TWO LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER, I.AKMihW, OHF.coN, TIH'KSDAY, JAN. 2f, ".WO Lady jBetty jA.cross the "Water By C. N. Cf A. M. WILLIAMSON Copyright. 1906. ky McClurm. VhilUpj fcQ C. T C"it"I-I hardly have sui- V jV" ''l I,,s'''' ,,l;lt tluTo wore ns i sS'Jfo many people In t ho whole IfV-v'i world put together ns at .fij ' " Coney Island, anil most of them were In pit Ira. Bke the nnhnaN on their way to tlu rk. Thoy nil siciicd to le engaged t" itch other and delighted v Ith rttch ether's co, 1,-t . else married and ireadfttllv tin' of It. Or they tad dyspepsia. Or el.--r Ihov tad brought too many of their children, for ttk-y hail drotcs of very ones, who ielloweI loti'ler than av.y Lnglis'i children I ever suv .1 t. launized ver their parents in Ui.- m.i.;t iinhrl 4led way. But Coney Island was tin. and I It more than ever that I was dream fcj a lun,;. Ions dream of .n.,!s and huge hotels and queer little ho-Hhs. For dinner we ate nothing luit fish. f so many different kinds a;j I some ef them so Strang.1, that I ulinxxt feared the dream might turn into a n'uhtninre afterward. I foutid the dams rather Ike olives. You hate the tl r t. but when you have had three you feel you would like three dozen, and they are mot at nil easy to forget. We went down under the sea and were Introd'H-ed to horrific mnusters, called up uud on switchbacks. much the same thins sometimes, hut I couldn't. I found the Hudson too jy-vid for otty Jealousy. It seemed to ine ur great, nohle poem, rolling on and on fu splendid cadences, nnd I have heard some music of Wagner's that It reminded me of somehow. The hills or mountains I'm not sure which to call them evcu the Palisade which have lnH'ti so dinned luto my ears, were not high enough to satisfy mo at a first glance, hut soon 1 saw 't was their grouping nnd their IHTfoiA ir."Mrtlon In relation to each other which ilo them so exquisite. As we steamed oa iong the green and ism v-.i.'v.. It uti rtvn better fwti it my htil Imn ordinary tourist. sh their lVrshut rugs and their silver golden flood between banks that ap- i things and their dozens of nicer pea-vd to fall hack la admiration 1 In- Vhuunis and their curiosities from nil gai to love the Hudson so much that ; over the world. I eou'd have shrieked with rage at thu j , skl(l il)tt,.r what he would do great staring advertisements oa hoard- : wn ie Wns ordend away, tngs. What can the scenery have done f ..Thut ti,-llt.nds on where I'm or to Americans that they should do their , ,iered." said he. "If I don't like the lKt to spoil It? No wonder most of ,,liu.ti rl nnd l n mere clt. them come over to see ours, which we j u wt,uld be easy to get back again have the sense to let n'.ne even If It ' Ilt ,lle nnuy lf tlure wort, UIiy f'." ! going." a:!,l Mr. Parker laughed at my. -what kind of fun?" I wanted to fury, but 1 didn't fee how they could , know. MKe It so crih'ily. "It Isn't my seen- ; ..A var wltll Some!.o,lv. of course," ery. so I don't trouble myself." Buld s.lK1 j,,.. M,.,, n!1Vt, thl, luost cxtraord. I -otter when I asked why he didn't get llurv lllpaii of lin Hnt tnov BWM t0 up a secret nirht expedition tj burn or j, uMU. ubout ,, , EK.llu ,i chop down nil the hoardlugs. But I'm ( Ai::ii-Ii-a. They are never so happy sure Ellw'lisb Dsoi)le aren't careless Uk u-hen thev re klllln unmet lilmr or Each person thinks the good of ,,. ,.,,,.. nf .,.,,nB, ul,,, ,iwnl.iv.w. I can't Imagine how it would feel to be I uot inA .., t i t... ... i ltf7 lUni, L'Ul RIHM, 111 J IV different we should hate them. And mat. the whole country i his business at ii-ast one would suppose so by the way j everybody who comes to Hattlemead i aI1.U. n...t ...V..: , ii.. i. ...... ,..,., uu ......!. U. ,...OMC Ui- potUr 1(X)ked go noe , hU sol(,er .ii,. ,, uu.. n dothes (which he got Into while mmmiis, luongn. in America only ponce- i men and people who live l.i Wash; i-.