7 AKK COUNTY KXAMINKIt, LAKKVIBW, OlttfJON. THUIWIHV, JAN. 21. !0t KEVK.V De?.M i lgs' Anti-Pain Pills Headache NtURAlCIA. Sciatica. Rheumatism Backache. Pain inchest Distress in STOMACH. SlKPlESJNCSS Take ONB of iKe Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone If jrou Kt Headache Try On They Relieve Pain Quickly, leaving no bed Aftereffects 25 Doses 25 Cents Never Sold in Bulk "2 WW. 7.7 'WW VMM Selections LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. INCORPORATED fir" n A Complete R fW soap, liit iiiu (i ed when tub: fr for rutting f have made an entire transcript of nil Records ingLnkc County, which, innny way, affect Kenl Property in the county. We have a complete ever made in Lake Count v, and every Kecord of every Mo:tKaf.rc and transfer . e Deed jjiven. ERRORS FOUND. -f In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortaes recorded in the Deed iccoid and not indexed; and & manv deeds tire recorded in the Mortte record and other A hooks. Hundreds J mortat'es and deeds tire not indexed tit nil, and nic most dillicult to trtice up from the records. We have notations of all these Error5: Others ctini'ot Imd their. We have sjieui Hundreds ol dollars hunting rr 'i these errors, and we cm guarantee our work. 2 J D. VENATOR, Hanager. ? A MECHANICAL FEAT. wing tun Heua In Twe With e teal Cere. They have Just performed an e- traordlnary font of mechanical engl- npcrlng In an extraordinary way In Pari. It Ix-cume ueceaaary to lactate tbe electric plant In the flue fit. Ilocb from the house that adjoin It berauae of the lorraaaut tremor which Ita mat dynamo sent through these bouse. The foundations and tbe fa cade wore continuous masonry, but the alile walla were aeparate. Ho ouly tbe heavy plors of the founds tlona and the stones of the facade bad to be considered. T oaring down wae Impoa alble. at least ao far aa tbe basement waa comorned. 8o Mr. Frleee. tbe compriny's architect, conceived the Idea of an wing the building apart Every one la familiar wltb tbe cord that In lined for cutting butter and xit eople will be astonish- 1 that there I alao a cord atone. Tbla 1 uaed In awing block of marble. It la an endless spiral cord of ateel wire, draw ing with It wet aand. the friction of wblcb uts rock. Thle la Just what waa um-d for sswlng tbe electric plant away from tlx? adjacent building. An elubornte framework waa erected upon tho sidewalk, wltb itilleya and counterbalancing weights aod travel ing motor. A well waa dug to receive the water nud hhiiJ and a pipe to con vey It. A horizontal hole wan bored at the top of each pier of the founda tion, and the meel cord was threaded through thoKp no aa to work upon all at once. The motor which operated the cord dow-emled with It n fant a It cut the masonry. About every twen ty hours tho cord waa worn out, and a new one had to be substituted. It cut Ix-tweoti three and four Inches an hour. When the masonry bnd been cut all the way down a aecotid cut was innde two lii'-hes from the flrat, thua leaving n layer of stone which It waa easy to break away, and so tbe wnlla were depurated from their neigh bors by a clean space of two Inchon. In n similar way the facade was cut away. Ther was no Interruption of work or da inn go to the buildings. New York World. ' ""1 f "-- -1 lltil -W'i i r " mi n r,ri ,T7 n ALCOHOL 3 tttt CENT $tallaiin$ thpFoodJRrtijia ling d Snxradu aaLDowds of GAST Promo les DiSfitkmflrfrfi rass and RntXontalns odttur Orauro .Morphine norMucnLi NOT NARCOTIC. WW w- Aperffd Remedy forComflp non.ourMomacn.uiarniw Warms X"onTjlstons Xevtrisa ness ani Lo ss or Sleep. FacSimle Sinarare of NEW YORK. una For Infanta and Cnlldren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 0 A, A. 6W In Use For Over Thirty Years fiS I SECTS H 111 Exact Copy of Wrapper, yt . an ra tt. LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE H. E. Barkis, Hrop'r. KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIME TABLE ... In Effect May let, 1905. A ta; from a 10-cent piece will count FULL value A tag from a S-cent piece will count HALF value with valuable tags Tha Kilt In China. According to nil nccounta, the arrival 1 of the Cameron hlghlandera In Pekln ' to rej)lnce the Mlddleftex regiment aa , legation guards created something of a ! sensation among the Inhabitants. The j kilt la a source of great wonderment. J The China Times assetia that the na- tlvea are hard at work trying to asslm- j Hate the Scotch language. Thoy are reported an already making favorable ' progress. Instead of their favorite ex- j : presslou, "Me uo savvy." they now i employ " dlnna ken." aud they greet the foreigner with '(5uld marnlu':" I with nn excellent