Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 21, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 3
The Sheep of Oregon
Are in a Healthy and
Flourishing Condition
During tb year VM)H, total f 4,
4 lO.WSt sheep were luMpected by the
federal Inspectors woiklng under tin
direction of Dr. H. W. McCltire, chlof
of the bureau of animal industry in
the northwaet. At there itre only
about two million ulimip In tha stale,
It will ba amen Unit tha aheep have all
been knapecced tlnHHt twice end eome
of tbem m or than that.
Tka Immt ttmril lull linn lllMMI made
alnc October I, mid ilurtuK that time'
hiam ! m mill Inn Mini a liltlf aheelt
bave been lunprrted. Of thU mini bp r
but 1275 lifvp kit found to be in
feated wltb ecabiea mid thane have all
been illpMd twice since that time.
Itjr lnfe ted aheep, tt
l not ninant that many nllvldual
ahanp actually had the cIIhphmo,
for what) ona aheep In tha la
found to have the dtaoane the eutlre
bend l( declared to be Infactml and
la aubjected to tha double dippli'K
regulation. It la therefor nior than
probable that the actual nuuiber of
dlaeaaad iheep la not more than U.
It we iuat two yeara erfo today that
Or. MoClure aud hi amlatauta under
took to eradicate aoabblea from
oniooi the sheep of the etate. The
nrat loapectlou ahowed that 318,'AV.i
aheep were Infected wblcb compared
wltb the iasignln 'lent uuinbar found
tbla fall ahowa that the work ba bw.-n
tborougb. All infected atufT baa been
dipped twiae under federal supervla
Ion. Practically all of the case of scab
idea found tbla time ware in the
eoutbero part of Malheur and Lake
counties. Ur. McClure hne been on
able to aoouot for thin, but be hope
to Bod that the dlatasa haa leu com
pletely allraLiated there elao when tha
next loapecMoD i made In February.
Dr. McClure eaya the hepinan of
the a tat a tae cooperated with hi
department to the fullest extent in
the aar on the aheep dlaaaae and h
U particularly loud in bia praiao of
the eerv loaa rendered by the board of
aheap ootumleidotier and the etate
aheep ioapector. lie aaya a Urge
her of the credit for the cleaning up
of the atate la due to the atate hoard
and Ioapector Ly lie for co-operating
Now is the
portune Time to
Poison Coyotes
Pendleton F.aat Oretfoulan: With
tb whole of eatern OreKou wrapped
In a mantel of anow, Btate Sheep
ioapector Lytle i of tbe oploiou that
tbe warfare Juat atarted aaint the
peattreroua ooyo'e la moat timely.
Tbe idow haa not only driven the
abeep into 'orral but It ba covered
ud the tfead oarcaaea of bird and
aulmala opoo which the coyotea have
been wont to fee!, cauMutf thorn to
go to greater extreniea 1" their hunt
for food than uual. They are bann
ing around the abeep corral aa
close a tbey dare and at tbe aame
time are more anweptlble to polvou
than utual, aaya Dr. I ytle.
Tbe pempbleta recently aent out by
tbe atale boaid of abeep commlMaloner
will be of great benefit now for the
atata abeep luapector aaya tbe bait of
tallow ameered wltb 'blood will ho
aally dlacernlble to tbe coyote and
will reault In tbalr diatructlon by tbe
bondrad- If the nbeepmen aud ranch
era take v(intaj;) of tbalr opportunl-
I.yll Baure that if the ouow re
malu on fop at .lousiderablo length
of tiaie that lr . year' record or 10,
O00 dead coyote will be exceeded
durlug tbe two mouth tnat the cru
aade ia to be carried on tbla year.
