0 minimr J Mil !07o a VOL. XXX !,aki;vii:v, i.aki: county, ohkoqn, Tmi;HAV, .jantahv jh, nxy. no. Fori A Sispr mmi I act my on r i r r i -a t 1 i r esident its Martin Asks for Data to Msnre Tl I we 9 U"-k ii Best I rang m yregon Such an Enterprise Means a Million Dollar Investment, Here i Nov is The Time for Every one Here to Get Busy f..r 1! ill I U I'll tl H i r in ii i in I In t Ii.' ex dullm Kvi'l V'H.i' t-huiiM know what ttu1 ittitl luliiiieiil nl ii licit ftui'iir linli'iy Ini'iinx In ii town, mi I tin' 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 ruiiiiliy ini'l fiMily a ln"i mi almost ci xi it I I'iii lint' in I i r I 'ml IllllK)lll nil HlO tllli,'"! i t iil,ll M ll.'ht iiiiiiI l:i tin III t a , pt-lnllt urn ni ii mi Hi i fur ttm i limt itlniM ; H place, n lui'iiii'i ii Hi I i 'f i. n ' ii tliuilrt Mi linn I f luli u lu Hie cult I tiun iii iI .l epiiral Inn ul ti n I i l l -, i b'ko rem ii '-i ii l'ii. '! m i I'll . i- i.i devoted to I lo-ir vi n.'. I It. Tin' int itl.ll iluui'iit nl kiii'Ii ii fin-tury hi Liili-vl'-tv ilium, .in. ill ii. cull nil in llll-i- of HUT ' nl. ll lull I'V S'VI-rnl tl;i.iit.iii.. ulit Ii In tni ) sm nl I mi . m Increased liiiliii'M" iin.l ptuspiritv fur every f 1 1 lent. Its i-uining mi iiII hIhii ini-'in e.n ly cutlet i iii'I mil i.f mil niii.it', ruiliiitt'iu frmii l.iikiii' hi ii renter. 'I'liii tent-Ills l i In' ili'tnuil would In ill ll It; ll inriili-liliilli- l"l LaketieA mi I tin. tril.itltiiy country. The cuud it ii u- In' 1 1 hit such ii (limit urn I leal. Ui' lime ih null, mi l ex pel iinciittt lii Hi" ciilliin- nf ciuur ..I I !n' . mil ill In I i- nf illy wi'li Ii I.U ll ki. i"H i 1 1 1 i 1 1' ii! -.I I-. l i il. i t lurl lull. I In- lil't, T 1 1 r Ini'l. Iihh pr f tllll-t iH I'l.llt.U I I I 1)1 !..'. I I I I I..T, t hill t !i- 11 I I I I I I I..' Vnlit I . i'i.' . m ' in i. in i . ) n il J I - 1 Mil l II I I Ul I'l.i I'.i I'll I. P. llinl. I III.' i' I l-lf I lu ll). Ill ll.l -. I llill l, II I I ill- I. Hi. I 'ii.l.ii'li I did-" I..iki' i .ill.-v 111! ll. U' I I HI' -, Mil ll.ll I lit I'll I I ' run I.f ilunii hy tlx- imiiiiy i liul.lt r, u!l i nn! luMwIy lu tlii-iii ihii lit- no luld-r liM-nlity H lii i't m it' nr li'tniy I I. an Mill. I ln'ii-. I.vi-ii IIhihi' a tin ni'- pi in 'i i ;i u tt ut 1 III III I'lllll ill, W lllll- IIW lilt INK I III- I I ill'- !iliK rMii.l, run ili-vi'lK t I i- lmiil I 'twt'i-il tin' llfi-M In I. i'i! rnillli't i'lll Willi llltlt, t llIM III! HI li illli IM'iill- if Iivi-Iiiiu I fur t lii'ii m iiinl f : f i il n . In in- if tiif-i- l.irtt. liui litiiiiy tuiii-lu-il iipun. it il-Mth H tlif iluty nf i'Vi ry i.i. ! Inn- t i irml tin- l'-lti-r ni !'ri riilfiit Mm I in, j-ilii: jlli' I l.clnw, itti't llif-n tu tui.ii imi'intn f'.rnri liim nil il. tin hii I m I ii-uliir. i i-l.il ink I i tin- cil.j"ct Mini ii lum. llili- tu In- nil l.iini. I. 1 1 i- t-'-i-urititt 'I l.i' t fif ir liirtiity nil-nut ci-ii- nl t iiu l.iii t t'linh in Oi'-.iiii, u ll fi I-.tki'V i.-.i. ii'il It. . ) : t ! 1 )n- rl.ii f ' i'iii fl' iiit 'i... 'l"i-. finin tl j- ill .,..lnl t!.i fi-Ki-.l Jnr In Mr. M i ! i i -Imul I In pi'iinl t ri-iit liii:i : KmifiiM City. M I'm. 1 1. V.xr.K I n- 1 .1 11. .L.I. .11. ('unity !'