bargain counter will pleane
you. Bailey & MaHHliilU
rSr', U ft .
hiJA .Mit. '
a fir k i
Y V 909