The Whole Country Suf
fering from
Oda Craven, the government land
l iol r, returned Tuesday from a trip
Poitlaod. He aaya tbe weather
thai wa aomebtlng terrible 6 below
rero, whkU felt colder to him than 18
r 20 belovf in hlitber aud drier alti
tudes. I t addition to tbe Intense
oold wbiob baa closed tbe Columbia
river with ioe, there waa a foot and. a
half of anow up mere, iratno ia
practically tied up. The floods have
washed out tbe main line near Dune
mulra, and Hed Hlufr, and the big
new, ooetly bridge of I he W'eatarn
Faolflo at Baot anion to baa gone down
to ruin In tbe flood water. Jodg
tag from tbe reporta cf traveler and
tb few newapapere we get, tbla aeo
tioo la freer from cold, storm and
flood than any other part of tbe
Union. Kven the aoutb ia getting it
bard, and our reader In Oklahoma,
and near by atatea are getting tt ao
low a 10 to 14 below sero. The U.
jjj government weather report else
where show a heavy rainfall but no
eold weather In Lakaview.
It U reported that tb flood bat
watbed out mil" of track oa tb aar-
to the graatent posalhla extant and
rendering aid in evr7 way ponibla.
The dock of the atale are in numb
batter condition now than they ever
have beau plnce the atate waa Battled
accordion to Dr. McClure, aud he
feel confident that tha general In
pc.etloii to be made in Fenruray will
lie the laNt that ha will have to make.
The bureau of animal Induatry uow
haa the altuatlon well in hand and he
bellavea It will now lie able to keep
the tlncka of the atate free from dis
ease. Federal Inaiwlor are atatloned
In Oregon a follow: Uue each at
Lakavtew, r.ugana, Ainauy, roruanu,
lleppuer and Mcllermott, while thf-re
are four at Pendleton.
According to Dr. Mc.C'ure, aheep
are lielng cleaned up in every part of
the union. Moat of tha atate have
almllar law to IIioho of Oreuou and
the aame report a to condition are
being ihhiIh. Idaho, Nevada anil Utah
are practically aa clean a Oration,
and while Washington haa no atate
la- compelling .he dipping at present,
dipping under federal aupervlaion I
beiug permitted and much rrogrea la
beiiiK made. California had au
annual dipping last fall, ao that tbe
aheep of that atale are in tatter con
dition than they have been before.
deposits here
III diacuaHlllK the opening of the
borax depoaita at Alkali Uike in thl
county the Hnd bulletin, evidently
pontad, remark: ' There la aUo .an
enormnua dapotlt of borax at Hummer
Lake which waa all aalked out into
claima and tiled on aaveral year ao.
And In addition to the borax and
Rypauin depoait. The llnlletln mkht
mention another proepectlve induatry
for thl aectiou, that of ault mluin.
ThuoKh it may uol be Kenerally
known, tnere ia a nenerona depnait of
thia uaeful article in northern Lake
county, not far from Alkali lak.
from wblcb atockmeu who knew of thl.
deposit have aupplifd their atock.
Most Op
The loniter the anow remalnu on the
ground tbe more deaiwrete will be
come the coyotea. They will be driv
en out of the hill entirely aud watch
lutf for tbe allfihtoHt opportunity to
pick up a atray aheep, they enotild
eaaily fall a prey to the hunter'e rifle
or the poiaooer'a bait. Trap cau alt.o
be used to eood advantage.
Laat uuuni-r while It waa dry and
hot, the tenderfoot at the bead of
tbla uaiRT wua irravcly Informed by
the ohl-Hcttler that: '-It never ralna
here, no air, never! Now tno aame
old chap eotnea In and aaya: "1 navi
It. ruin and anow here for W,
dxva uixl nikl'ta, without no let up
yea Mr. lot t l tUnel" That boati
antnel And tbla old
M'ttler iiiuat have exiated about the
timetltnt l.jike Kallontnii covenni
l i. .... 1 1 i.ti'wwi n. tiilllliiii iir no
yeara ago- Wt1 ll(l u,,t think lie waa
ao old, but iiieuiK) ao, meuiM aoi.
and Floods
mm iiuiijii nnr rinlr railroad daoend-
euoe, and that it will take week to
repair it. freights of all kind, in
cluding a big shipment of print paper
for tbe Kxaiuluer are held up along
the line, which may compel us to out
down tbe aize of the paper to one
half, in otder to tide over the preseut
condition. No eastern mail baa been
rneived since Friday, and no telling
when more wl'-l airive. In addition
the telegraph lines are all down. The
little mail we do get oomea In by way
of Klamath Falls, and that la mostly
local and from Portland. Fortunately,
with tbe axceptlon of keroseu oil,
there is a plentiful supply of every
thing In town for those now here, but
should there uome a rush a is expect
ed , of bomeeekers, we fear tbey will
be in bard line unlelss tbey bring
tents and food supplies wltb them.