.M iii!i"r, i r . i- v. Our n:"l i'tl i. : n tut In- puint. t i.iit. it in I.ii!:. tiult. In f ni ii I- li 1 1 tl;" I'm th ( I )' iill'-y. tiiiit cu.Mir im l.nve ii'-it-H,i- y -ni itli ilntu runi'irri iu 1 (iifiir l i'ft- in (jrjr (. if V I'hll hi. OA' tj(. I) lll-t tK CHII l)H H'la II ill Vlli-y. aii'l tliit nl.cn J crruMi tlii--n l.i.ftn co'if'tin flu! irmit-r J 'IUi ti'-i fit' IlIHkitl ft ft -"ItftP I "-t fni'tfiry In I, i ii't i iv i- :ii-,iir-'l. We kn nv i,i 'in li"t r 'vny tu wt lliin iiifni mill nui tliHii fur you, t hrnutjli tin c ilu 'ri-i nf yu ir npi-r, tu M-k thf riti.Ti-. nf d,i','i. f.iki- nil-l'-y fur hip-fi i nfur-i ni lull nit'n-v n.ny fuvnii t tj i h nilji'i't. I'hi-! m h s-p.'n-lul uppnrttuiity tnr tli; .".p; nf (ifintu; Ifiki) valley to ht-riire. h f, l'-n-liij iii'iiiitry. Jim f)yrr Co. i.-i mm i f th- htr.'tiu'"Ht Cuii.tiiii) p.-. Il i-in-cinlly. hi IIih liiihiin-.M. Wm ;is!c the riti"ij( f LukiM i'-'.v mi I l;u('o. tu iiirist us in i-ci'iirniL' thi- ntt'i nrisH ny tiiviuu ih mii-fi inruruitil pui ! ' !it-y limy linvi; i:n t fi nul.i-i-t Wry truly y ' ui Ori'K'in Viill-y 1iikI t'o. K .J. M irtin. t I.Hkt ll" ll-W . ir : I. Hi J "ir Wi lun :i ! li'iilili'iM nf t MU irl rii tit 1 t ii h'i i li' im: n! Ili i 1 1 urn t in' Du rl'o, .iiiir w i . r k with hfiil-v-iniiil. i H.in. hi r'-iiiir i h t-uifir l.i-i-t liii'tuiy at Hoag Gold PJliners an Sacking Ore Good 1.000 a Ton! .I ..ii 'ii ...l- .; in i l llll :nu' 1,1 III.- I hllllill ii rn 1 1 nil if inch a Unit, Gigantic Timber Lana Frauds Uncovered in Idaho and Oregon r.tstofiii tor 1m l it.- I'.iil lii U. It lll.il" .Mill.H .'I. -I l in .t my : 1'iit ' '' 1 1 h l lt.it in' ii- iii ri i'i I Ninik'rlt nt mini. r I ii f i r n i - i t n I it fi i rn IMlli trill I ill Iri.lil ('mil L'l .-Hlli.ill I . lit' I' litl.'1 t l ttt'.l nt V-!.li,Kllul ). C. I :;ni i'.'ii-s, u h iHitik' tinii in- In. ' i ii . i in in luli-il it I'.. I (ll':ro nt Mim-ril City in tin- linn,- iiiiiiiuu iliitrii-t. Mr. I ) ( 'iiiiiinr i' x pi'i 1 14 imt i('i 1 1 uni I lit I'i.mI Mn.lrr I't'iii'iiil Unit I In- dIIK'i- Ulll Ik I-illll ll-lli'il. I 'lU'li'lit H'llt lllrll i i-uiii nii-inli'il Mr. V('utiiiur n- Wm: M 'iltiT. A Reported Certain Cure for Pneumonia In Its Worst Stages Wl.nt pruini lei ni" to unit tliU tu tin' wnrl. I? A fni'iiil nl mint-, l'lnf I'hHor lloiiry 1'. KuuiiiIh, roicHt-dr of int'il li'lnit at (.'orni-ll I'nivcriity, lio llil-.l with I'lHIIUlOll ill lltrt ('Ll iHt IllllH. , . 1 11 1.1 t I . . . . n . . i .. i i. i nun nil inn Kt-nnt-iii' t-n H mi t l f'lLlu nkill, Tl hxHimiior j.ul.l.nli it f,. r ,.,,,. uliva ,liMl! ,,,,.. ,v ttllPt ! inn unit ii'lvK t-, ami 1 htn-liy cliul ' W ASH I '( i'i i.V. .Iiinii ii y l:t Sinrt liiiil infi rm tlo i nf nl 1 I it-t nn-lint; Ir.nnN iipun tin- pnlul - I imU Iih i-uti;h into tin.' puf-t-hHiiiu i. S fietnry t inr lli'M I In niiuli pt-i'liil iit'iMiti '1 lit- iillt-nnl ii n inn. li- Hint itpprm until I H n I, l h n , ihI wortli uf Imul in St.tt . in iin-ipiilly wi-t-t of tin- N i fi.---i; liner Iiiivh lii-i-n fr'it.'l -iitly mipi irtil within tin. list tun ycnrit liy ruinir nt nitiN mi I mil it 1 1 ) t . 1 1 -t . With it it-w t l't-iMivt-riiitf tln-rti liui'ln Si'i-rctniy (inrlli'lil linn t lit lt-t-1 1-r m tu hit i r ii i n ii Unit? mnl Tiiwniy, nt tht- S'-iuite an 1 lliiiie Apprnpri.i t inn i-iiniinitti'i-M, ri-hi i cti .ly. tixkiiik.-f-r mi h I'IiIiuiihI itpprtiiri::l mil nt .'.iii.ii'm, which it trrmiteil. with that tilri'iiily Ht-ktnl fur. will tfive thn ! I'lirtini'iit f l.(Hk,iitiil for that imrpure. St-i'rctiiry (inrlli'lil nNo cul.initri it tititti'incnt nf II. l. Schwnrtz, Chief if tln I'it'ld St-rvii-i", (ihtiiiit nv-r M'J.Otui ili-tinot i-tiiii-it nf ullt-Ufit Iiin l frwudri 'loinuinliiiu further inve.itifH lion. Of such CBrteit mviiitinn iuresti Hit t Inn (heru me In Oreun l.HU; '" tli I n u' 1 1 mi nn I .Vmtli I'luho, l,!