Auchtermuchty ae- cent. It Is added that some Chinese compradores, who are men of Inquisl- j tlve turn of mind, want to know , "what for new soldier man catchee clothes allee same missis?" which re- j calls the story of the Uusslnu Crimean veteran who declared that the lest fighters Id the British army were tbe 1 women! Office in Thornton'5 Store 8taite leave Ijikeview daily, ex cept f-unilay at ba.m. Arnvei at Alturaa at 6 p. m. Leaver Alturaa (or 1-a.keview 6 o clock a. m. or on the arrival of tl.e stage from Likely. Ar rivee in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturaa. Freight - Matters - Given Strict - Attention First - Class - Accomodations. Lv. Torall ... A. Ar. Borrtu n.iA " Ptwl Br'g t " Fall Cr'k..7.0S " Kl h Kp'K7.10 ' Dixie M.Lv. r)firm 10.45 A k ' Ar. Dile 10.5fi " Kl-bflpV" 'J V " FllCrelr 11.4A " Bteel Br'ge 12.00 " " Bogus 12.20 P M " " Thrali ....12.45 Klamath Springs Special. LT.rrhrall l. P. M.Lv. Kl'h Bp'gtt . P. M Ar.Bogua 1M Ar. Fall CrvektM - " Bteel Br'ge2.1& ' ' Steel Br'ge 1 00 " I Fill'rek2J6 " Boem 8.20 ' LAKEVIEW PLUSM STAGE LINE 1". E. Taylor. Prop. WESTERN S TAGE Klamath Falls-lake vie Stage Company orricrj MerraBtlle toe Mtere, Iakevlew American Hotel, Klamath Fella Roaai Tris One Way FARES IN lO Save your tags from HORSE SHOE GRANGER TWIST Wl ASTER WORKMAN STANDARD NAVY J.T. Old Statesman Old Peach Tlnsloy'a 18-ox. Matwal toal Sailor's Prida Cglantlnt pnyTar Brldla Bit Old Honesty Black Bear W. N. Tlnsley's Nataral Ual Big Four Tenpenny Pick Ivy Tags from the above bnmi&o -Vr-3 foUrafia many other useful presents as shown by catalog : 'id Cuff Buttons 50 Tags fountain Pen 100 Taga English Steel Raxor SO Tags Gentleman's Watch 200 Tag French Briar Pipe 50 Tar Leather Pocket book 80 Taga Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Shears 73 Tags Lady's Pocketbook 50 Tags Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Carda 30 Tags 60-yd. Fishing Reel 60 Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which 'to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write for catalog. PREMIUM DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., SL Louis, Mo. Kr I'ubllcation -(Ixolated Tract I Ml I.I U l,A.l HALF. tow, OreKon, Lund utuue, rlik)U. la hereby ulveu thut aa by Mm ComuiiHSioiier of the and Ottloe, under nrovUiona l)T CouureHB atinroved June 27, libUo No..:io;i, we will ulfer ilo sale, to tbe blbent Llddr, ock a. in., on tbwaulh day or i'.m next, at this oUlce, the tract of land, to wit: VV 1 quarter, and 8 bulf t-V iHooVl, T. 31) H , It. 20 K., W. i t-aons oluiwiutf adveraely the Ncrlbed lunds hre ao vised to claims, or objections, on or lie day above deoiguated for J. N. Watson 1'eulnter. u P. Cronernlller, Receiver. ConteHt K el lee Department of the luterior. (J. S. Land OttloOj Lakeview, Oiegou, Deo. 1!K)H. A sutlloloiit coiiteut allitla vit buviuK been tiled iu this ottlce by W. F. litirob ooutestaut auaiust Des ert Land l.ntry No. t4!) (XWl made Deo. UH, !X), kind, either iu money, labor or material upou or about aaid lands; that said eutryuiau, for tbe eleven months luBt past has wholly abandon" ed said lamia and continues now to abandon tbe same. Ha Id nartina are hernbv nntiHrl to Ber'"' No. appear, respond, and offer evidence ur ii un i touuninir aald alleuratlon at IU n'.-lm-U NW quarter, NW quarter NK quarter, I a. m. on February 11, 1909, before l At.... os fiin ,..ii 'ii !..... tin .. n . ' Hootiuu 31, Townabip :i(l 8., Kunge 25 K., by (jbcht V ofe'el.iUouteBtee, lu which it is alleged that said Oscar VokcI lias never expended in tbe neo esBtiry irrigation, reclamation or oultl vutlou of Bald lands any sum of mon ey whatever and has never performed or OHiised to be performed any laboi or work upon the same or for tbe cultivation, clearing, reclamation or Irrigation of said lands, and has never made auy expenditure o any the Register and Receiver at tbe United States Land Office In Lake view, Oregou. The said contestant having, lu a proier affidavit, tiled December 24, l'.K)8, set forth facts wblcb show tbas after due diligeuoe personal service of this notice oau not be made, it it hereby ordered aud directed thut such notice be given by due and pr- per puiiucatiou. J7F5 J, N. Watson, Register. Luck of First Baby In Town. It must be a nice thing to be the flntt baby In a u. v town aud start life with a fistful of stocks and bonds. Tint wits the good fortune of Wagner William Norton, who was bom Aug. 31 In Mildred, a "cement" town In Al len county, Kan. Mildred Wagner, aft er whom the town was named, gave the baby a gold siwon. nnd J. W. Wag ner of Kansas City, after whom the baby was named, gave the child a solid silver