The extreme oold weather in north
ern latitudes bas driven tbe rec jroas
bill, a bird of tb swallow kind so tar
south a central Calf lor nia. It nat
ural habitation Is high northern alti
tude, and it baa never before been
seen further south than tb Colombia
Lokeview Is Soon to Have An
Up-toDate Steam Laundry
In Operation
lakevlew I to have a first c'bhh
Hteani . Laundry, to be built and
equipped n the most modern and op
to date line.
Tbe manager, Mr. Iiernard O. Bit.,
I ate of (irand Fork. N. Dakota, Iihh
canvasaed the field thoroughly, and
haa concluded that such an enterprise
la reeded, and that present patronage
will warrant s eMsblle hnieut. . In
consequence ba haa just awarded the
contract for one of the competent
outfit that money can buy. Home of
tha (i)ant will come from Han Fran
cisco, and aome from Troy, N. V..
the center of laundry equipment. The
ahipment from each place ia timed so
a to arrive at Alturaa at tbo same
time. It will require a month or m
for the niachnery to get here. Mean
while the work of construction of a
hulldinit to contain the aame will to
fors.rd aa rapidly as men and mater
ial can do it. The plant will b located
at the lower end of town, near tbe
flour and placing mills, aa better
water drainage could m aecured there. 1
Delivery wagons, and ao up-town
ctllce will secure and deliver the'
work, ao that tbe location of tbe
laundry is Immaterial I
The barelant will coat 14475 in tbe
factory. was added to the cost
of usual outfits iu order to bring the
laundry up to the latest ideas, and to
fit It for turning out work the equal
of the best obtainable anwybere. It
will be tbe best and most complete
plant in southern Oregon or northern
California, aud few of the larger
citiea posneesa larger establishments,
w'bile none can do better work. It
I auftlciently large to take care of a
fcjoo a week patrouage. It can ha mile
routine work as received, ao that aay
order can be finished and delivered
in from one to three days.
The laundry will employ 15 to 2 0
bauds. It la the ioteoMon of Mr.
Hiti to secure all bia help here, unless
at first be may have to engage ex
perienced bep from the outside. In
thia way the town will be
and all bualueta lnterats
wilt profit
Tbe Examiner waa shown the plana
for tbe building to be erected at once
to contain the machinery. It ia de-
Goldberg Mining Camp
Moving Along With Its
Development Work
J. J. Hell ley, of Heuo, and F. II.
Oliver, of Spokane, the men engaged
lu opening up tbe (ioldrun mines, ar
rived In town Tuesday, after a bard
trip of threeday In getting over tho
mountains from Flush. Mr. Oliver
Is suffering from a rheumatic attack,
and waa somewhat dismayed on
learning that the narrow-guagv le
tween Alturaa and Heno Is practical
ly wiped out, audit will require a
month or ho to place tt In oieration.
The gentlemen are very well aatisv
fleil with the result of their labors at
Uoldruu. The tunnel on the Kutte
projierty I now In over WW feet. The
ledge- was at ruck, and is lietween 4
and 6 feet wide. The average value
ot the ore Is about fcS to the ton,
though some of the ore Is much
higher grade. The tunnel Is still lie
lug driven, and la now in rock full ef
sulphides and quarts. It la believed
that wheu the hanging wall Is reach
ed In some tiU or 70 feet that much
richer ore will be found.
It la probable that this property will
be sufficiently proved within the next
80 to 00 days so that a company will
tie organised. It in now In the hands
of tho Big Four Development Co.