-5i; Miintiinn, :'.!'.-: Ct.lui inin. H.frjl : Ariz urn, l'"!; Wytunin. Ul,l.'i"i; Utah, uu I Nutt Mf-xifo. J.'.'OO. OUR NEIGHBORS SEEKINGJ BOOM Tlio AlturHrt Kt-piililiciiii liiiys : A r t i i-1i-ii nf iiifnirporHt inn nf thfi Alturas KchI r.i-tnt anil Miuiiiu Kxi'lnuiL-e, wen- llli"l In th' clerk's otlu-H l"Ii in cnrntiMiij Una ju.st lii-en oriianized unci in con.ptfeil nf h umii'X-r of cur Null.), tulitutitnt). Ijiihln e.-.-t nii'ii wbo.4e oliji-i-t in tl.o ln-tternieiit bu1 the up ImilliuK "f Altur.iH bu I Mo.iinj county. The otllctTH t.f thp incurpor Mtiou nr" 11. 1-mit-r, Prii.li-iii : J. K. Nili-s, Vice l'refi'leut ; S. K. Hunch, Secret hi'V ; an I Luuin Shutv, Treaiiiirer LHkerio' slionlil Imi-tir itai-lf in a' fiimiliir wny. Tie Tut Hifjwell C-.,. J Nniiiiit, nf i I'im Jit mys : liy careful ntinjy hihI I ilillk-t lit lul nr t lie Crinnl fj;i-- I iimi iiu'him are fHi-t pliu'inn their mining f if f " I : i - in i)e for the titl" of an ; (.'rent pi'u'l iiceiH na ther.. are in the ;ii' rth. '1 lie leilt-e upnn which nurk in ' lit-ini pruHHcuteil uu viijoruusly in alxiut three feet ile and hicitatfiuK ! rapidly, the pay i-chute hii-h consists j nf di-i-uiiipn-ed ip-mrtz is veiy rich i and wiila-ray one tliotiHiiud dolliu per ton nr tietter. The vein in in place ' and no doulit cxintn as to timlity At present the force of miners are takini! out from fifteen to twenty t-ack.s of this ura le nf ore each day. The t-ecoud rn 1 1 o ore taketi from the three foot ledne MssayH tllty dollars to the Idu; the third irrmle ore waste 11 71 per ton. Note liy the description that every ouuee of urouud iiroken and taken from the five by seven foot tun nels contains koM in cuttleieut 4uau ities to justify savin?, none coiu? off in inick. As fast as Kfoun 1 i" broken the ores are separated ; the first Krade lieiim sacked and handled by the crew as carefully as thounh cot t in d innionds. The miners employed are LigL'y elate I ever th" ri si cr and ".nul l k'UJly fake up their waies in ftock. i M ore miners be employed au I next Monday will bey in worktutr h d.nible f-hift. THINGS ARE FINE ON THE BESERT d. L. Holbrook, the sfock man up at .luuiper .Mountain, in the centre of the county, was duiutr the metrop jlis Stturday. Ho reports little snow up there aud pleDty of rain. The crass is starting np in spleudi-1 shape, aud ives bi promise of feed for stock this year. He says sheep, cattle aud horses, are in fine con dition, and that all in all the prospect is iood for bin things for the ctock-man. Some ranchers up near Prineville organized a rabbit bunt aud killed 4,371 of them, aud are to no alter hundreds nioro. News of Interest for the Stock Growers Tim fodnwliiK tins come into our linuiln, hinl knowiiiK the ti-rriblu duiilll lute tine to piintiiiion in, which HueiliH to I iilf le 111111-1 i-xpeit liii-dical the beni'llt uf our readers, feeliuu Hint It at lea-t is worthy of u trial: Kditor: Will you pli-ase nlvn inn xppca lu your t upur fur the fulluwinu mobt valuable informal Inn : THAT NOHOhV NKKIM TO DIM OK l'NKUMONlA. Tu the medical fraternity mid the iilbll.: I iiiii attain kiiuckitiu at the lours of the HonpitinH, pulling nt Urn hearti'ti Inu's of the ductois mid appealitiK to ttio cnmuioti huuhu of the public. Why do they let people die of plicii iuouIh when the lo. low inn simple ? remedy has