- j Coney Island ua tin. which made Mrs. Ess Kay 111, but she obly refused to desert me in such sur roundings a state of mind which ade-her chin look incredibly square. Eventually,. after many adventures by tbn way. we arrived at the moon, and mt only got Into the middle of it, but cade acquaintance with the inhabit ants, none of whom appeared to be rer two feet hl'h or to have anything to speak of letweeu their chins and ttelr toes. After that experience, min tref shows and concerts and persons who told your fortunes with snakes, or te glass, were rather an anticlimax; tfll,. I enjoyed them nil so much that I was IneapaMe of extreme annoyance when, we- discovered that the Evening l&t had an "impressionist sketch" of ie which made me look like aa elder ff murderess. got back to New York almost indecently late, but In the meaner parts through which we had to pass o the way to our gorgeounness the streets s'.van.:ed with poor creatures, paV" 'i heat, evidently preparing Y'amp out of doors till luov:iin;. It was a strange and iu.eres:! u Mg'il. but mode me fce g-illty when I re- calleil it nf erv.ard iu my j-i.-.-it eo-j kedroom, with my five di.7eient Uiu Is af baths. HfiKt tt-o:-ui!ig I was v.-al;e;l c-nrl.v ti Aud moie pi-.sei::?. of flower:! in huge .lacks and to g.-t ready for West Point f.was a liitie tire from yesterday, Hry h-rx gave ine fiilher the SSiutlou of being a scientist's Held mouse fu a vacuum, so that I should lave dreaded even a short journey lf we hadn't been making It by water. It was even better than If we bad fetoeu ordinary tourists on one of the Wg Hudson river boats I had heard bout, for we were to travel luxuri ously iu a little steam yacht of Pot fcfcr's,. which he calls the Poached Egg hhcause It can't be beaten. It Is not a isalgnr yucbt, as one might have thought from the name, but a dainty thing that ought to have been the But terfly, Ye White Ladye or something af that sort. When I said so, Mr. darker Insisted that be would at once christen her Lady Betty, which would have a prettier meaning than anything else, and then I waa sorry Fa spoken. I bad expected to be disappointed in Ob river, because nearly everybody I awt on board ship tried to Impress Boa tn that we bad nothing half so gpotK tn England, while aa for the, KOlne, ft wasn't a patch on the nnd- I even wanted to be disappointed. vt patriotism, or spltjU-whlciLf.r. got Into wliiie we were miking ourselves pretty for lunch) that I couldn't help thinking It would be a pity for him to leave the army. His friend was Invited to lunch with ns tit iiinL-f. tin for anr-rtttcltiiv lit Victoria would like ihis rule, for she nousp ne ,3 nU,or ,,,,,. or nas )nr-'-ea to me mat political questions bore her, and she would much rather be talked to about love or motoring or even bridge, but she ton care about politics really except to get benefits for themselves, cud It isn't good form to be too much Interested in such things. evcu Mr. roremus. but not half so haudsome or brave looking, or with such a charming voice as poor Jim Brett, who Is not. I suppose, a gentle- I man except by nature: otherwise he .-ouldn't have been In the steerage. I thought It was silly to have wfra nettings In all the doors and windows. Just tokeepaway a few Innocent midges, nmil we sat out after lunch. There is a always reads the newspapers hard for tlfteen minutes while Thompson does her hair, lf she's going out to a big lunch or dinner, so that she will be up lu everything and able to talk bril liantly to members of parliament or stuffy old things In the house of lords. I calmed down somewhat after I'd 1 pleasant balcony with an upstairs nnd b second llcutennnts next yrsr. t . ..II . .. ...... W I .. . . I ft nrver votiiu iiikv nun u iiiirrrsi in Eton boys, the few I have seen, for ' they look such children that one would Ih positively ashamed to bother with them, but the West Point cadet (though one couldn't exactly take them seriously like regularly grownup men, perhaps) fascinated me front the very first glnnce through Potter's Virginia creeper. They looked as If th.y thought a lot of themselves, and the girls they were with had the air of encouraging them to think It. I won dered what kind of things they snld to girls and secretly longed to find out. It seems that In summer the cadets leave Ihelr barracks and go Into camp, which Is n time of year that the girls who visit West Point and those whose fathers are si a Honed there like very much. Wo had a glimpse of the tents from the long street of the olllcers' quarters, nnd after we had visited a few technical things lu which I wns too pollie to show that I was hardly Interested we strolled over to where we could see t'ue little white pyramids gleaming under the stars and stripes. 