Work la U'lng crowded aa fast aa
poastble on the 11 u tie property
wtth this end In view, and then the
attention of the Development Go.
will lie turned to other properties
they hold in the district.
The LoftuB liroa. the discoverers of
the district, are pushiug work on their
Good Cooking
Essential to Happiness.
OMEN, beautify your homes. I gy women becauM mn
bave no sentiment for such. Keep your bouse in order,
the grass out, the shrub trimmed and everything in
the best condition. Then, tha moat important of all,
STUDY COOKING. Make that a
home will bring economy, more love and happiness in the homes.
Beside, it will do away with much of the intemperance.
If you want to keep LIQUOR
COOK, But, above all things, be a
hate liquor in all forms. Teach him
and, above all, be a good Christian.
signed ao that when a piece of work
I entered It oas la a circ e until it
come out finished and ready for
delivery at plafe of entrance. There
will tin no hack tracking, and m dan
Iter of loss, or misplacement of gar
ments. The building is designed to
In mi re absolute cleanliness, and also
with a view to tbe comfort of employ
The establishment f this enterprise
will fill a want here, and should meet
with a hearty support from every
It will take the drudgery of the
household, aud will give tha women
foiks opportunity for rest or moie con
genial labor.
It wll also 1x9 a a great convenience
to our neiK'iboring communities on
each aide ot the State Line, it lie log
the iutention of Mr. Kitz to look after
the need of all within reaching dis
tance of Lekeview by means of agen
cies and the tta(e service.
A Klamath Uank was robbed in
broad day iubt by two masked robbers
at noon Satarday. At the point of
the revo'ver they compelled tbe cash
ier to hand over 3,000 iu currency
I and noli. Two men were in tbe bank
at tbe time witb tbe cashier iud all
bad to hold up their banns. After an
exe'tiug chase the two men were
captured ; one under a lot of bar in a
barn, and the other under a bay
stack. Hotb had been ban. ing around
town for a year or ao. One waa an
IH year old boy. Tbe money at lust
aooounts bad nearly all been recover
ed. Irlce of AVool to A!van
That the price of wool at tae open
ing of tbe coming season will show
an advance of about three cents per
.ootind over the price kk prevailed
' last year is tbe prediction of Charles
II. Green,, deau of tae wool buyers.
aa reported Jan. Htb to tbe Pedleton
East Oregon iao.
Diaoovery claim, and are now taking
oat a lot of native copper, aud some
fine looking ore.
Other c alm holders, since tbe work
In tbe Butte tunnel has disolosed tbe
ore body, are taking heart, and ate
bringing in supplies witb a view to
resumption of tbe work of develop
ment. Tbe gentlemen believe Goldberg baa
the making of a camp, and are spend
ing their own money freely to deter
mine whether or not iLeir faibt there
in bas been misplaced.
Tbe Examiner wishes tbim auooess.
Wt is repotted, as we go to preea,
tbal tbe legislature elected Oov.
Chamberlain U. S. Senator on first
ball j t.
Tbe gypsnm deposits op In Crook
county near Bend, according to tne
Bulletin are attracting attentl n of
fat. Liouu capitalists. rJvideaty tb
gypsum will deve'op into a great
enterprise, as one mine in California
employs 0,000 men. If tbe deposit is
put under development it will mean
much for Crook oounty. It will also
make immense traffic for railroad.