niivcd not only myself but all who have had a clinnctt to use II? lu 'orcer.ter, Miins., Alaska, Heat tlo, Ooldtleltl, i'liHitdtinii, and Los Antit lea nt all thi'Mt places it has been tried with iiulnilliiK illt-ct. Durliitf my slay in I'liHinlena lut wluter, I mud in the Los Auiicles pnpurs of deaths from this sneaking. dreaded disease (-allied pneumonia, from two or three and up to live every tweiity four hours. At last, on the 7tu of February, l'.HiH, 1 went to Los Atiuelcti and mil the prescription lu sertud lu tour of the Los Anueles daily papers. The ruhlic. read it the Hth of February, and what a chaiiL'o. From the hii;li death rate during the winter and bofiun that day, it stopped suddenly. The daily papers recorded only one deal h a day of pneumonia, aud most all the victims were infants Jess than one year old. What was the cause of this sudden chauuD? Let mo tl'll you. It was this simple remedy, diaoovercd by mo fourteen years ano. It can be hail at any diu store lor !!." cents. Ii'iie any doctor in the United States' to come furivuid ami contradict me. j 1 am reinly to ilelcnd this remeily as an absolute cine for piieiimon in, oven in the last stiiKse. I have s.'Ll this prt'st-ri uion to the Stanford University, the Northwestern ('ullt'k'U of Medicine (('Iiicuko), (.or iiell Uuiversity uf New York, aud to numerous other places, even across tu Kiiclnnd, to some of the moil proini: out uidii there. TH K KKMLDV Saturate a ball of cotton as la rue as a one-iucli marble, it tl spirits of alcohol, add 'hreo drops of chloro formed) each I ml of cotton, place it between the patient's teeth, ami let him inhale the fumes in deep lnon breaths for llfteeu minutes; then, rest for llfteeu minutes, or louder, if needi'il ; then inhale aaiu for fifteen minutes, ami repeat the operation, as iilrecteil, for twenty, four Hints, kaml the result w ill lie that the lung's w ill expand to their normal condition, and in ttventy four hours the patieut is out of danger, ami in forty e i k 1 1 1 liniirs he is cured although weak. ChmiK col toil often. Poctors, try it. and usa it fori humanity 'h sake aud the public tor your own wellare. Cut this out It may come handy some time. Respect fully, MAKH1UH A. KKDDN'IU, A Student of lluiuiiu Nature, !'J1 McAllister St., S. F. Frozen and Drowned On a "Pleasure Exer tion9 Home at Last It was 'Jll below zero at Prineville ' lu next county north of hero, aud the Journal yells: "liee, but it is culd I" Stock Stealing in Klam ath Causing Trouble The Merrill Keoord, 14th lust says: , dei ot the stockmen taking sum Not bIucb theiato eltfbtleB ban there '""""y veuireuoe for their losses. Since been au inuah -exciteinout iu the ; the above was put in type Welch has Klamath county over cattle aud huen captured and is uow awaitin horse btealinn as ot the present time, trlail. II U believed it will luiplioate No trace hm been found of Welchwho aud expose the eutlre guug of thlovea. oouiued a carload of stolen horses to . 10. Stewart and Co., of Hao Fraucisoo. llt'U'ii Had AinbltloiiN The horses were found to belong priu- Helen, uod six, was tellioK Mary, olpally to Henry Vinson of Laugtll sued seven, of her plana for the fut Valley, and Mr. Vinson has since sold lire. "I'm going to be married, " his reclaimed stock to California buy- she anuonnced, "aud have eighteen ers, leaving Stewart several hundred children.'1 dollars looser. If the ouurt does not "Oh," gasped Mry. her eyes wide do oniethlug In the very near future with amazement, "you nmrceuary wltbt these thieve, there is great wretch I" The February Del iu eat or. A. L. Thorntou. C. I. Arthur, Dr. liovd, and Pete Orob arrived home Tuesday from their trip to the Will : aiiit tte valley. It took them four j days w itb four hor.