1 had been afraid that nil the cadets would have gone away to Flirtation Walk with girls, but to my joy there were plenty left lu camp. On chairs under the trees near by two or three ladles were silling with some white butterfly girls, nnd a crowd of cadets were talking to them. "There's a great pal of mine. Mrs. Iurcnce." said Captain Colllngwood. "She would love to know you, Ijtdy Betty. lfc you mind If I introduce you to each other?" "See here, that means we shall te hitched up with nil thnt lot of cadets." Potter objected quite crossly. "What's the good of wasting time?" I hurried to any that 1 shouldn't con sider il a waste of time, that I should be delighted to u t Mrs. Laurence and also a few sample cadets. If any could be provide I for the consumption of an Inipiirlii P.rltish tourist. Captain Colllngwood thought that one rr two might le found who would bjvt to the sacrifice, and Ave I niiuuic inter i wns inn ing more run j than I IimiI ever had before In my life. Mrs. Laurence was sweet and so tactful. She scarcely talked to me at all. cxvpt to a -k me how I liked America nnd n few of the things peo ple are obllgvl to get off their minds wheu they meet a foreigner, and theu she Introduced five cadets. I wns terrified for a minute, because until I left home my whole (youthful) male experience consisted of one brother, three cousins and two curates, dealt with separately and with long, sleepy intervals between. I Ix-gnu to wonder how I could possibly ninnag five tall youths at once and to rack my I brains for the right kind of conversa- I Continued on Pane Three 5 New Clubbing: j Proposition I" A J lv have nn.'injrnl to oiler i V V this paper, the v I I I I in connection . i t new inoiiiniy farm magazine just started at Lincoln, Nel., Iv Prof. II. V. Campbell antl tlevotcd to the subject of how to farm iu the tlry country find how to get best results from soil tillage under normal conditions. This paper is "Campbell's Scientific Fanner" and we oiler it clubbed with the Hxnminer both for $2.f) per year cash. Frof. Camp! ell's new paper is a monthly , chock full of good things, the only paper of its kind in the world, and it embodies the i csults of the editor's many years of pains taking investigation of the soil tillage proposition. A Shot with Every Tick of Watch SIX SHOTS IN FOUR SECONDS Free Hook tells of this (Jim This lliimmcrlcriH Kepetiter Is the iikimI rmdd loinm uiin mode e ii'in every Kiinwu improvement en. v takc-i nwii fcniure. hi W br-ech block, covered iiiccIiuiiIhiii nnd top rib If deMlrvd. Cut (lb g kIiows our other shot guns, doubles, hIiiuIch, etc. PRICES, $5 TO $27 feaTA postal brings our book HtLK. Address. THE UNION FIRE ARMS CO., 451 AuburnJale, TOLEDO, OHIO. ; It vj nyy ii recovered from the first shock. There was so much to admire that It seemed a shame to fret Besides, It wns sooth ing to sit on the yacht's deck under a pale green awning, drinking what I call a lemon squash and Totter and Sally obstinately believe to be lemon ade. While Mrs. Ess Kay angrily rea l a downstairs, which Potter and Cnptaiu Colllngwood call the "piazza." and it would have been delightful sitting tuere while the men smoked If appail lug little animals with a ridiculous IiiiujUt of thin, stick out legs hadn't come buzzing around us. They were saucy looking things, got up lu loud nasty paragraphs about herself and 1 suits of black and gray stripes, not In hilariously about her friends lu a re ular highwayman of a paper. Smart Sayings. Sally Woodburn told me charming legends of the Hudson, dear old Dutch things, most of them, which had been made into plays and poems. and I was sorry when we came to West Point at last But I wasn't sorry for long. The minute we got on shore at a quaint lit tle landing shoved Incongruously In 1 among beautiful wooded hills, the most exquisite Bcents of ferns and trees and sweet, moist earth came hurrying down to welcome ua. Eton Is uot more beautiful than West Point, and as we drove up the hill under an arbor of trees I saw that the buildings cleverly the least like our quiet, respectable midges at home, and they weren't even honorable enough to wait until sunset before attacking you. They pricked horribly, like plus your maid has stuck In the wrong places, and thev had a horrid penchant for your ankles. I was sorry I had on