real study. Good cookinr in the
out of the borne life, be a GOOD
teetotaler. Teach child to
to live an upright and pure life
Desperate Effort s Be
ing Made to Kill Off
All Predatory Beasts
It la olrvloue that there la an enor
mous loss) every year, not only to
heepmen. bat to atockriien nod farm
ers gent-rally, ,y rranon of the rava
ges 'f coyote anil other predatory
a lid nuimnlM. Tbeae pestlferoua n
linala are liicrcaalnx mo rapidly tut to
Is-come an alarming: menace to the
raising of aliei-p, plgx, poultry, calvea
and even colt. But to irteiitltwi' the
wild gatiie, him-Ij aa deer ami elk,
killed by CMKitr sail woIvcm lu the
iii'miituliiH. F'lowliiK tbe Hitcceesv
ftil killing of coyote under & eliuilnr
motion und. uwibod in J miliary, l'JON,
pHnMd at The lMllcw Con venti in. the
Oregon VVool .rowers AseoCii'loo
axaiuat Ita Lk-veiith Annual Con
vent Ion In lleppner. Ore,. Nov. IH
l'.si. UMunUiiouMly avdoted tbe fol
lowing. "We, the aneepiuen ot Oregon,
hereby mtt Hwble the iiioiuh. of
Jiiunsry, luoti.forthepurpoae of uutk
Inir hihiIiiI efforts to destroy enyoteti
'and ot liar predatory wlll uiiiuial
I throughout OrvKon; that every pos
sible eitort be made by all slu-epiiieu
to destroy coyotea with. poison, traps
guns' doga and otur uitluxU; tUat
we will Induce our ueigbtiore and
every ou pjHible toaosUl us la tlxls
crueaiie against coyotes. That ape
cial pn.i-uutlon may be taken la put
ting out poison; that poison le not
placed near dwellinga or public
highways, so that dog pawwiag
would b: llaS!. to- reacik U; tliiit
polsou tie put out only on our own
premises auxl ranges.
Th Orvgoa Wool (irowers
Association earnestly u r g e a all
to aaelMt and tak." an acllve
purt in tbla crtii-ale by complying
with tbeKliove, and make a strenu
ous effort daring tbia uii nth and also
February to kill Coyotes It proved
a big help last winter, aud all Inter
ested can makijlta big auccess now
by Joining In. Do not wait or neg
lect tbie, but start today on an act
Oregon Valley Land
Company Negotiating
for Big Stock Ranches
Klamath Herald, 12: Tbe Oregon
Land Company, which bad such a
pbeuomenal success in tbe ea'e of
tbeir lands in Lak9 County, is re
ported aa negotiating for the pur
chase of tbe lands of tbe 70 Company.
Tbe 70 company recently acquired the
holdings of tbe XL Company and
own approximately 65,000 acres, all of
which is in Lake County witb tbe
exception of one small ranch in
Modoc. Co., Calif.
Witb tbe acquirement of these hold
ings tbe Oreogo Land Company will
secure some of tbe richest lands iu
Lake County, and tbe sale in small
tracts ia assured as tbe Company is
said to bave on tile contracts for more
than the amouct of land in tbeir
original holdings, which comprised
nearly 600.000 acres. Witb tbe arrival
Jury List of Lake
County for This Year
Joe Ambrose, Geo. H. A Id ridge, C.
L. Beecraf, O. C. Bethel, C. S.
Beuetlel, K B. Bremer, W. C. Buick,
A M. Baxter. A. W. Bryao, J. K.
Bannister, Walter Butler, P. S. Ben
born. G. G. Boydstun, D. M. . Bryan,
H . A. Brattain, L. A. Carriker. Fred
8. Fisher, P. M. Corey, Henry
NewelL Walter Howard, C. C. Can-
nnn I San llnun Ira Hiflhnn. Thna.
Grant, Ed. Tatro, Jaa McDermott,
W. R. Bernard, John Noble, K. A.
Hawkim-, J. W. Mikel, Martin Laur
itzen. Jaa. Young.
Albert O. Morris. B W. Farrow, R.
N. Phelps, J. O. Bull, Miles Ander
son, lid. Hartzog, Hurley Vernon,
Frank Wilson, L. O. Meyer, Cbas.
Palmerlee, J. C. Oliver, T. H. Sher
lock, Lee Emerson, Geo. Lynch, H.
L . Chandler, Tom Hastings, Sim
Arthur, Gil Arthur, Frank Bauers Jr ,
E. E. Kinehart. E. -X. Jaquieh, J. E.
McConl. Ed. Raines, Geo. Wright,
O. W. HarJisty.Geo. Stevens, H. C.
Nortbup, J. B. MoNew, Elmer Har
vey, A. M. Smitb, D. O. Funk. J. K.