-es ou a tight coach to make tho trip from Klamath Fulls, j only UK) miles. At times they were I plunging through huge suuw drifts, j and other times were busy oinging j "A Life on tho Ocean Wave," iu a , sea of slush aud mud. j They report a good time socially, I but execrate the weather dowu there, and are glad to get back home. In (Portland the mercury got down to 4 ; below, at Albany it was IS below, and the cold iu that moist climate was in tense. The boys brought home frost . I ears from "Tho Homo of the Hose" something they never experi euced here. The teu-story building in Portlaud were festooned with great icicles, street cars were blocked, aud one took bis life in his bauds if he got out of doors. The yawp of the real es-tate boomers, for once, of "rses tho year round, " ami the like was (tlfectually stopped, aud F.astern people visiting there got a rest for a while from their importunities. Since their trip the tioldeu (loose Lake valley looks exceo.liugly good to the boys and they all say they will never care to roam to other parts again at I ast not iu the w inter time. K O. Hunting, who left here a feu- weeks since with the hunch of H. 1 u. fj., aid not go norm to freeze as they did, but went to California and came uear getting drowned. It was nothing but rain, fog mnl washouts w herevi r he went, lie had uotions but now says ho would not give Lake county for tho whole of California. "And so say we all !" Mayor Uailey. Or. Smith aud tiny Ingram areexptcted iu from the south today. Very Much lCii;(i-itt(l It w as reported that Oeo. Pen laud, of Kagleville, over the line in Calif ornia had died. Hut upon his walk ing into the Alturas Republican ottlce, hale and hearty, the editor eays: "The leport of his death was very muib exaggerated." Altitudes and Dis i tances in This Vicinity Merrill Record. 14: G. W. Oflield sold 1US steers and cows this week to John Rooe, buying for M Rebel!, receiving therefor 6 aud 7J c's. Mr. Oflield is to hold these cattle until Feb. 1st. This is the lust buucb of beef of auy size in the community. FredStukel shipped severa' carloads of cattle to Montague for Svvaustou & Son this week. O. T. McKendree left yesterday for San Francisco where he will deliever a bunch of ebeep to Win. Taafe &. Co. Cert Uarrows soil his steers to Chas. Horton this week for a con sideration of 7l.j cts. per pound, aud his cows to Lew is CJeruer for G cts. Mt. Horton also purchased 40 head of steers fi-jin K. S. Terwilhger paying 7. cts. for them. This takes up Dracticaliy the purchasable beef cattle iu tb's community except those of O. W. Oflield who has several head yet iu the feed yard. The uieu who held their cattle have made money by so doing as cattle wnich would have brought if'Jo per heaa Nov. 1st, have nuw brought the owuers about 45, aud this at the expeuse of not more than fill per bead. Roiiauza liulletiu, 21: Oscar Stew art was iu towu Monday from the Cierber ranch in Horsefly valley. II left Tuesday for Merrill where he will drive '200 head of beef cattle to the railroad for shipment to the Calif ornia markets. Louis Gerber was in town Monday from Klamath Falls, lie left the next day with A. T. Langell for the reservation where