clocked stockings: And I apologized heartily to Potter for poking fun at his wire nettings. Though It was so hot. the air was delicious. It smelt of new mown grass 1 A Horrible Mold l'p ' About ten years ago my br'ther was "held up" in his work, health ami happiness by what wns believed to be hopeless consumption, " writes W. II. Lipscomb, of Washington, X. (J. "He took all kinds of rwmedios and treatments from several doctors. but found do belt) till be uced Dr. I Kind's New Discovery and was wholly cured by tlx bottles. He Is a well man today." It's quick to relire and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs and Colds, Uionhcitis, La Grippe. Asthma and nil Bronchial affections. OOo and 11. (X). Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by A. L. Thornton. ALBERT G. DUHME BUYS TIMBER LANDS 3XSS25 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING LAKEVIEW. OREGON. Timber Can J Notice Deourtment of the Interior, U. 8. Land OtHce at Lakeviewk Oregon, aovmb!r , V.m. Notice is hereby given thut JULIA bLLA KICK, of Lakeview, Oregon, mlw rm Vim IM 1'IOM ,,.u,lu T I , . . I o - I I .... , ... t . , . v. 1 , 1 j, uiai.j .ui.'., 1 n..u lines, wun a snarp mue spicy Bnd Stohe Abpplicatiou, No. 0842, iaug or me mica irginia creepers, for E hair 8rJ qusrter, Section 'M, which made a shadowy green room of Townshio 38.. S.. Haue 18 K.. Will. the "piazza." Birds were simply roar- Meridian, has filed notice of intention lng with lov In the trees thut over- to make Onul Proof to establish claim hung the house, and Potter and I al- contrlved to look old and gray and pic- j most quarreled because he would In- turesque, like ours. The elms lu a big green square past the top of the hill had a venerable air, too, so they must have been precocious about growing, for it doesn't stand to reason thut West Point can be as ancient as Ox ford or Eton. But anyway the elms were there, making an effect that Eng land couldn't Improve on, uud there were some gray stone barracks uud a i long line of officers' quarters built of wood and brick. I was glad thut we ' nriri tn arm. it Irh fV.ttai. Imw..h.1 s.r I going to a hotel, for I did want to see thoroughly what garrison life Is like. Potter has only half a house. though I suppose he's rich enough to buy up all West Point If It were for pale, but he had got a chum of his who livesIn the other half to clear out of his part and give It to us .for the day and night. Vic has been to Aldershot, aud even to Malta and Gib. But I never hav?. and I never saw any officers' quarters at home, so I don't know bow they compare with American ones. Potter's aud his friend's are exactly like a doll's house turned Into a museum. The rooms are tiny ana most or the ; assured me. It furniture la made to fold up, but Stan ' faut As lf I would be green with envy lf be could TloitMTl.mnd ollre. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, November 25, 1908. Notice la hereby given that ZADA M. STUDLrJV. of Lakeview, Otegon, who, oo Nov. 0, 1908, made Timber end Stone Application, No 07, for N half 8W quarter, W half SE quarter section 20. Township 38 8.. Kange 21 K. WilL Meridian, baa filed notice of intentioa to make Final Proof, to eatblish claim to the land above des cribed, before Register and Kecelver. at Lakeview, Oregon, oo the Otb day of Feb. im Claimant names at witnesses: Oeo. II. Lyoob, Thomas Studley, F. L ttoae. U. VV. Hardiaty, all of Lake view, Oregon. D3F5. J. N. Watson, Register slst thut some huge creatures bopping about on the grass were robins. They would have made three of ours and were much more like quails that had split strawberry Juice on their breasts. By and by Captain Colllngwood ask ed lf "Lady Betty didn't want to go and see things." "She's booked to me for Flirtation Walk," said Potter, before I could an swer. "Three's a crowd there, old chap." On which I regret to state Cup tain Colllngwood suggested that Pot ter should teach his own grandmother something about nourishing herself with on egg diet. "Anyhow. I suppose you don't ob ject to a rearguard for Inspection of camp nnd other features of public In terest," he went on, and after some hesitation Potter decided that this would be admissible. Mrs. Ess Kay and Sally both wanted to lie down (it's strange the fondness American women hove for putting themselves In