K. l'nlltt- W. D. Traov.
T? U I tan Graf. H. II. Hahn.
J. L. Hampton, A. M. Uardisty,
Poking Fun
Narrow -
The Alturaa Reooblioan givea this
sarcastic and oanstlo fling at the
Narrow guaga wbiob Is Irritating
to everybody that uses tbe line in
anyway : Upon tb advent of tb rail-
A lltnitu. th rmnnle mar welt
feel oompfcmenUd. on th increase of
time ana emoienoy ia ireigu
and passenger service, and also
lnlnfllv mt tha InnrAKH of COSt Of
tbe foregoing luxuries. We have con
siderable to be thankful for. In tb
delivery of malls, tt only now requir
ive campafgn. and report your re
anlts to the office at I'endleton.
A bulk-'tln i-sued by the Oresron
Board of aheep ('oinmisHionera on
"t'rm-tlcal Meth.jfls for the Dttriic
tiHifthe iUytte" and any other
Information desired, will be sent up
on apiatcation.
A coyote bounty law will lie ur
ged iiefre th corning legislature.
F.very . sheepman can very iniiterl
ally h-lp In securing the passage of
this law by writing personal letters
to each one of your niemlN'ra of tlio
State Iginiatntv, or any peraonal
frlfiid who happens to tie a member,
tietyonr neighbors to do likewise.
Ib-lp In this coyote fight, (t mean a
mm h to the aheep Indnrtry and
' Dick Kingsley made atrip to Pine
Creek laat week to see about his orch
ard tract. He bas 10 acres there,
right in town. Ue is preparing to
pot the entire tract in Yellow New
ton Pippins, Winter Bananas, and
Red Astrachan apples. He believes
these are the best verities for this
section. He had a numtwr of yeara
experience in apple production in the
Rogue river cuontry. aod shipped tbe
first full carload of apples that went
out of that region. It is bis inten
tion to sink an artesain well on tbe
tract, for irrigation purposes. He
thinks that New Pine Creek with it
farm lands, bay lands, garden lands,
dan mines, baa a fotnre second to no
o'.ber locality in tbe west.
No train are running on tho 8. P.
west of Ogden. That is where part of
our eastern mails are tied up.
of all these new settlers who bave pur
chased lands. Lake County people will
be kept buy tbe next fear yeara
receiving tbeir future neighbors.
J The mining men from Goldberg
' report floe weather over in the War
, ner valley. No snow has fallen. It
is warm and nice. There is plenty ot
rain, so that tbe feed is good. It
looks, from all reports, that the War
' ner valley for tine weather this winter
leads tbe whole United states.
I Frank Loveless, C. S. Morris, A. P.
I Koozer, E. Keller, G. C. Lapham, C.
! H. Little, Albert Lundley. J. S. Mo
iLaugblin. E. S. Mortis, A.N. Stanley.
I Will Rebart, L. T. Rhode., C. A.
Rhodes, E. R. Patch, W. M. Paston.
O. T. McKendree, E. O. Lamb, W. U.
Blurton, R. A. Ballard.
After reading of tbe terrible storms
raging up in Western Canada, and
the number ot deaths therefrom and
out own central weat witb its oold,
and its flood i, we are glad we live
right bore in Lakaview where our
coldest weather waa only 7 below, and
that only for a night, and where what
snow does fall ia so heavy and wet
that it soon melts and seeps iuto the
ground for tbe production of a bumper
crop of everything next harvest.
at the
Gauge Line
es ten hours longer than it did wban
the stage hauled tb mail from
Amede In coming in from i'lul
ellna, tbe train only loeea about tea
boura ever tbe old stag time.
Tb N-C-O ia a regular avalanche of
wiftness and at tb rat it is goiorf
will aurely inaugurate a ne era of
activity tor this country.
In spite of storm and flood, a lot of
stranger maoag to get within our
gates theae days.
i i!
- A