be has about 200 head of cattle which be intends to drive to the Merril country to feed bef r shipping. A BIG FLOW IN DREW'S CREEK C. W. Watson, the bydrographer for the Oregon VaUev Land Co.. who ia keeping tab ou the water supply to he used for irrigatiou was iu town several c'a' a lui-t week from the dam sites ou Orews and Cottonwood j creeks. He reports that Drews creek during the recent thaw had a flow of 50,000 acre feet. That shows .dearly jtbat there will be plenty of water to irrigate the whole of this valley. Woodmen and Circle Install New Officers Hon. C. U. Sulder has given The I Examiner the following table of dis tances and altitudes, which are the olllcial llgures of the U. S. Govern ment and were made by Lieut. F. V. Simous, of the U. 8. eugiueer aud civil eugiueer corps. : Distances Miles Alturas to Wllow Ranch 31 84-100 Willow Rauch to State Line 7 7-8 State Line to Lakveiew 15 45-100 Lakevlew to Camas Prairie 10 Camas Prairie to Drake's camp 15 IV2-00 Drake's Camp to Joue's Rauch 16 08-100 Prineville to Lukeview 181 9-100 Altitude Feet Alturas ... . 4 MO Lake City .... 4(fvj Ft. Uidwell .... 4612 Warner Valley - - 4'2i7 Tho above are official figures aud it would be well for all interested to cut thom out for refereuce. Gooe Lake Lakevlew Drews Valley 40lr7 48'25 COUNTERFEIT MON EY CIRCULATING Counterfeit 95 gjld pieces are in circuluticu iu town. Look out for tbeai. The Exajuiuer man never bad so much money at oue time, q .be does uot know bow to detect the real from the spurious. Landlord Stein, of Mud Creek, was lu towu yesterday. Last Wednesday night the Woodmeu of the World and Circle lodge held joiut installation. The following o Ulcers were installed iu the Wood meu : August Storkuiauu Jr.. Escort; Mariou tiarues. Secretary; Al Che ney, Clerk; loui Watsou, Couuoil Commauder; E. F. Cheney, Treas urer. The officers installed iu the Circle were as follows : Mrs. Loreu Uailey, Past Guardiau Neighbor ; Mrs. Mariou Harues, Guardian Neighbor; .Mrs, Uuibach, Clerk; Mrs Sim JArthur, Atteudant; ; Mrs. Jouas King, Man ager, Mrs. Jack Harry. Musioiau; E. F. Cheney, Capt. of Guards; Mrs. Dan Chaudler. Inner Sentiuel; Tom Watsou, Outer Sentiuel. After the installation ceremonies, the members repaired to the banquet room where they partook of a tieliiioii.4 rnoarit nrennrert b IIia ! ladies of the Circle. Tho Lakeview Hand was eugaged to furnish musio and the remaiuder of tbe eveuiug was Frank Smith, Magiclau; Mrs. Ida" speut iu dancing Iowa Man Coming Here The Deutsou (Iowa) bulletin, of the 'hup with him, aud we bespeak for h'm 6th iuBt oontaius au article- in which ioimtiuued success, the furuituie business of Jlarteherj , -The Examiner will be glad to wel liros. is dissolved after a very success j come thii gentleman aud beileves ful career of several years, in which ; there is a Held of profitable usefulness a trade tor a radius ot l'X) miles was I awaiting bim here. built up from small begiuniugs to large j . proportions. Tbe retiring partuer, - lieu Hart cher intends to move to:!' An auto service is to be established, Lakveiew, Oregon in tbe near future summer and wuter, between liurus, where he expects the climate to agree. Hnev county, aud Vale on tbe rail with bim aud where be feels there Are in Malheur county Our Alturas great opportunt.es . for buisuea.upto serf ice was ail right during tba Wherever be goes and whatever be summer but fell down durlug the win does, he will ilud the best wishes ot alitor i