a horizontal position In the daytime!), so Mrs. Ess Kay snld that she would commission her brother as chaperon; I needn't be anxious, she was quite corame II would have worried about a thing like that! I was delighted to go, because the roost Interesting groups had been pass ing the house, and It was difficult to see all you wanted to through the veil I of creepers, without continually cran ing your neck. Tall, brown faced boys, got up much like glorified Buttons, were sauntering about, holding sun shades over the heads of girls so young that tbey would have been In short frocks with tbelr hair down their backs. In England. The girls were 'n white muslin or pale colors, with charming, floppy Leghorn hats trim med with flowers, and they looked like the dalatleet, prettiest of French dolls. But I was a great deal more Interested in the youths, who were the cadets first cloasmen. Potter said, and would to the laud above described, before Register uud Receiver, at .Lakeview Oregon, on the I7h day of Feb. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Ueo. (I. Lynch. O. W. Rice. Butt 8. Tiitro, r.dwiu latro, all of Lakeview, Ore gon. VtFfi ' M Wnr Reviapf N t c lor Publication Department of the Interior, U. K. Land Office at Lakeview. Oregon. December 22, 1908. Notice is hereby given that JOHN O. HVEEN, of Lakeview, Oregon. who on Nov. 20,1907, made Home stead Entry No. 3tHl. (Serial No. 0935) for lots 1 2, K halt NW quarter, NE quarter KW quarter Section .10, Township .17 H. , Ka ngel 17 E. , Will. Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to make Fiual Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described. before. Register ind Receiver, at Lake view, Oregon, oo the 13th day of Feb. 1309. Claimant names as witnesses: John Jaoobson, 1. M. Cory, of Lakeview, Oregon, Ole Soleitu, Kristian Jorgeu-1 sen, of lily, Oregon. 1)3110 J. N. Watson, Register. Not lee tor Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Lund Office. Lakeview, Oregon, Jan uary 7. 1909. Notice is hereby given that the State of Oregon has filed its applica tion to select under tbn provisions of the act of August 14, 1848, and the acta supplemental and amen.iutorv tbeteto. the HW quarter. 8eo 9, T. 36 8.. R. 21 E-, W. M.. per list No. 0953. Any and all persons claiming adver sely tbe lands described, or deBirV'g to object because of tbe mineral character of tbe land, or for any other reaaon, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest In this office, on or before tbe Mb day of March. 1909. J. N. Watson, Register. Tbe foregoing notice will be pub lished In the Lake County Examiner, u weekly newspaper, printed and pub llsbed at Lakeview. Oregon, for at least thirty days prior to tbe date last mentioned In the above notice. J21M5 J. N. Watson, Register. UiMMmiaUMail(tMlrrrffleiIHtt 1 r zjl jt 2 n iirnir.iirM nnu A. E. FOLLETT. New Pine Creek, - - Oregon Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol will digest it You n4 a, sufficient amount of food wholesome food and more than this you need to fully digest It. Else you can't gain strength, nor can you strengthen your stomach If It is weak. You must eat In order to lire and maintain strength. You must not diet, because the body requires that you eat a suffic ient amount of food regularly. But this food must be digested, and it must be digested thoroughly. When the stomach can't do it, you must take something that will help the stomach. The proper way to do is to eat what you want and let Kodol di gest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the stomach is weak it needs hejp; you must help it by giving it rest, and Kodol will do that Our Guarantee Oo to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and if you can lionestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from it, after using the entire bottle, the drug gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. We will pay the druggist the prlca 1 of the bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the large , bottle only and to but one la a family. We could not afford to make such I an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt ua The dollar bottle contain ZH times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol Is made at the laboratories of E. 0. DeWltt ft Co., Chicago. For Sale by - - Daly & Hall ! ! 33