cup. And the miinnger of tbe cement plant at Mildred wns so grati fied at the Increase of oomilatlon In the little town that he gave the Infant a share of preferred stock In the com pany. The resident of the town are now predicting an unusual augmentation of settlers, but it l not unlikely that the next baby will be lucky if It gets a rubber doll. Kansas City Star. i Office at B. Reynolds' Store. Stage leaves lakeview Mondays, Wed nesdayn and Fridays at ri a. m.", arrive at I'liifh ar p. m. Leavea Piush Tuee ! -lays, Tburedavs and Saturdays, at t a. m., arrive at Lakeview at 9 p. m. ! Pafeiiuer fare $3 one way or $5 fc round trip. Freight rates from May , 1st to .Nov. let f .75 per hundred ; from j i Nov. 1st to May 1st fl.lk) per hundred' Millions of Acres Rsmain. Though It has given away whole em pires to settlers aud railroads and baa been robbed of millions of acres by land "grafters.' the Uulted States gov ernment still holds 754.SH5.21K1 acres of public lands. This would give ev ery man, woman and child lu the coun try nearly - ten acres apiece. How ever, nearly half of this land Is In AlH8ka-3(is,021,r09 acres of It and probably will not be of grent value i for years to come. But enough of It I remains In the western states to uc- j commodate millions of settlers. Tbe i constant pressure of overpopulation Is : certain to force continuous lmmlgra- tlou to this country until all our sur- i plus laud Is taken up. Baltimore Sun. i Sill : Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m every dv but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :30 a. m very day bu1 Sunday. Pascnrcri arc $3 Rovnl trip $ OFFICE - Reynolds A Winefleld' mkertaw America's Greatest Weekly THE Toledo Blade TOLEDO, OHIO The Best known Newspaper Ih United States CIRCULATION 200,000 Popular In Every SUU the I KILLthe COUGH and CURE the LUNGS Gotham and the Hub A Contrast. Says the Boston Traveler: "New York fleeces her dwellers by ordluance, her visitors by agreement, her transients by snnd bags; Boston sells them copper stocks and revolutionary souvenirs. The New Yorker who has escaped the Idcrman, the lobster palace and tbe tandbagger gives his money to a bank receiver, "nd that prudent person brings It to Boston to escape the bur rlar. New York is a financial center; Boston Is n financial . refuge. People camp on the cliffs of New York; tbey have homes in Boston. Gotham is club- led by policemen; the Hub Is policed by clubmen. New York is a way sta ll i on the road to hades; Boston is tbe rateway to paradise," WITH Dr. King's New Discovery PBICK OLDS Trial Bottle fres AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. FflR tOQUCHO w I GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONET REFUNDED. In many respect the Todrtlo Hlaile U tbe most remarkable weekly newspaiier publiHhed In me Uuileii Slates. It is the only uespaper eapeeially eUitiJ fur National circulation. It haa bad tbe Uruest circulation for more years than any ueMapaper priDted in America. Fur. tbermore, it is the cheapest newspaper in the world, as will be explained to any person who w in write ui lor terma., i ne newa ot the World so arranged that bos)- people can more ea ily comprehend, than by reading cumbersome col umns ol dailies. All current topics made plain In each ixsue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date. The only paper publihed especially for people who do not read daily newspaper, and yet thirst for piain lacts. i tiat-tiiis Kino 01 a newspapes is popular, is proven iron) the fact that tbe Week ly blade now has over 20u,0uu yearly subscrib ers, aud is circulated In all parts of the United States. In aiblnoji totbe news, tbe Blade pub lisher short and serial stories, and many da , partmeuta of matter suited to every member of tbe family- Only one dollar a year. n rite lor i ee specimeu copy. Address THE BLADh, Toledo, Ohio. EXAMINE!., both n OC TOLEDO BLADE. 1 Yr THE Jamps Barry f,! Brnds with Swallow Pork la lsht ear for ewes: reverst forwtvoers. Bom ewes Buuars Crop and Silt to right ear. Tar Brand ill. Range, Crant Lake. FoalnUcs address, Lakeview , Oregon Zac Whitworth Brandt wltb Crop oft left ar, HalL I'udercroD oft . right for ewasi reverse lor wethers. Tar Brand 1 W. Bangs. tah Urrek. foa'oBoe addros . INotice The Lake County Examiner baa changed bands, C. O. Metzker having sold tbe paper to Fred J. Bowman. All moneys due on subscription are payable to Fred J. Bowman, and be is to coutioue tbe paper to all subscrip ers who have paid in advance, for the full term for which such subscriptions have been paid. Bills due for adver tising to June 15 are payable to C. O. Metzker Bigti6d " CO. Metzker I